Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 16, 1900, Image 2
KAILROAU TIM k TABLE- I'KNN A K. K. RAMI. WEST A. M. ».H A. N 10.17 " 12.38 P. 2.21 P. M.<. 5» " «.09 " .51 " SUN DAYS. 111.17 A. M. 4-">3 P »l l>. 1.. A W. H. It. EAST- WKST. H.M A. M. f.(Ht A. M. 10.19 '• 12.47 P. M. 2.1) P.M. " ti.lll " " .SUNDAYS. 6.38 A. M. 12 47 P.M. 6.10 P.M. «-20 " I'll ll.' A <S UKADINO H. K. NORTH. SOUTH. 7 42 A.M. 11.2") A. M. l.ilO I'. M. 6.05 I*. M. BLOOM STRKKT. 7.11 A.M. 11.2:1 A. M. 4.1(2 P. M. 6.04 P. M. j J S m l:isiokt, SURGEON DENTIST, orriesnN MILL ST., • >|>i>osite the Post Office. < (peratlve and Mechanical lientistry (Sarofully 111' i III] IIIIMI, Teeth positively extracted without pain.wit h <!a», Ktherahd Chloroform: Treat ii ¥ anil PilliDK teeth aStieciulty. yyr n. RANK VVKM, ATTORN E V - AT- L A W, Otliee over Paules" Drug Store MOW mOMEKY HUi I,l>l,N<i, 11XSTKKET. - - KAN Vllil-K, PA J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested, treated, lilted with "lass es ami artificial eyes supplied. ;!I1 Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours—lo a sp. in. Telephone 14:i(i. ! niINA SLKWIi PBACE. Imperial Edict Transmitted For Consideration of the Powers. FOE CESSATION 01 HOSTILITIES. 1.1 llnnc C'linnti Appointed by tlif Chiiiene Governinenl toUrine About SatlnfiM-tor.v Tcrm»-Safety of I.e ir«tlom»r» IIIIKI lie Amiiirfil. Washington, Aug. 13.—Indications of ; the desire of China for a peaceful set- I tlement of her present difficulties have J been multiplying for several days. Of- j ficial evidence of that desire was pre- j scnted to the department of state yes- J terday. It was in the form of an edict I promulgated by the emperor, Kwang | Hsu, appointing Earl Li Hung Chang ! as envoy plenipotentiary to n<«gotiate j with the powers for an "immediate j cessation of hostilities," pending a so lution of the problems which have grown out of the anti-foreign uprising in the empire. Earl Li is to act di rectly for the emperor, and a fair in ference is that whatever terms of set tlement he may reach with the powers will be approved by the imperial gov- j ernment. The imperial edict, as transmitted by the privy council, is as follows: i "In the present conflict between Chi nese and foreigners there has been ! some misunderstanding on the part of foreign nations and also a want of ! proper management on the part of j some of the local authorities. A clash \ of arms is followed by calamitous re- | suits and caused a rupture of friendly j relations which will ultimately do no 112 good to the world. We hereby appoint i Li Hung Chang as our envoy plenipo tentiary, with instructions to propose at once by telegraph to the govern ments of the several powers concerned for the immediate cessation of hostile demonstrations pending negotiations, ■which he is hereby authorized to con duct for our part, for the settlement of whatever questions may have to be dealth with. The questions are to be severally considered in a satisfactory manner, and the result of the nego tiations reported to us for our sane- | tion." While it is conceded by the Wash ington officials that the conference of plenary authority upon Earl Li to ne gotiate with the powers for a settle ment of existing troubles is a step in the right direction, it by no means is assured that the United States gov ernment will consent offhand to open negotiations with the distinguished viceroy. The demands of this govern ment upon China have been made plainly and without equivocation. They cannot be misunderstood. Assuming that the Chinese government is acting in good faith, the demands are reason able and can be complied with readily. As transmitted to the imperial gov ernment by the acting secretary of state through Minister Wu, the de mands, in brief, were: "That the Chinese government give assurance that the foreign ministers are alive, and if so, in what condi tion; that the ministers be placed in free communication with their gov ernments, firing upon the legations cease and all dangers to their lives and liberty be removed; that the im perial authorities place themselves in communication with the relief expedi tion, so that the legationers may be I liberated, foreigners protected and or der restored." Until these demands have been ac ceded to it is regarded as highly im probable that the government of the United States or any of the European governments, all of which have made practically the same demands upon China, will consent to a "cessation of hostile demonstrations," which are be ing conducted, at least so far as this government is concerned, with the sole purpose of succoring the besieged le gationers in the Chinese capital. During the day the war department officials awaited anxiously additional news from Gen. Chaffee. One dispatch was received from him, transmitting a message he had received from Min ister Conger. Evidently the message had been delayed long In reaching him and his own dispatch was dated four days ago. The dispatch was as fol lows: "We will hold on until your arrival. Hope it will be soon. Send such in formation as you can." While the message of Minister Con ger contains nothing new, it was en couraging to the officials to hive re newed assurances of his ability and determination to "hold on" until re lief reached him. Mr. Conger's ex pression of hope that the long looked for relief may soon reach him simply adds to the determination of the gov ernment to press forward to Pekin as rapidly as may lie possible. Last night Secretary Adee. by direc tion of President McKinley, presented to Minister Wu for transmission to bis government the reply of the United States to the imperi i! edict appointing Li Hung f'haiig envoy to negotiate with the powers for a cessation of hos tilities. In effect it Is ft reiteration of the demands previously nuuJe ! v the United States upivi China, eoupt. I with » vigorous Intimtion that no eegotiur t'rns v.: ' i ' <-it»red into untjl tlin Clv-n-1 :;t shall have com plied with .iti • nands. .i< , ji >'■'.< .as murdered Satur ' v • lit i i tii uv.'thiest quarter of V ...... .\. William Cox, aged i.2, is held for the i rime. | KILLED AT .1 (Ml Eleven Dead and as Many More Injured Near Slatington, Pa. WERE OCCUPANTS OF AN OMNIBUS Of the Twenty-flve in the Vehicle but Three Kxeaped t ninjured—Were Iteturninsc From a i'uiierui When the Train Cot the Coneh in Twain. Slatington, Pa., Aug. 13. —Eleven persons were instantly killed and 11 others, several of whom will die, were seriously injured last night in a grade crossing accident three miles east of this city, by a passenger train on the Lehigh and New England railroad crashing into an omnibus containing 25 persons. All the dead and injured were in the omnibus and but three es caped uninjured. The dead are: Eli Remaley, aged 70, of Slatington; Mrs. Eli Remaley, his wife, aged 05; Mrs. James Kern, their daughter, aged 32; Samuel Hummy, aged 60, of Walnutport; Mrs. Samuel Hummy, his wife, aged SS; Mrs;. Elias Squrwine, a widow, aged 53, of Slating ton: Mrs. William Kane, aged 51, Mrs. James Minnich, aged 33, Miss Carrie Smith, aged 22. Mrs. Tilghman Kuntz, aged 35, of Walnutport. One yet unac counted for. The following are the injured, most ; of whom may die: Miss Distler. of i Walnutport; 3-year-old son of Mrs. Kern; Harry Minnich. aged 10. of Slatington: Mrs. William Resch, Louis Kuntz, Miss Clara Nagle, George Minnich, Bryan Walp, Miss Lizzie Jones, Miss Alice Xagle, Walnutport. One unidentified. The accident occurred about 5 o'clock. The omnibus driven by a man i named Peters was returning to Slating | ton from a funeral the occupants had j been attending at Cherrysville. The dead and injured were nearly all rela ( tives of Sophia Sehoffer. at whose ob | sequies they nad been present. The train was a special and consisted of an engine and one car. At the point at which the collision occurred there is a sharp curve in the road and the omni bus came along at a good rate of speed, the occupants unconscious of any im pending danger. As the 'bus swung around the curve, the engine and car came in sight. It was too late to stop either the omnibus or the train and as | the ariver of the former whipped up [ the four horses to cross the track | ahead of the train, the latter crashed | into its middle. The occupants were | thrown in all directions, bruised and ; bleeding. The 11 dead were killed out | right. Physicians and a special train | were sent for and the injured were : taken to South Bethlehem. Whole Knmlly Struel* by I.iulitnlntt. New York, Aug. 13.—Nine persons, i who hurriedly sought shelter under I some trees and bushes in the "woods," I in the Bronx section, during the storm I this afternoon, were struck by the I same flash of lightning. The persons ! injured were: James Brown, a Hun ! garian tailor of this city, his wife and I live children, and Bertha Lescowitz and 1 Bertha Silverman, neighbors of the Browns. Mrs. Brown, two of her chil dren and Bertha Silverman cannot pos sibly live. The Silverman girl was the worst injured of all. Of Bertha Lesco j witz the physicians said she would ' either die or be hopelessly insane. lllot Inn Polish Church. Wilmington. Del., Aug. 13. —Opposl- i tlon to Rev. John (I. Lucz, rector of St. j Hedwigs Polish Catholic church here, ] yesterday resulted in a small sized riot. ! The opponents of Father Lucz took j posession of the church and attempted j to prevent him from conducting ser ! vices. A squad of policemen under Ser- J geant Tucker made an effort to oust the disturbers and were attacked by about 50 women, who threw pepper in their eyes. Reinforcements arrived and the i hurch was cleared. Several of the policemen were severely handled dur ing the fracas. I'rom i ncn t Mn II Fuunil Denrt. St. Louis, Aug. 13.—The dead body of John R. Young, superintendent of excavations for the Imperial Electric Light and Power company, of this city, I was found yesterday in a dense growth of weeds, close to the bank of Dead creek, three miles from East St. Louis. Ills. It is not known when, or how, he died. When last seen alive he said he was in fear of two men who were fol lowing him. It is claimed that a young woman of his acquaintance had caused him much annoyance. Young was about 35 years old. DlMiixtroiiM Fire In lYiinovor, Pa. Hanover, Pa., Aug. 13. —Sixteen buildings were destroyed by fire here yesterday, the loss being estimated at from $40,000 to $50,000, partly insured. The heaviest losses are the HotelObald, the J. C. Tanger Hardware company's warehouse and Shriver's livery stable. The other structures destroyed were dwellings, stables and warehouses. Thirteen horses were roasted alive in Shriver's stable and it is rumored that a man named l'reseher was burned to death in the Hotel Obald. ItefuurecN From China. San Francisco, Aug. 13. —The steam er Gaelic, which arrived from the Orient Saturday night, had on board a number of refugees from China. Among them were Revs. C. W. Pruitt and George Worth, with their wives and families. Mr. Pruitt was at Shan Tung, whence he was summoned by an urgent warning on July 8, sent by Consul Fowler, from Chefoo. The missionary and family started at once, and they were on the way none too soon. C'liecr I n IN>W« From Muni In. Washington, Aug. 13. —The war de partment has received the following ilispatcli containing cheering news from Gen. Mac Arthur at Manila: "Col. Grassa, Aug. 12, in vicinity of Tayug surrendered command to Col. Free man, Twenty-fourth United States in fantry. consisting of one major, six captains, six lieutenants, lU9 men, 100 rilles and 50 bolos." j Not an Ordinary School j S/ When Williamsport Dickinson Seminary was founded, money w making was not in the thought of its promoters. To give vmuig M £ men and women thorough intellectual and moral training at the lowest possible cost was its paramount aim. It remains its para- £ •/ mount aim. Buildings have been added, equipment increased, <2 i lilt- faculty enlarged, but S | Williamsport j | Dickinson Seminary is Rti 11 true to its first principles. It is a Home and Christian school. It 'jZ aJ providers for health and social culture as carefully as for mental and -'Jr mft moral training, taking a personal interest in each pupil, and adjusting 9 As methods to neod, believing that true education seeks to develop the & highest types of manhood and womanhood. \ splendid field, with Jr A? athletics directed by a trained athlete, make ball field and gymnasium of real value. Swimming pool for till. Single beds for ladle*. Nine regular M w courses, with elective studies, offer wide selection. Six competitive A X? scholarships are offared. Seventeen skilled teachers classify and in/X J? struct, making school work other than drudgery. Music, Art, Kxpression wand Physical Culture, with other branches or alone, under teachers with (■ 2/ best home and Kuropean training. Home, with tuition in regular (A studies, 32f»0.00 a year, with discounts to ministers, ministerial candidates, teac.hefs, and two from same family. Kail term opens September 10,1!¥)0. B < 'atalogue free. Address f| Rev. EDWARD J. GRAY, D. I).. President, WilliAmjport. Pa. ROBBERS RUN TO DEATH Two Men Who Held Up a Union Pacific Train Pay the Penalty. MADE A DESPERATE RESISTANCE. After lliii I'll I llaii lleen Killed the IteninininK Robber Took Itefujee in a Sod Houwe, W hich VVMM Set on Fire—Three of the I'oNne Wounded. Goodland, Kan., Aug. It. —Two men, Mio on Sunday last robbed a Union Pacific train in Colorado and killed a passenger, were surrounded in a ranch house near here yesterday. During the fight which followed both of the rob bers were killed. Two posse men—J. B. Riggs, owner of the Commercial , hotel, of Goodland, and George Cul lins, were severely, but not fatally wounded. Another of the pursuing j party was wounded slightly. The train was robbed between Limon Junction and Hugo, Colo., 90 miles east of Denver, many passengers re lieved of their money and valuables, and W. J. Fay, an aged man. who re sisted, was killed. The robbers drop ped off the train at Hugo and escaped. Wednesday, it is learned, they went I to the ranch of D. E. Bartholomew, three miles out from Goodland and | 100 miles overland, and asked for food and lodging for a few days. They said they did not want togo to town, as their clothes were ragged. Thurs day night a boy whom they sent to Goodland to get the Denver papers ! reported the circumstances. Yesterday a posse consisting of Sheriff Walker, J. B. Riggs, George Cullins, E. C. Biddison and several others, heavily armed, went over to the Bartholomew place. Walker and Riggs dismounted and proceeded to the house. One of the robbers caught sight of them and gave the alarm. 1 When Walker began kicking on the door he was met by a volley of shots from inside. The remaining members of the posse quickly lined up around the house, and for ten minutes bullets whirred at a lively rate. The robbers returned the fire strongly, and Riggs soon fell, hit in the breast and back, j Finally one of the robbers jumped through a window and maue off in the smoke. Before he had gone half a dozen paces he fell. Sheriff Walker meantime had forced his way toward the house, and was in tent on getting inside. In the smoke and confusion Cullins got in the way of Walker's gun and was shot in the | back and seriously wounded. While | the posse were removing Cullins the remaining robber made his way to a sod kitchen nearby and barricaded the door. The robber was armed with a rifle and every attempt to approach the house drew his fire. About 4 o'clock some men crawled through a cornfield unobserved to a shed near the house. With great ac curacy they threw two railroad fuses upon the roof of the shack. In a few minutes it was in flames, but the rob ber made no sign, and, if he was not struck by one of the hundreds of bul lets fired at his retreat, he met death in the flames. Both bodies were brought here last night. Their identity as the men who did the job near Hugo was thoroughly established. On the body of the one shot in the morning was found a watch, two masks, a ladies' watch j chain and charm. A large roll of bills | and two valises were burned. Riggs and Cullins, the wounded I posse men, will recover. KRUOER WILL NOT YIELD. Report of President Steyii'n Snlclde I'emlMtfntly Rumored. London, Aug. 11.—According to the Lorenzo Marques correspondent of The Daily Express President Kruger, ! in the course of an interview last Wed ! nesday, said that the report that he intended to surrender was without foundation. He declared that the war would last a long time yet. j "A Boer bulletin," continues the cor respondent, "announces a big battle ! between Lydenburg and Middleburg, ! in which the British had 500 killed and wounded. It also announces the ! recapture by the burghers of Heilbron, Devilliersdorp and Frankfort." It is persistently rumored in Lorenzo Marques, according to a dispatch to The Daily Telegraph, dated yesterday, that President Steyn has committed suicide. Boer reports by way of Lorenzo Marques lately have proved worthy of little credence. Xew York.** Heat Victim*. New York, Aug. 11. —Eleven persons | died here yesterday from the excessive heat, which has been torturing hu manity in this locality for some days, and still continues with little prospect of a let up. The thermometer reached 94 yesterday. The greatest suffering is endured by the people of the lower east side districts. In these neighbor hoods numerous families occupy a sin gle apartment, and many of them sleep on the pavements in front (112 the build ings in hope of obtaining a little fresh air. Horses are perishing all over the city, and the mortality among them threatens to equal that of the record breaking August hot spell of 1896, when so many died that bu- iness was Beriously crippled. NI'GGETS OF MOWS. In Philadelphia yesterday the in i tense heat resulted in five deaths and 20 prostrations. Djevad Pasha, the former grand 1 vizier of Turkey, died in Constanti nople yesterday. The next Pennsylvania state fair will be held in Wilkesbarre, the necessary funds having been raised. Miss Flossie Swetland, a prominent society belle of Fredonia, N. Y., was drowned yesterday at Put In Bay while bathing. Nine deaths and 15 prostrations re sulted from the excessive heat in Chi cago yesterday. The temperature reached 95. Mr. Herbert Putnam, librarian of the United States congress, is in Ber lin arranging connections for an ex j change of books with European li braries. 'FITMiK VICTOHY.| He Knocked Giis Ruhlin Down and Out in the Sixth Round. DESPERATE TIGHT THROUGHOUT. The Cl«'ver Hint: Tactic* of tin* Old Miin, T»R«*llior Willi 11 i s Mll r veloim So 1 11 r PleniM lilow, WH* TOO Much For the Ohio Caiunt. New York, Aug. 11. —Bob Fitzsim mons, of Australia, but now an Ameri can citizen, met Gus Ruhlin, the Akron giant, last night before the Twentieth Century club at Madison Square Gar den and won l»y knocking the Ohioan down and out in the sixth round. He fore the fight and for some weeks past there have been many reports to the effect that Fitzsimmons was too old to cope successfully with his younger op ponent. It was argued that Fitzsim mons' well known knowledge of the game and his capability of hard hit ting would not be able to counter balance the youth and strength, as well as the recently acquired ring tactics of the Ohio man. However, all this has changed. Fitzsimmons di;l the trick cleanly cleverly. It was a fierce and bloody battle while it lasted, and at times it looked as if Ruhlin would get the better of tie older man, but Fitzsimmons at the proper time would cut loose with his fearful body blow. The betting all along had favored Fitzsimmons. many wagers at the rate of 100 to 80 on Lanky Bob being made. Last night, however, at the ringside there was a flush of Runlin money which forced the odds to take a turn in Ruhlin's favor at the rate of 100 to 90. This state of affairs did not last long, however, and by the time the men put up their hands for the open ing round they were equal favorites, even money being the rule. Fitzsimmons conceded about 32 pounds to Ruhlin, and this in itself was a serious handicap. But, as the result showed, Fitzsimmons was equal to the tasj. he had set himself and won out with lhat terrible solar plexus blow, which whenever it landed shook Ruhlin from head to foot. From the word "go"the men started in with hurricane like force. Both men were wild at times, but Fitzsimmons was al ways the quicker to steady himself. Ruhlin clinched a good deal, and for three or four rounds was the aggres sor. He landed some hard straight lefts on Fitzsimmons' face and swung his right to the body and head with fearful force. Several of these blows staggered Fitzsimmons, but none of them landed on the mark, as Fitzsim mons was too shifty. At times both missed swings with either hand, but many of Ruhlin's were dodged in the cleverest manner. Fitzsimmons forc ed Ruhlin to break ground, and in hot mixups the Ohio man was always the first to ease tip and take refuge in a clinch. Time and time again Fitzsimmons forced Ruhlin to the ropes, from which position Ruhlin got away tather clum sily. while Fitzsimmons was always very quick in his foot movements. When Ruhlin's nose began to bleed from a stiff punch the sight of the blood seemed to have a deterrent ef fect on him, and Fitzsimmons was quick to see this. On the first signs of weakness on Ruhlin's part Fitz be gan his attack on the body, and each blow which he landed there made Gus wince with pain. In the sixth round Ruhlin was slow In coming to time, while Fitz jumped at his man. Fitz got around Ruhlin, and while the latter sent straight lefts for Fitz's head Bob sidestepped safely and landed lefts on the body and right to the head. With a volley of lefts and rights to the head and neck, and with a fearful left on the solar plexus, Fitz sent Ruhlin in a heap to the floor. This was the beginning of the end that soon followed. Ruhlin, af ter taking nine seconds of the count, arose to his feet groggy from the ef fects of the blow. Fitz knew he had his man and was ready for him. As soon as Ruhlin got up Fitz rushed, sending two lefts to the face and then shot his right with fearful force to the point of Ruhlin's jaw. Gus pitched forward as if struck with an ax and fell on his face to the floor, where he was counted out, and had to be carried to his corner. Wild scenes were then enacted in and about the ring. It seemed as if every one in the building wanted to greet the winner or sympathize with the loser, and the police officers had a busy quarter of an hour in getting the people out of the building. Fitz left the ring five minutes after he had de livered the winning punch, but it took Ruhlin 12 minutes to come around sufficiently to be able to walk to his dressing room. Billy Madden, Ruhlin's manager, de clared that Gus' defeat was due to overtraining. James J. Corbett, who acted as one of Ruhlin's seconds, also declared that Ruhlin was overtrained. Charlie White, who refereed the bout, when asked what he thought of the fight, replied: "It was a hard and fierce battle, in which both men fought fairly. Fitz clearly demon strated that he is not a has been, and still has the punch that wins. Ruhlin lacks experience, which will be reme died in time, and I have no doubt that he will be heard from to much better advantage later on." CONSUMPTION CAN BE CDEED. T. A. Slocuni, M. ('., tlie Great Chem ist and Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of his Newly Discovered Reme dies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more philan thropic or carry mote joy to the atllict ed, than the otter of T. A. Slocuni, M. C., of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, three bottles to any reader of the AMKIUCAN who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" lias permanently cured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty—a duty which be owes to human ity—to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the dreaded consump tion to be a curable disease beyond any j doubt, and has on file in his American and Kuropean laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefitted and cured, in all parts of (he world. Don't debiy until it is too late. Con sumption, uniuterruped, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A Slocuuii M. C., !»8 l'ine street, New York, ami when writing the Boctor, give express and postollice address, and please mention reading this article in he AMERICAN - March 4 ,!) Robbed the Express Safe of a Penn —. sylvania Train AND CONFESSED HIS CRIME. A former Km |.lo> <» of the lilaniM Bi firoiiN Coiiiimii)' \ow in I'ri*oii—Cold HlOO<l<<<l Art to <;<•! Money For Ap- I»ro!i<*li iiiK \V<»<l<l i n Columbus, Aug. 13. —Charles R. H. Ferrell, a former employe of the Adams Express company, was arrested yes terday afternoon in this city, and has confessed to the killing of Messenger Charles Lane and the robbery of the way-safe of the Adams Express com pany on the Pennsylvania east bound train which arrived in this city at mid night Friday. One thousand dollars of the money which he had stolen was re covered. Ferrell was to have been married Thursday next to Miss Lillian Costlow, daughter of Patrick Costlow, an en gineer on the Pennsylvania lines. He had been discharged from the employ of the Adams Express company about two months ago and hail not since been able to secure employment. He confessed that the motive of the rob bery was to secure money of which he felt in great need on account of his ap proaching marriage. The money re covered he had given to Miss Costlow to keep for him, saying that it was money he had saved from his earnings. He was at the home of his affianced and in her company when placed under arrest. Ferrell is but 21 years of age and has a splendid physique, being six feet in height, with dark hair and an at tractive face. When the officers took him into custody he assumed a non chalant demeanor, but when he found that he could no longer deceive the of ficers he made a full confession. After his statement had been taken by Chief of Police Tyler and he was led to a cell in the police station, he was in a state of nervous collapse and orders were given that lie be watched closely to prevent him doing himself bodily in jury. The confession of Ferrell disclosed a premeditated and blood curdling crime that seemed almost impossible of belief. He said he had become desperate be cause of his inability to secure em ployment. The robbery had been care fully planned, and it included the mur der of Express Messenger Lane. He had no accomplices and no confidants. He knew Lane well. In fact, they were friends and relied upon Lane's con fidence to help him execute the crime. Having provided himself with a Smith and Weston six shooter, 38 calibre, he went to Urbana Friday morning and waited for No. 8. When the train ar rived there Ferrell went at once to the express car and told Lane that he was out of money and asked permission to ride to Columbus with him. Lane con sented. never for a moment suspecting the treachery of his pretended friend. For a short time after the train left Urbana they chatted pleasantly. Lane sat in a chair in the end of the ear with his back slightly turned. When Ferrell had finally nerved himself for the crime, he drew his re volver and stepped tip behind Lane un observed an<l fired three shots in rapid succession into the messenger's back. Lane rolled off the chair on the floor on his face and Ferrell quickly fired the remaining shots at the prostrate body. Lane was unconscious, but Fer rell, fearing that the wounds already inflicted would not cause death, took Lane's revolver and fired two more bullets from it into the body. Ferrell then took the key to the way safe from the pocket of the dead mes senger. opened the safe, and laid Lane's revolver inside where he could reach it easily in case he was detected and needed it to defend himself. After he had taken out all the sacks contain ing the money packages, money or ders and way bills, he placed them in a small satchel and waited until the car arrived at Plain City, when he slipped off the He secured a room in the hotel and retired for the night without registering, a fact of which the land lord took no notice at the time, as he was half asleep. Once in his room. Fer rell proceeded togo through the pack ages and take out all the cash. The re mainder he tied up in a bundle. The question of how to get rid of the debris of his plunder and his revolver then confronted him. Lifting up the mattress of the bed, he placed the re volver in a secure place in the springs. Ferrell arose early the next morning and sauntered down to the railroad station and sat there for a time read ing a book. Then he expressed the package which lie had addressed to C. W. Coyler, Loekport, N. Y., bought a ticket and took the train for Columbus at 6.30. The defectives of Plain City set to work to rr.n down the mysterious stranger who, they had become con vinced, was an ex-employe of the Adams Express company. Suspicion soon rested on Ferrell. After learning of the express package, the detectives at once telegraphed to Columbus and had it intercepted. The package was opened and the stolen sacks contain big the money orders, checks and other things which Ferrell desired to get rid of. were found. The detectives first went to his boarding place in this city and were informed that he was probably at the home of his sweetheart on the east side. They at once went to the Costlow residence where they found Ferrell. It was a trying duty for the detectives when they were ushered into the room where Ferrell sat conversing with the young lady. Ferrell appeared annoyed at the intrusion. The detectives did not broach the subject of the train rob bery but told him that he was sus pected of a burglary and that they wished him to accompany them to the police station where the chief of police wanted to interview him. Thinking that perhaps the detectives were on the wrong scent, Ferrell nerved himself and said with apparent composure: "I guess there must be some mistake." He excused himself to the young lady and accompanied the detectives to the city prison. On the way to the sta tion the detectives told Ferrell what he was wanted for and what th"y kuew, end he reluctantly admitted that he had Committed the crime. At the police sta tion a written confession was taken by the chief of police. As soon as it was learned that Fer rell had given the money to his sweet heart, Inspector Barron went to the house and secured it. The young lady had never doubted his story that the money which lie placed in her keeping had been earned and saved by him as he stated. Ferrell's home is in Steubenville, O. His father is said to be a bridge car penter and a highly respected citizen of that place. It is believed that all the cash taken by Ferrell, except about $l5O which he had spent, has been recovered. The amount in the hands of the police is $1,600.31. A bundle of money orders, which Ferrell nays he threw into a vault, have not been recovered. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH Better than a Piano, Organ, or Music P>o.t, for it sings and talks as well as plays, and don't cost as much. 11 reproduces the music of any instrument —band or orchestra —tells stories and ings the c .Id familiar hymns as well as the popular songs—it is always ready. See that Mr. Kdisoii's signature is on every machine. Cata logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PIiUNOURAPH CO., IJS Fifth Ave., New York. 36-t 23 Aug CAITOE OF YANGTSMi i Allies Will There Mobilize For the Real March to Pekin. TO START ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. | Jii pa nose General Say* That Fifty Tlioiixtt IKI Allied Troup* Will lie Iteail? to Leave VaimtMiu—Tlie Al lien' I.OK* lit % u iiulmii ii Two II iimlretl Washington, Aug. 10. —The capture of Yangtsun, the first objective point of the international forces, was the supreme news of importance received yesterday on the Chinese situation. The first word of this capture, effected last Monday, came in a brief dispatch to the signal office at the war depart ment from Col. Scriven, the signal officer at Chefoo, dated Aug. 6, saying: "Yangtsun captured today. Wire up. Need own transportation. All well." Half an hour after this message a cablegram came from Gen. Chaffee giving additional details of the cap ture, and showing that it had been at the cost of 60 casualties among the American troops. Gen. Chaffee's dis patch, dated Yangtsun, Aug. 6, is as follows: "Yangtsun occupied today. Wound ed, Frank R. Long, Ninth infantry, moderate. Casualties about 60 men, Ninth United States infantry, Four teenth United States infantry and Bat tery F, Fifth United States artillery. Nearly all from Fourteenth infantry. Names later. Many men prostrated from heat and fatigue." Hardly less important was a dis patch from Gen. Terauchf, second in command of the Japanese staff, sent to the war office of Japan, and trans mitted to the legation here, stating that the international army would total 50,000 men on Aug. 15, at which time the real advance on Pekin would begin. Gen. Terauchi's dispatch stated that on the 4th, when it was forwarded, the advance had not yet begun. This was P EK»\, O Fo#rs at first incomprehensible, in view of the fact that fighting had actually oc curred. But the later statement that the international force would total 50,- 000 men on the 15th appears to make clear Gen. Terauchi's meaning and to reconcile it with Gen. Chaffee's dis patches. The present movement, of some 16,000 men, doubtless is viewed in the light of a reconnaissance in force, the main movement of the army of 50,000 to follow on the 15tli. This makes clear the meaning of Gen. Chaffee's dispatch that Yangtsun was the objective point. The war de partment here has been considerably puzzled over this statement of an ob jective point, far short of Pekin. It would appear, however, from Gen. Terauchi's dispatch that the first force of 16,000 men, having opened up com munications to Yangtsun, brought for ward supplies and established this ad vance base, the way would then be clear for the advance of the larger force on the 15th. The capture of Yangtsun is, therefore, an important strategic branch of the fast maturing military plans. The place is about IS miles beyound Tien Tsin, and little less than a quarter of the way to Pekin. Col. Scriven's statement "wire up" contains much meaning, as it is ac cepted as showing that there is direct telegraphic communication with the army in the field. Aside from the as surance this gives of speedy transmis sion of news from the front, it gives the additional assurance that the line of communication is intact back to the first base of operations. The captuie of Yangtsun on the day following the battle of Pietsang is regarded as a highly successful military achievement, especially in view of the fact that it was looked upon as a stronghold whose capture might give the foreign ers considerable trouble. Aside from the military develop ments of the day, the diplomatic as pect of the crisis was made more clear by the publication of the demand made by the United States on the imperial government of China, and transmitted to Minister Wu Wednesday evening. The document is in substance as fol lows: "We demand the immediate tion of hostile attacks by imperial troops upon the legations, and urge the exercise of every power and energy of the imperial government for the protection of the legations and all for eigners therein, "We are advised by Minister Conger that, in his opinion, for the foreign ministers to leave Pekin as proposed in the edict of Aug. 2 would be certain death. In view of the fact that the imperial troops are now firing upon the legations, and in view of the doubt expressed by the imperial government in its edict of Aug. 2 as to its power to restore order and secure absolute safety in Pekin, it is evident that this apprehension is well founded, for if your government cannot protect our minister in Pekin. it will presumptive ly be unable to protect him upon a journey from Pekin to the coast." The use of the word "demand" in the American note thoroughly indicates the urgency of the message. In the technical parlance of diplomacy it dif fers from an ultimatum, which usually fixes a date, or sets a time within which there must be compliance, the lack of compliance during the stated time being a ground for war. While a demand is less specific as to time of compliance, it none the less asserts a positive right which the government will enforce, if the right be not con ceded. Owing to the difficulties of communication with Pekin, it is ex pected that some days must elapse be fore an answer can be received, and there is a disposition to grant all I reasonable time for this transmission. Late in the day the state department received an important dispatch from , Consul General Goodnow, at Shanghai, announcing the landing of British troops at that point. The consul gen- , eral did not state that he had tested against this action, and tlfe state department judged from this that no protest would have been made by him in the absence of instructions. He stated, however, that the mer chants of the city strongly disapproved the landing of British troops, fearing that it would incite the anti-foreign I Chinese to hostilities. The govern- ' ment at Washington has taken no ac tion in the nature of a protest, and it is stated officially that no such ac- . tion will be taken. On the contrary, the United States government recog nizes the right of any power to pro tect its citizens or their interests when they are supposed to be in jeopardy. The subject of the appointment of Count Waldersee to command the in ternational forces in China has been presented to the United States govern ment, but no answer has yet been re turned. A member of the cabinet said today that there was no question as to the acquiescence of this govern ment in the selection of Field Marshal Waldersee, if the count's appointment, to command the German troops meant such selection. The same official add ed that in all probability the allied forces would be in possession of the Chinese capital before Count Walder see could land in China. ALLIES LOSE TWO KINDRED. Chini'Mt* Driven From Defence Worki After Heavy Fiiflitiiitf. London, Aug. 10. —In the capture of Yangtsun the losses of the allies, ac cording to a dispatch to The Daily Ex press from Chefoo, dated Aug. 8, pur porting to give an account of that en gagement, were 200, the majority of these bein killed. "The allies marched on Yangtsun." Bays this report, "at dawn Monday. The position, held by 1,500 Chinese, was well entrenched to the east of the river. After four hours' heavy fight ing the Chinese were driven from their defense works." Another dispatch to the same paper, j dated Tien Tsin, Aug. (i. recounts a re- j connaissance that morning by the Ja[> ! anese beyound Hsi Ku, the result lie- > ing that the enemy was developed in i strong force, well fortified, at Wei Ho. The Chinese were superior in num bers, and, after facing the fire of seven guns the Japanese retired on Hsi Ku, with three killed and 27 wounded, but j having captured 200 horses. With the exception of thes# 1 mes- | sages Gen. Chaffee's report is the only j account published by the London j morning papers telling of the captu.c of Yangtsun. The editorials incline to view the progress toward Pekin as thus far splendid, but one which cannot be maintained at the present rapid rate, as the concentration of supplies and the establishment of bases will cause inevitable delays. The commissioner of customs at Shanghai has received a routine mes sage from Sir Robert Hart, director general of imperial customs, showing that the latter* is still conducting the business of imperial customs —a rather curious condition of affairs when taken in conjunction with the words: "Hap pily still alive," which he included in the dispatch, which was dated Pekin, July 27. ♦COMMASDEU OK THE ALLIES. German Foreign Ofliee Sny» the Pow er* Have Accepted Wnlderwee. Berlin, Aug. 10. Field Marshal Count Von Waldersee, recently ap pointed to the supreme command of the German forces in China and look ed upon in some quarters as likely to be chosen as commander-in-chief of the international troops, was inter viewed last evening by a press corre spondent shortly after his arrival in Berlin. "My appointment," said Gen. Von Waldersee, "is due entirely to the initiative of Emperor William. 1 shall start for China, going, probably by way of San Francisco, in a short time. I am fully aware of the great difficulties I shall have to meet in China and of the extreme delicacy of toy position there, but I can only say that I shall do my best to prove my self worthy of the honor and of the confidence placed in me by the kaiser. Countess Von Waldersee will accom pany me to the United States." The German foreign office told the press correspondents last evening that the consent of the other powers had been virtually secured to the selection of Count Von Waldersee as command er-in-chief. Countess Von Waldersee is a native of the United States, her maiden name having been Mary Esther Lea. AHt'tred Anarolii«it Attaokn a \Vltni»n» Richmond, Va., Aug. 11. —Alexander Bracchi, the alleged anarchist, who was arrested here on suspicion and upon complaint that he had threatened to blow up St. Peter's cathedral during the Italian demonstration in honor of King Humbert, created a sensation in the police court yesterday by spring ing upon and striking the first witness against him. This incident practically ended the examination, as the police justice sentenced Bracchi to jail in default of SI,OOO security. The wit ness, Jacobini, repeated his statement that Bracchi told him three days be fore the assassination of King Hum bert that the crime would be commit ted, and said further that two years ago Bracchi told him that he had two barrels of dynamite stowed away near Richmond. VuiMlerhilt Led. Hut Out. Cottage City, Mass., Aug. 11. —The squadron run of the New York Yacht club from Newport to Vineyard Haven, a distance of 37 miles, yesterday was an interesting test of the yachts in a strong wind and run of sea. The Vir ginia, of the seventies, sailed by her owner, W. K. Vauderbilt, Jr., finished first in her class, but was disqualified forgoing inside the middle ground in violation of the instructions governing the race. She beat the Mineola, the second boat to reach the finish line, uearly two minutes, but the Mineola is adjudged the winner. The Rainbow < takes second place and the Yankee third. Eormt Eire# in tlio tutaknin, NPW York, Aug 11.—A special dis patch froni Haines Falls, N. Y., says: There >s much alarm here over forest flres that have been burning in this Vicinity since early yesterday morning and that now threaten the big hotels and the cottages of this section of the 1 Catskills. The Kaaterskill woods and the woodlands surrounding the Laurel ' House are ablaze, and men employed about the hotels have been aiding tho , > farmers and the city owners of coun- j • try houses within the threat; ned dis trict in fighting the blaze. There are I reports that many of the fire fighters | ' liave been cut off, and are in danger of 1 death from flame and smoke y I^l FASHIONABLE STRAWS. Trimmed and Untrimnied. including the Rough .Tnrnbo Braid, this season's Sailor with black or navy bands for 50 cents \vorth N- r > cents. To reduce our trimmed stock we will sell all Trimmed Hats at reduced prices. ■Willi!. 122 Mill Street. Shoes, Shoes Stylisll ! Clisap! IKelia'ble I Bicycle, Cymnasium and Tenrils Sho^s. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes AND THE Sna£ Proof Rubber Hoots A SPECIALTY. A. SCHATZ, RSMR EFBB ! _._Ll - I :> v ' ■ ■ 9 Distinguish the Wall Paper this season Our designs rank with Frescoes ii their grace and art. You should hny them because you get only what is beautiful and correct here. We keep no half-way papers, they all come up to a certain standard, at prices astonishingly low, notwithstand ing iho advance in price of all raw materials. Prices range from !>fcenU: to 75 cents per piece. A. H. GRONE. HI HEW! A. Reliatol© TIN SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spouting and Ceneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. PRICES TUG LOWEST! QIIILITY TDE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FKONT ST. % o Jtsr 112 /WHAI-ishau. UA jJJECMA»O *\ Pi AS ANY OTHEP. jir o FnjtlUh IMjubohA Hrnif * 112 EJINYROYAL PILLS 55 AKcfift! tad Only A * s*iYr r«4iaU®. la on.* »it r S\ DracgiM for Chi'kcMter • Brand in Ked Hold metallic *>-v ne*ied with blue ribbon. Take other. rub»t\>f ▼ I / llf tion*and itmiatiimM. At l>ruKßi*it«, or nenl %m. I W In for t»*rtical*r». i-«tiiuunUla »o' \ F* ** l>U*f for ** Utter, hi rrtan —KT P 10,000 T.*timoalAl». Kttme /»<*>«• l At nil Prucei«m < 'hi eke* tor Chrmlritl ©•* 2IOU MuilUou NjUttre? I'HILAWA., I* A Red lupprmSl * Menstruaflor Or OSS PAINFUL T Nenstruatioi I rtflSV And a PREVENTIVE fo ■ WIIV J female ■ | | IRREGULARITIES W& 111 C Arc Safe and Reliable I 19 1 The Ladies' r»RICESI.oO Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Money refunded if not as J * y - Via de Cinchona Co. Des Moines, lowa.