Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 11, 1900, Image 1

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    "one Paper——
—-For tie Home
''Tulation of this paper is in
iing rapidly. It will pay you
advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Jloun
9A. 12 M- 104 Mill
IP. 4P. M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the latent and most Improved
Instrument* and prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Offioa, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established IMW2.
Tonhensed news.
This year is almost at an end, only 82
days remaining.
House keepers complain of the high
prices for good white potatoes.
The cold snap will do much toward
eliminating the germs of malaria.
Many of our business men are re
painting their places of business.
Many chestnuting parties to the sur
rounding hills will soon be arranged.
The opening of the shooting season is
watched for by many local sportsmen.
Take in your plants now if you do not
want them nipped by frost.
The long winter nights will soon be
with us.
Another month, and then you will
commence to shiver.
George Swank and Harry Hitter went
coon hunting Saturday night and suc
ceeded in bagging a 3D pound sample of
the nocturnal carnivore variety at Kipps
The basket ball season will soon be
with us again. There is strong talk of
the organization of two teams in this
I). Lor ah Mauger, traveling passenger
agent of the Philadelphia & Heading
Railway, made this office a pleasant call
Between 1400 and 1500 cars of soft coal
are paesing over the Heading road at
Tamaqua every day. They are sent over
the Catawisaa division.
The "Germania Verein" have elected
the following officers: President, Will
iam Audress; Vice President, Christian
Loeh; Secretary, Carl Molter; Treasurer,
Andrew Schatz; Financial Secretary,
Paul Knoch; Trustees, Paul Swentek, J.
Wilhelm and Herbart Wyle.
' The peaches are about over for this
season. A few stragglers still remain on
our market stands,looking somewhat in
the order of the laßt run of shad.
•'The Man from Mexico" which Walter
E. Perkins and his company will pres
ent at the opera house Saturday evening
is described as one of the funniest com
edies ever ottered to theatregoers in this
country. It is in no sense an experiment
as it has been played with great success
in all the principal cities of the country
and has been given the utmost limit of
praise for the humor of its situations.
The members of the A. M. E. church
of this city, are arranging for the pur
chase of the Welsh Baptist church build
ing on Spruce street. The members are
soliciting aid from among their friends
and they hope to be successful in their
The Lyon's building on Mill street is
receiving a new coat of paint.
Several miners from Scranton arrived
in this city yesterday looking for work.
They returned to Scranton last even
Khoads, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Woolridge, is ill at his home
near the Fair grounds.
The Heading Railway company is
contemplating extensive improvements
at West Milton, involving an expendi
ture of about 175,000, and bids for the
work have been asked for. The work
under contemplation includes a power
house, repair shop, coaling station and
approaches, office, oil and storehouse,
turntable, water tank and other improve
James P. Johnson, an employe of the
Reading Iron works, had his right fore
arm punctured by a piece of flying steel
Monday. Dr. Wintersteen dressed th<
Range Muster Corporal George Grosi
of Co. F, states that all but seven mem
bers of the company have qualified am:
(hat most of them have shown gooi
marksmanship. An extension of ten
■days has been granted in which to quali
fy, to make up the time spent in Sben
nndoah. A physical disability dischargt
will be given those failing to qualify.
Charles Gillespie Barkley, Esq., aget
61, a well known and highly esteemet
citizen of Bloomiburg and a member o
the Columbia County Bar, passed awa]
at 8:JJ8 yesterday morning after an ill
ness lasting little more than three weeks
After Nov. Ist, all employes of the D
L. & W. Railroad Co., will be obliged ti
wear uniforms. This order applies t<
all employes coming in coutact with tli
v v - v
VOL. 45--MO 41.
The Wintereteen Oase Will Probably Come
dp—A Busy Session.
The October term of court will con
vene next Monday morning with Judge
Little and Associates Divel and Thomp
son on the bench. More than the usual
number of criminal cases will be tried
and it will likely be the busiest and
most interesting session held in this
county for many years.
A number of extra jurors have been
empanelled and many of the smaller
cases will be held over for the special
term in November.
The trial of Boyd Wintersteen will
probably come up and as this is the
first murder trial Montour county has
had in years the proceedings will awak
en great interest.
The Commonwealth vs. H. K. Landis
for selling liquor on Sunday will also in
terest many people. The damage suits
arising from the boiler explosion at the
Heading Iron works several years ago,
have been postponed to the special Nov
ember term.
High School Boys at Oatawissa.
The High school foot-ball eleven will
play their first game this coming Sat
urday afternoon at Catawissa, where
they will line up against the strong
High school eleven of that place.
The game ought to be a good one as
the local boys have been working hard
during the past week to condition them
selves and are now able to put up a
strong and aggressive game. Saturday's
game will be the first real game for the
local eleven and as they have not as yet
figured in a contest abounding with
roughness, the clip may tell on them.
They goto Catawissa, however, deter
mined to win. About twenty rooters
will accompany them.
Water Board Hold Meeting.
Following upon the meeting of the
water committee of the Council Tuesday
evening, the Board of Water Commis
sioners convened at the Council cham
ber last night and discussed the plans
for the proposed Annex to the water
works building.
With the exception of a few changes,
the plan 9 were approved and Superin
tendent Keefer was instructed to start
the excavation, preparatory to the con-
struction of the foundations.
Organization is Possible.
Miss Margaret Bogenrief, Assistant
Director in the department of Physical
Training of the State Normal school of
l'loomsburg, met beveral of the young
ladies of this city yesterday afternoon in
r the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. and talked
over the advisability of organizing a
' club in Indian club swinging.
Miss Bogenrief was very favorably im
-1 pressed with the outlook and at her
• next visit here it h almost certain that
» such a club will be perfected.
Disagreement Over Mixture.
i The men in the old puddle mill at the
) Heading Iron works did not charge their
i furnaces last night owing to a disagree
ment with the company.
r The puddlers claim that they have
. been working a mixture of low phos
r phorous iron and steel scale from which
they cannot make the same tonnage as
3 they do when working pig iron. They
t are of the opinion that $3.50 per ton
j should be paid for this work.
112 New Degree Worked.
Fifteen members of Mahoning Tribe
j No. 77, Improved Order of Red Men,
were given the Haymaker's degree after
the regular lodge meeting in their hall
in the Lyon's block lastevening. About
eighteen members of the Sunbury lodge
were in charge of the new work, which
is of a social nature entirely. Later in
the evening a lunch was served at the
3 Palace Hotel.
J Enjoyed a Pleasant Day.
Liveryman Raymond Ikeler drove the
following hack party to the home of
Ambrose Miller near Washingtonville
I.yesterday morning where they were very
e pleasantly entertained: Mesdames M.
D. L. Sechler, Kate .tloyer, J. 11. Wood-
H side, Charles Baker, Charles Asking,
H Reuben Boyer, Jane Kessler, J. Winter
steen and Kate Wagner, Miss Ruth
e Boyer, Messrs. Adam Wagner and Don
t aid Kessler.
Young Umstead Injured.
, While little eight-years-old Charles
Umstead was playing ball with several
companions in Washingtonville last
evening, he was run down by a horse
and buggy driven by Ed ward Coleman,
I of that place, but escaped without ser
' ious injury.
Mr. Coleipan, who made every effort
to keep out of the young boy's way, is
18 exonerated from all blame.
d Operation Successful.
*' Mrs. W. R. Clark, of South Danville,
II underwent a dangerous operation at the
'' (ierman Hospital in Philadelphia on
'* Monday afternoon and is now reported
' e as improving very rapidly.
d Will Remove to Washington, D. U.
d Hon. J. K. Geringer is making pre
yf parations for the removal of his family
y to Washington, I). C.,where he will take
1. up his residence.
An October Wedding.
Invitations will be issued in a few days
t0 for the marriage of Miss Bessie Sond
to heim, of Msuch Chunk, to Simon Gold
,e smith, of Dußois, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Goldsmith, of this city.
Friday Evening-But The Finance Commit
tee Ordered The Bills Paid.
The borough fathers failed to get to
gether Friday night and as a result there
was not enough members present to
make a quorum and Clerk McCoy an
nounced "no meeting."
The meeting was for the purpose
of passing upon the regular accounts
of the borough and water department
and inspecting the plans for the proposed
addition to the Water Works building.
Those members present examined the
blue prints of the proposed addition to
the Water Works which were submitted
by Architect Brngler. The plans as
noticed by a reporter of this paper show
a very modern structure which would be
a valuable addition to the present Wat
er Works. The proposed building as
s K own on the blue prints is of brick,one
story high and 65x46 feet in size.
The interior is divided into two rooms
one of which will contain two boilers
and is 27 feet wide an I -16 feet, in depth.
The other room in which it is 1 roposed
at some time to l< r.i'-- two UK) arch
dynamos and engine- i!.<•:. Ihe
exterior of the bin! !. iwiil' been
<Jrawn on the "mun.c.pal ilesun'' plan.
Those members whoex:"-;-.!'* 11 lie | lans
seemed greatly impressed -.villi them.
The following bills against the borough
were ordered paid by the finance com
Employes $82.20
Street labor 60.58
Standard Gas Co 2.80
Standard Electric Light Co 453.06
Montour it Columbia Tel. Co 6.00
Kmployes $144.88
Sam A. McCoy 20 00
Curry & Vannan 5.30
Garlock Packing Co 15.02
The Atlantic Refining Co 17.50
A. C. Amesbury 89.59
Standard Gas Co 1.10
Joseph Lechner 29.U0
Harrison Bros. & Co 147.75
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of Council was held
Monday night with President Kemtner in
the chair. The Borough Treasurer's
monthly statement was read showing a
net balance on hand Oct. Ist,of $5586 97.
B. F. Foulk tendered his resignation
as a member of the Board of Health.
Same was accepted.
On motion it was decided to pay the
Secretary of Council $25 and Treasurer
S2O for extra work in compiling bonds.
Complaint was made from Mr. Sper
ring that the water was running from
the Alley in Penn street into his barn.
The Street and Bridge committee were
instructed to investigate the matter.
Water Superintendent Keefer stated
that upon careful examination of the
plans for the new building at the Water
Works, he found them lacking in some
details. After reading an itemized state
ment of the cost of material he said that
the building alone,if properly construct
ed, would cost about |4539. With the
additional cost of the 250 horse power
boilers instead of the 150 as figured on
in the plans, the entire cost would be
nearly SB,OOO. The water committee was
instructed to confer with the Water
Commissioners and suggest that the ex
cavating preparatory to building a
foundation be started at once as the
condition of the river at a later period
would make the work more expensive.
The Secretary was ordered again to
call the attention of the Philadelphia,
Heading and l'ottsville and the Montour
and Columbia Telephone companies to
that section of the borough ordinance
requiring a pole affidavit to be made
and that all taxes on poles are to be
paid in advance.
Great Men Were Great Workers.
At the Grove Presbyterian church Sun
day night the Hev. Dr. W. A. McAtee
preached the first of a series of sermons
to young people. The church was filled
and the congregation lisitened attentive
ly to his sermon which was 011 "Our life
work and how to choose it." The text
was taken from Kxodus 29—"Six days
shalt thou labor.
Hev. McAtee during his discourse said:
"Science and the Bible are at one in say
ing that work is one of man's chief
blessings, man is therefore not an object
of compassion in that he is born to toil, 1
all great men having been great work
ers. The choice of a pursuit is one of
the earliest questions that engage our at
A "Harvest Home" service was held
at the Trinity Lutheran church Sun
day in connection with the morning
services. In the evening the Sunday
school held their Children's Day ex
ercises, the program consisting of choice
reading and recitations and the address
by the pastor, Kev. L. D. Ulrich. Sing
ing of choice selections closed the ser
Will Likly Accept.
It is likely that the Hev. H. C. Har
man who preached at St. Paul's M. E.
church last Sunday, will be chosen as
the next pastor of that church. His
preaching pleased the members of that
congregation so well last Sunday that it
has been decided to give him a call.
Improving in Health.
Themany friends of LieutenantSanmel
McClure will be pleased to learn that he
is rapidly improving in health. Mr. Mc-
Clure was admitted to the Government
hospital in Washington, 1). C., on Mon
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mrs. Nellie Berry, of Buffalo, N. Y., is
the guest of Mrs. J. R. Bennett, at Cas
tle Grove.
Miss Bertha Smith, of Trenton, N. J.
is visiting her parents, Mr. an 1 Mrs. G.
F. Smith, Mill street.
Mrs. Lizzie Fisher is visiting relatives
in Catawissa.
i Miss Margaret Bogenrief, of Blooms
| burg, was the guest of Miss Charlotte
Persing, Centre street, yesterday,
j The Misses Jennie and Louise Carroll,
I of the Bloomsburg Normal school, called
! on friends in this city yesterday.
Samuel Bailey left yesterday for a busi
ness trip to Philadelphia.
| Mrs. Jennie B. Gearhart is visitiug
friends in 11 arrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Youngman left
yesterday for a trip to Philadelphia.
John Keim, of Riverside, was in Sun
bury yesterday.
Dr. N. M. Smith, of South Danville,
made a professional trip to Klinesgrove
Miss Emeline Gearhart visited Sun
bury friends yesterday.
James Bourne, of Sunbury, transact
ed business in South Danville yester
Clark Shannon, of Riverside, was in
Sunbury yesterday.
John 1,. Evans returned yesterday
from a business trip to Barre, Vermont.
Harry Yerkes, of Nanticoke, called on
friends in this city yesterday.
Miss Minnie Schott returned to Scran
ton yesterday after a visit with friends
in this city.
The Rev. G. 11. Day, of Riverside,vis
ited relatives in Sunbury yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pope, of Phila
delphia, will attend the funeral of Mrs.
Pope's mother, Mrs. Alonzo Mottern,
Prof. U. L. Gordy spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, of Lewis
town, were the guests of Edward Will
iams at the Hotel Baldy on Saturday.
Mr. Kelly was formerly a resident of
this city.
Mrs. Benjamin Smithers and grand
daughter, Miss Clara Cann, of St. Louis,
are visiting relatives in Lewistown.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Croupe and son,
Allen, of Nanticoke, were the guests
over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bauscb, East Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Yorks spent Sun
day at the mansion near Wash
ington ville.
Miss Irene Fisher, of Mainville, visit
ed relatives in this city on Saturday.
Mrs. J. K. Geringer is visiting friends
in Horseheads, New York.
Miss A. M. Keeler spent Sunday with
friends in Berwick.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Kingsbury, of Sch
ickshinny, spent Sunday at the borne of
I). L. Guest, Nicholas Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs visited rela
tives in llazleton over Sunday.
Clarence McMahan, of Philadelphia,
is visiting his mother on Spruce street.
Russel 11. Harner returned to Littles
town Saturday after a visit with his!
brother, Ross Harner, on East Market
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Morgan, of Sun
bury, are visiting friends in this city.
Warren Shultz, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
M. Shultz, East Market street.
Miss Alice James, of Milton, is visit
ing friends in this city.
Miss Emma Boyer, of Mt. Carmel, is
visiting relatives in this city.
Mrs. A. B. Harvey, of Williamsport,
has returned home after a week's visit
with Mrs. W. D. Wise, Mausdale.
Mrs. Robert Reed is visiting friends in
Mrs. William Burnman, of Milton, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
Hale, West Mahoning street.
The Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Steans are
visiting friends in Mifllinburg.
Miss Edna Applegate, of Ringtown, is
visiting her aunt, Mrn. W. I). Wise, at !
George Young, of Shamokin, transact-1
ed business in this city yesterday.
Miss Mary Askins, of Berwick, is vis- 1
iting relatives in this city.
Justice-of-the-Peace J. P. Bare return- ]
ed from Norristown yesterday.
Miss Amelia Jones, of Sunbury, is vis- '
iting friends in this city.
Mrs. E. J. Leniger and daughter, Miss
Laura, returned from a visit in William
sport last evening.
Messrs. 11. B.Stratton and S. F. Co
chell, of Philadelphia,are visiting Frank
Cochell of this city.
John B. Snyder and wife, of Shamok
in, called on friends in this city yester
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. lleddens,of Wash
ingtonville, are spending Fair week in
Samuel Davis who has been visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davis,
Mill street, left yesterday for his home
in Canyon City, Colorado.
The Rev. James A. Huber made a
I business trip to ilarrisburg yesterday.
Jacob Bloom was in Muncy yester
Mrs. Annie Biddle called on Sunbury
friends yesterday.
Made By John Marks, Sycamore Street,
Monday Afternoon.
John Gibson or Jack Marks, as be is
better known throughout the city,made
an attempt on his life Monday after
Monday afternoon about 3.30 o'clock
Gibson entered a saloon in the 3rd ward
and going up to the bar asked for a glass
of cider, as the proprietor went into the
vault after it Gibson stepped behind the
bar and seizing a whiskey glass poured a
half ounce of laudanum from an ounce
vial that he had into the glass and drank
it down with one gulp just as the pro
prietor of the saloon made his apper
ance with the desired glass of cider,
which Gibson took and drank.
Turning around Gibson headed for
the door and started on a run for his
home on Sycamore street anil as he did
so the above mentioned word was given
in a joking way by several friends who
were standing near at the time.
When he reached his home Gibson
went into the house and seeing some
capsules on the table took them. His
wife who saw him told him that they
contained morphine and that she took
them for a headache. Notwithstanding
what his wife had said, Gibson took four
and gulped them down. He then went
out on the front steps and sat down
where he was met by some friends who
had thought that something was wrong.
Smelling the odor of laudanum and at
the same time being aware that Gibson
was sick they procured some salt and
water and gave it to him which caused j
him to vomit and made him feel much
better. During this time word was sent
to Chief Mincemoyer who hastened to
the house only to find the man in ap
parently good condition. Gibson then
informed those present of what he had j
done and vouchsafed the opinion that
did not know why he took the dead
ly drug.
About 5 o'clock the condition of Gib
son became so serious that Dr. Stock was
sent for who,upon his arrival started to
work over him. Chief Mincemoyer was
then sent for by Dr. Stock and both he
and the doctor used artificial respiration
to bring life into Gibson, the beating of
whose heart was hardly heard. Emetics
were then used and Dr. Curry was sent
fwr, both physicians and Chief Mince
moyer doing everything in their power
to save the man's life. The use of the
emetics and a stomach pump began to
tell and Gibson was soon feeling much j
better. Although Gibson was in a blind i
stupor Chief Mincemoyer at the direc-|
tion of the physicians walked him assist- j
ed hv a neighbor to keep him from go
ing to sleep.
"Man Prom Mexico."
"The Man from Mexico" in which
Walter E. Perkins and his comedy com
pany will be seen at the opera house,
Saturday evening, has been generally
considered to be the funniest farce com
edy produced within many years past.
When Mr. Dn Souchet wrote "My
Friend From India." in the success of
which Mr. Perkins was an importont
factor, it was not thought that the au
thor could sustain the pace he had set
when it came to furnishing a successor
to his first comedy. But he did more
than sustain it.for "The Man from
Mexico" proved to be tar funnier than
his previous work and it immediately
caught the fancy of the fun loving pub
lic with the result that its engagements
have been limited to the principal cities
of the country. Mr. Perkins has secur
ed the rights to it however, and will
present it here in a thoroughly first
class manner and with the aid of an ex
cellent cast in which are. Nagle Barry,
Donald Brine, Philip Yale Drew. Au
gustus E. White, John F. Beck, Jerome
Harrington, Theo. Johnston, Maude A.
Scott, Florence Templeton, Marion
Longfellow and Pearl J. Ford.
Another Accident.
At the Silk mill about 3:30 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon Harry Montague, son
of Fred Montague, of Upper Mulberry
street,who is employed about the mach
inery had the index finger of his left
hand smashed between cogs. Dr. Wint
ersteen who was summoned to the mill
took the young man home in a carriage
after which he dressed the injured mem
ber. The finger is injured so badly that
it is feared it will have to be amputated
at the first joint, although Dr. Winter
steen is doing everything in his power
to save it.
Annual 0. E. Convention.
The Thirteenth Annual Convention of
the Christian Endeavor Societies of Mon
tour and Columbia counties will con
vene in Orangevilie Oct. 25-20. Let
everv Society send at least one delegate
and report the names to Rev. A. Houtz,
Orangevilie, at an early date.
Hearts United.
Miss Bessie Dewalt, of this city, and
William McCloughan.of Rush township,
were married in Bloomsburg last even
ing, the Rev. I'. A. Heilman performing
the ceremony.
Ladies' Auxiliary Meeting.
A special meeting of the Ladies Auxi
liary of the Y. M. C. A. will be held in
Association building this evening at
7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is de
While a gang of laborers were running
a truck load of puddle iron from the
Danville Rolling mill t<> the store yard
yesterday the wheels left the rails and
threw the men and iron in a pile. No
1 one was injured.
So Decided at Monday Evening's Meeting
of The School Board,
The meet.'ng of the School Board Mon
night was attended by President Fisch
er and the following members: Barber,
Keefer, Lunger, Werkheiser,Curry,Orth,
Green and Black.
The question of observing Arbor Day
was taken up but the opinion prevailed
that there were now too many holidays
for the children and the matter of cel
ebrating the day was dropped, although
the day may be celebrattd in a small
way by some of the schools.
The question of opening the night
school was freely discussed and it was de
cided to open the same on Monday even
ing, Oct. 22nd. The committee on repairs
reported that the hall in the 3rd ward
school, which will be utilized for night
school, would be completed at the end
of the present week.
James Conelly was appointed truant
officer at a compensation of $1.25 per
day. It was stated at the meeting that
there were nearly 300 truants in the city.
The transfer committee were instructed
to ascertain the number of non-resideut
pupils who were attending the schools
who had not paid their tuition.
The Building and Repair committee
were instructed to have the spouting on
the 4th ward buikling repaired, also the
roof on the building of the 3rd ward.
The treasurer's report showing a balance
on hand of $10,540.55 was received and
The following bills were ordered paid:
J. G. Brown $ 4.50
Wills, Warming & Ventilatiug Co. 20.00
Mayuard, Merrill & Co 29 72
E. A. Adams 02.50
Boro. of Daoville (water rent).... 48 00
C. Schuster 1.25
F. P. Startzel 2.00
J. F. Grove 2.25
Casper Diseroad 7.75
U. S. Express Co 1.65
Rogers & Williams 7.20
Sec'y W. H. Orth 3.20
J. B. Cleaver 5.08
Roberts & Meek 8.88
Thomas R. Shure 0.00
William Ward 75
Danville Stove & M'fg. Co 75
Standard Gas Co 40
Resolution of Condolence.
Following is a resolution of condob
ence over the death of the Rev. W. E.
Roney, the late pastor of Trinity Luth
eran church of this city, which was ad
opted by the Danville Conference of the
Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of
Pennsylvania, at its meeting in George
town, Pa., Oct. 3rd, 1900.
Whereas —It has pleased Almighty
God in His good Providence to remove
from our midst by death our brother,the
Rev. W. E. Roney, who was earnest and
zealous and faithful in the cause of
Christ; therefore be it resolved:
First —That whilst we mourn our loss
in the early death of one who by his
genial disposition and wise counsel won
our love and esteem, we humbly bow to
the gracious will of Him who doeth all
things well and overruleth all things to
His own glory and our good.
Second—That a solemn admonitiou
comes to us through his early death, to
a renewed faithfulness and steadfastness
in the work of the Lord.
Third—That we express our sincere
sympathy to his widow and children in
this their sore bereavement in the loss
of a kind and devoted husband and an
indulgent and loving father.
Fourth —That a copy of these resolu
tions be spread on the minutes of our
Conference; that a copy be sent to his
widow and that they be published in
one of the Danville papers and in The
Secretary Danville Conference.
The ouly first class moving picture
exhibition in America today is that of
Lyman H. Howe, who is the pioneer of
that particularly entertaining and uni
que class of exhibitions. Beyond the
least doubt this show for the season of
1900 1901 is 'the finest, best and most
elaborate that time and money can pro
duce. He leads and others make weak
attempts to follow. He has many imi
tators, but no equals. His this season's
exhibition is as far ahead of all others
as day is of night. This statement will
be verified by his exhibition, which will
appear here at the Opera House, on Fri
day Evening, Oct., 2ttth.
All Night Telephone Service.
The Shamokin Valley Telephone com
pany are rapidly completing the work of
connecting the Shamokin Valley line
with the Montour A Columbia telephone
companies lines, as soon as the work is
finished an all night telephone service
will be inaugurated which will greatly
benefit the many patrons of the com
pany. The Montour & Columbia Tele
phone company yesterday morning com
menced to string extra trunk lines be
tween this city and Sunbury to meet the
growing demands for the telephone ser
Settled Argument.
Two pugilistic inclined young girls of
South Danville, created much mirth yes
terday aft j rnoon after school hours by
deciding to settle an argument with
their little fists. They were just in the
midst of the fray when a Danville citiz
en, who was driving along' in a buggy
at the time, jumped to the ground and
separated them. I
Occurred at The Williamsport! Hospital
Stuart,the eight-years-old son of James
Pollock,of Washingtonville, died at 1:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Will
iamsport hospital from the effects of in
juries received Wedneaday, Sept. 19th,
while playing with his play mates dur
ing recess at the school in Washington
At the time of the accident it was
thought that the injuries which the
young boy had received would prove
serious. The very best medical atten
tion was given him but his case became
so serious that Dr. Hofifa, who was at
tending him, decided to remove him to
the Williamsport hospital. In company
with Dr. Hoffa, young Pollock was tak
en to the hospital on Friday afternoon,
where an operation was performed by
Dr. Nutt and several other physicians.
The operation developed the fact that
the intestines were perforated.
At l.¥o o'clock Saturday afternoon
death relieved young Pollock from his
sufiering and at 7 o'clock his body was
brought back to the home of his parents
at Washingtonville.
The dealh of Stuart Pollock came as a
severe blow to his parents, who saw in
their young son a future that was of the
brightest hue.
The funeral was held at the home
of the family at 1 o'clock Monday
the interment being made at Derry
Church cemetery. Rev. Monroe of White
Hall, conducted the funeral ceremonies.
The sympathy of the entire communi
ty is extended to the bereaved parents
in the loss of their son.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary
Arms which was held from the home of
her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Pursel, corner
of Mill and Centre streets, Tuesday af
ternoon was largely attended. The Rev
W. A. McAtee assisted by the Rev. 0.
G. Heck conducted the services. The
interment was made in the Odd Fellows'
cemetery. Those in attendance from a
distance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Arms and son John, and Mrs. Minnie
Kahler, of Williamsport, Mr. and Mrs.
W. K. Pursel and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Pursel, of Bloomsburg, George Arms, of
Milton, and Charles Arms, of Lebanon.
Undertaker Henrie had charge of the
Mrs. Rose Mottern, aged 45 years,wife
of Alonzo Mottern, of 811 Kast Market
street, died at her late home Monday
night at 11 o'clock from cancer of the
stomach. Mrs. Mottern, who is a well
known resident of the Second ward, is
survived by a husband and one daught
er, Mrs. Harry Pope, of Bristol.
The funeral of the late William J.
Deen was held from the family residence
on West Mahoning street Monday af
ternoon at two o'clock. It was very
largely attended. The Rev. Erskine
Wright conducted the services. Inter
ment was made in the Odd Fellows'
General Jacob E. Meunch, of Reeds
Station, Shamokin township,who is well
known throughout Montour county,
died at his home Sunday evening. Mr.
Meunch at the time of his death was 77
years of age. He is survived by a wife
and two daughters.
On Saturday morning at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. E. K. Pursel, corner
Mill and Centre streets, occurred the
death of Mrs. Mary A. Arms, aged 75
years,(> months and 22 days. Mrs. Arms'
death was due to general debility though
she had been ill but a short time. She
is survived by six children, Mrs. Minnie
Kahler and A. N. Arms, of Williams
port; Mrs. W. K. Pursel,of Bloomsburg;
George Arms, of Milton; Charles Arms,
of Lebanon, and Mrs. E. K. Pursel, of
this city.
Mrs. Lydia A. Anderson, whose home
is at 150S Lombard street, Philadelphia,
died at the residence of Robert Morris,
209 East Market street, this city, at 5:45
Tuesday night from pneumonia, after an
illness of about a week.
Mrs. Anderson who is a matron of the
Day Nursery of Philadelphia came to
this city about ten days ago on a vaca
tion. On Tuesday last she was taken
sick with a severe attack of pneumonia.
Early Monday morning Wilson Metier,
a pioneer resident of this section, expir
ed at his home on West Market street.
Although 87 years old at the time of his
death he was quite active up to a short
time ago. He is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. E. G. Hoffman, Mrs. H.
11. Vastine and Miss Anna Metier. The
funeral will occur at the late home at
9.30 o'clock Thursday morning. Inter
ment being in Rush Presbyterian cemet
Arthur Beaver Renner, the 13.years
old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Renner,
formerly residents of this city,died early
Monday morning at his home near
Bloomsburg. Appendicitis is said to
have caused bis death.
Among those from this city who at
tended the fair in Bloomsburg yester
day were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Litz, Reese
Kdmondson.F. P. Johnson, 11. L. Gross,
W. D. StratiH', 1). B. Heddens and John
The office of the AMERICAN ueing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publishei
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Ofali Kinds and Descrption.
Get our prices before place
your orders.
May Result In Water Famine This Winter.
Remedy For It.
Some apprehension is being felt by
many of our citizens in regard to tbe
water supply for tbe coining winter. The
Susquehanna is lower now than it has
been for many years at this season.
Despite the rainfall of Monday, the
rise in the river is hardly perceptible and
as the equinoctial storms have as yet
made no appearance, many are inclined
to believe that the river will remain low
the entire winter. It is feared that if a
freeze-up should occur before there is
water enough to cover the wells on the
west side of the bridge, it will neces
sitate the laying of a pipe from the wells
to a point between the first and second
piers where the water is deepest. It
is seldom we have heavy rains at this
late season and unless there is a rise in
temperature and a good rain fall, this
procedure may have to be adopted.
Met a Horrible Death.
Luther Stahlnecker, aged 40 years,
whois well known in thiacity and sur
rounding country, met a horrible death
Saturday while working in the car yards
of the Penna. R. R. at Williamsport.
According to a message sent to this
paper, Stahlnecker, who is a carpenter
and resides at lurbotville, was repairing
a car of the Penna. road in Williamsport.
He had to get under the car to do the
work, which was propped up by jacks.
Without the least warning the car slid
from the jacks and fell on Stahlnecker,
crushing his head and shoulders into a
horrible mass. The remains were taken
to his home in Turbotville for inter
Stahlnecker was a nephew of William
11. Bortz, a well known resident of Tur
botville. He is survived by a wife who
is nearly crazed over her husband's sad
Charles Stahlnecker, the father of the
dead man,was killed by an express train
on the Penna. K. R. at Kemerer's Mills
about six years ago. Mrs. Stahlnecker,
the wife of the dead man, had been vis
iting him at Williamsport Saturday and
had just taken the train for her home
when the shocking accident occurred.
Important Invention.
Letters patent have been granted to
Lewis Morgan, of Reading, Pa., for an
improvement in spring appliances for
rolling mill couplings. The invention
consists in the application of metal band
springs to roll trains; whereby loose
couplings are firmly held during the re
volutions of the train; preventing as in
the present way, those counter rotary
motions of the boxes and spindle,result
ing in the "backlash" which is thecause
of the frequent breakages and expen
sive delays so annoying to mill manag
This device is readily attached or re
moved without disconnecting the train
and does away with the usual noise and
clatter of tbe machinery. Mr. Morgan
was for many years employed as a
machinist at the big mill in this city, at
one time occupying the position of Sup
erintendent of the mill machinery. He
is now assistant Superintendent of the
Spruce street sheet mill of tbe Reading
Iron company at Reading.
Delegates Instructed.
The miners at Shamokin and vicinity
yesterday elected their delegates for
the miners convention which convenes
at Scranton tomorrow for the purpose
of atlecting a settlement of the great
strike. All delegates chosen were in
structed to stand for an increase of ten
percent, the abolition of the sliding
scale and an iron clad agreement with
the operators that they will stand by
the terms of the agreement for a year.
Good Sum Was Realized.
The Y. M. C. A. building was open to
the public in its new dress Tuesday night
A careful inspection showed that the
improvements were made just where
they were most needed, and the Ladies
Auxiliary deserve much credit. Their
work is always appreciated by those in
terested in the Association. An excell
ent supper was served from which a good
sum was realized.
A New Bell,
The school directors of Ciearhart town
ship have purchased a bell for the school
house at South Danville. The bell was
made in Chicago and arrived at the P.
R. R. station Monday. It will be plac
ed in the new tower sometime during
the present week.
A Coming Wedding.
Invitations were issued Monday for
the marriage of Miss Katharine, daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krieger, to
Charles H. Howe, Thursday, October
Jacob Winters, an employe of the
Polish brewery, while, loading kegs of
beer on a wagon about 4 o'clock Mon
day afternoon, had the middle finger of
his right hand smashed by the falling
of one of the kegs. The lacerat
ed finger was dressed by Dr. Winter
C. C. Moyer, the Penn street livery
man, met with a painful accident Mon
day morning. While attending to his
horses he WHS kicked in the chin by one
of the animals. The cut which was near
ly an inch long had four stitches taken
in it by Dr. P. C. Newbaker.