Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 18, 1900, Image 2
RAILROAD TIMh. CABLES t'tsx A K: K. MAST. W EST 7.13 A. M. M.14 A. M. 10.17 >' 12.38 P. M ■VI I P. M. I-™ " ti.OM " / -'il " SIIN 11AYS. 10.17 A. M. • 58 I'- v ' 1). 1,. A W. It. K. KAST. WEST. 6.58 A.M. S.iII .A. M 10.1H " M 2.11 P. M. ' 15 '• ti.lo « 830 " SUNDAYS. 6..')8 A. M. 12.47 P. M 6.10 P. M. 8.20 " PHIL" A ifc KEADIN'O K. K. NOKTH. SOUTH. 7.42 A.M. 11.25 A. M. 4.H0 P. M. 0.05 P. M. It LOOM STKEKT 7.44 A.M. 11.23 A. M. 4.02 P.M. tf.o4 P. M. J.t* J.t* juKISFOKT, SURGEON DENTIST. •uTrtT* oppick on Mill St. .Opposite the Post < >rflce. Operative and Me<>hnnii'nl Hentistry Carefully peiiorintfl. Teeth positively extracted without uaiu.witlnlas, Ether and Chloroform: Treat. Ill* and PillinK teethaSiiecialtv. -yyrji. hank, ATTO R N E Y-AT-L A W, Office over Panics' Drug Store MONTOOMfcKY Hi IMHNO, 11.1. STKKKT, - - ItANVII.I.K, PA J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glass es and artificial eyes supplied. .'{ll Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours—lo a. 5 p. m. Telephone 1 p!C>. SNAPSHOTS OF LIVE ISSUES A Workingman's Camera Flashed on the Political Situation. ITERS IND TIMELY PRESEITSIIO! Imperlalismi. Kri'P Silver niiit tlie Trint* Tonoileil t |><;n in tin Inter eNtiiitf Milliner. Willi si Ken P:irn- Kriiplis Pur Kncli I'or the llurrieil Rentier. Here are snapshot comments upon some of the live issues of the present presidential situation as given by an intelligent mechanic employed in one of the industrial establishments in Philadelphia. He is a wage earner who reads and thinks, and who in a clear and consist* manner discusses matters which are of vital interest to every citizen concerned iu the welfare of the nation. The toiler and student of Ameri can politics writes: IMPERIALISM This is declared by Mr. Bryan and other Democratic leaders to be the "paramount issue." In other words, it is the best and most important reason they can offer why the most prosper ous administration this country has ever known should be turned out, and why they who have no record but. as politicians should be placed in control of the stupendous interests of this country. The term "Imperialism," as used by Mr. Bryan in application to the present administration, has reference to the uses to which the military power of the government has been put dur ing President McKinley's adiniulstra tion. What are those uses? In IbatS war was declared against Spain by unanimous vote of the con gress of the United States; and remem ber by "congress" is meant both Demo cratic and Republican representatives In the house and in the senate. The Republican administration did not, of course, and could not declare war; but under the constitution, which vests the power to declare war in congress only, the duty of making war, when so de clared, is imposed on the president and his cabinet, and he must obey the mandate of congress. All the world knows the success with which the Re publican admin istrat ion carried through the war which drove Spain from the American continent. Mr. Bryan came forward then as a patriot and asked for and was appoint ed colonel of a regiment, ready to take his full share of the responsibility in this tirst step toward what he now mis names ' imperialism." We say first step. Let us look at the second and chief step and his part therein, for it is the basis on which his cry of "Im perialism" must rest, if it has any basis at all. When the Spanish war was brought to its brilliant conclusion it was the same almost unanimous congress. Dem ocrats .and Republicans, who instructed for the terms of peace with Spain and which ratified all the peace condi tions. including the taking over of the Philippine islands: and again, under the consitution, the president of the United States had no recourse but to carry out the terms of this peace | treaty Congress has never recalled that instruction to the president, and he has no alternative but to proceed with his duty, until congress declares for some other line of action. Where did Mr. Bryan stand at the time this treaty of peace was being considered by congress? He made a special trip to Washington and did all in his power to have the treaty ratified. If it was right then it must be right now; and it is rfsht now, and no man knows this better than Mr. Bryan. I>et Mr. Bryan answer why he is so greatly moved by the alleged wrongs of the colored race in the Philippines. 7,000 miles away, yet dare not raise his voice iu defense of millions of colored American citizens here at home in the southern states, who are refused their rights of citizenship? Thus it appears that it is the congress of the United States, Democrats and Republicans, and notably Mr. Bryan as far as It was in his pnwi'r. who are responsible for this thing he now chIIS "Imperialism," and not President McKinley, and not his cabinet, except as they did their duly under the constitution, which they had sworn to perforin. In brief, the "paramount issue' is spurious and is no reason at all It means false politics, even as an other Democratic "issue," "free silver." means false money; and Mr. Bryan knows that both are spurious. | FREE SILVER I>*t it be remembered that the cor rect term is "free coinage of silver." There can be no such thing as "free silver/' Mr. Bry.nij forced the "free silver" Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully." writes W. H. Eads, of .1 i i 'sville. Va . "which caused horrible leg sores for "o years, but Bneklen's Arnica Salve wli >lly <• ired me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Sc ilds ('nts. Sores. Bruises and Piles. Sold b\ I'atile ;<V( o. ic. 3<> to 1 plank of 189ti on the Kansas City convention. In all his campaigning speeches he remains silent on this question, except occasionally, where he is forced to speak out. One of his most recent ut terances on the subject was in Septem ber last. He then said on this ques tion: "I stand today where I stood in isyti." We all know where that is— for 40 cent dollars One brief illustration of one of the many possible wrongs of free coinage: l'he deposits in this country last year In the savings banks alone amounted to over two and a quarter billions. This vast sum went into these banks on the basis of! 00 cents on tne dollar. The value of the amount of silver in a silver dollar is about 40 cents. If Mr. Bryan's free coinage at lfi to 1 goes into effect every 100 cent dollar will be reduced in value to about 40 cents, and every holder of merchandise of all kinds purchased by him on the 100 cents basis would be compelled to more than double his selling price to protect himself, while the wage earner, who has no merchandise, but only his labor to sell and his savings in the name, nas no escape out to accept tne 40 cent dollar for his pay. This is but one of the iniquitous workings of free coinage, a new form of robbery which Mr. Bryan proposes to legalize. j TRUSTS The important point to remember is that all existing trusts are the creation of state governments, not in any case of the federal government. Democra cy's time honored claim is. and always has been, state sovereignty—the right of each state to enact such laws as it wills, as within its own borders, with out any interference from the federal government, and it is an open ques tion whether the federal government can forbid any state the right to give lagal existence to corporate bodies known as trusts. There was one com bination which the federal government was able to reach, because it came un. der the head of "Interstate Commerce," namely, that of the railway companies. 1 That combination has been destroyed under federal legislation, given effect to by the decisions of the United States supreme court, that same high court of justice in the land which Mr. Bryan declares must be discontinued. Trusts as now met with have come into existence during the last six or eight years, and in every case by state creation. Did the Democratic govern ment of Mr. Cleveland do anything to control them? The most active agita tion against trusts has been during the last two years. During these two years the Republican government has been occupied with many great national and international questions. Nevertheless, during the last session or congress the Republicans endeavored to pass a con stitutional amendment to make possi ble federal legislation for the regula tion of trusts, and that effort was de feated by the Democrats. This is a truth beyond contradiction, and con victs the Democracy of the grossest in consistency, if not of a worse offense. As the matter stands today both par ties have promised legislation on this subject. The pledge of the Republican party is backed by the attempt made in the last congress, as already stated. The pledge of the Democracy is brand ed by their action in defeating the ef fort so made. This "issue," then, as against the Republican administration, is another makeshift, outcry conceived in untruth and signifying only the dire necessities of a party without con science and hungry for the spoils of office. These three are the chief "issues" on which Democracy is demanding the control of the government. Indeed, they are the only reasons (?) they pre sent why an administration which has brought the largest measure of pros perity to the country ever known in its history should be turned out in fa vor of men without any record in gov ernment, "reasons" which are false pretenses on their face. Every thinking man knows that Mr. Bryan's talk about a desire on the part of President McKinley to become a "dictator" and "emperor" is the stupid est nonsense. Politicians said this ot the martyred president, Abraham Lin coln, when, after the war, he had 400,000 men at his command, for there always have been and always will be politicians who will villify the most righteous. Today, with a population ot 78,000,- 000, there is in existence a United States army of about 80,000 men, chief ly volunteers on a limited term of ser vice—men of a stock not made for mil itary despotisms. Such talk is an in sult to the intelligence of the Ameri can people and dishonors the men who utter it. FULL DINNER PAIL NOT A SORDID EMBLEM In the course of a recent interview in favor of the re-election of President McKinley, former President Harrison, among other things, said: "His (Bryan's) election would, I think, throw governmental business affairs into confusion. We should not aid the election of a president who would, admittedly, if he could, destroy the gold standard and other things that we value even more upon the de- EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON, ceptive suggestion that he has been bound —that the Republican party will after defeat still have strength enough to save the temple. It will be much better not to allow the men with de structive tendencies so much as to lean against the pillars. "The economic policies of the Repub lican party have been vindicated by the remarkable and general prosperity that has developed during Mr. McKinley's administration —succeeding a period of great depression. A change of admin istration would almost certainly renew conditions from which we have so hap pily escaped. "The full dinner pail is not a sordid emblem. It has a spiritual significance for the spiritually minded. It means more comfort for the man and family, more schooling and less work for the children, and a margin and saving for sickness and old age." Senator Tillman says the Pennsylva nia coal miners are "a lot of ignorant, poor foreigners," and adds that he would rather be a "southern nigger" than one of them. The senator has given the Pennsylvania miners a rather vivid insight of the Democratic opinion of them. "ThisT" said the city man who had tak en up farming, "this is my herbarium." our what?" asked the farmer bom to the business. "My herbarium—collection ol herbs, you know." "Oh! Ami ain't you goin to build nc hogarium tooV"—lndianapolis Press. THE TURF RECORD. Anaconda holds the Cleveland track record for the season, with a mile in 2:0014. Foote has worked his Chamber of Commerce candidate. The Private, a half in l:03' j. It is reported that Henry Titer in tends to try Arion, 2:07 :t i, and Peter the <!reat. J:o7'.i, to pole next year. Abbie X. '»y Hexameter, dam Abby, 2:2(5, by Oeorge Wilkes, has been shipped to a prominent horseman in Austria. Coney. 2:07 1 ,4. has not had the hop ples on this year. He has been in 2:i)Bt•>, the last quarter in :il seconds, in his work. Frank Coyner of Delaware, has a filly by I.agouda Chimes, out of Lady Ruth, which is entered in $."»2,U00 ; worth of stakes. j Four trainloads of horses, consisting of l.'iOO head, were shipped from Bon ham. Tex., to New Orleans for South ! Africa a few days ago. For the five months ending May 31 the I'nited States exported 1<>,477 horses to England against 14,002 for the same period last year. Bonnie Direct, the green colt in Heating's string at Cleveland, sired by Direct, out of Bon Bon, by Simmons, stepped a mile the other day in 2:11. Bay Star, 2:2.". 1 _~ by the pacer Ken tucky Star, 2:08 V:, Penn Valley farm's M.and M. candidate, is said to be showing Jack Kinney free for all speed. The following nine horses obtained new records at Point Breeze: Pacers, ; Montauk. 2:lU'j: Paul Ilevere, 2:17^41 ' Jay Wilkes, 2:l'.»Vi; Allezeitt, 2:21; Jim my's Girl. 2:21 :l i. Trotters, Winni fred >l. 2:18|4; Santon, 2:1K 1 ,I: Patrice, , 2:2C>; I.addls, 2:27. i Crito, a 4-year-old. by Falmont. [ 2:l4'i, has been a half this year in l:0!» ! i. This youngster was one of , the sensational 2-year-old trotters of the spring of IS'.)B and gave Scott Mc j Coy quite a scare when he raced away from The Merchant, 2:20, at Omaha. THE GLASS OF FASHION. i Crepe de chine is a popular material for wedding gowns. Trim your dimity gowns with hem -1 med frillings of white point d'esprit accordion plaited. Some very swell bathing suits are I made of black satin, with a colored linen collar and vest. Mohair is the favorite material for bathing suits in black, blue and gray, trimmed with a band of white mohair striped with braid. A pretty skirt for cycling is made with a rather deep yoke pointing down in front and at the back, the lower part being box plaited onto this. Jeweled neckband brooches, pins for the hair, which confine the short locks at the back; neck chains and jeweled or enameled belts are all very popular. Serpentine insertions cut out of all over lace and finished on the edge with either black or white silk cord are used to trim crepe de chine and veiling gowns. Two piece linen suits in white or colors are all the rage, but their espe cial chic quality is in the fact that they are tailor made, with exclusive smart ness in the finish. Very pretty fancy belts are made of narrow bands of colored suede leather Joined at intervals with gold slides over a satin lining. Velvet ribbon is also used in this way. One variety of sporting hat made of coarse but tight white straw has a slightly drooping brim, and a scarf of cream canvas with large moons of some light color in silk scattered over it is twisted around the cone shaped crown.—New York Sun. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Grapes are nearly always benefited by thinning. Fruit for jelly is better if picked be fore it is dead ripe. Uncrowded trees are more produc tive than crowded ones. Rotation of crops is as necessary in gardening as on the farm. Care must be taken not to cut the asparagus plants too late. A good tree or plant takes up no more room than a poor one. With apples a moderate thinning will cause the rest to hold on better. With fruit maturity is one stage and ripeness or mellowness another. Deep stirring of the soil gives mois ture, and moisture makes thrifty growth. Oil straw, bagasse and swale hay are good materials to use for mulching in the orchard. If the grapes are to be thinned, the work should be done as soon as the growth is advanced enough to show the fruit. Raspberry and blackberry plants set out this spring should be allowed to grow through the season without check. In transplanting small plants secure all the roots possible and keep the plants out of the ground as short a time as possible.—St. Louis Republic. ITEMS OF INTEREST. From Richmond to Atlanta, along the line of the principal railways, it ■eems as if it were impossible to get out of sight of new cotton mills either in operation or in course of construc tion. Five hundred Mormons from Utah recently settled in Chiliraliua. Mexico, ami these will be followed by another party of 500 in a < w weeks. A nota ble fait in the hi-tory of these Mor mon colonies in Mexico is that, though established some no years ago. there never has been the slightest trouble between them and the Mexicans. Kome eiirior.s relics of former supersti tious are preserve*! uuder the courthouse in Edinburgh. The little wax figures, stuck all over with pins are the pieces de conviction in the eharjtes of witchcraft which were so frequent in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was sup posed that if a wax image of an enemy were made, prodded with pins, and then melted in the lire, the original would suf fer similar tortures and dissolution. The belief is at least as old as the days of Horace. Indeed, the superstition has survived to our own time. The late W. (j. Wills, the dramatist, when staying at a Kentish seaside place, was annoyed by a dramatic critic. Half in jest he modeled his critic in wax and melted him up. A day or two later he heard of the death of his assail ant. Mr. Wills, who was the kindliest and most careless of Bohemians, could never rid himself of the suspicion that he was an unwilling homicide. —Louden Chronicle. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if yon have a sallow complexion, a jann dioed look, moth patches ami blotohes on the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin. Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex ion. Only 25 cents at Panics At Cos Drag store. THE SLAVE CHASERS. | FIERCE BLOODHOUNDS THAT WERE USED :N THE SOUTH. When Not In Service They Were Chained, iinil Only Their MiiNtt-ra Could Feed or Touch Them—The Struin Pro bit lily Kiliuct .\«>»v. It was recently reported that an offi- j cial of another state was entertained on a visit to a convict camp by a man hunt with bloodhounds, the man being given j au hour's start and plenty of time to ( climb a tree. Such exhibitions are not; rare on the South Carolina state farms where bloodhounds are kept. The same i kind of animals are kept by the sheriffs of many counties in this state, and they always do well on such show occasions, but have never been known to run down a criminal. "I very much doubt," said an old slave owner, "whether there is a genuine blood hound in the south or one with the 'nose' of the old runaway slave catcher in the country. Any breed of dogs that run by scent can be trained from puppies to run man and man alone. Ordinary deer or foxhounds take to this quite naturally, and if crossed with a half or quarter fox terner they become vicious and persist ent in the chase. But these are not bloodhounds, nor should those now own ed by the state or counties in South Car olina be so classed. "The bloodhound in his perfection of 'nose' and his ferocity was the product of the institution of slavery. The finest strains came from Cuba, large, powerful beasts, tawny or black, with white points and so tierce that when not in service they were chained, and only their master could feed them or touch them. If they escaped, they chased the first person they saw, and their desire was to eat his llesh. "Many of the dogs were imported to the south by the men who made their living catching runaway slaves. They were crossed on the deerhound, and the product was a good man hunter, fierce enough, but not so dangerous as the Cu ban. Several packs of such dogs were owned in this state, and their presence in a county kept many a slave at home who would have otherwise sought the shelter of the forest, where, unless followed by such hounds, he could live for years, pay ing weekly or monthly visits to the negro settlements. "The alleged bloodhounds of this day cannot run a man if the trail is over three hours old, if it goes in water or is crossed by other trails. The slave catch ers' hounds, bred for their cold nose for more than a century, could 'carry a trail' 30 hours old. The common definition that used to be given for the name of this species of dog was that if a drop of blood fell on the track he would never leave it. They were like wolves, in that they hunt ed for meat and were eager to devour a man run to a tree or cornered. There are many authentic stories showing their remarkable qualities of scent and sagac ity. It was practically impossible to battle au old dog, and when his nose was once put by his master in the footprints of a man the particular scent of that per son was the only one he would entertain iu his nostrils, and that track he would pick out of 100. Ordinary hounds of chase are puzzled when the quarry takes to a running stream and goes up or down. The man hunter, acute and wise as a man, would systematically hunt the banks up and down for miles until the trail was recovered. "There is a case of particular note on record in this state where the services of a professional slave catcher were called into catch a murderer. The crime had been committed more than 24 hours when the boss of the pack arrived with his dogs upon the scene of the murder. One naked footprint was found retreating from the spot, and into this the muzzle of the prize trailer of the pack was press ed. and she was given the word togo, the other dogs being held in reserve. "Miles through swamps, across ponds of water and into the woods the dog trailed, finally coining out on a cultivated planta tion, her nose close to the ground and oc casionally giving utterance to the fierce but musical long drawn 'bail' that car ried terror always to the hearts of the runaway. Into the street of the negro village went the dog, carrying the trail where it had been crossed by dozens of men, women and children, and then into a house. Here she made a circle of the room, came out of the same door, trailed to another house, scratched at the barred door and when it was opened caught the murderer under the bed. He belonged to another plantation and had come there for shelter and protection and had used every device to throw off pursuit. "It was, of course, important and nec essary that the owner of such a pack of dogs should be responsible and vigilant. He had to be a fine horseman and ride horses that could go almost anywhere, for he must be up to the leading dog when the slave was brought to bay. If the fugitive was too hard pressed to climb a tree, or, as they sometimes did, attempted to shoot the dogs, he would be torn to pieces if the master was not promptly on hand. Laws governing the abuse of slaves were strict and enforced. The most noted ease of their violation is one of the best known criminal cases In our law books, although it occurred years ago. A captured slave had incurred the enmity of the hunters, and he was killed and his flesh fed to the dogs. The two whites implicated were tried, con victed and hanged at Walterboro, the militia of Charleston being marched GO miles to prevent their rescue by friends on the day of execution. "With the passing of slavery the neces sity for cold nosed man chasers no longer exists and the breed, at least in this part of the country, is no longer preserved."— Atlanta Constitution. COMPTION CAN BE COBED. T. A. Slocuni, M. ('., tin* Great Cliem i.-l and Scientist, Will Send Free, to tlie Alilieted, Three Bottles of his Newlv Discovered Reme dies to Cure Consumption and All J.iing Troubles. Nothing could be latrer, more philan thropic or carry moie joy to the afflict ed, than the oiler of T. A. Slocuni, M. | C'., of New York City. Confident that he lias discovered a reliable cure for consumption anil all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of llesh and all conditions wasting, and to ' make its great merits known, he will send, free, three bottles to any reader of the AMKKICAX who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently cured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty—a duty which lie owes to human ity—to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the dreaded consunip- j tion to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and lias on file in liis American I and Kuropean laboratories testimonials | of experience from those oenefitted and , cured, in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con- ' sumption, uninterrnped, means speedy and certain death. Address T, A Slocuni) M. C., !»8 l'ine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express and postoflice address, and please mention reading this article in the AMKRH AN - March 1 y IHUNTING BIG GAME! 4 ♦ "j" A LOMlt>\ VKUXI'VI'EK HOPES Y I J. TO KIM) I.IIM SMITHS 4 IN IMTACIIIMA. ❖ j The London Daily Lxpress has got ' up tin expedition to Patagonia to find ! whether the niylodoii, or giant sloth, | still exists in the mountains there. The fact that scientists believe these I ginnts of prehistoric times still exist in J flesh and blood was brought to light in ! a lecture by Professor Ray Lancaster i in London, who said: j "It is quite possible, but 1 don't want to say more than that. I believe the ! I \ i.! W !"L /' JL4T~ L'~ I -J RJJM -fw \ Jf 'M J&H. —- WI ' % | MYLODON AS IT WOl Li) AIVI.AH IN A MOD KKX CITY. giant ground slotli still exists in SOUK of the mountainous regions of l'atago nia." Professor Lancaster concluded his in teresting lecture by showing a colored representation of a mylodon as the best authorities consider him to have ap peared or as perhaps he does today ap pear in the lower portion of the Andes. These sloths attained an enormous length. The skeleton of one oft!. •* same family found recently in Wyo ming measured i::r> feet. They had powerful hind legs and a tail of enormous strength, much resem bling that of a kangaroo, but of giant proportions. They could stand upright, and it is believed that they subsisted mostly on the tender tops of trees. Descendants of the sloth are still found in Central and South America, but they are comparatively small. The modem sloths seldom if ever stand upright. Tlu y cling to the low er side of branches, and when one en ters a troe he does not leave it until it has been denuded of all its foliage. It is called a slotli because of its slow movements. The Kxpress expedition is fitted out so that if at all p ssible one of the gi ants will be taken alive. Ilesketli Prichard. who is at present acting as The F.xpress commissioner of the Haiti expedition, is to have charge of this search for a monster. J. B. Scrivenor, P.. A., who won the Burdett-Coutts scholarship at Oxford in IS!H>, will accompany I'ricliard as geologist. They firmly believe they will find a mylodon, but even if they should not the unexplored region to be traversed will add much to the zoological and ge ological knowledge of southern l'atago uia. Evolution of Art. In a paper on"The Evolution of Goethe's Art." read before the Royal Society of Literature, Mr. Oscar Browning traced 'he development of Goethe's literary facility, beginning with the French influences which sur rounded it at Frankfurt and the return to German influences at Leipsie, pass ing to the friendship with Herder, which awakened a love of early nat ural poetry and the appreciation of English literature, especially Shakes peare and Goldsmith. Court life at Weimar furnished a stimulus toward the drama, and the Italian journey em phasized the classical tendencies of his mind. Returning to Weimar he be came possessor of himself and the un disputed master of European litera ture. Mr. Browning dwelt on the gen eralizing tendencies of Goethe's later art. Civilization creates the necessity for new subjects in art and means of dealing with them adequately must be found. SmoUulesa Coal. Experiments have for some time been made in England with smokeless ccal. This peculiar fuel may le burn ed either in an ordinary grate or in a basin In the midJla of a rcoui without developing nay perceptible odor or smoke at any time. The-tire looks like the finest coka lire, and tkc tiaine is white and blue. It throws out a con siderable heat. The residue of the coal amounts to about 3 per cent. For Industrial purposes this new fuel is | formed into briquettes of different l sizes for different purposes. In Lon don smokeless briquettes can already be bought at about S3 per ton. The smokeless coal is said to be composed of 95 per cent of coal and 5 per eent of a mixture of wood, tar and un slacked lime. These three Ingredients are mixed together and pressed into molds in such a way that they do not fall apart when being btirctd. Longeit Electric Spnrks. The celebrated Spottiswoode coil, built under the auspices of the Royal society, gave a spark of 42 inches. The Queen coils are to give a spark of 45 Inches, expending an energy of three to four horsepower aud having a po tential of 500.000 volts. In a bulletin of the United State.; de ! partment of agriculture Dr. Howard ' gives a simple remedy for cockroaches, which will be interesting to housekeep ers in many parts of the world, lhe remedy is of Australian origin and consists of a mixture of flour and plas ! tor of paris, which is greedily eaten by these insect pests and rapidly ".seta" ill llieir stomachs. Keep Them Q«il<'t. The Farmers and Planters' Guide pays: While fattening young geese they should he kept as quiet as possi Me. X>> excitement whatever should disturb them. \Vlicn feeding, approach them quietly and do not irritate them iu the least, or they will not fatten, I but will "throw out" or grow another I crop of feathers. Quinine for Golds. Many people who use quinine for the | cure of colds say that the effect of this ! drug is more disagreeable than the (lis ease. Krause s Cold Cure is prepared in a convenient capsule form, and will <<ure the most deeplx seated oojd in 2-1 hours without any interruption to busi ness. They are pleasant to take and ' give you a clear, fresh sensation while operating. Price 25c. Sold by Rossuian & Son's Pharmacy. GIANT TREES IN OREGON. Pniti T o Be iio io :*0 l>el in lliiinn'ter nm! Over I ci t Ili^li. I would like to draw attention to a I'.inch •■ I immense tiers in the mountains 15 to 110 miles from my place, near La- Inure!!. (in the O. K. <& N. 1 Used to make every year a trip to the mountains, lasting generally eight to ten days, and it was on one of my last trips about four years tigo that I discovered on the north ?; t side of tile divide, between the wa ters cif the Bull Run and the Hood river, tlii bunch of giant trees. The like I nev er saw before or since. 1 '.dure I saw these giants I had meas ured from time to time some trees at home A liich girdled 20 to JSO feet around about three feet above the base, but these trees could not be compared at all with tie big trees I found in the mountains. They would appear as mere sticks against those giants. I honestly believe that those giants will girdle 00 to SO feet around near the base and that they are ">SO to -PMi feet high. They stand on a kind of ilat or bottom, and this flat is well protected from discovery, as far as I could perceive, by steep and high bluffs not only from the Hood river side up, but from the luaia water divide down. These big trees are, in my mind, some where near the north line of the National park, but it is doubtful if they are in it. There are two speelts of the giant trees. One species lias u yellowish and not very rough bark. In straight and round as a candle, has no limbs to an im mense height and has a nice, wonderful crown. The father of thii very aristo cratic species in our mountains is surely the emperor of our forest. People must not think that this tree is the so called "noble fir," because I know not only the "noble fir" but many other mountain trees very well. Nor must they think that this species is one of the common trees in the mountains. I cannot say how many such giants there are. There may be hun dreds, there may be thousands. On our way home one of my companions was drowned in the Bull Hun and therefore I never went to tne mountains again, but have always had a desire togo and inves tigate further about those big trees. Cedar is the second species of the big trees. They rival iu size and grandeur the first species. But the most wonderful thing about them seems to be that they are, in spite of their immense diameter and age, seemingly sound and hard through and through.—Portland Orego nian. HOW OXE WOMAN LIVES. She is a widow aged 43 years, and she has a daughter aged 12. When her husband died, all there was left of the estate were a small cottage and three acres of land lying on the out skirts of a country town. The problem of supporting herself and her little daughter confronted her when the pro hate court got things settled up. She could sew fairly well, was a good nurse, could not take boarders very well because her house was too small, might get a place as housekeeper per haps, but none of these things suited her. She decided to see what she could do with poultry. So she started with 25 pure blood; -1 Plymouth Rock fowls. This number she increased to 125 lay ing liens. Two acres of the lot have been fenced in and proper houses built for the birds. She operates an incuba tor with fair success and is able to market from 200 to 300 broilers each spring. By keeping only pure bred fowls she is able to sell quite a lot of eggs for sittings to her neighbors each year at an average of 50 cents a dozen. She keeps a Jersey cow, which she hires pastured four months in the year. From the cow and the hens she re ceives an income of S4OO a year, finds the business does not take anywhere near all of her time anil thoroughly en joys her work. The other acre is de voted to a small garden and small fruit, which brings her in quite a little spending money. She is doing lots bet ter than that other widow you know who is putting in all her time trying to catch another man. TOO MI CH SHADE. We know of several prairie towns now 40 or ."0 years old which are to day literally buried in a forest of shade, the thrifty elms and maples now touching tops across the streets. No sunshine falls on the lawns or on the roofs of the homes. This is too much of a good thing. One of the best things the Creator gives toman is sun shine, and it should be allowed to find its way into bedroom, parlor and kitch en. Trees for the birds to nest in and sing from, trees to g've some shady corni ron the lawn where the ham mock may be hung, trees in public park and by country roadside are all right, but never so many as to shut out all the blessed sunshine from the home and cause the moss to grow green on the shingles. Doctors well understand that they may depend upon patronage from these tree aud shade buried homes. M V.\t KACTI Rl\(i PLANTS. A farmer friend wants us to tell why it is that manufacturing interests so largely center in the cast and why it is to secure any sort of man ufacturing plants for our smaller west ern towns. There are several reasons which conspire to bring about this con dition. one, and not the least, that the money necessary to carry on such en terprises is more easily obtainable in the cast than in the west and always at a lower rate of interest; another that transportation facilities are bet ter in the east than in the west; anoth er that in the matter of always being able to secure skilled mechanical help for repairs to machinery and men skill ed in operating machinery the east al ways has the advantage of the west. In time the west will manufacture far more tilings than It now does. The re duction of freight rates enables the manufacturer to consider less the ques tion of being near his supply of raw material and, more, that of being lo cated near what may be termed manu facturing centers. Creameries, cheese factories, tow mills, canneries, agricul tural implement factories, those which use wood as raw material, such as wagon, buggy, butter tub, pump, sash and door factories, locate naturally in the west, while the workers in steel and iron, art work of all kinds, leather, textile fabrics, rubber and the rarer metals almost invariably locate in the east. It would seem as if it would be greatly to the advantage of the work ers iu these factories could they live in less crowded places, and it would be greatly to the advantage of the west ern farmer and producer could he have this valuable class of consumers close to his doors. The scales used In weighing diamonds are so delicately poised that the weight of a single eyelash will turu the balance. Lend a man a quarter today and he s apt to strike you for a dollar tomorrow.— Chicago News. A Hypnotic Kniliire. Smythe—lt won't work. Brown—What won't work? Smythe-Hypnotism. Tried it on the butcher. Looked at him fixedly until I had his undivided attention, then I said very slowly and with emphasis, "That — I'ill—is- paid." Brown And what did the butcher do? Smythe—He said, "You're a liar!" For Female Complaints and diseases arising from an impure state of the blood Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound is an invaluable specific. S. .LI bv Rossuian <V Son s Pharmacy. '■ 1 1 DIARRHEA IN FOWLS. l)r. Wood* Describe* Two Kind* and Prescribe* Treatment. Simple Diarrhea. —A simple inflam matiou of tlie digestive organs causing a whitish, yellowish or even greenish diarrhea may result from a variety of causes. Climatic changes, a long, tire some journey, too much food or drink, exposure, too much "loosening" food, such as meat, oat feed, bran, etc.; over dosing with pepper and condition pow ders, foul water, becoming overheated and exhausted from being chased, want of shade in hot weather, damp ness, unrleanliness, crowding and ver min may one or all cause diarrhea. The only treatment necessary in most cases is to remove the cause. Correct the diet and provide pure water. In mild cases the comb does not change color. The feathers may be ruffled and the fowl a little dumpish. A little powder ed charcoal in the mash food is an ef fective remedy. It is a good plan to keep cracked charcoal constantly be fore the fowls in a box like the grit box. For obstinate cases of diarrhea give the fowl a tublespoonful of olive oil to cleanse intestines. Feed sparing ly and avoid grains with coarse hulls, like oats and barley. Decrease the amount of meat food, use less oats and bran in the mash and use more mid dlings or some low grade flour in the mash. Diarrhea From Poisons.—Paint skins, coarse salt, salt meat, white lead, lye, unslaked lime and fertilizers are the more frequent poisons which cause diarrhea in poultry. Sometimes arsenic, paris green and spray mixtures also cause trouble. Such cases of poisoning should be prevented by keeping all such substances out of the reach of fowls. The cases of poisoning are sel dom discovered in time to save the bird. The most common symptoms of poisoning with any of the above named poisons are sleepiness, diarrhea, con vulsions or twitching of body, dump lshness and sore mouth. Treatment.—Give whites of eggs free ly and an abundance of flaxseed tea.— Dr. Woods in Poultry Monthly. BnlT Cochin Cocli. This fine Buff Cochin cock was bred and is owned by E. G. Roberts, Fort Atkinson, Wis. The bird was winner of first at the Illinois state fair and at the St. Louis fair. During the past several years Mr. Roberts has been in fusing full feathered imported Cochin blood into his stock, and this bird shows the success he has attained. What the lien Aeconipllnhea. The food value of the eggs consumed in a great city is nearly as great as that of the beef eaten in the same city. This is a startling statement, but it is supported by the evidence of statistics taken by the Paris city tax authorities. Unless the Parisians are for some rea son unusually large consumers of eggs the proportion will presumably hold good elsewhere. These facts are from a paper read to the Paris Academy of Sciences by M. Ballaud, who has en deavored by new and exhaustive anal yses to correct the data given by previ ous workers in this line The egg as a whole is 75 per cent water and there fore furnishes 25 per cent of nutri ment. Two eggs without shells weigh on an average 100 grams (1,543 grains), so that 20 eggs represent quite exactly the food value of one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of meat. A fowl in a few days thus furnishes her own weight of food substance. She is a valuable manufac tory of edible products, and the breed ing of the best laying varieties of fowls cannot be too highly commended. In 1898 there were declared at the Paris octroi (city tax offices) 538,299,120 eggs, representing (allowing 50 grams to the egg) kilograms (about 27,000 tons) of food substance, equivalent to the quantity of beef (without the bones) furnished by 108,200 oxen of 400 kilograms (880 pounds) esch, or two thirds of the number of oxen entered at Paris in 1898.—Baltimore Sun. The l.nrurest I'kk Record. In answer to a correspondent who wants to know "what breed of fowls has the largest egg record" The Feath er says: This is a rather difficult question to answer correctly. The records for the present year are going upward so fast we hesitate to name the breed claim ing tiie record. Most any breed will claim it. There are Brahmas with 235 eggs to their credit. White Wyandottes with 250 or more and Plymouth Rocks, Barred and White, with even higher figures. I.eghoras and Mlnorcas come In for their share of the glory, and so the story runs. We might name a breed or rather a variety to you, but you would not perhaps come to the rec ords. It would be best for you to se lect a variety and see how much of a record you could make. What I might do with Bralimas you could not per haps equal with Leghorns. Establish your own record from the popular vari eties. lli* Ambition lit l.ife, "That boy seems to have no ambi tion in life." "There's where you do him nn in justice. lie wants to be the husband of an actress, and no one has worked more industriously than he to acquire the necessary liking for fur lined coats, champagne and diamonds."—Chicago Post. A Favorite With the I.ndies. "The census man was so kind. He didn't ask me how old 1 was." "lie didn't?" "No, he just asked me what year 1 was born in."—Chicago Record. At tlie Summer Heiiort. Mattie— Yes, a mail has come here, but lie is only a hired man. Minnie—Of course. No man would be likely to come here if he wasn't hired.—Boston Transcript. Heller's Testimony. Albert Heller, living at. 1114 Farnham St., Omaha, says:"l have tried most every thing that is used as a prevent ive or cure for headache, but nothing did me so much good as Kranse's Head ache Capsules. Others who have uped them say the same thing." Price 25c. Sold bv Rossiuati & Son's Pharmacy. H % Mm ■ * s <@> THAT ARE STYLISH are hard to obtain. We show only the correct shapes and styles in trimmed Hats and loques. The designs are exceptionally tasteful, and the variety endless. Each model is refined and effective. Our prices are much below what yon expect to pay for such beauty and quality Jiifiin 122 Mill Street. Shoes, Shoes Stylisli! Clxeap! Reliable I Bicycle, Cymnasium and Tennis Shoes. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes AND THE Snag Proof Rubber Boots A SPECIALTY. A. SCIIATZ. BLOSSOM EFFECTS ! Si fcf % Distinguish the Wall Paper this season Our designs rank with Frescoes in their grace and art. You should buy the'ni because you get only what is beautiful and correct here. We keep no ball-way papers, they all come up to a certain standard, at prices astonishingly low, notwithstand ing the advance in price of all rav materials. Prices range from 3. cents to 75 cents per piece. A. H. GRONE DO I'll! A Reliable TUT SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spouting and Ceneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. PRICES TIIE LOU GST! QLALITY THE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FRONT ST. SIL A v^ w o c i4 RV .Jt Wanted—A Husband ! Must be strong and never have a lame Iwick.— I»r. Knnklu'n Kidney Tablet* stop tlie pains at once and cure permanently. Sold by'Kossman & Son, SSOO REWARD! We will pav the above reward for any ruse of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita, the Up-To-Date Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strict ly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes eontain 100 Pills, 10' boxes contain 40 Pills, fto boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and Imitations. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Clintwi and latksou Stß., Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. MOREAU'S O'ViS TANSY AND tvr PENNYROYAL PILLS 7 The S*fe«t, S*resl and Only 112 r RELIABLE French REMEDY. A\ Price st.oopef box. Pink wrapper. AA ex , ra strength, $2.00 per box, by mail, postpaid. Address Dr. Morhau & Co.. lirown llioa. Bidg., S. Clinton St. v Chicago, XiL. Wanted—A Wife ! Must be strong and never Imvea lame back.— Dr. It a■■l« l ■>'« Kidney Tablet* stop the pain at once and cure pccuuiueutly. Sfttid by Itossuiau A Son.