Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 16, 1900, Image 4

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FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor.
Danville. Pa., Aug. 16 i 900
(1)11 >IINMAT ION S.
All communications sent to the A MKISI
CA\ lor publication must he signed by
the writer, and communications not so
signed will be rejected.
SB* , rf.<y j
112 " <
THE<)D< )RE R< >SEVELT. of New York
Edward B. Hardenbergh, of Wayne.
Galuslia A. Grow, of Susquehanna.
Robert S. Foerderer, of Philadelphia.
W. C. Arnold, of Clearfield.
Clarence Wolf, of Philadelphia.
Frank 11. Buhl, of Delaware.
A. B. Roberts, of Montgomery.
James C. Foster, of Danville.
David Ruckel of Danville.
Robert Adams of Danville
John G. Brown of Danville.
J* F. Patterson of Derry Township.
\o Sniictiuiry For I*rf*wl«l«»nt Kru^cr.
Washington, Aug. ir>. —In reference
to a London dispatch yesterday stat
ing that President Kruger had asked
for a sanctuary in the United States
consulate before Gen.' Roberts' entry
into Pretoria, It was said at the state
department that no formal application
ever has come from Consul Hollls for
a sanctuary in the American consulate
for President Kruger and that the in
structions sent to the consul to con
fine his energies to his consular duties
was not a result of any discussion of
an asylum for the Boer president. It is
stated also in this connection that the
right of asylum, or sanctuary, does not
exist as to consulates, but is purely a
diplomatic immunity at a legation or
other quarters occupied by a min
I<«*proM.v In tli«* I'll Hi |»|» in**"'
Washington, Aug. 15. Surgeon Gen
eral Sternberg has received a report
from Major Guy L. Edie. president of
the board of health in Manila. The re
port states that leprosy was introduced
in the Philippines In 1633, when the
emperor of Japan sent 150 lepers to the
islands. Since then the number has in
creased until the estimate is that there
are 30,000 lepers in the archipelago,
largely in the Visayas. In a recent in
spection of Manila. 100 lepers were
found concealed in various houses,
while many others escaped to the
strike of I'ri'nrli Stcnm«hl|i Firemen
Morsel lies. Aug. 15.—The strike of
the firemen of the Trans-Atlantic
Steamship company, which began here
Sunday morning is spreading, the
number of strikers being already 500.
Some .3,000 civilian travelers are await
ing the departure of various vessels, as
well as 600 officers and troops of the I
China expeditionary force.
f<firu«» Shipments of f.«»l«1.
New Y'.rk. Aug. 15. The largest eon
f*"7iiren . 112 gold bullion ever exported
from thf ' !ty in a single day was
ahlrftid ly flu mers Teutonic and
i-!i ' :ot! 112; d; y. '! .. ; shipments were
s■■.ll '.<«'•» V.)»(.• gold goes in the
form of '
Kan Down •>> llattlenhi|> nu«l Many
Liven Lost.
Paris. Aug. 13.—During maneuvers
s>f the Fernch fleet off Cape St. Vincent
I Saturday night a collision occurred be
! tween the first class battleship Bren
| nus, flying the flag of Vice Admiral
I Fournier, commander of the fleet, and
; the torpedo boat destroyer Framee.
j The Framee sank immediately. The
j accident was due to the fact that the
| Framee turned to the right when or
j dered to the left. Details thus far re
j ceived are very meager, bui only a
! small portion of the crew, consisting
of four officers and 58 men, were saved.
It is believed that no fewer than 50
were lost. The Framee, which was of
313 tons displacement, was a recent
addition to the French navy.
It is now known that out of the
Framee's crew 14 were saved. The lost
include three officers, Capt. Mauduit du
Plessix, the second lieutenant and the
chief engineer.
Admiral Fournier, in a dispatch from
Cadiz, says that at the time of the ac
cident the Brennus was steaming
ahead of the Framee on the left. The
flagship and the torpedo boat destroyer
were exchanging luminous signals,
when the latter approached too near
the Brennus.
The captain of the Framee ordered
his helmsman to steer 20 degrees to the
left, while he increased speed. The
man misunderstood or badly executed
the order, steering to the right, which
brought the destroyer under the ram
of the Brennus, the Framee being cut
in twain.
Plenty More Proof Like This and all From
Danville People.
No chance tor argument here
No better proof can be had
What a Danville man says
Is the best of evidence for Danville
Read this case
We have lots more like it
Mr Jos. Hooker of 102 North Spruce
street, says;—"l was a long time afflict
ed with lameness in my back and a pain
over my kidneys. I had a great deal
of nervousness, restlessness, did not
sleep well, had bad dreams and was
continually tossing from side to side
striving to get. a comfortable position.
The kidney secretions were not normal.
I was tired all the time and often hada
dull aching in the back of my neck. I
read accounts of Doan's Kidney Pills
curing people. The description of their
symptoms tallied almost exactly with
mine and this induced me to try the
remedy. On using them a short time
the whole trouble disappeared."
"Norfolk. Va., Aug. 14. —The Nor
wegian bark Kopta has put into Hamp
ton Roads v/itii sir eases :,i chagres
fever on board and signalled for help.
She was boarded off Old Point Com
fort by Dr. Brown, quarantine officer,
who sent her to quarantine. Chagres
fever, also known as "Mexican fever"
is frequently contracted by seamen on
ships that touch at Mexican ports.
Ainerieiill t'lirw For Chile.
Santiago de Chile, Aug. 14. —The
Chilean congress has voted $2,500,000,
Chilean currency, for a cargo of cars,
the greater portion of which will be
purchased in the United States. Tend
ers have been invited for building the
great iron bridge over the river Maipu.
Mr*. Root Va-Tucker Out of l)iinu<»r.
New York, Aug. 14.—Mrs. Booth-
Tucker, wife of Commander Booth-
Tucker. of the Salvation Army, who
has been ill at Spring Lake, near As
bury Park, and who was reported dy
ing, is now said to be greatly improv
ed in health and out of danger.
The Fifteenth I'nited States infantry
has arrived at Nagasaki, Japan.
Baron von Stumm Halberg, the dis
tinguished conservative staleman, is
suffering from cancer of the stomach.
The New Foundland legislature has
been dissolved, a general election be
in?: . dered for October, and a bitter
campaign is expected.
The Evening Post, a local Populist
paper of Lincoln, Neb., says that
Chairman Marion Butler will take the
stump for McKinley.
Evils of Antipyrine.
The use of antipyrine for there lie
and cure of headaches lias a depressing
influence on the heart, and causes a de
rangement of the kidneys. Krause's
Headache Capsules contain no antipy
rine, chloral, morphine or any injurious
ingredient. They cure quickly and leave
the head clear and cool. Price 125 c. Sold
by Uossman & Son's Pharmacy.
AiKI-Lj-nrlilnK LraRDi 1 Xnt Imlomril.
New York, Aug. 14. —Perhaps the
moat interesting visitor at the national
Republican headquarters yesterday was
Louise E. Jewett, the so called "Joan
of Arc," of the Anti-Lynching league
of Boston She had an audience with
the chairman himself. When Senator
Hanna was asked about the matter he
replied: "Poor girl. She wantad the
Republican national committee to In
dorse the Anti-Lynchtng league. Of
course we could not do it. Wo all de
preciate lynching. I told her that all
moral persons and law abiding ones
are against lynching. This is not a
party matter."
Sli Klll<*(t in Truin t'olliNion.
Rome, Aug. 13.—A train bearing
many notable persons who had been
attending the recent ceremonies here
collided with another a few miles out
side the city. Six persons were killed
outright and several others fatally in
jured. The king and queen went im
mediately to the scene of the accident.
The names of the victims have not yet
been ascertained, but it is understood
that Grand Duke and Grand Duchess
Pierre of Russia are safe.
Does Baby
If your baby is delicate
and sickly and its food does
not nourish it, put fifteen
or twenty drops of Scott's
Emulsion in its bottle three
or four times a day and you
will see a marked change.
We have had abundant
proof that they will thrive
on this emulsion when other
food fails to nourish them.
It is the same with larger
children that are delicate.
Scott's Emulsion seems to be
the element lacking in their
food. Do not fail to try it if
your children dy not thrive.
It is as useful for them in
summer as in winter.
/IsA your doctor if this is not true.
SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemuti, Ntw York
fltlnu l*nr«u«'d the Uurilcrrr Drank
Poi»un, Theu Druirned Hlmnelf.
Harrisburg, Aug. 15.—Cora Jiles,
colored, aged 28 years, was shot and
killed by Jerre Washington, aged 35
years, a colored hod carrier employed
at Steelton, last night at her home in
Harrisburg. Washington theu commit
ted suicide by swallowing two ounces
of laudanum and jumping into the
Pennsylvania canal rather than be
taken by the police. Washington
boarded with Mrs. Jiles, who did not
live with her husband, and the only
motive the police can ascribe for his
crime is tlmt he was jealous of her.
During a quarrel with iMrs. Jiles last
evening Washington shot her three
times, instantly killing her. He left the
house and to several persons who at
tempted to arrest him he gave warning
that he would shoot the first person
who laid hands on him. When the po
lice appeared on the scene he jumped
into the canal and swam to the op
posite shore, where he was confronted
by a crowd. Two men caught hold of
him and tried to pull him out of the
water. He jerked loose from them,
swallowed the laudanum and then
drowned himself. His body has not yet
been recovered.
cruniil Company roncoMniun Forfeited
Managua, Nicaragua, Aug. 14. —El
Comercio, of this city, confirming tha
report of the forfeiture of the Inter-
Oceanic Canal company's concession
says: "We understand that the govern
ment of Nicaragua has officially in
formed the Inter-Oceanic Canal com
pany—the Eyer-Cragin syndicate— that
its concession was annulled on th»
3d inst., in consequence of the com
pany's failure to deposit $400,000 in
Hr>nn Will Attend 4 1 nl> Conventloa.
New York, Aug. 14.—The National
Association of Democratic clubs has
received personal assurance from W.
J Bryan that he will attend the quad
rennial convention of that association
in Indianapolis on Oct 3 and 4. It is
announced that during three weeks
the association's headquarters in this
city have been opened 125.000 new
members have been received into the
Nerves Like a Flat-Iron.
A woman who suffered for three years
from nervous prostration says, two bot
tles of Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound
effected a complete cure. She hardly
knows today whether she has nerves or
not, as she never feels them. It is cer
tainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by
Rossman & Son's Pharmacy.
Wreett on *ontl»«*rn nnlluny.
Tennille. Ga.. Aug. 14.—The South
ern railway train from Augusta was
wrecked here yesterday afternoon and
13 people were badly hurt. Others
were less seriously hurt. All of the
Injured are doing well. The train
broke in two on a steep grade and the
two sections collided. There was an
excursion from Tennille to Savannah
yesterday and a large crowd of ex
cursionists were on HIP train.
Tlii- l'nle»tro u Hopelt*** Wreck.
( Norfolk, Aug. 11.—British steamer
l Palestro, which went on the outer
Diamond shoals, off Cape Hatteras,
Thursday morning, lies today a hope
less wreck, with her decks under
water and the vessel about to break in
two. The Palestro was bound from
Pensacola to Liverpool with lumber,
and her cargo was valueu at about
I'UKIIIIIK the (Jrent Xoilltern Hallway
Montreal, Aug. 11 'I lie Great North
ern Railway of Camilla is rapidly ap
proaching completion. As soon as the
Hawkesbury bridge is completed,
which is expected to be in about six
weeks, the entire road will be n for
traffic, and shipments of gr:',in from
the far west to Quebec v:ll Lu inaug
A childless home is a cheerless home.
The maternal instinct exists in every
woman, and when it is nngratified she
is deprived of much of the happiness of
life. It often happens that childless
ness is due to some cause which can be
removed, and often is removed by the
use of Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescrip
tion. The vigor and vitality which this
remedy imparts to the delicate womanly
organs, puts them in a condition of nor
mal health, the lack of which is often
the sole obstruction to maternity. Every
woman should read Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, a book ivm
taining 1008 pages and 700 illustrations.
It is sent entirely free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper,
bound volume, or 111 stamps for cloth
covered. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, 668
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad
for Mt. Gretna Farmers' Exposition.
On account of the Farmers' Exposi
tion, to be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa., Au
gust 20 to 24, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round-trip tickets to
Mt. Gretna and return, ot rate of ove
fare for the round trip, from principal I
stations between East Liberty and Bryn
Mawr; on the Northern Central Rail
way between Stanley and Lutherville,
inclusive, and on the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad Division east of and in
cluding Waterford. Tickets will be
sold August 18 to 24, inclusive, good to
return nntil August 27, inclusive.
For information in regard to train
service and specific rates application
should be made to ticket agents.
Reduced Rates to Grangers' Picnic at
Williams' Grove via Pennsylvania
For the Twenty-seventh Annual Inter-
State Grange Picnic Exhibition, to be
held at Williams' Grove, Pa., August 27
to September 7, the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company will sell excursion tickets
from August 25 to September 1, inclu
sive, good to return until September 3,
inclusive, <it rule of one fore for the
round-trip, from principal station be
tween East Liberty and Bryn Mawr; on
the Northern Central Railway, between
Stanley and Lutherville, inclusive, and
on the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad
Division east of and including Water -
f< >rd
For information in regard to train
service and specific rates application
should be made to ticket agents.
The last, tour to the North for the
Summer of litOO via the Pennsylvania
Railroad to Canada .and Northern New
York will leave August 11. The places
visited include Niagara Falls, Thousand
Islands, Rapids of the St. Lawrence,
((tuebecs The Saguenav, Montreal, Au
Sable Chasm, Lakes Chaniplain and
George and Saratoga; the trip occupy
ing fifteen days; round-trip rate, $125.
The tour will l>e in charge of one of
the ('ompany's tourist agents, assisted
by an experienced lady as chaperon, |
whose especial charge will be unescorted i
The rate covers railway and boat fare j
for the entire round trip, parlor car j
seats, meals en route, hotel entertain
ment, transfer charges and carriage hi re.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any
additional information, address Tourist
Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad (knnpany
11! MS Broadway, New York; MflO Fulton
Street. Brooklyn;7B9 Broad Street.New
ark. N. J.; or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
Parsnip Compextion.
It does not require an expert to detect
the sufferer from kidney trouble. The
hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark
putty circles under the eyes, the sallow
parsnip-colored complexion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had rheu
matism, a dull pain or ache in the back
or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire
to urinate often, or a burning or scald
ins; in passing it: if after passing there is
an uiisatisfii'd feeling as if it tnustlie at
once repeated, or if the urine has a brick
dust, deposit or strong odor.
\Vlien these symptoms are preseutno
time shouhl be lost in removing the cause
Delay may lead to gravel, catariliof
the bladder, intlamination, causing stop
page, and sometimes requiring the draw
ing of the urine with instruments,or may
run into Height's Disease, the mostddn
gerous state of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great
discovery of the eminent kidney and blad
der specialist, is a positive remedy for
such diseases. Its reputation is world
wide and it is so easy to get at any drug
store that no one need stiller any length
of time for want of it.
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderful merits, mention Movrotnt
AMERICAN and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottle
and book telling all about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail.
Fifteen Dead and Forty Injured in
the Disnnter.
Rome, Aug. 14. —Fifteen persons
were killed and 40 wounded, of whom
15 are seriously injured, on the train
bearing many notable persons who had
been attending King Humbert's fu
neral ceremonies, which collided with
another a few miles outside the city.
Among the injured were Gen. Buffin,
head of the Belgian mission to the late
king's funeral. He had his leg broken.
The entire press speaks of the
courage of the king ingoing alone
among his people in order to succor
the victims of the accident and in driv
ing in a simple cab with the queen,
thus showing, as one journal puts It,
"firmness and coolness in conformity
with the traditions of the house of
Savoy "
The police have ordered the arrest
of two men for neglecting to make the
regulation signals to stop the second
portion of the train.
Stop Colds
when you feel one coming on by taking
Krause's Cold Cure. Prepared in con
venient capsules that cure while you
work. Price 25c. Sold by Rossinan &
Son's Pharmacy.
Many Antieipnte n IM<umreemen t In
the Power* Trial.
Georgetown, Ky„ Aug. 11. —In the
case of Caleb Powers, ex-secretary of
state, charged with being accessory be
fore the fact in the Goebel assassina
tion the defense rested its testimony
yesterday afternoon. Several witness
es in rebuttal were introduced by the
prosecution. The jury will be taken to
Frankfort either Monday or Tuesday to
view the scene of the tragedy. When
It comes to considering the evidence
the jury will not have to decide the
question of which side has dealt in
perjury, but which side has been bur
dened with the fctrgdr amount of that
product, as during the past few days
contradiction and impeachment have
been the leading features. There are
few who believe the trial will result in
in a conviction, but many anticipate
An affidavit of the defendant was of
fered by the defense yesterday as to
what the affiant claimed Judge W. H.
Yost would testify to if he were pres
ent. The court ruled that the compul
sory processes of the court not having
been called into use to enforce the at
tendance of Judge Yost as a witness,
the affidavit could not be read.
Catarrah Cannot be Cured.
with LOCAL APl't I< ATM >NS, as they can
not reach tlie seat of the disease. Catarrh is
a blood or const it tit ional disease, and in older
to cure it you must take internal remedies.
Hall's Catarrh ('tire is taken internally, and
aets directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect comhinat ion of
the two ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
K. J. CHKXKV A CO., Toledo, O.
Hall's Family l'ills arc the best.
Three Cliniiels Demolished.
ITong Kong, Aug. 13.—The United
States consul general here, Mr. R
Wildman, has received a telegram
from the American Baptist mission
at Swatow, province of Kwang Tung,
saying that three more chapels have
been demolished and that there has
been much looting of mission prop
erty. The dispatch also says that an
attempt was made on the life of the
pracher there, and that the officials
are taking no action in the matter.
The troubles are attributed to the
"Vegetarian society," probably an off
shoot of the notorious "Triads,"though
some believe the "Vegetarians" are
connected with the Boxers.
Lung Troubles and Consumption
Can be Cured.
An Eminent New York Chemist and
Scientist Makes a Free Offer
to Our Readers.
The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo
cum, of New York City, demonstrating
his discovery of a reliable cure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis),
bronchial, lung and chest troubles, stub
born coughs, catarrhal affections, gener
al decline and weakness, lossofllesh, and
all conditions of wasting away, will send
ent) of his New Discoveries to any afflict
ed reader of this paper writing for them.
His "New Scientific Treatment" has
cured thousands permanently by its time
ly use, and he considers it a simple pro
fessional duty to suffering humanity to
donate a trial of his infallible cure.
Science daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, has produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be claim
edby any modern genius. Hisassertion
that lung troubles and consumption are
curable in any climate is proven by
"hcartfelt letters of gratitude," filed in
his American and European laboratories
in thousands front those cured in all parts
of the world.
The dread Consumption, uninterrupt
ed, means speedy and certain death-
Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C.,
9M Pine street, Mew York, giving post
oflice and express address, and the free
medicine will be promptly sent direct
front his laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of his generous proposition.
Please tell the Doctor that you saw
112 ITS A FACT |
$ flfiiili wife j
in Mr. S., a ||i
•'■ :My r*-
'" doing a great .leal V
(!) jjf^/f\/\ of sewing used her eyes (d
constatnly. For years she J||
/fV |.\ iiad been a great suffer- M
ifi er from headache and *gh
:Ji ~iPW neuralgia. Drags had jL
•'■ been used without results. I purchased for her a pair of glasse J;
f* from some traveling optician. No better result. A friend ad ff*
vised me to try Mr. Rempe. He examined her eyes, gave he M
iki. glasses, the result was magical, she can sew all day an d not suf |1;
'f* fer from headache at all. Maybe glasses will help you . I'll ex "f*
•y amine your eyes and tell you. No charge for examination.
I ' Itol'< )S KI > T<> THK CITIZKNS UK
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth.
Section 1. Re it resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth in General Assembly met. Thatthe fol
lowing is proposed as amendments to the
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, in accordance with the provisions
of the eighteenth article thereof.
A mendnicnt i »ne to Article Eight, Section <)ne.
Add at t lie end of the lirst paragraph of said
section, after the words "nhall be entitled to
vote at all elections," the words "subject
however to sucli laws requiring and regulat
ing the legist ration of electors as the t ieneral
Assembly may enact," so that the said sec
tion shall read as follows:
Section 1. liuaiilications of Klectors. Every
male citizen twenty-one years of age, pos
sessing the following qualifications, shall be
entitled to vote at all elections, subject how
ever to such laws requiring and regulating the
registration of electors as the General Assem
bly may enact:
He shall have been a citizen of the United
States at least one month.
He shall have resided in the State one year
(or if, having previously been a qualified
elector or native horn citizen of the State,
be shall have removed therefrom and returned
within six months, immediately preceding the
election. |
He shall have resided in the election district
where he shall oiler to vote at least two months
immediately preceding the election.
If twenty-two years of age and upwards, lie
shall have paid within two years a State or
county tax, which shall have been assessed
at least two months and paid at least one
month before the election.
Amendment Eleven to Article Eight, Section
Strikeout from said section tlie words "but
no elector shall bedepiived ofthe privilege of
; voting by reason of his name not being regis
tered," and add to said section the following
I words, 'but laws regulating and requiring the
i registration of electors may be enacted to ap
ply to cities only. provided that such laws be
uniform for cities of the same class," so that
the said seetion shall read as follows:
Section 7. Uniformity of Election Laws.—
All laws regulating the holding: of elect ions by
! the citizens or for the registration of electors
j shall lie uniform throughout the State, but
I laws regulating and requiring the registration
, of electors may be enacted to apply to cities
I only, prolded that such laws be uniform for
I cities of the same class.
I A true copy Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution
of the * 'om moil wealth.
Seetion I. Beit resolved by the Senate and
I louse of Represent at ivesof t he ('ominonweal
lli of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met.
That tiie following is proposed as an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with
the provisions of the Eighteenth article there
Strike out section four of article eight, and
insert in place thereof, as follows:
| Section I. All elections by the citizens shall j
i be by ballot or by such other method as may
i be prescribed by law: Provided, That secrecy j
in voting be pri served.
A true cop\ ofthe Joint Resolution.
Seeretaiy of the Commonwealth. I
By virtue of a certain writ of Kieri Facias
issued out of tbe Court of Common Pleas of
Montour County, and to me directed, will be j
exposed to public saleat the Montour County |
courthouse iii the Borough of Oanville, in
Ihe County of Montour and State of Pennsyl
vania. on
Saturday, Aug. 18th, 1900 |
at'ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day j
the following described real estate, viz:
All of the estate, right, title, interest, prop
erty, claim and demand what-so-ever of Jerry
s, il über (t he sums consisting of a certain un
divided one-seventh interest) of, in, and to all
that certain messuage, tenement and town i
lot ol land situate in the Third Ward of the j
liorough of Danville. in the County of Mon
tour and State of Pennsylvania bounded and
described as follows, viz: Beginning at a cor
tier of the north-west intersection of Mulberry
and Pine streets, thence along said Pine
street in a northwardly direction forty-nine
feet more or less to the property of the Pine
I street Lutheran Church, thence along said
last mentioned property in a westwardly di
rection fifty-nine teet more or less to lot for-j
tiicrly of J. Hunter, now of M. Shlndel, thence j
along said last mentioned lot in a southward-1
ly direction forty-nine feet more or less to i
Mulberry street aforesaid, thence along said;
Mulberry street in an eastwardly direction !
lifty-nine feet more or less to the place of be- j
ginning, with the appurtenances, and where
upon are erected a
and other buildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jerrys. Huber.
Sheriffs Office. Danville, Pa.
July ISth, I!UX).
In re-estate of Benjamin Dieffenbacher, j
late of Anthony Township, Montour
Comity, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration have been granted the under
signed upon the estate of said decedent. All
persons indebted to same will make immedi- 1
ate payment and those having claims against . 1
same will present them without delay.
ELLEN C. SMITH, Administratrix. ,
R. s. AMM Kit JIAN, Att.v.
Estate of Samuel Huber, late of the |
Borough of Danville, in the County
of Montour and State of Pennsyl- t
vania deceased. j <.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad- ! |
minist ration d. I' 11., upon the above estate i ,
have been granted to the undersigned. All |
persons indebted to the said estate are re- i
quired to make payment, and those having j
claims or demands against the said estate, i
will make known the same, without delay to j
DEW ITT C. JON KS .111., I -
Administrator d. b. n. of Samuel
Huber. Deceased. P. O. Address, J
I lanville. Pa.
Edward Sayre (iearhart, Counsel. [ I
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mary
Young bile of the borough of Danville, Moti- *
lour County, deceased, have been granted to Jj
David 11. Allis residing at Rome, Bradford
< 'utility, Pcniia.. to whom, or to bis Attorney. [
All persons Indebted to said estate tire re- ,
quested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands, will make known the
same without delay.
DAVID It. ALLIS, Executor.
ISAAI X. GIUEK, Atty 0-7 I
Reported From the Shrine of On*
I.nil)- of Victory.
j Ogdensburg, N. Y., Aug. 10.—A sen
sation has been created at the shrine
i of Our Lady of Victory on the lawn of
j Sacred Heart Convent, in this city,
; by the miraculous and sudden cure of
| Mrs. James McCormick, wife of Capt.
McCormick, of the lake tug Seymour,
of the Ogdensburg Coal and Towing
J company fleet. For over a year she
has been an invalid, suffering severest
l pain from acute rheumatism. Believ
j ing she would be benefited by worship
j ping at the shrine, she was wheeled
there in her chair, and pushing up
1 j close to the foot of the statue began
| reciting the litany. Suddenly, with
a cry of joy, she arose from her chair,
i going among the worshipers and
walking to her home some distance
| away, leaving her chair behind. Huu
' dreds are calling at her home to learn
of her cure, and she is kept walking
about for their benefit. This is the
I first cure publicly witnessed at this
I shrine, which was erected a few
|' weeks ago.
J Colorado'* Suit AK'aiimt Pullman Co.
| Denver, Aug. 11. —The state of Colo
rado yesterday began a suit against
• the Pullman Palace Car company for
j $11,085, which it is claimed is due the
■ etate as incorporation fees. The com-
J pany is incorporated in this state for
1 | only SIOO,OOO, while in Illinois it is in
i corporated with a capital of $74,000,-
r | 000. The suit is brought to force the
- j company to incorporate anew here and
■ j pay the incorporation tax on its entire
. i capital.
! I
For the Biennial Conclave, Knights of
Pythias, at Detroit, August 27 to Sep
j tember 1, the Pennsylvania Railroad
! Company will sell excursion tickets
'! from all stations on its line to Detroit,
' at rate of single fare for the round trip.
! Tickets will be sold on August 25. 26
and 27, good to return between Augus
j2B and September 5, inclusive; but by
j depositing ticket with joint agent at De
troit not later than September 1, and
' the payment of fifty cents, return limt
| may lie extended to September 14, in-
I elusive.
On account of the Thirty-fourth An
' nual Encampment of the Grand Army
jof the Republic, to be held at Chicago,
[ August 27-31, inclusive, the Pennsyl-
I vania Railroad Company will sell excur
• sion tickets from points on its line to
! Chicago, at rate of single fare for the
j round trip.
Tickets will be sold on August 20, 26,
I and 27, and good to return until August
31, inclusive; but by depositing ticket
j with joint agent at Chicago prior to
i noon of September 2, and the payment
j of fifty cents, return limit may be ex
| tended to September 30, inclusive.
! The undersigned, by virtue of the power
! vested in him by the heirs at law of BENJA
MIN DIEFFENBACHER, late of Anthony
! Township, county of Montour and State
of Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose at
public sale, on the premises ilierelndescribed,
j the following descilbtd real estate.
All that certain tract of land situate part
| ly in Anthony Township and partly in Derry
Township, county of Montour and State of
' Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol
| lows: Beginning at a stone in the public
I road leading from Exchange to Strawberry
1 BUlge. thence North live and one quarter
j degrees East twenty-four and two tenths
} perches to a stone In said public road, thence
! North fifty degrees East twenty-eight and
sixty-five hundredths perches to a stone, in
> the Tine of lands of Charles Mourer, thence
I South forty-two degrees and twenty one min
jutes East one hundred and eighty-six and
! four tenths perches to a stone, thence South
forty-seven degrees and forty minutes West
forty perches to a stone, thence North fifty
three and one half degrees West fifty-six and
eight tenths perches to a stone, thence Nortii
forty-two and one eighth degrees East seven
and live tenths perches to a willow, thence
North fifty-five and one half degrees West
! twenty-four perches to a stone, thence North
; forty-two degrees East twenty-eight and
i four tenths perches to a stone, thence North
fifty-seven degrees and forty minutes West
| eighty-eight and seven tenths perches to a
| stone the place of beginning, containing for
j ty-tlve acres and sixty-two perches,
i TEIiMSOFSALE: Twenty-five per cen
i turn of the purchase money shall lie paid at
the striking down of the property; twenty
tive per centum within six months from day
of sale and the remaining fifty per centum at
the expiration of one year from day of sale
the same to lie secured by either judgment
or I Kind and mortgage. All i conveyancing to
be at the expense of the purchaser,
Attorney-in-fact for heirs of Benj. Dieffen
U.S. AMMEBMAN, Attorney.
Estate of John Fenstermacher, late of
Valley Township, Montour county,
Notice is hereby given that letters testa
mentary have been granted the undersigned
on the estate of the above decedent. All per
sons indebted to the said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment and those
having claims against the said estate are re
quested to present them wit hout delay to
H-2S Mausdalc, Pa.
Estate of Elmer Franklin Fox, late of j
the Borough of Danville, in the
County of Montour and State of j
Pennsylvania, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad- v
ministration, upon the above estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All |>ersons in
debted to the said estate are required to make
payment, and those having claims or de
mands against the said estate, will make
known the same, without delay, to
JOHN A. FOX) Administrator
of Elmer Franklin Fox. deceased.
P.O. Address, Danville, I'a. >
Edward Sayre Oearbart, Counsel. I
fits TRUING!* P«wB«S.
Clearing of ieitimnnr C»iol*l«(i~f«
Reach Jury by SuturdHy.
Georgetown, Ky., Aug 14.—The
hearing of testimony in the case at ex-
Secretary of State Calab Poweri was
concluded yesterday, and the argument
before the jury began today There
will be five speeches on nach side.
Those who will speak In behalf of the
prosecution are Common wealth At
torney Franklin, T. C. Campbell, John
K Hendrlck, Victor F. Dradley and
Capt B Pi Golden. Those who will
argue the casfe for the defendants will
be ex-Governor Brown, J. C. Sims,
Judge J H.'Tinsley, «x-Congr«sman
Owens and •Judge George Denny. The
case is expected to reach the jury by
Saturday. Judge Cantrill announced
that the Youtsey case will be taken up
The jury was taken to Frankfort
yesterday afternoon and spent an hour i
in viewing the state capital grounds
and buildings and other points con- |
uected with the case. The jury was in
charge of Judge Cantrill and three
deputy sheriffs. The defendant, Caleb
Powers, also went to Frankfort.
The point, where Goebel fall the
window from which the shot is claimed
to have been fired, the basement
through which Youtsey walked out
after the shooting and other places
which have been referred to in the
evidence were pointed out by the court
without comment.
Drank I'oinon For »tniee Drink.
London, Aug. 15. —While performing
Monday evening at the Royal Opera
House, Budapest, the well known opera
singer, Mme. Nemethy, drank a viru
lent poison instead of the colored wat
er supposed to be used on the stage.
Mme. Nemethy fell before the hori
fled audience and died an hour later.
Authorizing and Empowering the Mon
tour and Columbia Telephone Company
or its Successors, to Construct, Main
tain and Operate a Telephone Exchange
and System of Telephone Service in the
Jiorough of Washingtonville, and to
Erect the Necessary J'oles, Wires and
Cables to Operate the same, upon Cer
tain Terms and Conditions.
SECTION 1. —Be it ordained by the
Council of the Borough of Washington
ville, in the County of Montour and
State of Pennsylvania, and it is hereby
ordained by the authority of the same,
that the Montour and Columbia Tele
phone Company, or its successors, be,
and it is hereby authorized and empow
ered to construct, maintain and operate
a telephone exchange and system of tel
ephone service in the Borough of Wash
ingtonville, in the County and State
aforesaid, and for that purpose to erect
and maintain the necessary poles, wires
and cables upon, over, and through the
several streets and avenues, lanes and
alleys, of the said Borongh of Washing
tonville, subject to the conditions and
restrictions hereinafter contained, viz:
SECTION 2. —That said work shall be
done under the supervision of the prop
er Borough authorities and under and
subject to the several ordinances of the
said Borough, relating to the erection ol
poles and wires upon the streets,
avenues, lanes and alleys of the said
SECTION 3. —That the said company,
or its successors, shall so erect its poles
and wires as not to interfere with the
wires of the several corporations now
having poles and wires upon and over
the streets, avenues, lanes, and alleys of
the said Borough for any purpose, and
so as not to interfere with firemen in
the extinguishment of fires.
SECTION 4. That, the said poles shall
not be erected so as to obstruct, impede,
or interfere with the free How and pas
sage of water in. through, over, or upon
any gutter, drain, sewer, culvert, or
water course; nor so ar to interfere with
or obstruct the convenient use of the
streets, avenues, lanes and alleys of the
said Borough, uor so as to interfere with
or damage private property, or of any
corporation authorized to do business
in the said Borough.
SECTION 5. —That the said company,
or its successors, shall erect neat poles,
repair and make good all damages or in
jury to the streets, lanes or alleys of the
said Borough, or the side, walks thereof,
used by them for the purpose aforesaid.
SECTION 6.—That the said Borongh
shall have the right to the use of said
poles, if desired without charge, for a
fire alarm system, provided that no wire
carrying a high tension current shall be
j>laced thereon.
SECTION.—That the said Montour &
Columbia Telephone Company shall pay
the costs of printing and publication of
this ordinance, and that they further
agree that the line be under course of
construction within (50 days, otherwise
to be null and void.
Approved the 2nd day of July, 1900.
DR. J. P. HOFFA. Chief Burgess.
DU. B. E. BITLER, Pres. of Council.
H. E. COTNER, Secy, of Council.
Doors, Sash, Shutters, Verandas,
Brackets, Frames
and Turned Work of all Kinds.
Also Shingles, Roofing Slate, Planed and
Rough Lumber.
, .. „ . 9 GuOJ
Special atten
ti°n g iven I-a- /112 , 0. V W PTODipt Deliffirj
dies Suits and *-V ' ______
waists, Gents /-RIGHT PBICEi
White Panta- j All MafllS Call
loons and Vests. Cil fflr SHll Dfilh
Repairing done v 4. r
when ordered. HJjJ / f/L
Danville Steam Laundry,
No. 20 Canal St. ore and Kase, Propr
London, Aug. 13. —"The sooner we
can be got out of this the better, for it
is inconvenient for the Chinese govern
ment and unsafe for ourselves." This is
a message received last evening from
Sir Robert Hart, dated Pekm, Aug. 5,
and sent in cipher to the Chinese mari
time custom? office in London.
Sheng, director general of railroads
and telegraphs, according to a Shang
hai dispatch to The Standard, ex
presses grave fears for tho safety of
the members of the legations when the
defeated Chinese troops return "to the
A dispatch to a news agency from
Tien Tsin says: "Junks and stones
block the river beyond the advanced
posts of the allies for a considerable
distance, but the dryness continues,
and the country is in good marching
order, subsidiary dykes having made
the enemy's damming ineffective."
The reception of a message from the
Italian minister in Pekin effectually
disposes of the report that he had
started for Tien Tsin.
«-(liver* Trial.
Georgetown. Ky., Aug. 15. —The
final instructions were read to the jury
by Judge Cantrill last evening in the
Powers trial, and Judge James Sims
made the opening argument to the
jury for the defense. Defendant Powers
is in such a nervous and critical con
dition that his attorneys filed a physi
cian's affidavit that he was unable to
attend a night session of the court, but
Judge Cantrill said a cot could be pro
vided for him and he could lie down
in the court room during the speeches.
The instructions to the jury are con
sidered by defendant's attorneys as be
ing entirely too severe and tend to les
sen Powers' chances of acquittal, al
though they are still confident of a
verdict in his favor.
lllKliwuy-inen on Hikes.
Pittsburg, Aug. 15.—A novel and
fatal hold up is reported from Greens
burg, Pa., late last night. As a party of
Slavs were returning to their homes
after being paid off at the mines at
Pleasant Unity, they were met by
three men on bicycles who ordered
them to hand over their money. A gen
eral fight followed in which one of the
Slavs, Andy Kanicha was killed and
another, George Netin, so badly cut
that his life is despaired of. Each of
the Slavs was robbed of $33, all they
had, and the highwaymen escaped on
their wheels, going eastward.
.»»«•. r» U mil mot uo Hack.
Washington, Aug. 13.—Wu Ting
Fang, the Chinese minister, has told
Secretary Hay privately that he never
expects togo back to China. When
the present Chinese trouble is settled
he may be continued as minister to the
United States, or he may no' If he
is not he will devote himneii to busl
i ness or literature, either in this coun
j try or in England. Nearly all of Wu
| Ting Fang's interests are in China,
ar.d if ho does not go back he will sac
riflce Hum. but he prefers to lose his
j prep: i ty rather than lose his head
NOTICE is hereby given to holders of
I BONDS and to holders of WATER
' BONDS of said borongh, bearing same
rate of interest, to present the same to
: the Danville National Bank, of Danville
Pennsylvania or to the First National
I Bank of Danville Pennsylvania, to
! wit: —All borongh bonds hereinafter
; specifically enumerated on or before the
j first day of November, A. D. 1900.
; The BOROUGH BONDS hereby call
ied are the 112 lowing numbers, to wit:—
I I. 2, 3, 4, 5, «, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11, 12, 13. 14.
, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 36.
27, 28, 29, 30, 81, 32, 38, 34. 85,36, 37. 38,
' 39, 40, 41. 42, 43. 44. 45. 40. 47. 48, 49. 50,
51, 52, 58, 54, 55, 66, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
j 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85,86,
' 87, 88, 89, 90. 81. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97. 98.
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
108, 109, 110, 111, 112. 113, 114, 115, 116,
! 117, 118. 119, 120, 121, 122. 123. 124, 125,
| 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 182, 133, 134,
! 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140;
j GIVEN that interest will cease upon
said bonds: to wit: —On BOROUGH
BONDS on the first day of November,
A. D. 1900.
Chief Burgess
Attest: SAM A. MCCOY,
Secty of Borough of Danville
May 16th, 1900.
Estate of Henry R. Richard late of the
Borough of Danville, in the County
of Montour and State of Pennsyl
vania, deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven thai Letters of Ad
ministration on the alHtve ESTATE have been
granted to the undersigned. Ail persons in
debted to the said estate are required to
make payment, and those having claims or
demands against the said estate, will make
known the same, without delay, to
LEVI ALLEGAR. Administrator
of Henry Richard, deceased.
102 Spruce street, Danville, PA.