Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 19, 1900, Image 1

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    Home Paper——
—-Far lie Some
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Iffice Hours
A. 12 M■ 10i Mill St.,
P. 4P. M Danville, Pa.
iseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
>eth Extracted without I'utn.
Crown and bridge Work a Specialty.
lulpped with tlie latest and most improved
Instruments and prepared to execute the
most ditlk'ult work.
iffioe, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
entistry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 1893.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
te for Jury Commissioner, subject to
e decision of the Republican County
J. P. WEAVER, Mahoning Township.
Keep cool.
Watermelons are cheapening,
l'he heat has retarded hotel business,
vloonlight picnics are being enjoyed.
Not quite so warm, but warm enough,
.lany of the farmers are cutting their
!eer wagons are weariug prosperous
Che Susquehanna has beeen falling
tidly this week.
he hay fever victim will soon be off
the mountains.
everal camping parties are being ar
ged for next week.
ettle with the lax receiver before
•tember Ist; it pays,
t. Paul's M. E. congregation will pic
at DeWitt's park tomorrow,
he residence of Mrs. William Mass,
om street, is being repainted,
ohn 11 ixson is putting a new tin
112 on the Lyon building, Mill street,
he picnic season seems to have struck
Vitt's park in earnest this month,
/ork on the addition to the South
aville school building is being rushed,
ew signs are being painted on the
liver Hardware Company's building,
he Pastors of several churches of this
will enjoy their vacations next
large number of Danville house
pers are using the gas cook ranges
• summer.
he congregation of the Immanuel
itist church picniced at Indian Run
i Tuesday.
le citizen with money and time has
ity of railroad excursions to choose
I this summer.
iere is considerable suffering at near
very industry in this city from the
ent hot spell.
iring the next few weeks the school
lings of this city will receive a
ough house-cleaning.
<e Sunday school and friends of
st church much enjoyed the day at
'itt's park yesterday,
e fee Cream Festival at Straub's
ch, Frosty Valley, on Saturday
ing, was well attended.
stice of-the-Peace J. P. Bare who
•>een conHnad to his home the past
weeks, is much improved,
iters should bear in mind that they
be registered sixty days before the
ion in their respective districts.
llefonte will have a big demonstra-
July 25th and 20 th, the occasion be
lie centennial anniversary of Cen*
Ipb Diehl is employed in the post
during the absence of Chief Clerk
.. Sub Carrier Peifer is doing Mr.
Pa work.
e work of building new facings on
abutments of the river bridge is
essing rapidly. The first pier was
ed yesterday.
; Rev. A. B. Bowser of the First
st Church and Rev. F. S. Vought,
. Peter's church, exchanged pul
unday night.
* Rev. George E. Limbert, of Shiloh
med church, will assist at the re
ng services of the Union Church,
jeville, next Sunday.
; Sunday schools of Trinity M. E.
di, this city, and St. Peter's, of
Danville, will picnic at DeWitt's
Wednesday, July 25th.
account of the heat Bloch Bros',
factory closed down yesterday
• ng. The Silk mill closed at five
k last evening. The larger indus
*ere all short of help.
at preparations are being made for
<urth annual reunion of the Re
-1 church in Central Pennsylvania
teld at Clement's Park, Sunbury,
irsday July 20th. A large nuui-
Danville people expect to attend,
members of the P. O. S. of A., in
•kin, have passed resolutions re
support to any candidate who
itoxicants to secure votes. This
leasure was adopted and prose
.vitli some success at the last mu
election of that borough.
VOL. 45—140 2i>.
A Full Company Will Be Sent From
This City.
The members of Company F, Twelfth
regiment, have commenced making ac
tive preparations for the annual division
encampment of the National Guard of
Pennsylvania, to be held at Mt. Gretna,
commencing August 4th. A full com
pany, composed of sixty-three men,
will leave this city on the night of
August 3rd. The equipment of the
Guard this year is better than for many
years previous and Company F is cer
tain to make a most excellent appear
ance. Following are the names of those
who will attend:
Captain—J. Beaver Gearhart.
First Lieutenant—Frank M, Herring
Second Lieutenant—William L. Clark.
First Sergeant—William J. Keim.
0, M. Sergeant—Walter S. Ostrander.
Frank N. Keefer,
Charles E. Mills,
William R. Watts.
Martin L. Landau,
George R. Gross,
Thomas Jameson,
Herbert S. Dreifuss,
William Russell,
Charles B. Nuss,
Frank Newbaker.
John Barry,
Wellington 11. Vastine,
John Stevenson.
Benjamin Andrews.
Oscar Burdick,
Abram Childs,
Edward Cooney,
Elbert W. Coxe,
Anthony Dick,
William C- Dougherty,
Frank Ebling,
Frank Everett,
William 11. Frey,
Alfred J. Fry,
Ralph B. Gaskins,
Abram Gennaria,
Daniel Gillaspy,
William A. Greiner,
Charles M. Gretn,
William Hunt,
Jacob H. Johnson,
Charles H. Jones,
David B. Jones,
Benjamin Kneibler,
Moot Knorr,
Robert J. Lewis,
George C. Marshall,
William Marshall,
George B. Miller,
Elijah Morgan,
Walter Mottern,
Leon Mover,
Holland Moyer,
Charles McCormick,
Lloyd Nungesser, Lance Corp.
George Oberdorf.
Ambrose Prentiss,
Charles Prentiss,
Henry F. Prentiss,
J. Dallas Reppert,
George T. Rogers,
Frank Sanders,
11 arm an Sechler,
William Sechler,
Percy Shade,
William Snyder,
Elwood Stout.
fiuckel for Sheriff.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. Dav
id Rnckel of this city has yielded to the
pressure brought to bear upon him by j
his host of friends to accept the Repub- j
lican nomination for Sheriff. It goes (
without saying that Mr. Rnckel possess- J
es all the qualifications for the success- j
fill and projier conduct of this office and j
is a man for whom all persons irrespect- |
ive of party affiliation can consistently
and conscientiously vote. He is an esti- j
mable gentleman, an excellent citizen
and a soldier who has seen service. No ,
more available man could be found for
this place on the Republican ticket and
we urge upon all Republican voters
throughout the county the duty and
propriety of turning out and giving Mr.
Rnckel a unanimous endorsement at the
coming primary election.
A Pleasant Event.
Thomas L Jones celebrated his 50th.
birthday anniversary yesterday after
noon by giving a party to a number of
his relatives and friends at bis home 504
Church street. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kashner, Misses Ruth and Marie
Kashner, and Lulu Jones of Bloomsburg;
Mrs. L. M. Fetterolf and daughter
Gladys, of Mainville; and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mourey, Mrs. William Hollingshead anil
Mrs. P. A. Foust of this city.
Engineer Badly Injured.
James Kelly of Catawissa, an engineer
on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road met with a shocking accident, yes
terday afternoon. He was in charge of
a "pusher," on a fast east bound freight
train, and when near Mainville, while
leaning out of the cab window, was
struck on the head by a telegraph pole-
He was taken to his home in in uncon
scious condition, and last night he was
reported as being in a critical state.
In Shamokin all dogs are prohibited
from running at large between now and
September Ist, unless muzzled.
Application For the Establishing of a
Route Has Been Made.
There is a strong probability that be
fore many months have passed many of
the farm districts of Montour County
will have rural mail delivery, such as are
being established in adjoining counties.
Hurley Sidler, a resident of A'allev
township, recently petitioned Congress
to establish a route from this city to
Kaseville; thence to Mausdale and
Swenoda. He has received notilication
that the matter has been referred to the
post office department and that the ap
propriation for this branch of the mail
service is at present nearly exhausted.
He was given the assurance that his
petition would receive consideration as
early as possible.
The establishing of this route would
mean the abolishing of the post offices
at Kaseville, Mausdale and Swenoda,
but the mail service for these places
would be vastly better than at the pres
ent time.
Another excellent route, which has
been suggested, is from this city to ■
Union Corner, Quitman, l\.xino« and
Elysburg. These places are now served
by route from this city. I'.oih of
these routes, which l.ave bet n spoken
of, are thickly populated and are cer
tainly entitled to rural delivery.
The Republican County Convention
will be held in the Court House on Sat
urday morning, July 28th, at 10:30
The primaries will be held on Friday
evening, July 27, between the hours of
7 and 9 o'clock at the usual voting
Threatened by a Dangerous Blaze.
A very effective private lire fighting
force saved the Mansion House restaur
ant from a big loss by fire yesterday
morning. No alarm was sounded and
the Haines were gotten under control
before they wrought much damage.
The fire was discovered by Henry
Waite, an employee, iti one of the sec
ond floor bedrooms. He immediately
called to Mr. Heddens and with the as
sistance of the employes of the restaur
ant, and without the least confusion,the
Haines were extinguished. A bureau
and its contents ami several other pieces
of furniture were burned, but other than
this the damage was slight.
How the fire started neither Mr. Hed
dens nor any of the members of his
household can tell. The timely dis
covery of the flames prevented what
might have been a disastrous conflag
The Chief After Sunday Swimmers.
Chief-of-Police Mincemoyer is still
keeping up the crusade against the
small boys who persist in swimming in
the canal, inside the borough limits.
Sunday afternoon the Chief, dress
ed in citizen's clothes, walked down the
canal bank and a short distance below
the Reading fron Works he discovered
between thirty and forty lads enjoying
a Sunday afternoon swim.
Citizen's clothes, however, did not
sufficiently disguise the Chief and the
boys seeing him approaching, picked up
their clothes and escaped, before he was
within calling distance.
A Painful Accident.
Bertha, the 14 year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, of East
Front street, met with a painful accident
at the Silk Mill, yesterday, where she
is employed.
The young lady was seated on a win
dow sill when in some manner the stick
which held the window open was knock
ed out, allowing the heavy sash to fall
on the back of her right hand.
Dr. Curry dressed the injury and
though no bones were broken, the hand
is badly bruised and Miss Riley will be
unable to work for some time.
Hack Party.
The following ladies and gentlemen
enjoyed a hack drive to Washington
ville on Tuesday evening, taking supper
at Mrs. Fanny Heddens' hotel. Misses
CarrieTrumbower, Lizzie Foulk, Hattie
Russell, Hilda Hornberger, Lillian Gord
ner, Messrs Ralph Foulk, Arthur Hed
dens, Reese Edmondson, William Rus
sell, Thomas Jameson and Walter Miller.
Arrested at His Brother's'Puneral.
Frank Eckman came east to attend
the funeral of his brother, Elliot a jus
tice of the peace at Trevorton, and while
the mourners were on their way to the
grave at Klinesgrove, Detective Paul F.
Fendrick, of Shamokin, arrested Frank
for deserting his wife several years ago.
Eckman was committed to jail.
Foot Race.
An exciting foot race between James
Heddings and James Morrison, of East
Danville, took place on Tuesday night.
Mr. Heddings was the winner, covering
the distance of one-eighth of a mile in
, the remarkable time of one and one half
Crops In This County.
It is said that the wheat yield in this
county this year will average but little
| more than a half crop. To a great ex-
I tent the reason for the shortness of the
crop is the lack of rain during the spring
months. The yield of fruit, especially
| apples and peaches will be immense.
A New Company About to Be Organized
By Danville Capitalists
While the prospects for the iron and
steel business in Danville are not very
encouraging we may soon have other in
dustries in the place which will affyrd
employment for a number of hands.
The Danville Knitting Mill has been
very busy for months past and the ad
dition of more machinery within a short
time will necessitate the employment of
new bauds. Mr. Hartman's Silk Mill is
in a flourishing condition ami a large
number find employment at this busy
industry. The above industries have
been built within the last few years.
ft is now quite likely that we will soon
have another silk mill in this city. A
company is to be organized with a paid
up capital of $25,000 and it is under
stood that most of the capital is to be
furnished by Danville people. Wheth
er a new plant will be erected will be de
cided later. It is thought that suitable
buildings may be found for the work.
Another new silk mill would employ
several hundred hands and though a
great majority of the operators of the
machines are girls, they would soon
be able to earn very fair wages.
Assault and Battery Case.
Mrs. Gertrude Welliver of Rough aud
Ready St., swore out a warrant yesterday
charging her neighbors Mrs. John Keef
er and daughter with assault and bat
tery. Tbe trouble started Tuesday even
ing when the Keefer and Welliver boys
got into a tight. Mrs. Welliver, it was
said, shook the Keefer boy and then the
fun commenced by Mrs. Keefer and
daughter taking up the fight. Mrs.
Welliver says that the woman and her
daughter followed her* into Ler house
and gave her a beating.
Constable Young served the warrant
yesterday afternoon and a'hearing was
held before Justice Hunter 'last evening.
After a number of witnesses had been
heard, Mrs. Keefer and daughter were
held in fIOO bail for appearance at
Boat Ride to Chulasky.
In honor of her guest, Miss Gertrude
Nesbit, of Sunbury, Miss Jane Lloyd last
evening gave a pleasant canal boat
party to Chulasky. The young people
were chaperoned by Mrs. George A.
Kerscher, and those present were:
Misses Florence Voris, Nell Sherwood,
Agnes Hodge, Mary Fry, Jennie Lovett,
Hattie Fry, Julia Argrave, Grace Ware,
Anna Held, Hilda Hornberger, Blanche
Campbell,Anna ami Edna Lloyd, Messrs.
Harry Rote, of Philadelphia; George
Bowman, of llollidaysburg; Curry Fish
er, William Hunt, Frank Newbaker,
Howard and Harry l'atton, Blaine
James, Howard Clark, Ray Clayton,
William Bailey, Harry Welliver, Nelson
Woods and George S. Maiers.
New Machines Will Arrive Shortly.
At the Danville Knitting Mills Fri
day afternoon the lumber for the tables
upon which the new machines are to
be placed arrived. The tables will be
built and the shafting placed in position
during the coming week, and within
two weeks thirty-six machines, fifteen
full automatic stripers and twenty-one
Brinton machines, will be in operation.
To run the new machines will require
thirty additional hands, which it is ex
pected, can be secured without difficulty.
The cotton stripe workers on the Brin
ton machines Saturday were given an
advance of two cents per dozen.
Bessemer Stock Advances in Price.
It has been rumored within the past
week that the Danville Bessemer Steel
Company's works in this city would
soon be sold. Nothing has been made
public yet, but it looks as though there 1
might be a purchaser for the plant at an
early date.
Yesterday's Philadelphia papers stat
ed that there had been a demand for
Danville Bessemer stock and nearly two
thousand shares had been sold on Tues
day at fI.OO per share, advancing from
j and j.
In Favor of Rev. Pfleuger.
A congregational meeting of Trinity
Lutheran church was held Friday night
and was largely attended. It was de
cided to call another meeting for Mon
day evening, July 30, at which time a
pastor will be decided upon.
A majority of the members seem to
favor the Rev. O. F. Pfleuger, of Eliza
bethville, who is now president of the
Danville Lutheran conference. He has
preached here on several occasions and
well pleased his hearers.
Diphtheria Causes Death.
Lulu Miller, tbe ten-years-old daugh
ter of Mrs. Alice Miller, 25 Northumber
land street, died Sunday afternoon, at
3.30 o'clock from an attack of diphtheria
from which she bad suffered since last
Tuesday. The funeral was held Mon
day and interment made in Odd Fellows'
Rupert Camp Meeting.
The annual campmeeting of the A. M-
E. church of Bloomsburg will be held in
the lless Grove, Rupert, commencing
Sunday, July 28th, and continuing un
til Sunday, August sth. Able divines
and good singers will be present.
Danville is usually well represented at
tbe Rupert camp meeting.
On a Fishing Expedition.
Post Office Clerk Eugene Miles and
Letter Carrier William Lloyd are enjoy
ing a two weeks' fishing expedition in
the vicinity of Cameron.
Brief Mention of the Movement of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Dr. Edward Davis, of Berwick, visited
bis parents on Mill street yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. C. Hoover and Miss
Mattie Hoover of Bushnell, Illinois, and
Mrs. David Hoover, of Snydertown, are
guests at the home of Eli Hoover, South
William Curry Esq.. of Scran ton is
visiting his parents 011 West Mahoning
Mrs. James Martin and son James,
returned yesterday from a visit with rel
atives in Jersey City.
Mrs. Archie Mcßride, accompanied
by her daughter Marie, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Martin,
Railroad street.
William Bubeck, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his grand father John Bruder,
Bloom Street.
C. A. Wagner, of Ottowa, drove to
this city yesterday.
Richard Moser, of Mooresburg, was a
visitor to this city yesterday.
Jacob Hoffman, of Washingtonville,
was a visitor to this city yesterday.
Miss Marie Schaner, of Shamokin, is
the guest of Miss Minta Schultz, Mill
Miss Ida Sechler, called on Milton
friends yesterday.
Ross Harner, was in Sunbury a few
j hours yesterday.
Mrs. George Yastine, of Catawissa,
| called on friends in this city yesterday.
Mrs. Margaret Reep and Miss Beulah
Wertner, of Carlisle, are guests at the
home of Koss Harner, Kast Market street.
Joseph L. Shannon, drove to Dewart
Miss Lillian Gord ner returned to Uni
tyville yesterday after a visit with Miss
Carrie Trumbower, East Market street.
The Misses Clemens returned to I'otts
ville yesterday after a visit at the Slier
iff homestead, East Market street.
Miss Cora DeWitt is visiting friends
in Wiiliamsport.
M. K. Walters of Milldale, Yirginia, is
a guest at the home of George D. Ed
! mondson, East Market street.
Miss Frances Musselman, of Stevens
Point, Wisconsin; and niece Miss Ruth
Hoover, of Shamokin, are visiting at the
Musselman homestead, West Mahoning
Mr. and Mrs. George Sonneborn, of
New York City, are visiting at the home
of Major Gearhart, South Danville.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Yocmn of Bear
Gap, and Mr. and Mrs. John Clinger
man, of Union Corners, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
Pensyl, South Danville.
Messrs. Edward Watson and Harold
Peck, of Philadelphia, were the guests
over Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. J. M
Baldy, at the Shultz residence, West
Market street.
Rev. L. D. Ulrich, of Philadelphia,who
preached at Trinity Lutheran Church
Sunday, was the guest of Mrs. Web
ster Foust, Front street.
Miss Kate Purpur of Millheim, spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Louisa
Purpur, I'pper Mulberry street.
Miss Mary McCann returned to Phila
delphia, Saturday, after a visit with her
sister, Mrs. JohnTooley, Mill street.
Miss Blanche Ritlle, of Riverside, left
Saturday for a visit with friends in Phil
Mrs. John Keim, of Riverside, is visit
ing friends in Shamokin.
Mr. Stephen Edick, of New York City
is the guest of Major C. P. Gearhart,
South Danville.
Misses Mame Devers, of Philadelphia,
and Mame Berry, of Milton,have return
ed home after a visit, the guests of Miss
Kathryn Riffel, Ferry street.
Misses Emma and Adeline Keiner and
Master Luther Keiner, are visiting their
brother Walter, in Shamokin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Laumaster, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam A. McCoy, Miss Kate Rey
nolds, Miss Gussie Bruder, Walter Kra
mer, William G. Maiers and George W.
F. Woodside returned Monday from
Eaglesmere, where they were attending
the Y. M. C. A. Bible conference.
Miss Mabel Keys, of Elktou, Md.,who
has been a guest at the home of Edward
Czechowicz, West Mahoning street, is
spending a few days with friends at
Roaring Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Shoop Hunt, of Cape
May, N. J., are visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. John 11. Hunt.
Miss Bertha Kramer, of Holuiesburg,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will G. Kramer, East Front street.
Mrs. Lizzie Keller and Mrs. Amelia
Frank, of Tarentum, are visiting at the
home of Jacob Fischer, Mill street.
Mrs. Maggie Mourer is visiting friends
in Princeton, N. J.
Mrs. Jacob Berger, of Riverside,return
ed home 011 Saturday, after a visit with
relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. Jacob Yordy, of Shamokin, Mr.
and Mrs. William Dyer, of Pottsgrove,
and Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison of this
city were recent guests at the home of
Jacob Berger, Riverside.
Dr. and Mrs. 11. B. Meredith, left
Tuesday for a trip to Atlantic City and
Miss Clara Williams, of Pittston, who
has been the guest of Miss Sarah Cun
ningham, East Front street, left lues
day for a visit with friends in Harris
1 (Other Personals on Fourth Page.)
On the Farm of 0. C. Moyer Near Toby
Early Sunday morning fire totally
destroyed a large barn and contents 011
the farm of Liveryman C. C. Moyer, near
Toby Run School bouse. The fire was
discovered by Mrs. Moyer about 6
o'clock and was then burning so fiercely
and bad gained such headway that
nothing could be done to save the struc
ture and in a very short space of time it
was in ruins.
The barn was a comparatively new
structure, which together with its valu
able contents, makes tbe loss a very
heavy one. In the upper portion of the
building were stored two hundred and
fifty bushels of wheat and thirty tons of
bay. On tbe lower floor a calf was sta
bled and the poor animal unable to es
cape, perished in the flames. Two truck
wagons, harness, two plows, one har
row, one corn planter and one hay rake
were also destroyed.
The wnly horse in tbe barn was res
cued by Mr. Moyer, who was painfully
burned about the hands and face while
getting the animal out.
It is believed the fire was the work of an
incendiary and not the result of sponta
neous combustion, as was first thought.
This belief is shared by Mr. Moyer and
by persons liviug in the vicinity of the
Miles Farnswortb, who lives a short
distance from the Moyer farm, discover
ed the fire nearly a half hour before the
Moyers did,and flames were then issuing
from three different parts of the struct
ure. Another suspicious occurrence,
Mr. Mover says, is that when he return
ed to the farm from this city shortly af
ter 11 o'clock Saturday night he found
the front doors of the barn, which he
had carefully fastened before leaving the
place, standing wide open. The watch
dog also kept up a constant howl all dur
ing the night, which is very unusual.
The farm bands were at work during
the day, scattering the hay in the barn,
and Mr. Moyer claims that spontaneous
combustion from this impos
The loss of the buildingjand contents
is estimated at between $1,500 and
11,600. Neither the building nor the con
tents were insured.
Work Commenced on the Fountain.
The new public drinking fountain,
which during tbe warm weather is great
ly needed, will be in position probably
within tbe next few days.
The work of excavating for the pipes,
which are to be used to carry off the
waste water, was commenced Monday,
it will be necessary to lay pipes to tbe
corner of Mill and Lower Mulberry
The ladies were in hopes of having tbe
fountain in working order long before
this but the delay was occasioned by
the failure of the ice cooling attachment
to arrive.
Danville is soon to have a drinking
fountain which will not be surpassed by
any in this portion of the state and one
of which our citizens and the local W.
C. T. U., the donors, can feel justly
Dr. Newbaker's Father Dead.
Dr. John Barnett Newbaker, father of
Dr. P. C. Newbaker, of tliis city, died at
his home in Trevorton, on Thursday,from
a complication of diseases, from which
he had suffered for a number of years.
I)r. Newbaker was one of the most
prominent physicians of Central Penn
sylvania and a well-known Northumber
land county politician. He was elected
to the State Legislature in IS7I. He is
survived by a wife and four children.
Dr. P. C. Newbaker, this city, Mrs A.
L. Bastress, of Shamokin, John J., of
Steelton, and Mrs. J. J.John, of Lykens.
Death of Martin Staub.
At his residence, 307 Church street,
late Friday night occurred the death of
Martin Staub, a very well-known resi
dent of this city. Mr. Staub had been
ill since January and his death was due
to a complication of diseases.
The deceased was 09 years of age and
was born in Germany. He came to this
city in 1851 and ten years later came to
Danville to reside. He is survived by
one daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Brinton.
An Enjoyable Musicale.
Mrs. Lewis Woods gave a musicale to
a small number of friends on Monday
evening, at her home on Mulberry street,
in honor of Miss Lillian Benfield of West
l'ittson, who is the guest of Miss Lizzie
Ritter. Those present were: Mrs. Ellen
Rote and son Harry, of Philadelphia,
Misses Alda and Celia Bassett, Jane
Lloyd, Grace Ware, Lizzie Ritter and
Mr. J. J. Newman.
Some Handsome Badges.
Elias Maier, who on Thursday even
ing returned from tbe convention of the
Elks in Atlantic City, is displaying a
very handsome line of badges of the
Sunbury, Atlantic City. Salt Lake City,
Hartford, Conn., Harrisburg, Camden,
N. J., Richmond, Ya., and Pittston or
Preparing for Camp Meeting.
A number of Danville people are mak
ing preparations to attend the camp
meeting at M t. Grove,which begins next
month. Great interest has been arous
ed in tbe meeting this year and it is ex
pected that there will be a large attend
Clean the Gutters.
Now that the hot weather is here and
sickness is prevalent it might be well for
t he Danville people to see that their gut
ters are cleaned of foul surface water l
Watchman John McDermott Violently At
tacked by Youngsters.
Eight mischievous boys were before
Justice Bare Monday night, charged by
the Lackawanna railroad company with
committing assault and battery upon
one of the company's employes, John
McDermott, aged 71 years, who tends a
watch box near the Bessemer plant.
The lads, whose ages range from twelve
to seventeen years, nearly all reside in
the First ward. On Wednesday after
noon last they were playing about the
watch box when 6ome-one of the party
proposed stoning the watchman just for
fun. They stoned the old gentleman for
sometime, a number of the missiles
striking him and to finish the fun they
ran up close to Mr. McDermott and
threw coal ashes over him. The rail
road company hearing of the assault
immediately commenced action against
the miscreants and Constable Young
yesterday served warrants on the whole
eight. Before Justice Bare the lads
were lined $2 a piece.
Four of the eight boys were members
of a gang who threw stones at Charles
Smith of this city, one day last week.
Following are the names of the young
offenders: Robert Evans, Kimmer
David Jones, Charles Woolrich, William
Dentinger, Sidney Keilly, Roy Rock
wood and Lester Robinson.
Death of E. H. Eckman.
Elliot H. Eckman, of Trevorton, a for
mer resident of this city, died at Atlan
tic City on Thursday morning last,where
he had gone to try and regain his
When Mr. Eckman left for Atlantic
City, he was not aware of the malady,
which was pronounced "hasty consum
ption," that had taken hold of him, nor
of the seriousness of his illness. He had
hardly reached the city until he became
worse instead of better. The air was too
heavy for him and he seemed to fail at
once, even before he could realize his
condition, he was past recovery.
He leaves a wife to mourn his sudden
taking away. He was 40 years of age.
Mr. Eckman resided in this city twelve
years ago, and for sometime kept a gro
cery store at the stand now occupied by
Lenigerßros.' drug store.
The funeral took place Sunday
morning. Interment was made at Klines
Mail Carrier's Narrow Escape.
A. S. Miller, of I'axinos, who carries
the mail from that place to Danville was
thrown from his wagon while driving to
this city on Tuesday afternoon and had
a very narrow escape from being fatally
Miller had driven several miles
when the bolts, holding the reach of the
wagon, came out, separating the front
wheels from the rear portion of the ve
hicle. He was thrown out, badly bruis
ing his face and arms, and though the
plucky mail carrier held onto the lines
he was dragged quite a Idistance before
he could stop his horse.
When he reached this city with the
mail he looked as though he had exper
ienced a very narrow escape from a
terrible accident.
An Aged Lady Painfully Injured,
As a result of being thrown in the gut
ter by the sudden starting of a milk
wagon early Tuesday morning, Mrs.
Edward Fitzgibbons, of Sycamore and
Mill streets, sustained injuries which
may prove quite serious.
Mrs. Fitzgibbons was purchasing milk
from Frazier's wagon. While standing
between the wheels, the horse started
very suddenly, throwing the lady to the
gutter. She was assisted to the house
and Dr. Paules was summoned.
An examination showed that the un
fortunate lady had broken the bone in
her right arm near the shoulder; and
also badly dislocated her shoulder.
A Pleasant Party,
Miss Gertrude Heim entertained a
number of friends at a lawn party Tues
day evening at her home on East Front
street. Those present were; Mrs. Lewis
Bloch, Mrs. Samuel Bloch, Mrs. Gustave
Wyle, Mrs. Eli Rosenthal, Misses Rose
Lowenstein, of New York, Bessie and
Rose Sondheim, of Mauch Chunk, Ella
and Bertha Meyers. Dora Maier, Blanche
Goldsmith, Cora Dreifuss, and Gertrude
Goldsmith; Messrs, Milton Loeb, Esq.,
of Sunbury, Simon Goldsmith, of Du-
Bois, Clarence Goldsmith, of Philadel
phia and Herbert Dreifuss of this city.
Shepherd Dog Attacks Boy.
Frank Boyer, aged fourteen years,
who resides with his parents on the
Delcamp farm near Grovania, was badly
bitten by a shepherd dog on Sunday
evening. The lad was brought to this
city and Dr. I'aules dressed the wound.
Good Music.
Stoes' Band, under the direction of
J. Tyler Oberdorf, serenaded a number
ot our citizens on Saturday evening.
The band shows a marked improvement,
and rendered some very choice selec
A Lawn Festival.
The Young Peoples' Society, of the
Pine Street Lutheran Church, will hold
a festival on the lawn in the rear of the
church, next Saturday evening. Stoes'
Band will furnish the music.
Captaiu Butler in Charge.
During the absence of Ensign and
Mrs. lleift, Captain Butler of New York,
will have charge of the meetings at the
Salvation Army Hall.
The office of the AMERICAN oeing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Ofall Kinds arid Descrption.
tdifGet our prices before plac
ing your orders.
Of the Training School of Attendants
at the Hospital.
Amusement Hall at the State Hospital
for the Insane was crowded Thursday
night the occasion being the eighth ann
ual commencement of the training school
for attendants of that institution. The
exercises were very interesting and for
the first time the Hospital orchestra,
consisting of lifteen pieces, assisted in
the program. Shortly after 8 o'clock
the graduating class, composed of nine
gentlemen and three ladies took their
places in the front row of chairs. On
the stage were seated Dr. Meredith, Rev.
Dr. Dimmick, Rev. G. E. Limbert,James
Scarlet, Esq., Dr. Sweisfort, Dr. Det
weiler, Williamsport; Dr. Trowbridge,
BufTalo; Dr. Harvey, Wilkesbarre.
The program opened with an invoca*
tioT by Rev. Limbert, which was follow
ed by an overture "Heyday" by the or
chestra. The address to the class was
well delivered by Dr. Trowbridge, who
spoke of the organization of the train
ing school and of his having delivered
the first lecture to the tirst class. The
address was followed by a piano solo
•'Rondo Capriccisso" by Miss Bradley.
The diplomas were conferred to the fol
lowing graduates by Superintendent
Meredith: Charles E. Bahner, Joseph
K. Bird, William L. Gelnett, Norman
T. Hall, William E. Heller, James A.
Hodge, Chester I. Saylor, James Earnest
Yingling, James W. Zimmerman, Dalie
L. McLaughlin, Susan Amelia Saylor,
Mary Garsed Woods.
The orchestra rendered another selec
tion, "Souvenir de Bucalossi," following
which Dr. Johnston awarded prizes as
follows: tirst, Chester I. Saylor; sec
ond, William L. Gelnett; third, William
E. Heller. The program closed with the
benediction by Rev. Limbert.
Following the exercises a pleasant re
ception was given to the class and grad
uates by Dr. and Mrs. Meredith. Dur
ing the reception the orchestra render
ed some fine selections and refreshments
were served.
Prohibition County Convention.
The Prohibition county convention
was held at the Salvation Army Hall,
Ferry street, Tuesday evening. Thomas
Curry called the convention to order
and Levi Sechler was made chairman of
the meeting. Prof. J. M. Kelso acted as
lor County Chairman, Samuel Mills
was unanimously elected and Ralph
Kisner was elected Vice Chairman. Prof.
J. M. Kelso was the choice of the con
vention for Secretary. For delegate to
the State convention, which meets at
Pittsburg on August Bth, the Rev. O. G.
Heck was elected to represent this coun
Thefollowing Executive committee was
appointed at last night's convention:
Thomas Curry, Levi Sechler and Rev. O.
G. Heck. This committee, which was
empowered to make the nominations
for county offices, will meet next Mon
day night. After all business before the
convention had been disposed of, the
Rev. O. G. Heck, who wlls one of the
State delegates at the National Prohibi
tion convention in Chicago, gave a most
interesting talk on the work that the
party has planned for the coming cam
The Prohibitionists will open their
campaign in Pennsylvania with their
State convention at Pittsburg on Au
gust 8.
Overcome by the Heat.
Uriah Grove, who resides on Vine
street, while calling on a relative at 38
Montour Row, Tuesday afternoon was
overcome by the heat. He was seated
in the kitchen and as the room was
very warm he was suddenly prostrated.
I a falling from the chair he bruised him
self about his head and face. He was
taken to his home where restoratives
were applied and Tuesday night he was
ported as resting easily.
A New Industry for this Oity.
An Overall and Shirt factory will be
putin operation in this city in the near
future. The new plant will be under
the management of the owners, Messrs
Abraham Rosenstein and Isaac Lipschi
tz, who are at present in New York
buying goods. No building has as yet
been selected but there are several suit
able places in view- The plant will start
with 35 hands.
Miss Blanche Pursel, of Kaseville,
very pleasantly entertained some thirty
friends at a six o'clock dinner on Satur
day evening. Among those present
from this city were: Miss Florence Met
ier, Misses Cora and Gertrude Kase, and
their guests, Miss Morgan, of Bingham
ton, N. Y:, Miss Cleaver and Mr. J. W.
Clayton, of Philadelphia; Miss Robison,
Misses Ellen and Katherine Vastiue, Mr
Simon Vastine, Mr. Willard Metier, Miss
Elizabeth Metier.
Coming Wedding.
Invitations are out for the marriage o
Miss Jennie Bitterman and Moses Gross
of Kansas City, for Sunday July 22nd,
at 4 p. in. Mr. Gross is a son of Henry
L Gross of this city.
Entertained at DeWitt's Park.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Angle entertained
some fifty friends at DeWitt's park Mon
day afternoon. Music was furnished
by Mr. Wyle and Miss Heim.
Base Ball.
The Bloomsburg Jr. base ball team
will contest honors with the Danville
77's, in this city,on Saturday afternoon.