CAGE POINTS OUTDANGER Secretary of the Treasury Tells What Bryan's Election Would Mean. & WARNING- TO BUSINESS MEN. Disaster Would Inevitably Follow the Introduction of Hryar.lte Meth ods In the Financial Mumiisi'mcnt. One of the moat effective documents that could be used in the Republican national canvass, says a special dis patch from Washington, is an inter view with the secretary of the treasury, who pointed out how Bryan, if he should be elected president and should adhere to the position he took in 1896, could drive the government to a silver basis, upset the public credit, destroy public contidence, paralyze industry and plunge the country into financial ruin. In answer to the question, "In case of the election of Mr. Bryan, could he order his secretary of the treasury to pay interest on coin bonds and the matured bonds themselves in silver?" Secretary Gage said: "There is no doubt Mr. Bryan could order his secretary of the treasury to make payment in silver of all of the RY GAGE public debt payable in coin, and for all current disbursements of the gov ernment as well, which amount to from $1,500,000 to $1,750,000 a day. That he would give such an order, too, is certain, if he is in the same mind that he was in 1896, for he was then quoted as saying: 'lf there is any one who believes that the gold standard is a good thing, or that it must be main tained, I want him not to cast his vote for me, because I promise him it will not be maintained in the country longer than I am able to get rid of it." "Do you think it would be practica ble to control a sufficient volume of sil ver to make the payments you refer to?" "He would havp great difficulty in doing that at once. The treasury of the government at the present time is very firmly established upon a gold stand ard. Including the reserve of $150,- 000,000 held against the legal tender notes, the government owns and con trols over $220,000,000 in gold coin and bullion, while it owns and controls only about $16,000,000 in silver, the rest of the silver being out in circula tion among the people, either in the form of silver certificates or silver coin. CHECK INFLOW OF GOLD. "The announcement by the treasury department of its purpose to pay silver In settlement of all interest on the public debt not specially payable in gold, and to make its daily disburse ments to its creditors in silver, would stop the Inflow of gold, or at least very largely diminish payments in gold, and correspondingly increase payments into the treasury of silver and silver certificates. It. therefore, might be an ticipated that with a good deal of per verse ingenuity, the time would come at no distant day when all the revenues of the government would be paid to it in silver dollars or silver certificates, and all disbursements made by it would be made in silver dollars or silver cer tificates. There would thus be estab lished a circuit of silver out of the treasury into the hands of the people, from the people into the banks, from the banks into the custom house and Into the hands of the collectors of in ternal revenue. "The government, then, would be practically on a silver basis, would it not?" "That would, no doubt, be accom plished, and the government, properly speaking, would be on a silver basis." "How would this affect the credit of the government?" "Most disastrously, I have no doubt. The movement inaugurated as pro posed would give a sense of insecurity, the outstanding grenbacks that are by the law redeemable in gold would be presented at the treasury for redemp tion, and the treasury notes of 1890 likewise. Of these two there are $430,-. 000,000 outstanding. Against these th e government holds, under the la\#, 1150,000,000 In gold. It does not re quire much sagacity to see that if *.he gold reserve were not entirely exhaust ed it would be soon reduced below the $100,000,000 mark, which the law has established as a minimum, it being the duty of the secretary of the trf asury when that point is reached to i estore the reserve to $150,000,000. Under the adverse influence upon genera 1 busi ness affairs business would soon be de pressed, industry checked, .ind the gevernment's revenues would be very much diminished. Instead cf a sur plus, we woulff probably witn ess a de ficiency. In restoring the gold reserve, to which I have Just referred, the law directs the secretary of the treasury, If necessary, to sell bonds, 'payable In gold, redeemable in one year, payable in 20 years, at a rate of interest not to exceed 3 per cent a yeav. With the Impairment to the public credit and with the loss of revenue j, as just indi cated, It Is very doubtful whether bonds within the limitation of interest permitted In the law c>>uld be sold. If they could not, the power to redeem the and convictions for drunkenness and offenses originat ing therefrom, for the six years pre ceding the canteen, was 372.5. This de creased during the following six years of its enlistment to 160.6. For the seven years preooding the establish ment qf the canteen the average num ber of men who deposited their sav ings with the government was 7,273. For the seven j ears following its in troduction the average has increased to 8,382. "It has been stated in the public press that 'the receipts of the exchange are nearly a' 1 for drink.' To meet this statemer t I have to inform you that the official reports of the depart ment show t? lat the receipts from sales of beer and light wines are and have been less than one-third of the gross receipts, Leing in 1808 five-seven teenths, /in 1899 six-seventeenths. Taking the amount of the gross re ceipts on account of the sale of beer and dividing it by the total number of officers find men shows that each of ficer and enlisted man for the year 1898 expended on account of beer only 20 cent s a month, equivalent to four glassef , of beer per month, or less than one g'lass a week apiece, for each of ficer .'and man in the military service. In 19 39 the expenditure on the part of each officer and man reached an aver age of 58 cents per month, or but 1.9 cents a day. " These facts make it clear that in comparison with all other citizens the ar my of today i 3 the most abstemious body in our own country. There is no community of which we have any re port or knowledge that will show so /small a consumption of drink per capita. This average should, in fact, appear much lower, for the reason that citizen employes, of which we have taken no account, have the privilege of purchase from the canteen. The num ber of clerks, mechanics and teamsters employed with an army in the field is, as you know, very large. This num ber, however, is not obtainable, but, you will agree, would very materially reduce the average of 20 and 58 cents a month. Kushliiii llrilvr For President liOnbft Paris, Sept. 1. —President Loubet has been accorded the Russian order of St. Andrew, which, together with an autograph letter from Emperor Nicho las, will be presented to him next Mon day at Rambouillet by the Russian am bassador, Prince Ouroussoff A Cross Clerk Is a rarity For the most part the youno woman behind the counter is smiling and obliging, though her back hurts, her side pains, or ner head throbs distract ingly. The wonder is, not that" a clerk is sometimes Irritable, but that she so rarely shows ir- < it t ■. ————— ritatton, when ev- ■J\\i \ \ ery nerve is quiv- \j erin g and she J hardly knows how NX to hold her head The nervous condition, head- ; ache and weak ness,which are the of irreg ularity or a dis- ~ZZ eased condition of the womanly or- ■ gans, can be en- —■ — 1 tirely cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite I'rescrip- /tjTfyWKA tion. It regulates 11 I I the functions, 111 I stops enfeebling I / / | |, drains, strength- If I J ens the nervous M j 11 motes the general I health of tne en- I > Sick women are 111 invited to consult fjl I I)r. Pierce by let- ■ ter, free of charge. All corres]>ondence private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "Having userl Or Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and Golden Medical Discovery' during the paet year," writes Mrs. Mattie Long, of Pfouts Valley. Perry Co , Pa., "I can truthfully recommend the medicines for all female weak ness I have used several bottles of 4 Favorite Prescription,' which I consider a great blessing for weak women I was so nervous and di»- couraged that I hardly knew what to do Your kind advice for home-treatment helped me wonderfully. Thanks to Dr. Pierce." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure dizziness and sick headache. Troubles of Peacemakers in Pro ducing Order in Philippines. INSURGENT LEADER'S CRUELTY. Genera I ('allies, In the Province of Laiiuna, l*ut to Death the Officials of the Town of Hue, Who Had Keen Installed l»> the Americans. Manila, Sept. 3.—The Filipinos seem incapable of realizing the scope and purpose of the legislative functions of ihs commission of peace. There is no possibility of separating the legislative from the executive branches of the government, and therefore the com mission's announcement of its assump tion of power has met with childish comments at the hands of the Span iards and Xorelgntrs, who Jealously sn'jer at the new arrangement. The cc aimisslon enters upon the govern in ental field under the following con ditions: A majority of the Islanders desire j/tace and the resumption of business tinder the Americana, but they are so •lowed by a long series of murderous atrocities and destruction of property by their armed countrymen that they dare not actively show their feelings, especially because experience has taught them what such an expression of sentiment will bring upon them from the mercilessly revengeful rebels. A genuine reign of terror is exercised by insurgents and ladrones over peace ful country folk in order to collect the revenue and recruits their operations require, and widespread vengeance is wreaked in the vicinity of garrisoned towns. For example, the insurgent General Callles, in the province of Laguna, put to death the presidente and officeholders of the town of Day, j on Laguna de Bay, officials who had been installed by the Americans, and gave orders that a similar fate should be meted out to other adherents of the American cause. He also ordered that all Filipino soldiers who sold their rifles to the Americans should be kill ed. A change of policy Involving the withdrawal of the United States troops, without substituting for them an ade quate defensive force, is certain to re sult in fearful retaliation at the ex pense of the frlendlles. Ihe approach ing patrlatlon of the volunteers tends to Influence the situation unfavorably. In northern Luzon the status quo is fairly well maintained and the people In that quarter are quiet and engaged In planting, except in the provinc es of Nueva Eclja and Bularnn, where there has been a recent outburst of rebel and ladrone activity. But In southern Luzon conditions ar* far from satis factory. Life ther* is not safe out side the garrisoned towns. Travelers are subject to ambush by guerrillas. Rarely does a day pass without an en counter between the United States troops and the insurgents or ladrones, resulting In casualties. There are 18.000 troops in that dis trict, Gen. Bates commanding, and in three regiments over a third of the men are sick. The activity of the enemy Increased last month. There ts evidence that the Insurgents have come into possession «112 new rifles and that they wish to annihilate small Ameri can garrisons. Twelve Americans, Including two captains and two Untenants, have been killed during the past two weeks. The official reports of the encounters In which these casualties occurred are meager. The commission will first organize municipalities in the provinces, no tably In Pampanga province. Substan tially It will turn iU attention to need ed reforms In the civil and criminal codes, passing indue time to other features of its instructions, with the idea of establishing a central civil gov ernment during the next 18 months. Araold'a Flfffct Agmimmt K*tradltlon. San Francisco, Sept. 2. —Julian T. B. Arnold, son of 83r Edwin Arnold, held for extradition to England on four charges of embeazlement, was given a hearing on a writ of habeas corpus be fore United States District Judge De Haven Saturday. Arnold's attorney argued that his client could not be held for trial If ths alleged offense had been committed in this state, and that the proceedings that Arnold had been engaged In were civil and not at all criminal. The Judge took the case under advisement. New York's Repabllean Convention. Saratoga, N. Y„ Sept. 3. —The con sensus of opinion here make up the following Republican ticket to be nom inated by the convention which will meet here tomorrow: For governor, Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., of Orange: lieu tenant governor, Timothy L. Woodruff of Kings: comptroller, William J. Mor gan of Erie; secretary of state, John T. McDonough of Albany; state en gineer, Edward A. Bond of Jefferson; attorney general, John C. Davies of Oneida; state treasurer, John P. Jaeck el of Cayuga. Denliehlaal <&■••• of the Ocean. New York, Sept. S. —The new Ham burg-American liner Deutschland reached this port Saturday, having beaten all previous transatlantic rec ords, both eastward and westward. Her timt from Cherbourg to Sandy Hook was 5 days, IS hours and 29 min utes. She also beat the record for one day's run, making 584 knots between noon on Thursday and noon on Friday. Sea Girt, N. J., Sept. 6. —The inter state regimental match, the first stage of which was completed Monday, was decided yesterday afternoon. The honor went to the team representing the Second battalion of the District of Columbia, with a total score of 830. The First regiment of Washington team was second, and the Sixth bat talion team third. The Fourth, of New Jersey, came fourth, with Battery B, of Boston, fifth. Juvenile Hobbera Confess. Millville, N. J., Sept. s.—Charles Newlln, Jr., aged 17, of Millville; George Johnson, aged 19, of Paterson, N. J., and Joseph Fulton, aged 17, of Orange, N. J.. were arrested yesterday and admitted being the robbers who have been operating in this city for the past two weeks. They were given a hearing before Mayor Payne and sent to jail without ball. Itesomcd at Heduced W aicra. Cleveland, Sept. 5. —Three mills owned by the American Steel and Wire company in this city, which were clos ed down June 1, resumed operations yesterday, giving employment to be tween 500 and 600 men. It is stated by the employers that there has been a general cut in wages, amounting in some cases to as high as 23 per cent, and also that the hours of labor have been increased. Fir* Closes • Mine. Shamokin, Pa., Sept. 5. —Fire broke out in No. 10 vein of the Neilson shaft yesterday, and has become so serious that It is feared the operation will have to be flooded. The origin of the fire is unknown. Twelve hundred men and boys are rendered Idle. The shaft is owned by J. mira, N. Y. Shot Wife, Hilled Himself. Newark, N. J., Sspt. 5. —Patrick Skei ly, a brass moulder, last night after a quarrel with his wife shot her and then cut his own throat. He died shortly after, but his wife is not seri ously hurt. THE l!l(l ffl.ll. SIM President Mitchell Thinks It Will Eclipse All Others. A HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND He Think*, Will C|uit Work In the Ili'iciovi, f»nt l)iNpn<<'hci l (, r«m llnilo ton nnil Shti mok ill Indicate That the Majority Will ICefnne to Strike. Indianapolis, Sept.ll"ln my opin ion there will be a strike in the an thracite region of Pennsylvania, and it will be the biggest that the United States has ever known," said President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, today. Mr. Mitch ell has just returned from a trip east, during which he was present at the convention of the miners at Hazleton, Pa. "The situation in a nutshell," he continued, "is simply this: We hav« formulated our demands for an ad vance of about 20 per cent in wages and the removal of certain conditions that exist in the anthracite region. Principal among these is that the op erators. dealing with the miners, allow 3,300 pounds to a ton and in selling coal sell 2,000 pounds for a ton. sell 2,000 pounds for a ton. "If the strike is ordered I believe that 140,000 men will eventually come out. I do not know just what per centage of the anthracite miners are in the mine workers' organization, but I firmly believe that 75,000 men will quit the first day our men are ordered out. If the bituminous miners attempt to supply the market for the anthracite dealers we will be compelled to call out all of the men in such mines as supply this coal." No Fear In the Hazleton ItfKlon, Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 1. —A list of the grievances of the United Mine Work ers and copies of the scale commit tee's report, which was adopted at this week's convention held here, were sent yesterday to the operators of the an thracite region. There are doubts as to whether the operators will grant the demands of the men, or even recognize the Mine Workers, and it is almost certain that the national executive board, which meets at Indianapolis on Sept. 6, will order a strike. How many men will go out if a strike is declared remains to be seen. There seems to be no fear in the Hazleton region that a strike order will be effective. The busi ness interests and many of the English speaking miners are opposed to a strike. Will Snub tlx- tnited Mine Worker* Shamokiu, Pa., Sept. 1. —The coal operators of the Shaniokin district, in the mines of which district 20,000 men are employed, in a published statement say the miners have been polled rela tive to going on strike, and that 75 per cent of the workmen said they would remain at work should a strike be or dered. The operators will not treat with the United Mine Workers as a body. TenneiHce Mine* ( IOMIMI Down. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 1. —On ac count of the failure of miners and coal operators at Coal Creek to agree on a wage scale yesterday the annual con tract with the miners was not signed today, as has been the custom. The miners decided to adjourn the con ference until Sept. 10. On account of this failure to agree all coal mines in Coal Creek, Jellico, Middlesboro and intervening points with the exception of two or three are closed down. It is not a strike, as both miners and oper ators are hopeful of reaching an agree ment by Sept. 10. About 3,000 miners are affected. The operators have re fused to concede the demands thus far. Farmer Fatally Shot hy Itohhern. Harrisburg, Sept. 1. —Robbers last night shot and fatally wounded La fayette Strayer, a farmer, near Eliza bethville, this county. Strayer refused to unlock the door, whereupon three shots were fired through the panel, one taking effect in his head. Before leaving the gang fired several shots at a servant, without effect. After hold ing up another farmer and relieving him of all his valuables the bandits es caped to the mountains. Armed search ing parties are scouring the surounding country. MIHN CnrtlM Dcfcatx >IINM Hoyt. Southampton. N. Y„ Sept. 1. —The feature of the day in the women's na tional championship at the Shinnecock Hills Golf club course yesterday was the semi-final match between Miss Beatrix Hoyt. Shinnecock. and Miss Margaret Custis, Essex Couniv. Miss Hoyt, the champion of 1896, 1897 and 1898, was the strongest kind of a fa vorite with the great crowd of society people who assembled to witness the match, but they were doomed to dis appointment, for Miss Curtis won by 104 to 95. Cnnl Oprriili.m' Statement Denied. Shamokin, Pa., Sept. 3 —John Fahey, president of No 9 district. United Mine Workers of America, comprising the counties of Northumberland, Schuyl kill, Columbia and Dauphin, issues a statement that the claim made by operators that by a poll of the miners it was found 75 per cent of them would not strike is incorrect. He says all members of the organization will cease work, as will the unorganized men, who are in sympathy with the invita tion of the organization for a confer ence with mine operators. He also denied the truth of the published state ment that bituminous mine operators are fomenting a strike in the anthra cite region. I I JfhJk I; i wtmM.L --| ; The Beauty of Health. Health is what makes a woman beautiful. Beauty is another name for health. Find a face that is fair, ■; cheeks that are rosy and full, eyes that sparkle, a form that is well rounded and symmetrical—and you will lind perfect health. It is sad to think there should be j so many sufferers among women. :: They are the real martyrs of the : world. They endure pains, aches ; and agonies in silence, when there is neither need nor necessity for : their torture. Dr David Kennedy's favorite Remedy makes women attractive by making them healthy and strong. It builds up the nerves, makes the blood rl< hand pure, strengthens the that are often weak, and stops the wastes that tear down the system. It cures the endless chain of female troubles. It Is the best friend that w<'- •> Duryea 10 26! 213 - 1 *»•» ~ pitiiion in 3»; 217 • :*; Susquehanna Ave... 10 35 220 , r ! ,! West Plttston i 6 5 lo 311 224 ■* ' Wyoming j7 0 10 44: 229 *W u 1 Forty Fort 1.... ... ! .... Bennett j 7 0 1 10 52 2 3(i * lO 0 Kingston i 7 1"! 10 SO 212 J*' Kingston I 7 1 10 ;>0 'I 44 » Plymouth June ; 7 1 \ 2 47 * :' J; Plymouth j 72: 11 05 252 * ,i 0: Avomlale ; 7 2 | 2 57 ••••: Nanticoke : 7 3 11 13 302 •••• Hunlock'fj. ! 7 3 11 19 310 Shlckshlnny j 7 5 11 30 324 ••••' Hick's Ferry i 80 111 43 335 ••••! Beach Haven !8 1 11 48 542 Berwick !8 l n 11 51 349 .... Briar Creek ,f8 2 112 3 56 Lime Hldge 8 3 fl2 09 404 ....; Espy 889 12 15 411 ....I Blooms burg 18 4 j 12 22 417 .... Kupert 8 50! 12 27 423 .... Catawissa 866 12 32 429 .... Danville 1 9 10 12 47 442 .... Chulasky 1....) 4 49 .... 8 .jy Cameron »20 12 6 7 464 ....!,, (w NORTHUMBERLAND; 9 36; 110 60b ....'„ M Ar.'A.M. Ar.'A.M. p. M. p. M. P. M.: GOING EAST. STATIONS. ~A S I PAS. PAS. J PAS. PAS j NEW Yotg p.m: P* ,n - a - ln * am Barclay St, Ar. 330! 600 jw Christopher St... 3 00! 1 65 «TO Hoboken 247 448 ®-5 Scranton 10 05 1 12 55 •*» a.m.! p.m. (daily r-M a.M.I P. M. P. M. P. M. dly Scranton «42 12 35 465 6359 07 Bellevue :B 38 460 630 9 (K. Tayiorville 933 112 a ''l 821 Kingston 855 12 00 402 4 . 8 0 Plymouth .1 unction 8.50 36 > 4 4 818 Plymouth 8 15 11 62 3 61, 441 801 Avondale 8 40| I 3 46 j J <*» Nanticoke 835 11 45 342 J»i Hunlock's 8 271 ! 3 34 'I Shlckshlnny Bis 11 30 324 ' •>? Hick's Ferry 8 04j : 313 > m Beaeh Haven 7 63. 3 o7 J •'f Berwick 745 11 04 301 " <*• Briar Creek 7 :-8 | I Lime Kidge 7 30 2 48 » Espy 7 23 1 10 46 2 42, ® Bloomsburg 715 10 41 236 ® Kupert....: 709 10 3(i 231 «33 Catawlssa 7 03] 10 32 226 Danville 6 50 s 10 21 212 !® " Chulasky j Cameron 8 38 ; | NOBTHCMBKBL'D... 625 10 00 150 1 0 ' LV A.M., A. M. IP. M. I p - *• 'P.M Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia & Heading Kallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Williamsport, Sunbury, Pottsville, etc. At Northumfcerland with P and E. Div. P. 11. K. for HarrisburK. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren Corry, and Erie. PENNSYLVANIA IDS TIME TABLE In Effect May 28th, 1900. A M A.M., PM,P. M Scranton(D&H)lv j6 45 tti 38 1 2 18 ;4 27 Plttston " " 708f1000 8 2 12 402 A. M. A. M. P.M Wilkesbarre,.. lv § 7 3() §lO 55; S 308«6 00 Plym'th Ferry " f738 112 lio2 112 3 16 (6 07 Nanticoke "j 746 11 10 326 6 17 Mocanaqua .... 804 11 32 846 637 Wapwallopen.. " 8 13 11 42 350 647 Nescopeck ar 824 11 62 407 700 A.M. P.M. P.M. Pottsville lv §5 50 Sl2 30 § Hazleton " 705 j 200 5 .>0 Tomhicken " 722 218 J> 10 Fern CJlen " 729 227 blB Kock Ulen " 735 234 6TO Nescopeck ar 800 300 0 ;>0 Catawissa.. .ar A. M A.M P.M. PM Nescopeck lv J 8 24 §ll 52 J 4 07 ;7 00t Creasy •' 833 12 02] 4 1(1 709 Espy Ferry.... "f843 12 lojf 4247 20 E. Bloomsburg. 847 12 14, 4 29] 7 2.* Catawissa ar 855 12 21 4 TO; 732 Catawissa lv 855 12 21 4 35, 732 South Danville " »14 12 38] 4 53, 751 Sunbury " 935 100 ! 5 15 815 A.M. P.M. P. M RM. Sunbury lv || 9 42 § 1 10 § 5 45] [8 40 Lewisburg.... ar 10 13 145 818 Milton " 10 08 139 6 14] yO4 Williamsport.. " 11 00 2TO 7 10 960 Lock Haven... " 11 59 340 8 07! Kenovo " A.M. 410 9 00j Kane " 8 25| j P.M. P.M.I Lock £l2 10 S3 45 ] Bellefonte 105S 4 41 Tyrone " 2151 0 00 Philipaburg " 4231 8 26 ! Clearfield.... " 607 909 ] Pittsburg.... " 055 #ll 30 j A.M. P. M. P. M. P M Sunbury lv j| 9 60 § 1 55 J 5 25 #8 31 Harrisburg.... ar ijll 30 §315 |j 0 55j 10 10 P. M. P. M. P. M.]A M Philadelphia., ar § 3 17 || 6 23 ||lo 20 4 35; Baltimore " § 3 11 || 6 00 | 9 451 2 30] Washington... " § 4 10|, 7 16 :10 55| 4 oT>| A7SL P, M.I I I Sunbury lv § 9 57j§ 2 03] j 1 LewistownJc. ar 11 40 3 50, | ] Pittsburg *'| b 55]§11 30 | j IA.M.IP, M P. M.ii* Ml Harrisburg.... lviill 45 il 3 45 |i 7 20 P.M. A.M.AM Pittsburg ar i) 6 55|[| 1130]|| 1 50i 5 30] P. M. P M A M A M Pittsburg lv | 7 10 I 8 30 I 2 50 |8 00 A.M A M H M Harrisburg.... ar I 1 55 | 3 40 fl 9 10 1 3 10 ~ P M AM Pittsburg lv S 8 00 P M J L.ewistown Ji. " \ 7 30 i 3 10 Sunbury ...... ar 5 9 20 5 5 oOj P. M. A M A M A M Washington,., lv jlO 40 i 7 45 i! 10 50 ____ Baltimore " jll 41 j 4TO 84 > 11 45 Philadelphia... " 611 20 j 4 25 j 8 40 >l2 26 A. M A M A. M. P M Harrisburg.... lv k 3 35 g 7 55 jll 40 \ 4 00 Sunbury ar jsosj| 9 3b 110s 5 40 P.M. A M A M Pittsburg lv ji2 46 I 2 50 I 8 00 Clearfield.... " 409 928 Philipsburg.. " 450 10 12 Tyrone " 715 II 810 12 30 Bellefonte.. " 831 932 142 " Lock Haven ar 930 10 30 243 ] P.M, A HA M PM Erie lv | 4 TO .... Kane " 755 §0 00 Renovo " 11 15 \ b 40] 10 30 Lock Haven.... " 12 03 733 U2513 00 * „ A.M. P M Williamsport.. " lOS j 8 30i;12 40 400 Milton •' 156 919 127 4 :>2 "... Lewisburg " 905 1 15 447 Sunbury ar 227 9 40] 165 520 A. M. A M P M P M ~ Sunbury lv g 6 50 || 9 55 ; 2 00 i 6 48 South Danville" 713j10 17 221 609 Catawissa " 733 10 35 236 Ht~"" E Bloomsburg.. " 1 7 391 10 43 2 4:1: 632 ']' Espy Ferry...."] 7 43 110 47 112 6 36" Creasy "j 753 10 56 2 55] 6 46."*'] Nescopeck "j 8 03] 11 051 305 6 A M A Mi P. M.|P M j Catawissa lv 738 Nescopeck Ivl til 55 i I 10 jj 7 05 Kock tllen ar 826 12 211 4 :i(ii 7 31"" Fern Olet) "] BTO 12 27] 4 42] 7 87— Tomhicken " 8 42] 12 35 451 74 > Hazleton "j 902 12 f.V 512 805 Pottsville "I 113(1] 208 , 6 30j 9 O.Y'"" i A M A M P M P Mj-~ Ne«CO)teck lv 2 8 03' ill 05 \BOS j 6 55] Wapwallopen.,ar 818 11 20 310 709 Mocanaqua .... "! 8 28] II 32 329 721 Nanticoke "1 84s 11 54 348 742 P Ml Plym'th Ferry'if 12 02 3 571 l' 7 52 Wllksbarre ... " 906 12 loj 405 800 AM P M P M P M PittStou(DAH) llr ;9 E9 1112 49 >4 52 836 Scranton " "I It) 0811 18] 520 905 | Weekdays. » Daily. 112 Flag station. Additional Train leaves Hazleton 5.15 p. m., Tomhicken 5.85 p.m., Fern (ilen 5.43 p. in., Hock (ilen 5.50 p.m., arriving at Catawissa 6.25 p. 111. Pullman Parlor and Sleepine Cars run on through trains between Sunbury, Williamsport ami Erie, between Sunbnry and Philadelphia and Washington and between Harrisburg, Pitts burg and the West. For further information apply to Ticket Agents /. u. HUTCHINSON, J. li. WO OIK C/en'l Manager. Qen'l Paa»'n , r Ay. COAL! M COAL! M COAL! T SOPtRIOR 111 11 —AT— Pegg's Coal Yard. Samples of Peggs Cod may be seen at Brown's Hook Store, No. 229 Mill Street, where orders may be left, and all desired in formation obtained. Local telephone line con nects Brown's Book Store with Coal Yard. OFFICE, Removed to Yard on Canal slip, off Ferry St. (formerly Woolley's yard). Robert J, Pegg, COAL DEALER. PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILWAY IN EFFECT JUNE TO, 1900. TKAINS LEAVE DANVILLE (weekdays only) Fcr Philadelphia 11.25 a m. For New York 11.25 a m. For Catawissa 11.25 a. in., .OO 00 Minutes), 4.00, 4 30 (5.00 sixty minutes) 5.40 (South St,. 5.30) 7.15, 8.30 I'. M., Accom ( A. M., 5.40 (South St., 5.30) 8.30 P. M., Sun days Express, 7.30, S.OO, 8.:S»I, 0.00, 10.00, 11.0, A. M., 4.45, 7.15 P. M. Accoin. 0.15 A. M.,5.00 P. M. Leave ATLANTIC CITY-Weekdays—Express 0.4.") Mondays only), 7.00, 7.45, (7.55 from Mas sachusetts Ave.,) (8.20, sixty minute) 9.00, 10.15, 11.00 A. M.. 3.30,4.30,5.30, 7.T0, 8.30, 9.30 P. M. Accomodation 4.20, 7.05 A. M., 3.50 P. M. Sundays -Express, 8.45 A. M., 3.30, 4.T0, 5,00. 6.00,,7,30, S.OO, 9.30. P M. Accom. 7.15 A .M., 4.32 P. M. Parlor cars on all express trains. For CAPE MAY -Weekdays-8.45, 9.15 A. M„ 21."), al. 10,5.80 P. M Sundays—B.4s, 9.16 A.M. 6.00 I'. M. For OCEAN CITY-Weekdays--8.45, 9.15 A. M..d 1.50 c 1.30, 5.T0 P. M Sundays—B.4s. 9.15 A. M.,5.00 P.M. For SEA ISLE ClTY—Weekdays— A. M. 2.15 C 4.20, 5*40, P. M Sundays—B.4s A. M„ 5.U I*. M. a South st,. 4.(¥) I*. M.; b South St. 5.30 P. M. c South St. 4.1:, I'. M.; d South St. 1.4-5 P. M. 51.00 Excursions Atlantic City 7.00 A. M., daily additional Sunday 7.T0 A. M. For Cape May. Ocean City and Sea Isle, Sun days 7.00 A. M., additional Ocean City, only Thursday, 7.00" NEW YOHK AND ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESS. I .leave NEW YOHK (LI lierty Street) 3.40 P. M Leave ATLANTIC CITY, 8.30 A.M. Detailed time tatate* at ticket odices. I. A.SWEIUAKI), A EDSONJ WEEKS Gen. Superintendent. General Agent. JOHN" W. FARN S WOETH INSURANCE Life Fire AcciQem aid Steam Boiler Office; Montgomery Buildliug, Mill Street, Danville, - - Penn'a 50c ta. One cent a doro. rwVwßpJiJl** Tnta GUKAV COCCU CUIUS promptly CURE* where all others fail, Coughi, Croup Sot\ Thioat, Hoarseness, Whoopinr Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it lias no rival: has cured thousands, and Will CCitE TOD if taken ia time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame lteck or Chest, us* BHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTER.I'UJ. rHILOH'S/%CATARRH .?/s^remedy: Tl nve you Caturrb 7 This r<>me»-it- Ish would require further large sup plies of horses. Gen. Buller moved 14 miles north westward along the Lydenburg road and crossed Crocodile river to Badfon tein. He found the Boers concentrat ing in the Crocodile mountains. A force of Boers under Commandant Theron broke through the British lines and captured and burned a sup ply train at Kilp River station, taking 35 prisoners. Brabant's Horse pro ceeded thither, recaptured all the pris oners. and drove the Boers into the hills. Col. Pltimer dispersed a small com mando under Commandant Pretorlus east of Pir.aar's River, capturing 26 Boers, and a number of* wagons and a quantity of cattle and rifles. It is reported that Lord Roberts haß issued a proclamation formally annex ing the Transvaal to the dominions of the British crown.