Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 26, 1900, Image 1

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    Home Paper——
——.For tie Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hours
9A. 12 Mm Mill
1 P. At. to U P. M. Da nude. Pa.
SIItXTJ, M.l».
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the latest and most improved
Instruments and prepared to execute the
most ditticult work.
. Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry iu all its branches. Charge
Moderate and aU work Guaranteed.
Established 1892.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for Jury Commissioner, subject to
the decision of the Republican County
J. P. WEAVER, Mahoning Township.
Why not have a trolley line'.'
Political aspirants are numerous.
Republican primaries Friday evening
between the hours of 7 and 9.
The Merry-go-round at DeWitt's park
is doing a rushing business.
Most of the Danville lodges will pic
nic during August.
The District Attorney will be busy at
the next term of Court.
July is now on the last lap, but Au
, guest will probably break the heat
The canipmeeting at Mountain Grove
is near at hand and from all indications
the attendance will be very large this
Yesterday's showers were appreciated
by the town folks and farmers alike.
Allow no garbage to accumulate dur
ing the hot weather. Deadly disease
may follow.
The pulling out of a drawhead of a
car in a west bound freight train on the
Pennsylvania railroad at South Danville
yesterday delayed the 12:38 p. m. pass
enger train one half hour.
The repairs to be made at the various
school buildings in this city will be com
pleted within a few weeks.
The tenth annual reunion of fhe Sus
quehanna Lutherans will be held at the
Milton park, Milton, Pa., on Thursday,
August 23.
The Schuylkill Valley Telephone com
pany has 3,000 'phones, which will be
- operated in Schuylkill county shortly.
The f!unilies of Dr. Cfbieron Schultz,
Thomas Vincent and A. If. Grone held
their annual family picnic at Dr. Schutz'
farm in Valley township yesterday.
National Guardsmen are looking for
ward to the coming camp with eager
Owing to the extreme heat the Silk
Mill was not operated on Saturday.
Political buttons are appearing on
every.other coat.
A daughter arrived at the home of
Photographer I. C. Lee, Mill street, yes
Bedea, the barber has had an attrac
tive sign painted on the building occu
pied by him.
The festival, at St. Peter's M. E.
% Church, South Danville,was well attend
ed on Saturday night. *
Many portions of Montour county are
said to be suffering seriously from the
continued drought.
The Episcopalians of Mt. Calrmel will
shortly erect a new church.
Miss Ida Gallagher has accepted the
position of supply operator in the ex
change of the Montour & Columbia
Telephone company.
Stoes' band will furnish sacred music
at the Y. M. C. A. open air meet
ing at the foot of West Mahoning street
Sunday afternoon.
The R. R. Y. M. C. A., of Sunbury,
will hold their annual picnic at Pax tang
park, Harrisburg, on Saturday. Some
1500 people are expected to attend. The
fare from Sunbury is fl.
Let us have the trolley line before an
other year.
A. J. Blue and John I, Budman will
leave in a few days for a bicycle trip
through New York state. They will
visit Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse,
Elinira and other cities.
Mrs. Hannah Geringer desires to re
turn thanks to the friends and neigh
bors who so kindly assisted her in her
recent bereavement.
The A. M. E. church, of Bloomsburg,
will commence their annual camp meet
ing at Rupert, Saturday, July 28, and
lasting over two Sabbaths. All are in
vited to come anil have a good time in
the service of God. Best of order will
be observed by all; no intoxicants allow
ed on or about the grounds.—Daniel
Newsom, pastor.
In Saint Paul's M. E. church lecture
room this evening the Rev. Richard Gil
bert, of Berwick, will give his interest
ing series of stereopticon views, taken
at the Mountain Grove camp meeting.
112. ♦
Miss Musselman, Miss Bloom and Miss
Bennett Receive Advances.
A regular meeting of the School Board
was held Monday night with the follow
ing members present: President Fisch
er, Orth, Harpel, Green, Werkheiser,
Burger, Fenstermacher, Lunger, Keefer,
Curry, Barber, and Black.
It was voted to remove the plaster
in the annex of the Fourth ward build
ing and replace same with hard finish;
also that the wood work be repainted."
The work of repairing furnace pipes was
given to W. E. Bowyer.
It was decided that Will G. Brown ex
amine and repair the locks on the doors
of the ThiAl ward building.
It was moved and carried that all bills
presented to the board hereafter be laid
over for a period of two weeks. The
board members were of the opinion that
the bills have been paid too hurriedly.
The rates of tuitions were next brought
up aud the prides charged by various
nearby towns were presented. In each
case the tuitions were larger than those
of the local schools. The question was
referred to the transfer committee.
A communciation was received from
Miss Musselman aaking that her salary
be raised and a motion was made to lay
the communication on the table. This
motion, however, was lost and it was
voted to reconsider the salaries of Miss
Musselman; also Miss Bloom and Miss
Bennett. It was decided that these
salaries be raised. Miss Musselman's
from $55 to $t»0; Miss Bloom's from SSO
to $55; Miss Bennett's from S4O to $45.
It was voted that Architect Brugler
superintend the painting of the Third
ward school house. The bids for this
work were read as follows :
W. 11. Messer #314.00
Emerson Adams 311.75
C. F. Hershey 341.00
Tli£ contract was awarded to Mr.
The following bids for flooring in the
First and Third ward buildings were
G. F. Reifsnyder §142.00
S. M. Trumbower 137.50
Casper Diseroad 115.00
The work was let to Mr. Diseroad,pro
viding he signs the contract within the
next 3 days.
Bills were also made for the repairing
and painting the window blinds, but it
was decided not to make these repairs at
The following bills were ordered paid:
John R. Lunger $13.40
(J. F. Reifsnvder 71.01
15. G. Carpenter & Co 20.35
I) J. Kogers 2.75
I). C. Williams 9.50 j
Isaiah Dawson ...... 3.75 j
John Everitt 8.00
Bover & Baker 7.72
Thomas Vincent 8^9.78
Ezra Haas 3.75
George W. Herdricks 0.05
W. H. Orth .' 35.15 1
The Republican County Convention j
will be held in the Court House on Sat
urday morning, July 28th, at 10:30
The primaries will be held on Friday
evening, July 27, between the hours of
7 and 9 o'clock at the usual voting
Mr. Titers Father Seriously 111.
John Titel, father of Lewis Titel, of
this city, and Bloomsburg's oldest citi- j
zen, is seriously ill at the home of his ,
son-in-law, Hiram Palmer,on West Third
street, that place, and on account of his
advanced age little or no hopes are en- i
tertained of his recovery. Mr. Titel was |
101 years old on the 10th day of last
November. Mr. Titel, accompanied by
Dr. S. Y. Thompson, called on his aged j
father Tuesday.
Athletic Association Boat Ride.
An athletic association was recently
formed by a number of young men of
this city, which is to be known as the*
Danville Athletic Association. A boat
ride to Cliulasky will be given by the
Association on Friday evening, to which
the public is invited. Tickets 10 cents.
The Association is arranging for a field
day at DeWitt's park early in August.
Will Double Its Capacity.
Some big repairs are now in progress
at the plant of the Danville Rolling
Mills, which indicates that it will soon
be in operation again and its capacity
will be doubled.
Work was commenced yesterday on
the erection of 3 double puddle furnaces
and three high uiuck rolls. Just when
the mill will be started Supt. Mallen is
unable to state.
Improvements Progressing.
The -work of improving the Y. M. C.
A. building is being pushed as rapidly
as possible and will probably be com :
pleted within a short time.
The carpenters and plasterers have
completed their work and the painters
and calciminers will begin work next
week. Three new baths-one shower and
two tubs —have been put in.
No Agreement Reached.
No agreement was reached yesterday
by the employes of the puddle depart
ment of the Reading I-ron works and the
company. As a result the bars were
drawn yesterday afternoon and the pud
dle mill will probably not be putin op
eration again this week
DANVILLE, PA.. Till HSDAY. Jl LY 20. 1900.
A lilt DAY I'llll
Arrangements Completed for the Annual
Picnic on August 1.
The committee having in charge the
arrangements for the big K. of I'. picmc
to be held at DeWitt's park Wednesday,
Aug. 1, have arranged a very interesting
The first event, which will occur at 1
o'clock, will be a five inning base ball
game between the fats and leans. John
D. Evans will captain the fats and A. C.
Amesbury the leans. The umpires will
be George W. Miles and Lewis Byerly.
The prize will be a silver cup.
The other events are as follow.-:
One hundred yards dash.
Watermelon race.
Handicap bicycle race.
Wheelbarrow race, the prize an orna
mental cup.
Apple match.
Tug of war.
Bicycle race.
Blue rock shooting c'ontii*., prize a K.
of P. design.
There will be dancing during the af
ternoon and evening. The mu-ic will be
under the direction of II 'i-t.-eri Wyle
Hacks will begin runninir to ilie park
at Ba. m., from the court li<>u«.e and
from the corner of Blouui :m 1 Mill
streets. Baskets may l>r l» ft at tlu* bar
ber shop of Kinney Evans, .Market
street; the courthouse an I at I'lioni is
Evans 1 barber shop, Bloom atree>. Ail
members are requested to secure tickets
from the committee composed of Wesley
Hollabaugh, Charles Getz, Edward Pur
pur, Claude Guest, Edward Rudy,David
Evans and John G. Waite.
The Trolley Would be in Operation.
Were it not for the stubbornness of
several land owners between this city
and Bloomsburg a portion of the Dan
ville-Bloomsburg-Berwick trolley line
would now be in operation.
When the MONTOIK A.MKKK AN of Feb.
8, announced that a survey for the line
would be commenced on that date, the
probability of the project was somewhat
scofled at. The fact that such men as
Hon. B. F. Meyers and his son-in-law,
EJlis L. Mumtna, of Harrisburg, were in
terested in the enterprise, however,
made those who are acquainted with
Mr. Meyers' relations with the Harris
' burg and Wiikesbarre trolley lines,think
For the first time since the survey was
completed Mr. Meyers and Mr. Mumnia
are now going over the proposed route.
Tuesday morning they were in this
city and in the afternoon they went to
Mr. Meyers Tuesday expressed him
self as being pleased with the survey
and stated that if difficulty had not been
experienced in the securing of the right
of way from two or three parties be
tween this city and Bloomsburg, a por
tion of the line would now be in opera
tion. As soon as these cases can be ad
justed, which will likely be shortly, the
work of construction will begin.
Very Serious Runaway Accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Moser, who re
side near Washingtonville on the Wash
ingtonville road, while returning home
from market in this city on Saturday,
met with a very serious accident.
About four miles from this city on the
road leading from the Fenstermacher
tannery to the Ed. Boyer distillery,
which is a very dangerous one, the
horse stumbled and fell over a steep em
bankment, dragging the wagon and its
occupants with it. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Moser were badly hurt. The former was
cut and bruised about the head and face
Mrs. Moser was pinned between the
wagon and fence, and was severely cut
and bruised and has seyeral ribs broken.
A Runaway Horse Breaks Its Neck.
A valuable horse belonging to Livery
man P. W. Leas was instantly killed as
the result of a runaway Sunday evening.
The animal had been rented by John
Baker, and while driving near the grist
mill it became unmanageable and Mr.
Baker alighted from the buggy.
The horse ran toward this city and
in doing so came in contact with anoth
er vehiole coming in the same direction.
The runaway in some manner tripped
and fell,alighting on its head and break
ing its neck. Deafli was instantaneous.
A Costly Fight.
A performance almost as interesting
as that of a circus took place in the
alley at toe rear of Eckert's boarding
house Friday afternoon. Joseph llale
and James Fedder, employes at
the Reading Iron Works, had some little
dispute aud as their discussion grew
quite hot, they adjourned to the alley
to tight it out. They were just finishing
the first round when Officer Yoris ap
peared and promptly arrested them,
j At the hearing before Squire Bare, the
parties were charged with disorderly
conduct. They were fined $7 each.
A Victory for the "77'5."
! The "77's" easily defeated the Blooms
burg J.unior base ball teinii at DeWitt's
Park on Saturday afternoon, the score
being 15 to 5. The battery for the home
team was composed of Klase and Rob
inson and Savits and Riching were the
points for the juniors. The attendance
was unusually large.
Will-be Overseer of the Cooking.
Robert Miller has beep engaged as
overseer of cooking for Company F,dur
ing the coming encampment. Mr. Mill
er has acted in this capacity several
times before.
Will be Made at a Special Meeting of
On Monday, July 30, it will be decid
ed what disposition will be made of the
plant of the Danville Bessemer Steel
Company. The following notice of a
special meeting has been received by
the various stockholders of the com
pany :
"A special meeting of {he stockhold
ers of the Danville Bessemer Company
will be held on the 30th day of July,
1900, at 11 a. m., at the office of the
company, 419 Market street, Camden,
N. J., for the purpose of votiiig upon
the question of conferring upon the
board «of directors full authority to sell,
assign, transfer and dispose of all or
part of the .vhole property to this corp
oration, and to divide the .proceeds of
said sale, with other moneys in the
treasury, among stockholders of record
at the time such distribution is made*
No other business will be transacted."
The stockholders are asked to sign
and return by proxy immediately
if they are in favor of this sale and
• Lizzie Kuorr Attempts Suicide.
Miss Lizzie Knorr. daughter of -Mrs.
Mary Knorr, who resides at the home of
William Myers, on Railroad street, at
tempted suicide in Philadelphia on Mon
day morning by turning oil the gas in
her bed room and then going to sleep.
Miss Knorr formft-ly resided with her
parents in this city and was well-known
here. With her sister, Mame, she left
Danville some years ago and .they took
up their abode at 153S Seybert street,
Philadelphia. It was here that she at
tempted to take her life. The Philadel
phia North American in giving the de--
tails of tlie attempt at suicide sijys that
Clara Lewis, who resides in the same
house with the Knorr girls was aroused
by the fumes of the escaping gas early
Monday morning. It was found that
Lizzie had locked herself in her room, j
turned on the unlighted gas and lay
down to sleep it all away. In an un
conscious state she was taken to the
German Hospital in an ambulance. The
doctors were at first unable to say
whether the case would result fatally. A
telegram received by the girl's mother !
yesterday, however, stated that she was 1
slightly better.
Pleasant Hack Party.
A hack party, given in honor of Miss
Marie Shoener, of shaniokin, drove to
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Shultz
in West Hemlock township, on Monday j
evening. Those present «were: Misses
Sara Waters, Bertha Newbaker, Annie !
liempe, Maggie Doster, Emma Bird, j
Nellie Jameson, Minta Shultz, Louise j
McClui'e,Bertha Crossley,Naomi Shultz; ]
Messrs. Harry Farnsworth and Val West
of Philadelphia; Harry 15. l'atton, W.
V. Oglesby, Esq., Dr. L. K. Cleaver,
Charles Lyon, Charles Seubert, and Will
Entertained Many Friends.
A large number of friends were enter
tained by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bucber,
of Riverside on Saturday, in honor of
Mr. Bucher's twenty-second birthday.
Seventy-live guests were present for din
ner and supper.
The Riverside Social Club and Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Roat, of this city,
presented Mr. Bucher with two very
handsome chairs. He also received
many other gifts. Guests were present
from Catawissa, Sunbury and this city.
It Required Many Bricks.
The brick wall, which is in the course
of construction around the grounds of
Castle Grove, is a gigantic piece of work,
and when completed 295,000 bricks will
hiive been used.
Yesterday work was commenced on
the south wall, which will require 120,-
0)0 building the west wall
155,000 bricks were used and 20,000 were
used in the gateway. The wall is 17
inches wide at the base and is 24 inches
at the top, including the coping.
The grounds near tire gate are being
beautified and rearranged.
At the residence of the groom's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. I'». Marshall, Water
street, last Tuesday evening occurred j
the marriage of George C. Marshall, a
well-known young man of this city, to
Miss Elizabeth Cripps,daughter of Will
iam Cripps,engineer at the State Hospit
al gas plant. A number of friends wit
nessed the ceremony, which was per
formed by the Rev, J. F. llower. Mr.
ami Mrs. Marshall will reside with the
former's parents. •
Adopted New Books.
An adjourned joint meeting of the
School Board and the teachers was held
Tuesday evening with ten directors and
thirteen teachers present. The follow
ing new books were adopted: Gordy's
l'. S. history to replace lJarnes' history,
Nichol's Arithmetic to replace Milne's
Arithmetic, Barnes' system of vertical
writing to replace the Sheldon system.
Coming Picnics at DeWitt's Park.
The following picnics have been book
ed for DeWitt's Park: July 20, Evangel
ical church and Sunday school; July 27,
German Lutheran church and Sunday
school; Aug 1, Knightsof Pythias; Aug.,-
7, Masonic order of Catawissa; August,
11, Clark family reunion; August, 2(1,
Yoris family reunion.
The new drinking fountain is already
doing good service.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mrs. Margaret Young, Mrs. William
Young and son, Lewis, and Miss Alice
Himes spent yesterday in Catawissa.
Bernard Enright is visiting friends in
Wiikesbarre and Seranton.
Miss Charlotte Persiug and William
lvemp were guests yesterday at the
Hinckley cottage, Roaring Creek.
W. 11. Ammerman made a business
trip to Catawissa yesterday.
Miss Clara llorton is visiting relatives
in McEwensville.
Lieut. William Clark, of South Dan
ville, was in Sunbury yesterday.
The Rev. O. G. Heck left yesterday
for a trip to Harrisburg.
Charles Newberry attended a funeral
in Milton yesterday.
MissS. W. Browne is visiting Harris
burg friends.
Andrew Pohl left .yesterday for Miami
City, Ohio, where he will take up his re
Mr. and Mrs. John Rawn, of Shaniok
in, were the guests last evening of Mr.
and Mrs. I). C. Jones, on Mulberry
Miss Maggie Tooley, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Tooley,
Vine street.
Miss Mary Mover, of WilHamsport, is
visiting relatives in this city.
Mrs. Clarence Flick and children left
yesterday for Lake Winola. Judge
Holloway and family will leave for that
resort today, where they will spend six
Miss Helen Jameson, of Berwick, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sauiantha
Jameson, West Mahoning street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gearhart return
ed last evening from a ten days' stay at
the Delaware Water (jap.
Mrs. Adin It. Myers, of Pittsburg,
formerly Miss Ivy Rishel, is visiting at
the Rishel homestead on East Front
Mr. and Mrs. T. F". Patterson and
daughter, Miss Abigail, spent Sunday at
Harvey's Lake.
Miss Bridget Murphy, known as sister
Mary Beneti, of the Convent of Mercy,
Pittsburg, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 1!. Murphy, First street. This
is her first visit in nine years.
Miss Rebecca Gearhart, of Lewisburg,
was the guest Sunday of Mrs. Catha
rine Van Nostran, Riverside.
William S. Metier, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
is visiting at the home of Oscar Rase. 1
Mill street.
Sister Mary Fides, of the Convent ol ,
Mercy, Pittsburg, formerly Miss Belle j
Sbepperson, of this city, is visiting her j
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shepper- j
son, East Front street.
Mrs. A. A. Geisinger returned from a
trip to Philadelphia yesterday.
Mrs. James Yandling left yesterday j
for a visit of several weeks with Mrs. J. j
S. Short, Seranton.
Philip Dechant, of Middlptotf n.Conn.,
called on friends in this city yesterday.
Master Harry Ricketts, of Wiikesbarre j
is visiting at the home of Frank Howe,
West Mahoning street.
Miss Laura Divel is visiting friends in
Miss Cora Moyer is a visitor in North- |
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pursell. of Pliila- '
delphia, wire guests over Sunday, at j
the home of 1). A. Montgomery, Centre
Miss Etneline Gearhart returned Sat
urday from a visit with friends in Har
Dr. Thomas B. Holloway, of Philadel
phia, spent Sunday with his parents !
in this city.
Roy Sechler, of Philadelphia,is a guest
at the home of Charles Robson, East
Mahoning street.
George Cromley has returned from the
Mary Packer Hospital Sunbury, where
he has been undergoing treatment for '
sometime past.
Miss Sarah Wilson is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Aug. Diener, Williamsport.
Mrs. Jennie Jordan is visiting rela
tives in Gettysburg.
Miss E. 11 Stevens, of Philadelphia, j
is the guest of Mrs. T. F. Patterson,
Northumberland street.
Mrs. J. R. Sharpless, of Hazleton, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. W. M. Gear
hart, West Market street.
Miss Harrietle Alexander, of Phila
delphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W
C. Davis, Mill street.
Miss Kate Reynolds is visiting rela
tives in Williamspor^.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yoris, of Balti
more, are visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elijah C- Yoris, Ferry street.
Miss Nellie Watt, of York, is a guest
|at the home of Gen. Sec. W. D. Lau
master, East Front street.
Charles Beaver, of Jacksonville, Fla.,
is visiting relatives in this city.
Miss Catherine Berkley, of Lewisburg,
is the guest of Mrs. J R. Rote, on West
| Market street.
Miss Minnie Shultz spent Tuesday in
| Bloomsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dietz are visit
i ing relatives in Howard, this state.
Miss Clara Ilackett and Miss Joseph
ine Cousart returned Tuesday»from a
( visit in Dußois.
Miss Fill a James, of Shaniokin, is vis
iiting relatives in this city.
The Man Who Took An Overdose of Lau
danrni Wednesday Evening.
The nanie of the man whose death,
from an overdose of laudanum, occurred
in this city on Wednesday night, was
Friday found to be Winlield Scott
Tobias. He could not have been very
well known in this section and it is
thought that the only living relative lie
may have is a sister residing in Harris
As the dead man was not William
a second inquest was held Fri
day afternoon. From the evidence there
was no doubt that Winlield Scott To
bias was the name of the man. lie is
Said to be from Berrysburg, Dauphin
county. William James and Edward
Coleman of Salmon's carriage shops
identified the man. They had worked
with him at Mausdale a year ago. The
dead man had lodged at the Heddens
House at different times for several
weeks aud the last time he was there,
lie left two valises in the care of Land
lord Moser. Mr. Moser did not know
the man's name, but Friday morning
he viewed the dead body and at once
recognized the man as the lodger.
I u the valises were found about fifteen
dollars in cash, a good suit of clothes
and a book, on the fly leaf of which was
written the name "Winlield Scott To
bias." Iu another book was found the
following inscription: "Mrs. Kate Mes
sner, 410 Briggs street, Harrisburg—this
is my sister."
'Mie verdict by the jury was the same
as Thursday with the exception that the
name Winlield Scott Tobias was substi
tuted for William Davis. A telegram
was .sent to Mrs. Messner Friday
morning informing her of her brother's
death, but at 7 o'clock Friday night no
answer had been received. During Fri
day afternoon the Chief-of-Police of
Harrisburg was called by telephone and
instructed to inquire whether the dead
man had relatives residing in that
city by the name of Messner. In
reply Poor Overseer Kerns Friday night
at 7.3d received the following telegram:
HAKRISIIUKO, Pa., July 27.
Embalm body. It will be brought
Signed, J. F>. KOURTZ,
As the body was already in a badly
decomposed state, I'ndertaker Roat had
just made the burial at the Poor House
farm and the grave had been partly cov
ered up, when a messenger handed him
a copy of the above telegram Poor
Overseer Kerns answered the telegram
at once stating that Tobias had been
buried. From the tone of the telegram
it is supposed that the sisteV of the
dead man has been found and that she
will have the body sent to Harrisburg
Ethel Herrington Surprised-
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Herrington gave a
pleasant surprise for their daughter,
Ethel, at their home on East Market
street, Saturday evening, in honor of
her eleventh birthday. -The evening
was pleasantly spent by the children
playing in the Square and later they
marched to the home of Ethel's grand
mother, Mrs. Jennie Herrington, t
piano music, furnished by Miss Annie
Miles. Here refreshments were served,
among which was a cake surrounded by
eleven candles. Ethel received many
handsome presents.
Those present were: Elsie Moore-,
ler, Ruth Flick,. Margaret Barber, Isabel
Wetzel, Bertha Cloud, Eleanor Corman,
Alicf and Florence Ileim, Clara Det
weiler, Mira Saunders, Florence Price,
Lou Davis, Pearl Vastine, Rena and
Elsie Gulick.
Little Girl's Narrow Escape.
Catherine, the eight-years-old daugh
ter of Eugene A. Moyer, of 19 Penn
street, had a very narrow escape from
being seriously injured on Mill street,
Saturday evening.
The child was in the act of crossing
Mill street, near the Hotel Oliver, when
a horse driven by a farmer, down that
thoroughfare, at a quite rapid pace,
struck and knocked her down. The an
imal passed over the little girl and by
the time the ivermanaged to stop she
was lying ' plessly under the carriage.
Wheth jiieof the horse's hoofs struck
her or a ..heel of the wagon passed over
her body, both she and spectators of the
accident are unable to state, but one of
her arms and one of her thighs are
badly bruised.
The child's narrow escape was witness
ed by many people who were on tha
street in that vicinity at the time.
Third Brigade Inspection.
The Third brigade, N. G. P., of which
the Twelfth regiment is a a part, will be
inspected at camp on Aug. 9, beginning
at 7 o'clock in the morning. The in
spection will be | (receded by a review
by the ailjuant general. Officers to be
dismounted at review. Inspection
drills will follow immediately! the gen
eral inspection. The inspection drills
will be confined to battalion drill, ex
tended order and outpost duty, and will
be under the direction of the brigade in
Phonograph Party,
A very pleasant phonograph party
was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs
John Jenkins, Church street, last even
ing, in honor of Miss Lizzie Ryan, of
I lazUton. Those present were: Misses
Maggie and Ella McCaffrey, Yettie
Stangier; Messrs. I-rank Ickes, Frank
Aten, Lewis Rieck, Carey Savery and
Patrick McCallVey.
KSTAIiUsiIFJ) IX 1855.
Was Presented By the Ladies of the W,
0. T. U. Last Friday Night.
Council met in regular session Friday
■ evening .villi the following members
j present: Messrs. Vastine, Sechler, Fet
j ternian, Jones, Goldsmith, Ilolloway,
Brandt and Amesbury. Mr. Kemmer
being absent, Mr. Ilolloway was on
motion of Mr. Jones, elected president
A committee composed of Miss Mary
\ oris, Miss Sue Colt, Mrs. M.L. Douglas,
Mrs. Amos Vastine and Mrs. Alice
Beaver, representing the W. C. T. U.
appeared before council stating that the
drinking fountain had been erected on
the situ designated by council and that
it would formally be presented to the
Borough Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock,
by James Scarlet, Esq., on behalf of the
W. C. T. U.
On motion of Mr. Fetterman the la
dies were given a vote of thanks for
their noble work.
On motion of Mr. Vastine, Council
(ledided to attend the exercises on Sat
urday evening and receive the fountain
as the property of the Borough.
On motion of Mr. Fetterman the Street
Commissioner was instructed to notify
the property owners throughout the
city to trim their shade trees so as not
to interfere with the lighting of the
A complaint was received by the
Building and Itepair Committee and
submitted to Council, stating that John
Springer had recently built a stable on
his property, in the vicinity of Cooper
street, within twenty feet of a neigh
bor's house.
On motion the clerk was instructed to
notify Mr. Springer that he had violat
ed the Borough ordinance by erecting a
barn without first securing a permit
from Council.
l'he following bills were ordered paid:
1 tegular employee §144.30
S.*A. McCoy 20.00
Jos. Lechner 10.03
Crandall Packing Co 0.93
Central Penn'a Telephoe and Sup
ply Co 35
Montour and Columbia Telephone
Uo 6.00
American Car and Foundry C 0. .. 3:51 37
Montour American G.OO
U.S. Express 30
Regular Employes 82.50
Street work 49.14
D. C. Williams 2 20
William-Quigg 3.75
Child Surrendered to its Mother.
A special session of court was held
last Friday morning, with Associate
Judges Divel and {Thompson on the
bench. The only business transacted
was the hearing of a habeas corpus
Mrs. Anna Taylor, of Shamokin, in
stituted the proceedings to recover the
possession of her son, aged 3i years,
from the Convent of the Holy Sisters,
in this city. Mrs. Taylor testified that
she had been married to Thos. J. Taylor
in Shamokin four years ago. Two chil
dren were born unto them, a son and a
daughter. The wife claimed her hus
band treated tier shamefully, and fin
ally she was driven from the house. On
June 23, a separation was agreed upon
with the understanding that the husband
was to keep the boy# with him. Mrs.
Taylor .stated it was not long before the
child had been placed in the Orphanage
at the Convent 111 this city.
Mrs. Taylor was then crossed examin
ed and an effort was made to show that
the husband's unkind treatment was
due to the fact that the witness had not
been true to Mi*. Taylor; also that she
was unfit to have the custody of the
Thomas Taylor, the husband, was
present, but lie had nothing to say.
After hearing the proofs, the Court or
dered that the child be delivered to the
mother, Anna E. Taylor, for custody
and maintenance.
Was a Queer Sort of a Joke.
James Murray, who was a few weeks
ago reported killed and later as having
been seriously injured while attempting
to alight from a freight train at Addison,
N. V., has at last been heard from and
the appearances are that Mrs. Murray
has been made the victim of an attempt
at a most cruel joke.
At first, it will be remembered, a man,
whom Mrs. Murray did not know and
who had left this city with Mr.
Murray called at hrr home and informed
her that her husband was dead. Shortly
afterwards she received a telegram, say
ing that he was seriously injnred. This
was without doubt a "fake" telegram as
she was not required to sign for it.
On Saturday Mrs. Murray received a
letter from her husband, who is at Jol
iett, this state. The letter stated that
lie had not been injured nor was he ever
at Addison. He also stated that he left
this city alone.
Mrs. Murray is inclined to view the
whole matter as a joke and says that if
she could but learn the perpetrators, she
would bring them to justice.
Mausdale Won.
A team composed of Mausdale gun.
ners, defeated a Washingtonville team
on Saturday by a score of o<> to 02. Fol
lowing are the members of the teams
and their scores: Mausdale —Lewis Fig
les, 11; J. Fry, 10; A. Fry, 10; A. Law
rence, 11: J. l'ittsworth, 11; C. Lawrence,
7; J. l>eitz. 0. Washingtonville—N. L.
Wagner, 10; C. Moser, 11; A. C. Cour
son, 11; C. Oyster, 112; A. E Seidel, 8; D.
Callahoon, 7; A. Gresh, 0.
The office of the AMERICAN oeing
furnished with a large assortinen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Ofall Kinds and Descrption.
B-WGct our puces before plac
ing your orders.
The Handsome Gift Accepted by the Bor
ough Saturday Evening.
It seemed as though every resident of
Danville turned out ou Saturday even
ing to be present at the formal presen
tation of the new public fountain to the
borough by the local W. C. T. I*, branch.
Long before the time set for exer
cises the crowd commenced to assemble
and when Stoes' band reached the scene
it was impossible to get anywhere near
the fountain,
The band rendered several selections
after which Attorney Scarlet in behalf
of the ladies made an excellent present
ation speech, in which he detailed the
efforts which have been put forth by the
donors to secure the fountain. Charles
Chalfant Esq., accepted the fountain in
behalf of the borough with an ajddress.
He spoke of the tine location ,and of
how the gift would be appreciated by
the citizens of Danville. The exercises
were attended by the members of both
the W. C. T. U. and the Borough Coun
cil in a body. Music by the band con
cluded the exercises.
It now remains for Council to decide
whether or not the fountain is to be re
gularly supplied with ice. •
Mountain Grove Camp Meeting.
The twenty-ninth annual meeting of
the Mountain Grove Camp Meeting As
sociation will open Wednesday, Aug. 8,
to continue until Thursday, Aug. 18.
The opening sermon will be preached at
7:30 p.m., Wednesday. The Kev. K.
H. Gilbert, of Berwick, will conduct the
children's meeting and the Rev. Dr.
Frysinger, of Bloomsburg, will have
charge of the young people's meeting.
The Sunday school, under the super
intendent*}' of Myron I. Low, which has
been so very successful in past years,
will be-held at 1:30 p. m. Special atten
tion is called to this service, and the
presence of all is earnestly desired. The
music, a very special feature of Mount
ain Grove will be in charge of Prof.
Orval H. Yetter, of Bloomsburg, aided
by efficient assistants. The communion
service this year will be held on Tues
day, Aug. 14.
The most liberal provisions have been
made for the accommodation of minis
ters of the Danville District who may at
tend the meeting. Those tenting on the
ground with their families will be fur
nished with one tent free, except where
choice of location is granted, when one
dollar will be charged. All others will
be provided with sleeping accommoda
tions in the new and comfortable Pre
achers' home free of charge. Kev. F. S.
Vought, of St. Peter's church, South
Danville, will have charge of the pre
achers' home.
Among those who manage the affairs
of the Association this year is G. M.
Shoop, of this city.
The Verdict Set Aside.
President, Judge Penny packer, of
Common Pleas court, No., 2, Philadel
phia, has tiled an opinion setting aside
the verdict in the case of W. F. Waters,
who recently obtained $47,000 from the
Atlantic Kefining company for the loss
of his eye sight- Waters was represent
ed by Charles Goldsmith of Philadel
phia, son of Councilman Goldsmith, of
this city. The plaintiff was a minor in
the employ of the Ketiningcompany and
the reason for the setting aside of the
verdict was that the boy's earnings,
while thus employed, were not mad«
known to the jury.
Left Clothes on Railroad Track.
A Mill street lad, named Alex Grimes,
on Saturday went in swimming to his
sorrow. With a crowd of boys he was
enjoying a swim in the canal, near the
brick yard, below town, and thought
lessly enough he left his clothes lying
on the Lackawanna railroad track.
As a consequence the first train that
passed made Grimes' apparel look like
a sieve. Thomas Heilly's hat was on the
track and was also cut up. Grimes man
aged to borrow sufficient clothes with
which to get home and it is likely that
hereafter he will be more careful in se
lecting a spot in which to leave his be
Miss Breut Entertained.
Miss Pearl Brent entertained a num
ber of her girl friends at her home on
Front street, Tuesday evening. Music,
by Misses Stella Burgner and Dora Jen
kins, together with various games form
ed the evening's amusements. The fol
lowing were present:
Misses Ella Camp, Sallie Woodside,
Elizabeth Heed, Hannah Prout,Cordelia
Kramer, Pearl Brent, Mae Brent, Edith
Jenkins, Verna Heed, Stella Burgner,
Dora Jenkins. *
Prohibition Nominations.
The Montour county Prohibition ex
ecutive committee has made the follow
ing nominations: For sheriff, David
Gibson,Fourth ward;for associate judge,
Cyrus F. Stver, West Hemlock town
ship; for jury commissioner, William L.
Antrim, Third ward. Vice chairman
Kisner presided at the meeting.
A Very Sad Case.
J. F. lless and J. A. Kams, Overseers
of the Poor of Fishingcreek Township,
took Mrs. Jacob Kline, of the same
township, to the Danville Hospital for
the Insane Tuesday. Mrs. Kline is the
wife of the man taken to that institu
tion Monday by Sheriff Black.—Bloomg
burg Daily.
Will Play in Sunbury.
The "77's" of this city will cross bats
with the Sunbury Pennsylvania Kailroad
team at Sunbury, Saturday.