Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, January 03, 1901, Image 1

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    Hone Paper
—.For ite Horns
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9A. 12 M.m Mill At.,
IP. UP. M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
OFFICII: 218 MillStrkkt.
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a Hpecialty.
Equipped with the latest and most improved
Instruments and prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
MoitorHt« and *li work Guaranteed.
Established 1893.
Another century to roll back.
Revival services are in order.
Do the new resolutions hold yet'.'
Twentieth century socials are now
The annual house-huutiug period will
« now begin.
And the new century brought a cold
wave with it.
Don't forget Creeton Clarke at the
Opera House tomorrow night.
The usual smashing of New Year's
resolutions is already in order.
Revival services at St. Peter's church,
South Danville, are now being held.
The Feast of the Epiphany will be ob
served at several of the churches of the
city next Sunday.
The Rev. Harry Curtin Harman will
preach at the Riverside M. E. church
this eveuing at 7:15 o'clock.
The members of the Riverside Social
■club are preparing to hold an oyster
■upper at their rooms on Saturday even
ing, January 5.
St. Valentine is the next individual
to pose ia the public mind.
Why not celebrate groundhog day?
Many people swear by it.
Peter Ward, of Chambers street, was
injured at the ske'p mill of the Beading
Iron company yesterday afternoon by a
piece of falling iron, which cut bis scalp.
Or. Paules dressed the injury.
Clearance sales are now the go with
local merchants.
The thermometer didn't fall graceful
ly yesterday morning, it came down in a
There is plenty of skating this week
on the ponds near the city and the
yonng folks are enjoying the sport.
Miss Adelaide Prince, who will be
seen with Creston Clarke at the Opera
House tomorrow evening will wear
some of the most beautiful gowns ever
aeen on the local stage, an item which
possesses much intereet for the ladies of
this city.
Miss Lillian Swainbank formerly of
this city has been appointed teacher in
the Dorranceton grammar schools.
If you love your neighbor as yourself
don't wash the pavements in winter
Some very pretty 1801 Calendars are
being distributed by the Polish Brewing
Company of this city.
There have been many compliments
paid to the choir of the Mahoning Pres
byterian chnrch for ths excellent selec
tions rendered at the special centennial
exercises held on Snnday and Monday.
Hunt np the best representative men
in the Wards for Councilmanic candi
The ice dealere throughout the city
welcomed the fall in temperature yes
terday and want it to continue for a
few days.
Secure your seats in advance for Cres
<ton Clarke at the Opera House on Fri
day evening.
At the rate railroad companies are
buying uew rails, cars, etc., it looks as
iif the big corporations were assured of a
continuance of prosperity.
1 Millions have been expended by the
Lackawanna Railroad during the past
two years in track, roadbed, bridge and
sidings improvements with a view to
placing in effect an eight-hour passenger
nervice between Buffalo and New York.
A new train will be added to the Lacka
wanna's service, commencing in April
next, and its «<<;tnal rnnning time will
be eight hours flat from Buffalo to
Hoboken. New ears are now being
Clerk of Couneil Sam A. McCoy said
that Monday was the busiest d»y with
him since he has held that position. He
had to close up the borough's books for
the century,srrange the bills to be pass
ed at Monday's meeting of the Council
and make out warrants so that all bills
could be paid after the meeting.
The congregation ol Henai Zion syn
agogue will celebrate the Purim holidays
which come early in March, by giving a
tuusicale and festival at the church
and a fancy dress ball in the Armory.
An excellent program is being prepar.
VOL. 40—NO 1.
Mr. Laumaster Will Remain at the Y. M.
0. A. for the Present.
W. D. Laumaster has agreed to with
draw for the present his resignation as
general secretary of the Danville Y. M.
C. A. He announced his willingness to
do so at a meeting of two special com
mittees from the Association and the
Ladies' Auxiliary held last evening. This
meeting was held for the purpose of ask
ing Mr. Laumaster to remain.
The committees consisted of Dr. J. E.
Robbins, Sam A. McCoy, Thomas Cuiry,
Sr., Samuel Werkheiser, Mrs. J. E.
Moore, Mrs. Abigail A. Geisinger, Mrs.
H. J. Herrington, Mrs. J. 11. Johnson,
Mrs. N. K Brown and Miss Sue Colt.
The appointment of these committees
and their request to Mr. Laumaster was
the result of a meeting of the trustees of
the Association held over two weeks
Before the request was made of Mr.
Laumaster, the committees discussed
the situation thoroughly, and decided
that for the Association to continue as
at present, it will be necessary to raise
the present indebtedness and arrange
tor the running expenses ot the Associa
tion for the coming year before March
A great eflort will be made to accom
plish this result, for the trustees of the
Association and Auxiliary realize the
benefit to be derived from Mr. Laumas
ter's services.
All people interested in the Associa
tion work will be pleased to l' that
the secretary's resignation is to be with
drawn for the present.
Services to Be Held in Several Danville
Churches Each Evening Next Week.
Next week will be observed by many
of the Protestant churches of thecountry ,
as a week of prayer. This is fixed by the j
Evangelical Alliance. Several of the
Danville churches will observe it by
holding special services every evening
next week except Saturday. These will
be prayer aud praise services with short
sermons by the pastors.
These services will be held at the Ma
honing Presbyterian, Grove Presbyter-i
ian, Pine Street Lutheran and St. Paul's
Methodist churches At St. Paul's next
week's services will be but the beginning
of the regular mid-winter revival services
which will be continued for several
At the Trinity Methodist cl urch the
mid-winter revival meetings are being
held this week. They will be continued
throughout next week, and probably a
week or two longer.
Special services are also being held at
theShiloh Reformed church every even-!
ing this week and next, except Satur- i
days. They will be concluded with the
Communion service on Sunday, Jan- |
uary 13.
At MahoniDg Presbyterian.
The reception and exercises at the l
Mahoning Presbyterian chnrch were well
attended Monday evening. The first !
part of the evening was pleasantly spent,
in social intercourse, after which brief ,
reports from all departments of the
church were presented. At eleven o'clock
the prayer and praise service was held
in the anditoriuui. and the last hour of
the century was impressively passed in
listening to a good musical program by
the choir and an address by Dr. Hteans.
Mrs. Moore Broke Her Leg.
Mrs. Kobert Moore, of this city, met
with a serious accident at Elizabeth, N.
J., on Monday afternoon. While visit
ing her daughter at that place she fell
down stairs, breaking her leg below the
knee. Mrs. Moore is seventy-seven
years old. Her son, Howard Moore,
went to Elizabeth as soon as he heard of
the accident. A telegram was received
from him Tuesday morning stating that
his mother was resting easily.
Death of James Ryan, Sr.
James Kyan, Sr., died at eight o'clock
yesterday morning at his home on Pine
street, aged sixty-two years. He had
been ill for eight months with asthma,
but heart disease was the direct cause of
death. The funeral will be held on Fri
day morning at nine o'clock fiom St.
Joseph's church, and burial will be in
the Catholic cemetery. He is survived
by a wife and four sons and two daught
ers, James, Jr., Michael, Daniel, Patrick,
Ellen and Mary.
Finger in the Planer.
Benjamin F. Foulk, foreman of Curry
& Vannan's pattern shop, caught his
finger in a planer yesterday afternoon
and seriously injured it. He was run
ning a short board through the machine
when the planer knives struck a knot,
throwing the board around so as todraw
the index finger of his left hand under
the knives. The finger was badly cut
but it can be saved.
Next Basket Ball Game.
The next game of basket ball will be
played at the Armory on Wednesday
evening, January 9, between the Dan
ville players and the Quaker City team,
of Philadelphia. Unless the game is
more liberally patronized than the last
few have been, it will be the last game
played in this city this season.
Sheriff Moving Out.
Sheriff George Maiers began yesterday
to move some of bis articles from the
jail residence to his home on Mill street.
He will move out of his official home
next Monday and on Tuesday Sheriff
elect Michael Breckbill will move in and
assume the duties of bis office.
Grand Success of Danville's Demonstration
Monday Evening.
The Twentieth Century is here. There
is no disputing the fact this time, no
matter how the calendar is figure 1 out.
The fact should also have been well im
pressed on the minds and 2ai s of every
residen tof this city Monday night. Some
were of the opinion, however, that the
incoming century was jumped clear into
the Fourth of July.
It began to arrive Monday even'gsoon
after dark when small boys aud tin
horns were turned loose on the street.
From that time until midnight pande
monium reigned and at the first stroke
of the midnight hour it seemed as if
more than pandemonium was turned
loose in the tumult of blowing whistles,
ringing bells, tooting horns and shoot
ing cannon, muskets, pistols and crack
Throughout tlie day it looked as if
Danville's celebration to the new cen
tury was going to bo a moistened tizzle,
but when the clouds rolled bv in the
early evening the determination to cele
brate again became dominant and mud
dy streets could not quell it.
All along the line of march of the par
ade stores and residences were hand
somely decorated wi'li ling* !• lit! bunt
ing, while candles, Japanese lanterns
and other illuminations gave color to
the scene.
In spite of the inclement weather the
parade and demonstration were credit
ably carried out. The parade was form
ed according to program so that the Hue
started at 10:35 o'clock.
Chief Mincemoyer and Officer Voris
rode at the head mounted on white
horses They were followed by Chief
Marshal Sweisfort and his mounted and
unmounted aides. Washington Hose
company's drum corp«, Company F, i
with a good representation, a large del
egation from Goodrich Post, G. A. H., |
and Camp No. 304 I'. O. S. of A., Stoes'
band, the four hose companies accord
ing to number, Mechanicsville band and
unassigned delegations. The large tie
legation from tlie P. O. S. of A. made a
good appearance, being the only secret
organization in line. About half of the
members of Washington and Continent
al Hose companies were in fantistic !
costumes, black face male and female
make ups predominating. Two voun*
men on horse back excellently represent
ed Indians in full war paint.
Along the entire line the streets were
ablaze with fire works. Many of the
marching men carried red and green lire
torches. The display of tire woiks was
particularly brilliant along Mill street
from the courthouse to the First Nation
al bank. Bed and green fire were burn
ing on all sides and Komau candles were
blazing from both sides of the street,
from the side walk t J the tops of the
blocks, making a scene .such as Danville
has never before seen at the midnight
New Boilers Will be Installed at Readirg
Iron Works.
Plans are being made for the installa
tion of new boilers at the puddle mill of
the Beading Iron works to replace the
three boilers that are now in use over !
the puddle furnaces. The new boilers
will be made at the works of the com- (
pany in Heading. Their exact details
have not beeu decided on, except that
they will be larger in every way than the j
old ones now in me.
The boilers in this department depend
for operation on the waste heat thrown '
off from the furnaces. The boilers now
are simple cylindrical ones which '
utilizes but a small percen'age of this'
waste energy. The new boilers will have |
flues that will permit of more economic- j
al operation or the development of
much more power from the same amount !
of heat now produced. This additional J
power is greatly needed for the opera- ,
tion of the plant.
Christ Episcopal Sunday School.
The Christmas entertainment of
Christ Episcopal Sunday school was held
Friday evening, it being lloly Innocents'
Day. It consisted of an address by. the
rector, Bev. Erskine Wright, singing of
carols, etc. After this service a reception
was held in the High school room. Ice
cream, cake and candy were served after
which prizes were awarded to thirty
two members of the school for regular
Mrs. Mcßride Died in Harrisburg.
'lhe body of Mrs. Henry W. Mcßride,
of No. 24 Cooper street, was brought
from Harrisburg Friday evening. Mrs.
Mcßride had not been well for several
months. Last Saturday, thinking a
change would improve her health, she
went to Harrisburg to visit her sister,
Mrs. Fields. She rapidly failed, how
ever, until she died on Thursday from
enlargement of the heart. Mrs. Mc-
Bride wasforty-four years old and is sur
vived by her husband and three child
ren, James, William and I.i/.zie,
Trinity Lutheran Church Election.
At the annual meeting of the Trinity
Lutheran church Tuesday evening P- ter
Berger, Beuben Boyer and D. C. Jones,
Jr., were relected deacons for two years,
and D, A. Montgomery was elected for
two years to succeed Fred W. Linker.
D. C. Jones was elected treasurer of the
church for the coming year.
Hiram Bevan and Miss Alice Dietz,
daughter of Cyrus Dietz, of Chambers
street, were married Friday afternoon
at the Grove Presbyterian parsonage by
' the Bev Dr. W. A McAtee.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Charles Twist, of Buffalo, N. Y., is a
guest at the home of his mother on Last
Market street.
Mr. ami Mrs. Richardson of Mausdale
have returned home after a several days
visit with relatives in West Pittston,
Mrs. William Leidy, of Summerville,
Mo.; Mrs. S. Applemau and son, of
Buckhorn, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Styer
ofSweuoda, were guests of Laundryman
and Mrs. W. E. Kase on Bloom street
J. Mont Woodside, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Woodside on Mowrey street.
Miss Emma Stebbins, of Northumber
land, is visiting her sister Mrs. A. !>.
Bowser on East Front street.
Madame Meyer, of Philadelphia, is a
guest at the home of B. K. Gearhart on
Bloom street.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jacobs, of Pitts
burg, are visiting Mr. Jacobs' parents,
Mr. aud Mrs. John Jacobs, Mill street.
Miss Cornelia Prout spent Saturday
in Bloomsburg.
Mrs. Hannah Sainsbury spent Satur
day in Bloomsburg.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Forsyth and son
Clifford, of Northumberland, spent Sun
day with Danville friends.
Mrs. Laura Bailey Waters,of Philadel
phia, is visiting her father Samuel Bailey
on F2ast Mahoning strest.
Mrs. Harry Limberger left Saturday
for West Chester after a visit at the
home of Charles Limberger, West Ma
honing street.
Miss Jennie Steans, of Mitilinburg, is
visiting her brother, the Rev- Dr. W. I.
Steans, on East Mahoning street.
Miss Mabel Gearhart is visiting rela
tives in Wapwaltopen.
Mrs. Matilda Sherill is visiting re 1 '
tives in Shamokin.
Miss Rose Sonclheim.of Maucli Chunk,
is the guest of Miss Gertrude Goldsmith
on Mulberry street.
Miss Stella Ellenbogcn, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her mother ou Mulberry
Mrs. L. C. Davis and daughter Darl.of
Aller.wood, are guests of Miss Emma R.
Leisenring, West Mahoning street.
William Metier returned to Brooklyn,
N. Y , Tuesday evening after visiting
Danville and South Danville friends.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Kase, Mr. and
Mrs. James Gillaspy and s<»n Bennie, of
this city, and Mr. and Mrs. William Yas
tine and daughter Cora, of Rushtonn,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and |
Mrs. Oscar Vastine, near Boyd's Station.
The Misses Lmmaand Mary Mootz re
turned to their home in I'ottsville yes
terday after spending the holidays with
Miss Coletta Goeser on Centre street.
Mrs. William Heddensand daughter
Btulah returned last evening from a vis
it in Philadelphia.
Miss Emily Wilkins returned from a
visit in Philadelphia last evening.
Dr. N. M. Smith, of South Danville,
made a trip to Sunbury yesterday
J. L. Shannon, of Riverside, was in
Sunbury jesterday.
Miss Lizzie Miles returned yesterday
to I rsinus College, Collegeville.
Arthur Jones left for Bellwood yester
day after a visit with relatives in South
Miss Lizzie Waite, who has been visit
ing her uncle, John G. Waite on Ferry
street, returned to her home in Ashland
Miss Lou Kaliler, of Williamsport.who
has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward
Pursell on North Mill street, left yester
day for a visit in Bloomsburg.
Charles Fenstermaclier, of Mausdale,
returned to State College yesterday.
Mrs. C. G. Van Alen, of Northumber
land, called on Danville friends yester
Miss Coletta Goeser returned to St.
Ann's Academy, Wilkesbarre, yester
day after spending the holidays at her
home on Centre street.
Edward Shultz returned to Philadel
phia yesterday after a visit in this city.
Edward Dailey returned to the Physi
cians' and Surgeons' College, Baltimore,
Md., yesterday after spending the holi
days with his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs.
Patrick Dailfy on Hemlock street.
Mrs. Harry Johnson, of Wilkesbarre,
returned to her hytyie yesterday after
spending the holidays with Danville
Harry Loeb, of Punxsutawney, is a
guest at the home of Simon Dreifuss on
Mulberry street.
William Keim, of South Danville, left
last evening for Newport News, Ya.,
where he has secured a position in the
ship yards.
Mrs. li. S. Ilarlen, ofScranton, is vis
iting her sister Mrs. D. C. Jones on Mul
berry street.
The Misses Anna Beyer and Hannah
Fry, of Mausdale, returned yesterday
from a visit at Shamokin.
Miss Mildred Coburn, of Sunbury, was
the guest of Miss Grace Ii laud, on Ferry
street yesterday.
Mrs. W. O. DeWitt returned to Har
risburg yesterday after a visit at the
home of Dr. DeWitt, Riverside.
Luther Diehl, of Flat Hock, Ohio, a
former Montour county resident, is the
guest of relatives in this oitv. This is
Mr. Diehl's first visitiu Danville in nine
teen years.
But Mrs. Hartlieb Hid for Five Days Un
der Porch and in Attic.
The mystery of the disappearance of
Mrs. Lizzie Hartlieb was solved Sun
day morning when she was found lying
on the bed in lier room at the home of
Julius Heim, where she was employed
as a domestic. It was supposed that
the woman had drowned herself by
jumping into the river. Instead she was
hiding for over five days and five nights
under the porch and in the attic of the
Heim house, as sbe says,"trying to keep
away from the man who wants to get me
to kill me."
It is believed that the woman is de
mented. She was accordingly placed in
jail and a telegram was sent to her sister
who lives atShepton, Luzerne county.
Nothing was seen of the woman since
she retired on Monday night. Sun
day morning about ten o'clock Mrs.
Heim carried an apron and prayer book
up to Mrs. Hartlieb's room to place them
with other articles belonging to the wo
man. What was her surprise to find the
woman lying on her bed as unconcerned
as though nothing had happened.
"Why Lizzie! Where have you been?"
exclaimed Mrs. Heim.
"Up there," answered the woman un
concernedly pointing to a small scuttle
hole leading from her room into a little
unfinished attic. No step ladder nor
anything elso on which she could stand
to reach this hole to climb up was in the
room, but a few feet from the hole the
plaster was broken off where she had {
stepped, proving that she had been in
the attic.
When she was questioned, she said
that the first two days and nights after .
she disappeared she was lying under the ;
front, porch of the house, exposed to the j
weather. A window from the basement
dining room opens under this porch. She
says she went out this window early on
Christmas morning and closed the shut-
ters after her. When an examination |
was made, her hat and cape were found |
under the porch where she had used ;
them for a bed. Her clothes and cape
were the only covering that she had
while tiiding and sleeping in this expos- i
ed place. |
The woman says that on Wednesday
night she re-entered the house through ;
the dining room window, went to her i
room and climbed to the attic where she ;
lias sii ce been hiding.
When she was asked whether she had ■
eaten anything, she said that he came
down from the attic on Saturday night j
and got a piece of bread and an apple, j
No sign was discovered of her having;
eaten anything else during the five j
"Open House" Keception and Band Con
cert Well Attended.
A large number visited the Y. M. C.
A. Tuesday afternoon when "open
house"was kept. Much enjoyment was
furnished by the graphophone and
music box, and the new albums of auto
graphs of famous people proved to be
constant sources of interest. During the
afternoon two sides were chosen and
played a spirited basket ball in
the gymnasium. From five to 7:->0
o'clock the ladies of the Auxiliary serv
ed refreshments. At 8:15 o'clock the
concert by Sloes' band was field in the
hall. This was the best attended of any
of the free entertainments that have ,
been held, and it was one of the most
pleasing features of the course. The hall
was crowded and every number on the
ten part program elicited well deserved
Young Boy's Narrow Escape.
Charles McGinley, a twelve-years
old son of J. R. McGinley, who
lives near the fair ground, had a cold
bath and came near drowning while
skating on Mahoning creek Friday
Other boys had skated across the
stream and he thought he could do the
same thing at a point some distance
above the other skaters. He was alone
when he went through at a place where
the water was above his head.
Every time that he tried to climb out
the ice broke, letting him back into the
water. Finally he swam to the other
side of the hole and succeeded in climb
ing out before assistance reached him.
In a short time the boy was around
town, none the worse for his narrow es
Death of a Child.
Celeste, the three-years-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Gearhart, of
Natalie, died at the home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Celeste Gearhart, South
Danville, Monday morning at t\v<>
A week ago last Saturday the child
came with her mother to visit Mr. Gear
hart's mother. On the train she became
sick, and the illness developed into scar
let fever, from which she died.
At the Methodist Churches.
At the St. Paul's M. E. church a pray
er and praise service was held during
the early part of Monday eve, the pastor
Rev. H. C. Hartnan, delivering an ad
dress appropriate to the close of the
Regular watch night services were held
at Trinity M. E. chur hand St. I'eter's
M. E. church, Riverside, addresses be
ing made by the pastors.
Taken to State Hospital.
Mrs, Lizzie Hartlieb was Monday ex
amined at the jail by Drs. Curry and
Barber. They pronounced her insane,
and she was taken to the State Hos
pital. No word has yet been received
from Mrs. Hartlieb's sister at Shepton.
Charged With Committing Robbery in
East Danville.
After eluding the authorities for six
weeks, "Dave" Barrett was lodged in
the Montour county jail at six o'clock
Sunday evening, charged with highway
robbery. He was arrested at Shaino
kin on Saturday evening.
On Sunday evening, November 11,
Thomas Kashner and Ralph Ritter were
held up and robbed by four foot pads on
the Bloom road at East Danville. The
thieves then entered the house of Jacob
R. Cole and robbed him and his niece.
The next morning a warrant was
sworn out for Barrett, who is charged
with being the leader of the footpads
and the one who in each case did the
actual robbing. Before the warrant was
served he got out of town on a freight
train. It was afterwards learned that he
was in Catawissa that day and it was
known afterward that he passed through
town on a Reading freight train on the
next Friday. The police also heard that
he was seen in Milton about a week ago.
Since the crime the authorities of all
the neighboring towns have been keep
ing a watch for the fellow. On Satur
day evening Constable Elias Gottshail,
ofShamokin, who knew Barrett, saw
him entering a saloon. He kept his
eye ou him and summoned Special Offic
er Henry Shovelin. Together the offic
ers arrested Barrett and a fellow who
was with him and who gave his name as
Murphy. Murphy is still held in jail at
Shamokin until the authorities can learn
whether he is wanted anywhere. The
local authorities, from the description,
say that they know of no charge against
him. Cons able Gottshail brought Bar
rett to this city yesterday afternoon.
When asked at the jail wheie he has
been since leaving Danville, Barrett re
plied : "Oh, every where." Hecameto
Shamokin on Saturday from Mahanoy
Bloomsburg Defeated.
One of the best basket ball games ever
played in Danville was that at the Ar
mory Tuesday evening between the local
team and Bloomsburg players. At two
minutes of the end of the game the
game was tied, and half a miuute before
time was up Gaskins made a goal from
the field, winning for Danville with a
score of 17 to 15.
A dispute over the rules threatened to
stop the game just before the end of the
first half, but the Danville players gave
into Bloomsburg and agreed to leave
out "dribbling."
At the end of the first half the score
was six to two in Bloomsburg's favor.
I'.otb teams played fast ball. The teams
lined up as follows:
Danville. Bloomsburg.
Bedea Attack Quick
Gaskins Attack Moore
Newba ker Center M. Lewis
Sechler Defense Holmes
Oberdorf Defense E. Lewis
Summary:—Goals from field: Bedea,
3; Newbaker, 1; Scchler, 2; Gaskins, 2;
Moore, 4; Quick, 2; E. Lewis, 1. Goals
from foul, Bedea, It E. Lewis, 1, Re
feree, Diehl, Danville; umpire, Rick
ard, Bloomsburg; time keeper, Housel.
Time. 20 minute halves.
Following the game a well attended
dance was held at the Armory. Music
was furnished by Metherall's orchestra.
It was'y enjoyed until an early
hour Wedneday morning.
Nearly Asphyxiated.
Coal gas from a heating stove came
near claiming two victims on Cooper
street early Thursday morning. The
timely discovery of the situation prob
ably saved the lives of Mrs. William
Gaflney, of Mahanoy Plane, and her
sister-in-law, Miss Minnie Gaffney, of
Philadelphia. As it was both women
were very sick, but they had about re
covered last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gaflney
and their baby and Miss Gaffney spent
Christmas with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Gaffney of No. 104 Coop
er street. On Wednesday night the
young women and the baby slept to
gether. A register in their room open
ed from the "double-heater" stove in
the sit tins? room below. On retiring the
family unintentionally left a door of this
stove open and the draughts turned the
wrong way.
About five o'clock Friday morning
the young women were awakened by
the baby. Both of them had bad head
aches and a queer feeling which they
could not understand. They also wond
ered what caused the horrible taste in
their mouths.
When Mrs. Gaffney got out of bed she
was so dizzy that she could hardly stand
and when Miss Gaffney arose she at
once fell to the floor. Although she was
nearly unconscious, Miss Gaffney then
realized what was the matter and suc
ceeded in shutting off the register.
Other members of the family were
alarmed and means were at once taken to
relieve the sufferers. Dr. l'aules was
summoned ami soon had the young wo
men on the road to recovery.
The baby was more covered by the
bed clothes so that it did not inhale so
much of the gas, an I it was not very
sick. But it was enough affected so
that it cried and woke up the others.
Gademann Pitner.
At noon I uesdav, A. George Gade
mann, of Philadelphia, and Miss Jeunie
Pitner were married at the home of the
bride's mother in Bixerside. The Rev.
Wade W. Ilartuian, of Freeland, a cous
in of the bride, performed the ceremony
in the presence of the family. After a
wedding dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Cade
maun left for Philadelphia, Washington
and Baltimore. They will reside in
Council Paid Up Borough's Bills for the
The Council closed up the Borough's
finances for the century at the special
meeting last evening. President Kem
mer and Councilmen Vastine, Amesbury
Fetterman, Goldsmith, Jones, Deutsch,
Sechlerand Brandt were present.
Chief Butler's annual report for the
fire department showed that during the
year there were six firescntailing a total
loss of $44,415.
The report of Chief of Police Mince
tnoyer shows that during the year four
teen offenders, convicted before Justice
of the Peace Hunter, paid fines of SB6,
and twenty-three,convicted before Just
ice Bare, paid fines of $lO4, with several
fines unpaid.
All bills against the borough were or
nered paid, and after the meeting Trea
surer Harry Ellenbogen paid cash to all
debtors presenting their claims. The
bills ordered paid were: •
Rossman & Son SIO.OO
Montour American 3.50
Dr. C. Schultz 12.00
B. B. Brown 27.50
Chief Engineers salary $52.00
Executive Board 25.tK)
Fire Department appropriation.. .150.00
Regular officials, $82.40
Hegular employes 7.05
JohnG. Brown 17.55
George F. Reifsuyder 1.88
A. H. Grone 70
Standard Gas Co 4.00
Standard Electric Light Co 467.50
K'gular employes $123 16
Sam A. McCoy 20.00
Employes, on annex 152 91
Frank Schram 6.15
Penna R. K. Co 2.65
John G. Brown 4.00
P. & R. freight 60
A. C. Amesbury 127.05
11. K. Moore 17.98
A. H Grone 5.00
Standard Gas Co 7.40
Be view of the Century.
A brief review of the notable advances
of the nineteenth century in different
departments were the features of the
meeting at the Grove Presbyterian
church Monday evening.
The Rev. Dr. W. A. McAfee presided.
At the tear of the pulpit was draped a
large American flag, over which was the
inscription 1800-1900.
Prof. J. C. Houser read an interesting
paper on the "Progress in the Natural
Sciences." He interestingly described
the discoveries of geologists, chemists,
philosophers, meteorologists,electricians,
physiologists and anatomists, and the
applied uses that have been made of
their discoveries.
Mr. Theodore F. Patterson gave an
interesting account of the advance in
the art of iron making, from the days of
charcoal furnaces in which 1£ tons of
pig iron was made in a day to the im
mense furnaces at Duquesne turning
out 600 tons a day. The puddling fur
nace, he said, has seen its day, al
though it will probably be used for years
to come for certain purposes, just as the
old charcoal furnaces are still operated
to a limited extent. In this connection
he stated that the puddling furnaces of
the Reading Iron company in this city
now employ more men than any other
puddling plant in the world.
E. S. Gearhart, Esq., gave an extend
ed review of the political advancement
or retrogression of all nations during the
century, treating of the advance of Eng
land, Germany, France, Russia, Japan,
Africa and all of the American republics
and the manner iu which Italy, Greece,
Turkey and China have either stood
still or gone backward.
Prof. R. H. Wilson gave a brief ac
count of the Literary advancement of
the century, telling of t-ome of the most
notable writings of the time.
Mr. F. M. Gotwalds read ail interest
iug historical sketch of Danville for the
past 100 years, telling of some of the
most important events that have mark
ed the growth of the town from a small
A Successful Entertainment.
The children's holiday entertainment
at Salvation Army hall on New Year's
eve was a success. The hall was well
tilled. The recitations and songs by the
children were well rendered. Prof.
presided at the organ. Charles
Shelliart sang a solo. The Riverside
choir furnished several selections, Santa
Claus was on hand to distribute candy
and gifts for the children of the Sunday
school. The Jr. Sergeant Major gave
prizes to those who have been most re
gular in attendance. After the enter
tainment a watch-night service was held
which was well attended.
Improvements at Beading Station.
Improvements will probably be begun
at the Reading station today which
will relieve the crowded condition of the
office at that place. Partitions will be
removed, throwing two closets at the
rear into the main office, adding consid
erably tot lie room for the use of the
clerical force. This room and Agent
Foust's private office will then be re.
painted ad ling greatly to the appear
ance of the place.
Mrs. Heckendorn's Death.
Mrs. James lleckendorn died sudden
ly yesterday morning at her home,
Toby Run Hollow. She was fifty-two
years old and is survived by her hus
The office of the AMERICAN ueuig
furnished with a large assortmert
of job letter and fancy typ* and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
OfaftKlnds and Descrption.
[3F"Get our prices before place
your orders.
Snapped at Everything he Gould Beach-
Killed by Howard fields.
The mad dog that bit several other
canines at Toby Hun Hollow on Sunday
morning; was killed at four o'clock that
afternoon about three miles below this
city. It is known that he bit about
fifteen dogs during his mad career. How
many more animals might have been
bitten is a matter of conjecture. Hut it
would be well for the owners of all dogs
in this vicinity to watch tbem carefully
for the next two weeks.
After he was seen to bite five or six
dogs at ioby Hun, the dog disappeared
from that vicinity about eleven o'clock.
A little over an hour later the dog pass
ed through this city, snapping at every
thing that he saw. He was seen to bite
several dogs near Koger->' store 011 Kast
Front street. He came down Front
street and finally passed from town
along the river bank. At the corner of
Front and Pine streets he was seen to
bite three dogs.
l'rank Hoss, who lives at the corner
of Water and Pine streets, seeing the
strange actions of the animal, secured a
gun and followed him. Some distance
below town another dog was bitten and
neai the water tank two small dogs were
snapped at as they were playing along
the tow path.
W hen near Lloyd Lambersoo'a place,
Mr. Hoss shot at the animal three times
across the canal, crippling it with one
shot. In spite o» that the dog continu
ed down the tow path. Near Chulasky
cinder tip he bit two dogs belonging to
Mr. Lamberson, who followed him across
the fields to the Kase farm. There the
farmer, Howard Fields, joined the chase
with a gun. He shot the animal five
times before he fell. Two more shots at
close range ended the dog's career.
The animal was a large, rough haired,
ugly looking brute weighing sixty or
seventy pounds.
Mr. Lamberson immediately killed
one of his dogs, and he has penned the
other one up to keep it for ten days or
more. All dogs that were bitten should
either be killed at once or securely fast
ened and muzzled until all danger of
hydrophobia is passed. It has also been
suggested that the city authorities
should keep a close watch, ready to take
summary measures should any of the
dogs of the city develop the rabies.
Reason for Poor Scores at Mausdale Gun
Glub's Shoot.
A number of Danville sportsmen at
tended the Bhooting match of the Maaa
dale Gun Club at Mausdale New Year's
Day. In the live pigeon shooting low
scores were made because of the lively
birds released from the traps.
Iu shooting for ten birds each, H.
Phile killed seven; A. Fry, three; C.
Lawrence, seven; A. H. VVoolley, six,
and A. Lawrence, six. At nine birds
each, D. Wise killed one; William T.
Speiser, six; J. Snyder, two; William E.
Lunger, five, and Frank Cocbell, one. A.
Kobison killed one out of four;D. Evans
three out of four and J. Evans one out of
At the blue rock traps, with fifteen
targets each, A. H. Woolley broke ten;
H. Phile, nine; C. Lawrence and A. Fry
seven each and A. Lawrence, twelve.
Church Starts Century Well.
At the annual meeting of the Pine
Street Lutheran church Tuesday even
ing, Samuel Werkhei6er and D. S. Bloom
were re elected elders for two years and
Joseph H. Johnson was elected for one
year to fill the unexpired term of the
late George Unger. F. G Schoch and
W. Swartz were re-elected deacons and
Joseph Breidenbaugh and W. E. Kase
were re-elected trustees.
Reports from the three special funds,
started at the beginning of 1900, show
that $l6O was realized from the ten cent
a week fund; $67 from the Ladies' Dollar
Club, and $45 from the penny a day
The new century starts with the church
in excellent financial condition, all run
ning expenses paid aud the largest bal
ance in the treasury ever held at the be
ginning of a year.
Children Did Well.
The children's entertainment given in
the Y. M. C. A. Thursday evening under
the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary was
thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The
children performed their parts with
credit both to themselves and the ladies
who drilled them.
The program consisted of a tableau by
children, arranged by Mrs. James Scai
let; song by a chorus of small boys;
kindergarten exercises by Miss Cora
Ease's class; motion song, "Song of the
Lilies," by four little girls; vocal duet by
Ethel Foust and Ethel Haring; recita
tion.'Christmas Dream," Harry Schoch;
song by Saul McCoy; recitation,"Grand
ma's Land," Florence Trumbower.
Thanks from the Committee.
The committee of arrangements for
Monday night's demonstration met Tues
day night to settle up the accounts. All
bills were approved and they were paid
Wednesday. A resolution was adopted,
thanking the members of the bands and
drum corps, and all those who partici
pated in the parade and helped to make
thw demonstration a success.
Will It Reach Him.
Among the letters recently sent out by
young men from the Y. M. C. A., re
questing the autographs of famous peo
ple was one addressed to
Philippine Ulandi.