Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, October 04, 1900, Image 1

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-—For tie Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9A. 12 M 104 Mill St.,
IP. 4P. M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty ,
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown anil Bridge Work a Specialty
Equipped with the latent and most improved
Instruiueuto and prepared to execute the
moat diitleuit work.
Offioe, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and aL work Guaranteed.
Established 1892. \
Chestnut parties will be popular now.
The leaves are commencing to fall
from the trees.
Pottsville has twoautomobilefactories
both of which are working overtime on
a rush of orders.
October o,is the last day in which you
can pay a State and County tax to give
you a right to vote at the November
The annual crop of foot ball victims is
already being harvested.
Miss Clara Smith is about again after
a severe attack of grip.
Evans & Son are erecting a roof over £
the weigh scales at their Marble works c
on Ferry street. i
Jacob H. Boyer and Bro., have secur
ed a large plastering contract in Cata- 1
wissa. y
Benjamin P. Harris is having a neat *
veranda erected in front of his home |
on Mulberry street.
The uniformed employes of the Penn
sylvania Railroad company have don- j
ned Jheir winter caps. It will only be a .
short time until they will begin to wear
their overcoats. j
A Snyder county peacb grower Tues- g
day disposed of 2500 bushels of the fruit ,
at <K) cents a bushel. t
Of all the plays portraying life in i
Dixie land during antebellum days,none
have been half so true to nature and so i
successful from an artistic and financial (
standpoint as the famous Martell com- |
edy drama, "South Before the War," ]
which comes to the opera house on Sat- i
< urday evening.
The body of the late William M. Ben
nett, whose death occurred at Adgar,
Ala., last Friday and which was brought 1
to this city Monday morning, was in- 1
terred in the family plot at Hendrick- <
son's church yesterday afternoon under
K. T. honors.
A 4-year-old daughter of Thad Vincent
hail a close call for her life near Natalie
on Monday, when she was run down by 1
a mule team and severely bruised. A
deep gash on the head and badly 1
scratched face and hands were the re
In less than five weeks the voters of
the United States will decide who shall
be their President for the next four
years. The time is short but consider
able money will be spent by both sides
and oratorical force will be expended in
convincing the citizens of the country
of tho merits of the respective issues.
Money, however, will be the most po
tent factor.
Experiments made by german physi
cians have shown that about 25 per
cent of all school children have some
defect in their heariug.
Employes of the Standard Gas com
pany were at work yesterday at the cor
ner of Mulberry and Ferry streets, in an
attempt to locate a plug in the gas main.
The plug is located somewhere under
the ground at this point and several
hours have been consumed in the search.
The company, will, as soon as they
locate the plug,turn on the gas in Ferry
street, which thoroughfare has been
without this illuminant for some time
Miss Jennie Martin wishes to inform
the public and her patrons that she has
removed her dressmaking establishment
from 220 Mill street to 528 East Market
A silk printing establishment of New-
York will locate in Sunbury in th# near
future. The site selected is in Edge
wood and one of the buildings to be
used is the building once used as a fly
net factory.
This is the third week of the greatest
strike that was ever know nin the an
thracite coal region. The greatest be
cause of the number of men out and be
cause of its extension over the entire
lield where anthracite is mined.
Engine No. 953 on the D. L. & W.
makes two round trips daily between
Scran ton and Northumberland, thus
covering a distance of 320 miles. She is
bandied by two crews,each crew making
one round trip.
Charles Woll, a laborer at Howe &
Polks' Structural Tubing works, had
his left foot crushed by the dropping of
a rail from the buggy about 1 o'clock
this morning. He was taken to his home
on Sidler's Hill.
it ;iHsi
VOI,. 45--No 40.
At His Wife's Home In Williamsport 1
Tuesday Night.
Mrs. Damie Ward, the widowed moth
er of Leslie Ward was notified yes
terday morning by telegraph of the
death of her son. Mis body was brought
to this city on the 11:25 train over the
Philadelphia & Heading road, accom- 1
panied by Charles Ward, a brother. The
funeral will be held from the home of his i
mother on Center street at 2 o'clock this 1
afternoon. The interment will be made
in the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Ward, it will be remembered, married 1
Miss Amanda Hank about five years !
ago, but, it is said, their married life was '
not of the best and for the past two
years both husband and wife bad trav- '
ersed separate path-ways.
Ward, who was a moulder, left this 1
city about three years ago and went to 1
Williamsport to work at his trade. Tir- !
ing of the work, he went into the lumb- 1
er regions, spending fully a year there.
From facts secured from Williamsport,
Ward, who had been drinking quite
heavily Tuesday, went to the house on 1
Laurel street where his wife resided. 1
At about 10:45 his wife ran to a boarding 1
house on Pine street where his brother, <
Charles, was boarding and informed him 1
that her husband had taken a dose of '
opium. Charles ran to the house and
vainly attempted to rouse his brother (
out of the stupor and failing in this, he I
picked him up,bodily and carried bin)
to the house of Dr. Logue and from 1
there they took him to the William- '
sport hospital where he expired at 12:50 '
yesterday morning.
Coroner William G. Goehrig was sum
moned and gave as the cause of death
"opium poisoning."
Death of William Shepperson, Sr.
After a protracted illness, William
Shepperson, Sr.,died at half pa3t eleven
o'clock Sunday morning at the family
residence on East Front street.
The deceased was aged 78 years and 4
months. About eight months ago he '
was taken with a severe attack of kidney 1
and liver trouble from which he could '
never gain any relief and which kept
him confined to his bed the greater part
of the time.
Mr. Shepperson was a native of Eng
land, having moved to this country from |
Nottingham over 45 years ago. On reach- j
ng America he located in the slate reg- '
ions (Northampton county, Pa.,) for a |
short time. In 1856 he moved to Dan- i
ville where he has continually resided
ever since, having been one of the solid
and influential citizens of the Second i
ward for many years. lie is survived by
a wife and five children, namely: Mrs. <
Clara Bowman, of Pittsburg; Sister Fides
(Isabelle) of the Convent of Mercy, of
Pittsburg, and William A. Jr., Arthur i
and Catherine, of this city. <
Special Meeting of School Board.
A special meeting of the School Board
was held Monday night for the purpose
of opening bids for the printing of 1000 [
copies of the course in Literature.
There were but two bids handed in
which are here given: Charles Chalfant
$40.00, Edward Hote 00 .cents per page.
Bote's bid was thought too indefinite to
consider and the contract was award to
Chalfant. During the progress of the
meeting one of the directors informed a ,
reporter of this paper that Contractor
O. B. Swttitzer would have charge of the ,
repairs on the room in tho Third ward
building in which the night school will
be held and that work would be com- j
menced about Wednesday. it is ex-'
pected that the repairs will be entirely
completed and that the school will be
opened by Oct. 15th.
Company F, Returns Home.
Company F, returned from Shenan
doah on the 2.21 P. K. K. train Mon
day afternoon. The orders for the
Twelfth Hegiment to break camp did not
come until late Sunday evening. The
boys seemed to regret leaving Shenan
doah as they were having a very good
time and had just gotten their cam,} in
to shape. They speak highly of their
treatment while there and of the rations
issued. Good health characterized their
ten days' stay on Turkey Runillill.
The company mascot, a young goat
named "Turkey Hun" accompanied the
boys home. CaptainGearliart w ill have
it in charge until the next war breaks
out. Company F, kindly solicits mis
cellaneous rags, papers and hand bills
for its maintenance.
Mrs. Sechler Badly Injured.
Mrs. Frank Sechler was painfully in
jured Monday morning in an accident
which was caused by a broken board in
the cellar steps at her home, corner oft
Church street and D. L. & W. Avenue.
Several of the boards were split and
loose and in making the descent to the
cellar she stepped upon one of these and
was pitched headlong to the bottom ot
the flight-
No bones were broken but she sustain
ed a painful contusion of the left elbow
ami of the left knee and was shaken up
: generally.
The Washington Hose company's new
horses, a strapping big team of bays,ar
1 rived in town Tuesday from Montours
-1 ville, being driven from that place by
' James Freeze, William Davis anil Will -
' iam Heed. The animals are perfect
specimens and make a fine appearance
1 in harness.
112 Shenandoah saloon keepers were nev
l er so busy as last Sunday when visitors
e to that town found every front door
wide open.
On Capital and Labor at St. Paul's Church
Last Sunday Evening.
St. Paul's M. E. church was crowd ed
Sunday night when the pastor,the Hev.
Dr. B. F. Dimmick, preached his sermon
on Capital and Labor, taking for his
theme "The Present Crisis—Causes and
Cure." His scripture texts were from
II Timoth 3.1. "This know also, that
in the last days perilous times shall j
come," and Ecclesiastics 7. 10: 'Say not
thou what is the cause tMat the former
days were better than these? for thou j
dost not inquire wisely concerning this."
Space does not permit of more than a !
few extracts of this eloquent discourse: j
"The conflict between capital and la
bor is a terrible battle. Great money
trusts against gigantic labor organiza- ,
tions are constantly assuming propor- !
tions more menacing and more colossal,
so that the hearts of all serious thinking
men are stirred with alarm." •
"There never was n time when there
was so little com i> u-ai ive poverty as )
now, though altogether too mod ; never
a time when the unf.i; > ui.:;c umn care.l
for and aided as no v. !t':<— works;
of mercy and help - >■< iy in
creasing. The co!;. !■ 112 . •- •to lay
enjoy luxuries tli; (• • " lithy were
denied in the pas; c< '.iirtt-j,
"But the greatest c u:s? oi the disturb- ,
ed condition of our lime and the grim j
poverty of so many is the drink habit, i
While this nation continues to spend ; (
more for intoxicating drinks than for j
bread,meat, clothing and education com- j
bined, she may expect to reap a harvest i
of paupers and outcasts,and no increase j
of the volume of money will give perma
nent relief while we thus ruthlessly '
squander one-third of our resources an- '
"But wealth, the nation and the I
church may do their full duty for the J
redemption of humanity and yet it can- ]
not be done unless the poor can be
aroused to help themselves. There is ]
very much left undone that would vastly ,
better the condition of the common
people that no one can do for them but j
themselves. God helps those who help j
Milton Fair Big Success.
News from Milton brings the convic
tion that the big fair which is in pro- (
gress there, is in every feature a success.
The exhibitors are many which more
than insures a success to every depart
One of the most interesting features
of the fair will of course be the harness
racing and from the long list <>f entries 1
warm brushes will be in order which as- |
sures the sports of a run for their mo- I
It is predicted that the consolidation
race Friday will be replete with hard
driving. This event will be for a purse j
of s3ooand will bring together all horses (
that failed to secure a piece in
the other races.
Other races that will take place during
the balance of the week, are the 2.24,
2.27, 2.21, 2.32 and free-for-all classes.
Many Danville residents are in attend
ance at the meet
- j
Resumption Court Business.
Business with the local justices has :
been dull for some time past but yester
day the law market appreciated a few
points and 'Squire Hunter heard an as
sault and battery case in which Harvey
Lamberson and Alvin Lonsberry each
held a share.
From the evidence, as developed at
the hearing, it seems that these two had
an arguement over some straw which
one or the other had stacked on the
other one's property, both owning ad
joining pieces of land along the canal
near Hed Point, l.onsberry evidentally
thought that he was wronged, for the
information charged that he had laid
his hands violently on Latnberson's per
son and for that alleged offence he had
to put up bail in the suui of §2OO for his
appearance at court.
Rolling Mill Closed Down.
The Danville Rolling mill is idle. The
men employed at that institution struck
yesterday afternoon and will not return
until their demands had been complied
The difficulty between the men and
their employers arose over the posting
of a notice at the mill yesterday morn
ing, informing them of a reduction ol 25
per cent in the wages.
Humors of disapproval were heard all
day yesterday but definite action was
i not taken by the men until in the after
noon when the night shift went on.Two
heats had been worked when tiie men
quit. They went tola nearby orchard
just above the mill and after consider
ing the matter dispersed.
Danville Woman Dies From Scare.
Word was received in this city yester
day of the death of Mrs. Wiftiington
Hoth, aged 35 years.
Mrs. Roth is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Jones and was a former
resident of this city. The family moved
to Shamokin about twelve years ago.
The funeral will be held on Friday after
The death of Mrs. Hoth is attributed
to a scare, as it is said that a man by
the name of McGuire several days ago
. used vile language in talking to her.
Invitations have been issued for the
marriage of Miss Elizabeth, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schott, of this
1 city, and Mr. Fred. L. Snyder, of Scran
r ton. The ceremony will take place on
Tuesday, October 30.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Hon. W. K. Holloway, W.J.
Esq,and W. G. l'ursel composed a party
of fisherman who left yesterday after
noon for Lake Winola where they will
spend several days. This morning Harry
Ell» nbogen and Samuel Bloeh will leave
to join the party.
Hev. George E Limbert left for \\ ilkes
l tar re yesterday to attend a session of
the Church Work convention which is
helil in the interest of the Wyoming
Classis of the Reformed church. Hev.
Limbert was'slated to make the open
ing address at the meeting last even
Miss Mary LeDuc left yesterday for
B. P. Green and young son, of Toledo,
Ohio, are visitors at the home of Mis.
Mary Green, North Mill street.
Mrs. F. Perry, of Shamokin, is the
guest of Mrs. Oscar Leniger.
A. M. Peters was a business visitor in
Berwick last evening.
Miss Annie Blecher, of this city, is
visiting friends in Williamsport. She
will also spend a few days at Milton fair
before returning home.
Mrs. Lewis Shoemaker, of Philadel
phia, and Mrs. Margaret Ulrich, of
Selinsgrove, are being entertained by
Mrs. L. D. Ulrich at the Trinity Luther
an parsonage.
Mrs. Arthur Foulk returned to Blooms
burg Saturday after a visit at the home
of Benjamin Foulk, Mulberry street.
Harry Rebrnan, Esq., of Philadelphia,
spent Sunday with his parents on East
Front street.
George B. Wright, of Philadelphia,has
been appointed superintendent of the
Montour & Columbia Telephone com
Dr. and Mrs. George Shannon, of j
Baltimore, Md.,are visiting at the home I
of Joseph L. Shannon, Riverside.
Edward I'urpur left Saturday evening .
for New Castle, where he will represent i
the Frendship Fire company at the
Firemen's convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Beyer spent
Sunday with friends in Catawissa.
Miss Margaret Hullihen returned on
Saturday from a several weeks' visit in
Dr. and Mrs. William Angle returned
last evening from a visit with relatives
in Syracuse, N. Y.
Miss Lucinda returned from I
a visit in Bloomsburg last evening.
Miss Maine Lee returned last evening
from a business trip to New York.
Miss Sarah Ware is taking in the Mil
ton fair today.
Miss Mary Beaver returned last even- >
ing from a visit among friends in l'hila-'
Misses Minnie Miller, Ella Mottern ,
and Ella Marshall left yesterday for
Milton to attend the fair.
W. G. Williams returned yesterday '
from a trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Hettie Brown left last eveningfor
a visit among friends in Milton.
Miss llarriette Fry left yesterday for
a visit with friends in Washington.
D. C.
Mrs. A. C. Hoat is visiting relatiyes in
Miss Amelia Hartman left for Scran
ton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greeman, of
McGrawville, N. Y., returned home yes
terday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
William Suter, Riverside.
Dr Lewis Cleaver returned Wednesday
afternoon from a business trip to Hai*
Mrs. T. J. Rogersis visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. S. V. Border, in Williamsport.
Mrs. Wesley Gardner, of Scranton, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Deen, on East
Market street.
Miss Frances Green, of Milton, is the
guest of Miss Isabelle Baldy, West Ma
honing street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Shultz are visit
ing relatives in Milton.
Charles ller.-hey left yesterday for
Harrisburg w here he has accepted a posi
Mrs. Harry Klase.Mrs. William Childs
and Miss Mary Childs spent yesterday
with friends in Sunbury.
O. R. Harris and young son Jacob,left
Wednesday for Philadelphia w here they
will visit among relatives.
Miss Minnie Shultz left Wednesday
for a visit among Milton friends.
William M. Seidel, Jacob S. Aten, Lat
timer Atnmerman, M. Grier Gearliart,E.
W. Peters and Elmer Sidler enjoyed a
fishing trip to Cameron on Wednesday.
George B. Ivase was a business visitor
| in Berwick yesterday.
W. 11. Luce, of Selinsgrove, called on
former friends in this city yesterday.
Mrs. F. C. Derr, Mrs. S. A. Yorks and
Mrs. F. C. Angle called ou friends at
Boyd's Station yesterday afternoon.
George W. Myerly returned yesterday
from a trip to Philadelphia.
Frank Kramer left Wednesday for a
visit in Reading.
Samuel Sondheim and Benjamin Las
ses, of Mauch Chunk, and Samuel Sond
heim, of Lehighton, spent yesterday in
! in this city.
Milton Loeb, Esq., of Sunbury, visit
' ed friends in this city yesterday.
' The Misses Cora Dreifuss, GertruJe
' and Bertha Goldsmith spent last
[evening in Bloomsburg.
From Death- Horses Became Frightened
And Rush Across River Bridge.
Oscar Vas tine, a farmer residing a short
distance above Boyd's Station, and his
wife, who were returning homeward
from this city last evening,went through
an experience about 5.45 o'clock that
will long be remembered by them.
According to the facts given to our
reporter, and Mrs. Yastine, who
were riding in a two horse spring wagon,
were just entering upon the Danville
river bridge when the right front wheel I
of the vehicle caught in a pile of plank,
causing a jerk that threw Mr. Yastine
out of the wagon head foremost on the
bridge. As he struck the horses became
frightened and leaped forward in a mad
rush across the bridge. The reins which
had been jerked from the hands of Mr.
Yastine were now free and the horses
had full sway in their flight, while sitting
in the wagon unable to do anything to
save herself, Mrs. Yastine clung to the
seat to keep herself from being thrown
from the vehicle. With thoughts of her
husband lying at the end of the bridge
probably fatally injured and expecting
to be dashed to death by the maddened
horses, Mrs. Yastine passed through an
ordeal that will create a lasting impres
sion upon her mind.
As South Danville was approached
Milton Ammerman, son of W. 11. Am
merman, the local insurance man, drove
on the bridge in a buggy and before he
could get out of the way the fast ap
proaching horses were upon him and had
plunged into the side of the buggy, en
tirely demolishing the rig and injuring
the horse. Mr. Ammerman escaped in
jury but only by a miracle.
The collision, however, had the elfect
of stopping the runaways and Mrs. Yas
tine escaped uninjured but nearly pro
strated from the shock on her nerves.
One of the horses in the Yastine team
j was thrown to the ground and dragged
1 some distance by his mate which result
; ed in lacerating his knee in a horrible
i manner.
It wasfound that Mr. Yastine had a
i severe cut on the side of his head,the re
suit of his fall to the bridge. Both Mr.
| and Mrs. Yastine, after pulling them
selves together continued their journey
South Before The War.
A picture of darkey life in the good
old times will be presented at the opera
house Saturday evening, Oct. 0., in the
| production of Harry Mnrtell's scenic
' play "South Before the War." It is a
: play full of su'jgestiveness of those
; plantation scenes familiar to those who j
knew the south in slavery times. The
typical southern darkey with all his ec-
I centricities predominates in the com-
I pany, though the realistic portrayal o
I the white actors fairly hides their iden
tity. The play introduces cleverly a
i number of scenes that are positively
, lifelike, beginning with under a south
ern sky, which pictures the return of an
! escaped slave, including many incidents
i of ante-bellum days, dancing in every
| description, and genuine old darky
'melodies. Other realistic scenes follow
one upon another, until the att iienee is
fairly refreshed with its glimpse of old
time darkey life, and is finally treated
to a new fangled cake walk. The com
j pany is a very large one, containing
some fifty people, who travel in their
own palace car.
Miss Woolley Entertains.
Miss Cordelia Woolley entertained a
party of friends Friday afternoon [at
progressive euchre. Those present were:
Mrs. John G. Brown, the Misses Agnes
Wright, Augusta Sweisfort, Emeline
Gearliart, Abigail Patterson. Kate and
Hettie Eckman, Mary Brown, Jennie
' Hancock, Helen Magill, Helen Ramsey,
Grace Irlaud, Nan Brandon and Mary
Holloway, of this city, and Miss Ruth
P. Ring, of Amber.
| The prizes were won as follows: Miss
Wright, first, Miss Hancock,second, and
Miss Patterson, consolation.
~ ,
To Meet at Sheep's Church.
At a meeting of the Montour County
Sabbath School Association, held Mon
day afternoon, it was decided to hold
the next annual convention at Sheep's
| Church, Friday, November 9th. Pastors
and Superintendents are counted as ex
ollicio members of the Association. Each
Sunday school is therefore requested to
1 send two delegates. COMMITTEE.
Rev. L. D. Ulrich Installed.
At the morning service Sunday Rev.
L. D. Ulrich was formally installed as
pastor of the congregation of Trinity
Lutheran church, East Market street.
There was a large attendance at the ser
! vice and the installation sermon which
was delivered by Hev. F. A. Weicksel.of
Numidia, was eloquent and impressive.
Gravel- Kleckner.
Joseph A. Gravel, of Williamsport,
formerly of this city, was united in mar
' riage to Miss Beulah Kleckner, of W ill
' iamsport, in Christ church,this city,last
! evening, Rev. Erskine Wright olliciat
' ing, 11arry and Rebecca Titley acting as
i best man and lady,
i | The happy couple remained over
j night at the Baldy House and will leave
. I for home today.
' j Mr. George Seidel, or Shamokin, and
I Miss Carrie Holdren, of Kaseville, were
united in marriage Monday morning
at ten o'clock by Justic-of-the-Peace J.
e I*. Bare. Mr. and Mrs. Seidel left on the
t 12.38 train P. R. R. for Shamokin w here
1 they w ill take up their residence.
Held In Mahoning Presbyterian Church
Tuesday Evening.
The Christian Endeavor Bally, pre
parations for which have been going on
for the past two weeks,was held Tuesday
evening at the Mahoning Presbyterian
An address upon the Inter-National
C. E. convention which was held in Lon
don, was given by Hev. Dr. Hemingway,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church
of Bloomsburg, anil President of our Bi-
CountyC. E. Union and was listened to
by fully 400 people.
Dr. Hemingway proved to be a very
lluent and interesting talker. His grap
hic discription of the proceedings of the
convention, its magnitude and enthusi
asm was a revelation to his many hear
ers. The lecture as a whole was not only
entertaining but instructive.
He told of the hearty welcome accord
ed the Kndeavors upon their arrival in
London and dwelt at great length upon
the growth of the organization and the
wonderful work being accomplished
through its agency.
Well Deserved Appointment.
Notices have been posted about the
works of the Danville Bessemer com
pany, this city, to the effect that J- D.
Howery has been appointed Superint
endent of the plant.
Since Mr. Howery became indentified
with the Bessemer company his advance
ment has been remarkably rapid. A
year ago last July he was appointed pur
chasing agent and during last December
he was advanced to the office of assist
ant Superintendent.
Such rapid strides to the front, speak
highly for the business ability of our
fellow citizen and his advancement is
announced and will be learned of with
considerable pleasure.
Just what the appointment of Mr.
Howery to the position of Superintend
ent indicates,could not be learned but at
present a force of some twenty men is
engaged in cleaning up, both the rolling
mill and the plate mill and the indica
tions now are that should the market
warrant it, the plate mill would be put
in operation within four weeks.
The Revolver was Loaded.
Fifteen years-old Harvey Beyers, of
Mausdale, brother of Photographer Mal
colm Beyers, of this city, is nursing his
left hand which he perforated early last
Saturday morning while engaged in clean
ing up a rusty revolver. He didn't
know it was loaded and placed his first
finger over the muzzle while he attempt
ed to force out the chamber. The result
was as usual.
The bullet did not pass through the
hand but struck a bone and remained
imbedded in the flesh and had to be re
moved, Dr. Kimerer performing the
Knitting Mill Prize Contest.
The leaders of the Bth pay in the prize
contest at the Danville Knitting mill are
as follows :
Full Automatic Stripers, Lizzie Hen
kie, $13.00.
Brinton machines, Bertha Van Gilder,
Scott an 1 Williams machines, Gussie
Vonßloho, £l2 28.
Loopers, Cecilia Treas, $12.81.
Winders, Katie Mullen, $0.75.
Toppers, first prize, Henry Schram,
$7.26; Fred Andrews,s7.2o Second prize,
Arthur Mellon, $0.30. Third prize, Elsie
Moytr, $0.12, Alice Trainor, $0.12.
Fourth prize, John Keiser, $0.00; Lydia
Gething, SO.OO. Fifth prize, Frank
Stetler, $5.82.
Taffy Pull Last Evening.
The Misses Gertrude and Emma Link
er entertained a number of friends at a,
taffy party last evening at their home
on West Mahoning street. Those pres
ent were: The Misses Lizzie, Blanche,
Maize and Millie Harder, Bella Adams,
Annie Howe and Margaret Titley.
Messrs. Harry Titley, William Fenster
macher, Percy Angle, Will Ellenbogen,
Albert Dreifuss, Isadore Rosen thai, John
Thompson and Lewis Evans.
A Hack Party to Kaseville.
The following young people from this
city enjoyed a hack ride to Kaseville
Friday night where they were entertain
ed at the home of William Holdren:
Misses Gertrude Heedy, Margaret Wei
gold, Kate and Jessie Sfhott, Hose
Wright, Ivy and Mazie Holdren; Messrs.
George Hishel, George l'robst aud Ben
Entertained at the DeLong Home.
The following party enjoyed a hack
ride to Washingtonville on Saturday,
where they were entertained at the De-
Long mansion: Mr. and Mrs. Charles
P. Hancock, Air. and Mrs. Charles Wat
son, Dr. and Mrs. I. 11. Jennings, Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Woolley, Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Yorks, Mrs. J. M. Baldy and W.
B. Rhodes.
Dissolution Notice.
I Notice is hereby given that the insur
ance firm of W. 11. Atnmerman & Co.,
composed of W. 11. Atnmerman and D.
U. Williams, has tldsday been dissolved
by mutual consent. All persons indebt
ed to to said firm are requested to make
settlement. Settlement can be made
with either W. 11. AMHKKMAN,
or 1). K. WILLIAMS.
Oct. 1, 1900.
While Engaged In Making Measurements
At The Water Works.
As the result of a fall which he sustain
ed Thursday morning while engaged- in
taking dimensions about the water
works, Architect John H. Brugler now
lies at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Edward Czechowicz, West Mahoning
street, in a critical condition.
When the Borough Council approved
of the Water Commissioners' project to
build an annex to the Water Works,
Architect Brugler was employed to draw
the plans and specifications for the new
structure. About 10 o'clock Thursday he
started to make an examination of the
buildings as they now stand in order to
secure data to prepare his plans and af
ter he had made all the measurements
necessary on the ground floor, he at
tempted to reach the roof, ascending to
the trap door in the ceiling of the boiler
room by means of a ladder. Once
through it he drew the ladder after him
and raised it to the trap door in the roof,
the base resting on the ceiling boards of
the room below, the garret joist not
having been covered with floor boards.
He had successfully ascended almost
to the top round when the ceiling boards
gave way and allowed the ladder with
its human freight to shoot downward
until it crashed with terrific force on the
iron floor of the boiler room, over
twenty five feet below. The ladder
striking first somewhat broke the force
of the unfortunate man's fall and to
that one cause may be attributed the
fact that he survived at all.
As it was Mr. Brugler sustained severe
injuries. The large bone in his left fore
arm was fractured, his right wrist, left
ankle and left elbow were badly contus
ed and a large contusion marked the
back near the base of the spinal
It was teared at first that he had sus
tained dangerous internal injuries but
an examination, made by Drs. Curry,
Newbaker and Barber, did not reveal
such a condition. All during the day
he suffered intense pain in the region of
his chest and back but at a late hour
Thursday night he showed signs of con
siderable improvement and there is
scarcely any doubt as to his ultimate
The accident occured about 10 a. m.
and by noon it was generally known
about the town and on all sides could
be heard expressions of regret over this
most painful mishap sustained by such
a well and favorably known citizen.
Great Conference of Methodists.
The most important conference ever
held by the Methodists of Pennsylvania
in the past decade will be held in Harris
burg from October 22d to 25th in Grace
Methodist Episcopal church,when prom
inent Methodist clergymen and laymen
from every section of the state will
gather to discuss the state of the church.
All arrangements for the great gathering
are in the hands of an executive com
mittee consisting of Bishop Cyrus D.
Foss, chairman, the Kev. Dr. Smith, of
Pittsburg; the Kev. Dr. S. W. Thomas,
the Rev. Dr. Wallace MacMullan and J.
E. James, M. D., of Philadelphia, and
the liev. M. L. Smyser, as secretary.
One of the most important of the
many duties of this committee was the
selection of the several topics to be con
sidered by the conference and the as
signment of the men who shall introduce
them. That duty has been accomplish
ed and as a result of their deliberations
those who attend the great gathering
are assured of hearing many of the most
eloquent Methodist ministers and en
ergetic of its laymen on questions which
possess a vital interest to all who have
at heart the welfare of the Methodist
Triennial Assessment.
The plans for the proposed improve
ments in the Water Works, which have
been delayed owing to the painful acci
dent that befell architect John H. Brugl
er last week, will be started just as soon
as Mr. Brugler is able to net around.
As soon as the Ward Assessors com
plete the work of the tri-ennial as
sessment, which has been called by the
County Commissioners, the .financial
conditions of the city will be in excell
ent shape and money will be available
for the carrying on of many needed im
provements, outside of the above men
tioned addition to the Water Works. At
the present time, according to the as
sessment roll, the total assessed valua
tion of thecity is but $825,0!57; consequ
ently, allowing the city only seven per
cent of this for its borrowing power,
does not give much money in which to
carry out the ideas of many of our pro
gressive citizens.
Under the triennial assesment the
valuation of our city should be increas
ed at least three times, which will make
our borrowing power nearly three times
greater and give us money that can be
expended in the advancement of our
1 commercial interests. It is stated upon
excellent authority that the great ad
vance in our assessed valuation will in
no way increase our taxation, and if it
should the increase would not exceed a
mill at the most.
The Ladies Auxiliary invite every
body to the Y. M. C. A. building Tues
day evening, October 9th, to view the
improvements just completed by the
Supper will be served from 5 to 8
o'clock. Tickets 25 ceuts. The ladies
hope to be as well patronized as on
former occasions.
The office of the AMERICAN utin
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material gent-rally, the I'ublishei
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
(QgT'Get our prices before plac
your orders.
Takes an Outing With Farmer—Parents
Locate Him After Search.
The vicinity of Chambers street was
very much excited all day Monday over
the escapade of four-years-old Joseph
Woods, son of Peter Woods,who occup
ies house No. 11l on that thoroughfare.
About 8 o'clock in the morning young
Joseph disappeared from his home. Not
hing much was thought of his absence
from his accustomed haunts until the
dinner hour approached and then when
he did not appear his parents began to
worry and when the afternoon had pass
ed and the supper hour had come around
and there was still no signs of Joseph
they were almost distracted. Every
nook and corner had been searched by
the family and by relatives, all of whom
feared that the child had met with an ac
cident, but no clue to him was unearth
ed until about ten o'clock at night,when
one of the party of searchers heard that
the boy had been seen during the morn
ing perched on the seat of a farmer's
wagon which was headed in the direc
tion of Mausdale. Several of the family
immediately started out in that direc
tion and after about an hour,loeated the
boy at the home of farmer William
Spoonenberger, about two miles from
Indian Hun park. He was apparently
contented at his adopted home, but was
glad to get back to his mother and fath
er. That they were overjoyed to have
their child safely returned to them need
not be told.
Spoonenberger farms a piece of land
belonging to Woods and he was under
the impression that Joseph's parents
were aware of his intention to visit the
farm and spend the night there.
The Seconds Down The Tigers.
A goou sized crowd witnessed the foot
ball game between the Tigers and the
Danville Seconds which was played on
the West Mahoning street meadows on
Saturday afternoon. As this was the
first game naturally the boys were some
what crude but they played with much
dash and spirit. The Danville Seconds
won the laurels by a score of 10 to 5.
During the second half Lewis went
down under a flying tackle and was car
ried out of the game to have his head
patched up where it had come in con
tact with a stone. Later on he was on
the side lines coaching his team.
Several long runs by Robison and one
by Raver brought forth much applause
and Gerst made a very favorable im
pression by his good all around playing.
The teams lined up as follows:
Mi 1 troy Li ft end Lovet t
Motteru Left tackle Robison
E. Ickes Left guard Walmann
Fisher Centre llalni
Harnett Right guard A. Gorgas
Raup Right tackle Drtscolt
Miller Right end James
Grausam Quarter back C\ Gorgas
Gerst Right half-back Lewis
Rainier Left half-back W. Ickes
Richards Full-back Raver
Touchdowns, W. Ickes, Lewis, Gerst.
Umpire, Prof. U. L. Gordy. Linesmen.
Charles Wilson, Perry Barr. Time
keepers, Harry Titley, Fred Linker.
Time of game,two twenty minute halves.
Although the game was loosely play
ed there were numerous indications that
there is good material in the make up
of the teams which will be developed
by practice.
On Monday, Oct. B,these same elevens
will line up on the field at DeWitt s
park, Riverside, at which time an ex
citing and a much more skillful contest
may be expected.
Run Down on Race Track.
Those from this city who were in at
tendance at the fair Fri
day morning witnessed an accident on
the track which might have cost one of
the drivers his life.
Irvin Gray, of Stormstown, was driv
ing his own horse in a race and the
last heat he came in ahead of hia com
petitors and in the excitement hejump
ed from his sulky just after he passed
over the line to run back to the judge s
stand to hear the result and was run
down by another horse. He was picked
up by his friends and carried of! the
track in an unconscious condition. A
doctor was summoned -and upon exam
ination it was found that he had several
fractured I ribs and was otherwise severe
ly bruised. He was taken to the Mary
M. Packer hospital, Sunbury, where he
is reported to be resting as well as can
be expected.
Sanitary Sewerage.
The agitation of a sewer system, al
though rather aged, is not as yet dead
and there is still strong talk among
many of the most progressive citizens
for the culmination of any kind ot plans
that may be drawn to give to our city
sanitary requirments in the matter ot
proper drainage.
Those who are found behind the sew
erage agitation are fully aware that the
question of finance has become the only
barrier to the carrying out of the earnest
wishes of the public.
Many schemes have been advanced by
well known business men for the proper
sewering of many of our principle
streets, but even though much time has
been taken up in trying to devise some
way to bring about the realization of
these long cherished hopes, the time
looks far distant before Danville citizens
will be in a position to prescribe sanit
ary measures that will in a measure do
much toward tile health of the city
Mrs. Emma Christian, Church street,
who was taken suddenly ill on Monday,
is reported to be in a much improved