Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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    Hone Papr——
—.For k Son
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Ilouns ,
9A. 12 M■ 10 4 Mill St.,
IP. iP. M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the Intent and most improved
Instruments and prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
Mod«rate and ah work Guaranteed.
Established 1892.
If you favor letting well enough j
alone, vote for McKinley and the
whole Republican ticket.
Indian summer.
These are beautiful Fall days.
The river is considerably higher.
"Other Peoples Money" at the opera
house touight.
Sneak thieves are prowling around this
section now. A few doses of cold lead
like young Hughes gave the burglar in
the little town of Cambria the other
night will have a wholesome iufluence.
Samuel Gulick has had a well sunk on
his premises in South Danville. It was
neccessary to drill 83 feet before water
was reached.
The school directors of South Dan
ville have decided to sink a well in the
school yard and work will be commenc
ed today.
Court again convened Saturday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock for the purpose of
considering new and disposing of old
business. It was expected that the de
cision in the case of the Commonwealth
vs. Harry R. Landis for operating a
gambling machine,would be given by the
Court and as a result a good sized crowd
was in the court room. Landis did not put
in his appearance and the Court declar
ed that he had forfeited his recognizance
to be respited on his appearance in
court on Saturday, October 27th, at
which time he is ordered to show cause
why his license should not be revoked.
A charter was granted by the Court to
the Germania Verein club of this city.
Justice-of-the-Peace J. P. Bare was ap
pointed guardian of Laura Shooler, of
Cooper township.
The public phonograph concert given
by Jacob Fry from a second story win
dow above his store on Mill street, Sat
urday evening, was much enjoyed by
many people. The instrument is an ex
cellent one and could be plainly heard
a good distance from the store.
Our merchants are very much elated
over the prospects of good business the
coming winter. Saturday evening they
were very busy.
Paul Dubin who has been seriously ill
at the home of W. H. N. Walker, Fast
Market street, is considerably improv
The committee on arrangements at
Milton, having charge of the entertain
ment of the visiting delegates of the
tenth annual convention of the North
umberland county Sunday School As
sociation, which convenes in that place
on Thursday, Nov. Ist, report that all
indications point to an enthusiatic meet
ing. The session will be held in the
Trinity Lutheran church.
The new M. E. church at Jerseytown
is nearing completion. It is being built
of gray stone and will be. a handsome
edifice when finished.
Daniel Fetterman has broken ground
for a new residence on East Front
Farmers are engaged in husking corn.
The crop is good considering the dry
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beaver have an
nounced the engagement of tbeii daugh
ter, Miss Belle, to Russell Evans Kelly,
of Sunbury.
Tickets are now on sale at Lore's drug
store and Lunger's shoe store for Howe's
Moving Pictures on Friday evening,
October 26.
The congregation of St. Paul's M. E.
church have been informed that Rev. H.
C. Harmon, of Altoona, to whom they
extended a call several weeks ago has
been appointed as their pastor.
Hennessy Leroyle, who has achieved
great fame in up-to-date comedy, "Oth
er People's Money" will appear at the
opera house tonight, supported by a
company of remarkable strength.
Mr. George Ed mo nd son is laying a
new pavement in front of the residence
lately erected by him on Church street.
The engagement of Miss Bessie Cobb,
youngest daughter of Mr. Henry Cobb,
of Mifllinburg, formerly of this city to
Mr. Clyde C. Beckley, is announced.
A young lady came to visit at the re
sidence of Prof. Daniel Dieflenbacher.
Fast Market street, yesterday, and from
all appearances intends to remain for
some time.
iUontcmr linrrinin.
VOL. 45—NO 4:J.
The Thirteenth Annual Bi-Oounty Conven
tion Being Held at Orangeville.
The Thirteenth Annual Bi-county Con
vention of the Christian Endeavor Societ
ies of Montour and Columbia counties,
will convene in Orangeville today.
Preparations are being made for the
sending of a fair sized delegation from
this city. There being five local socie
ties, it is expected that each society will
send from three to five delegates. Some
will go by train while others will drive,
weather permitting.
The program which has been prepared
for the two days' session is quite elabo
rate and should prove interesting.
The opening session will occur
this evening in the Union church at
7:45. The session on Friday morning
will be lead by H. H. Furman, of this
city. At 10:25 a. m.the reportß of of
ficers will be given. During the after
noon session reports of superintendents
will be given. Superintendent Miss
Sara Cunningham, of this city, will re
port on the Junior work while Miss
Charlotte Persing, also of this place,will
report on Evangelistic work.
The consecration service Friday even
ing will be conducted by the Rev. George
E. Limbert, of this city.
The Voters of Montour should elect
Robert Adams by an overwhelming
Death of Mrs. Ellis Morgan.
Mary Esther Morgan, beloved wife of
E. H. Morgan, expired at her late home
on Honeymoon and Front streets, from
consumption at 5:30 Tuesday night. The
deceased has been ailing for a year back,
but it was not until two weeks ago that
she was compelled to take to her bed.
Mrs. Morgan was a woman, much lov
ed by all who had the privilege of her
acquaintance. She was a true christian
and was a great worker in the church in
which she was affiliated. In her home
she was a loving wife and an ideal moth
er, and the loss sustained by the family,
will be well nigh irreparable.
The deceased was 36 years, 10 months
and 2 days of age. The funeral will be
held from the family residence, on Fri
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. A.
B. Bowser officiating. Interment will be
made in the Odd Fellows'cemetery. Un
dertaker George W. Roat will have
charge of the funeral.
The deceased is survived by a hus
band, three sons, Frank, Lafayette and
Edwin C., and three daughters, Mina,
Gussie and Susan H.
Send James C. Foster to the Assem
bly. He is an able man and one that
will represent the interests of his con
Wm. Black Weds Miss Breckbill.
A very quiet wedding took place last
evening at the parsonage of Shiloh Re
formed church, Bloom street, when Miss
Anna S., daughter of ex-Sheriff and Mrs.
Michael Breckbill, and William Black
were united in marriage. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. George E.
Limbert at 8:30 o'clock. After a few
friends had extended congratulations,
Mr. and Mra. Black immediately took
possession of their handsome new home
on Vine street.
The bride is one of the most popular
young ladies of East Danville and she
was the recipient of numerous presents
as tokens of the respect in which she is
held by her many friends. The groom is
the well known assistant agent at the
D. J„. &W. station. He is a member of
the School Board and is one of the rising
young politicians of the Fourth Ward.
He is a charter member of the Penn
Social club and is at present filling the
position of Secretary of the Moneta
Get out every Republican vote for
the whole Republican ticket.
Accident at the Tubing Works.
Joseph Mayan and Robert Williams,
Jr., employes at the Howe and Polk
Structural Tubing works, were the vic
tims of a peculiar accident yesterday
about noon.
An extra large bar was being pushed
through the rolls when the "rider," a
device used to protect the roll, sudden
ly broke, Hying through the mill in two
pieces. One of the pieces struck Mayan,
fracturing the left arm and severely
bruising him about the body. The
smaller piece struck a pair of tongs in
the hands of Williams throwing them
against his head so violently as to ren
der him unconscious. Outside of a few
bruises he was unhurt.
For Jury Commissioner vote tor J.
F. I'atterson of Derry township.
Mahoning Tribe Will Celebrate.
The 33th Anniversary of Mahoning
Tribe, No. 77, Improved Order of Red
Men, will occur in their hall on Mill
street, this coming Saturday evening.
All elaborate program is being prepar
ed by the committee on arrangements
and a good time is expected. During
the evening speeches will be made by
prominent officers of the Order and
there will be music, both vocal and in
After the completion of the program,
refreshments will be served and toast
making will be a feature of the closing
That famous comedian, lfennessy
Leroyle, will delight a large audience at
the opera house tonight.
He Resigns His Position After Nearly a
Half Century of Service.
After 47 years of continuous service,
Rush Yerrick, the boss roller in the 16-
iuch mill at the Heading Iron works,lias
tendered his resignation to take ellect
on November Ist.
The Reading company are loath to
part with his services as he is regarded
as a skilled workman in his line, and a
man to be depended on in the conscien
tious performance of his duty.
Mr. Yerrick left school at the age of
16 togo in the mill, which was then un
der the Allen management, and consist
ed only of what is known as the old
puddle mill and the large and small rail
mills. These departments are now the
20-inch and the 16-iuch mills. His first
employment consisted of "dragging out"
in the puddle mill, filling the position of
catcher on the puddle rolls. From this
work he went to the puddle furnaces,
first as a helper and after awhile taking
charge of a furnace. His next position
was that of a "rougher" on the large rail
rolls. The mill at this time was a large
factor in the manufacture of iron rails,
this city being known as one of the
greatest iron centres in the country.
There were no railroads running into this
city at the time and the product was
shipped entirely by boat.
At this period the company received
an order from the Denver and Kio
Grande railway for 8000 tons of small
rails, and Mr. Yerrick was placed in
charge of the 16-inch train as roller to
turn out the work. He was retained in
the small rail department and has serv
ed there ever since. He has been the
boss roller for nearly 25 years,aDd when
the mill was in operation haß lost but
little time except when ill.
Mr. Yerrick has been the victim of
several bad accidents the worst of which
was the boiler explosion of a few years
The mill changed hands four times
during his service, going from the Allen
management into the hands of Grove
Brothers. Messrs. Waterman and Beav
er then took hold, the firm changing its
name later onto the Montour Iron and
Steel Company. It was sold several
years ago to the Heading Iron Company
who have since retained it.
The employes speak of Mr. Yerrick in
the highest terms and are sorry to see
him go, but like the company, they
think he has well earned the rest and
ease of a retired life. He retires in good
physical condition and is full of anec
dote in regard to the history of the
Vote for Huth for Congress.
Robbery in South Danville-
The home of Wallace Hoover in South
Danville was entered by burglar* Mon
day night. The thieves gained an en
trance through the kitchen windows and
ransacked the entire house. Bureau
drawers and closets were opened and no
places neglected where valuables might
have been found. The full extent of the
loss cannot be ascertained as Mr. and
Mrs. Hoover are on a trip through the
The house has been in charge of Mrs.
Eliza Bird during the absence of the
family. So far as she knows the only
things missing are several sheets, a can
of lard,some groceries and a clothes bask
et. The silver-ware has not been found
and it is thought that perhaps it was
put away along with other valuables
prior to the departure of Mr. and Mrs.
A clothes basket is not an article
worth stealing but the general opinion
in South Danville seems to be that it
was well filled before the miscreants left
the premises.
The noiseless and easy access to the
Hoover residence leads to the belief that
the burglars were very familiar with the
building and surroundings.
Sheriff David Kuckel sounds well.
Elect him and you will have a man in
office that is worthy of the honor.
Former Pastor Occupied Pulpit.
Rev. J. W. Steinmetz, D. D., of Bead
ing, occupied the pulpit of Shiloh Re
formed church Sunday, preaching two
most earnest and practical sermons. He
was greeted by large congregations of
his old parishioners and friends, who
not only greatly enjoyed the pleasure of
again listening to him, but also to grasp
his hand. Dr. Steinmetz was a former
resident of this city, having served the
Reformed church as its pastor.
When he tirst took charge of the con
gregation, thirty eight years ago it was a
weak mission of the Reformed church,
without a church edifice Within three
years after his assuming the pastorate,
it had become self-supporting, and the
present church building was finished, al
though it has since been remodeled.
After a successful pastorate of four
teen years he removed to Reading,
where he has since resided.
A Serenade.
About two dozen members of thePenn
Social club gently reminded William
Black last evening that he had been mar
ried and that they knew it, in spite of
that gentleman's attempt at secrecy.
Everything out of which an exasperat
ing noise could be squeezed was brought
into play and the fire works were seen
all over the town. The boys were agree
ably entertained for about half an hour
by Mr. and Mrs. Black in their new
home on Vine street.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and son,
Charles, returned yesterday from a visit
in Montrose.
Miss Annie Highton, of Philadelphia,
is the guest of Miss Anna Williams, on
Nassau street.
Mrs. William Marsden, of Blooms
burg, called on friends in this city yes
Miss Nellie Amesbury returned to
Wilkesbarre yesterday after a visit with
her grandfather. Councilman William
Amesbury, Bloom street.
Otto Wolf, of Bloomsburg, was the
guest of William Dlecher, Mill street,
James Manning, of Batavia, New
York, was a guest at the Payne home
stead, Centre street, yesterday.
Miss Mame Kear visited friends in
Milton Monday evening.
Miss Bessie Zaner is visiting relatives
in Philadelphia.
Joseph Patton, Jr., left Monday for
a business trip to Lewistown.
Mrs. W. A. Shepperson left Monday
for a visit in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Barber, of Mif
Hinburg, are guests at the home of Dr. I.
G Barber, Ferry street.
William Byerly returned to Williams
port Monday alter spending Sunday at
the home of his parents on Walnut
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keller, of Scran
ton, are the guests of Mrs. R. G. Ikeler,
Kast Market street.
Miss Nellie Hill and Miss Fannie
Bloom, of Sunbury, were the guests of
Miss Helen Ramsey, West Market street,
MissTillie Shafer, of Numidia, is visit
ing at the home of Daniel Fetterman,
Grand street.
Mrs. Harry Pope, of Bristol, is being
entertained by Mrs. J. J. Kline, of Kast
Market street.
Miss Mary Owens, of Watsontown, is
visiting relatives in this city.
Mrs. Charles Ammerman, of Sonth
Danville, left Tuesday for a visit in
Miss Kmma Snyder, of Williamsport,
is the guest of friends in this city.
Mrs. William Steans, of Mifßinburg, is
visiting her son, the Kev. W. 1. Steans,
Kast Mahoning street.!
James Mcßride, ofShamokin. is visit
ing with friends in this city.
K. S. Ammerman Esq., transacted
business in Ashland yesterday.
Miss Elsie Pringle, of Northumber
land is the guest of friends in South
Mrs. Patrick Martin and daughter,
Miss Georgia, are visiting relatives in
Jersey City.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Boyer, attend
ed a funeral in Selinsgrove yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Geiger returned to
Catawissa yesterday after attending the
Howe-Krieger wedding.
Mrs. D. J. Rogers is visiting friends in
Mt. Carmel.
Miss Jennie Kvans, of Wilkesbarre, is
the guest of friends in this city.
Mrs. Harry Kllenbogen will attend the
wedding of her brother, Simon Gold
smith, of Dußois, and Miss Bessie Soud
heim, in Mauch Chunk today.
Miss Ada Gearhart spent yesterday
with friends in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lochman, of Cata
wissa, are guests at the home of William
Krieger, Ash street.
Sheriff Maiers returned from Philadel
phia last evening.
Miss HattieFry returned last evening
from a visit in Washington, D. C.
Miss Hattie Werkheiser is visiting
friends in Milton.
Miss Cora Tyler, of Scranton, who has
been visiting friends in this city return
ed to her home yesterday.
Mrs. George Young, returned to her
home in Harrisburg, yesterday after a
visit with relatives in this city.
Miss Mame Billmeyer and Miss Bessie
Coursen.of Washingtonville, were in this
city shopping yesterday.
James Henderson was in Bloomsburg
John Fryer, of Philadelphia, made a
business trip to our town yesterday.
Miss Mary Johnston, ofShamokin, is
visiting friends in this city.
F. W. Smith, of Milton, transacted
business in this city yesterday.
Daniel LaKue, of Scranton, was in this
city yesterday.
Joseph Patton, left last evening for
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Goodenongh, of
Northumberland, are visiting friends in
this city.
Miss Bessie Cobb after an extended
visit at the home of her friend, Mrs.
William Lunger, corner Mahoning and
Chestnut streets, returned to her home
in Mittlinburg yesterday.
F. G. Peters made a business trip to
Harrisburg yesterday.
Hon. H. M. Hinckley, Esq., left yes
terday for a professional trip to Phila
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hotfa, of Washing
tonville, were in this city yesterday.
Mrs. J. W. Howery called on Sunbury
friends yesterday.
Miss Gertrude Heim was in Berwick
Miss Mary Wilson, of Berwick, visit
ed friends in this city yesterday.
Attracts a Big Crowd—Seating Capacity
Inadequate for the Attendance.
The first session of the night school
Monday night created much interest and
long before the hour set for the opening
of the Third ward school, a crowd of
boys and girls congregated about the
front door waiting eagerly to gain ad
mittance into the building. At 7:30 the
doors were thrown open and there was
a rush made for the room and Principal
Ream had great difficulty in keeping
order. It was not long before every seat
in the room was filled and thirteen pup
ils were compelled to remain standing.
It was expected that fully 30 pupils
would take advantage of the evening
session but the Board of Education did
not figure on the big rush that attended
last evening. Seventy-two seats had
been placed in the room and they were
soon filled. After quiet was restored a
careful count showed 85 persons pres
The children lucky enough to get in
the room represented all grades of our
schools running from the third grade to
the high school. Children also came
there utterly unprepared to attend the
It is said that the big attendance at
the session Monday nigat was due to the
fact that the holding of the night school
was an innovation and that as soon as
the novelty wears off and those 111 at
tendance become aware that they will
have to apply themselves to their stud
ies, the attendance may not be so large.
Nothing was done in the way of teach
ing and the entire evening was devoted
to grading.
Montour county will have some
very important interests before the leg
islature this winter and it is very nec
essary to have an experienced repre
sentative at Harrisburg to care for
these interests, one who can he a real
help to the county. Hon. Jas. Foster
has the experience and the ability to
render excellent service and he should
be elected by a good majority.
Washington Hose Horse.
Friday afternoon an exhibition was
given by the members of Washington
Hose company of the running qualities
of their new horse. The affair occurred
on Market sfeet,between Mill and Pine
streets and was witnessed by a good
sized crowd of citizens.
The horse is yet green as to the duties
involved upon him in the lire depart
ment but he responded to the words of
the driver in a manner that demonstrat
ed his good qualities as a lire horse, and
one that would soon learn the tricks of
the business. His running, when it is
taken into consideration that he was
pulling a brand new hose wagon loaded
down with fire boys, was unusually good
and although unsteady and inclined to
swerve while in motion, the animal with
a little practice should round into form.
The introduction of this valuable ad
dition to our department is certainly an
innovation and the members of the
Washington Hose company ought to
feel proud of their outfit.
With good care and a little persever
ance the Washington horse will at
tain those qualities that make the horses
of the city departments not only a pet
of the department but a valuable ac
quisition to the city.
John (i. Brown of Danville, who is
running for Register and Recorder, is
worthy of the support of all voters re
gardless of party affiliations.
Good Lecture Monday Evening.
The lecture given by Miss Stevenson,
Principal of the Ashville Industrial
School for Girls, at Ashville, N. 0., in
the Sunday school room of the Mahon
ing Presbyterian church Monday night,
was attended by a big crowd there be
ing nearly 200 people present.
Miss Stevenson was secured by the
Woman's Missionary Society of the
church to give a lecture on the school
and the people of that section of North
Carolina who are known to the world as
the mountain white people. She ex
plained in every detail the history of
this class of people in whose domain she
holds a position as chief instructor in
the Industrial school and alluded to
them as the Scotch-Irish class who had
taken up their abode between the Tenn
essee ami North Carolina mountains.
Miss Stevenson illustrated a portion
of her lecture after she had finished
speaking by photographs of the interior
and exterior of the Ashville school and
the inmates and also of the country.
Junior Basket Ball Team.
The Danville Junior Basket Ball team
was organized Friday evening with John
Barry as captain.
The team is desirous of securing games
with teams from the surrounding towns,
especially those from Shamokin,Blooms
burg, Williamsport, Lewisburg, and
l'ottsville. All communications re
garding games should be sent to W. C.
Dougherty, 1") Northumberland street,
Danville, Pa.
Following is the line up of the team:
Russell, forward; Dougherty, forward;
Barry, centre; Montague, defence and
Rosenthal, defence.
Remember that you want a man for
Jury Commissioner who is capable,
honest and unbiased. See to it that
your friends as well as yourself vote
i for J. F. Patterson.
Held Monday Evening— W. E. Young
Elected Truant Officer.
The meeting of the School Board Mon
day night was attended by President
Fischer and thefollowing members: Orth,
Green, Burger, Werkheiser, Keefer, Fen
stermacher,Lunger,Black, Curry, Barber
and Harpel.
The transfer committee who had in
charge the investigation of the number
of non-resident pupils who were attend
ing the schools without paying the re
quired tuition fee, reported that there
were only five out of the 35 attending.
On motion of Mr. Black the principal
was ordered to purchase art pictures for
illustrating the course in literature at a
cost uot to exceed the sum of $5.
James Connelly who was appointed
truant officer at the last meeting of the
Board sent in his resignation and W. E.
Young was appointed as his successor.
The janitor of the Third ward school
was allowed extra pay of $5 per month
during the continuance of the night
school session for taking care of the ex
tra room.
The following bills were read and or
dered paid :
American Book Co $172.21
John Hixson 13.22
Weins Brush Co 26.00
Thompson, Brown & Co 58.30
O. B. Sweitzer 30.58
S. M. Trumbower 23.12
Gill & Co 6.65
A. L. Hyssing 1.20
U. S. Express Co LOO
D. C. Williams 4 28
Mary Hendricks 2.50
John L. Russell 3.60
W. G. Ridgway .75
The Republican County Convention
did a wise thing when it nominated
David Ruckel for Sheriff. The j>eo
ple of Montour county will show their
wisdom by electing him to an office
which lie is so well qualified to occupy.
Literary Meeting.
Both the Garfield and Lincoln Societ
ies of the High school held their semi
monthly meetings Friday afternoon.
After the reading of the minutes by
the secretary of the Garfield Society a
vocal solo was rendered by Mr. New
The following program was then car
ried out •'
Domestic Miss Gay
Foreign Miss Meyers
"Robert Burns" Mr. Brown
'Destruction of Pompei"..Mr. McClure,
"Oracle of Delphi" Miss Williams
"The Orator's Cause" Mr. McCaffery
"The National Flag" Mr. Mettler
"Dream Life" :....Miss Woodside
Question: Resolved that the parti
tion of China by the powers would be
Affirmative: Miss Ridel, Miss Ware
Mr. Leniger.
Negative: Mr. Dougherty, Mr. Dise
road and Miss Roberts.
Decision was rendered in favor of the
The following program was rendered
by the Lincoln Society:
"What we owe the Pilgrims". Miss Divel
"Captain, O, my Captain".. .Miss Arms
"Planting of the tree" Mr. Magill
"Choose of Ilericles".... Mr. Herrington
"The Oracle of Delphi"... .Miss Cousart
Domestic Miss Fry
Foreign Mr. 'Raver
"Animals" Miss Keim
"General Goble" Mr. McLain
Question: "Resolved the partition of
China by the allied forces is justifiable."
Affirmative: Mr. Brader and Mr. Len
Negative: Mr. Mortimer, Miss Crum
ley and Mr. 11. Bennett.
The chair appointed as judges the
Misses Gearhart, Rogers and Mr. Divel
who decided in favor of the affirmative.
The critic's report was then given aud
the society adjourned.
H. S. Alumni Association.
A move is 011 foot to revive the old
Iligh school Alumni Association. Those
interested in the move are urging the
matter and from what can be learned it
is presumed that a call will soon be is
sued for a meeting at which preliminary
steps will be taken toward an organiza
There are fully 300 old ex-high school
pupils and a very large number are very
willing to become affiliated with the
movement fur the promotion of closer
companionship and sociability.
The marriage of M is-s Catharine,daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krieger, Ash
street, to Charles Howe was solemniz
ed Tuesday evening at seven o'clock, the
Kev. M. L. Shimlel officiating. Miss
Laura Thornton was bridesmaid and
Rudolph Krieger, a brother of the
bride, was best man. A number of
friends of the contracting parties were
The small boy is getting ready for
Of Two Members of the Board of Water
Two members of the Board of Water
Commissioners have resigned from that
body. At the meeting of Council Friday
evening Charles P. Harder and Charles
Chalfant tendered their resignations
which were accepted and James Foster
and E. C. Voris elected to fill the vaca
At the meeting Friday night those pres
ent were: President Kemmer and Coun
cilmen Sechler, Amesbury, Laurer,Gold
smith, Jones, Vastine, Holloway and
A communication from I. X. Grier ask
ing the Council to give him the street
grade in front of his property on Mill
street, so he could lay a pavement, was
read and filed.
President Kemmer appointed Dr. J.
R. Kimerer to fill the vacancy on the
Board of Health caused by the resigna
tion of B. F. Foulke.
Mr. Davis representing the Washing
ton Fire company appeared before the
Council and asked for the construction
of a barn in the rear of their fire house
in which to put their horses. The mat
ter was referred to the building com
mittee to report at the next meeting of
A representative of the Goodwill Hose
company appeared before Council and
asked for a donation of 1(125 which was
granted. The Continental Hose com
pany were also donated a similar amount.
The following bills were read and or
dered paid:
Regular employes $82.50
Street labor 46 67
T. L. Evan's Sons 40.95
B. 15. Brown 20 20
T. W. Hale 2.25
Regular employes $156.20
S. A. McCoy 20.00
Labor on Annex 87.22
Pennsylvania railroad 1.40
Horace Deen 6.00
Vote for John G. Brown for Regis
ter and Recorder. He is worthy of
the support of all voters and would
make a most capable official.
Treat in Store for Danville Men.
The Y. M. C. A. is arranging for a free
course of entertainments for the men of
Danville to be held in the Association
hall, commencing on Tuesday evening,
Nov. 20th.and continuing until April
Ist, 1901.
Most of the talent will be from out of
town but a goodly portiou of the pro
gram will contain the names of local
people. Only 350 tickets will be issued
for the course. The members of the As
sociation will be the first to secure tick
ets after which it will be "first come,
first served."
The course will include lectures, read
ings, camp fire, music, luncheon and re
Following are some of the dates al
ready fixed:
November 20th, band concert.
December 18th, lecture by A. V. Bow
er, of Scranton.
January 22nd, concert by Bloomsburg
Normal school orchestra.
Febuary 12th, eighteen pieces of Wit
couib Riley, by Dr. Hully, of Bucknell.
Febuary 26th, address by James Scar
let Esq.
March sth, address by Dr. A. K. Ald
inger, of Bloomsburg Normal school.
A vote for C. F. Huth for Congress
means a vote for the continuance of
Well Known Man Weds Today.
The marriage of Miss Bessie Sondheim
of Mauch Chunk, and Simon Goldsmith,
of Dußois.a soa of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Goldsmith, Mulberry street,will be solem
nized this evening at 7 o'clock.
The ceremony will be performed in the
parlor of the American House at Manch
Chunk and the Rev. Adolph Meyer, of
this city, will officiate.
After the wedding a dinner will be
served. The bride and groom will make
a short wedding trip to New York and
Philadelphia, after which they will take
up their residence in Dußois, where Mr.
Goldsmith is associated with his broth
er in the clothing business.
Those in attendance at the wedding
from this city will be: Councilman and
Mrs. Goldsmith, Misses Bertha, Blanche
Ida and Gertrude Goldsmith, Misses
Gertrude Heim and Cora Dreifuss and
Herbert Dreifuss.
Truant Officer Starts to Work.
Truant Officer Young began his duties
Tuesday afternoon. Upon reporting
to the Board of Education he was given
270 names of children w ho were at pres
ent not attending school.
He devoted the entire afternoon in in
vestigating the reasons why these child
ren did not attend school, and succeed
ed in visiting 82 families. The truant
officer found in the list of those visited
that a goodly number of the children
were either working at the Silk or Knit
ting mills, and those who were not em
ployed, their parents gave as an excuse
for not sending them to school, that
they did not have the proper clothing
and shoes.
These parents were, however, notified
that they must send their children to
school. Officer Young believes that he
has considerable work ahead of him.
If you want a good Associate Judge,
vote for Robert Adams.
The office of the AMERICAN oeing
furnished with a large assortme*},
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
|3gF~Get our prices before place
your orders.
In the Game of Foot Bt.ll Saturday—A
Very Exciting Game.
"Are they easy—well, we guess.
For Saturday's contest was only atest;
Milton's game was a hard one to stop.
But we have discovered their weak spot.
Wait until we meet them at Milton this week.
We'll smash their line for several hundred
But regarding the score, we'll not have much
to say.
Only, that Danville can trust the boys of
the D. H. 8. A. A." V
Danville, 0; Milton, 0.
The above tells the tale of the finest
game of foot ball ever seen on the
local gridiron. It was a game of foot
ball from the start and the local boys
deserve much credit for their excellent
The game did not give a fair idea of
the team's real playing ability, still
there was encouragement in the fact that
the boys were able to make ground easi
ly on certain plays which have hitherto
seldom failed to result in a loss. The
handling of the ball seemed to be much
better, although there was the presence
of many fumbles, which will be over
come with a little more practice.
There is no doubt that the team was
much stronger than when it lined up
with Catawissa on October 13th.
Half-back Maiers received the plaudits
of the spectators by his superb tackle
ing. He gets into the game as hard aa
he knows how, and all the mistakes he
makes are generally from being over
The interference of Danville was good,
although a few weak points were notice
able in the line,which were expected. A
little more practice and these defects
will be overcome. The career of the
local punters is bright, and hereafter
good results may be beard from their
Fully three hundred people witnessed
the contest Saturday and tbey were re
paid for attending. Milton was slow in
getting to the gridiron and jt was 3:45
before they appeared.
Milton won the toss and chose the
west goal, giving Danville the ball. Dan
ville kicked the ball into play and it
went on Milton's 25 yard line, where
dinger secured it and advanced 15 yards
before he was downed.
The game from this time to the finish
of the first half, was stubbornly contest
ed by both elevens, the Danville team
having the best of the argument as the
pigskin was generally found in Milton's
territory. Bad fumbles on both sides
made the game an even one, and the
whistle sounded for the first half with
the sphere in the centre of the field.
In the second half Danville showed
up to better advantage and at several
times had the ball on Milton's ten yard
line, but Milton by desperate work al
ways kept Danville from scoring a touch
down. Several of the local boys dis
tinguished themselves during this half
by brilliant plays. The whistle sound
ed in this half with the ball in Milton's
territory. Neither side being able to
score a touchdown.
The following was the line up.
Danville. Milton.
Gaskins C Keimsner
Bailey KG Dickerman
Angle L. G....' Harding
James K. T Frank
Gross L. T Gabering
Edmondson K. C Clinger
McClure L. C Mathias
Lunger Q Hertz
Dougherty K. H. B Sypher
Maiers L. H. B Bucher
Montague F. B Hottenstein
Substitues—Danville, Gorman, John
son, Payne and Moyer; Milton, Clark
Officials —Referee, Ralph B. Diehl, of
Danville; umpire, J. M. Dorey, of Mil
ton; time keepers, Dickerman, of Milton
and Prof. Carey, of Danville. Time of
halves,one 20 minute and one 15 minute.
An honest conservative Associate
Judge is what we want You can have
an official of that kind by voting ami
working for Robert Adams.
Card of Thanks.
Turbotville, Pa., Oct. 17, 1900
Thk Montour American,
Danville, Pa.
In behalf and at the request of the
sufferers by the fire of August 11th last,
including the writer and family, we de
sire to express,through the public press,
our grateful thanks to the kind contri
butors of supplies and money; to the
Committee of Solicitation, who worked
so nobly that following hot Sunday for
our benefit; to the kind citizens of our
borough for affording us temporary
homes; to committees of distribution for
their patient work and impartial divis
on of money afid supplies. To all we
express a full measure of grateful appre
ciation for kind consideration.
When you goto vote keep in mind
the conditions thai existed in business
affairs during the last Democratic ad
The marriage of Miss Louise J.,daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hornberger,
Mulberry street, to Mr. W. G. Stein
miller took place Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock. The ceremony was per
formed at St. John's Lutheran parson
age by the Rev. D. L. Fogleman. Im
mediately after the wedding the happy
couple leit for New York and Phil
adelphia for a short trip. Upon
their return to this city they will take
up theii residence on Bloom street.