Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 16, 1900, Image 1

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    Home Pajer
——For the Hone
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9A. VI W 10-i Vill St >
IP. iP. M. Danville. l'a.
iHVtTZ, M. D.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Office: 218 MillStkekt.
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
K'iulpi«J«A with the latent and most Improved
Instrument# aud prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentiitry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 1892.
The Third ward school building is re
ceiving its third and laßt coat of paint.
Milton has raised nearly SIOO for the
Turbotville lire sufferers.
Mrs. Franklin Shellhamer is quite ser
iously ill at her home on Rough and
Ready street.
Peter Woods, of Chambers street, is
the proud father of a son, which was
born on Tuesday.
While picking fruit at his home Tues
day Jacob Mathias, the oldest and most
prominent merchant of Northumberland
fell from a high ladder to the ground
and was instantly killed.
Everyone should assist in making the
G. A. R. picnic on Friday a big success.
Positively no admittance fee to the park
will be charged.
At present there are but five prison
ers confined in the county jail.
Ex-Governor Robert K. Pattison will
open the campaign in Columbia county
early in September.
An infant daughter arrived at the
home of William Shultz,First street, on
Tuesday morning.
The dry season seemß to be general.
In many places in Pennsylvania trains
are tied up on the railroads, Me water
supply having given out. Water is be
ing hauled in tanks to till the engines so
that they can proceed.
The Pennsylvania railroad is hauling
considerable limestone this year. Many
of the quarries of the State are being
worked and there is a big demand for
The telegraphers along the main line,
P. R. R., expect a five dollar increase
before long.
The price of tea has advanced owing
to the Chinese trouble.
By a recent ruling of the post office
department, postmasters are forbidden
to address mail for patrons, to enclose
it in the envelope,seal it or affix stamps.
The churches have been well attended
so far this summer. August is the fall
ing of! month.
The Milton branch of the American
Car and Foundry company have receiv
ed a contract to build three hundred and
fifty Pennsylvania It. R. standard 80,000
pound capacity Hopper Coal cars.
Pennsylvania Railroad Supervisors
and trackmen are now getting their sec
tions in shape for the annual inspection
of the great railroad,which will be made
«*arly this fall by President A. J. Cassatt
and party, at a date not yet announced
The contract for supplying the public
fountain with ice has been awarded to J
W. Berninger. Two hundred pounds
daily will be furnished.
A terrific rain storm accompanied by
heavy winds swept over Lycoming coun
ty Sunday afternoon and did great dam
age. The lower end of Williams port
suffered greatly.
Judge Little of this county, while re
cently holding court, in Luzerne couuty,
rendered a decision, that although dogs
are personal property they may be kill
ed when caught destroying sheep, and
the person so doing is not liable for
damages to owners of the canines.
Riter Goss, of Red Rock, Columbia
county, charged with willfully driving
over and causing the death of Bicyclist
John Cole, near Benton, on the night of
July 21, was given a habeas corpus hear
ing before Judge R. R. Little Monday
and held in $2500 bail for court.
A big apple crop is reported on the
way and the outlook for plenty of fruit
of this kind was never more promising.
Dry weather and the price of potatoes
are twin evils.
Since the close of Camp Hawkins Ad
jutant General Stewart and his assist
ants have been busy day and night in
the drawing of warrants for the pay of
the officers and men of the National
Guard for service during the encamp
ment. The warrant for the payment of
the Third Brigade, to which Company
F, of this city, is attached, was made
out yesterday.
It is reported that the Eighth Regi
ment N. G. P., will be disbanded, leav
ing the Third Brigade with four twelve
company regiments instead of five regi
ments of eight and ten companies each.
Five of the companies of the Eighth, ac
cording to this report, will be mustered
out. It seems to be understood that the
two Harrisburg companies will be retain
ed and assigned to the Twelfth Regi
arv —mmtaammmmmmmMmmmmrm WWi 1 —IMUJIM I " I ~ ~ ■ -
VOL. 45—NO 33.
One Will be Erected Shortly in Mayberry
Mayberry township will shortly have
a new county bridge. For a long time
the residents of that township, as well
as the citizens of Hush township, North
umberland county, have sorely felt the
need of a bridge across Little Roaring
Creek, which stream divides the two
Friday Ceunty Commissioners A.
H. Cooner, W. H. Rohrbach and G. W.
Kaudenbush, of Northumberland coun
ty, and Commissioners Miles, Sandel
and Perry, of this county, visited the
proposed site for the new bridge, for the
purpose of securing dimensions, etc. It
was practically decided to construct a
steel and iron bridge, 30 feet in length,
which will cost between SOOO and S7OO.
The Northumberland County Com
missioners also inspected the recent re
pairs made on the river bridge, this
An Assault Case Settled.
Another assault and battery case was
heard before Justice Hunter last even
The action was brought by Mrs. David
Nuss, of Riverside, who charged Lewis
Flanagan, aged 17 years, a son of Will
iam Flanagan, with having assaulted
her son Harry, aged 13 years.
The Nuss lad is employed in theKeim
brick yard, in the upper end of this city
and both he and his mother claim that
while he was engaged at his work Flan
agan struck him in the face with his fist.
Flanagan, however, claimed that young
Nuss tried to strike him with a brick
bat. A settlement was finally reached
by Flanagan's father paving the costs.
Pleasant Lawn Party.
Miss Elizabeth Vastine gave a lawn
party at her home, West Market street,
yesterday afternoon, in honor of her
twelfth birthday. The following were
present: Misses Grace and Mildred
Dimmick, Katharine and Helen Gear
hart, Elsie Moore, Eloise Cressman,
Edith Blue, Sarah Beaver, Ruth Moore
head, Anna Shultz, Edith Jenkins, Elsie
Lloyd, Pheobe Curry, Florence Price,
Florence Trumbower, Katharine and
Elizabeth Vastine, Sarah Hinckley and
Saul McCoy.
Particularly Sad Death of an Infant.
Particularly sad was the death of
George Payne, Jr., the two-years-old son
of George J. Payne, who was seriously
injured by being caught between two
freight cars in Philadelphia on last Fri
The infant died Tuesday at the home
of his mother on Sidler Hill of cholera
It will be some weeks before Mr Payne
will be discharged from the hospital.
His Left Arm Badly Cut.
Wesley Ilolabaugh, of 414 East Front
street, was the victim of a painful ac
cident, which happend at the Howe &
Polk Structural Tubing works Saturday
afternoon. Mr. Ilolabaugh was assist
ing in removing a belt and in some man
ner his left arm came in contact with the
ragged edge of a piece of piping, cutting
an ugly gash between the wrist and el
bow several inches in length. The
wound bled profusely and I)r. llarpel
w as obliged to take several stitches in it.
James Murray Fractures an Arm.
James Murray, the well-known com
mercial traveler, met with an accident
at his home on East Front street Fri
day afternoon.
Mr. Murray was entering the rear
door of his resilience, when his foot
caught on one of the steps, causing him
to fall. He alighted on his right arm,
fracturing that mem!»er between the el
bow and wrist.
Dr. Curry was summoned and reduc
ed the fracture.
Pleasant Hack Party.
A pleasant hack party from this city
drove to the home of Mrs. Edward Mut
chler, near Elysburg yesterday, where
they were pleasantly entertained. The
following composed the party: Mrs. I.
T. Patton and son James, Mesdames
Julia Mourer, Giles Laumberson, George
Spade, John Reppert, Howard Reppert
and daughter, Ethel, Emory Heimbach
and children, Solomon Smith, William
Smith, John Deibert, and John Jones.
Arrested for Begging.
A stranger having all the requirements
that goto make up a "hobo" of the
worst type, was arrested by Policeman
Voris last evening for soliciting money
from various citizens. The fellow en
tered several business places and when
his requests were refused would loudly
abuse the refuser. He was doing this
in Gosh's drug store when he was ar
Drove to Bloomsburg.
The following ladies and gentlemen
enjoyed a hack drive to Bloomsburg last
evening: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bloch
and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gross
and son Gerald, Mrs. Hannah Wyle,
Misses Gertrude lleim, Bertha Gold
smith, and Blanche Gross, Messrs.
Henry L. Gross, Joseph Heirn.
Released on Bail.
Paul Thompson, who was arrested in
Philadelphia several weeks ago, charged
with non-support and the desertion of
his wife and four children was yesterday
released from jail upon securing bail to
the amount of SSOO. R. S. Ammerman,
Esq.,was his bondsman.
Forty-Seven Buildings Destroyed in That
Place Saturday.
As a result of a lire which swept the
town of Turbotville, Northumberland
county, about 15 miles from this city,
Saturday afternoon, forty-seven build
ings are in ruins and about 150 people
are homeless. Many were obliged to
camp over night in the woods near the
Every cistern and well in the town was
pumped dry in the efforts to gain con
trol of the tire anil for a long time the
indications were that the entire town
would be destroyed. Of the forty-seven
burned buildings twenty-one are dwell
ings, three are stores, and the remaind
er barns and stables.
The fire started at 12.30 o'clock in a
large barn occupied jointly by John
Aloser and Peter Menges. A quantity
of new hay was stored in the loft of the
building, and it is believed the lire ig
nited by spontaneous combustion. The
buildings in that locality were ail of
frame, and burned like paper. In a few
minutes after the tire was lirst discover
ed the flames had spread to a?j ining
buildings, and were s<«oii under
head way, favored by a Mrong wind which
was blowing.
Messages were sent to Milton and
Watsontown for assistance, but before
the apparatus of those places started for
the scene the order was countermanded,
it having been discovered that there was
not sufficient water in the town to per
mit the working of the fire-fighting mac
hines. For nearly five hours the flames
raged, destroying everything in their
path. The heaviest losers are Peter
Menges, R. Hayman and Lewis Roben
olt, who conducted the three stores
which were destroyed. A partial list of
losers follows:
Peter Menges,store and dwelling; John
Moser, dwelling and barn; K. llayman,
furniture store, dwelling and barn; Geo.
Williams, dwelling and barn; Lewis Rob
enolt, general store and barn; H. C. Bit
ner, blacksmith shop and dwelling; E.
C. Troxell's dwelling and barn; W.J.
Steiner, dwelling and barn; William
Barnes, dwelling; A. T. Phleger,dwelling
and barn; Joseph Waltschmitz,dwelling;
Kuuyon sisters, dwelling; Luther Smith,
dwelling; Daniel Keeder, dwelling; Ab
ram Hefllefinger, dwelling. Two horses
were burned to death.
Quite a number of people from this
city visited the scene of the big conflag
ration Sunday and described the sight
as being a most desolate one.
Annual Reunion of the dark Family.
The annual reunion of the Clark
family was held at DeWitt's Park Satur
day and was attended by about one
hundred and fifty of the Clark connec
tion, who came from various parts of
Montour, Northumberland and Colum
bia counties.
The day was enjoyably spent and the
following were selected as officers for the
year: President, W. P. Clark, Quitman;
secretary, W. K. Clark, South Danville;
executive committee, William Bly, John
P. Cooner, W r atsontown; J. C. Baird, P.
M. Moore, Sunbury; J. D. C. Kase,Elys
burg and Thomas Elmes, Howellville.
The next reunion of the family will be
held at DeWitt's park, the last Saturday
in August 1901.
A Little Girl Badly Burned.
A terrible and almost fatal burning ac
cident occurred at the home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Seidel, 402 East Front street,
Saturday morning, the victim of which
was Martha, Mrs. Seidel's six-years-old
The little girl was amusing herself,
lighting matches in an out building,
when her dress caught tire and she was
soon enveloped in flames. Mrs. Ellen
Snyder, a neighbor, who chanced to be
near, extinguished the flames with an
apron. The child was badly burned
about the breast, back and arms.
Bible Glass Report.
Following is the report of the Danville
Bible Class for the third quarter of the
second year:
Number of members enrolled, .'!19;
number of members moved awav,2;num
ber of members died, 2; number of mem
bers dropped for non-attendance, 25;
total attendance for the quarter, 2,152;
members, 1,072; visitors, 480; total at
tendance for 21 months,ls,4o4;members,
12,577; visitors, 2,887; amount of collec
tions for the quarter, $10,71; collections
for 21 months, $81.38; total number of
deaths, 4; number joining church or
army, 17; ministerial visits, 21; added to
the class during the quarter, 31.
Biennial Conclave Knights of Pythias,
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 27 to Sept. 1.
On account of the above the Lack
awanna railroad company will sell ex
cursion tickets to Detroit for one fare
for the round trip. Good going, Aug.
25 to 27; returning until Sept. 5.
A Mausdale Festival.
The Junior Christian Endeavor Society
of Mausdale church will hold a lawn fes
tival at the church, Saturday evening,
Aug. 18. Refreshments will be served.
Looking for Stolen Brass.
James A. Taylor, of Scranton, a speci
al agent for the Lackawanna railroad,
was in this city yesterday looking for
stolen brass.
Charter for Mercantile Company.
A charter was issued yesterday to the
Danville Mercantile Company of this
city. Capital $25,000,
Very Sudden Demise of a Weil-Known
Extremely sudden was the death of
Mrs Mary E. Patterson,the well-known
milliner and wife of J. C. Patterson, who
was found dead in bed at her home, 346
Mill street, Sunday morning.
At about 10 o'clock Saturday night
Mrs. Patterson, apparently in her usual
health, retired for the night and shortly
afterwards her husband followed her ex
ample. About ti o'clock Sunday morn
ing the latter arose and Mrs. Patterson
appeared to still be asleep. He went
down stairs and when be returned a
short time afterwards to arouse bis wife,
he was horrified to find her dead.
It is thought that her death occurred
about 2 a. ni , and the condition of bed
clothing denoted that she died without
the slightest struggle. Death is suppos
ed to have been due to heart failure.
The deceased was 02 years of age and
for the past 27 years she had been en
gaged in the millinery business in this
city. She is survived by a husband and
two daughters, Mrs. William Kase West,
and Miss Mary Patterson.
The funeral which took place yester
day was largely attended, the Rev. Dr.
W. I. Steans officiating. Interment was
made in the Presbyterian Cemetery.
A New Aruiory for Company F,
The prospects for a new armory for
Company F, are at present very bright
and steps will shortly be taken to raise
a sufficient amount to erect a building
to take the place of the one now in use,
which was condemued by Major Millar
at the recent company inspection.
The plan which prominent members
of Company F, now have in mind seems
to be a most feasible one. Their pur
pose is to form a stock company, with a
capital of about $5,000. A large part of
this amount will be used to erect a frame j
armory, the dimensions of which will i
probably be about 150 by 75 feet. The j
company will then rent the building |
from the stock company and pay an
amount which will give the stock hold- j
ers a good rate of interest on their in- |
Five thousand dollars would be a suf- !
ficient amount to erect a building,which
would meet every requirement and it is j
expected that no difficulty will be ex
perienced in getting people to take
Members of Company F, are on the
lookout for a favorable and convenient
site and have several in view.
To Committed to Jail for Court.
Justice Hunter disposed of two cases
Monday night and in both instances the
offenders were committed to jail for
Charles Fedder was before the Justice,
charged with jumping a board bill. The
prosecutor was Joseph Eck, who con
ducts a boarding house on East Front
street. He claimed that Fedder while
working in this city some months ago
boarded with him and when he left this
city neglected to settle a board bill of
SB. Monday Fedder returned and was
arrested by Constable Young, lie plead
guilty to the charge and was sent to jail
in default of SIOO bail.
Harvey Lamberson, charged by his
wife with assault and battery, was given
a hearing and was held under S2OO bail
for court. Not being able to furnish the
amount he was sent to jail.
Program for the Labor Day Picnic.
The big picnic to be held by the Con
tinetal Hose Company,at DeWitt's park
on Sept. 3, will be the only observance
of Labor Day in this locality. The event
promises to be a big and successful one,
and the members of the organization
are doing everything in their power to
make it such.
The program for the day will open
with a baseball game between the"77's"
and the Continental team. The re
mainder of the program is as follows:
Shooting contest, for amateurs only;
shooting contest, open for all; one-hun
dred yards dash, one-half mile run, bag
race, potato race,barrel race,watermelon
race. The bicycle races will consist of a
half-mile boys' race,one mile free for all,
and a two-mile handicap, free for all.
Prizes will be given to the winners of
all the events. Dancing will be held
during the afternoon and evening.
Death of Mrs. Mary Williams.
Mrs. Mary J. Williams, widow of Will
iam Williams, died at her home, 218
Bloom street, Saturday afternoon, after
an extended illness. Death was due to
general debility.
The deceased was 75 years of age and
for thirty years had resided in Danville.
She is survived by one son, William G.
Williams, of this city.
The funeral (private) was held on
Tuesday morning at il o'clock. Inter
ment was made in the Odd Fellows'
A Surprise Party.
Miss Beulah Mills was tendered a sur
prise party by a number of friends at
her home on East Front street Tuesday
evening, in honor of her 18th birthday.
Those present were: Misses Ella Sny
der, Cornelia Prout, Anna Heim, Bertha
Van Gilder, Anna Woodside, Gertrude
Philips, Jennie Knerr, Martha Stahlne
cker, Minnie Ephlin, Mabel, Mary
Smith; Messrs. Frank Montague, Walter
Jones, David Thomas, William Fenster
macher, Mont Knerr, Arthur Sloop,
Harry Camp, Grey Voris, and Jacob
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Miss Sue Watts, of Millville, is visit
ing Mrs. Sarah Winterateen, East Mark
et street.
Mrs. Ella l'ursel is visiting friends in
Calwalder Biddle, of Philadelphia, is
spending a few days in this city. It will
be remembered that while in this city
last winter Mr. Biddle had the mis
fortune to fall, breaking one of his legs.
Mrs. Horace Bennett and son Hugh,
and Mrs. Lillian Sharpless called on
Milton friends yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Horton is visiting Milton
Miss Emma Miller, of Williamsport,
is a guest at the home of Mrs. James
Cruikshank, Pine street.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Walker and
son, of Wilkesbarre, are the guests of
Mrs. Lewis Titel, Mill street.
Archie Hummer left yesterday for
Morris Plains, N. J.,where he will finish
the season with the base ball team of
that city.
Mrs. J. R. Laferty,of Vineland, N. J.,
is visiting Mrs. William Wertman, on
Bloom road.
Mrs. James R. Davis and daughter,
May, of East Market street, have re
turned home after a pleasant visit with
relatives in Pottsville.
Miss Sarah Vastine is visiting relatives
in New Berlin.
Mrs. W. C. Davis and son Samuel, vis
ited Dr. Edward Davis at Berwick yes
Harry Limberger, who has been visit
ing his parents on West Mahoning street
returned to West Chester yesterday.
The following out-of-town people at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Mary E- Pat
terson yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Gilniore, Mrs. Samuel Youngman, Will
iamsport; Mr. and Mrs. James Vand
ender, Northumberland; Mr and Mrs.
Charles Rentz, Muucv Station; Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Keice, Espy; Mrs. A. J.
Evans,Mrs. Fritz and Miss Jennie Evans
Bloomsburg; Mrs. Aynes Dyer and son,
Miss Watson, Philadelphia; Mrs. George
Gilniore, Linden; Archibald Patterson
and daughter, Rohrsburg; Miss Patter
son, Beuton.
Miss Mary Thomas and Miss Elsie
Strieker, of Catawissa, are guests at the
home of Dr. C. H. Reynolds, on Mill
Miss Rebecca Titley returned Satur
day from a visit with friends in Will
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Giffin and daugh
ter Dorothy, of Philadelphia, are guests
at the Wetzel homestead, corner of
Church and Front streets.
Mrs. James Scott, and daughter, Miss
Sallie, of Northumberland, and James, of Milton, were the guests over
Sunday of Mrs. George Boudman,Bloom
S. V. Border, of the Williamsport Sun,
spent Sunday at the home of T. J. Rog
ers, East Front street.
Mrs. William Mock returned to Scran
ton Saturday, after a visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Titley, on East
Front street.
Charles Yerrick, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his parents, on West Mahoning
Mrs. W. D. Nields and daughters,
Hazel and Margaret, of Shamokin, are
the guests of friends in this city.
Harry Rebman, Esq., returned to
Philadelphia Monday after a visit with
his parents, on East Front street.
Horace Freeze, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is
visiting his mother on Water street.
C. A. Seubert has returned from Leb
anon, where he attended the funeral of
his brother,the late Rev. Father Francis
C. Seubert.
Samuel Davis, of Canyon City, Colo.,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Davis, Mill street. This is his first
visit to this city in ten years.
Mrs. W. E. Roney and three children,
of Easton, are visiting friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly W. Musselman
are at Ocean Grove, N. J.
Miss Flora Corson, of Clifton Rocks,is
the guest of Miss Annie Miles, on East
Market street.
Mrs. WilliamMcCloud, of Sunbury, is
visiting friends in this city.
Miss Lizzie Fischer and Miss May
Hortou are visiting friends in Milton.
Misses Emma and Anna Michel, of
Pottsville, are guests at the home of
John Goeser, Centre street.
Miss Delia Meyers, of Williamsport, is
visiting at the home of 11. M. Trumbow
er, East Market street.
Mrs. Harry Pope, of Bristol, is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo
Mottern, East Market street.
Miss Annie Nagle, of Philadelphia, is
the guest of Miss Charlotte Persing, on
Centre street.
H. C. Bare, a student in the law office
of E. S. Gearhart, left yesterday for a
visit in Philadelphia, Norristown and
Montgomery county.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, Dr. J.
I'. Holla and William Andy, of Wash
ingtonville, were visitors to this city
Mrs. Mary Johnson and granddaugh
er, Miss May James, left yesterday for a
visit in Marietta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Laumaster re
turned yesterday from a few days' visit
at the Hinckley cottage, Roaring Creek.
Foreign Pupils Will Have to Pay More
Next Year.
A regular meeting of the Borough
School Board was hell Monday night with
the following members present: Presi
dent Fisher, Black,Green,Berger, Werk
heiser, Keefer, Lunger, Festermncher,
Barber, and Harpel.
The report of the treasurer showed a
balance on hand of §3,417.91. Dr. Barb
er reported that Mr. Henrie who was
given the contract for painting three
rooms in the Third fvard building, re
fused to sign the contract, as he did not
exactly understand bow the work was
to be done when he made his bid. E.
E. Bittenbender, representing the Al
abastine Company, of Grand Rapids,
Mich., appeared before the Board and
showed samples of Alabastine and ask
ed that the Board use it on the walls of
the rooms in the Third ward building in
stead of paint. It was voted to pur
chase the material and have it put on
the walls of one of the rooms and on
the other two if the work can be ac
complished before the opening of the
school term.
The transfer committee reported a
change in the prices of tuition, which
was adopted. Heretofore foreign pupils
in schools below the Grammar schools
were charged 50 cents per month and
Grammar school pupils SI.OO per month
Under the new scale of prices foreign
pupils in the First, Second and Third
Primaries will be obliged to pay 75 cents
per month, Grammar school pupils
51.25 per month and High school pupils
825 per year, the same price as formerly
The resignations of Miss Mary Will
iams, supply teacher, and Miss M. C.
Madden, substitute teacher, were ac
cepted. Both ladies have secured per
manent positions.
The bills were held over until the next
regular meetii^
Rural Delivery for two Townships.
Some of the residents of Limestone
and Liberty townships, this county, are
soon to enjoy the benefits of free rural
mail delivery.
Special Inspector Eisenhower, of the
post office department recently made a
trip over the proposed route which is to
take in these townships, and expressed
himself much pleased with it and said
he would make a favorable report.
The route is as follows: From the Mil
ton post office, out Broadway to Weid
enhamer's, thence north through Para
dise into Limestone township, Montour
county, to the residence of Daniel Gaug
er; thence south through Liberty town
ship, to Billmeyer's Dam; thence west
to Milton striking the Danville road at
Lawson's farm. The route is twenty
two miles long. If established the mail
will leave the Milton post office every
morning at eight o'clock, excepting Sun
day. It is thought the service will be
gin about September Ist.
Pennsylvania Methodists to Convene.
The convention of the Methodists of
Pennsylvania will be held in Grace
church, Harrisburg, Oct., 22 to 25. This
will be but the second convention of
Methodists ever held in Pennsylvania,
the lirst and only one ever held, being
in 1870 in Philadelphia, teince that
time the Methodist Church has shown a
remarkable growth in the State as well
as elsewhere. At the present time there
are in Pennsylvania the whole or parts
of fourteen Conferences, with 250 church
organizations, 1200 ministers, 270,000
members representing a constituency of
over 750,000 and with church property
aggregating a good many million
Much Smoke Causes an Alarm.
Dense volumes of smoke issuing from
a basement window of the Thomas Beav
er Free Library, about 1 o'clock Tues
day afternoon, caused an alarm of fire,
which brought nearly the whole fire de
partment to the scene. Before any of
the companies went into service it was
found that the smoke came from a quan
tity of waste paper in the furnace,which
someone had lighted. The chimney be
ing stopped up, the smoke tilled the
basement and issued from the windows.
Married at Saint Paul's Parsonage.
At Saint Paul's M. E. parsonage on
Saturday evening occured the marriage
of Miss Carrie Shelley, daughter of Mrs.
William Picking, Nassau street, and
Jacob Secliler, the Rev. Dr. Dimmick of
ficiating. A wedding dinner was given
at the home of the bride on Sunday and
the following friends were present: Mrs.
Eva Creasy and daughter Emma, Miss
Ida Secbler and George Hawkins.
Taking Care of Homeless People.
The Turbotville people who ren
dered homeless by the big tire have
been provided with temporary quarters
in the homes of their more fortunate
townsmen. Many whose dwellings and
household goods were burned carried no
insurance and are left penniless.
Captured an Opossum.
Edward Conuaii captured a large
opossum in the yard in the rear of his
residence, at the corner of East Front
and Pine streets, Monday morning.
Mrs. Corman lirst discovered the animal
which was lying in a pail. She called
her husband who captured it without
Rev. Raver Will Speak.
The Rev. C. W. Raver will deliver the
address at the G. A. It. picnic, Aug. 17.
Positively no admittance fee will be
charged at the park.
One Held Yesterday and Another Booked
for Tomorrow.
Large picnics ;it De Witt's park are
particularly numerous these days. One
occurred yesterday, another will be held
tomorrow and a third will take place on
The picnic of Montour Castle, No. 18G
Knights of the Golden Eagle yesterday
was a success in every way and was at
tended by nearly a thousand persons.
The program of the day consisted of a
base ball game between the "Eagles"
and the "Buzzards," which was won by
the former. The prize was a box of
cigars. The other events resulted as
Mile bicycle race (against time) Will
iam Berger, prize, lodge pin.
Mile bicycle race, William Berger,
first, Theodore Fischer, second, prize,
bicycle bell.
One hundred yards dash (for boys)
Harry Walker, prize, base ball bat.
Egg race, Fred Aten, prize, 25 cents.
Apple match, Frank Freeze, 25 cents.
Dancing was held during the afternoon
and evening, music being'furnished by
Wallace's orchestra.
Washington Camp P. O. S. of A., has
fixed Tuesday, Aug. 21, for the holding
of its picnic, which will be for members
and their friends. Invitations have been
sent to the camps at Berwick,Catawissa,
Bloomsburg and Washingtonville, and a
large number of out-of-town members of
the order are expected.
The events of the day will consist of a
base ball game between the A. D. K.,
and the P. O. S. of A. teams, bicycle
and other races. Tickets can be pro
cured from any of the following: Isaac
Dreifuss, Daniel Brooks, Jr., and John
O. Eyerly.
The committee of arrangements is com
posed of the following: John O. Eyerly,
chairman; Jesse Milroy, Isaac Dreifuss,
Theodore Fischer, Daniel Brooks, Jr.,
Edward Albeck, Edward Waite, Isaac
Cross, G. B. Wertman and W. D. Stra
The G. A. K. picnic will be held to
morrow and promises to be one of the
biggest of the season. A number of out
of-town Posts have accepted invitations
to be present. No admittance fee to the
park will be charged, and the public is
cordially invited to attend.
Will Not Goto Allegheny City.
For sometime past persistent rumors
have been in circulation in this city to
the effect that the Rev. Dr. 15. F. Dim
mick, the popular pastor of Saint Paul's
M. E. church, had received a call from
the congregation of Calvary M. E.
church, of Allegheny City.
The Pennsylvania Methodist of July
20, also announced that Dr. Dimmick
had received a call from that church,
but in its issue of Aug. !), corrects the
statement as follows:
"On what was considered good au
thority it was stated in the Methodist
of July 20 that Dr. B. F. Dimmick, of
Danville, had been invited to the pas
torate of Calvary M. E. church, Alle
gheny City. This is incorrect. Dr. J.
M. Thoburn, of Central church, Detroit,
according to the Michigan Christian
Advocate, has been tendered and ac
cepted the call to Calvary."
No Offer Yet Made For Bessemer Plant.
While nothing definite has been lear
ed the officials of the Danville Bessemer
Company are still of the opinion that
the company's plant in this city will be
purchased by Canadian capitalists.
To a Philadelphia Press representa
tive an official of the Danville Bessemer
Company said that the engineer who ex
amined the company's plant, supposed
ly in the interests of Canadian parties,
went into matters in detail. Because of
this fact the official is of the opinion
that the Canadian people are consider
ing seriously the purchase of the plant,
lie said no offer has been made as yet
and that some little time will be requir
ed to complete the negotiations that
these interests probably have in mind.
Leader of a Celebrated Orchestra.
Roy Foulk, of Williamsport, formerly
of this city and a son of Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Foulk, Lower Mulberry street.has as
sumed the leadership of the celebrated
Stopper & Fisk orchestra of that place.
The Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin
says that Mr. Foulk is an experienced
violinist, and will in the future devote
his entire time and attention to the ad
vancement of this organization.
Picniced at Roaring Creek.
The following party of young people,
chaperoned by Miss Sarah Cunningham
picniced at the Hinckley cabin, Roaring
Creek, Monday: Misses Jennie Lewis,
Edith and Helen Kramer, Miss Hunter,
of Bloomsburg; Messrs. Iliram Smith,
Charles Shelhart, Clarence Derr, Joseph
Brader. William Bailey, Walter Kramer,
Osborne Brown, George and William
Camp Meeting at Clement's Park.
The colored M. E. camp meeting of
the Bloomsburg circuit will open at Cle
ment's park, opposite Sunbury, Satur
day evening, Aug. 18 and last over two
Sundays. There will be good preaching
and a large attendance is anticipated.
Inspecting the Plant.
J. D. Stinger and J. V. Johnston, of
Philadelphia, have been in this city for
the past few days inspecting the plant
of the Danville Bessemer Steel Com
The office of the AMERICAN oeing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Ofall Kinds and Descrption.
our prices before plac
ing your orders.
Occurred This Afternoon in Saint Paul's
M. E. Church
At 12.30 o'clock this afternoon Saint
Paul's M. E. church was the scene of
a very pretty wedding. At that hour
Miss Annie Miles, daughter of County
Commissioner George W. Miles, a well
known and popular young lady of this
city, was united in marriage to Mr.
Koss Mill house, of Ithaca, N. Y., former
ly of this city.
Ihe ceremony was performed by
the Rev. Dr. Dimmick and was wit
nessed by a large number of invited
guests. Harry L. Stewart, of Tyrone,
officiated as best man and the ushers
were Samuel Johnson, T. E. Murray,
William Eggert and Eugene Miles, all of
this city. The bride was attended by
Miss Laura Corson, of Clifton Rocks.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Alice Sloane Dimmick.
Following the ceremony at the churek
a large reception was given at the
home of the bride's parents, on East
Market street, at which John B. McCoy
was caterer. The many presents which
have been received by the bride are
handsome and valuable.
The newly married couple departed
on the 2.11 train for a
bridal tour, after which they will take
up their residence in Ithaca.N. Y. where
Mr Millhouse occupies a prominent posi
tion in musical circles.
What People are Doing in that Intereit
ing Borough.
Washingtonville, Aug. 14.—Miss Sadie
Laidacker, of Riverside, is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Geiger.
Mrs. Dietrick, of Schuyler, visited
Mrs. T. Yerg yesterday.
Mrs. Butler left on Saturday last for
Ashley to visit her daughter, Mrs. Cole,
whose two children are quite ill.
A number of our citizens visited Tur
botville Saturday and Sunday to view
the ruins of the big tire.
The festival held Saturday evening at
Strawberry Ridge was a big success and
was well patronized by Washingtonville
The Rev. T. M. Phillips will preach in
Mahoning township Thursday evening.
Fred Seidel drove to Turbotville Mon
day evening.
llie festival to be held Saturday even
ing for the base ball team promises to
be a very pleasant event.
Fred Butler was overcome by the heat
on Friday, but is now slowly recovering.
B. Dieflenbacher was taken suddenly
ill Sunday afternoon, but is now improv
Ralph Seidel is out again after a weeks'
James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Switzer, is suffering from cholera in
Last Days of the Canal.
The Harrisburg Patriot says it has it
from a very good source that the next
Legislature will be asked to declare aban
doned another part of the famous Penn
sylvania canal, between West Nanticoke
and Columbia. Proof that this is so,
may be had from the fact that few re
pairs are being made this season on the
canal line and that few owners of boats
have taken the pains to make repairs to
their vessels or give them their annual
The Juniata branch declared vacant
by the last Legislature, has disappeared
entirely from the canal map. The en
tire stretch from the coal mine to Col
umbia is said to be that portion which
the legislature will be asked to abandon
Scores of old boatmen say that this will
be the last boating season.
Drills Suspended.
Colonel Clement has issued the fol
lowing order :
Headquarters 12th Regt. Inf'v.
Third Brigade, N. G. P., I
Sunbury, Pa., August 14, 1900.
General Order, No. 27.
I. Drills will be suspended until Sep
tember 10, I'JOO, on which date they will
be resumed without order and morning
reports sent in promptly noting gains
and losses since encampment.
11. Company commanders will make
requisition for fibre duck blouses as soon
as measurements can be procured.
111. During vacation every etlort
should be made to qualify all non-quali
tied men. By order of
M. 11. TAGGART, Adjutant.
National G. A. R. Encampment, Chicago
111., Aug. 27-30.
On account of the above the Lacka
wanna railroad company will sell ex
cursion tickets at one fare for the round
trip. Good going from Aug. 25 to 27,
and returning until Aug. 31.
Presented With a Chair.
Edward Cuthbert was pleasantly sur
prised by a number of friends, at his
home in Riverside, Saturday evening,
the event being his sixty-eighth birth
day. Mr. Cuthbert was presented with
a handsome rocking chair and many
other presents.
Death of Joseph Gartland.
Joseph C. Gartland, for many years a
resident of this city, died at Erie, Tues
day, aged 83 years. The remains were
taken to Philadelphia for interment.
Wilkesbarre is after the state fair,with
fair prospects of gettiug it.