Home Papers -—.For lbe Bon The circulation of this paper is in- CK 'ig rapidly. It will pay you to advertise in the AMERICAN. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DK. IUYIM; 11. JENNINGS, DENTIST. Office Hours 9A. M.to 12 M 10i Mill St., IP. .V.to UP. M. Danville. Pa. SHUL.TZ, M. U. 425 MILL ST., DANVILLE, PA. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines a Specialty W. P. ANCJLB, DENTIST OFFICE: 218 MILL STREET. Teeth Extracted without fain. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Equipped with the Intent and most Improved Instrument); and prepared to execute the most difficult work. DR. C. H. REYNOLDS, (FORMERLY OF CATAWISSA). Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa Dentistry in all its branches. Charge Mod«rate and all work Gnaranteed. Established 1892. CHS NEWS; Great cycling weather. Cool nights and restful sleep. The attendance at our public schools is still growing lartrer. A large number of people are attend ing the auction sale at Kempe's jewelry store this week. Montgomery is suffering from a ty phoid fever epidemic. W. S. Ditzler has opened a tailoring shop on North Mill street. Councilman John Rebman is reported to have iinp-oved considerably after his late severe illness. The wood-work on the exterior of the Y. M. C. A. building is being touched up with a fresh coat of paint. S. W. Arms ha« the contract. A number of Kiverside people will at tend the festival to be held at the Klinesgrove M. E. church on Saturday evening. Kabbits are reported as numerous in the surrounding country. The Twelfth Regiment band, of Sun bury, will give a concert at that place next Fiiday night for the benefit of the Galveston sufferers. The small boy is more reconciled to school now since the cooler weather has set in. A large number of foreigners have left llazleton for New York from whence they will sail to their homes in Kurope. George Askins is ill at his home on Honeymoon street. The Salvation Army will hold their annual Harvest Festival in their hall,be ginning next Saturday and closing Tues day evening. Anything which can be donated towards making the festival a success will be gladly received by the Aruiy workers. Reports from Ihe various schools throughout the city show that at the beginning of the third week of the fall term every thing is moving in a satis factory manner. The September number of"The Dio ceasan Record," a paper devoted to the interests of Ihe Episcopal church in Central Pennsylvania,contains spleudid cuts of Christ (Memorial) church of this city and the Rector, Rev. Erskine Wright. The Presbyterian synod of Pennsyl vania will meet in the Pine Street Pres byterian church, Harrisburg,October IS, for a five days' session. This is the larg est synod in the United States and the largest ecclesiastical organization of the kind in the world. Sunday schools will now pick tip in attendance but it is not until just before Christmas time that the growth will be particularly marked. The merry-go-round recently built by Fred Smith, the assistant machinist at the Silk Mill, is being run nightly at his home, corner of A and Green streets. The machine was built entirely by Smith who is but 17 years of age. William Pease has rented the Laubaeh store room now occupied by Henry Rempe, the jeweler, w here hew ill con duct a wholesale and retail tobacco es tablishment. A llazleton furniture dealer has a most unique way of advertising. He has his 1 display window arranged to represent a parlor w here evenings some loving couple are allowed tocome in and do theircourt ing. This is to continue for six weeks and at the end of that time the couple who aie adjudged the best couriers will receive SIOO or they will be allowed to take out that amount in furniture. Manager Laubenstein of the Shauiokin High School Athletic Association has a number of foot ball games scheduled for this fall. He is now waiting to hoar from Prof. Gordy's team of this city. It is reported that a good many peo pie are shooting squirrel - already,though it is not quite a month yet uutil the legal time. It is the duty not only of game wardens, but of sheriffs, consta bles, policemen or any special officer of the Common .vealth to make arrests for violations of the game and fish laws that they have knowledge of. A few prose cutions and convictions for violations of our game and fish laws would have a wholesome effect in preventing future violations and preserving our game. The |>enaltv is $lO for each squirrel kill ed, except from October 15th to Decem ber 15ib. J 'V.-V '/•£.■ ,: v ' "THIS COI XTUY WILL NEVER BE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OP ITS OWN DEMANDS WITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. T.V-NO ns. THE PASTOR OF ST. FAIL'S CHURCH Accepts a Call From Columbus, 0. Will Leave Next Month. The Kev. Dr. B. F. Dimmick created a sensation among the members of ihe congregation of St. Paul's M. K. church Sunday morning when, after lie hail completed tlie delivery of his sermon,he announced that he had accepted a call from the Wesley or Old First church, of Columbus, Ohio,and that he would leave for that city about the middle of October. The announcement was wholly un expected as Dr. Dimmick had given no previous intimation whatever of this proposed change. The Columbus con gregation desired that their new pastor take up his charge at once but this Dr. Dimmick refused to do and he set the the time stated above for his departure. This change w ill make a vacancy at St. Paul's which the congregation will find difficult to fill, men of Dr. Dimmick's re ligious zeal, rare ability and unusual en terprise not bting obtainable on all oc casions. Dr. Dimmick entered upon his work as pastor of St. Paul's church in April 1599. His former charge was Grace church of Harrisburg, one of the largest and most flourishing congregations in Central Pennsylvania. A monument to the retiring pastor's thrift and enter prise is the magnificent front which now graces St. Paul's. Edward Linker Painfully Injured. Edward Linker, aged twelve years,the son of W. J. Linker, West Mahoning street, sullered a painful injury about noon yesterday. The lad was attempting to climb on the rear end of an omnibus which was passing along the street in front of his home,when he lost his hold and slipped to the groun.l just in front of the trunk cart which was attached to the bu-». One of the cart wheels passed over the left leg just above the ankle. When Linker was carried into the house an examination revealed that the flesh had been badly bruised and a deep cut had laid open the flesh more than two inches. Dr. Curry was called in attendance and dtessed the injury which required a number of stitches. South Danville Schools to Open. The brick addition to the South Dan ville school house is now completed and every thing will be in readiness fur the tirst session next Monday morning. The new building which is 28 by 41 feet was badly needed. Heretofore it has been necessary to teach all classes in the one room and the pupils were not properly graded. Under the new plan a pupil, by proper diligence, may prepare for the Danville lligh school. The primary room has been repaper ed and son <; new desks and black boards have been added. S. S. Smith,of near Northumberland, will be the prin cipal and Miss M. C. Madden, of this city, will teach the primary school. Former Danville Man Weds. A quiet home wedding took place on Tuesday n.orning at 8.30 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fisher on Chestnut street, Sunbury, when the nuptials of their charming daughter, Miss Louise C. Fidier and Mr. T. C. Curry was celebrated. Mr. Curry is a former Danville young man. He has a host of friends and acquaintances here who will extend him and his bride their best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Curry will reside in Sunbury on their return from the wedding trip. Lockhoof-Taylor. Sheep's church, near Jerseytown, was the scene of quite a brilliant wedding last, evening, when, at 8 o'clock, Miss Wilette Taylor, of West Hemlock town ship,became the wife of Mr. Oscar Lock hoof, one of Derry township's prosper ous young farmers. The ceremony was performed before a large number of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties by the Rev. T. M. Phillips, of Washingtonville. Coal Prices Advancing. The eflect of the great coal strike is al ready being felt in this city. Several of the local dealers have been compelled to advance the price of all coal 50 cents per ton and some of the others have ad ded au additional quarter to the price that prevailed previous to the strike agi tation. The manufacturing concerns are taking time by the forelock and are eith- > er placing large orders ahead or storing j it where they have the space to do so. A Night School to be Organized. Much progress is being made in the arrangements for a night school in this city. About forty young people have signified their intention of joining the classes. The committee of the School Board having the matter in charge will hold a meeting before the close of this i week and will report to the Board at next Monday night's regular meeting. Preparing to Resume Operations. A roll is now being turned up at Curry & Yannan's machine shops for use at the Danville Rolling Mill, one having been broken just previously to the clos ing down of that concern. Quite a number of repairs are being made at the mill and it is expected that operations will be resumed in a very short time. Death of Mrs. Sherin. The death of Mrs. Thomas Sherin oc curred at her home in Exchange, Tues day morning. Mrs. Sherin was about o5 years of age. She formerly resided in Danville. DANVILLE, PA., TIL I'KSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1900. j WATSONTOWN Sydney Hoffa of Washingtonville Was The Intended Victim. Another daring hold-up occurred near Watsoutown on Thursday evening, the second one within t he past three m jnfhs. Fortunately the thug was foiled in this attempt. The intended victim was Sydney Hoffa, the eldest son of Dr. J. P. Hoffa. of Washingtonville. Young Hoffa attended the Williams, port fair on Thursday, and in i unpany with a lady friend, drove to Watsou town to take the train, having his horse at a livery stable. ll>' rciunie 1 o:i the S p. m. train and after s;»endit:<: au hour with Watsontown friends, -tarted on his drive homeward. When hut a uii!e from the town a man suddeidv jumped from the gutter on the left si le of the road and ordered him to -to;-, and u;.on Mr. lloffa's refusal to do so, he made an at tempt to grasp the bridle. Fortunately for Hoffa his norse took fright, made a leap forward and started on a hard run. Hoffa describes the man ;.s be-ngquite tall,and says that his features were con cealed by a black mask. '1 h • attempt was made in a most !<>•. !-••:. i Mrs. Dunkel and her date-' t « : V :i>on town, having been lu-l i up a the me place a few months ; Few j e pie care to drive in that < r. >■: n>i. I Creditable Parade Sr y ;nt. The fireman's par.:! . Winders, Kate Mullen, i«i.">4. Toppers, First prise, Henry Scbram, $6.90. Second prize, Alice Trainor. $0 00. Third prize, Mary Oesclier,Kate llenkie, $5.58, and Frank Metier, s•">.*». Fourth prize, Frances Oswald, Annie Lovett, s">.s.'!. Fifth prize, liattie Davis, $3 4«>: Mary Zelenak, s">.4*">. The contestants have made an excell ent showing within the past two week- Picniced at Billmeyer's Park. In a party of picnicers who were driv en to Billmeyer's park, Washington ville, yesterday were: Kev. t'lricb and wife, 1). A. Montgomery and wife.Jacob Boyer and wife, Mesdauie* J. ( . Mince moyer, D. C. Jones, Jr., W. Fou*t, W Fetterman, A. Kemmer, W Wertman, T. Swank, A. C. Boat, Davin Miners using the Borough water This inventory is taken every t«M year* anil It require- about *ia weeks to C"WI| e|. It. JOB PRINTING ! The office of the Amfkican i>eirg furnished with a large as»sortmen of job letter and fancj type and job material generally, the Publisher announces to the public that lie is prepared at all times to execute in the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of all Kinds and Descrption. f-*f (jict our prices before plac inp your orders. " THE PLANS FUR ' Y. I c. A. VM The Following Orders Will be Camed Out During The Coming Winter. It is expected that the improvements now tiring made at the V. M.C. A building will i.e completed by • wtoWer Ist. At that time all line- of work wdl be begun and continued during the win ter. The regular Monday evening Bible cla-s will hold its first «es»ion, October Ist, at H o'clock. The Boy'* Bible class will meet t nday evening, October .'4l), at 7 o'clock The Snndny morning Bible da-s, Sunday »tctober Jth. at • o'clock. The gymnasium elates will be- Monday evening «Ictuher Ist.at «oclock That there may lie no misunderstand ing, and in thel»est interest of all con cerned, the following order of things will prevail, and parents an 1 guardians are kindly requested to assist the man agement in their fulfillment. Boys under Ik years of age will not bw allowed in the building at the following times, viz: After H o'clock p. ni.—during wiuter months. Saturdays after Pi o'etork. At recess periods —duringschool term. This restriction has become sn abso lute necessity, osmg to the growing de mands for men. Those desiring gymnasium privileges must pay the full amount (#-*«■) '-ash down upon date the ticket is issued Member-hip notice. It is to t»e dis tinctly understood, that from • *-t I. lltOO those who are not paid up in fall will l*» debarred from memliership privi leges Locker rent n.ust also I* paid -econd. Those renewing upon the j«wr tial payment plan, and wh<.» desire to take advantage of the gymnasium privi ll'gis. will l>e obliged to pay #2 •»» down cash, and thereafter lo cents per week for 30Consecutive weeks. The*e condition* have l»een fornal upon the Y M. C. A. and will l>e p.mi lively enforced, irr»-wj»e«-tive of wlomi it may ellect. It Was a Over Money Matters. Constable F. W. Tepel.nf Williams port arrived iu this city Friday morning, for the purpose of escorting to William sport, Manlev M. shelter who was arrest ed in this city on Wednesday even n*. on a warrant, charging him with mar deroiis assault on ttie f>erson of Oeorge W. Owen Both Owen and are residents of Williamsport ami have al ways l**en on friendly terms until Ihe altercation. It is «iid by friends of that the real cause of the light was a dispute over money matters. The informant says Shelter state-1 that he had an agreement with On.ii whereby the latter was to pay hint a commission on all stork of the Federal Zinc and l-ead company that he (Shetfer would sell, or woald find a customer for. Thi« friend then goes onto state that secured customers to buy stock enough to run his commission up to $7"». This amount he continued. Shelter was trying to get when the tight occured. Owen ca led at Shelter's house to make a settlement, and, the friend alleges, wanted to accept stock in the company for the money that was due him. Shetfer want ed the cash, as is alleged to have been promised him, and as he wanted to leave town the stock wou'd not have been of much service to him. After strong words had been use-1 by both men. Shetfer it is alleged, struck 11 wen on the head with a hammer. Con stable Tepel and his prisoner left Pn • lav at 1 o'flock for Wittmnsspnet A Strange Disease Attacks Fowls, A number of the owners of fjwls of different kir Is in this city are complete ly dismayed over the great io»»«e* thev have sustained lately from the ravages of a disease, the exact nature of which has not vet I>een iletermined. Benjamin 800 k nnller. who usual I v has a fine lot of barn yard fowls and pigeons at his home on North Mill -*tref the*e were chicken*; the remainder 'wing m.tdr up of ducks and pigeons on York s lliil the losses have also t»een heavy and tbw disease seems to he spreading to ditfer ent parts of the town. The first symptom, as noticed by the Book miller Brothers, is m lavness IN the muscles of the neck which allows the head to droop almost to the ground just previous to death; which comes about -ix hours after the disease -ets in One remarkable [>eenliarity about the eliects of it is that a* soon m the victim gives its last ga»p. the feathers ait be come loo*e and should the dead btrd b* given the least jar they will fall >ut an til it looks a« though it had been hs«d picked for sale in the market. \o effectmtl remedy ha« been f.mihl for the di-« ase and owners of rt.>eka that have become atfected t»ee»»me lis»-. .ttrssr e»l in their attempt* t<» eh»- k ttsspr**!*! Death of Mr*. Giltart V.m*. \ telegram was receivest covering the esrth anil were chilled by an aUwowpfceee skirk rheel the merewry W * .