Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, November 15, 1900, Image 1
Hob Paper —For tie Home The circulation of this paper is in creasing rapidly. It will pay you to advertise in the AMERICAN. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEfllj DR. IRVIXG H. JENNINGS, DENTIST. Office Hours 9A. 12, .1/ 10i MiU St., IP. 4P. 31. Danville, Pa. «HVLTZ, M. D. 425 Mux ST., DANVILLB, PA. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines a Specialty W. P. AJiULK, DENTIST OFFICE: 218 MILL STREET. Teeth Kxtraet»»U without I'aiu. Crown anil Itr-ldge Work a Specialty. Equipped with the latent and most Improved instruments and prepared to execute the iwoft difficult work. DR. C. IL REYNOLDS, (FORMKItLY OP CATAWISSA). Offioe, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa Dentistry in all its branches. Charge Moderate and all work Guaranteed. Established 1893. CONDENSED NEWS. Truancy will soon be broken up. Boats are beir $ put into winter quar ters. The period of frozen roads will soon be here. Glorious winter. Just right for the merchants. It will soon be time to get out the snow shovel. James Lovett is ill at his home on Spruce street. Do you notice how fast Christinas is coming along? Mrs. Margaret Black is ill at her home on Spruce street. W. M. Seidel has received 1,000 bush els of western wheat. Thanksgiving turkeys are being fat tened up by the farmers. The short days of the year are grad ually crawling upon us. Care should be exercised to prevent contagion among the school children. Miss Edith Hunt is seriously ill at the home of D. C. Hunt on West Mahoning street. The Pennsylvania railroad crossing near the J. H. Kase store, South Dan ville, has recently been repaired. Ttoe Junior High school foot ball elev en will play the Riverside team next Saturday afternoon at DeWitt's park. Charles W. Kase is filling the position of day operator at the South Danville station during the absence of John W. Treas. Notices have been posted along the Pennsylvania road stating that the sale of coal to employes of the road will be resumed. The Susquehanna is still falling and the rise caused by the recent rains has gone. There are many rocks to be seen in the stream. Public school teachers of the county are arranging to attend the 35th an nual session of the Institute commenc ing on Monday next. The hunter w hosboots another hunt er in mistake for game has been unnsu ally active this season. There should be a bounty placed on his scalp. The ladies of St. Paul's Methodist Ep iscopal church have made great prepara tions for the chicken and wattle supper at the Salvation Army hall tonight. Don't miss it. Brooke and his famous Chicago Mar ine band, assisted by the great soprano soloist. Miss Harriet Dement Packard, will give a concert at the opera house on Friday evening. A religious census is being taken in Williamsport this week. Many of the churches have furnished a large num ber of enumerators and they are ready for a big week's work. Word was received in Danville yester day stating that Mildred, the youngest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Dimmick, for merly pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church, isseriou9ly ill with scarlet fever at their home in Columbus, Ohio. After years of importuning the peo ple of Harrisburg are about to have a subway beneath the railroad tracks at Market street, a grade crossing that the State Commissioner of railroads said in his annual report was the worst death trap in the State. The barber will add relish to his Thanksgiving dinner this year with the thought that that day ends the foot t ail season and on the morrow he will have "hair cuts" by the score. Foot ball is growing in favor HIHI a* the sport gains 10 popularity the length of the hair of the player and rooter does likewise. The first Sunday in December of each jear is one of great significance to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks It is the day which is set apart and held sacred by the order as the occasion upon which they scitter blossoms of memory over the tomb of their departed dead and upon which they conduct their "Lodge of Sorrow." The success of Brooke and his famous Chicago Marine Band has been the wonder of all who know the facts. It is the only band ever organized outside of New York City to make a success of con cert tours and to actually draw the peo ple in large numbers, where there is a direct charge to hear the music, and there is only one New York band Which can be considered as a competitor in this respeet. Two concerts will be given in Panville tomorrow. "THIS COt'NTRY WII.L NEVER HE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OP ITS OWN DEMANDSWITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 4,j-NO 4<i. HIGHWAYMEN AT EAST DANVILLE Robbed Three Men And a Womau Sunday Evening. The hold-up occurred about six o'clock. Thomas Kasfiner, the first victim, was held up in the street by the ring lender of the party who searched his pockets and took twenty-five cents from him. After robbing Mr. Kasbner they ran him at the point of a revolver over the hill beyond town. After they left him Mr. Kashner went around through the woods and returned to give the alarm. After leaving Mr. Kashner the men went to the house of Jacob R. Cole, a farmer about eighty years old. Three of them remained outside the yard, while the leader of the gang went in, pointed his revolver at Mr. Cole's niece and ord ered her to get her money for him. "1 haveu't any money," protested the frightened woman. "Yes you have got SO,OOO, and 1 want it," ordered the ruffian. The lady promised to get her pocket book and the fellow let her go up stairs. When she came down she found him holding a revolver at Mr Cole's head and searching him. A pocket knife was all that was taken from the old man. Miss Cole gave the fellow her pocket book from which he took the money, seventeen cents. He left the book. As soon as she could MissColeslipped out the back way and hurried to John Krumm's to give the alarm. In the meantime the highwaymen met Ralph Hitter in the toad and ordered him to hold up his hands. The young man supposed they were fooling and did not comply at once, whereupon the lender of the gang sent a bullet past hi* ear. The revolver was held so close that the powder burned his face. Mr. Kitter's hands promptly wen 1 up and his pockets were searched. From him fifty cents and some matches were taken. After robbing Mr. Hitter, the men Started up the street when they met Mr. Krumm, armed with a shot gun, return ing with Miss Cole. As soon as she heard the leader of the party speak, Miss Cole exclaimed : "That's the man that was in our house." Mr. Krumm seized the fellow. By this time quite a crowd had collected, and the other three men were practically un der arrest. "You have no right to hold ine with ; out a warrant. Let me go!" ordered the leader of Mr. Krumm. The bluil worked and Mr. Krumm re leased his hold. The fellow then backed up to the fence, pulled his revolver say- , ing : "If any man lays his hands on me again, I'll put a hole through him." j With that the ruffian started toward town accompanied by his three compan-! ions. To show that their guns were loaded the fellows fired several shots as they ran off. Chief Mincemoyer, learning of the; crime, hurried to the place, but nothing ; more was seen of the highwaymen. All of the men were recognized as I Danville young men. The leader of the party, who was the only one who took [ an active part in the robberies, has fre- 1 quently appeared in Justice's court, j charged with various offenses. tlisi brother, who was with him,and the oth-; er two fellows have reputations nearly j as bad. Preßeuted to Christ Ohurch in Memory of Mrs. Grove. Through the efforts of a number of former members and fritnds of the Sun- j day school class taught by the late Mrs. I Mary Baldy Grove, a handsome memori-! al white marble Altar top was recently presented to Christ Episcopal church. The slab adds much to the beauty of the Altar and the members of the Parish ; are delighted with the gift. The donors were: Mrs Annie Everett,Emuia Crick,Leota Amesburv, Susie Rank, Mary Sidler, Sarah Buckman, and Misses Mary Hoff man, Lizzie Wertman, Matilda Stein brenner and Mrs. A. J. Frick. Several years ago this class presented > the beautiful window on the north side of the building to the church as a mem orial to the late Mrs. Grove. Preparing for Their Team. The improvements to the stable at the rear of the Friendship Hose house on Ferry street are nearly completed. An j addition has been built at the south side of the stable. At the northeast end of the stable two large stalls are j partitioned off for the team which the [ company expects to purchase during I the winter. The space at the south and west is occupied by the two old hand pun ping engines and the new sprinkling wupon. Will Observe PatroDa' Day. Tomorrow w ill be observed as Patrons' or Parents' Day in Miss Madden's de partment of the South Danville school. On that day all parents Mid others in terested in the school are invited to at tend. Miss Madden does not intend to ' have any special "show off' exercises, but the regular recitations will be fol lowed in order that the patrons of the school can see for themselves just how their children are being taught. Drilling for Water. G. W. Densberger has completed the work of lowering the well in the yard of J. 11. Kase in South Danville. He drove a pipe twenty-one feet lower than the bottom of the old well. Yesterday af ternoon Mr. Densberger started toinove his traction engine and drilling machin ery to the farm of Emanuel Sidler, east of Mausdale, where he will drive a well. A DANVILLE. PA.. TIU'RSDAV NOVEMBER 15. 1900. THEIR DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY . Golden Wedding Celebrated By Mr. And Mrs. James Shuitz. Mr. and Mrs. James Shuitz combined anniversaries Mmday by celebrating their golden wedding and Mr Shultz'.- seveutieth birthday. In h'>n .r > events they entertained about ihim five friends at their East Maiket -Uv'- t home Mr. and Mrs. Shuitz were l!: n ents of numerous gii'ts. A ;...v -iijiper was served and an enjoyab <• t-ve.ting was spent by all present Mr. and Mrs. .Shuitz have live son-' and two daughters liviiiL', twentj <: e grand children, and three ?ve:it grand children. The aged couple shi! enj y good health. Those present wire: The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W. 1 S;i n-, Mr. :.iitl Mrs. David Shelhart, Mr aril Mr«. F- M. Gotwilds, Mr. and Mrs. Saniu- • Trunibower, Mr. and Mrs Mi ■haci S;..r-s and daughter Miss Jennie, Mr. a:><! Mr . W. I). Laumaster, Mr. at d Mr<. Dm < ! i Shuitz and daughter Mi.- l ! • , A • • ■>iid Mrs. J M. Shul z and H. S. Shuliz; Mr. and .*.!••- i: < j r k and MitS Martha Kline, ■ 112 - ; and Mrs. William Fisher. < , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Q- Brown, of Bloomsburg; ' i . . ■- steller and Mrs. J. W. E.i Miltor; Misses llettie 1: »«•<■, t i Mover and Edna Berninge r . i. n s V < tine aod Claude Gothic. «>f i ;.i ■ J-1 Friendship lire Company and Eund Fian ning for Fair. The members of Friendship Fire Joirs pany and Band are planning for a fair which they expect to hold about the middle of December. The *.xact date and place for holding the fair have n<> t been decided. The fair will be held for at least oue week and perhaps two. It is the intention to make this an im portant event of the winter. The tner chants of the town will be asked to have exhibit booths and other booths will te in charge of the Firemen for the sale of different articles. Some kind of a good entertainment will be provided fur each evening, the program b.-ir.g changed nightly. The fair will be he'd to raise money to purchase uniforms for the ununiformed members of the Fire Company and the band. The following committees have been appointed to prepare for the fair : General committee —Harry Trunibow er, Julio liussell, John Wake, George Freeze, Harry Fields, Arthur Watkins, William Young, Edward Purpur and J. T. Oberdorf Decorating commit tee —George Freeze Arthur Amesburv, Edward Ivlenbogen, Charles Mills and Walter Keller. Committee on Exhibits—Harry Fields, E. F. Williams, Edward I'urpur and John Bruder. Contest committee —W. J. Williams, Walter Russell and Keely Ream. Advertising commit tee —John Yastine, John Waite and Harry Ba.isch. Heat committee —Harry Rupp, Harry Saunders and William Sechler. Light committee—William Roat and O. B. Sweitzer. County Institute. The Pnblic School teachers of Mon tour county will convene in their 35th annual session on Monday next, the 19th inst, in the Danville High school room, and remain in session until Friday noon, the 23rd. The following are the instructors that have been secured:—Dr. Warren Darst Ada, Ohio; Dr. It T. Croswell, Blooins bnrg; Miss Lelia Patridge, Phila., Pa; Miss Helen B. Welsh, Bloomsbnrg and Profs. U. L. Gordy and J. C. Carey. Danville. The Directors of the County and as many of the citizens as can, are cordial ly invited to attend on Thursday after noon. Able addresses will be delivered at that time. The program during the week will be varied, interesting and in structive. Owing to the fact that all schools in the County must be closed during the week of Institute, all the teachers are expected to be present. The Institute committee has arranged with the Y. M. C. A. Course and all the teachers will be given a ticket to attend the opening number on that course on Wednesday evening the 21st. Dr. Darst will deliver his lecture, "I the Heir of All the Ages'' on Thursday evening. A good time'is expected. Copper Work Completed at Castle Grove Mansion. After working for several seasons the coppersmiths employed at Castle Grove have about completed their work and will return to New Yjrk on Satur day. During the five years work the mansion roof has been covered with copper and copper spcuth g has been introduced on ail parts of the building. Copper rc fi:g is intricate Piid te dious work, it being put on in pieces eleven by twelve inches in size. All of the pieces have to beseamedand solder ed to prevent leakage This roof is the only one of the kind in th'.s section and it is thought, that it will outwear the building. The workmen who leave on Saturday are James Brown, Joseph Hoy, George Wilson and Henry Lutz. Successful Hunters. Martin il.Schram, F. S. Miller, Will iam E. Lunger, and Howard Lunger re turned to town last evening with fifteen quails and two rabbits, the result of the day's hunt. DANVILLE WAS DEFEATED In a Hotly Contested Game of Foot Ball Saturday Afternoon. j Shamokiu twelve, Danville nothing, j Briefly told thnt is thestury of the ineei ii»U'!i! ; in and Danville High | *(s'u'ol elevens ■ : DeWitt's park on Sat j unlay i tin' I'air :I : <- boys I'etl much more ; | elated th. th; <: >ie mi'jht indicate,be- j i cause the. I.ept their ' pponenls down i better ;!• ■■ they expected. They knew j ' before the faiirj that they were out-! e'a j M.<\ l-ir ■ i ey made the Shamokin boys v.! r ; i r ihe points. Thet.vo te:i:is wer- about even in wei'iht, but Win vis'tor bowed the re sult ef more <xp rience and training, j They outplayed Dan.illt's both io ro s'slance and liisi bnekir.g. The kept the hall most of the tinu and only once, except on the I;i• rtt, were ihe local b->va nl.le to get the pig akin into the vi.-itois' terriloi •. Must of the .dv inces were made by ! ► iii I push-1 hro igh-and-pile-up t.:c iis, litii few good j.un> hei"g accouiplirhtd. !':-hs.-r : lid Guihie.-U'vee led in gettn g • ". in'.:! the ends twice in the first ho.i'. • « i!hie's inn giving Kh: mokin a forty rd gain. Becau-e of this Dcugheity < substituted for Kdniundson at right <. lin thesecoiid half. Gothiegotaround the end i a-a goud run in the second Phillips was ihe only "r e whose in jaries were not easily reuie lied by a lit tle rubbing down" He was at the bot tom of a general piie-up near the end of i the first half and when the human i>v: :i --m.d was dissolved it was fouu 1 that , some one had stepped on his face,badly • daziug him and breaking off his I wo up- ! per front teeth, llepluckily played out the game and kicked the final g' a', s.l- ( though much of the time lie was s > daz- j ed that he played mechanically rather than with an understanding of what he was doing. Fischer made a touch l down for Sham okin in each half, followed each time by u goal kicked by I'hiliips. Twenty minute halves were played. i The line-up of ihe te ;us was as fo!- ! lov^: DAS VI U.K. POSITIONS. SHAMOKIN. Eenstermacher... L. E Gothic Jc.mes L. T Cordwell Angle L. O Felix Gas-kins C Farrow- Bailey R. <• U.ii r Coruian R. T Phillips Edmoudson .. ) ~ ~ ' Dougherty.... } R K I-i>cher Lunger Q. It Sinister i McClure R. 11. 1! Shipe Maiers, Capt L. 11. 15.. .Powell, Cap't Montague F. 15 Thompson Referee, Welch, Shamokin; umpire, Diehl, Danville; time keepers, Oglesby and Gothie; linesmen. Dr. Angle and , Tasker. Eev. H. C. Harrnan Hopes to Organize : One Here. A movement is on foot in this city to establish a pastors' association or mini sterium, the object of which is to bring Ihe pastors of all the churohe- intoclos- ' er harmony and relationship with each other. If the organization is formed a meet ing will be held each week for the dis cussion of any topic assigned to an in*; dividual 1 y the program committee. The Rev. 11. C. Harman, who has suggested this movement, will make a strenuous ettort to perfect it as soon as he is le:- , ter acquainted with the situation, lie states that many cities and towns have organizations of this kind and that they are all successful in promoting a good fellowship and harmony among the clergymen. Mr. Harman hopes to se cure the hearty co-operation of every pastor in the city. And His Small Cousin May Lose Sight of an Eye. As the result of being struck with a stone, Reuner Diehl, the six-year old son of Wallace Diehl, of Deny township, may lose the sight of his left eye. Sunday morning the boy was play ing with his cou-in Wallace Diehl near his home, about a mile from Strawberry j Ridge. Wallace threw a s one at Ren- > ner, striking liiui on Ihe left eye.-cuttiug j the lid and knocking him down. Upon regainging his feet the hoy was j unable to see. He was taken to Washing- j tonville where Dr. J. I'. Hofi'a treited him. The physician stated that the chances i were about even for a restoration of the sight. - - j Will be Maid-of-Honor. Miss Gertrude Kase left Wednesday j morning for Bingbamton, N. Y., where ! she will act as maid-ol honor at the wed- 1 ding of Miss Gertrude Morgan and i Harvey Bennett, which will occur on ! Thursday, November 22. Miss Morgan is well known in Danville, having spent several months last summer in visiting Miss Kase. To guard against the possibility of ac cidents, fast freight conductors on the Lackawanna railroad have been request ed to give special attention to heavy long timbers and structural iron work that is likely to shift on a curve. This season's exhibit of Chrysanthe- I mums at local green-houses was the fin est we have ever seen. There is noth ing in the floral realm which has found more admirers than has this (lower. Chris. E. Stegmaier, of Wilkesbarre, well and favorably known to many Dan ville citizens, was married at Wilkes barre yesterday, the bride being Miss Nellie Hess. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. j Brief Mention of ths Movement of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Harry White, of Kansas City, Mo., spent yesterday with friends ill this city. 1 Mr. White is visiting Lis uncle, John j Piinerat Union Corners. The Rev. John Urier, of Brooklyn, N. ; Y., is a guest at the home home of I. X. ; Grier Esq., Bloom street. James Cornelison, who lives near Cat- j • awissa, was in Danville yesterday. Mrs. S. A. Yorks left yesterday for a trip to Philadelphia and New York. Richnrd Jenkins returned to Tyrone yesterday after a visit with relatives in ! | Danville. Frederick Ream spent yesterday in Sunbury. Miss Anna Williams and guest Miss ' j Annie Ilignton, of Philadelphia, visited i friends in Milton yesterday. ! Mrs. M. Steans returned to MilHin burg yesterday after a visit with her son , the Rev. DrW. I. Steans,East Mahoning I street. J. S. Jones, of Williamsport, trans- j acted business in town yesterday. Albert Levv, of Williamsport, trans- ' acte I busiuess at the State Hospital yes- j ter lay. I County Superintendent W. I). Stein bach, of Limestout ville,was in town yes terday. William Moser, of Deny township,w as | in town yesterday, i C. V. Aiiimeriiian.Esq., left yesterday | for a few days hunting near Williams- ' ; port. ! Mrs. M. Mcllenrv, of Bloomsbure, is a ' guest at the home of E I ward Pentz, on East Maiket street. Mrs. P. 11. Bratton, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mrs. 11. Kaufman on Mill stieet. Miss Nellie Johnson, of Berwick, visit- j td friends in this city yesterday. The Rev. Dr. W. I. Steans went to Mitilinbuig yesterday. | J. R. Williams, of Scranton, transact ed bu-ii e-s in this city yesterday. Abraham Hendricks, of Berwick, was a visitor in this city yesterday, The Rev. Adolpli Meyer spent yester j day in Bloomsburg. Mrs. John Sweisfort and daughter Miss tiussie returned last evening from a visit in Philadelphia. The Misses Carrie and Lou Carr, of ; Sunbury, visited Danville friends last evening. J>r. 14. E. Johnson, of the Stale Hos pital, returned last evening from Pliila • delphia Mr and Mrs. Oscar Brandow returned to Wilkesbarre yesterday after a few j days' visit at the home of Charles Am- i I merman, South Danville. Miss May Miller, of Mt. Carmel, is j visiting relatives in this city. Miss Mary Waters, of Williamsport, is visiting relatives in this city. Miss Ada Bailey is visiting friends in i Pliiladel phia. Mrs. E Iward Pentz returned on Sat urday evening from a visit in Williams- ' i*ort. Mrs. J. V. Wilson is visiting relatives in Williamsport. Mrs Ida Biddy returned on Saturday from a visit in Lewisburg. Mrs. W. C. Flick and daughter Miss Bessie, of New York, are guests at the j home of Mrs. E. M. Frick, West Market sheet. Miss Maine Lee left onSaturdav even ing for a business trip to New York. Miss Jennie Smith, of Milton, spent j Sunday with friends in this city. Mrs. Robert Johnson, who has been visiting relatives in this city, returned I to her home in Harrisburg on Satur- 1 day. Mr. Henry R Kreider, of the Reform- j ed Theological Seminary,Lancaster,who preached at the Shiloh Reformed church Sunday morning, was the guest of the Rev. George Limbert while in this city. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of I Williamsport, spent Sunday at the | home of Andrew Russell on Mulberry ! street. Mrs. Christian Loeh is visiting rela- ' I tives in Scranton. j J. J. Newman spent Sunday evening ! with Sunbury friends. Miss Mary Law spent Sunday among ! Northumberland friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Slartzell spent ! SundavinSunbury. I Mrs. Harry Schick is visiting friends in Sunbury. I Miss Sadie Kemp, of Elmira, N. Y., is ' ! the guest of Miss Myra Bowers, Bloom street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Batisch, of Will iamsport, are visiting relatives in Ibis , city. Mrs. Annie Haupt is visiting relatives j in Williamsport. Miss Jennie Mullen is visiting friends j in Plymouth. Mrs. Harriet Jones visited Blooms burg friends yesterday. Mrs. George Cromley left yesterday j for Philadelphia where she will undergo an operation at the Philadelphia Ilospi- j tal. James Mottern, of Beach Haven, call- j ed on Danville friends yesterday. Harry Ellenbogen and John M. Geise ! were in Catawissa yesterday afternoon, j C. S. Reimard, of Williamsport, was a visitor in Danville yesterday. GIVE THEM ONE MORE CHANCE School Boaid Considers Cases of Parents Who Encourage Truancy. Numerous discussions characterized j the meeting of the School Board Monday ! evening. President Fischer and Direc- I tors Barber, Green, Orth.Keefer, Bergen Werkheiser,Curry, Eenstermacher,Lung er and Harpel were in attendance. Auditing of bills led to the first dis cussions and several claims were referr j ed back to the committee without being audited. The request of Harry Swank's father for the transfer of his son was granted and the boy was ordered transferred j from the Second to the Third ward j Grammar school. The request was granted for the use of the High school room next week for ! the County Institute. Prof Ream of the night school asked j that better light be furnished and that | water be introduced into the room. I A resolution was passed directing the i Third ward janitor to ring the first bell j for the night school at 7:15 o'clock and I to open the doors for the admission of ! pupils at, that time. j Permission was granted to Prof. Cary to use a few supplies from the High I school for experiments before the Y. M. C. A. The discussion about keeping the night school open during Institute week was settled reference to the State I law, which specifies that no school un- I der public authority shall be kept open during Institute week. Truant Officer Young's report brought out the fact that several parents encour | age their children to stay out of school. A resolution directing the arrest for such i lion compliance with the law, of one ' father was rescinded; but it was decided that after the next meeting an example ; will be made by the arrest of any par ents who fail to comply with the law in this respect. Superintendent Houser's report show ed a total attendance during the month 1,149; average daily attendance, 1,003; • per centage of attendance, 90; number , of pupils not absent during the year to i date, 279; number not tardy, 087; num ber absent during the month, t)47;tardy, j ' . r >3.'s; left school, 28. I The bills ordered paid were: I Leniger Bros $22.25 Reading Fire Brick Co 1.18 C. P. Hancock 00 Henrie Bros 4.00 William E. Young 7.50 Charles Chalfant 50.00 Emery Shuitz 1.05 U. S. Express Co 1.15 Standard Electric Light Co 00 ( R.H.Morris 3.00 ! Edward Corman 1.75: American Book Co 11.52 j Ginn& Co 21.00 A. 11. Grone 7,45 T. J. Price, Postmaster 2.00 J.H.Cole 2 34 | D. C. Williams 4 &0 Effort to Reorganize Association After Three Years' Inactivity. An effort is on foot for the re-organiza tion of the High School Alumni Associa tion which has been in a state of in nocuous desuetude for the past three years. While the organization was inactive operation, it was found to be of much benefit in promoting good fellowship and keeping in existence a fraternal feeling between alumni of the school. It is desired to reorganize the associa tion on much the same lines as those on which it was formerly conducted. In addition to the fraternal benefits to be derived, the alumni would probably give a banquet to the graduating class as formerly and have a member of the association deliver an address to the class at graduation. About 150 alumni of the school live in Danville and it should be possible to or ganize a strong association that would be of much benefit in promoting inter est in the school. Several of the men who were before prominent in the association are striv ing to accomplish its reorganization. Attempted to Enter Residence of Rev. F. S. Yought, of Riverside. The gang of burglars which has recent ly operated at Riverside is still "open for engagement." Their last attempt was at the residence of the Kev. F. S. N ought, Avenue G, on Saturday night. Mrs. Yought was awakened by the men who were working at a south window. She called to her son and about the same time the dog in the house began to bark. The noise evidently frightened the fellows away. Investigation showed 'hat the burg lars had attempted to cut out a pane of glass in the window at which they were working. The members of this gang are evidently acquainted in the vicinity. | From their recent operations it would seem that they keep watch anil visit j houses from which they think the men are away. Employes Were Fa id. Treasurer C. 15. Elter, <>! Philadelphia, | came to Danville .Monday and paid off I all the employes of the Danville Rolling mill and settled the taxes. It is expected that work will be re sumed at the mill within a few weeks. ' The men who now control the mill will j be largely interested in the re-organized j company which expects to operate the j Danville mill and several of the plants controlled by C. R. Baird & Co. It is intended to capitalize this company at 1 £3,300,l)0o. ESTABLISHED IX 1855. (GRAND FLORAL i DISPLAY I _ Private Chrysanthemum "Show" at Castle Grove Conservatories. I j This is one of the showy months at I the conservatories at Castle Grrove. The large display of numerous other kinds | of flowering plants is re-inforced by 1 what experts have declared to be one of i the finest displays of chrysanthemums 1 in the United States. A young woman who went through ihe conservatories yesterday said that ! she has attended chrysanthemum shows in New York and other large cities, but has never seen such fine flowers an those i at Castle Grove. j As the visitor enters the large chrys : anthemum house, he first beholds a 1 phalanx of immense white blossoms such as no Fifth Avenue swell can sport, j "They are as large as cabbages" is the wsy in which one person described their | size. Beyond them is a variegated dis i play of every known shade of chrysan themums, cream, pink, yellow, reds, purples, etc. I Not only are these blossoms of im mense size, but the long and closely curled petals show that they are of the most perfect varieties known to florists. Several of the varieties have been im j ported direct from Europe. | A large box of blossoms was picked yesterday to be shipped to New York to Mrs. Benrett. In addition to the chrysanthemums, the ro?es cf these h uses are, aa usual, profuse and as perfect as can be found any where. During the month of.Sept ' ember 6,000 " American Beauties" were cut, and it is expected that, about as many more will be cut this month. Peculiar Election Bet Boat Kide Through Washingtonville Streets. ! A double celebration of election and a marriage and the paying of a peculiar election bet created amusement for Washingtonville citizens Tuesday night. In this bet it was the winner who was the loser, or who had to do the work, j H. M. Ritter bet on McKinley and William K. Savage bet on Bryan. Both men are employed at N. L. Wagner's 1 creamery. Most of the Washingtonvilleresidents . were on the street at eight o'clock in the ; evening to see the bet paid. A parade was formed headed by a wagon drawn by Mr. Ritter, who was in the thills. In | the wagon was a boat in which rode Mr. , Savage. Following them was a wagon in which was Del. Seidel beating two drums. The parade was from the cream ery to Mrs. Heddens' hotel and return, with a stop at A. L. Heddens' hotel where Mr. Ritter had to treat Mr. Sav age. After the parade George Moser treat ed the entire crowd, to celebrate his marriage, which occurred in Reading about a month ago. Bridge Officer Hale Will Arrest Violators of the Law. Bridge Officer Ephraim Hale makes much complaint about the persistent smoking and fast driving on the river bridge. Mr. Hale says that in many cases he has frequently told men not to smcke, but they persist in doing it, despite the fact that it is against the law and strict ly prohibited by the Commissioners. It is a dangerous practice as a spark from a cigar or cigarette could easily be the means of destroying the entire struct ure. Officer Hale intends to be more rigid with the smokers and fast drivers here after. After the first warning, all ofiend ers will be promptly arrested. Test Tube Exploded. William H. Hoffa, son of Dr. J. P. Hoffa, of Washingtonville, was serious ly burned last Thursday at the Medico Chi. College, at Philadelphia, where he is a student. Mr. Hoffa was at work with other students in the chemical laboratory. The student next to him was heating a solution of chloride of ammonia in a test tube when the tube exploded. The hot liquid struck Mr. Hoffa on the left side of his nose and in the corner of his left eye. In an instant the strong che mical had eaten oil ttie skin with which it came in contact, making a very pain ful injury. He was taken to the accident room of the college where the injury was treated. The attending physicians stated that the sight of Mr. Hoffa's left eye would have been destroyed, had any of the liquid struck him a quarter of an inch more to the left. Bucket Brigade's Work. A bucket brigade extinguished a slight blaze that threatened the buildings in the vicinity of the Blocb residence, No. 3158 Mill street, at 10:30 o'clock Tun day morning. The fire was in a store room at the rear of the residence. Be i fore it was extinguished it burned out a ( window frame, badly scorched the wood work and burned some old clothes. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is suggested that it might have started from an ironing board that had been putin the store room but a few minutes | before the fire was discovered. The iron ing board had just been used and it is j thought that there may have been a ' smouldering smudge in the cloth on the | board. The damage amounted to about S4O, covered by insurance. Up Goes the Tub. j The tub of the Lackawanna railroad , water tank, located near the Beaver j street crossing, is being raised about a foot to conform to the change in grade 1 which has been made at that point. JOB PRINTING The office ol the AMERICAN ueir.g tarnished with a large of job letter and fancy type and job material generally, the Puhlishei announces to the public that he i> prepared at all times to execute n the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Ofall Kinds and Descrption. our prices before place your orders. TO START THE PUDDLE MILL Work Will be Resumed at Howe & Sam uels on NOT. 26. The repairs on the Howe & Samuels puddle mill ure about com pit-led and the furnaces will be lighted on Monday, November 2«. The mill has been board ed up for the cold weather and many other small repairs have been made. The stock will be on hand in ample time for starting. The prospects for the mill running through the winter are good. As one hundred men will be employed at good wages, this means much to Dan ville. This mill has been idle since July, aDd many of the hands have had to find em ployment elsewhere during the summer, but this will give them a welcome op portunity for work for the winter. Ten double furnaces will be operated in the manufacture of low phosphorous muck bar fcr which kind of iron there is now a good demand. To Try Oivil Oases. An adjourned term of County court for the trial ot civil cases will be conven ed at the courthouse next Monday morning. The civil list, that comes up at that time, was adjourned from the October term because of the Winter steeu case, which was expected to come up then. The civil list contains fourteen cases, thirteen of which are damage actions against the Reading Iron Company, growing out of the explosion of a boiler at the Heading Iron works over three years ago. It is be'.ieved that some of these cases will be tried at this term, but it is ex pected that the decisions or verdicts in the first one or two cases will determine whether any more of them will be tried. The first cases on the list are the two of Joseph Baran and Margareta Baran, his wife, who bring suit to recover dam ages for injuries inflicted on Mrs. Baran and the death of their child, caused by the piece of the boiler that was blown through their house. Improvements at the Silk Mill. The uncertainty concerning the result of election, which caused slack opera tion in the silk business throughout the country before election, has gone, and that business is now in a more thriving condition than ever. The Danville Silk mill is feeling the effects of this activity. Every depart ment is now working full time with a full force, and numerous improvements are being made to better facilitate work. The largest pays in the history of the mill are now being made. Additional lights are being introduc ed throughout the mill and in the office and vault. When these improvements are completed 500 lights will be installed in the mill. Several new soaking vats are being built, and a new concrete floor is being laid in the soaking room. Other im provements are being made to give as perfect ventilation as possible through- * out the mill. T Forty-two bales of silk were received yesterday and other shipments of raw ; material are being received daily. , For Union Services. A meeting of the Ministers' Associa ion was held in the parlor of the Y. M. C. A. Monday morning at nine o'clock for the purpose of making arrangements for the Union Thanksgiving services. It was decided to hold the services at the Trinity Lutheran church at ten a. m. The Kev. George Limbert of the Shiloh Reformed church was appointed to preach the sermon. The formation of a ministerium was favorably discussed and au earnest effort will be made to form the association. A committee consisting of the Kev. Messrs. W. I. Steans, D. D., 11. C. Harman and M. L. Shindel, D. D., was appointed to see the ministers, and make preliminary arrangements for the organization. They will report at the next meeting of the clergymen, to be held on Monday, Dec ember 3, at ten a. m. Pastor'B Reception. A reception was tendered to the Rev. H. C. Harman and family Monday even ing by the Epworth Lpague of St. Paul s M. E. church in the lecture room of the church. The following excellent pro gram was rendered: Singing By the choir Prayer Thomas Curry Solo Madge Saunders Recitation Miss Rank Duett Miss Books and MiesCousart Recitation Ethel Woods Solo Miss Bird Singing Choir Recitation W. J. Rogers An address of welcome was made by Mrs. Douglass, which was responded to by the Rev. Mr. Harman. Refreshments were served. Death of Mrs. Gill. Word was received in Danville on Sun day morning of the death of Mrs. James Gill which occurred at her home in Brooklyn, N. Y , late on Saturday even ing. Mrs. Gill was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lee who reside on Nicholas Avenue. She was well known in this city. Visited the Hospital. 11. M. Spalding, of Troy; E. M. Pitch er, of Leraysville; Johu H. Murray Jr., of South Waverly; John Mannix, of Towanda, and William Johnsou, of Leraysville, brought a number of Brad ford county patients to the State Hospi tal yesterday. Mr. Spalding was accom panied by his wife and Mr. Murray by his sister, MissLida Murray.