Home Pajar—— ——For the Hon The circulation of this paper .s in crbw 112 rapidly. It will pay you to ' the AMERICAN. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR McKINLEY WILL BE ELECTED. Be Sure That Every Republican Vote in Your -District is Polled. ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. A MOST DARING BURGLARY Committed at The P. & R. Station Early Saturday Morning. One of the most daring, and well plan ned burglaries ever committed in this city, took place Saturday morning. The Philadelphia and Reading depot office was entered, the operator bound and gagged, the safe blown open, and a sum of money stolen, without the smallest clue as to the identity, or whereabouts of the per]>etrators At nearly two o'clock a south-bound freight train passed the station, and Annon Keiser the night operator, had just reported it, when some one called to him from the baggage room window that "his friend Thomas" wished to speak to him on the platform. Keiser replied saying "I don 't know Thomas and I don't know yon." At that movement the window shutter was rained, and Keiser covered by several revolvers. Several of the men, at once crawled through the window and Keis er was securely bound and thrown into Agent Fonst's rear office. Before leav ing they relieved him of his watch aud about 11.50 in money. They also took his tobacco and helped themselves liber ally, to his lunch. After a number of trials the safe was finally blown open and the money taken. The amount is not known as the officials have refused to make any statement in regard to their loss. It is supposed to have been quite a large .sum, possibly $250. After the robbers had made their es cape, Keiser managed to extricate him self and gave the alarm. The officers and Agent Fonst were soon on the scene but careful search failed to reveal any cine by which the thieves could be trac ed. It was stated Sunday that some money and papers had been found near Catawissa but these reports are entirely without foundation. Mark a cross in the circle at the head of the Republican column, and then your vote will be counted without question. In marking over a ballot the voter is liable to make an error, and thereby his vote is endangered and it may not be counted. H. E. Landis Sentenced. At a special session of court on Sat urday afternoon Judge Little passed sentence on Harry R. Landis who had previously been found guilty of selling liquor on Sunday and of maintaining a slot machine during part of the time he was proprietor of Hotel Oliver. Sentence on the charge of maintain ing the slot machine was with held but on the charge of Sunday Liquor selling, Landis was sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution, a fine of SIOO, and to undergo a term of 30 days imprisonment in the County jail. Death of Fanner Smith. Frederick Smith, one of Montour county's oldest residents died on Satur day morning at Ins home near l.iine stoneville. Death was due to a compli cation of diseases though he hail only been ill about three weeks. Mr. Smith was in his 91st year and was a native of Heading, l'a., moving into this county when quite young, lie was an active member of the Lutheran church, near his home, helping to form that congregation in 1848. Three sons and two daughters survive him. Vote for John (J. Brown for Regis ter and Recorder. He is worthy of the support of all voters and would make a most capable official. Will Locate in Reading. J. C. H. Lynn was in town Saturday evening for a short time while enroute from Philadelphia to Berwick- Mr. Lynn has severed his connection with the Danville Stove and Manufacturing Co., and will locate in Reading where he lias already accepted a lucrative position. itlontcmr American. "THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER P>E ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDS WITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 45—MO 44. DEATH OF JOHN REBMAN j Occurred Monday Evening at His Home on East Front Street. After a lingering illness of over a 4 month's duration. Councilman John ; Rebman died Monday night about quar * ter past 0 o'clock. About live weeks ago I an attack of liver trouble confined Mr. i Uebman to his bed. He improved slight ; ly after several days but a little later i another and a more severe attack over t iok him and until the end came Monday I night he suffered greatly. I The deceased was born in Stuttgart, [ Germany, on Jan. 3,1847. When he was [ a lad of thirteen became to this country ■ and for some time was engaged in fol i lowing the barber's trade after which he traveled with many of the leading cir cuses including Forepaugh's, Robison's, Gardner's and Stoke's as an acrobat. While with the latter he made a trip to Kurope and was billed as the special at traction. □ About this time he introduced the double soiner-sault to the world and won great fame on that account. After tra veling through Ilrazil and Cuba he located in this city and engaged in the liquor business with Simon Krebs. In 1887 he became a traveling salesman for F. P. Dilley & Co., of Philadelphia, and for the past thirteen years has continu ed to represent that tirm in this section of the State. The deceased is survived by a wife and three sons, Fred, of Youngstown, ()., Harry, of Philadelphia, and Samuel, of this city. Mr. Rebman was an industrious and warm hearted man and a good citizen and had many friends in this city and throughout the State. He was a mem ber of Danville Lodge.No. 510, F. and A M., Lodge No. 109, I. O. O. F., and at the time of bis death he was a member of the Borough Council. If you want a good Associate Judge, vote for Robert Adams. First Game of the Season. The first basket ball game of the sea son in this city will be played on the Armory floor, election night, Nov. •>, when the strong team representing the Bloomsburg wheelmen will line up against the local five. The Danville play ers are doing considerable in the way of practice, putting in an hour every day, and will be in good shape to put up a rattling game. The locals have been circulating a pap er soliciting subscriptions in order to de fray necessary expenses incidental to organizing and equipping a team and are meeting with a generous response from the public. Mahanoy City, Bucknell University, of Lewisburg, and All Collegiate, of Philadelphia, have applied for dates and will likely appear here early in the sea son. v (Jet out every Republican vote for the whole Republican ticket. Entertained at Pilgrim's Rest. Dr. S. Y. Thompson entertained a party of friends Monday afternoon at Pilgrim's Rest, his country home. In the party were: A. M. Gearhart, J. M. Kelso, Levi Sechler, J. 15. Gear hart. James Riehl, Robert Adams, Rich ard Eggert, Robert Callicart, Dr. J. J. Kline, W. (4. Kramer and Thomas C. Curry. Butter milk in large quantities was consumed and on their return the guests wore a contented expression which be tokened much in favor of the culinary department of the "farm." Attendance Increasing. The attendance at the night school is still increasing. At the session Friday evening, ten new pupils were taken in making a total of 120 pupils to date. The question of providing for the large ■ number of pupils will be taken up by the Board of Education at a special i meeting, which will be called during the week. Copyright, 1M», by Charles A. Gray. v PRESIDENT M'KINLEY. j DISMANTLING THE BESSEMER MILL. The work of ntlin<; the Bessemer mill, previous to its removal to Sault Ste. Marie, was commenced yesterday morning. Sufficient cars for use in the transportation of the machinery hud not yet arrived on Wednesday* so none of it was taken apart but a force of nine men were at work and the lining was remov ed from both the vessels and a greater j part of it from the four large cupolas. Mr. K. 1». Wellman, one of the mem bers of the WellmanSeaver Engineering Company, arrived in town on Tuesday evening and was busily engaged all day Wednesday in getting measurements and other data necessary in order to ' draw up the plans and specifications for there-erection of the plant. Although it was given out that work! on all three mills would be started at once, the rail and angle mills will not be disturbed just at present as the En- i gineering Company desires to get as much as possible of the llessemer mov ed before the rough winter weather sets in. Vote for James ('. Foster. Nominated for Chief of Fire Dep't. At a meeting of the Friendship Eire company held on Saturday evening. First Assistant Engineer John G. Waite was i nominated for theolli - eof Chief Engine er for the coming year. As the Wash ington and Goodwill hose companies, have placed no one in competition this practically endorses Mr. Waite. The I assistants nominated were Edward Fur pur for the Friendshipcompany,Charles 1 Gibbons for the "Washies" and Dallas Hummer for the Goodwill company. The Continentals will make their 110111 . inations next Saturday evening and the election will be held early in December. A vote for C. F. 11 nth lor Congress 1 means a vote for the continuance of prosperity. Foot Ball Game Saturday. Foot ball is daily becoming more pop -4 ular in this city and teams are springing r up in all sections 1 The latest arrivals 011 the gridiron are . two new school teams, one representing 8 the Fourth ward Grammar school and 112 the other the First ward Grammar. 1 These two elevens are matched to play e 011 Saturday next and will line up on the "meadows" below town at L'rliO p. m. DANVILLE, l'A., Til l! I'SDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 15)00. HALLOWE'EN CiAYI'.TI KS Mr«. Webster Foust, Front street, en tertained a ntimber of friends last even ing at a Hallowe'en party. Those seat ed about tlie table at tbe excellent re past which was served were: Uev. L. j D. I'lricli and wife, Mr. 1). C. Daring and wife, Mr. I). (J- Jones and wife, Mr. D. A. Montgomery and wife, Mr. Charles I Bausch and wife, Mr. K. C. Hole and 1 wife, Mr. Thomas Johns and wife, Mr. VVillard Fetterman and wife. Mesdames j Allied Kemmer.J. C. Mincemoyer, Amos Wohlfarth and l'hilip Fotist, and the Misses Marie Fetterman, Ratherine . Kemtner and Irene Lonnenberger. A party of friends were pleasantly en | tertained at the home of Miss May j Fotist, Walnut street last evening. Sup per was served at 11 o'clock: The house was tastefully decorated. Those present ! were: The Misses May James, Aletta Bausch, Maine and Sadie Rear, Mary Rilgus, Maude Freeze, Nellie Schick and Bosa Byerly. Messr*. I'aul Andrews, Isadure Rosenthal, Aunon Reiser, Frank Rear, Roy Smith and Howard Aten, Will Hover and Harry Mitchell, of Ber , wick. Vote for Robert Adams. Attended the Convention, The Seventh Annual Convention of j the Pennsylvania Young Men's Christ , ian Association, which was held in Northumberland, opened its session in j the Presbyterian church at L' .'JU o'clock Friday afternoon. JO. D. Soper, of liar | risburg, made the introductory address.. Kvery Association in thedistrict was rep resented and much interest was man ifested. At Saturday morning's session j General Secretary W. I). Laumaster, of this city, conducted the Bible reading. Mr. Laumaster also conducted the ser ! vices in the Northumberland Methodist • Kpiscopal church Sunday morning. Will Locate in New York, i William Kggert, who for several years past has held the position of book-keep j cr and billing clerk at the oHice of the , s Reading Iron works, has resigned his [ position with that concern and has ac , cepted a position in New York for which , place he will leave in several days. I While in New York Mr. Kggert will study voice cultivation under a noted • instructor. , ; K. VV. Peters will succeed Mr. Kggert i at the Heading works. 112 JOpjrltfht, 1800, by Kockwood, N. V. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. IMPROVEMENTS AT < MLLMEYERS PARK. Alex. Billmeyer expects to make some [ extensive improvements at his beauti- ' ful park near Washingtonville in the ! early Spring. ; i Among otjier things, Mr. Billmeyer M contemplates building a half mile speed ;' | track and one or two fast, horses will be | 1 ; purchased this Fall. Anotherinnovatioii j ' will be the stocking of a pond exclus- j ' ively with gold lisli, There are now 70 \ deer in the park besides an abundance jof small game. All the tish ponds are well stocked and fruit trees are plenti ful. It is wortli an especial trip to those who have never seen this beautiful park. It is an ideal spot. Vote for John (i. Brown. Foot Ball Teams Disagree. The game of foot ball which was to have been played in Milton on Saturday afternoon between teams representing : the Danville llitrh school and the Milton i High school did not come oil on account i ; of a disagreement which arose between i j the two captains over the eligibility of four of the players that Milton had on ■ its eleven. Danville plays a strictly High school team and Milton had previously agreed to do the same hut when the two elevens appeared on the lield Milton had ' four older men who were not "school hoys" by any means and who laid no claim to being so. Captain Maiers protested against this imposition but Milton refused to remove the ineligibles so the Danville team de cided not to line up and the players left ' the field. Considerable disappointment was felt in this city over this failure to play as the result of the game was awaited with much interest. The Republican County Convention i did a wise thing when it nominated i David Ruckel for Sheriff. The peo ple of Montour county will show their . wisdom by electing him to an ofliec j • which he is so well qualified to occupy. A Painful Injury. 1 Charles Seitz while playing with a sis • ter at his home on Railroad street, ' evening, accidentally struck his arm on I the sharp edge of a hatchet which was J lying on the floor, inflicting a painful t flesh wound near the elbow. Dr. l'aules I dressed tlie injury. OBSERVED THEIR ANNINERSARY. Mahoning Tribe No. 77, Improved Order of Bed Men, held a reception and musical at : heir hall in the Lyon's build ing on Saturday evening in honor of their 33rd anniversary. The exercises were opened by the singing of the Visi tation Ode. The Rev. Dr. M. L. Shindel then offered a prayer, after which the following program was rendered: Recitation Miss Olive Rank Recitation Mrs. William Richards Duet Misses Morgan and Trowbridge Selection Oberdorf's Orchestra Recitation Miss Strauss Recitation Miss Lizzie Russell Recitation Harry Bedea Selection Oberdorf's Orchestra Recitation Lulu Rlase Duet.. ■ Misses Morgan and Trowbridge Recitation Annie Bedea Recitation Miss Diehl The Rev. Dr. Shindel made an address appropriate to the occasion, after which refreshments were served. It was a very interesting and delightful evening to all those who attended. Vote for Davit! Ruckel. Work of Company F at Rifle Practice. The season for qualifying with the rifle and the revolver for Pennsylvania National Guardsmen ends today. Range Master Gross has qualified near ly all the enlisted men with the rifle and with the revolver. The men seemed to take special in terest in this work this year and in con sequence thirteen men are first class marksmen and six men are eligible to try for sliar,) shooters. None of the six attempted to gain that distinction and were satisfied to shoot at 200 and 500 yards. The new man silhouette target, being larger, is a great advantage over the old bull's-eye and teaches the soldiers fo shoot low, which is more effective in actual warfare. Next yearC.impany F, will be repres ented in the Regimental matches and hope t'i win out as several of the men, with a little more practice, will be able to ma'.e very good scores. Death of an Infant. Frances K., the three-month-old 1 daughter of Photographer and Mrs. I. C. Lee, died about S o'clock Sunday night at the parent's home on North Mill ; street. She had been ill fur several weeks. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. LAKE SUPERIOR CO'S OFFER ACCEPTED For Bessemer Plant Work of Removing Machinery to Begin at Once. As the result of negotiations which have been carried nn for a number of months by the Consolidated Lake Sup erior Company, intimation of which was given in these columns some time since, j the Danville Bessemer Steel mill and the 1 rail and angle mills have been purchased by the Canadian firm and all the mach inery and equipment will be removed to i Sault Ste. Marie at once. Nothing but the machinery will be taken and the buildings will remain in j tact. The contract tor dismantling the mills, also the moving aud the re-erec j tion of them has been taken by the En- I terprise Construction Co., of Cleveland, I 0., and two of the representatives of | that concern,* Luther A. Roby and D. J. | Carpenter, arrived in town yesterday and expect to start work today. Local labor will be required and no doubt a large force of men will find em ployment for a period of about three months, the time it will likely require to complete the dismantling and removal. Chief Engineer W. H. Munro, of the Consolidated Co.,also arrived here Mon day and will look after the interests of his concern. The Consolidated Co. has large con ! tracts for steel rails to fill for the Canad ian government and has hut a compara tively short time in which to manufact ure them so in order to obtain large grants of mineral and timber lands,every • effort is being made to turn out finished material within the time specified and for that reason is the Bessemer machin ery carried such a great distance. The amount involved in the transaction was ; not given out. It was reported about the city Mon day that the plate mill had been includ ed in the sale, the Canadian officials I themselves being under that impression. | Superintendent Howery stated Monday night that this department had not been sold and that from present indica- I tions plate may be rolled again early in j the Spring. What disposition will be made of the buildings is not definitely known as yet. A large corporation,who for various rea sons do not wish their names mention ed for the present, but who are favor ably impressed with Danville as a man | ufacturing site, were recently repres ented in this city and the buildings at the Bessemer works were examined. ! Should conditions prove favorable an offer may be made to the Bessemer com pany for their purchase,aud an industry | employing a large number of hands may ; soon take the place of the former busy : steel plant. Vote for (J. F. 11 nth. The Tissot Pictures. The authorized reproduction of the famous Tissot Paintings of the life of Christ will be given in the opera house, this city, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, I under the auspices of the Shiloh Reform ed church. The pictures are exhibited by means of the stereopticon and illustrate the actual outward life of Christ amid the sacred scenery of the Holy Land and are the result of ten years of hard labor in Palestine. Admission 25 cents, reserv ed seats 35 cents. Some of the newspapers are agitating the matter of farmers painting their names on their barns, thinking that in terest would be redoubled in a drive over an unfamiliar road where people live whom you know but not their places of residence,and it has been suggested that it would he more interesting for the farmer to add a foot note if he has any marriageable daughters, cross dogs or cider. Remember that you want a man for .Jury Commissioner who is capable, honest and unbiased. See to it that your friends as well as yourself vote for J. F. Patterson. JOB PRINTING The office of the AMERICAN oeing furnished with a large assortmen of job letter and fancy type and job material generally, the Publishei announces to the public that he is prepared at all times to execute in the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of all Kinds and Descrption. : our prices before place your orders. HALLOWE'EN WAS CREATLV_ENJOVED By The Boys and Girls of This City Last Evening. Hallowe'en was observed last night by many of the boys and girls who made things lively in nearly every neighbor hood. The old fashioned "tick-tack" was brought into play. Gates were lifted from their hinges and many people an swered door bells only to find no guests awaiting them. Several masquerading parties could be seen and several Hal lowe'en socials were given. The Hallowe'en superstitions, born hundreds of years ago, are rapidly being forgotten but the sports aud depreda tions still remain. Last night our police force was kept on the trot during the earlier hours in response to appealsfrom residents who were nearly driven to dis traction by the actions of the children, and in a majority of cases their older brothers and sisters. Porches and gates were stolen in numbers and unhoused vehicles were spirited away. At George M. West's hom?, Pine street, the front porch was torn from its fastenings and then a number of the bricks were torn from the pavement and piled in the door way. Prayer meeting service at St. Paul's church was so in terrupted that at one time it was al most impossible to continue. A beam measuring over fifteen feet in length and weighing up in the hundreds was placed on the step in front of Pursel & Mont gomery's store, Mill street. It was simp ly laid there, no particular damage be ing done with it. Lamp black and Hour were freely thrown about and many faces took on an ebon hue and frequently a pedestrian was seen who had the ap pearance of having passed through a severe snow storm. ♦ Vote for J. F. Patterson. I Bi-Oounty U. E. Convention. The Bi-County Christian Endeavor Convention, held at Orangeville {ast Thursday and Friday, was largely.at tended by representatives from the en tire district. From reports read at 'the meetings it is learned that the Society has made wonderful progress in ' its work during the past year. The liev. Houtz, of Orangeville, delivered the ad dress of welcome which was responded to by the Rev. Dr. Hemingway, of Bloomsburg, president of the Conven tion. Miss Sarah Cunningham, of this city, read a report on "Junior Work." The Convention was one to be remem bered for its solid instructions, its fervor and the truth and earnestness which all carried away. The society of the Mahoning Presby terian church was represented by the Misses Elizabeth Russell, Sara Cunning ham, Sara Hinckley and Mrs. M. Mc- Henry. The Voters of Montour should elect Kol>ert Adams by an overwhelming majority. Entertained at Dinner. Miss Ella Snyder gave a dinner to a number of her friends at her home on Grand street yesterday in honor of her 18th birthday. Those present were: Misses Gertrude Philips, Anna Wood side, Cornelia Prout, May Moyer,Beulah Mills, Marv Smith, Mrs. Agnes Snyder, Clyde Snvder and Mrs. Barbara Shultz, of Sunburv. Erecting New Office Building. A new office for the use of Supt. Thomas Price and assistants is in the course of construction at Fiowe and Polk's Structural Tubing works. 11 is a frame structure 14 by lti feet and is being erected at the intersection of Market and Railroad streets. Called to Cincinnati. Mrs. John Murray of the Tommy Shearer company left last evening for Cincinnati, Ohio, in response to a tele gram announcing the death of her father.