Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 16, 1900, Image 3

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    m nirivi AMNESTY.
Why Aguinaldo Does Not Accept
the Proclamation.
Gen. Plo Del Pilar De»lr»i tn llpcumi'
a Good American Clllifn—Col. Pet
tlt, Trlcil hy Court Martini, lte«tor
pd to Hit Kt-jgiment.
Washington, Aug. 14. —Copies of
Manila papers received at th» war de
partment contain a letter purporting
to be from a personal friend of Agui
naldo. which states that the Filipino
chief does not take advantage of the
amnesty proclamation because some
time ago he gave orders to his follow
ers to break up into guerrilla bands.
The amnesty order excepts those who
violated the laws of war and it states
that Aguinaldo fears that he would be
in the excepted class, should he un
dertake to surrender under the am
nesty proclamation.
The letter is dated at Blac-No-Bato,
which is said to be the present pro
visional headquarter# of Aguinaldo. It
states, however, that Aguinaldo never
stays more than one night in a place
and only a few hours in any one lo
cation. He allows no one to come
near him. except his most Intimate
personal friends.
A dispatch in one of the papers,
dated at San Pedro Macati, states that
Gen. Pio Del Pilar, who recently sur
rendered. says he wishes to become a
good American citizen, and intends to
accept the American terms offered to
his people. He said he would like
nothing better than to raise a regiment
of native Filipinos to serve in China.
Copies of orders received at the war
department announce the sentence of
Jacinto Ebron. a native. Ebron was
sent to the penitentiary for live years.
The order states that Ebron was a
member of a band of outlaws operating
in Cagayan province, Luzon, which
committed various outrages upon the
whole population and kept the people
in a constant state of terror.
The orders also contained the ac
quital of Col. .Tames S. Pettit. Thirty
first volunteer infantry, who was
charged with being responsible for the
death of a prisoner named Juan Ramos
by turning him over to the president of
Zamboanga. The findings and the ac
quittal are disapproved by Gen. Mac-
Arthur, who says that, notwithstand
ing the alleged character of the prison
er, which tended to reveal him as a
guerrilla or outlaw, he was neverthe
less entitled to protection, and to have
his guilt determined in the regular way
by war tribunal. Although the acquit
tal is disapproved, there was nothing
further for Gen. Mac Arthur to do, and
he restored Col Pettit to his regiment.
Stevedore Strike in Iliiltimore.
Baltimore, Aug. 14. —The strike of
the 2.000 union stevedores who went out
last week is assuming an ugly aspect
an minor disturbances are of daily oc
currence. Last night a gang of 15 col
ored men was attacked as the latter
emerged from the Baltimore and Ohio
docks iit Locust Point, following them
several blocks and pelting them with
stones and bricks. At the foot of Al
len street one of the negroes drew a
pistol and fired five shots into the
crowd of men, women and boys who
were following them. Three of the
shots took effect, wounding Henry
Pressor, Joseph Benesch and Arthur
Raynier. None of the wounds is seri
ous, and the man who did the shoot
ing, together with his companions,
fled and has not yet been arersted.
Advance for Telewrnpliera.
Pittsburg, Aug. 14. —After several
conferences with the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad officials, the Order of
Railroad Telegraphers have secured
recognition of the order and a re-ad
justment of wages and conditions
which will mean an advance and bet
terment to the majority of the 2,000
or more operators employed on the
Baltimore and Ohio system The re
adjustment will reduce a few men, but
because of a reduction in hours and
work. In some instances the advance
will be between $5 and $lO a month.
Death of u ClieiN t'huiiipioii.
Now York, Aug. 14. —Announcement
has just been made of the death Sun
day at the Manhattan State hospital,
of this city, of William Steinitz, the
chess player. The deceased was born
in Prague, May 18. IS3T. Since 18C2 he
had made chess playing his profession.
In the great tournament at London in
1872 he gained the world's champion
ship. and held it until 1894, when he
wag defeated hy Emanuel Lasker.
Since then he seemed to be on the de
cline, anil hi* mind began to fail.
(lend of Enaliind'n fonrt* Succumb*
to mi Operation.
London, Aug. 11.—Lord Russell of
Killowen. lord chief justice of England,
died yesterday at his residence, Crom
well House, Kensington. He had been
suffering from gastric ailment, and the
doctors decided upon an operation as
the only possible way of saving his
life. The operation was performed,
but the shock was too much for a man
of his advanced years.
Lord Russell' was the first Roman
Catholic to hold the post of lord chief
Justice of England in over 300 years.
lie was appointed to the office in 1894,
succeeding Lord Coleridge, and he was
claimed to tie the most eminent jurist
RnKland has been blessed with in the
present century. He was born in Ire
and in IK'!.'?, and soon after his mar
-iage came to England, where he spent
he balance of his life. He served in
>arliament from 1880 to IXBS. and was
ittorney general in both Gladstone ad
TPSIIK' Oemoorntie Ticket.
Waco, Tex., Aug. 11.—A full state
Icket was named by the Democratic
convention, as follows: For governor,
oseph D. Sayers; lieutenant governor,
112. N. Browning; attorney general,
v'homas S. Smith; land commissioner,
"liarles Regan; comptroller, R. M.
,ow; superintendent of public, instruc
ion. J. S. Kendall; chief justice su
rerne court. R. S. Gaines; associate
ustices, A. L. Williams and John N.
lenderson; treasurer. John W. Itob
,'ins; railroad commissioner, L. J.
>tory. One erf the knotty questions he
ore the resolutions committee was the
lank endorsing the state administra-
Son for issuing a charter to the
Vaters-Pierce Oil company after the
ontpany had been convicted of violat
ig the antl-trufjt law. The result was
complete victory for the state ad mi ti
Believed to Be Fairly Within Strik
ing Distance of the City.
Thin 1 h tile l)ei! uc; ion Irmn the l.:»t
--rst nII <1 Hi- Hate a. Which
tlic Murein * . 11. inu Mndi— May
Hench There
Washing) '
can comander in China, 1u i dispatch
of three words, received at 'lie war de
partment late y sti i y nioon. si nt
a thrill of ■ ii-;. ;:nd f\p"ctrru y
throughout .Hi: f-urtor* by an
a.o*incin c hi arrival at H-> Si Wu. only
*8 miles >in Pcl;:n. la t Thur- lay
The dispatch i'v m Chaffee, dntt 1 Au •.
10, is as r>ll< . "A.tived Ho Si Wu
yesterday "
The buttle of Yansjtsun wa? fought
on the 9th —a march of 19 miles in
three days This was four day:-. u.
«nd at the same rate of progress, Chaf
fee is even now fairly within striking
distance of the walls of Pe kin. It was
u communication which the war de
partmen had await- .1 taliily, u;d . tir
ring as the news was that the Ameri
can force was now Hearing the gates
of the imperial city. Secretary Root
and Adjutant General Corbin evinced
no surprise as it accorded with calcu
lations, although the advance has been
more rapid than was expected.
It was deemed hardly likely that the
march to Pekin could have been made
since last Thursday. At the rate of
progress, six miles a day, made from
Yangtsun to Ho Si Wu, about 24 miles
would have been covered in the last
four days, and up to yesterday this
would still leave the international
forces nine miles from Pekin. Viewed
from any standpoint, the advance to
Ho Si Wu was of the utmost import
ance, not only strategically, but also
In showing that communication from
Chinese hordes had not been sufficient
to prevent the steady forward move
ment. and in the influence it would ex
ert upon the Chinese government.
Although it is not stated what force
has arrived, the war department ac
cepts it to mean that this is the inter
national force which tirst took Peit
sang and then Yangtsun. It has gone
steadily forward along the left bank of
the Pei river, keeping on the main
road, which skirts the river bank. At
Yangtsun the railway crosses the river,
and branches off to the west. Now the
forces have left the railway far in the
rear, and are depending upon the high
way and the river.
Ho Si Wu is a place of considerable
size, and the largest town between Tien
Tsin and Citing Chia Wan. The latter
Mace and Tung Chow are the two cities
112 considerable size in the line of ad
ance after leaving Ho Si Wu. It is sur
ounded by orchards and gardens and
s not a place likely to have afforded
.pportunity for strong defence. It is
the highest point on the Pei river
where the river water is depended on,
as the native wells are the source of
supply on the balance of the route to
One of the chief sources of congratu
lation among officials is that the fan
cied hordes, of China has not materia
lized or at least have not prevented the
international column from drawing
close to the gates of Pekin.
Shortly after this dispatch arrived,
another mesage from Gen. Chaffee, far
more lengthy, gave the melancholy re
sult of the fight at Yangtsun. The
casualty list was given in detail, with
the additional information that the
dead had been buried at Yangtsun and
that the wounded had been sent back
to the hospital at Tien Tsin.
The reply of the United States gov
ernment to China's overtures of peace
shows that a firm and final position
has been taken. A specific statement of
what the United States expects as a
condition precedent to a cessation of
hostilities, is that a body of the relief
force be permitted to "enter Pekin un
molested" and escort the ministers
back to Tien Tsin. Exchanges between
the various powers have been going on
constantly, and as a result the officials
have the satisfaction of knowing that
the position of the United States had
the approval and support of all the
great powers.
MeaTient Lornie* Sustained by the
American Troop*.
London, Aug 14.—The Shanghai
correspondent of The Daily Express,
wiring yesterday, says:"The allies, at
noon Saturday, were within 20 miles
of Pekin."
As Gen. Chaffee's report, which is
the only authentic news received here
regarding the advance, located the in
ternational forces ah'.tit ! ,! miles from
Pekin on Friday, it seems probable
that tnis Shanghai report is optimistic
It is scarcely likely that the allies
could advance 20 miles in as many
A Yangtsun dispatch, dated Aug. 7,
giving details regarding the capture of
that place, says:
"The Russians and French held the
left, the British the center, the Ameri
cans the right center, and the Japanese
the extreme right. The British and
Americans advanced on the village at
a rapid rate for 5.000 yards, under a
severe shell and rille fire. The Rus
sians opened and the British-American
advance became a race for positions,
culminating in a brilliant charge
"The neavest loss of the day was
sustained by the Americans, the
Fourteenth infantry having nine killed.
K2 wounded and several missing. The
Bengal lancers unsuccessfully attempt
ed to cut off the Chinese retreat "
symbols oi success
A vacant chair and a portrait on the
wall—strange symbols of success ! Yet,
in many a home these are the symbols
of the success of the man who did not
find time to care for his health, or neg
lected the increasing warnings of disease
which Nature gave
jW *' |I kim. When the
In 1 tyj break-downcomes,
pmm '"******~ /112 The stomach is the
M tal power and must
I |jf he kept in health
ill! 1 , if sickness is to be
1 'fljl 1 avoided. Doctor
Wmlf'WM I Pi Pierce's Golden
flWmlflw/M yjj Medical Discovery
'tlV lulfu mt i! cures diseases of
'1 the stomach and
other organs of di
gestion and nutri
' 1* increases
| gives 'the 1 ' body
~ I stand the strain
" I was a sufferer
" irom what the drx-tors
called indigestion, but after trying several emi
nent physicians failed to get a cure." writes Mr.
Frank Meric le, of Independence, Jackson Co.,
Mo., Box 47.V "Some of my symptoms were
soreness in pit of stomach, fullness, tired feel
ing, constipation ; sometimes soreness would
extend to bowels. Some one recommended me
to tnlce lir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which I <lid, and after taking only a few bottles
of ' Discovery' and your 'Pleasant Pellets' can
say I derived more benefit from them than any
other medicine I ever tried. I began to pain
flesh from the start Have recommended it to
others and will continue to do so."
The sluggish liver made active by Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Another V angtsung special says
"Owing to a mistake British and
Russian guns shelled t lie Fourteenth
United States Infantry dining the
night, wounding ten "
The Daily Mail's St efersburg cor
respondent says: "No risoners were
taken by th ■ Russians 'Wholesale tit <-
nacre was the order < tin day, ;nd,
when the battle was over, the Cos
sacks rode over the >• hi. killing all
the wounded with tin butt ends of
their muskets."
The press of Englai cm irks on the
ability of the Amerie; . government to
secure new ahead oi he rest of the
world. "It Is to Gen. (" ffee." says The
Daily News, "that w are again in
debted for news front *!:e front. Not a
single dispatch from Sir Alfred Gase
lee has thus far been issued by the war
II A«IVINCMI L»Y llcr 9lini.*«ter in (Ser
llln ny Not to Leuve I'ekln.
Berlin, Aug. 14. —At the Chinese le
gation in Berlin the press correspond
ent was informed that the empress
dowager had declared her intention to
leave Pekin and to transfer her court
to another city before the allied forces
reached the capital. Lu Hai Houan, the
Chinese minister here, on learning of
this intention, telegraphed to both the
empress dowager and the emperor not
to leave Pekin, but quietly to await
the arrival of the international forces.
The Chinese protest against the
landing of troops at Shanghai has been
officially received here. A foreign office
official, discussing it. said this after
noon: "The protest is here, but who
pays any attention now to Chinese pro
tests?" Great Britain, according to the
German foreign office, has not given
any other declaration of purpose in
landing troops at Shanghai than the
declaration made by the British consul
general to the other foreign consuls
there, namely the protection of life and
ll iikm l n 11 Minister's Report.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 14 M. DeGiers,
Russian minister in Pekin. reports in
cipher, under date of Aug. 4. as fol
lows: "The Chinese government re
cently applied to us and to all the for
eign representatives in order to ar
range the date and conditions of our
journey to Tien Tsin. We replied that
we required instructions from our gov
ernments, without which we could not
leave our posts. I consider it my duty
to point out, as Indisfe"-:':1«> to oar
Journey, as the allio-; hoop-. «"iit as
an escort should be of sufficient forceto
protect 800 Europeans, including 200
women and children, and."> 0 wounded.
The families of the imperial mission
and the Russian colony r.:e well."
Vjaborcra Willi Their Kmnilie* Make
I«onj£ Mitreli For Work.
San Juan, P. R.. Aug. 14.—More than
a hundred laborers, with their wives
and children, reached this city yester
day morning, after two day's of weary
marching, without food, from San Lo
renzo, a distance of 27 miles. The pro
cession, made up of all shades and con
ditions, led by a colored woman with
an American flag and carrying banners
on which was inscribed the words
"Give us work," marched quietly
through the city to the executive man
sion, where a halt was made.
The spokesman then called upon
Civil Governor Hunt and explained
that the object of the visit was to ask
the government to open a road be
tween Caguas and San Lorenzo, thus
enabling the laboring classes of the
district to get a llvlihood. He pointed
out that at present there was no work
of any kind in that district, and that
the people, who were wholly dependent
upon their daily earnings, were with
out bread and were suffering.
Mr. Hunt promised that the gov
ernment would do all in its power to
relieve the situation. The delegation
immediately retired, and the proces
sion left the city an hour after it had
entered and began the return journey.
Orders were promptly issued for
work to be begun on the road at once,
and for the employment of as many
persons as possible who might apply
from the district. Official investigation
shows that the district in question is
very badly off and that no work of any
sort has been in operation there for
some time.
Tlie Coal Miner*' Convention.
Hazleton, Pa.. Aug. 14.—At yester
day afternoon's session of the miners'
convention President Mitchell spoke
at some length on conditions in the
anthracite region. He said that this
was the most important gathering of
mine workers since the death of John
Siney. He told the men to organize
to have their wages properly adjusted,
secure a lower rate on powder and
have the dockage system abolished. A
committee will report today on the
scale of wages the mine workers will
demand shall be paid in the three
districts of the anthracite region,
namely, the Lackawanna, Luzerne and
Ilrysin and G. A. It. ICneumpmeiit.
Chicago, Aug. 14. —The Chronicle
says: "Colonel W. J Bryan will not be
in Chicago on Tuesday, Aug. 28, the
day of the great parade of the Grand
Army of the Republic. Rather than
embarras President McKinley by a
counter demonstration, the Democratic
nominee for the chief magistracy will
defer his arrival to the next day or
perhaps two days latter. This decision
was reached after Mr. Bryan was made
acquainted with the program and the
part to which he was assigned by Ex
ecutive Director Harper
New Sent of Iloer Government,
London, Aug. 14. —The Boers have
left Machadodorp, according to the
Lorenzo Marquez correspondent of The
Daily Mail, and occupied Watervalon
der in force. A considerable portion
of Commandant General Louis Botha's
camp and stores at Dalmanthua was
destroyed by fire on Sunday. Accord
ing to another special dispatch Barber
ton has been proclaimed the new seat
of the Transvaal government.
Union Men Ciuiiiot Serr« in Militia.
Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 14.—Accord
ing to a decree of the trades and labor
council, union men cannot hereafter
serve in the militia. This is the out
growth of the salmon fishermen's
strike, during which the militia was
called out to prevent the strikers
from attacking the Japanese fisher
men who broke the deadlock by ac
cepting the terms offered by the can
Troop* Ann in at I'ort Mycr.
Washington, Aug. 14.—The post at
Fort Myer, Va., which has been de
serted practically since the departure
of the Sixth cavalry, for San Francisco,
for transportation to China, is now the
home of u squadron of the Fifth
cavalry. These troops have been sta
tioned in Porto Rico since the cession
of that country to the United States.
•fßMtrr Mccliitnir Death
IJiN|»*»r*liiu C'rnp Shooter*.
Pittsburg, Aug. 13.—Jasper Houston,
master mechanic for Eigemann & Hel
lerback, contractors on the new gov
ernment dam near Sewickley, was
murdered in cold blood yesterday by
William Fobbs and another negro
called "Rag Time." Houston, who had
charge of the plant, ordered a crowd of
negro crap shooters to disperse. As he
turned around Fobbs, who held a re
volver in his hand, shot him in the
side near the heart. Fobbs and "Rag
Time" jumped on the wounded man,
beat him over the head with the butts
of their revolvers until he was uncon
scious and then escaped up the river.
Houston lived only a few minutes.
Houston came here from Rockford,
Ind. ( where he kits a wife and child.
Multi-Millionaire Suddenly Strick
en at His Mountain Camp.
Rrcnn as» n Peddler of Tinware nnil
AniaKHfi! h Ftirliuir Kstimiited at
EiKhly-twi) Million Hollar*—Hi"
Ma ii y Kiilcrprisfs.
Racquette Lake, N. Y., Aug. 15. —
Collis P. Huntington, the railway mag
nate and multi-millionaire, died sud
denly yesterday morning at his camp
in the Adirondacks. He was stricken
without warning. Before assistance
could be summoned lit; expired, it is
presumed of heart disease.
Mr. Huntington at the time of his
death was president and director of the
following: The Southern Pacific rail
road, the Pacific Mail Steamship com
pany, Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany of California anil the Guatemala
Railroad company, and director of the
following: California Pacific railroad,
Galveston, Harrisburg and San An
tonio railroad, Gulf, Western Texas
and Pacific railway. Louisiana Western
railroad, Mexican International rail
road, Morgan's Louisiana and Texas
Railroad and Steamship company,
Newport News Light and Water com
pany, New York, Texas and Mexican
railroad. Old Dominion Steamship
company, Old Dominion Land com
pany, Oregon and California railroad,
Western Union Telegraph company,
Detroit Gas company. Fuente Coal
company ami Metropolitan Trust com
pany, of New York. His aggregate
wealth was $82,000.000.
These are said to be some of Collis
P. Huntington's properties: Three
quarter interest in the Southern Pa
cific, $45,000,000; Newport News ship
yard $10,000,000; Rockaway Beach pos
sessions, $1,000,000; Hotels Del Monte,
Del Norte, Castle Crag and Arcatlia,
$10,000,000: New York city estates, $5.-
000,000; San Francisco estates, $4,000,-
000: the Pacific Improvement company,
The boyhood of Collis I'. Hunting
ton was spent in Harwinton, Litch
field county. Conn., where he was born
Oct. 22, 1821, in an old fashioned, dilap
idated house in the poverty hill district.
His mother was a hard woiking Chris
tain woman, but the father was a
man in whose makeup ambition had
no part. He was a "tinker" and trav
eled about the country mending um
brellas and sharpening razors. The in
income of the elder Huntington was
far too meager to supply the wants of
his large family, and when Collis was
ten years old the parents separated,
Mrs. Huntington going to make her
own living and the children being
placed with families in the town. Col
iis made his home with the family of
Orson Barbier.
Young Huntington was not a par
ticularly bright student in his school
days, and the last day he attended a
school of any sort lie had trouble with
his teacher, Russell Wilson, and
snatching his cap from the rack, made
a bolt for the door, stopping on the
threshold long enough to bid goodbye
to his schoolmates and to his teacher
in a bit of verse which furnished con
siderable amusement for the pupils
and a good deal of discomfort for the
teacher. This hasty leave taking oc
curred just before Mr. Huntington was
14 years of age. He then went on the
road as a peddler of tinware. He never
again returned to Harwinton to make
his home. Fifteen years ago he re
turned to his native town and erected
a memorial granite chapel to his
Cuituii Haniiit shot.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug 14 Parejlta,
the well known bandit, was killed yes
terday at Palma Soriano, about 20
miles from Santiago. HH was shot by
a corporal of the rural guard, under
command of Col. Vaillant. This out
law, who was a Cuban mulatto, had
been terrorizing the country for sev
eral years. He was a thoroughly des
perate character and had committed
numerous murders. In his possession
was found a Springfield rifle, which
was Identified as the property of a
private of the rural guard recently
IV'ct'ly Grunted Delny.
New York, Aug. 14. —C. F. W.
Neely, who is accused of embez
zling Cuban postal funds, was not ex
tradited, as was expected. A respite
until Sept. 7 has been obtained for him
through an appeal to the United States
supreme court. The appeal will he
heard In Washington on the day met'-
'i ou can tell just as well as a physician
whether your kidneys are diseased or
healthy. The way to do is to takea bot
tle or glass tumbler, and till it with urine.
II there; is a sediment —a powderlike
substance —at the bottom after standing
a day and a night, there is something
wrong with the kidneys. Another sure
sign oi disease is a desire to urinate often,
and still another sign is pain in t he back.
If urine stains linen, there is no doubt
that the kidneys are affected.
Any ami all diseases of the kidnevs,
liver, bladder and of the urinary passag
es and constipation of the bowels are cur
ed by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy- There is no question about its
being the best and surest medicine in
the world for such troubles. It quickly
relieves and cures inability lo hold urine
and people, young or old, who take it
are not compelled to get up a number of
times during the night. For putting an
end to that scalding pain experienced in
passing urine, nothing is so good as Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It
corrects the bail effects of whiskey and
beer; is plevkant to the taste, and does
not seam to be medicine at all. Diseas
es of the kidneys and the bladder often
require the use of instruments to push
back the sandy matter so the urine can
be voided. In such case s Favorite Rem
edy should be taken without further de
lay or the disease may prove fatal. It is
soM for one dollar a bottle at all drug
stores. It is well worth many times its
Kamplm Free
If you wish to test Dr. David Kenne
dy s Favorite Remedy before buying to
send your full post oiliee address to the
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rond
out, N. , i ~ and mention this paper. We
will then mail you a sample bottle free,
as well as circulars giving full directions
for its use. Kvery reader of the .Mo\-
Toru AMKCHAN can depend upon the
genuineness of this liberal offer and ail
sufferers from kidney troubles should
Mr. Conger Sends Cipher Cable
gram Which Is Kept Secret.
Sitmilioii of a of 2111
ANNIIUII on I'okin. \ ft OUHMKIN \re
Ilo|M'ful 'IIINL A Solution >LA> Soon
lie Hmcli.-d.
Washington, Aug. 15. —The state de
partment gave out the following of
ficial announcement last evening:
"The department of state announces
that a message from Minister Contrer
has been received, but of uncertain
date and not in reply to the telegram
sent to him on Aug. 8. It will not be
made public."
This came at the conclusion of ft,
period of intense expectancy, and yet
one devoid of any actual developments,
save in the foregoing meagre an
nouncement. Minister Conger's message
was received in Washington shortly
before noon, coming first to the Chi
nese legation by the usual route
through Chinese officials. It was in the
American cipher, without date, and
signed with the minister's name.
It was stated authoratively that
while the message was of a confidential
character, and for that reason could
not and would n«» be given out, vet,
as a means of allaying possible misin
terpretation, it could be said that the
dispatch showed neither a better con
dition nor a worse condition on the
part of the legationers at Pekin. It did
not indicate whether Minister Conger
has, or has not, received any messages
from this government. Nothing was
contained in the message which will
cause any change in the instructions
to Gen. Chaffee.
No word came from Gen. Chaffee as
to the development of the military sit
uation near Pekin, nor did Admiral
Remey send anything on the situation.
The officials are taking into account
that an advance even up to Pekin
leaves much to be accomplished in a
military way. It was stated yesterday
by an official who has lived at Pekin
that nothing short of the heaviest ar
tillery could make any impression upon
the walls of the imperial city. He said
light artillery would be of no avail,
and for this reason the advance of a
flying column, even up to the walls
of the city, could effect little if stub
born defense were determined upon.
The walls are some 50 feet high, and
wide enough on top for two coaches to
pass abreast. From an offensive stand
point the walls afford opportunity for
planting guns, while from a defensive
standpoint they could not be breached,
except by the use of very heavy pro
Although the situation admits of the
prospect of an assault upon Pekin, yet
government officials were decidedly
more hopeful yesterday that a solution
}f the Chinese problem would be found
without recourse to such heroic meas
ures. The improved feeling is based
largely on the belief that China, re
alizing that her sacred capital is about
to be besieged by the armies of the
world, will yield everything, and that
the legations will be delivered on the
terms of the allies.
While the war department has no
specific information as to the future
movements of Gen. Chaffee it is
thought that he may have covered the
20 miles between Ho Si Wu and Tung
Chow. Here are stored the immense
supplies of grain on which Pekin would
depend in case of siege. The city would
be almost JUS hard to carry as was Tien
Tsin. probably more so, owing to the
labyrinth of streets and Ijouses out
side its walls, where, in case of de
termined resistance, mines and ambu
scades of all sorts would naturally be
encountered at every street corner. In
case a determined stand is made by the
Chinese at this point, there is no
question that the international column
will be forced to wait and form all the
reserve force it can command. But the
officials here are very much in hope
that China will come to reasonable
terms before our forces are committed
to the extremity of forcing this key to
the gates of Pekin.
Which Have Feu Drfenilnnt*—Exo
(l ii M of II «*»iden t*.
London, Aug. 15. —A special dis
patch from Shanghai, dated Aug. 13,
says numerous reports from Pekin,
dated Aug. 0, have arrived there, de
scribing the situation at the Chinese
capital. It appears the Chinese are
again desperately attacking the lega
tions, which had very few defenders
left. It is also alleged that Prince
Tuan and a hundred high officials have
left Pekin and that the news of the
capture of Yangtsun caused a heavy
exodus of the residents.
Finally, it is said that the execu
tion of Cheng Yin Husn, the Canton
ese, who was special ambassador from
China to Queen Victoria's jubilee, has
created widespread terror, and it is
believed to be a fact that Yu Lu, the
vormer viceroy of Chi Li, was killed in
battle at Yangtsun.
The only news which takes the ad
vance upon Pekin further than Ho Si
Wu comes from Paris. The London
morning papers contain nothing to
confirm the French report that the al
lies are within 16 miles of Pekin. al
though a Chefoo dispatch is printed
saying that they were within 27 miles
of the goal on Saturday.
Confirming the report of the ar
rival of the international forces at
Ho Si Wu, The Daily Mail's correspon
dent adds:
"The Chinese offered little real op
position. The arrival of the allies frus
trated a determined attempt to divert
the course of the river. The heat is in
tense, but health of the troops is good."
A St. Petersburg special says:"The
latest news from Gen. Linevitcli. com
manding the Russian troops in the
Province of Pe Chi Li, is that the al
lies, after the capture of Yangtsun,
took one day's rest, and then, on Aug.
7, a vanguard was formed, consisting
of one Siberian regiment, one regiment
of Bothnia Cossacks, three battalions
of Japanese infantry, one Japanese
Sapper company, and an American
mounted battery.
"In spite of the condition of the
road, this column proceeded by forced
marches about 11V 2 versts toward
Pekin, encountering at Mantuang.
about 4*) miles from the capital, a
Chinese detachment which fought for
an hour and a half. Finally the Chi
nese threw down their arms and fled
n a panic.
"When this news was sent back, all
the allies started forward in three
columns, with Cossacks in front and
on the flank."
The Chinese minister in London, Sir
Chili Clien Lofeng Luh, is quoted as
saying that he hoped and believed that
peace would be established between
China and the powers within the next
six weeks. Yesterday he transmitted to
the firitish foreign office another mes
sage from the British minister in
Pekin, Sir Claude Mac-Donald, the con
tents of which the officials have thus
far refused to make public.
"The allied troops," says the St.
Petersburg correspondent of The Times,
"having, on Aug. 9, occupied Ho Si
Wu, have now moved on toward Mu
chang, without meeting any great op
position. The artillery is being moved
satisfactorily, in spite of the bad
rcmds, which the Japane <• art engaged
in repairing.
The German armored cruiser Fuerst
Bismarck, with the German trans
ports Witt«kind and Frankfurt, ar
rived at Tsing Tan yesterday and pro
ceeded immediately for Taku.
I.nriil iUK of Tnm|»#i is 112 Slinitgclm i.i
Washington Aug. 15. The attitude I
of the riiHid States concerning the
landing of British troops at Shanghai !
has been known to the foreign govern !
ments through their representatives
here This has had the effect of prac
tically eliminating the United States
from the question. Neither the French :
nor the German government is dis- j
posed to accept calmly the landing of
British troops, and it is understood j
that strong representations, both from
France and Germany, :;re now being
made at London. As summed up by a
well informed diplomat, these repre
sentations in effect are that for every
British marine landed at Shanghai.
France and Germany also would land
a marine. It is felt, moreover, that the
issue '• ' ' relates not only to
Shanghai, but virtually to the control
of the entire Yangtse Kiatig valley,
known as the Paradise of China.
Tn<letunit> For tim'rifnn Uves.
Washington. Aug. 15.- A high gov
ernment official said yesterday that the
indemnity which the United States
would demand for every American citi
zen killed or maimed by the Chinese
during the present trouble would be
sufficiently comfortable to support
their families for ihe remainder of
their lives. "This government does not
want a province, a town, village, or a
single square foot of Chinese territory
as indemnity," said the official, who is
close to the president. "There is but
one indemnity which they can give our
people, and that is a monetary indem
nity to the families of their American
Sk<'lct«>ns I**o ti ii <1 in t!i«* !v lon «111% «*.
Vancouver, B. C.. Aug. 15. —The
managers of the Charleston party, en
gaged in stringing the All Canadian
telegraph wires to Dawson, returned
yesterday from sections of the Klon
dike country where it was thought that
the foot of white man had never trod
before. Near Pike river, in a dense
forest, they found the skeletons of 12
horses in a clearing. Further on there
was a complete saw mill and several
houses. In the cabins there was no
human being, but all were stocked
with provisions, and besides there
were lying around overalls, grind
stones and axes. It is supposed the
party owning the things were frozen
to death. The outfit was found 40 miles
off an old Indian trail.
I, OK* to I'o i»» IIM % r«*o of I.tiUe Sii|M'Pi«r.
Sault Ste Marie, Mich., Aug. 15. —The
schooner Maida, hound down in tow of
the steamer Matoa, and loaded with a
cargo of iron ore, parted her wheel
chains when abreast of the Sailor's En
campment in St. Mary's river yester
day afternoon and went aground
across the channel, completely block
ing navigation for loaded boats for
Lake Superior. The Maida brought up
in almost exactly the same position
where the steamer Douglass Houghton
was sunk across the channel last year.
That wreck delayed the commerce of
Lake Superior for over a week and
cost the business interests over a
million dollars.
Crfticiziiiif tin" Hveheituer I'onn.
London, Aug. 15. —Truth. Henry
Labouchere's paper, replying to some
of the criticism upon the placing of a
large portion of the exchequer loan in
the United States, says: "We can see
nothing degrogotary in selling the
bonds to America. It is an indication
of the enormous growth of wealth in
the United States. Nor would we be
surprised if in view of their continued
prosperity, our American cousins were
to act as our bankers in the future in
a good many instances. We can see no
harm in such a relation."
Poli«*«*iniiii Shot QiK'llinK II How.
Scranton, Pa.. Aug. 15.—While quel
ling a row at an Italian saloon in Dun
more last nis?ht. Policeman James
Golden was shot twice through the
body by Tony Long and will probably
die. After the first shot which it is sup
posed missed fire the policeman made
a dash for Long and dealt him a blow
across the face with his baton and
closed with him. Before he could dis
arm his prisoner, the other two shots
laid him low and Long escaped. He is
still at large.
Death "112 I; v-Co i>si ri's.ssiiH it Shonk.
■ Washington, Aug. 15.—Ex-Represen
tative George W. Shonk, of Wilkes
barre, Pa., elicd at the St. James' hotel
here yesterday morning from heat
prostration. He arrived here Sunday
and immediately retired to his room,
complaining of feeling badly. Medical
assistance was summoned but the
former congressman never rallied. His
brother, A. D. Shonk, has come to take
charge of the remains.
Senator HIINOII For McKinley.
Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 15. —Senator
W. E. Mason, of Illinois, who has ar
rived here from Alaska, announced his
intention to support President Me-
Kinley, and in two weeks will begin
campaigning in Illinois.
FON. .lor Wheeler SH ves tlie Mfe of
I'reNiUeiitiul Cnniliilxite'a Son.
Chicago, Aug. It. —General Joseph
Wheeler, commander of the depart
ment of the lakes, yesterday saved the
life of William Jennings Bryan, Jr.,
the 12-year-old son of the Democratic
candidate for the presidency. The lad
visited Gen. Wheeler and the latter,
after his first greeting, turned to his
work, and allowed the youngster to
amuse himself as best he might. Young
Bryan found a loose chair caster and
big bundle of rubber bands. These ha
tied Into a long string and then, se
curing the caster to tha bottom, went
to a window and began bouncing the
piece of iron up and down on the side
walk, 70 feet below.
The general, engrossed with his la
bors, paid no attention to the boy who
gradually became so intent in his play
that he leaned farther and farther out
of the casement of the window. "Fight
ing Joe" happened to glance up a few
moments later and was horrified to
see the lad hanging with his whole
body over the si<l» walk and only the
toes of his shoes visible, clutching the
angle of the window. He sat aghast for
a moment. Then, rushing to the win
dow he pulled the lad i:i by his lags
and landed him safely on the lloor.
Speaking of the occurrence after
ward Gen. Wheel r acknowledged that
Young Bryan was within an inch of
being dashed to death on the pavement
below wl; ii hp c::ucht siebt of him
Dr. Agustus Ruggles, Treasurer of the
Greater New York Medical Association,
says," There is just one scientific compound
can he relied upon to cure dyspepsia and
constipation so they will stay cured. Posi
tively the only advertised dyspepsia remedy
ever endorsed by prominent physicians.
They promptly digest every pirticle of food taken
into the stomach, and are positively guaranteed to
• lire tin- worst forms of l)yniM'Psi;t, lniliy;cK
tion, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, and Con-
Htipiition, restoring tlie bowels an <l liver
to perfectly natural action in two weeks or
money refunded, by all druKKists. 25 and 50c.
lIIA MOM) I>KUG C 0.,8- 86 W. B*way.N. Y.
A truly wonderful discovery containing
none of the dangerous drugs found in ALL
OTHER headache remedies. ,
One Tablet Cures
OIK; horrible Headache in just
One Minute, for only
Ask your Druggist tor Strong's Penny
tkudactiv lubKtS>^
0,, L & t RAILROAD,
In Effect September Ist, 1899 j
I"i : !
Ni;\v lOBK. P.M. A. M. A.M. ~ M
Barclay St. 1. v.; » !io oo! ....
Crlstopher St..| >i 30] ! iu 00,
Hobokcn— j 9 45: ; 10 i»
S<-r;intou \rj •» #1 j I 38 j
| daily!
A.M ".M. I'M.!
SciSAMTOM ' IU 1)0 55 j 3 ;S6:
(Scllevue j 3 40 . 50
Taylorvilie j io i.V 2 03 : 3 45 .
I.arkawauna iu 23 2in 3 >2 •>
Dnryea 1 i 10 20 213 3to 0 »R.
Pittston ; 111 3 : 2 17 309 "
Susquehanna Ave... I 10 3; 220 4 02:0 10
West Pittston 8 5 in 3:1 221 405 « 1!'
Wyoming j 7 0 10 14 229 ' ,J " •» H
Forty fort j .. .... 4 13...
Bennett j7 11 10 52: 2 3ii 4Hi« 30
Kingston : 7 i | HI sii 242 425 (i :so
Kingston i 7 I 1 Id •><> 2 II 42Stj 3s
Plymouth Jane I 7 1 | 247 43 >
Plymouth 7 2 11 Oo 252 4 3i(i 13
Avomlale.. : 7 2 2 .")7 47
Nanticoke 73 n 13 3Oi ....0 50
Uunlock'. 1 i 73 1 li W 3 10: .... 0 "is
Shickshi my 7 11 30 324 —• 7"J
Hick's Kerry i .so fll 1:', 335 ....7 2*'
Beach Paven !.s 1 11 48 342 .... 32
Herwick s 1 , 11 51 3 4'j .... 38
Briar Creek 'rs 2 | r 3 55 ....
Lame Uidtce i 8 3 fl2 09 404 7"a
Espy : 8 3 12 15 411 KO3
Bloomsburg . i 8 I 12 22 417 . ...sOS
Knpert 860 12 27 423 sll
Catawissa j 858 12 32 429 SKI
Dar.ville Si 10 12 47 442 .... 537
Oliulasky ! ! 4 49 ....!
ij'imeron ' a 2IJ 12 67 464 .... s4O
NOHTHCMBEELAND: 935 110 508 '■> 00
Ar. A.M. P. M.( P. M. P.M. I'.M
NEW Y-JIK i, nr P- '"•! a.nJ a.m. am
Barclay St. Ar. 330! 5 00i j i« 4U
Christopher St... 3 no! I 6"' !•• ..'6 35
Hoboken 2 IT 4 4s: j.... .6 25
Scranton 10 061 12 65 140
a.m. i p.m. am
I daily : |P.M
A.M.: PM. P.M. P. M. dly
Seranton y42 12 36 455 j 535 #O7
Bellevue 9 3si 4 60] 6 30(9 02
Taylorville y 445 6 25,867
Lackawanna 9 2<5, 4 37i 5 ! 147
Duryea a 23 434 5 848
Pittston 9 lit 12 17 429 5 841
Susquehanna Ave.. 9 15: 12 14: 4 24; 5 830
West Pittston 9 12! I 4 21! 5 830
Wyoininif 90s 12 Os 4 10' 5o |922
Forty Fort yo ; ! 4 10| 1 1 82s
Bennett 900 j 4 00; 4 08 21
Kingston, 857 12 02 ! 4 01: 4 6 821
Kingston 8 .">> 12 00 402 4 .8 10
Plymouth Junction 850 i 355 4 1 818
Plymouth 8 15 11 62 3 51' 441 801
Avondale 840 j j 3 40 806
Nanticoke 8 Sol 11 4s| 3 42 '7 61
Hunlock's 8 27: | 3 34 "40
Shickshinny BIS 11 30| 3 24 .7 38
Hick's Ferry 8 04 1 3 13 17 25
Beaeh Haven 753 j 3 o7 j7 12
Berwick 745 11 04 301 ~00
Briar Creek 7 "8 ! 1: 7 00
Lime Kidge 7 30'. I 248 6
Espy 7 2:; 10 46 242 515
Bloomsburg 715 10 4i 236 6 3.J
Rupert 709 10 30 231 #33
Catawissa 703 lo 32 226 °
Danville 850 10 21 212 8 '2
Cbulasky i-n?
Cameron 6 38 jtjo3
NOUTHUMBBKL'D.. . 625 10 00 150 i oo *'
L.V A.M. A.M. ;i*. M. M • IP.M
Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia &
Heading Railroad for Tamanend, Tainaqua,
Williamsport, Sunbury, Pottsville, etc. At
Northumberland with P and E. Div. P. li. K. for
Harrisburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren
Oorry, and Erie.
In Effect May 28th, 1900-
A M A. M. P.M.P. M
Scranton(D4tH)lv \ 6 45 iy 38' 2 is ;4 27j......
i'ittston " •' 708f10O0 § 2 12 4
~ A. M. A. M.IP. M. P.M
Wilkesbarre,.. lv jj 7 30 §lO 55". 3 08 is oo
Plym'th Ferry '• 112 7 38 11, 02 1 3 16 16 o?
Nanticoke •' 746 11 10 326 6 17j
Mocanaqua .... " 804 11 32 346 637 """;
Wapwallopen.. " 8 13 11 42 350 647
Nescopeck ar 824 11 52 407 700
~ A.M. P.M. P.M.
I'ottsville lv § 5 50 Sl2 :*) 'i.
Hazleton " 705 200 550 ""
Tomhicken " 722 218 010 '"
Fern Glen " 7 "2;i 227 018
Kock (lien "| 111 2 34 0 25 "
Nescopeck ar 800 300 050
Catawissa.. .ar
A. M A. 31 P.M. P M
Nescopeck lv s 824 §ll 52 407'1 00
Creasv " 833 12 02 4 10 709
Espy Ferry.... "112 8 43 12 lo;f 4 21 7 »» *
E. liloomsburg, 847 12 14 4 2!) 725
Catawissa ar 856 12 21 4 :io 732
Catawissa lv 855 12 211 435 732
South Danville " 9 14 12 38 : 453 , 751
Sunbury " 936 100 ; SIS 815
A. M. P. M. P. M FVM.
Sunbury lv ]| 942 S 1 10,§ 545 546
Lewislmrg ar 10 13 145 6ls
Milton " lu 08 139 614 901
Williamsport.. " 11 00 230 7 10j n6O
Lock Haven... " 11 69 340 8 07 1
Kenovo "A.M. 4 10 9 00]
Kane " 8 251
P.M. P.M.I
Lock jl- 10 S 3 45' ! ....
Bellefonte 1051 4 44 !
Tyrone " 215il 0 oo
i'liilipsburg " 423j 8 26 i
Clearfield.... " 507 909 1
Pittsburg.... " 6 66111130 |
A.M. P.M. P.M. P M|
Sunbury lv 960§1 55 , 5 25; IIS 31,
Harrisburg.... ar 11 30§ 315 ; 055 10 lOj
P. M. I'. M. P. M.!A M| _
Philadelphia., ar Ji 3 17 || 6 23 ||lo 20 4 25
Baltimore "ij 311|| 6 oo 1' 45 230
Washington... "j| 4 10i, 7 15 10 55j 4 05)
IATrT P, M.) ( j
Sunbury lv § 9 57)§ 208
Lewistown Je. ar 11 lo: 3 "O
Pittsburg "I 0 5o! §11 30 j j
A.M . P, SI P. M. I-Tl "~
Harrisburg.... lv 11 45 II 3 46 || 7 20 ;iO2O
Pittsburg ar | 0 55|j| 1130;|| l 60; 5 301
Pittsburg lv 710 l 830 250 18 00 .
A.M [ A Mi ! P M
Harrisburg ar 155 3 4»j 9 10., 3 10j
PMj !A M|
Pittsbuxg lv! ' ti 8 oo
| ! : FM
j.cwistown Ji. "| i 7 30! U 3 '.O•
Sunbury ar ; 9 20 jj 5 00
IP. M. A m|a M, A Mi-
Washington... lv 10 40 s 7 45 10 50J
Baltimore •• 11 41 4 50: S4". 1145 '"
Philadelphia... " 11 201 j 425 840 12 25
A. M A MA. M.| PM ~
Harrisburir lv' 335 7 oo: jll 10 (4 00
Sunbury ar jo o"> 930 110? 6 40 ;""
jP.M. A M|A M "
Pittsburg lv ; 12 45: j 2 30 j 8 0o
Cleartield.... " 109 9 '2B
I'hilipsburg.. " 4 5'■ 10 12
Tyrone " 7 810 12 :!0
Bellefonte.. " 831 932 142
Lock Haven ar 9 301 10:30 243 """
Erie lv i 4 30 j
Kane, " 755 \\ 0 ooj
Kenovo " 11 15 | <i 401 10 30 !
Lock Haven.... " 12 <3 '7 33 11 25 300
A.M.) li' M
Williamsport.." 106 830 SI2 io: 4 0(1
Milton •' 1 Ki 9 19, 1 27! 452
L.Cwisburg " I 905 1 lo 447
Sunbury ar 2 27i 9Hi 1 56; 620 ;;;;
A.M. 1 A MP M | P M
Sunbury # .lvi| li All 955 ; 200 ■ 5 48
Si.uth lianville "j 7 13 >0 17 2 21: 609 ""
Catawissa •• 7 S.:| 10 35 2 SO; 627
E Bloomsburg.. " 730 10 43 243 632
Espy Ferry " 7 4.; II" 47 I 6 30 """
Creasy '• 7 5;; io 5d 255 046
Nescopeck " 803 11 oaj 305 fi 65; ;;"
A M A M l*. M. P M |
Catawissa lv 738
Nescopeck lv >ll 55 S 1 10 j 7 05
Kock (Hen ar 820 12 21) 430 J3l
Font Glen '■ s :«J 12 27| 14:.' 737 ""
Tonihicteu '' Sl2 12 3*» 10l T45
Hazleton " 902 12 65 5 12) 805
Pottsville " 1130, 2 08, 6 30j 9 Ooj'.'::.'
AM AMP 51 P M|~~
Nescopeck lv,; 8 OS „ll 05 j 3 u.j ; G 55 .....
A'apwall"] 818 11 20 :i 19 709
Mocanaqua .... "j 828 II 32 329 721
Nanticoke " 84s 11 54 3 is' 742
P Ml
l'ivm'tll Ferrv" 112 12 02 357 17 52
Wilksbarie ..." 905 12 10 4 061 800
A 51 1' 51 P 51 P M
PittstonUM.ll) ar ;9 39 12 49 ;4 62 836
Seranlon " "I 10 08 lis 520| 9 06
| Weekdays. « Daily. 112 Flag station.
Additional Train leaves Hazleton 5.15 p. 111.,
Totiililckcn 5.:i5 p. MI., Fern (lien 5.43 p.m.,
Lock 1 iion 5.50 p. 111., arriving at Catawissa
0.25 p. m.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through trains between Sunbury, Williamsport
and Erie, between Sunbury ami Philadelphia
and Washington and between Harrisburg, Pitts
burg and the West.
' For further information apply to Ticket Agents
j.u. nuTcniJNson, j. u. wood,
(Jen l Manager. Qeii'l Pass'n'r A<j.
SUPERIOR 111 com
Pegg's Coal Yard.
Samples of CoJ
may be seen at Brown's
Book Store, No. 229 Mill
Street, where orders may
be left, and all desired in
formation obtained.
Local telephone line con
nects Brown's Book
Store with Coal Yard.
OFFICE, Removed to Yard
on Canal slip, off Ferry St.
(formerly Woolley's yard).
Robert J, Pegg,
IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1900.
(weekdays only)
For Philadelphia 11.26 a m.
For New York 11.25 a m.
For Catawissa 11.25 a. m„ 6.04 p. m.
For Milton 7.42 a. in., 4.00 p m.
For Williamsport 7.42 a. in., 4.00 p m.
Trains for Baltimore, Washington and the
South leave Twenty-fourth and Chestnut
streets, Philadelphia, weekdavs—3.23, 7.14,
10.22 a. in., 12.10, 1.33, 3.03, 4.12, 5.03, 7.20, 8.26 p.
in., 12.21 nlKht. Sundays 3.23, 7.14 a. m., 12.18,
1.33, 4.12, 6.03. 7.26, 8.20 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
and South Street Wharf.
For ATLANTIC; CITY- Weekdays -Expresp,
8.00. 9.00, 10.45 A. M ~ (1.00 Saturdavs onlv)
1.30, 2.00, M.OO (3.40 sixty minutest, 4-00, 4.30,
(5.00 00 Minutes), 4.00, 4.30 (5.00 sixty minutes)
5.40 (South St,„ 5.30) 7.15, 8.30 P. M„ Aceoin.
0.15 A. M., 6.40 (South St., 5.30) 6.30 P. M., Sun
days Express, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00
A. M., 4.46, 7.15 P. >l. Accom. 6.15 A. M.,5.00
P. M.
Leave ATLANTIC CITY-Weekdays— Express
(0.45 Mondays only i, 7 00, 7.45, (7.55 from Mas
sachusetts Ave.,) (8.20, sixty minute) 9.00,
10.15, 11.00 A. M.. 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 7.30, B. JO, 9.30
P. M.
Accomodation 4.20. 7.05 A. M., 3.50 P. M.
Sundays -Express, 8.46 A. M., 3.30, 4.30, 5.00,
0.00, 0.30, 7. 00, -7,3(1, 8.00, 9.30. P M. Accom.
7.15 A.M.. 4.321'. M.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
For CAPE MAY - Weekdays—B.4s, 9.15 A. M.,
2.15, ai. 10, 5.30 P. M Suiniavs—B.4s, 9.15 A.M.
6.00 I'. M.
For OCEAN ClTY—Weekdays -K.45, 9.15 A.
M..d 1.50 1-1.20, 5.30 P. M Sundays—B.4s. 0.15
A. M., 5.00 P. M.
For SEA ISLE ClTY—Weekdays— A.M.
2.15 c 1.20, 5*40, P. M Sutidavs- 8.46 A.'M.,
5.: J P. M. a South St. 4.00 P. M.; b South St.
5.30 P. M. c South St. 4.15 P. M.; d South St.
1.45 P. M.
SI.OO Excursions Atlantic City 7.00 A. M., daily
additional Sunday 7.30 A. M.
For Cape May. Ocean City and Sea Isle, Sun
days 7.00 A. M., iidditional (icean City, only
Thursday, 7.00'
Leave NEW YORK (Liberty Street) 3.40 P. M
Leave ATLANTIC CITY, 8.30 A.M.
Detailed time tables at ticket offices.
Gen. Superintendent. General Agent.
§ 3 .• j
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[> SB = i
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where all others fail. Coughs. Croup Soiv
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough tod
Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival:
has cured thousands, and Will CURB TOU IF
taken iu time. Sold BY Druggists on a guar
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teed to euro you. Pricc.6octa. Injector froe.
orpjson "Kiiy lie llrouuht Home.
Washington, Aug. 15.— The question
of making the permanent repairs on
the Oregon at home instead of in Japan
has been discussed by some of the au
thorities of tlie navy department, and
may result in tier being brought back
to the Pacific coast. The repairs, so fur
as the department is informed, will
amount to $200,000, and it has been
urged that, as the run to San Fran
cisco can be made in sixteen days it
would be better to have the Oregon re
paired where she was built, and where
the department will feel that an
solutely satisfactory job can be done,
rather than to have her laid up four
months at the Kure docks.
Th«> Po|M* to the C. T. A. V.
New York, Aug. 15. —The convention
of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union
of America, held recently in Philadel
phia, received the official approbation
of the pope. The pontifical approba
tion conies in th<> following cable dis
patch: "The sentiments of filial de
votedness expressed in the name of the
hosts of total abstinence assembled in
rour city have been very welcome to
the holy father. He accordingly most
lovingly <"VE* them his blessin" "