Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 23, 1900, Image 1
Home Pajeiw —..For the Boine The circulation of this paper is in- creasing rapidly• It will pay you < to advertise in the AMERICAN. j . I SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DR. IRVING 11. JENNINGS, DENTIST. Office Hoar* 9A. 72 M ,S< -' Il\ iP. M. Danville, Pa. SHL I.TX, M. I>. 425 MILL ST., DANVILLE, PA. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines a Specialty \V. I*. ASOLK, —DENTIST— OFFICE: 218 MILL STREET. Teeth Extracted without I'aln. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Equipped with the latest and most Improved Instruments and prepared lo execute the most difficult work. DR. C. H. REYNOLDS, (FORMERLY OF CATAWISSA). DENllS'l Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa Dentistry in all its branches. Charge Moderate and all work Guaranteed. Established 1892. KINIlEffl M:\vs. Picnics are decidedly uncertain these days. Sunbury is to have a new broker s of fice. The horse chestnut trees are already beginning to shed their leaves, which is an indication that fall is approaching. The Pennsylvania and Philadelphia «!T Reading officials expect a big rush to the seashore to-day. Enroll in the International Schools of Scranton before the advance in pri ces of scholarships, which go into eflect on Sept. Ist.— R. W. Shelly, Representa tive, Montour House. The festival held at the Mausdale Re formed church last Saturday evening was a financial success. Tramps are numerous about South Danville and Riverside. A handsome bronze sign has been placed in position in front of the First National bank. The Sunday school class of St. Peter's M. K. church, Riverside, taught by Jesse Shannon, held a festival at Mr. Shan non's resider.VJT "'-iturday evening, which proved a very successful event. It cost the state nearly $150,000 to give the National Guard a week's outing at Mt. Gretna. Pennsylvania is very liberal with its soldiers. The hay fever season is here and a large number of Danville people subject to the ailment are suffering from it. Political flag raisings are next in order No campaign clubs have as yet been formed in this city. The leaves of many trees in this sec tion are already putting on an autumn like tinge. An effort is being made by some mem bers of the Grand Army of the Republic to change Memorial Day from the .>oth to the last Sunday of May. 'J UE <log days will soon be over, then look for frost on the pumpkin. The oyster vacation is drawing to a close. FOR SALE— A farm of 30 acres about live miles from Danville, on the road leading from Mausdale to Jerseytown. Good orchard, house, barn and other buildings. Fiasy ttrms. Address, Box 29, Mausdale, Pa. A rumor published some time ago to the efTect that the Philadelphia & Read ing Railway signal corps would be re moved from Sunbury to Shamokin has been confirmed by an official of the road. The heads of ten families make up the corps, and Shamokin will be the gainer just that much, as they must all remove their families to that to MI. Farmers and others should keep an eye on the Canadian thistle just now. The seed will soon be ripe and scattered broadcast unless prompt measures are taken to destroy them. There is a State law imposing a line on any person who allows the Canadian thistle seed to rip en on his premises. William Pease and family will shortly take possession of .the Van Alen prop erty on W R est Market street. The frame work for the building at the rear of T. L. F]vans' Sons' marble yard, which is to be used by R. J. Pegg, the coal dealer, is nearly completed. ' | During the next few days the pastors J of a number of the city's churches will j return from their summer recreation ! places, anil the work of the churches will be carried on with renewed vigor. Mrs. M. G. Grove will on Monday move her household goods to Philadel phia, where she and her daughters will hereafter make their home. Save 20 per cent, on the price of your scholarship in the International Schools of Scranton by enrolling this month. — R. W. Shelley, Representative,Montour House. Mrs. W. E. Roney yesterday, moved from the Trinity Lutheran church par sonage to the house recently occupied by Joseph Welden, corner Kast Market and Church streets. The weather of yesterday indicates that the back bone of the summer is not yet broken. The Kev. O. Pflueger, president of the Danville Lutheran Synod, will speak at the Susquehanna Lutheran reunion to be held at Milton Park, Milton, to day. His subject will be "Lutheran 'Consciousness." Rev. Pflueger is well known in this city. 'i.'; <>|| nus • ■ u N rkv WILL NEVER BK ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDSWITII ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 15—NO :!i. WIT Eli PLANT EMPLOYES ELECTED At Friday Night's Meeting of the Borough Council The Borough Council met in regular session Friday night with the following members in attendance: President Kem mer, Goldsmith, Jones, Fetterman.Vas tine, Rebman, Sechler, Amesbury.Lauer and Brandt. A communication to Burgess Mover from the Burgess and a number of citi zens of Turbotville was read. It was in the form of a letter, which pictured the destitute circumstances of the fire suffer ers of that place and asked for assist ance of any description. Burgess Moy er was of the opinion that President Kemmer should appoint a committee to make a canvass of the borough to solic it aid, but it was decided torequwt the two banks to receive contributions. Friday night was the time fixed for the Water Commissioners to make recom mendations for the various positions at the water works plant. As no recom mendations were forthcoming from the Commissioners, Mr. Rebman moved that Council proceed to elect whom they chose. President Kemmer invited Mr. Vastine to act as chairman and he,tak ing the floor, spoke in favor of the mo tion. A vote was taken, which resulted in adoption of the motion, by a vote of S to 1, Mr. Goldsmith being the dissent ing member and Mr. \ astine uot voting. For Superintendent Mr. Sechler presented the name of Peter J Keefer and Mr. Lauer nominated Harry Kerns. A vote resulted as follows: Keefeg " Kerns 3. Mr. Goldsmith refused toA***> claiming that no vacancies ex" Ht the plant and upon his own req<tt »« was excused from the meeting. The follow ing other employes were chosen by ac clamation; Engineers, Angus Wright and Jacob Bverlv; firemen, Edward Belt and George Hullihen. It was voted that the Street Commiss ioner notify persons owning shade trees that interfere with the electric light, that if they do not trim the same inside of five days, ttie Commissioner will do the work for them. It was decided to purchase 50 feet of sprinkling hose for the Friendship Fire Company. "r. Lauer, of the light committee re ported that the committee had conferr ed with Supt. West, of the Standard Electric Light Company, and it had been found that S7OO would be saved an nually by putting the lights on a moon light schedule. No action was taken in the matter. John Bowers, who lives at the corner of Bloom and Cherry streets, reported a defective street crossing on the Cherry street side of his residence, which prov ed a great nuisance. This matter was referred to the street and bridge com mittee. Mr. Fetterman reported that com plaints had been made about boys swim ming in the canal inside the borough and council ordered the practice stopped. The following bills were ordered paid: KOKOI'ttII DEI'A HTM EXT. Regular employes $82.50 Street work 26.33 Tax on Citv Hall 99.75 S. W. Arm's 44 (jW WATER DEPARTMENT. Regular employes S. A. McCoy 20 00 Western Union Telegraph Co. 1.14 Employes Working for the Prizes. The fifth pay day in the contest for the prizes to be awarded by the Danville Knitting Mills Company to the employ es earning the biggest wages the most number of times until Dec. -2, occurred Saturday. During the past two weeks the largest wage earners were: Full automatic Excelsior Knitting machines, Lizzie Ilenkie, §13.49. Brinton machines, Stella Mover, $9.25. Scott & Williams, Gussie Von Blohn, $12.23. Loopers, Celia Treas, $12.35. Winders, Katie Mullen, *7.72. Toppers, tirst, Henry Scbram, £7.02; second, Matthew Law, *<>.lß; third, Alice Trainor. $5.82; fourth, Wesley Kobson, $5.72; fifth, Gouger Lenhart, $5.55. On the full automatic knitting mach ines, Miss Ilenkie has led four pays and Miss Celia Treas has headed the list of the loopers four times. Henry Scliram is ahead in the topper's contest,he hav ing won out twice. Three Thousand People Attended, j Over three thousand people visited I DeWitt's park Friday, thus making the Grand Army picnic by far the larg est of the year. Up until 330 o'clock in the afternoon, the day was an ideal one, but the hard rain storm struck the park about that hour. A majority of the pic nicers managed to secure standing room iu the pavilion, but many were obliged I to stand outside and receive a drench ' ing. I Five innings of the base ball game be i tween the liiver-ide and Danville teams ! W ere plaved before the storm and the i former team was then in the lead, the ' score being 8 to 0. After the storm Um pire Hancock signaled for the game to again proceed, but the Riverside team, he says,refused to play and as a consequ ence he gave the game to Danville. 11 um mer and Bucher composed Riverside's battery and Klase and Robinson were the points for the Danville team. The other athletic events were post poned on account of the wet track. During the afternoon Stoes' band ren dered an excellent program, which was repeated in the evening. The picnic was a decided success and certainly did credit to those in charge of the arrange ments. I>AN VI IjTJE, l'A.. Til 1 I'SCAV. A I < JI'KT I'.MK). A BOLD SUNDAY MORN BURGLARY House of Johu Linker Entered Through a Window. A bold burglary occurred at the home of John Linker, 2(>l West Mahoning street, early Sunday morning. When Mr. Linker awoke at about 5 o'clock Sunday morning his trousers which he always hangs on a chair, near the bed, were missing. Upon going down stairs a side window and door were found wide open and on the floor were the missing trousers. The contents of the pockets had been removed and were also left on tne floor. The pantry and a small closet were ransacked, but nothing was taken. Entrance to the house was made through the window and the door was opened after access had been gained. The slumbers of none of the Linker family were disturbed during the night, but some of the neighbors heard tfie loud barking of dogs and strange noises about the Linker premises, but thought nothing of it. There is no clue to the perpetrators of the bold act. The Rev. Ulrich's Tirv.. Zx nnon. In Trinity Lutheran i urn ii Sunday morning, the Rev. L. IX finch,v ho was , recently called to the j>;:-• t t* of that church, preached his lir t s.-rnioii to! that congregation. Tin re M large at- , tendance and the mem'.ieis *ere _-n-at)y p.eased with tfieir new pastor's auie dis course: Rev. Ulrich took his text from the Gospel of St. Luke,l9 chapter, 41 and 42 verses: "And when He was come near, ffe beheld the city and wept over it,say ing, if thou had known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace; but now they are hid from tlnne eyes." In entering upon the pastorate of Trinity church Rev. Ulrich will find a most congenial and prosperous congrega tion. The Kev. L. I). Ulrich was born in Selinsgrove, May (>, 1574. He received tiis early education at Susquehanna Un iversity. After completing his courseat that institution he entered Muhlenburg College, Allentown, and after graduat ing from there he attended Mt. Airy Theological Seminary, which course he finished in 1899. For the past year he has been assisting at the Church of Apos tles, a mission at the corner of Broad and Susquehanna streets, Philadelphia. Although unmarried Kev. I'lrich will occupy the church parsonage ou Church street. Will Employ Pifty Additional Hands. The management of the -Danville j Knitting Mil's will increase the number • of new machines, which they intend putting in shortly. It was the purpose of the company ib place thirty-six mach ines on the third tioor of its factory. It has now been decided to almost double this number and fifty-nine addi tional machines will soon be in opera tion. Of these fifteen will be full auto matic, two color stripers and forty-four will be Brinton machines. Supt. West on Saturday notified the employes of the local mill that he would commence shipping the new machinery immediate ly and it is expected that it will arrive and will be in position before the last of the present week. It will require fifty additional hands to operate the mach ines when they are in running order. A new reel, which is used to skein yarn, was Monday placed in the mill. All the yarn used in the local mill has here tofore been skeined elsewhere. Will Choose a Candidate Here. Danville has been selected as the meeting plac«*,of the Republican Con gressional co J N*s of Montour, North umberland,' nbia and Sullivan coun ties, who will nominate a Republican candidate for Congress. This meeting has been arranged for Saturday, Sept. 1, and will occur at the Montour House at 11 a. m. The Col umbia county conferees are the ouly ones who will come to the convention with instructions, W. H. Woodin, of Berwick, who was Congressman Polk's opponent two years ago, having received the endorsement of that county. Nearing a Close. Vacation days are nearing a close for the teachers and pupils of our public schools and in less than two weeks time the work of another term will com mence. Bronzed faces attest to the beneficial results from a season of out door recreation, so that when the time is at hand for the taking up of the duties of the school room, there will be found a reinvigorated army to respond with that zeal as shall mean active purpose to the close of another term. Will Elect a State Board Member. The farmers of Montour county are re quested to meet at California (irange Hall on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 1 p. m., for the purpose of organizing a society for the promotion of agriculture and for the election of a member to the State Board of Agriculture, delegates to State Col lege and the transaction of other busi ness as may properly come before the meeting. All farmers of the county are earnestly requested to be present and take part. Danville Lost. The Danville base ball team was de feated by the Y. M. C. A. team, of Sun burv, at that place, on Saturday by a score of 15 to 4. Klase and Gaskins were the battery for Danville and Ammerman and Conley for Sunbury. WAGON SPINDLE COMPANY FORMED An Organization Effected in This City on Saturday Afternoon. At a meeting held in this city Satur day afternoon the company, which will manufacture the Weitzel & Smith patent ' wagon spindle, was organized with a | capital stock of SIO,OOO. The company will transact business under the name of I the Danville Manufacturing company, iAt this meeting the local capitalists i and tli" patentees arrived at a satisfact j ory agreement and the necessary papers j were drawn up and signed. The election of officers resulted in the | choosing of F. Q. llartman, president; ' .John Eves, of Millville, secretary and J. 'if. Goeser, treasurer. During the meet ing $8,500 of the capital stock was sul>- scribed and Mr. Goeser was to secure the balance of the amount. As soon as the whote amount is secured, which will probably be in a few days,the ! fitting up of the plant will be commenc j ed. A charter will be applied for at once. As yet no buiiding has been selected j by the company. Business Brisk at the Tube Woiks. Business is at present booming at the I Howe A Polk Structural Tubing Works J and many large orders are being receiv i ed and tilled. F'or sometime past the plant has been operating but single turn, and with ord ers as strong as they are at present the <»ne turn is kept very busy. It is very likely that should business continue as brisk the plant will com mence running double turn in a very short time. At the Skelp Mill of the Reading Iron Works Tuesday the remainder of the engine fly wheel was placed in position. All that now remains to complete the big wheel is the bolting. Employes of the mil! expect that they will begin work the tirst of next week. Big Hail Stones Break Window Panes. A terrific hail storm occurred a few miles west of this city Saturday after noon about 2 o'clock. The hail stones that fell were larger than marbles and crashed through the window panes of the houses and barns in that vicinity. Potato plants were beaten down and fruit knocked from the trees. The 2.21 Pennsylvania passenger train was obliged to stop at Klinesgrove on account of the great amount of hail stones on the track. In the ditch be tween the track and the mountain side the bail accumulated to a depth of over two feet. Civel War Veteran Dead. At the home of his son-in-law, Clyde Ritter, near Fuhner's church, Northum berland county, Saturday night, occurr ed the death of James Lester, a member of Goodrich Post G. A. R. and for many a resident of this city. The de ceased was 69 years old. During the Civil War he served in Company D, F'ifty eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was an Odd Fellow, a member of Myrtle Lodge, No. 858. Picnic at the Vastine Farm. A pleasant party from this city held a picnic at the Vastine farm,near Boyd's Tuesday afternoon. The following at tended: Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Youngman, Mrs. B. R. Gearhart, Misses Ida Yorks, Ava Gearhart, Ida Gallagher, Lou Mc- Clure, Ada Gearhart, Anna Johnston, Olive Thompson; Dr. John Yorks, of Philadelphia, Charles Hunt, Stuart Bote J. Beeber Vastine, Dr. J. 11. Vastine and Dr. Schad, of Shamokin. Brought Here From Bellefonte. Frank Huey, of Bellefonte, was brought to the Hospital for the Insane, this city, Saturday. Huev served in the regular army, during the war with Spain, and contracted a malady which rendered him unfit for manual labor- His misfortune and destitution are thought to have unbalanced his mind. Grand Army Encampment at Chicago. On account of the G. A. R. Encamp ment at Chicago, 111., Monday, August 27th to September Ist, the Philadelphia & Reading Railway have arranged to sell round trip tickets for single fare. For further information consult Ticket Agents. A Saturday Night Arrest. Patrick McGeever was arrested by Policeman Voris, Saturday night, charg ed with being drunk and disorderly. Be fore Justice Bare, McGeever was lined $9 and gave an order for the amount. Police Have Subscription Papers. Subscription papers for the fund for the relief of the Turbotville fire sufferers have been placed in the hands of Chief of-l'olice Mincemoyer and Officer Voris. Bible Class Discontinued. On account of the improvements now going on in and about the Y. M. C. A. building the Monday evening Bible Class will be discontinued until further notice Another Carrier. About Oct. 1, another mail carrier will be added to the local post office. Charles Peifer who has acted as substitute will till the position. New Justice in the Fourth Ward. Samuel Marks Monday received his commission as Justice-of-the-Peace in the Fourth ward. llazleton now has a cat curfew. Cats must hereafter bo housed and silent by 10 o'clock at night under penalty of death for themselves and a fine for their owners. PARAGRAPHS. Brief Mention of the Movement of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Mrs. Andrew Russell is visiting rela tives in Syracuse, N. V. Miss Fannie Gibson, of visiting relatives in this city. Miss Lela Woodside returned Satur day from a visit to Philadelphia. Misses Mabel and Lillie Gelliuger, of Lewisburg, are the guests of Miss Katie Markle, Honeymoon street. Miss Eva Crissman, of Bellefonte, and Miss Gertrude Nesbit, of Sunbury, were the guests over Sunday of Miss Jane Lloyd, West Mahoning street. Mr. and Mrs. John Limberger, ofSun j bury, were guests over Sunday at the I home of Charles Liuiberger, West Mah ! oiling street. Miss Carrie Nichols, of Kingston, is . the guest of Mrs. Hart, West Mahoning street. Mrs. P. D. Bricker, of Harrisburg, is the guest of Mrs. H. J. Angle, on Mill street. Lewis Steinbrenner, of Wilkesbarre, visited his mother on FJast Front street, Sunday. Miss Aiice Guest is spending two weeks with a Bloomsburg party at Huntington Valley cauip meeting. Miss Helen Davis, of Pittsburg, is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. T. F\ Patterson, on Northumberland street. Mr. and Mrs. John Haney spent Sun day with relatives in Nanticoke. Mrs. Annie Minier anil daughter, Miss Violetta, of Bloomsburg, were the guests of Mrs. Jane Livziey, Flast F'ront street, over Sunday. Mrs. Grant Keller, of Scranton, is a guest at tiie home of Anthony Foust, on Bloom street. Miss Ida Andrews, of I'ottsville, is the guest of I. W. Hartzell, on Grand street. Miss Carrie Gaufi, of Chicago, is t!he guest of Miss Kate liausch, F.ast Front street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartholomew returned Monday from a visit with friends in Central, Columbia county. Mrs. Jane Moser and Mrs. 0. IL Trexler, of Allentown, who are visiting at the home of J. 11. McCoy,West Mark et street, spent Sunday with Shamokin friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Meyers, of Pitts burg, who have been visiting at the Rishel homestead, F'ront street, and Miss Rozella Curtis, of this city,left Monday for Ocean Grove, N. J. Miss Hattie Nickels, of Dewart, is vis- 1 iting her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Everhart, on j Mill street. Mrs. Henry Lamers and daughter, Eva, of CovLigton, Ky., are visiting rel tives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams, Mrs. Mary Cromwell, Mrs. Jennie Marshall, I Miss Bertha Cromwell and Harry and j Clarence Cromwell are visiting at the j home of Charles Gaul, Turbotville. Master Paul Casey, of Bloomsburg, is ; visiting in this city, the guest of John j Kmiesinski. Miss Maggie lOvans is visiting friends j at Plymouth and Wilkesbarre. j Mrs. James Rillel is spending a few days in Milton. Miss May Miller, of Williamsport, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. James j Cruikshank, Pine street. Miss Ida Hoflman, of Philadelphia, is j visiting her parents on West street. Miss I'. A. Croup, of Brair Creek, is visiting tier niece, Mrs. Charles Bausch, Front street. Miss Florence Sherwood, of Berwick, ; is the guest of Miss Mauie Ware, Bloom , street. Frank E. Allen, circulation agent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, was in t.liis city Monday evening. Mrs. J. K. Geringer anil daughter,Msss Nellie, will leave this morning for a visit of two weeks at Manassas, Virginia. Miss Ivvelyn Cressman, of Bellefonte, is the guest of Miss Jane Lloyd, \\ est Mahoning street. Prof. Urie Lee Gordv, Principal-.elect of the Danville High School, is spending a few days in town. - Prof. Gordv ac j ceptably tilled the position of instructor of mathematics in our local high scho ol for three years.—-Shamokin Herald. Mrs. Thomas H. Johns and Mrs. I'Aigene A. Moyer will leave this morn* ing for Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Maggie Doster and Miss Ajinie Rempe will leave today for a trip to As bury Park and Atlantic City. Mrs. A. L. Miller, of llazleton, was the guest of South Danville friends yes terday Her husband, the Rev. Miller, was a former pastor of St. Peter's M. E. church. Bernard J. Fmright, who was employed at the Danville Bessemer company's blast furnace, this city, until it was blown out, has accepted a position as chemist for the Whitehall Portland Cement company at Cementon, Lehigh county. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Keefer and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Williivns and daughter, Grace, will leavo tlus morn ing for Atlantic City. l)r. J. P. Holla, of Wasihiu};tonville, drove to this city yesterday. Mrs. S. V. Border returned to Wil liamsport yesterday after a v'isit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rogers, Fiast Front street. WINDOWS Six Poker Players Saw the Chief-of-Police First. Cluef-of-Police Mincemoyer raided a gambling den Monday afternoon, but the gamblers managed to escape arrest by lleeing. F'or sometime past the police author ities have been aware that a party of young men were almost daily turning a small two story building in the rear of T. L. Sons' marble yard, into a poker joint. The Chief Monday de termined to break the practice up and about 3:30 p. M.he started for the place. The players, however, caught sight of the Chief long before he reached the den and as be approached he sighted six young men jumping from upstairs windows to the ground, and then run ning in various directions. In an upstairs room the officer found two umbrellas, one hat and 17 cents in pennies, which suggested that penny ante was the game. Chief Mincemoyer was ab'e to recognize all of the fleeing poker fiends and arrests are liable to re sult. Contract Let for New County Bridge. The contract for the new county bridge over Little Roaring Creek, near Boyd's, in Mayberry township, which will connect Montour and Northumber land counties was yesterday let by the Commissioners of the two counties. In the courthouse, this city. Commis sioners A. 11. Cooner, W. 11. Rohrbach, and G. W. Raudenbush, of Northumber land county, and H. C. Sandel and Wes ley Perry of this county, received bids as follows: Nelson Buchanan Bridge Company. Chambersburg, i-2i'U. Curry & Yannan, this city, $249. Penn Bridge Company, Beaver Falls, $239. The Nelson & Buchanan company be ing the lowest of the bidders, the con tract was awarded-to them. The new bridge is to be of steel. The extreme length will be 25 feet, with 1(> feet road way. The Commissioners will bear the expense of the mason work and the lumber, which will be used. Work on the structure will commence at once. As there was a misunderstanding the i above figures were the second bids. Ac- j cording to specifications the first bids j were: Curry A Yannan, s2t>s. Penn Bridge Company, $399. Nelson & Buchanan, Sad Death of a Child. Catherine Kiegel, the three-years-old j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Riegel, of Philadelphia, died at the home of her | grandfather, Peter Fen s term ac her, South j Danville, Sunday night. The child with its mother had been visiting in South Danville for some weeks past and on Sunday morning was taken suddenly ill with cholera infan tum. The death was a particularly sad one j as the child's father was in Philadel-1 phia and unable to reach here until Tuesday morning. Vestibuled Trains to the Seashore. The Philadelphia & Reading are run ning between Philadelphia and Atlantic City the finest and fastest trains ever placed in service by any railroad. New coaches have been built especially for the GO-minute trains operated by this line, and are pronounced by all to be the best so far produced. They are wide platform, vestibuled, eighty feet in length, and seat ninety persons. The Pullman parlor cars on these trains are also vestibuled and make the service as near absolutely perfect as can be arrived at. {Philadelphia & Reading engines burn hard coal; no smoke. Smallest Woman Alive. Columbia county can boast of the smallest woman now alive. Her name is Sarah Mummey, and her home is with her parents at Roaring Creek. She is now 24 years old but lias never grown a bit since the age of 3. The Catawissa News Item prints her picture as she ap pears playing with a pair of rabbits,and really they are nearly as big as the baby like figure beside them. She was taken with a severe illness at the age of 3 says the News Item and she has never grown any larger. Her intelligence is that only of a bright child, her mental growth be ing stunted with her physical. Mr. Tooley Gets Ano: ler Store. The Sunbury Daily of Saturday says: "John Tooley, of Danville, has purchas ed the genera! store of the Ira T. Cle ment estate and will conduct a grocery store at that stand after September Ist. Mr. Tooley has a large store in Danville an 1 also one in Shamokin. Only gro ceries will be handled. New Uniforms for Good Will Compauy. The members of the Good Will Hose Company were Monday measured for new uniforms. The suits will consist of coats and trousers and will be dark green in color. They will be finished by the first of next month. G. A. R. Returns Thanks. At a regular meeting of Goodrich Post No. 22G. A. K. held Monday night a vote of thanks was tendered to all citizens who assisted in making theCL A. R. pic nic a success. Preparations are being made lo put down a new concrete floor in the Stand ard Eiectric Light Company's plant. KSTAISUSIIEI) IX 1855. COUNCIL WILL APPOINT EMPLOYES To Run and Manage the Borough Water Plant. A special meeting of the Borough Council was held last evening with mem bers present as follows : President Kern mer, Vastine, Fetterman, Amesbury, Kebman, Sechler, Lauer, Jones and Brandt. The object of the meeting was to re peal all ordinances giving the Water Commissioners power to appoint, lix the salaries and terms ot office of em ployes of the Borough Water plant. Borough Solicitor Ammerman was present and cited a similar circum stance, which occurred in the Danville Borough Council in 1878. At that time Judge Klwell rendered an opinion,which delegated to Council power to control and maintain the Water Plant. In 1897 an ordinance was passed, which gave the Water Commissioners a right to ap point Water Plant employes. By a unanimous vote the repealing of the ordinance and the following amend ment passed lirst reading. SKITION I. —That the said Borough Council shall at all times hereafter ap* point all officers and employes necessary in the running and managing of the Water Department of said borough and shall also determine and lix the term of office and amount of salaries of the said officers and employes so appointed. SECTION II. —All ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore passed by said Borough Council repugnant to, or in consistent herewith, be repealed. THE SPANISH WAR DRAMA. The many thousands who were un able to witness this great spectacular show at the Milton fair grounds last year, will be glad to know that the Young Men's Social Club of the Baptist church, of that city, have completed ar rangements with the famous Kepasz Band of Williamsport, for its reproduc tion on the evening of Labor Day, Sep tember 3, lilOU. This was no doubt the greatest enter tainment ever given by local talent in the West Branch Valley. Nearly one thousand people took part in the ren dering of the programme which was in structive and entertaining from start to finish. At times during the reproduc tion of the battle of San Juan Hill men would so far forget themselves that they would rise jporn their seats and shout cheers to the Bough Riders who could be seen cli'nbing the hill under the slaughtering fire of the Spaniards. It was estimated that over four thousand people witnessed the entertainment. Arrangements are now under way for special rates and trains from Catawissa, Danville, Sunbury and Williamsport. Last year more than a hundred people wanted to attend from this section, but were unable to get a return train. Mrs. Ecksrt's Pather Dead. On Monday night at 12.30, A. F. Creasy, one of the oldest residents of Berwick, died at his home in that place, aged 78 years and 7 months. lie was born in Mifflin, Columbia county, in the year 1822 and had always lived in Col umbia county, with the exception of a few yearsin Williamsport and Hazleton. lie was the father of Mrs. John Eckert, of Mill street, this city. Last Day for Assessment. Wednesday, Septembersth, is the last day for legal assessments in order to be legally entitled to vote at the general election. If you are between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-three years,and have not paid a state or county tax,you must be assessed, on or before the sth of September. It is important that your name is on the assessor's list of taxables. Attend to this at once. Hose Carriage Delayed. A message received Saturday from the firm, which is building the Washington Hose Company's new carriage, states that it will not be shipped inside of three weeks. The members are at a loss to know where the difficulty lies, as the contract called for the delivery of the carriage by Aug. 7. A Man With Nerve. John Schaelier, of near Bloomsburg, while attending the Bloomsburg Silk Mill picnic at Milton Saturday fell under a trolley car, which he was attempting to board, and had two fingers of his left hand cut off. In spite of this injury he danced all the afternoon without having the injured members dressed. Montour Castle Will Attend. The thirteenth annual reunion of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, Susque hanna district, will be held at Milton on Monday, September 3, (Labor Day). Montour Castle No. 186, of this city, accompanied by a band, will attend in a body. ___ Picnic Postponed. The managers of the P O. S. of A., | picnic, which was to have been held at DeWitt's park, Tuesday, on account of the wet grounds decided to postpone the affair until Tuesday, Aug. 28. All tickets which have been issued will be good on that date. Transcripts Returned. Transcripts have been returned to District Attorney Welsh in the cases of George W. Dansberger, charged with ob taining money under false pretense, and l'aul F. Thompson, charged with deser tion and non-support. JOB PRINTING J The office of the AMERICAN ueing furnished with a large assortmen of job letter and fincy type and job material generally, the Publisher announces to the public that he is prepared at all times to execute in the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of all Kinds and Descrption. our prices before ph c ing your orders. TWO DANVILLE BOYS ENLIST One at Sunbury and the Other at Will iamsport. Fred Wood yard and William Phoenix, two young colored men of this city,have enlisted in the United States Regular Army and will be sent to China shortly. Woodyard enlisted at Williamsport yesterday and Phoenix entered the ser vice at the Sunbury recruiting station Tuesday night. Both young men were assigned to the Twenty-fifth U. S. In fantry (colored) which is now in Bervice in the Philippines. Phoenix left for Texas last night and Woodyard will go today. In about a month they will sail for Manila, where they join their regi ment and proceed with it to China. I'lioenix is ;u years of age and is a son of Mrs. Annie Young, Chambers street. Woodyard is the same age. Derr Reunion. The Derr reunion was held at the Sul phur Springs, Moreland, Pa., Aug. 16, 1900. About 100 of the descendants of Christopher and Mary Derr and near relatives were present from Montour, Columbia, Northumberland and Lycom ing counties. After enjoying a sumptu ous feast in a most beautiful grove, Kev. H. C. Monroe, of Whitehall, and Kev. K. M. Hunsicker, of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, former pastors, delivered very appropriate and touching addresses. The following officers were elected for the year: President, William Derr, Moreland; vice-president, Wilson Derr, Moreland; secretary, Calvin Derr; as sistant secretary, Miles J. Derr, both of Limestone; treasurer, F. C. Derr, Dan ville; executive committee, J. F. Derr, Turbotville, T. M. Derr, Schuyler, G. W. Derr and J. W. Derr, Limestone. The time and place of the next reunion was not decided upon. Churches Will be Asked to Assist. The fund for theTurbotville fire suffer ers has reached $l4B, and it is thought that no difficulty will be experienced in securing the desired $250. There is a movement on foot to have the churches of this city take collec tions for the sufferers and it is likely that they will be requested to do this next Sunday. Two baskets of clothes were left at the City Hall yesterday, one by S. J. Welliver and the other by F. C. Derr. More clothes are needed and it is hoped that contributions will be freely made. Half Day Sessions. One of the Ashland newspapers has begun an agitation in favor of half dsy sessions of school during September on the ground that tlie weather in that month is too hot to hold the regular full day session. That argument will hardly hold good. September is not so hot that children suffer while at school and to keep the schools open only a half day would lengthen the term so that it would be necessary for them to remain at school far into June, when the mer cury reaches a higher point and when weather conditions are more unbearable than in September. Two Fingers Injured. Michael Davitt, an employe of the Reading Iron Works, while working about the rolls last evening, had the misfortune to catch the lingers of his left hand in a cog wheel. He sustained a compound fracture of his third finger and his second finger was badly lacerat ed. Dr. Stock dressed the injured fing ers. "Heps" Picnic Postponed. Owing to the inclement weather the Heptasophs' picnic has been postpon ed to Wednesday, September 5, We regret very much the postponement of the pleasant event, but it was unavoidable. Save your tickets as all tickets will be good on the above date. COMMITTKK. For Sale. Farm of 28 acres for sale. Situated about four miles from Danville. A fine peach orchard; also pears, apples, red and black raspberries, blackberries, cur rants and asparagus. An excellent farm for early truck. Easy terms. for par ticulars address Box 74, Danvilfc, Pa. S Addition Will Be Finished by Sept. 10. Work on the addition which is being built to the South Danville school house is being pushed as rapidly as possible and it is expected will be completed by j Sept. 10. School will open some time between the 15th and 25th of the montji. The attendance at the Patterson Grove camp meeting is large and the sessions are very interesting. luesday morning Dr. Frysinger, of Bloomsburg, preached the sacramental sermon, after which the Lord's Supper was observed. lu the afternoon Rev. DeMoyer, of Northum berland, preached and the children s meeting was conducted by Mrs. Brad shaw. "in the evening a Young People's meeting was conducted by Kev. Bedlock and Kev. D. Y. Brouse preached. A large number of folks from this city camped near Cameron, along the Sus quehanna river, during the summer. Cameron is one of the best camping out places in this section, and has been a favorite for many years with Danville people. Big Catawissa Corporation. The Hamlin Car and Wheel company, of Catawissa, was incorporated at Dover, Del., on Tuesday with a capital stock of SIOO,OOO.