Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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7. 1t A. M. 9.14 A. M.
10.17 " 12 15 P. M.
2.21 P. M. iSI "
5.50 " 7.61 "
10.17 A. M. 4.81 P. M.
I). L. A W. R. R
6.57 A. M. A. M.
1U.19 " 12.47.P. M.
2.11 P. M. 4.35 "
А.lO « 8.40 •*
Б.57 A. M. 12.47 P M.
6.16 P M. D4O "
7.82 A. M. M.24 A. M.
4.00 P. M. 6.05 P. M.
7.54 A. M. 11.22 A. M.
4.02 P. M. 5.04 P. M.
Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glusi--
68 and artificial eyes supplied.
11 Market Street, Bioomsburg, Pa.
Hours—lo a sp. m.
Telephone 1436.
What the President Says
on Important Subjects.
How He Would Deal With
These Problems.
Dtflarn Paklldtr I* at PTMMI
Ikt Only Sara R*ar<r A«alnat
Bvlla af Caaahlaatloaa—While Op-
Aajr Utatral Tariff Ck«a(e.
■ a l>k«Uf Ike Prtaelple af Reel*
»r*cllr-A4vo«al*i lledaetloa of
Dili a> Cabas liaparta lata Thla
Coaalrr - latwrlaocf af Balldlns
Cable (rgril—Tkc I'hlllpptaea and
Other laanlar Queatlaaa.
Washington, Dee. 3.—The president
In hit annual message to cougress
Tbe congress assembles this year un
der the shadow of a great calamity.
On the Cth of September President Mc-
Kiuley was shot by an anarchist while
attending the Pan-American exposi
tion at Buffalo and died In that city
on the 14th of that month.
Of the last seven elected presidents
be Is the third who has U*en murdered,
and the bare recital of this fact is
sufficient to justify grave alarm among
all loyal American citizens. Moreover,
the circumstances of this, the third as
sassination of an American president,
have a peculiarly siuister significance.
Both President Lincoln and President
Uartield were killed by assassins of
types unfortunately not uncommon In
history. President Lincoln falling a
victim to tbe terrible passions aroused
by four years of civil war and Presi
dent CJarfleld to the revengeful vanity
of a disappointed office seeker. Presi
dent McKinley was killed by au utter
ly depraved criminal belonging to that
body of criminals who object to ail
governments, good and bad alike, who
are against any form of popular lib
erty if It Is guaranteed by even the
most Just and liberal laws and who
are as hostile to the upright exponent
of a free people's solK-r will as to the
tyraiinical and irresponsible despot
The president continues with a
eulog.v of Mr. McKinley. then turns to
the subject of anarchy, denouncing its
doctrines and preachers. He says:
I earnestly recommend to thecongress
thai In the exercise of its wise discre
tion it should take into consideration
the coming to this country of anarch
ists or persons professing principles
hostile to all government and Justify
ing the murder of those placed In au
thority. Kuch individuals as IIIOKC who
not long ago fathered in open meeting
to glorify the murder of King Hum
l»eri of Italy perpetrate a crime, and
IIM* law should Insure their rigorous
punishment. They and those like them
should be kept out of this country, and
If found here they should be promptly
de[xirted to the country whence they
came, and farreaehlug provision should
l>e made for the punishment of those
who stay. No matter calls more
urgently for the wisest thought of tbe
A Sahjeet For Federal Coarta.
The federal courts should IH» given
Jurisdiction over any man who kills
or attempts to kill the presldeut or any
man who by the constitution or by
law Is lu line of Buiression for the
presidency, while the puiiishmeut for
an unsuccessful attempt should be pro
portioned to the enormity of the of
fense against our institutioss.
Anarchy is a crime airaiust tbe whole
human race, and all mankind should
baud against the anarchist. His crime
should be made an offense against the
law of uations. like piracy and that
form of man stealing known as the
slave trade.
The president next considers busi
ness conditions, which he finds highly
satisfactory. He continues:
The tremendous and highly complex
Industrial development which went on
with ever accelerated rapidity during
the tatter half of the nineteenth cen
tury l>rlugs us face to face at tbe be
ginning of the twentieth with very
serious social problems. The old laws
and the old customs which had almost
the binding force of law were once
quite sufficient to regulate tbo ac
euiuulation and distribution of wealth.
BitM-e the Industrial changes which
bave so enormously Increased the pro
ductive power of mankind they are no
longer sufficient.
Trade Cowblaattoaa.
Tbe growth of cities has gone on be
jood comparison faster than the
growth of tbe country, and the up
building of tbe great Industrial centers
has meant a startling Increase not
merely lu the aggregate of wealth, but
In the number of very large Individual
and estteclally of very large corpora*#
fortunes. The creation of these great
<t>rj>orate fortunes has not been due
to Ibe tariff nor to any other govern
mental action, but to natural causes
lu the business world, operating lo oth
er countries as they operate In our
The process has aroused much an
tagonism, a great part of which Is
wholly without warrant. It is not true
that as tbe rich have grown richer the
poor liave grown poorer. On the con
trary never before has the average
man the wageworker. the farmer, the
tutu 11 trader, been so well off as la this
I country and :i; the present tluie. There
i have been abuses connected \\ itii tbe
acculturation 01 wealth, yet it remains
true that a fortune accumulated In
legitimate business can be accumulat
ed by ihe person specially benefited
only on condition of conferring im
mense Incidental benefits upon oth
ers. Successful enterprise of tbe type
which benefits all mankind can only
exist if the conditions are such as to
offer great prizes as the rewards of
■ »ioni Koi- Caution.
1 The president adds that there are
j many reasons for caution in dealing
; with corporations, lie says:
The same business conditions which
j have produced the great aggregations
j of corporate and Individual wealth
j have made them very potent factors in
1 International commercial competition,
j Moreover, it cannot too often be
j pointed out that to strike with ignorant
{ violence at the interests of one set of
men almost inevitably endangers the
Interests of all. The fundamental rule
In our national life—tbe rule which un
derlies all others—is that, on tbe whole
and In the long run. we shall go up or
down together.
The mechanism of modem business
Is so delicate that extreme care must
be taken uot to Interfere with it in
a spirit of rashness or Ignorance. In
dealing with business interests, for
the government to undertake by crude
and 111 considered legislation to do
what may turn out to be bad. would
be to Incur the risk of such farreacb
tng national disaster that It would be
preferable to undertake nothing at all.
The men who demand the Impossible
or the undesirable serve as the allies
of the forces with which they are nom
inally at war, for they hamper those
who would endeavor to find out in ra
tional fashion what the wrongs really
are and to what extent and in what
manner it Is practicable to apply reme
lion to Correct the Evlla.
All this is true, and yet It Is also
true that there are real and grave evils,
one of the chief being overcapitaliza
tion because of Its many baleful con
sequences. and a resolute and practical
effort must be made to correct these
It is no limitation upon property
rights or freedom of contract to re
quire that when men receive from gov
ernment the privilege of doing busi
ness under corporate form, which frees
them from individual responsibility
and enables them to call into their en
terprises the capital of the public, they
shall do so upon absolutely truthful
representations as to the value of the
property in which the capital Is to be
Invested. Corporations engaged in in
terstate commerce should be regulated
If they are found to exercise a license
working to the public Injury. It should
be as much the aim of those who seek
for social betterment to rid the busi
ness world of crimes of cunning as to
rid the entire body politic of crimes of
violence. Great corporations exist only
because they are created and safe
guarded by our Institutions, and it is
therefore our right and our duty to
see that they work In harmony with !
these Institutions.
Publicity the Flrat Eaaentlal.
The first essential in determining
how to deal with the great Industrial
combinations is knowledge of the facts
—publicity. In the interest of the pub
lie the government should have the
right to inspect and examine the work
ings of the great corporations engaged
in interstate business. Publicity Is the
only sure remedy which we can now
Invoke. What further remedies are
needed In the way of governmental
regulation or taxation can only be de
termined after publicity has been ob
tained by process of law and in the
course of administration. The first
requisite Is knowledge, full and com
plete—knowledge which may be made
public to the world.
Artificial bodies, such as corporations
and joint stock or other associations,
depending upon any statutory law for
their existence or privileges should be
subject to proper governmental super
vision. and full and accurate informa
tion as to their operations should be
made public regularly at reasonable
The large corporations, commonly
called trusts, though organized In one
state, always do business in many
states, often doing very little business
In the state where they are incorpo
rated. There is utter lack of uniform
Ity in the state laws about them, and.
as no state has ouy exclusive Interest
In or power over their acts, it lias In
practice proved Impossible to get ade
quate regulation through state- action.
Therefore, in the interest of the whole
people, tbe nation should, without in
terfering with tbe power of the states
In the matter itself, also assume power
of supervision and regulation over all
corporations doing an interstate busi
Amend Conatltatlon If Keceinary.
When the constitution was adopted,
at the end of the eighteenth century,
no human wisdom could foretell the
sweeping changes, alike in industrial
and political conditions, which were to
take place by the beginning of the
twentieth century. At that time it
was accepted as a matter of course '
that the several states were the proper
authorities to regulate, so far as was
then necessary, the comparatively in
slgnlficant and strictly localized cor
porate bodies of the day. The condi
tions are now wholly different, find
wholly different action is called for.
1 believe that a law can be framed -
which will enable the national govern- 1
ment to exercise control along the lines 1
above indicated, profiting by tbe expe
rience gained through the passage and
administration of the interstate com
merce act. If, however, the Judgment
of the eougress Is that It lacks the con
stitutional power to pass such au act,
then a constitutional amendment
should be submitted to confer the
There should be created a cabinet of
ficer, to be known as secretary of
commerce and industries, as provided
iti tbe bill introduced at tbe last ses
sion of tbe congress. It should be his
province to deal with commerce in its
broadest sense, including among many
other things whatever coucerns labor
and all matters affecting the great
business corporations and our mer
chant marine.
The president declares that be re
gards it necessary to re-enact the Chi
nete exclusion law. In regard to labor
be says that the government should
provide In its contracts that all work
should bo done under "fair'* conditions
and that all uight work should be for
bidden for wonieu and children as well
as excessive overtime. He continues:
Very great good has been and will be
accomplished by associations or unions j
of wageworkers when managed with j
forethought aud when they combine in
sistence upon their own tights with
law abidiug respect for the rights of
others. The display of these qualities
in such bodies is a duty to the nation
Do less thao to the associations them
•elves. Finally, there must aiso 1 V |
main cases l>c action by the govern
ment in order to safeguard the rights
; anil interest- of all I'nder our consti
tution l!U IT is much more scope for
I sucli action I >\ the state and the munie
| ipality than by the nation. But on
points such as those touched on above
tlie national government can act.
lie asserts that the immigration laws
are unsatisfactory ami that a law
should be enacted to keep out not only
anarchists, but persons of a low moral
tendency or of unsavory reputation
and those who are below a certain
standard of economic fitness to enter
our Industrial field as competitors with
I American labor.
The TarilT and Reciprocity.
The president declares that nothing
could be more unwise than to disturb
the business interests of the country by
any general tariff change at this time,
lie adds:
Vet it is not only possible, but emi
nently desirable, to combine with the
stability of our economic system a sup
plementary system of reciprocal bene
fit and obligation with other nations.
Such reciprocity is an incident and re
sult of the "firm establishment and
preservation of our present economic
policy. It was specially provided for
in the present tariff law.
Reciprocity must be treated as the
handmaiden of protection. Our first
duty is to see that the protection grant
ed by the tariff in every case where it
is needed is maintained, and that reci
procity be sought for so far as it can
safely be done without injury to our
home industries, .lust how far this is
must be determined according to the
individual case, remembering always
that every application of our tariff pol
icy to meet our shifting national needs
must be conditioned upon the cardinal
fact that the duties must never be
reduced below the point that will cover
the difference between the labor cost
here and abroad. The well being of
the wageworker is a prime considera
tion of our entire policy of economic
Need For Wider Markets.
Subject to this proviso of the proper
protection necessary to our Industrial
well being at home, the principle of
reciprocity must command our hearty
support. The phenot.tenal growth of
our export trade emphasizes the ur
gency of the need for wider markets
and for a liberal policy In dealing with
foreign nations. Whatever Is merely
petty and vexatious In the way of
trade restrictions should be avoided.
The customers to whom we dispose of
our surplus products In the long run.
directly or Indirectly, purchase those
surplus products by giving us some
thing in return. Their ability to pur
chase our products should as far as
possible be secured by so arranging
our tariff as to enable us to take from
thetn those products which we can use
without harm to our own industries
and labor or the use of which will be
of marked benefit to us.
It Is most Important that we should
maintain the high level of our present
prosperity. We have now reached the
point In the development of our in
ter stß where we are not only able to
supply our own markets, but to pro
duce a constantly growing surplus for
which we must find markets abroad.
To secure these markets we can util
ize existing duties* in any case where
they are no longer needed for the pur
pose of protection, or in any case
where the article is not produced here
and the duty is no longer necessary
for revenue.-as giving us something to
offer In exchange for what we ask.
The cordial relations with other na
tions which are 30 desirable will nat
urally be prompted by the course thus
required by our own interests.
The natural line of development for a
policy of reciprocity will be in connec
tion with those of our productions
which "no longer require all of the sup
port once needed to establish them
upon a sound basis and with those oth
ers where either because of natural or
of economic causes we are beyond the
reach of successful competition.
1 ask the attention of the senate to
the .reciprocity treaties laid before It by
my predecessor.
Tbe Merchant Marine.
The condition of the American mer
chant marine is such as to call for im
mediate remedial action by the con
gress. It is discreditable to us as a
nation that our merchant marine
should bo utterly insignificant In com
parison to that of other nations which
we overtop in other forms of business.
We should not longer submit to condi
tions under which only a trifling por
tion of our great commerce is carried
in our own ships. To remedy this state
of things would not merely serve to
build up our shipping interests, but it
would also result In benefit to all who
are Interested in the permanent estab
lishment of a wider market for Amer
ican products and would provide an
auxiliary force for the navy. Ships
work for their own countries Just aa
railroads work for their terminal
points. Shipping lines, if established ta
the principal countries with which we ,
have dealings, would be of political as
well as commercial benefit. From ev
ery standpoint It is unwise for the
United States to continue to rely upon
the ships of competing natlous for the
distribution of our goods. It should be
made advantageous to carry American
goods In American built ships.
At present American shipping is un- !
der. certain great disadvantages when
putin competition with the shipping
of foreign countries. Many of the fast
foreign steamships, at a speed of four
teen knots or above, are subsidized,
and all our ships, sailing vessels and
steamers alike, cargo carriers of slow
speed and mail carriers of high speed,
have to meet the fact that the original
cost of building American ships I*
greater than is the case abroad; that the
wages paid American officers and sea
men are very much higher than thosa
paid the officers-and seamen of foreign
competing countries, and thai tbe
standard of living on our ships is far
superior to the standard of living on
the ships of our commercial rivals. Out
government should take such action as
will remedy these inequalities. Tha
American merchant marine should be
restored to tbe oceun.
The passage of the act establishing
gold as the standard money lias, it is j
declared; been shown to be timely ami j
Judicious. The president adds:
In many respects the national bank- |
ing law furnishes sufficient liberty for
the proper exercise <>f the banking
function, but there seems to be need
of better safeguards against the de
ranging Influence of commercial crises |
and financial | ;nic.->. Moreover, the
currency of the country should l>e ;
made respo'-ive to the demands of our
domestic tr.cle and commerce
Economy .1 expenditures is urged.
Amendment of 'he Interstate commerce 1
act Is advis"d 10 insure the cardinal j
provi if,us •112 1 tint act. The work car
ried on In rLi. department of agricul
lure is ue.<» c.,n- d< I and praised 1
highly president then ttirrs to j
fon • t -ervution and Irrigation of j
otid lauds »;ty:ug that both are highly 1
uei.<-»*ai\ lie nould put ali the work j
trvm I. C. S. tll»ilr»t«4." o»pjrlfb», I*>l. »112 th« 0»llHrj K»rt»ow C«pU;.
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Msir in c Vh\VF>itz«R Montour Fonse Dai.ville, PH.
In connection with the forest reserves
in charge of the bureau of forestry.
The president continues by tracing'
tile connection between the forest re
serves anil the water supply. He says:
The forests are natural reservoirs.
By restraining the streams in Hood
and replenishing theui in drought they
make possible the use of waters other
wise wasted. They prevent the soil
from washing and so protect the stor
age reservoirs I torn tilling up with
silt. I-'ore t conservation is. therefore,
an essential condition of water conser
'i'lu for; sts alone cannot, however,
fully ngid: te and conserve the waters
of the arid iv'oti. <lreat storage works
are necessary to equalize the flow of
Streams and to save the tlood waters.
Their construction has been conclu
sively shown to be an undertaking
too vast for private effort. Nor can it
be best accomplished by the individual
states acting alone. The government
should construct and maintain these
reservoirs as it does other public works.
Where their purpose is to regulate the
flow of streams, the water should be
turned freely into the channels in the
dry season to take the same course
under t!ie -ame laws as the natural
The reclamation of the unsettled arid
public lands presents a different prob
lem. Here it is not enough to regulate
the flow of streams. The object of the
government is to dispose of the land
to settlers who will build homes upon
it To accomp.lsh this object water
must he brought within their reach.
The pioneer settlers on the arid pub
lic domain chose their homes along
streams from which they could them
selves divert the water to reclaim their
holdings. Such opportunities are prac
tically gone. There remain, however,
vast areas of public land which can be
made available for homestead settle
ment. but only by reservoirs and main
line canals impracticable for private
enterprise. These Irrigation works
should be built by the national govern
ment. The lands reclaimed by them
should be reserved by the government
for actual settlers, and the cost of con
struction should, so far as possible, be
repaid by the land reclaimed. The dis
tribution of the water, the division of
the streams among irrigators, should
be left to the settlers themselves lu
conformity with state la,\vs and with
out Interference with tliose laws or
with vested rights.
The declaration Is made that In the
arid states the only right-to water
which should be recognized is that of
use. The president says that the doc
trine of private ownership of water
apart from land cannot prevail without
causing wrong.
Insular Problems.
Insular questions are next treated.
In Hawaii our aim must be to develop
the territory on the traditional Amer
ican lines. Porto Itico is declared to be
thriving as never uefore. The atten
tion of congress Is called to the need of
legislation concerning the island's pub
lic lands. In Cuba it is stated that
much progress has been made toward
putting the independent government of
the island upon a firm footing, and it is
declared that independence will lie an
accomplished fact. The president
Elsewhere I have discussed the ques
tion of reciprocity. In the case of Cu
ba, however, there are weighty reasons
of morality and of national interest
why the policy should lw held to have
a peculiar application, and I most ear
nestly ask your attention to the wis
dom. indeed to the vital need, of pro
viding for u substantial reduction in
the tariff duties on Cuban Imports Into
the United States.
lu dealing with the Philippine peo
ple we must show both patience and
strength, forbearance and steadfast res
olution. Our aim Is high. We do not
desire to do for the islanders merely
what has elsewhere been done for trop
ic peoples by even the best foreign
governments. We hope to do for them
what has never before been done for
any people of the tropics—to make
them lit for self government after the
fashion of the really free nations.
The only fear is lest in our overanx- 1
iety w glv.- them a degree of Inde
pendence for which they are until,
thereby inviting reaction and disaster.
As fast as there is any reasonable hoi»e
that in a given district the people can
govern themselves self government
ha* been given in that district. There
Is not a locality fitted for self govern
ment which has not received it. Hut it
may well be that in certain cases It
will have to be withdrawn because the
Inhabitants show themselves unfit to
exercise it; such instances have already
occurred. In other words, there is not
the slightest chance of our failing to
show a sutlicieutly humanitarian spirit
The danger coiuei In the opposite tiirec (
Tronlilcs Aii*ad Yet.
There are still troubles ahead in the
Islands. The insurrection has become
an affair of local banditti and maraud
ers. who deserve uo higher regard
than the brigands of portions of the
old world Encouragement. direct or
indirect, to these iusurrectos stands on
the same foe-ting as eucouragenient to
hostile Indians in the days when we
still had Indian wars.
The president die hi res that the time
has come for additional legislation for
the l'hili|i|) lies lie says:
li is necessery that the congress
should pass laws by which the re
sources of I lie islands can be dev« loped,
so that franchises (for limited terms of
yearsi can be granted lo companies do
ing business in them and every encour
agement lie given to -the incoming of
business men of ever) kind It is ur
gently uecessary to enact suitable laws
dealing with general transportation,
mining, banking, currency, homesteads
and the use and ownership of the lands
and timber These laws will give free
play to industrial enterprise, and ihe
commercial deveb pmcnt wh oil wll
surely follow will afford to the" people
of the island* the best proofs of the
sincerity of our desire to aid them.
The < nlt Ie nnd the (mini.
I call your attention most earnestly
to the crying need of a cable to Hawaii
and the Philippines, to be continued
from the Philippines to points in Asia.
We should not defer a day longer thau
necessary the construction of such a
cable. It is demanded not merely for
commercial but for political and mili
tary considerations. Either the con
press should immediately provide for
the construction of a government ca
ble or else an arrangement should be
made by which like advantages to
those accruing from a government ca
ble may be secured to the government
by contract with a private cable com
No single great material work which
remains to be undertaken on this con
tinent Is of such consequence to the
American people as the building of a
canal across the isthmus connecting
North and south America. Its impor
tance to the nation is by jno means lim
ited merely to Its material effects upon
our business prosperity, and yet with a
view to these effects alone it would be
to the last degree important for us im
mediately to begin it. While its beue
ficial effects would perhaps lie most
marked upon the Paeitic coast and the
gulf and South Atlantic states. It would
also greatly benefit other sections. It
is emphatically a work which it is for
the interest of the entire country to lie
gin and complete as soon as possible.
I aui glad to be able to announce to
you that our negotiations on this sub
ject with <Jreat Britain.'conducted on
both sides in a spirit of friendliness and
mutual good will, have resulted in
my being aide to lay before tlie sen
ate a treaty which, if ratified, will en
able us to begin preparations for an
isthmian canal at any time and which
guarantees to this nation every right
that it has ever asked in connection
with the canal. It specifically pro
vides that the t'nited States alone shall
do the work of building and assume
the responsibility of safeguarding the
canal and shall regulate its neutral tise
by all nations on terms of equa'it;,
without the guarantee or interterenci
of any outside nat.oti from any quarter
The Monroe Doctrine.
The Moiii'v<- doctrine stioe.ld ix- tin
cardinal feature ol the foreign pnf.r;
of all the nation- <f the.two Amcrci
as it is of the I'Uited State:- Ili Moll
roe doctrine is a <1 claiatn II that tli ft
must be no aggrand m :i
by any non Anieiican power at i . >\
pense of any American poWi i o:i ,\ :i
lean soil It is in nowise In ended
hostile to any nation in the <•■ ! \v.,
Still less is ii Intended tn giv-i «-ov i l
any aggression by «ine new noi d potv
at the expense of any othei n is
ply a step, and a loug step t
suring the universal peace ol tie w
by securing the possibility ol |i
nent peace on this hemi-phi-ri
During the past century othei .n.
ences have established the pennan
aud independence of the stnaLei sr.t
of Europe. Through the Monroe n
trine we hope to lie able to saf"gi;
like independence aud secure like pi
tnanence for the lesser among then
world nations.
This doctrine has nothing to do xvi
the commercial relations of any Am i
lean power save that it in truth alio*
each of them to form such as it deslr
In other words, it is really a guaranie
of the commercial independence of th-
Americas. We do not ask under th >
doctrine for any exclusive commercial
dealings with any other American
staff?. We do not guarantee any staf*
igalost punishment if It mlsoonancts
Itself, provided that punishment does
not take the form of the acquisition of
territory by any non-American power.
Our attitude In Cuba Is a sutßcleut
guarantee of our own good faith We
buve not the slightest desire to secure
✓ '
any territory at the expense of any of
our neighbors.
Thr y.
The president d« votes considerable
space to tin* navy. the upbuilding of
which, lit says, should lie steadily con
tinued. The navy offers us. it is declar
ed, the only means of insisting on the
Monroe doctrine, and a strong navy is
the best guarantee against war. He
recommends that provision be made
not only for more ships, but for more
men. Four thousand additional sea
men and 1.000 additional marines
should be provided, as well as an in
crease in officers. After indorsing the
naval militia forces the president says:
Hut in addition we should at once
provide for a national naval reserve,
organized and trained under the direc
tion of the navy department and sub
ject to the call of the chief executive
whenever war becomes imminent. It
should be a real auxiliary to the naval
seagoing peace establishment and offer
material to be drawn on at once for
manning our ships in time of war.
'l'lie Army.
It Is not necessary to increase our
army beyond its present size at this
time, but it is necessary to. keep it at
the highest point of efficiency. The in
dividual units who as officers and en
listed men coin pose this army are. we
have good reason to believe, at least as
efficient as those of any other army in
the entire world It is our duty to see
that their training is of a k ml to in
sure the highest possible expression of
power to these unit-- when acting iu
• ombinat ion
A general stall shor.ld be created.
Promotions shotiid be made solely
with regard to the good of the service.
Congress ought to provide, the presi
dent adds, for field exercises. lie con
Action should be taken in reference
to the mii.t a ai d to the raising of vol
iireer forces our milii a law is ob
solete and wort I'ss The organization
.mil ain.:::. cut ■ t the national guard of
ihe several -tales. wh:ch are treated
as niil.tia in the appropriations by the
congress, should be made identical with
those provided foi the regular forces.
The old gallons and dutics of the guard
iu time ol war should lie carefully de
li lied and a system established by law
under \vh:eh the met.od of procedure
of raising voltiutect forces should b«
prescribed iu advance
The Merit System.
The president indotses the merit sys
tem of making appo.ntnietits and says:
1 recommend the passage of a law
which will extend the classified serv
ice to the District of Columbia or will
at least enable the president thus to ex
tend it. In my judgment all laws pro
viding for the temporary employment
of clerks should hereafter contain a
provision that tiny be selected undet
the civil service la >v.
It is important to have this system
obtain at l.otne. but it is even more im
portant to have it applied rigidly in our
insular posses-ions. The importance
I of Improving the consular service bj
! the passage ol i.ev I.iws is emphasized
[ The president then turns to the In
diati question He says:
We should now break up the triba
funds, doing for them what allot
nient does for the tribal lands thai
Is. they should be divided into individ
ual holdings. There will be a trans!
tion period during which the funds
will iu many cases have to be held in
trust. This is the case also with th<
lands. A stop should be put upon the
indiscriminate permission to Indians t<
lease their allotments. The effor
should be steadily to make the Indiat
work like any other man on his own
ground. The marriage laws of the In
dians should be made the same as thos<
of the whites. In the schools the edu
cation should be elementary and large
ly industrial.
Cordial support from congress ant
people is asked for the St. Louis expo
sltlon. The Charleston exposition ii
commended to the good will of tbi
people. The work of the Pan-Americat
exposition is praised.
It is recouimended that the censu:
office as now constituted should b<
made a permanent government bureau
The I'oxlnl Service.
A tribute is paid to the postal service
and the extension of free rural deliver;
Is commended The post office depart
meut should be sustained, the presideu
says, iu its efforts to remove the abuse:
in connection with second class uiai
Much attention is paid to the situa
tion in China, and the progress towart
the-establishment of peace there is re
capitulated Stress is !a don the itu
port a nee of oui coin 11 :.g to advocan
moderation Iu the ih a ;igs with China
The president eoneludi s h;s message a
The dentil of t„Miei ii Victor a causet
the people of the I uit< I States dee|
and heartfelt sorrow in wh < h the g>v
eminent gav. full • \ prcsswu Wliei
President M K n \ <i --i <lll nation it
turu received to ■ ■ r er of th<
j ' >
Itching ScrJp.
Scald Head and t'lo Mont Violent
Forms of Eczema and Salt Rheum
Promptly and Thoroughly Cured
by Or. Chase's Ointment.
1 Among small children, scald head and
similaf itcninv skin aisia-es arc most preva
lent and the worst feature is that these ail
ments. which are apparently trivial at first,
almost invariably develop intochromc eczema
it neglected.
There is but one treatment that phvsicians
are unanimous in recommit ding tor -cald
heads and eczema,
ai d that is Dr.
Chase's Ointment,
V '"S'w the great antiseptic
healer It prompt-
BSjrtfiMro ly stops tue dis
tre-sing itching
" accompanies
■ jfiWjJjcJJ\ these Oiseasts and
rz irs
complete vure
Set >res and thous
' "—' ands of men and
women stand ready to vouch for the mciits
of Dr Cna-L-'s Ointment. It has brought
about some of the most marvelous cures ever
■re oided In justice to\ourself and family,
>Oll cannot do without it 111 jour home.
Mr J. II Grant 716 Joseph Campan ave
nue. Detroit. Xlicii.. writes
' Kor three years 1 have been troubled by
in intense itching on my body. So_ terrible
»vas it at times tiiat I cou.d get no rest night
)r day. I tried all kinds of ointments and
blood purifiers, but couid get no relief. Mr.
11. A. Nicolai of 3~g Division street recom
mended Dr. Chase's Ointment. A lew
applications stopped the itching and 1 have
felt nothing since."
Baby Eczema.
Mr. F. S. Hose of 133 Sixteenth street.
Buttalo, N. Y.. wiite?:
"Our baby boy suffered for some time
with that wietched ec/ema. and we were un
able to find anything to cure or even relieve
his pain. A few applications of Dr A. \V.
Chase's Ointment stopped lhe itching and
healed the sores and a bright, natural skin
now takes their place." <■
Dr. Chase's Ointment does not cause pain
when applied, but soothes the sore or in-
Gamed surface. 50 cents at all dealers, or Dr.
A. W. Ctiasc McJtuae Co.. tiufialo, N. V.
British empire espn sslons of grii 112 :iii(!
sympathy no less sincere Tilt* deuih
of tli<" !•-mj>»•«•-s I>owager Ficdi rick of
Germany also arou I tin- gcuu in- sym
pathy of the Aiuencau p. oph-. and 111 a
sympathy was cordially reciprocated
by Germany when the president was
assassinated. Indeed, from every quar
ter of the civilized world we received
at the time of the president's death as
surances of such srief and regard as to
touch the hearts of our people. In the
midst of our affliction we reverently
thank the Almighty that we are at
peace with the nations of mankind,
and we firmly intend that our policy
shall be such as to continue unbroken
these international relations of mutual
respect and good will
Met Ilia Match.
That well known historical person
age, Augustus the Strong, elector of
Saxony, has furnished the subject for
many a tale of his wonderful muscular
power. We need refer only to one
characteristic story in which, however,
he met his match. On the occasion In
question he entered a blacksmith's
shop. To show his suit how strong he
was. picking up several horseshoes, he
broke one after the other, asking the
blacksmith whether he had no better.
When It came to paying the bill, the
Elector Augustus threw a sis dollar
piece on the anvil. It was a very
thick coin. The blacksmith took It up.
broke it in half, saying. "Pardon me.
but I have given you a good horseshoe,
and 1 expect a good coin in return."
Another six dollar piece was given
him. but he broke that and five or six
others, when the humiliated elector put
an end to the performance by handing
tl.e blacksmith a louisd'or. pacifying
him by saying. "The dollars were prob
ably made of bad metal, but this gold
piece. I hope, is good."
All Mnaanlmana Secure t'OßTerti.
Europeans habitually forget that ev
ery Mussulman is more or less of a
missionary—that Is. he lntenselj de
sires to secure converts from non-Mus
sulman peoples. Such converts not
only increase his own chance of heav
en. but they swell his own faction. bis
own army, his owtf means of conquer
ing. governing and taxing the remain
der of mankind.
All the emotions which impel a Chris
tian to proselyte are In a Mussulman
strengthened by all the motives which
impel a political leader and all the mo
tives which sway a recruiting sergeant,
until proselytism has become a pas
sion. which wherever success seema
practicable, and especially success on a
large scale, develops in the quietest
Mussulmau a fury of ardor which In
duces him to break down every obsta
cle, his own strongest prejudices in
cluded, rather than stand for an in
staut in a neophyte's way. He wet
comes him as a son. and, whatever his
own lineage and whether the convert
be negro or Chinaman or Indian oi
even European, he will without liesl
tatiou or scruple give his own child In
marriage and admit him fully, franklj
and finally into ibe most exclusive so
:iety in the worid.—Townsend's "Browi
Learning the Game.
V'hen that gnat plainsman J. B
nickok, better known as ' H'Hd Bill,"
came east on what he called a "redhot
trail to learn something," he stopped
one Saturday night at a hotel in Tort
land. Me.
When he went to his room to seek
rest, he found that the adjoining room
was occupied by a company of fashion
able and rich young sports of Portland
who, it did not take him long to dis
cover, were playing an interesting
tame of poker for high stakes. In vain
did he try to sleep. He could not do
so, and after an hour arose, dressed
himself and knocked on the door.
Instantly all was silent; but he In
quired politely that as they would not
let him sleep would they let him come
iu and watch the game?
They did so and w°re impressed wit*]
the appearance of the man and asked
If he would Join them.
"I will If you w.ll post me: but. you
know, I'm a tenderfoot cast," be re
They were willing to "post" blm
and. playing awkwardly, making blun
ders and asking questions, but seem
ingly greatly interested, he continued
to play until daylight, when he put bit
winnings, some $1.,"00, in his pocket.
"1 thank you. gentlemen." he said,
"and I'm rather glad you would not let
me sleep. I'll be here until tomorrow
so keep me awake some more."
P.ut the players did not appear again,
—Detroit Free Press.
Single Fooling and Trotting.
My view ÜBed to be that, while then
could be no objection to teaching t
horse to single foot If It did not spoil
his trot, as a matter of fact it did ut
most always spoil his trot, and that It
was therefore best uot to teach It. Hut
I have of late been surprised to see
many horses that could both single
foot and tret. Now if we can nuve
6ingle foot without spoiling the trot, il
Is certainly desirable to have It. The
habit of ridiug continually at n trot li
bard upon horses' feet, legs and
shoulders. It is better to vary the trot
with a canter, and still further with
single footing. Whether single footing
Is easier upon horses than trotting, aa
pacing is, I am uot sure, but I am in
clined to think It Is. In a single foot
there is the same lateral contact witfc
the ground as in a pace. It Is hard tc
tell, by watching him, what a single
focter does with his feet: if you at
tempt it, yon will probably end bj
looking in the dictionary. (How the
dictionary man found it out is none ol
your business.i It is. of course. 1
highly artificial gait. As for the com
fort of it. I have known some single
footers in whom the gait was a lullaby
—E. S. Nadal. In Scribner's Magazine.
nirßß of Cralia and Lobnter*.
Crabs and lobsters are hatched fiom
epgs. resembling upon birth nothing so
much as the animalcula' shown by the
microscope In a drop of ditch water.
They are as unlike the shellfish they
are to become In mature life as a grub
is unlike a butterfly. In the case of
the crab the egg clusters are attached
beneath the animal after extrusion,
while with the lobster they become
fastened to the tall, which, by Its fan
ning motion. Increases the stream of
oxygenated air through and among the
One Kind of Conjunction.
"What is a conjunction?" asked the
"That which joins together," was the
prompt reply.
"Give an illustration," said the teach
The up to date miss hesitated and
"The marriage service," she said at
last.—Chicago Post.
frett* Weak.
The Boarder—l protest against drink
ing auv such water as this. It is posi
tively warm!
The I.ady of the House— Gracious,
man! That's not water! That's your
coffee! i
ffe fait io in all
Us ot Printing
j is t
II 111 c*
ll'S p "
A w<
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Best Paper, M
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We respectfulb* a
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