Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, May 23, 1901, Image 1

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    Home Paper —-
—.For tie Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It wil pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9 A. VI M. 104 Mill St.,
1 I'. J, l\ M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
£ W. P. ANGLE,
eeth Extracted without l'ain.
Crown and Hridge Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the latent and most Improved
Instrument* and prepared to execute the
moHt difficult work.
Offltw, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry In all lta branches. Charge
Moderate and ah work Guaranteed
Established 18OT.C
House cleaning is about completed.
Be liberal with dowers for Memorial
We seem to have April showers late in
With vacation only a few days off Ihe
small hoy is happy.
Mail Carrier Charles Peiferis enjoying
a several days vacation this week.
Strawberries are down to eating
Miss Ida Weaver will speak in the Sal
vation Army hall tonight.
A session of argument court will le
held on Friday next.
Erwin Hunter will petition court on
Friday for the appointment of two con
stables for duty in his park during the
Pan American stamps were put on
sale at the local post office Friday
morning. The denominations are 1, 2,
4, 5, 8 and 10 cents.
There are at present very few vacant
houses in Danville which is a sure indi
cation that times are improving in this
Mr. and Mrs. josepn uerst WISH t<»ex
tend thanks for Uw; assistance of their
many kind friends and neighbors dur
ing their recent bereavement. Also to
the givers of the magnificent floral de
Some fine flowers are to be seen at the
local green houses.
The base ball grounds at DeW T itt's
Park are in good condition.
There are very few idle men in this
city who are in that state because they
cannot get work.
The open air services held under the
auspices of the Mahoning Presbyterian
C. E. Society at the Green Patch, Sage
burg, will not commence until the first
Tuesday night of June. Kindly note
the date, Tuesday evening, June 4, at
7 o'clock.
William H. Mauser is building a new
residence on Bloom street, near Cherry,
which he will occupy with his family.
Undertaker John Doster is convales
cent after a few weeks' illness.
Big shipments of iron are being made
from the mills in this section.
A good many of ns are waiting to buy
our shirt waists nntil we see what the
mail carriers will wear.
Thirty-three dollars will pay for six
weeks board and thorough instruction
in music at the Musical college, Free
burg, Snyder county, Pa. Summer
term begins July 19. For catalogue
address Henery B. Moyer, Freeburg,
PUBLIC SALE—W. C. Flora, Execu
tor of James Flora, deceased, will ex
pose to publis sale on Tuesday, June 11,
a valuable lot in Valley township,on the
road leading from Danville to Washing
tonville. Lot contains 64 perches, where
on are erected a brick dwelling, a frame
barn and other out buildings.
Extremes of weather conditions are
the rule rather than the exception. One
year ago it was too dry, now it is too
Many of the streets about town are
in need of repairs.
Mrs. O. L. Cromley is ill at her home,
Grand street.
The tendency to make Memorial day
an athletic field day is growing despite
the protests of those who appreciate the
reason for its creation.
With few exceptions the farmers have
completed planting corn.
Prospects are fair for a heavy wheat
crop in this county.
D. C. Williams has painted the trap
WOVE of the Gun and Kifle club at De-
Witt's Park.
The artesian well at the Beading Iron
Works has now attained a depth of 410
Joseph H. Campbell, of Klinesgrove,
lias been appointed one of the supervis
ors of Hush township, '.Northumberland
county, vice William Scott, resigned.
To The Trade.
We have just arranged with B. K.
hoemaker, of Danville to Handle our
'ine of Pure Medicinal Rye and Malt
Whiskies. We Guarantee their Purity
Rochester Distilling Co.
Duffv Malt Whiskey Co.
~ r : - |
Montour SSI. ~lmmant.
VOL. 4G--NO 21.
The Aged Preacher Passed Away Thursday
Kev. Gideon H. Day, whose critical
illness during several months past has
been noted from time to time in Ihese
columns, passed away Thursday morn
ing at 9.30 o'clock. The end came
peacefully, the aged sufferer being con
scious until about fifteen minutes before
he breathed his last, and fully realizing
that he was approaching dissolu
tion. Kev. Day's sickness dates from
the death of bis wife, which occurred
on September the 10th last, his break
down being due largely to his bereave
ment and the severe strain that he was
subjected to during his wife's protracted
illness. In view of his advanced age
there was little hope of recovery and he
grew steadily worse.
During the winter he frequently ex
pressed a hope that he might sufficient
ly recover to be enabled to participate
in the reunion of the Baltimore and
Central Pennsylvania conferences of the
Methodist church, which took place at
Hagerstown, Md., in March last. Kev.
Day was one of the oldest, if not the
only surviving preacher in this confer
ence who was a member of the Balti
more conference when the Central Penn
sylvania conference was formed. It
was a disappointment to him, there
fore, when his sincreasing infirmities
made it apparent that he would not he
able to attend conference. To a repre
sentative of the MORNING NEWS, how
ever. who visited him about that time
he expressed himself as perfectly resign
ed, adding : "I have had a long life; I
do not complain."
He gave up all hope of recovery and
from then on hail but one desire and
that was to survive until the next an
niversary of his birth, May 10, w hen his
life would round out eighty-five years.
He passed away therefore on his birth
day. In view of his low condition,
which would not have made his death a
matter of surprise months ago, it is in
itself, worthy of note that he survived
so long ; but that he should have passed
away on the very day he so fervently
prayed to see is, indeed, little short of
Kev. G. H. Day entered the Balti
more conference in 184U, retiring from
active«9ervice in 1890. He may truly be
said to have been one of the pioneers of
Methodism in this section. On horse
back or on foot in his calling he travers
al • "
state preaching where the gospel was
little apprcciat3d and enduring hard
ships which would appall the clergy of
the present day. He held many import
ant charges,filling among others appoint
ments in Clearfield,Baltimore and \Y a>h
ington. While in the latter charge, in
1805, for two months he officiated as
Chaplain of the National House of Rep
"Father" Day, as he was affectionate
ly called, was widely known. He had
many friends and will be remembered
for years to come. All who had relations
with him were impressed with his kind
ly bearing, his simplicity and goodness.
His venerable figure, hoary and bent
with years,was a familiar one hereabout,
where he had resided so long, and the
unbidden tear filled more than one eye
Thursday on learning of bis demise.
The deceased is survived by a grand
son, Kobert Day,who resides in Sunbury.
More Reckless Driving.
There was an unusual amount of
reckless driving on Bloom street Tues
day night by persons going to and re
turning from the circus at Bloomsburg
and as usual an over indulgence in liqu
or had a great deal to do with the mat
ter. There were two collisions and sev
eral very nairow escapes. John Hart
line's buggy was run into about mid
way between Grovania and the borough
line. Mr. Hart Hue was thrown out and
quite painfully cut about the face, while
one wheel of his buggy was broken and
the vehicle damaged in other ways. Mr.
Hartline has no means of knowing who
the men were w ho collided with him,but
he says the accident was clearly the re
sult of reckless driving.
Harry Gerst, who was also returning
from Bloomsburg had a similar ex peri,
ence near Grovania. The men who ran
into his carriage were drunk and be
came very abusive when censured for
their carelessness. It is about time that
an example is made of one or more of
these madcaps who place other people's
lives in peril.
Hiram Sandel's Accident.
County Commissioner Hiram Sandel,
who was injured in a runaway Tuesday
night, drove into this city yesterday
afternoon. Mr. Sandel was hurt quite
badly about the hack and yesterday
still suffered considerably from the
effects. He describes his experience as
thrilling in the extreme. The runaway
horse leaped into the buggy with the
driver which caused the vehicle to up
set and threw Mr. Sandel out. The
county Commissioner lay for a time be
side the road unable to move.
Will Enter the Ministry.
G. W. Kerstetter, a former resident, of
this city and a graduate of our High
school, has been visiting friends in this
locality for several days past. Mr. Ker
stetter has just graduated from one of
the Theological Seminaries of the Re
formed church and accepted an appoint
ment to a charge in Illinois. Monday
he left for Weatherly to attend the an
nual meeting of Wyoming Classis,under
whose jurisdiction he is, where hew ill
be examined and licensed to preach.
Proceedings of the Borough Council Friday
The borough council held its regular
semi-monthly meetingFriilay night. The
following members responded to the roll
call: Kemmer, Dougherty, Goldsmith,
Davis, M. D. L. Sechler, Fetterman,
Jones, George Sechler, Yastine and (iib
The following petition bearing some
fifty signatures was presented to council:
"We the undersigned citizens resid
ing on West Mahoning street respectful
ly petition that council have girder
crossing Mahoning creek near Chestnut
street replaced across the stream,as this
is used as a foot bridge and is a great
convenience to the citizens residing in
that part of the town."
On motion of Mr. Davis it was order
ed that the borough erect a foot bridge
at the point referred to, the cost not to
exceed twenty dollars.
The resolution adopted by the Board
of Health at its meeting Monday night
asking the canal company to permit a
stream of water to fl i\\ through the can
al was read before c ouncil ami on mo
tion was adopted l>v that body. It was
decided to forward the resolution to I.
(i. W'istar, of Philadelphia, President of
the Pennsylvania (anal company.
On motion of Mr. Fetterman it was
ordered that City Hall be given its an
nual spring cleaning.
On mvtion of Mr. Yastine it was or
lered that the Supervisor of Mahoning
township be requested to repair one half
A the road leading along the Presby
terian burying ground to the Episcopal
ind Jewish cemeteries, the borough
having already completed its half of the
The custodianship of the fund for the
•elief of disabled firemen again came up
for consideration. Borough Solicitor K.
•. Ammerman, who was present, stated
.hat after investigation he was convinc
•d that having organized a relief associa
ion the firemen themselves were the
>roper custodians of the fund. On mo
ion the borough solicitor was requested
o draw up an ordinance authorizing
he borough treasurer to transfer to the
Bremen's Relief Association the money
>aid over by the State.
The mooted subject of municipal light,
vhich for some time past has lain in the
»ack ground, was brought to the front
Friday. Mr. Yastine offered a resolu
ion to the effect that the Water Com
be unoccupied room at the Water
Vorks to the borough, fixing a rental
or the same, the object being to occupy
t with jiachiuery for the purpose of
uanufacfuriiig electric light. The niem
>ers were very slow to take action until
hey were assured that it was merely a
ireliminary move and did not commit
he members to municipal light. The
notion carried on a yea and nay vote.
The following bills were approved for
Regular employes $32 50
street labor and hauling 58.45
iegular employes 1138.50
iVork ou repairs 184.14
?>ank Boyer 14.00
Jurry & Vannan 70.23
3eorge W. Gardner .50
E. E. Shultz .75
Washington Fire Co 2.15
D. L. & W. It. R. Co 35
John Pattou 1'J.45
Peuna. It. Ii Co 1it.45
Harrison Bros. & Co 150.00
Atlantic Refining Co 10.80
Keading Iron Co 72.00
Danville Bessemer Co 104.00
H. B. Patton 20.00
A New Series of Prizes.
The Danville Knitting Mills Company
for the encouragement of its employes
opened another wage contest at its
plant here on Monday last to close
with the last pay of the year. The con
test carried through to such a success
ful finish last year was productive of
very good results, encouraging the op
eratives to put forth their very best ef
forts, which resulted in large earnings
for themselves and an increased product
and better workmanship for the plant.
The company this year will pay out S7O
in prizes. To win it will be necessary
to earn the largest pay the greatest
number of times. Prizes are arranged
as follows:
Automatic striping machines —First
prize, $•">; second prize, $3; third prize,
Brinton Knitters —First prize, $5;
second prize, $3; third prize,
Scott and Williams Knitters —First
prize, $5.
Looperg— First prize, ss;second prize,
$3; third prize,
Setters-on —First prize, $5; second
prize, $4; third prize, $3; fourth prize,!-';
filth prize, sl.
Winding Department Those winding
the largest number of pounds in the
most number of pays will receive the
following prizes: First prize, $5; second
prize, |3; third prize, $2.
Mending Department—Those mend
ing the largest quantity of dozens in the
most number of pays will receive the
following prizes. First prize, $5; second
prize, $3; third prize, $2.
Change of Time.
A new schedule will go into effect or
the Pennsylvania railroad, Sunday, May
20. After that date persons leaving
South Danville on the 7:13 a. m. trail
will be enabled to reach Philadelphia bj
12:50 p. m. There will be a stop of hal
an hour at Nescopeck. Beyond tha
point a pullman car will be attached tt
the train.
Brief Mention of the Doings of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mrs. Byron Getkin and son, Reynold,
of Catawissa, spent yesterday as the
guests of Mrs. Frank Bucbe?,South Dan
Mrs. Eliza Hess, of Catawissa, visited
friends in South Danville yesterday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Orange, of Catawissa,
was a Danville visitor yesterday.
Rev. A. B. Bowser returned from Lew
isbnrg last night.
Mrs. Rebecca Clark returned from a
visit with friends in Suubury yesterday.
Miss Carrie Thompson and Master
Allen West returned home from a visit
with Shamokin friends last evening.
Captain S. K. Heller,of Berwick,spent
last evening in town.
W. Campbell arrived in this city from
New York yesterday. Mr. Campbell is
employed at Castle Grove.
Mrs. R. L. Evans returned to Kingston
yesterday, after a visit at the home of
1.. J. Davis, Mulberry, street.
Miss Nellie Jenkins of Philadelphia,
is visiting at the home of her father,
John Jenkins, East Market street.
Miss Hettie Eckman of Roaring Creek,
spent yesterday in this city.
Robert Hood returned to New York
yesterday, Mr. Hood has been employ
ed at Castle Grove for the last live
Miss Annie Jenkins of Dover, N. J.
arrived in this city yesterday, for a yisit
with Miss Nellie Jenkins, East Market
E. A. Huber, of Nescopec, is visiting
liis mother, Mrs. M. A. Huber, South
Mrs. Katherine Weaver returned to
Allentown yesterday, after a visit at the
home of Philip Foust, Railroad street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mellon, of
Wilkesbarre, are guests at the home of
Mr. Mellon's mother, Mrs. I.avini Mel
lon, Grand street.
Wheeler Kase and J. Harvey Kase, of
Philadelphia, are visiting their sister, j
Miss Clara Kase, this city.
Miss Lou Welliver, a student at Buck-
nell University, Lewisbnrg, spent Sun- j
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. !
J. Welliver, Mill street.
Mrs. John Clapp, of Binghamton, N. j
V., is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Woolley, '
Miss EumiaGrofl, of Harrisburg, is a
guest at the home of Chief-of-Police J. C j
Miss Emeline Gearhart and Miss Abig
ail Patterson are visiting friends in Haz- j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallizeand son,
Herbert, of Williamsport, spent Sunday
with Mr. Wallize's parents, Mr. and Mis
John Wallize, corner of Ferry and Low
er Mulberry street.
Edward B. John, of Berwick, spent
Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs.
W. M. Heddens, on West Mahoning
Miss Jennie Lovett, a Bloomsburg j
Normal school student, spent Sunday
with her pareuts in this city.
I. X. (irier, Esq., and daughter, Mrs.
R. K. Rolk left Monday for their sum
mer cottage at Moosic Lake, where they
will spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. T. VV. Bedea and Mr.
and Mrs. George Bedea, spent Sunday
at New Columoia.
Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas is spending a
few days in Philadelphia.
Mrs. James Thorington and two sons
of Philadelphia, returned home Tues
day after a visit at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. 1. H. Jennings, Market street.
Rev. John D. Cook of Renovo, is
spending a few days at the home of John
Sechler, Ferry street.
William E. Gosh returned Tuesday
night from a visit at the home of John
K. Geringer in Manassas, Virginia. Mr.
Gosh rode as far as Shippeusburg on a
Harry Rebman, Esq.,of Philadelphia,
is a guest at the Childs' homestead,
Front street.
Mrs. Lewis Titel spent yesterday with
friends in Georgetown.
Walter Arms of Sunbury spent yes
terday in Danville.
Charles A. Sidler, Esq., of Sunbury
transacted business in this city yester
Mrs. George A. Rossman returned
from a visit in Sunbury yesterday.
Charles Watson made a business trip
to Wilkesbarre, yesterday.
Dr. J J. Kline returned from a trip to
Allentown yesterday.
I>r. 11. B. Meredith and F. C. Angle,
Esq., returned from Pottsville last even
Miss Mary Leiter of the Woman's
Medical college, Philadelphia, is visit
ing her grand-mother, Mrs. John Sherifl,
Fast Market street.
Mrs. Fred Miller ol Plymouth, return
el yesterday, alter a visit at the home
of Wendel Orausam, Piue street.
Miss Claire Gross of Bloomsburg, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Heim, Church street.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lechner, son
and daughter, Anthony and Edith, ate
visiting friends in Williarnsport.
Mrs. Cleaver Voder of Philadelphia,
returned home yesterday, after a visit
with Mrs. John Jones, Mowery street.
Mrs. C. 11. Reynolds left yesterday
for a short visit with friends in Ml. Car
Board of Revision Busy Hearing Appeals
Valuation $2,500,000.
The County Commissioners who as a
bo'tnl of revision have been hearing ap
peals during the nine days past will con
clude their sitting today, winding up
with the manufacturing industries. The
triennial assessment this spring has
brought out an unusually large number
of appeals, the assessment for the tirst
time being made according to full valua
tion of property. The custom hereto
fore in vogue in the borough was to as
sess property at one-third of its value.
This, it seems, was a questionable pro
cedure, not at all in accordance with
The borougli authorities began to agit
ate the matter a couple of years ago, in
sisting that property be assessed accord
ing to law. This spring, therefore, a
departure was made and property was
assessed at its full value. It is this
which has caused the trouble. There
are many persons who do not under
i stand the situation and fancy that they
are the victims of injustice.
The board of revision has heard ap
peal after appeal. The best, however,
j that they can do, is to see to it that all
! are treated equally, and that no prop
; erty is raised to a value beyond what
jit would bring at a bona fide sale.
The present assessment raises the
j borough valuation from a trifle over
I SSOO,OOO to §2,500,000, which gives the
! borough a borrowing power three times
as great before. The borough will now
| be in a position to increase its indebted
ness and enter upon a system of im
provements whether it be to sewer the
town or establish an electric light plant.
Mrs. Limberger Passes Away.
Kegina, the wife of Charles Limberger,
j West Mahoning street, departed this
life Friday morning about -1 o'clock
after a painful of illness. The de
! ceased was sixty years of age. She was
j born near Mooteaburg, and was a resi
| dent of this city for the greater part of
, her life. For twenty years she was an
i invalid, being afflicted with asthma,
i which often rendered life a positive
| burden. She recently contracted a bad
! cold on the lungs, which aggravated
the disease, leading to her death. She
bore her long suffering with fortitude
and was ever resigned to her lot.
Mrs. Limberger was a "" 11 l' enou 01
HiuJ'j.ii j -»■ tS a woman of
strong character and of all the Christian
virtues. She was a devoted mother and
a kind neighbor. Her death is a loss
not only t<* her surviving family, by
whom she was tenderly loved, but also \
to the church and the community.
In addition to her husband the de
ceased is survived by the following sons
and daughters : Anna, a missionary at
Pueblo, Mexico; William, of this city ;
John, of Sunbury; llarrv, of West
Chester, and Joseph, of Keokuk, lowa.
These will probably all be able to at
tend the funeral with the exception of
the daughter, Anna, who is located at a
distance so remote as to render a j
journey home in time for the ob
sequies utterly out of tlie question.
The Caterpillar Scourge.
Caterpillars are becoming quite a scou
rge this spring. They are bad enough
about town, but a drive throughout the
county reveals them in still greater
numbers. They are everywhere visi
ble, in the fields, on the roadside, clust
ering about the trees in their peculiar
tent-like web in untold millions, brom
appearances one would think that fann
ers have been very negligent in not ap
plying some remedy which would pre
vent them from hatching. It is only
here anil there that one can see that any
effort has been made to exterminate the
It is not too late, however, to make
war upon the caterpillars even when
they have hatched. The best remedy
to apply is to spray the leaves above the
tent with Paris green. Fire also is a
very effectual way of destroying them.
The Pavilion Completed.
The large pavilion at Hunter s Park
was completed yesterday. Architectur
ally it is something out of the ordinary,
as beautiful as anything that could be
designed, while in point of workman
ship the finished budding could not be
surpassed, all of which reflects credit
not only upon the enterprise of the own
er, but also upon the skill and ability of
the architect and builder. John Brugler
furnished the plans and (ieorge lleit
snyder erected the building.
The men v-go-round arrived yester
day. This is owned by Courson and
Lilly, of Muucy, who with their families
will reside in the Park.
Drove to Snydertown.
A number of Danville people drove to
Snydertown yester lay, where they were
entertained at the home of a friend.
In the party were: Misses Lucy Hasssett
and Mazie Patterson, Mrs. John Jacobs,
Mrs. T. J. Rogers, Mrs. W. J. Rogers,
Mrs. Jesse Ammerman, Mrs. Latimere
Ammernian, Mrs. Klias Lyon, Mrs.
Henry Divel, Mrs. David Evans and
Mrs. Christian.
Death of a Child.
Lillian, the two year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, Last Mar
ket street, died yesterday morning at
live o'clock. Death was caused by con
vulsions due to teething. Ihe funeral
will be held from the family residence
[on Friday afternoon at - o'clock. In
torment will take place in the Odd 1* el -
1 lows' cemetery.
A Small Army of Nearly Three Thouadand
Believing that it would prove of in
terest to its readers THE AMKBICAD
yesterday set itself about to determine
as nearly as possible what proportion of
our population of 5042 is regularly em
ployed and, incidentally, what sum of
money is paid out as wages in Danville
monthly. Each of the industries was
visited by a representative of this paper
and the figures will be found reliable.
The Reading Iron Works leads the
list with eight hundred men employed.
Its monthly pay amounts to $33,000.
Ilowe it Polk, manufacturers of Struc
tural iron, stands next. The pay roll at
this works varies from three hundred
and ninety men to four hundred. The
monthly pay approximates $12,500.
Howe & Samuel, who operate the pud
dle mill at the Mahoniug plant, have
ninety-five men on the pay roll, which
monthly foots up to $3,500.
Curry it Vaunan employ seventy men
in their foundry and machine shop.
Their monthly pay approximates S3OOO.
The Danville Stove & Manufacturing
company has one hundred and fifteen
men on the pay roll. At least one half
oft his number are moulders, who as a
class make high wages, the average be
ing, at least, $4 per day. The amount
paid out in wages monthly varies with
the season, depending upon whether
the works run six days per week or less.
The average monthly pay during last
year was $4500.
Thirty men in this city find employ
ment on the D. L. & W. railroad, con
stituting the switch crew, two section
crews, otlice force and gatemen. They
represent a pay roll of $9tM).
The Polish Brewery employes twenty
men and pays out about SIOOO per month
in wages.
The pay roll at each of the industries
enumerated does not include the force
of clerks and bookkeepers employed.
The amount paid out in salaries for this
branch of service may safely be estimat
ed at SIOOO per month.
Summing up we liml there are 1530
men on the pay rolls of our leading in
dustries and that the sum total of their
monthly earnings is nearly $70,000.
The Knitting .Mill has two hundred
and fifty hands on its pay roll and pays
out $3600 monthly in wares
nanus, 112. ti. llartman, proprietor, was
absent yesterday and the amount of the
p*y roll could not be learned.
In addition to the above there are a
large number of minor industries which
afford steady and fairly remunerative
; employment for both sexes. Bloch &
Benzbach, manufacturers of knee pants,
alone, have a pay roll which amounts to
SI3OO monthly. Then there are stores,
printing offices, tailoring establishments
and the like which must not be lost
sight of. The Hospital for the Insane,
which monthly pays out a large sum of
money to its employes, is also an im
portant facior in t! e business life of the
town. The total amount earned month
■ ly in the Knitting and Silk Mills and in
| the minor industries of the town may
j be put at some S7OOO additional, while
the total number of wage earners em
ployed swells up into a little army of
nearly 3000.
Fiiueral of Rev. Gideon H. Day.
Notwithstanding the inclement weath
er on Saturday forenoon last the funer
al of the late Rev. Gideon H. Day,which
took place at 10:.">0 o'clock from St. Pet
er's M. E. church, Riverside, was quite
largely attended. There was a large
number of Methodist ministers present,
representing widely scattered localties,
comprised in the Central Pennsylvania
conference, the most of whom in one
way or another took part in the ser
Rev. J. B. Stein of the First M. E.
church of Sunbury, announced the
hymn. Lev. Dr. Pennepacker of AVill
iamsport, and liev. W. 11. Houck of Mt.
Carrne l , read the scripture lesson. Kev.
Dr. Kiysintjer of Blooinsl»urg,led in pray
er. The principal addresses were made
by Presiding Elder W. W. Evans of Sun
bury, and Rev. Dr. E. J. Gray, Presid
ent of Dickinson Seminary, Williams
port. Rev. Dr. Silas Swallow, of Harris
burg; Kev. Dr. D. S. Monroe,of Shamok
in, also spoke. Rev. Dr. W. I. Steans
pronounced the benediction. Rev. \\ .\V .
Evans concluded the services at the
cemetery. Bev. Dr. Swallow, Rev. Dr.
Pennepacker, Rev. Dr. Grey, Rev. J. B.
Stein, Rev. Dr. Monroe, and Rev. A. S.
Baldwin, the latter of Lock Haven, offi
ciated as pall bearers. Other clergymen
present were: Kev. J. C. Mumper, of
Northumberland, Kev. S. 1). Wilson, of
Catawissa, Rev. 11. B. Fort nor,of Selins
grove, Itev. W. K. Whitney, of I'.looms
burg, Kev. J. B. Shaver,of Williamsport,
and liev. J. A. DeMoyer, of Northum
William Gerst Passes Away.
William F. Gerst died at the home ol
his parents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Gerst,
No 330 Lower .Mulberry street, Thurs
day nun iiing at 7 o'clock. The deceased
was SO \e us of age, a young man of ex
cellent character, whose genial manners
won him many fiiends. Death was due
to consumption.
New Manager.
Henry Rnoff, of Philadelphia, tht
new manager of the I nited telephone
Company's lines, in this section arrived
in Danville on Wednesday and is now
in charge of the work. esterday tele
phones were placed in Cromwell Bros'
Grocery and Geriuger & Hodge s Latin
Re-Equipped to Compete With Modern
Ihe quiet hamlet of Mausdale never
appeared to a better advantage than at
present. It is a picturesque spot and
next to Danville is the oldest settlement
in these parts. It was as early as 1769
when there were hut six houses in Dan
ville that Philip Maus pushed his way
into the wilderness and began a clearing
on the banks of the Mahoning creek.
True, during the last half century
tilings were pretty generally at a stand
still around Mausdale, but it was always
a desirable place of abode, homelike, a
retreat from the rush and turmoil of the
more strenuous life in town, while its
inhabitants, with few exceptions de
scendants from the original settlers,
combined with fine social qualities in
tegrity of character and habits of in
dustry and thrift.
It is not strange, therefore that with
the heginniug of the new century the
old hamlet should be taking on signs of
renewed life. Several new residences
have been erected, while old ones have
been embellished with new paint. Two
stores conducted respectively by W. S.
Lawrence and E. S. Delsile do business
in the place, while the old hostelry,kept
by W. D. Wise, so long a landmark in
the locality, still refreshes the weary
The leading industry of the place is
the steam flouring mill owned by I'. E.
Maus, which was erected by his great
grand father, Philip Maus, in the year
1800. It, too, although in the second
century of its existence, has entered up
on a new lease of life and activity,equip
ped with all that is new and modern in
the line of milling machinery. Maus'
mill is one of the best known landmarks
in this section and has passed through
all the changes of milling that has oc
curred in the hundred years of its his
tory. In the early days of the century
flour manufactured within its walls was
marketed as far away as Baltimore. Arks
were constructed at the mill and floated
down Mahoning creek to the river in
sections, where they were put together
for their long journey down the river
ami out over the Chesapeake bay. There
was a time, say between 1840 and 1870,
that Maus' mill was conceded to be one
of the leading burr mills in the State. In
lU-7C ii- -
burrs and finished on rolls. In 1885 the
burrs were discarded and a full line of
rolls took their place.
Campbell & Bovee, who assumed
charge of the mill April l,are both prac
tical millers, familiar with the blending
and milling of spring and winter
wheats. Mr. Campbell was former
ly superintendent and head miller of
the 300 barrel flour mill of the Noble
Milling Company of Williamsport. Mr.
Bovee is also a miller of long experi
The improvements installed consist of
a full roller system. Everything about
the plant has been overhauled and is
practically new. The mill as equipped
has a capacity of 85 barrels of Hour per
day and will be found to be an up-to-date
and formidable competitor in the milling
business hereabout. The re-equipping
of the mill was wholly in the hands of
Campbell A Bovee. Mr. Campbell him
self made his plans and flow sheet, most
essential features of successful flour mill,
To accommodate the new system it
was necessary to build an addition to
the third story 52 by 28 feet, the height
being 14 feet, which changes the extern
al appearance of the mill considerably.
The upper story contaius the sieve bolt
ing machinery, receiving separators and
dust collectors. On the third story is
the purifying machinery, flour and feed,
bins, Ac. On the second floor the ac
tual grinding takes place, there being
five stands of double rolls. The modern
machinery installed occupies but little
more than half the space occupied by
the system displaced, which gives the
new firm storage room for about 8000
bushels of wheat and 2000 bushels of
coarse grain. The new machinery was
put on trial Monday and the work of
making flour began Tuesday morning.
Shipping Stoves to Chile.
The Danville Stove it Manufacturing
company has quite a large export trade,
which is constantly increasing. Mon
day the company made a shipment of t>o
stoves to Valparaiso, Chile, S. A. A for
mer consignment was shipped to Chile
in the "knock down," the plate of the
stoves being packed separately, suitable
for transportation five hundred miles in
the interior on the back of mules
Among foreign shipments recently made
were several to Mexico, Cuba and the
Island of Trinidad.
The Body Exhumed.
The body of Wellington Hartman,kill
ed in a collision on Bloom road, was ex
humed in the Odd Fellows' cemetery
Thursday for the purpose of performing
an autopsy. The post mortem examina
tion was made by l>r. .1. K. Kimerer ami
Dr. Curry. The object of the autopsy
was to determine whether death result
ed directly from the injuries sustained
or was due to other causes.
In Pursuit of the Fugitives.
The authorities of the Asylum tor the
Insane at this plaee are in pursuit of tw<i
patients, who escaped from that institu
tion on Sunday last. The fugitives are
reported to have passed through Moores
burg. Two attendants were in Miltor
Tuesday hoping to find some clew ol
j them there. The runaways will proba
b!y be captured and relumed to the in
[ stitution.
The office of the AMERICAN ueing
furnished with a large aisoitmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that lie is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
our prices before place
your orders.
Wealthiest Individual Coal Operator in the
Anthracite Region'
A telegram was received in this cily
Saturday forenoon last announcing the
death of Daniel Edwards at Kingston,
which occurred early that morning of
heart disease. The news was a great
surprise here, as Mr. Edwards was not
known to have been in feeble health.
He was at his dosk as usual on Friday
ami death came suddenly and with but
little warning.
Mr. Edwards was 7<i years of age. He
was president of the Kingston Coal
Company and one of the richest indivi
dual coal operators in the Anthracite
region, his wealth being estimated at
nearly four million of dollars. He was
a nativ« of Wales, but emigrated to this
country when a young man. He resided
in Danville for many years working in
the ore mines for the firm of Waterman
& Beaver. He had a good bit of natural
ability and a sound practical knowledge
of mining, which he turned to a very
good account. It was through his efforts
that a coal company was formed and an
option secured on the coal rights at
Kingston, which resulted in his own
tine fortune and enriched several others.
Mrs. Edwards died on the 18th of
April last and was buried in the Epis
copal cemetery, this city. It was little
dreamed that Mr. Edwards would fol
low his wife so soon. Three daughters
survive: Mrs. Walter Clark Teter, of
New York; Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Cob
lergh, of Kingston.
The remains of the late Daniel Ed
wards were consigned to their last rest
ing place in a grave by the side of his
wife in the Episcopal cemetery Tues
day afternoon. The 12:47 D. L. & W.
passenger train, which brought the re
mains from Kingston, contained two
special cars occupied by the funeral
pariy. In addition to the relatives
there were many prominent persons in
the party, including W. K. Storrs of
Scranton; W. B. Chamberlin and E.
W. Dwight, of Philadelphia and David
Isaacs ot Plymouth, who held a posi
tion as Superintendent under Mr. Ed
wards for a period of twenty-seven
Awaiting the arrival of the train was
ft.laWt .iUW»i'Wi«rfi:i<VW'atcheii "Ins up
ward career with interest. Prominent
in the assemblage were some thirty Free-
Masons.members of the two local lodges
of the order. Mr. Edwards was a mem
ber of Danville Lodge.No. 224 F. & A.M.
having been initiated in 1867. In com
pliance with request the members of the
craft were present in a body to perform
the burial service of the order.
The pall bearers were Walter Clark
Teter, T. L. Newell, 15. J. Cobleigh,
William Edwards, Uwillyn Edwards,
and Morgan I). liosser, sons-in-law and
nephews of the deceased.
Among the clergymen present were:
Kev. Dr. T. C. Edwards, of Kingston,
who conducted the services; Kev. J. 1).
Cook, of Kenovo, and Kev. Ferdinand
Von Krug, of Kingston.
The grave was of the stone burial
vault type. The coffin was an elegant
one of antique oak with old iron trim
mings. The tlowers were very beautiful
In the collection were many that were
rare and costly especially a large wreath
of orchids, which attracted much atten
tion. The impressive ceremony of the
Freemasons was performed, after which
Rev. Dr. Edwards concluded the service
at the grave.
Program for Children's Day.
Children's Day will be celebrated at
the Grove Presbyterian church on
Sunday, June 9th. Interesting ex
ercises are being prepared by the Sun
day school and a number of excellent
musical numbers by our prominent
musicians will embellish the program.
The observance of Children's Day at the
Grove church has always been noted
for its careful make up, showing
that all members of the congregation
take a decided interest in their Sabbath
school. The exercises are entitled,
"Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost"
and include the following program:
Opening hymn
"Praise to the Triune God."
"Confession of Faith in the Triune God"
Invocation and Lords Prayer.
"The Praise of God."
(Sentences and Hymn)
Superintendent and School.
Scripture reading from St. John.
Special exercises by Sunday School.
"The Praise of Jesus Christ Our Lord."
Sentences and Hymn.
Presentation of the Offerings for Presby
terian Sabbath School Missions.
Prayer of Consecration of the Offerings.
"A Hymn to Christ our King."
Address Kev. McAfee.
"The Praise of God the Holy Spirit."
Sentences and Hymn.
The Distribution of Awards.
Closing Hymn and Benediction.
Mr. Wilsou Will Preach in Washingtonville
Raymond H. Wilson who has been a
student at the Princeton Theological
Seminary the past winter will supply
the pulpit in the Washingtonville Pres
byterian church during the summer. Mr.
Wilson officiated last Sunday evening.
Crescent vs Turbotville.
The Crescent base ball club of this
city will cross bats with the Turbotville
team at Washingtonville. A schedule
of three games had been arranged but
could not l>e carried out and this one
game will be played on neutral ground
on Saturday.