Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, August 09, 1900, Image 1

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    Home Paper
—.Far lie Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9A. VI .»/ 10 4 St ->
1 P. H. to U P. .)/■ Danville, Pa.
SHULTZ, >l. I>.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
feetki Kxtraet«'ti without Pain.
Crown und Uridge Work 11 Specialty.
fiqutpped with tin' Inti-st and >"ost improved
instruments nud prepared to execute the
most ditlicult work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentiitry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 18U2.
Dusty roads.
Fruit thieves are already in evidence.
The seashore rush is beating all prev
ous records.
Many shade trees throughout the city
need trimming.
The Y. M. C. A. building is being put
nto tine condition for the reopening in
he fall.
The residence of Andrew Wendel, C
jtreet, is being repaired and a new ver
nda built on the front.
The finest National Guard organiza
ion in the United States is in camp at
«It. Gretna.
The picnic holders are working over
A baby girl arrived at the home of
larry T. Hancock, Sunday.
Lycoming county has had four suicides
rithin the past ten days.
Master Emerson Burdick is confined
o hiß home on East Market street with
aalarial fever.
Great preparations are being made for
he Clark family reunion, to be held at
JeWitti's park, Saturday, Aug. 11.
The Railroad Veteran Association will
old their annual picnic on Island park,
ear Sunbury, Sept. Ist.
The new house, being erected by Jasp
rß. Gearhart, on Bloom street, will
oon be ready for occupancy.
Word has been received in this city to
ae effect that Mrs. W. K. Holloway is
aite ill at Lake Winola.
A festival will be held in Washington
ille on Saturday evening, Aug. 18, for
he benefit of the Washingtonville base
all team.
H. J. Bird of South Danville has se
ared the agency for Cromwell's Star
lagtiifying Photograph Easels. He is
ow canvassing this city.
The (Jus Sun American Minstrels will
ppear at the opera house on Saturday
A cool weather bulletin lrom Mani
jba would be welcome now.
Joseph Eck continues very ill at his
jme on Front street.
The Shamokin W. C. T. U. has a pub-
C drinking fountain but not suilicient
inds with which to erect it.
Miss Anna Pickard gave a picnic to
LT Sunday school class at the Mausdale
oods yesterday.
Emerson A. Adams and family are oc
ipying their new residence on ,East
ront street.
The improvements at Trinity M. E.
lurch are well under way.
August is the time to start up the rest
g calla lilies. It is also the best time
the year to sow pansy seed.
Prisoners in the Berks County jail
ay write two letters a month at the
tpense of the jail and two at their own
A number of South Danville and liiv
side people are arranging to spend
nday at Mountain Grove camp MEET
Charles E. Welliver and C. P. Girton,
Bloomsburg, have purchased the
line livery at Hotel Oliver, this city,
id will assume charge shortly.
Members of Goodrich Post G. A. R.
e leaving nothing undone towards
aking their picnic at DeWitt's park on
iday, August 17th, arousing success.
A large crowd of young people from
is city are arranging to enjoy a sever
weekb' camping at Cameron, com
sncing next Monday.
Beaver Lodge, No. 132, K. of P., will
represented at the thirty-second an
al State convention of the Knights of
thias to be held in Harrisburg during
E week of August 20th.
: 'roßpects are blight for the greatest
ite convention in the history of the
triotic Order Sons of America, which
I hold its annual meeting in Lebanon
ring the week of August 27-31.
"or the accommodation of those des
lg to attend the Camp meetine at
tuntain Grove, to be held August Bth
Uith, the Pennsylvania railroad com
□y will sell excursion tickets to Mouu
n (irove from South Danville, August
I to Kith, good to return until August
.1), 1000.
\ baby boy weighing 1U pounds ar
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
rd C. V'eager, Vine street, on Thurs-
' i^\
Mofltuvcr sis. American.
VOL. 45—NO
Several Factories in This City Ceased Op
erations Yesterday.
Although the thermometer yesterday
registered two degrees cooler than it did
on Tuesday the heat seemed to be more
felt in this city than at any time during
the summer. Late in the afternoon,
however, the atmosphere was somewhat
cooled by the rain, which fell within a
few miles of this city.
The employes of our various indust
ries were greatly affected by the heat,
and many of the factories were obliged
to cease work. At the Reading Iron
works yesterday many employes were
obliged to quit and more than half of
the night turn puddlers were off. Of
the twenty-one furnaces,but twelve were
in operation last night.
The employes of Bloch Brothers Pants
factory worked during the morning, but
at noon it was decided to close for the
day. Both Suspender factories stopped
work; as did also the foundry of the
Stove Works.
The weather predictions for today are
as follows: Fair weather with generally
high temperature and fresh southerly
winds. For Friday, partly cloudy and
probably cooler weather.
Mahoning Bam Being Enlarged.
A portion of the water supply used
by the Heading Iron works comes from
the Pennsylvania canal and the persist
ent rumors to the effect that the water
way will next year be abandoned has
led the Heading company to prepare
for the retaining of a full supply of
Yesterday carpenters were put at work
strengthening and enlarging the Mah
oning creek dam, which now partly sup
plies the mill, in a manner that will
give an ample supply of water even
though the canal be abandoned.
The action of the Heading company
in having this work done is another of
the many indications that it is only a
question of a very short time when all
operations on the canai will cease.
Boys field For Court.
Joseph Wenninger and Oliver Ikener,
the two boys arrested Tuesday night,
charged with stealing peaches from the
orchard of.l. P. Weaver at Toby Hun,
were given a hearing before Justice Bare
yesterday morning. Mr. Weaver ap
peared against the boys and told how
his orchard had been raided many times
of late and not only would the miscre
ants take the fruit but broke large limbs
from the trees. Justice Bare decided to
hold each of the boys for court under
SIOO bail. Up until last night Ikener
was unable to secure bail; but Wennig
er's father, at 7.30 o'clock, went his
son's bail.
A DeWitt's Park Picnic.
Miss Nellie Geringer and Mis 9 Cad
Phillips chaperoned a party of young
people at a picnic, held in DeWitt's
park yesterday. Those present were:
Misses Mary Wetzel, May Books,
Helen Irland, Mame Beaver, Josephine
Cousart, Martha Stahlneker,Elsie Sains
bury, Miss Edgar, of WilkesbarrejMarg
aret Koons, of Philadelphia; and Lois
Boyer, of Plymouth; Messrs. George
Maiers, Isadore Rosenthal, Ilarvey
Blakeslee, Charles Rogers, William Ell
enbogen, Bert McClure, and Thomas Ir
Gave a Lawn Party.
Miss Maggie Morrall entertained a
number of friends at a Islwn party Tues
day evening at her home at Kipp's Hun
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Laudau, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morrall,
Miss Blanche Campbell, Miss Lizzie
Shannon, Howard Clark and Raymond
Clayton, of South Danville, and Misses
Nellie Sherwood, Florence Voris, Agnes
Hodge, Hilda llornberger, Jennie Lov
ett, Julia Argrave,llattie Fry and Lizzie
llorton; Messrs. Howard Patton, Curry
Fisher, Blaine James, Frank Montague,
Walter Jones and William Bailey, of
this city.
Mr. Crossley Won Second Prize.
At the Mt. Gretna Chautauqua Tues
day the inter-collegiate oratorical con
test, for men, was held. The second
priz« was won by Arthur Lloyd Crossley
of near Kaseville, this county, who re
presented Lafayette cellege. Mr. Cross
ley's subject was"On the Rubicon,"
which address won for him the Junior
Oratorical contest at Lafayette this
Derr Reunion.
A "Derr Reunion" will be held at the
Sulphur Spring near the old homestead,
in Moreland Twp., Lyc. Co., on Thurs
day, August 1(», 1900. All the descend
ents of Christopher and Mary Derr and
their near relatives are invited toattend.
A picnic dinner will be served. Should
rain prevent, it will be held the follow
ing day.
Cut His Left Hand.
While in the act of closing a freight
car last evening Baggage Master Levi
Miller, of the Lackawanna railroad,
caught the back of his left hand on a
nail, cutting a gash an inch in length.
Will See the Big Fight.
David Montgomery, A. C. Amesbnry,
and Chief-of-Police Mincemoyer will
witness the Ruhlin-Fitzsimmons prize
tight at Coney Island tomorrow night.
Camping Party.
The following young men of this city
are camping across the river from Roar
ing Creek: llarry Gerst, Jesse Milroy,
Theodore Fisher and Frank Love.
I _
Will Probably Not be Lighted on Moon
light Nights.
The Borough Council held a regular
meeting Friday night with the following
members present: President Kemmer,
Fetterman, Goldsmith, Yastine, Jones,
Amesbury, Brandt, Sechler, Hebman
and Lauer.
The report of the borough water de
partment was read, showing a balance
on hand of #16.60. Mr. Goldsmith re
ported that all the new bonds had been
exchanged and it was decided to burn
the old bonds, and retain a record of
It was reported that owners of shade
trees, which interfere with the electric
lights agreed to trim them as soon as
the weather became such that it would
not injure the trees.
For the office of Water Commissioner,
for a term of three years, Hon. R. K.
Polk's name was presented for re elec
tion. No other names were tnenlioned,
and Mr. Polk was elected by acclama
It was voted that Chief-of-Police Min
cemoyer be given his annual vacation.
As a means of lessening the borough
expenses Mr. Yastine proposed that ihe
street lights be run up -u moonlight
schedule, which means that the lights
will not burn on moonlight night-. The
question was referred to the com
mittee, which will confer with the elec
tric light company and detumine upon
a price. The affidavit of Supt.West was
read, allowing that the company has3l7
poles in this city.
Paul Swentek appeared and asked to
have the alley between his property and
the St. Elmo Hotel cemented. The mat
ter was referred to the street and bridge
Dr. Kimerer reported that a small
stream which drains a number of cess
pools, etc., emptied near Sycamore and
Bank streets and that a number of his
patients attributed their illness to the
stream's unsanitary c&ndition. The
Street Commissioner was instructed to
open a channel to carry the refuse oil.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Regular employes $82.50
Street labor 29.53
Danville National Bank 3 00
B. B. Brown 10.25
O. G. Mellin .35
Harry Ellenbogen it Bro 5.50
L). S. Express Co .30
Standard Gas Co 1.80 ;
Standard Electric Co 469.30
D.C.Williams 1.40
Regular employes $153.20
Atlantic Refining Co 20.55
A. C. Amesbury 102.80
Standard Gas Co 5 00
Albright Son & Co 9.08
P. & K. railway .45
H.M.Schoch 3.30
Frank Schrarn 6.75
S. A. McCoy 20.00
First National Bank 304 32
Danville National Bank 304.32
D. C. Williams 6.40
Entertained in Shamokin.
Mr. and Mrs. John 15. O'Connor enter
tained a jolly party of Danville friends
Thursday. They were Mr. and Mrs.
John McCoy and son, Mrs. James Scar
let, Anna, Callie and Ella Lyon, Mrs.
Alice Lyon, Mrs. Butterwick, Miss Alice
liishel. Miss Pet Saunders, of Philadel
phia, and Mr. Charles Lyon, of Danville
Mrs. Scarlet and sister, Miss Annie Lyon
and Mrs. McCoy were members of the
church choir "Pinafore" company that
rendered that popular opera in the Ac
ademy of Music in this city some years
ago under the direction of Gomer Thom
as, Miss Lizzie Lyon, now Mrs. Scarlet
appearing in the role of "Little Butter
cup" with marked success.—Shamokin
j Herald.
Dates Ahead For DeWitt's Park.
The popularity of DeWitt's park as a
picnic ground is shown by the large num
ber of dates which have been taken by
' lodges, churches, etc., of this and near
by places during the summer.
} The following days have been set
apart up until Sept. 12: Aug. 11, Clark
reunion; Aug. 15, Knights of the Golden
Eagle; Aug. 17, G. A. K. picnic; Aug. 23;
Improved Order of Heptasophs; Aug.
24, Yoris reunion; Sept. 3, Labor Day,
Continental Hose Company; Sept. 12,
St. Peter's M, E. church Stewards' har
j vest home.
Death of Father Seubert.
C. A. Seubert, of this city, a clerk in
l'aules' drug store, Monday received a
telegram announcing the death of his
brother, the Rev. Father Francis C.
Seubert of St. Peter's church at' Eliza
bethtown,which occurred Sunday night.
The deceased was about 41 years of age
and had been ill about a year. The fun
eral will be held today.
Teachers' Institutes.
The State Department of Public In
struction has fixed the time and places
for the holding of the various county
j teachers' institutes. The Montour
J county institute will be held in this city
Nov. 19, the Columbia county teachers
. 1 '
' will convene in Bloomsburg on Dec. 3,
and the Northumberland county insti
tute will meet in Sunbury Dec. 10.
Enjoyable Event.
The picnic given at DeWitt's park
Monday afternoon was attended by 75
persons. A line supper was served by
caterer J. B. McCoy and a most enjoy
t able time was spent by all present.
While Carrying Eighteen Passengers to
Rupert Camp Meeting.
By the upsetting of a hack at Grova
nia Sunday morning about 10 o'clock
eighteen persons from Danville narrowly
escaped serious injury anil as it was sev
eral were slightly hurt.
The hack, driven by Ellis Rank, was
carrying its occupants to the camp meet
ing at Rupert and J. M. Staver, of
Bloomsburg, with his automobile was
coming in the direction of this city. Be
tween the Hagenbuch residence and the
Grovaniu hotel the vehicles met. Mr.
Staver stopped the "auto" to allow the
hack to pass.
Along the highway at this point is an
embankment, between three and four
feet high. Mr. Hank drove just a trifle
too far to the right and two wheels ran
over the edge of the bank and the hack,
its occupants and the horses followed.
In its descent the vehicle landed direct
ly on top of a high board fence, which
crushed under its weight. The passeng
ers among whom was a babe, between 5
and 0 weeks old, were all thrown out
on the ground.
Dr. Paules chanced to be near Grov
ania and hurried to the scene. An ex
amination showed that Edward Love,
one of the passengers,had a badly bruis
ed right arm and that Driver Rank was
painfully cut and bruised about the
face. Several of other occupants re
ceived body bruises and scratches about
the head and face.
Had it not have been for the fact that
the horses remained perfectly quiet af
ter the overturning of the hack, every
member of the party would likely have
been injured.
Program for Lutheran Reunion.
The following is the program of the
exercises arranged for the tenth annual
Lutheran reunion of the Susquehanna
district to be held at Milton park.Thurs
day, August 23rd:
Morning session—Music, the Apostles'
Creed, the Lord's Prayer,hymn,greeting
by the president, Rev. J. M. Reimen
snyder, D. D.; address by Prof. J. W.
Richard, D. D.; subject, "Philip Mel
anchthon." Announcement of nomin
ating committee, doxology, benediction.
Afternoon session—Music, prayer and
hymn. Address, Pres. C. W. Heisler.D.
D.; subject, "Our Young Lutherans."
Address, Rev. O. E. I'llueger, subject,
"Lutheran Consciousness." Address,
Rev. J. N. Wetzler, Ph. D. Report of
nominating committee. Music, doxo
logy, benediction. Music by the Milton
Orchestra and Trinity Choir.
Both Trinity and Pine Street Luther
an churches of this city are in this dis
Heat Prostration Results in Death.
As the result of being prostrated by
the heat three weeks ago Friday, Ed
ward Ande, a farmer residing on the
farm of Dr. C. C. Valley town
ship, died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.
During the extremely hot weather of
several weeks ago Mr. Ande was in the
field working his potatoes and it was
while thus engaged that he was over
come. His brain was immediately af
fected and later paralysis developed.
OTlie deceased was 29 years of age and
is survived by a wife. The funeral was
held on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Edward Purpur Elected Secretary.
A meeting of the board of control.cum
posed of two active members of the
Friendship Fire Company and one mem
ber of Stoes' band, was held on Friday
evening, at which time Edward Purpur
was elected Secretary and business man
ager of the latter organization.
Mr. Purpur will answer all correspond
ence and will hereafter make all of the
band's engagements.
At Trinity Lutheran Church.
At Trinity Lutheran church Sunday
the pulpit was supplied by the Rev. E.
C. Leopold, of Allentown, who preached
two able sermons.
The Rev. L. D. Ulrich, the newly
elected pastor of the church,is expected
to arrive for Sunday, Aug. 19.
Enjoying' Camp Life.
The friends of W. B. Hhodes, who
have visited him at camp, near Camer
on, speak highly of that gentleman's
hospitality. Mr. Rhodes is very com
fortably located in one of the prettiest
spots in thatjlocality and is enjoying
camp life.
Beaten at Bloomsburg.
At Bloomsburg Saturday the "77"
base ball team, of this city, was defeat
ed by the Bloomsburg Juniors, the score
being 31 to 8. McCormick, Waldman
and Hobinson composed the battery for
Danville and Savitts and Richie for
Mr. Eves May Be President.
There is a strong probability of John
Eves, the well-known Millville wagon
maker, being elected president of the
new wagon spindle company.
The committee Tuesday visited Mr.
Eves and he expressed himself as leing
favorable to the proposition they otter
ed. The company will be organized
shortly and a majority of the projectors
favor Mr. Kves for president.
Building New Office and Vault.
Work has been commenced upon the
new office and vault at the Hartman
Silk mill. The brick layers are now at
Saturday was the regular quarterly
pension da v.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mr. Hiram Bright of Boswell, Indiana
is visiting relatives in this city and vi
Mrs. K. P. Hill, of Scranton, is the
guest of Mrs. F. 11. Vannan, South Dan
Miss Margaret Dietz, of Plymouth, is
visiting at the home of J. D. Williams,
East Front street.
The Misses Mary and Margaret Churm
returned last evening from a visit with
friends in Dover, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yorgy, of Ply
mouth, are visiting relatives in this city.
Miss Edna Cleaver, of Roaring Creek,
and Miss Florence Loeh, of Shamokin,
were the guests of Miss Mary Fry, Mill
street, yesterday.
James Kline, of South Danville, made
a business trip to Bloomsburg yester
Mrs. Archie Smeade, of Renovo, was
the guest of Miss Amelia McClure, Ash
street, yesterday.
Mrs. Thomas Young and guest, Mrs.
M. E. Houser, of Lebanon, visited friends
in Sunbury yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Riegel, of Phila
delphia, are visiting at the home of Mrs
Kiegel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Fenstermacher, South Danville.
Miss Kate Bookmiller, of Allentown,
is the guest of Miss Alice Bookmiller,on
Cherry street.
Miss Mary Pfahler, of Catawissa, was
a guest at the home of Peter Fenster
macher, South Danville, yesterday.
Miss Lulu Whitman, of Philadelphia,
is a guest at the home of Robert Miller,
Ferry street.
Harmon Lorah, of Friendship, N. Y.,
is the guest of his sisters, Mrs. Haydn
Oberdorf, and Mrs. George Snyder, this
Mrs. M. Sheriff and daughter, Mrs.
James Clemens, of Pottsville, left yes
terday for a visit in Shamokin.
Miss Mary Edgeworih, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her brother, James Ed
geworth, on Upper Mulberry street.
Miss Jessie Kimerer has returned
from a visit with relatives in Wilkes
barre and Plymouth.
Mrs. Philip Hoehler has returned to
her home in Shenandoah after a week's
visit with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Wise at
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cloud, and
daughter, Sarah,left Saturday for a visit
in Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Worth and
daughter, Lillian, and nephew, Samuel
Worth, of Philadelphia, are visiting
relatives in this city.
Miss Blanche Caul and Miss Dorothy j
Watts, of Roanoke, Ya., are visiting at i
the home of their grandmother, Mrs.
Susan Watts, East Mahoning street.
Joseph Maier, of the Marine service
stationed at Annapolis, Md., spent Sun
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Maier, Mill street.
Duncan and George Patterson, of
Philadelphia, spent Sunday, the guests
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Patterson, Northumberland street.
Miss Bertha Welliver returned Satur
day from a visit with her sister, Mrs.
Samuel Peifer, in Dußois.
Mrs. M. S. V. Woods, Mrs. Blanche
Getter and daughter, Ruth, of Philadel
phia, are visiting at the tiome of Mrs.
Joseph Mottern, East Danville.
The Misses Lizzie and Myra Bowers
and Stella and Hegina Ilendrickson vis
ited friends in Bloomsburg over Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. lleddens is visiting friends
in Wiliiamsport.
Jeweler G. 11. Smith and daughters,
Helen and Florence left Saturday for New
York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
While in New York Mr. Smith will buy
his fall stock and take a special course
in the latest optical improvements and
return better prepared than ever to lit
his customers witli any lenses they de
Miss Jeannette Galbraith, of Lancast
er county, is a guest at the Hinckley
cottage, Roaring Creek.
Miss M. A. Murray, of New York, is
visiting her sister, Miss Maggie, Centre
Miss Jennie Stevenn ( of Berwick, is
visiting Miss Jennie Van Horn, Walnut 1
Mrs. John Bachinger, of Plymouth, is
a guest at the home of Aug. Bachinger,
Upper Mulbery street.
Jacob Geise, Jr., of Cleveland, Ohio,is
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Geise, Sr., Spruce street. Mr. I
Geise has been a resilient of Cleveland
about 12 years.
Mrs. Thomas Reifsnyder and children
have returned home after a visit, the
guests of Mrs. Reifsnyder's father, Mr.
Charles Mutnmey, Milton.
Miss Agnes Wolle. of Bethlehem, is
visiting at the home of 11. C. Wolle, on
West Market street.
Miss Joy Harris, of Plymouth, is the
guest of Miss Jessie Kimerer.
Mrs. W. S. Stout and daughter Har
riette, of Wiliiamsport, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Russell, Mulberry
Miss Esther Cottrell is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Elliston Farrell, in Birds
Miss Mary Watson, of Berwick, is vis
iting relatives in this city.
Miss Annie Chester, of Sunbury, is
visiting friends in this city.
Two Young Sons of Millard Cook Enjoy
a Trip
Two sons of Millard Cook, of Upper
.Mulberry street, disappeared from their
homes about 10:30 o'clock Monday
morning and it was not until that hour
Mon<lay night that they were located.
Garfield, the oldest of the brothers, is
10 years of age and John is 8. After
taking oft'their shoes and stockings and
leaving them in the yard of their home
they left and when they failed to re
turn at dinner time their parents be
came worried and a search was started.
After searching the city thoroughly and
as a last resort, Mr. Cook started about
l J o'clock Monday night for the home of
his brother, Benjamin, who lives on the
Jerseytown road about 4 miles from
Danville. Here the lads were found and
brought back to this city. Upon leav
ing home they went directly to their
uncle's and were detained there by the
heavy shower.
Program For Eagle Picnic.
The annual picnic of Montour Castle,
No. ISO Knights of the Golden Eagle
will be held at DeWitt's park, Wednes
day, Aug. 15, and the event promises to
be one of the most successful of its kind
ever held by the order.
The program has been arranged as fol
Base ball game between the "Buz
zards" and Castle, the prize to be a box
of cigars.
Two mile handicap bicycle race, prize,
lodge pin.
One mile bicycle race, prize, a bicycle
Bag race, prize, a pocket knife.
Potato race, prize, a base ball.
Sack race, prize, base-ball bat.
Egg race (for boys) prize, 25 cents.
Apple match (for boys) prize, 25
cents -
One hundred yards dash,prize, a lodge
These races are for members only and
entries must be made to the committee
before Monday, Aug. 13. Tickets can
be procured of any member of the gen
eral committee composed of G. L. Mc-
Clain, C. L. Foulk, John Vastine, J. J.
Diet/., Wesley Ilollabough, Frank Herr
ington, John L. Jones, Warren Boat,
Thomas B. Williams, John Herman and
William Grove.
During the afternoon and evening
there will be music and dancing. Mem
bers and their families earnestly re
quested to attend.
Drank Medicine for Lithia Water.
By mistaking medicine for lithia wat
er, W. 11. Woodin, of Berwick, was ren
dered critically ill at his home on Fri
day night.
Shortly before retiring Mr. Woodin
told one of the waitresses at the house
to bring him a glass of lithia water. In
stead of getting the lithia water bottle
she poured out a glassful of turpentine
and cedar oil. Without noticing the
color of the fluid M> - . Woodin drained
the glass of its contents. The mistake
was soon discovered, however, and a
physician summoned. jFor sometime
Mr. Woodin's condition was considered
serious, but yesterday he was able to be
at his office.
Preparing for a Demonstration.
The Washington Ilose Company is
preparing for a demonstration to cele
brate the arrival of its new hose wagon.
The last letter received from the manu
facturers stated that it would probably
be shipped from Seneca Falls, N. Y., on
Aug. 13, and it will likely arrive in this
city two days later.
If this is the case the company will
make a display on the following even
ing. As yet it has not been decided
whether the whole city department will
be invited to participate.
A committee of the Washington Com
pany is now in search of a suitable team
of horses to draw the new wagon.
Gave a Corn Roast.
Fred Jacobs entertained a number of
friends at a corn roast ou the Bond
farm, at Chulasky,Tuesday evening. The
following were present: Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Voris.Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. J. B
Cleaver, Mrs. John Jacobs, Mrs. John
son, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Renninger, Miss
Clara Jacobs, Miss Cora Mover and Miss
Kebecca Hoffman.
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boss gave a sur
prise party to their daughter, Miss Ida,
in honor of her 14th birthday at their
home, corner of Water and l'ine streets,
Monday eve. Those present were: Edith,
Elmira and Bertha Foust, Maggie Pat
ton, Edith Blue, Ada Lunger, Nellie
Reilly, Hattie Adams, Margaret Deen,
and Susan and Eva Boss.
Annual Mauser Reunion.
The ninth annual Mauser reunion will
be held in tlie Ridgeville Grove, two
miles east of Danville, on the 15th of
August. If it rains on this day it will
be held on the 10th. This is to lie a
sociable, and all the Mansers and all
their friends are respectfully invited and
urged to be present.
The Wheel is Cast.
The work of casting the big fly wheel
for the engine in the Skelp mill at the
Beading Iron works has been completed
at Curry & Yannau's foundry. The
wheel will be taken to the works within
I a few days and placed in position as
1 soon as possible.
Will be in Operation Before the First of
Several weeks ago this paper stated
that there were prospects of another
Silk aiill being started in this city.
We are now in a position to state that
the mill is a sure go and a principal pro
jector last night stated that the new
mill would be in full operation by the
tirst of J-anuary, 11*01. Active prepara
tions are now being made.
The site for the new mill has been
chosen and is said to be a very conveni
ent one. A two story brick building
will be erected. Nearly all of the $25,-
000 capital stock has been raised and a
large part of this amount is Danville
money. The Tynan system of machin
ery will be used in the new mill.
With the new wagon spindle manu
factory in sight, the improvements be
ing made at the Danville .Rolling mill
and the opening of the Skelp mill at the
Heading Iron works, which will occur
shortly, the prospects for a lively win
ter for Danville are exceedingly bright.
"The Great Lynch."
Perhaps the most wonderful and as
tonishing high wire act in America to
day is that of John Lynch, profession
ally known as "The Great Lynch," who
will appear here during the engagement
ofTheGusSun American Minstrels at
the opera house, this city, on Saturday
evening, Aug. 11. Mr. Lynch performs
on a thread-like wire with as much ease
and safety as most people would walk a
12-inch plank. He walks the ladder
with his hands, uses the wire as a ham
mock, swinging eight to ten feet, and,
most astonishing of all, turns a com
plete summersault on a high wire no
larger than a small lead pencil. The act
is truelv nothing short of marvelous.
Burning Kindling Causes Excitement.
About 9:30 o'clock Tuesday evening I.
Gross put two sticks of kindling wood
in his kitchen stove, at the rear of his
tobacco store,on Mill street. The burn
ing wood caused considerable smoke to
ascend from the chimney and a neigh
bor who was about to retire, seeing it,
ran out into the street, clothed in his
night robe, and gave the alarm.
The origin of the alarm, however, be
came known before any of the hose
companies responded. The affair caus
ed considerable excitement on Mill
street for a short time.
Slight Wreck on the Reading.
A slight wreck occurred on the P. &
K. railway, at the Welsh Hill crossing,
about 9 o'clock Tuesday evening.
The drawhead of a coal car in a south
bound freight train pulled out and the
train was obliged to come to a stand
still. While the break was being re
paired a pusher going in the same direc
tion crashed into the standing train,
damaging two coal cars. It was some
little time before the track was cleared.
Miss Miles Wins Chautauqua Cup.
The Chautauqua elocutionary contest
open to girl students of Pennsylvania
colleges, was held at Mt. Gretna Mon
day. The participants were Miss Laura
G. lllig, Albright College; (Miss Anabel
Swartz, Wilson College; Miss Alice V.
Schriner, Woman's College, Frederick,
Md., and Miss Elizabeth C. Miles, Ursi
nus College, Collegeville.
Miss Miles won the Chautauqua cup
and Miss Schriner the Bailey prize.
Those Who Will Play With the "77's.'
The "77" base ball team, which will
play at Muncy Saturday, will be com
posed of the following members: Klase;
pitch; Kobson, catch; Gerst, first base;
Walman, second base; McCormick,third
base; Hullihen, short stop; Lewis, left
lield; Lovett, centre field; lckes, right
Entertained by a Gramaphone.
Mrs. Edward Hofer and daughter,
Emma and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hof
er and son Frank, were pleasantly en
tertained at a gramaphone concert at
the home of William Lormor, Railroad
street, Tuesday evening.
Stringing Wire to Millville.
The Montour & Columbia Telephone
Company is stringing wire between
Bloomsburg and Millville and subscrib
ers will be able to talk to the latter place
nithin a few days.
Missionary Society Boat Ride.
The Home Missionary Society of the
Mahoning Presbyterian church will hold
a canal boat ride to Chulasky this
evening. The boat will leave Mill
street at 7 o'clock.
Picnicked at DeWitt's Park.
About 200 people attended the picnic
given by the 'Masons of Catawissa ai
DeWitt's park Tuesday. There was
dancing in the afternoon the music be
ing furnished by Mr. Wvle, Miss Heim,
and Lambert McHenry, of Bloomsburg.
Two Admitted to the Hospital.
Patrick Kennedy, of Centre street,
and Patrick Mullen, of Welsh Hill, were
admitted to the State Hospital for the
Insane, this city, yesterday.
Insurance Money Paid.
A. M. Gearhart Tuesday paid to the
widow of the late Ham Smith, the sum
of SI,OOO for which amount her hus
band's life was insured in the Hepta
The employes of the Bloomsburg Silk
mill will picnic at Milton park Saturday,
August 18th.
The office of the AMERICAN ueing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
f3f~Get our prices before plac
ing your orders.
Will be Held at Exchange on Wednesday,
August 15.
Pomona Grange, No. 31, which com
prises Montour and Northumberland
counties, will hold its next regular
quarterly meeting with Exchange Grange
No. 65, on Wednesday, Aug. 15, at Ex
change. The meeting will convene in
the hall at ya. m., and the afternoon
meeting will be held in the grove near
The program will be carried out as fol
Welcome address by the Exchange
Grange; response by Miss Emma Lewis;
music and recitations by members of
California Grange; address by County
•superintendent W. D. Steinbacb, of En
deavor Grange; singing by Washington
ville Grange; music by the Exchange
orchestra; recitation Miss Dillie Hotten
stein, ofTurbot Grange; address, Mrs.
Annie Simington, Mooresburg; question
Dinner will be held, picnic the
grove and those preferring can get din
ner at the hotel for 25 cents by giving
due notice to W. R. Mills, Exchange.
Contracts for Repairs.
A special meeting of the School Board
was held Thursday night for the purpose
of considering bids for work on the var
ious school buildings of the city. The
following members werepreseDl: Presi
dent Fischer.Orth,Green, BergCT,Barber,
llarpel, Werkheiser, Lunger, Keefer and
Black. *
The following bids for painting two
rooms in the Second ward building and
one in the Third ward building were
read: ,
Charles C. Henrie 1104.00
Emerson Adams, 203.25
It was voted that the contract be
awarded to Mr. Henrie providing he
signs the contract prepared by the
The bids for plastering the room and
vestibule of the Fourth ward building
Boyer & Baker, (46.00
O. B. Switzer, 32.22
Boyer Brothers 59.50
Mr. Switzer's bid was accepted.
The bids for cleaning the various
school buildings were read and the work
awarded as follows:
First ward, Mary Hendricks, $34;
Second ward, Mrs. Daniel Kashner,
$19.75; Third ward, Mrs. Alice Keefer,
sls; Fourth ward, Mrs. C. A. Robinson,
Washingtonville, Aug. B.—The funeral
of the late llattie Dieffenbacher will be
held from the family residence this af
ternoon at 1 o'clock. Interment will be
made in Strawberry Ridge Reformed
church cemetery.
Mrs. Seigle and children, of Philadel
phia, are visiting Mrs. Joshua Seidei.
The Rev. and Mrs. D. Y. Brown and
the Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Phillips paid a
brief visit to Rev. G. H. Day, Riverside,
on Tuesday.
An auction will be held in Klondike
hall Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyer, of Dan
ville, drove through here yesterday.
Soldiers Bread the Grand Review.
Members of Company F, as well as all
the other National Guardsmen, now in
camp at Mt. Gretna, are looking for
ward with dread to the grand review to
While it isimpossible to induce officers
to allow the use of their names in fath
ering a complaint, there is a universal
sentiment among them that the review
should be omitted,even though the Gov
ernor, Secretary Root and Adjutant
General Corbin should be disappointed.
The reasons why the officers think this
way are manifold. They think the bodi
ly welfare of the men should be consid
ered. A grand review forces the men to
remain standing upon the sun-baked
hillsides for more than two hours and
then to march fully six miles while car
rying their heavy rifles and keeping up
a quick step.
It is said that forty men wer# over
come by the beat during yesterday's in
Vestibuled Trains to the Seashore.
The Philadelphia & Reading are run
ning between Philadelphia and Atlantic
City the finest and fastest trains ever
placed in service by any railroad. New
coaches have been built especially for
the 60-minute trains operated by this
line, and are pronounced by all to be
the best so far produced. They are wide
platform, vestibuled, eighty feet in
length, and seat ninety persons. The
Pullman parlor cars on these trains are
also vestibuled, and make the service as
near absolutely perfect as can be arrived
at. Philadelphia & Reading engines
burn hard coal, no smoke.
Welliver A Girton have taken charge
of the Kline liverv, in the rear of Hotel
Oliver, which they purchased some days
ago and will be pleased to receive a share
of the public's patronage. Mr. Wellif
er formerly conducted a pool room in
the Kaufman building, on Mill street,
and Mr. Girtou was an employe of the
Danville Steam Laundry.
Many residents of this city are hard
at work sprinkling their lawns and try
ing to keep the grass alive these broil
ing days. They are not having an easy
time of it and in some yards the grass is
; almost burned up.