Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 12, 1900, Image 1

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    Hgne Pajer
——For the Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
Office Hour»
9A. 12 M. 10i Mill &■>
1 I'. 4F M. Danville, Pa.
>llll.l/., M. I).
425 Mill St., Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Office: 218 Mill Street.
Teeth Kxtraeted without Pain.
frown and Bridge Work :i Specialty.
Equipped with the latest and most improved
instruments and prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Offioe, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 1893.
i ll\|l| \H.|I SEWS.
Circus next Monday.
Blackberries are ripening.
Taxes for 1900 are now being collect
Six prisoners are at present coniined
in the county jail.
Don't get excited ! Keep cool, espec
ially during July—if you possibly can.
Don't forget Andrew Downie's per
forming dog and pony show next Mon
day, July 10th.
Mrs. Eugene Moyer is seriously ill at
her home on f'enn street.
The fund of seventy-five thousand dol
lars for Bucknell University of which
Mr. John D. Rockafeller gives fifteen
thousand, was completed June 30th. Of
the amount, thirty-three thousand has
been paid iu.
One half of the school vacation is al
most gone.
Justice Bare is unable to be at his of
fice, on account of trouble with one of
his limbs.
Mark Hess is erecting a frame dwell
ing on Avenue F, Riverside.
An icecream festival will be held at
Straub's church, Frosty Valley, on Sat
urday evening. Music will be famished
by the Buckhorn band.
July has been keeping up the disaster
record with terrible affectiveness.
The Lutheran congregation at I.ewis
towu is demolishing its church building
and on the site will erect a * ;, 0,000 struc
The large organ in Christ Episcopal
church has been tuned and repaired
during the past few days.
One of the most delightful and popu
lar camping grounds in this sec tion of
the State is "The Willows" on Col. Eck
man's farm at the mouth of Roaring
Creek. There are often several parties
there at the same time.
There is a disposition on both sides to
have a short and sharp campaign.
On Friday, July 13, the Mahoning
church and Sunday school will hold
their annual picnic at DeWitt's park.
Jonathan R. Davis, of Kingston, who
is a candidate for the office of prothono
tary of Luzerne county, is a native of
this city.
Several of the large industrial estab
lishments in this city resumed operations
Monday morning after a shut down
for the Fourth of July week.
The excursion rush to all summer re
sorts is on in earnest and will be very
heavy unti l the middle of August.
The streets were unusally quiet and
orderly on Saturday night, considering
that it was a pay day night.
The rain storm that struck this city
Saturday afternoon greatly interfered
with the usual Saturday evening busi
On Friday, July 20, St. Paul's Sunday
school will picnic at DeWitt's park.
The Salvation Army realized $23 by
the Children's International entertain
ment, given Monday evening.
Gomer Thomas is removing his stock
back into the recently remodeled Gross
block on Mill street.
Asparagus ice cream is a late novelty.
All the station agents in the employ
of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
way company are now obliged to wear
The cherry crop is nearly over and is
conceded to have been the biggest for
years past.
In several parts of the city cross,snap
ping dogs are running at large The
owners should take care of their pets
that in their playfulness they may not
do serious injury to pedestrains.
Valentine, the 11-years-old son of
Mrs. Caroline Kuiiecinski is slowly re
covering from a severe attack of ap
The first Pennsylvania railroad excur
sion to Atlantic City for the season, is
announced for Thursday, July 19th.
If the weather is favorable a number
of our voting people will hold a dance at
DeWitt's park tomorrow evening.
The Montour & Columbia Telephone
Company have begun their line from
Bloouisburg to Millville. Over twenty
telephones ar' subscribed for between
here and Bloomsburg, and a number at
Rohrsburg, to where the line will be ex
tended at once.—Millville Tablet.
- \ y ' -i -V
VOL. LV-M) 28.
So Said the finance Committee at Friday
Night's Meeting.
A regular meeting of the Borough
Council was held Friday night with the
following members present: President
Kemmer, Goldsmith, Jones, Fetterman,
Vastine, Bebnian, Sechler, Latter, and
Mr. Goldsmith of the finance com
mittee reported that the borough was in
a deplorable condition financially, and
that there was not a sufficient amount
of money with which to pay the wages
of the street laborers, which are due to
It was voted that the crossing at the
alley joining Bloom street, at Grove
Presbyterian church, be, repaired. It
was decided that the ordinance and
police committees inspect the trees on
West Market and Mulberry streets
and order those, which interfere with the
street lights, trimmed.
It was voted that the secretary be
given his annual vacation of two weeks.
The following bills were read and or
dered paid as soon as possible.
Street work $115.97
Regular employes 82.50
Is. M. Waite 50
A. 11. Grone 2.35
Joseph Lechner 1-90
J. K. Wallize 2.25
I). L. & W. railroad 35
S. A. McCoy 2.00
Standard Electric Light Co 447.53 j
Standard Gas Co 2.00 j
Board of Health 15.70 I
Joseph D. Hahn 18.75 j
Begular employes $346.29
S. A. McCoy 20.00 j
Curry & Vannan 5.00 ;
I). L. & W. railroad 25 j
Adams Express Co 135
A. 11. Grone 20.72
A. C. Amesbury 95.15
U. S. Express Co 25 j
Standard Gas Co 5.20 |
Presented with Regalia and Badge.
The Mahoning tribe, Improved Order !
of Bed Men held a very pleasant social J
at their hall, in the Lyon building, last j
evening. At that time William Aten.of
this city, the Past Great Sachem, of the ,
State, was presented with a very hand- j
some regalia. The presentation speech
was madeby George 11. Smith,who him- 1
self presented Mr. Aten with a beautiful ;
(ireat Sachem badge. Mr. Aten respond- I
ed with a short speech.
The members of the order and their j
wives were present and er joyed the
social event. Phonograph music form- i
ed a part of the evening's entertain- J
ment and refreshments were served.
Reformed Church Reunion.
The members of the Reformed church
of Central Pennsylvania and their i
friends will hold their fourth annual re
union at Clement's park.Sunbury,Thurs
day, July 20. Dr. N. C. Schaeller, State
superintendent of public instruction,and
ltev. G. W. Richards, of the Lancaster j
Theological Seminary, will deliver ad- j
dresses. Clement park is a delightful j
place for a reunion of this kind and all
suitable arrangements are being made
for the accommodation of those who
come. Excursion rates on all railroads.
New Switchboard is Necessary.
On account of the increased number
of 'phones, which have been placed in
this city during the past few weeks, a
new switch board will be necessary in
the exchange of the Montour it Colum
bia company, this city.
The new board arrived a few days ago,
together with one hundred new 'phones
A 'phone will today be placed in the
Lackawanna railroad station by the
Montour & Columbia company.
Mr. Rogers Goes to a Hospital.
Richard Rogers,living near Indian Run
park,accompanied by his brother,Thom
as,left yesterday fur Philadelphia. The
former, it will be remembered, had one
of his feet badly burned at the Reading
Iron works sometime ago. The wound
has since healed, but several particles of
crushed bone were not removed. He
will enter the German Hospital, where
these will be taken out by the aid of an
X-rays machine.
Both Were Fined.
Joseph Becktnan, of this city, and
Saul Stewart, of Sunbury, who were ar
rested by Chief-of-Police Mincemoyer
Tuesday night, were both given a hear
ing before Justice Hunter yesterday,
Stewart was fined $9. the charges being
disorderly conduct and drunkenness and
Becktnan was charged with drunkenness
only, and was fined $4.
Accompanied Patients to Retreat.
Mrs. Miller, Miss Garrison, Miss Farr
ell, Miss Curry, Miss Haney; Messrs. H.
Goodman, James Mackin, Davenport
and Williams, of the Retreat Hospital,
came to this city yesterday and accom
panied the insane from the local hospit
al to the former institution.
A Novelty Social.
At the new dwelling of Benjamin Som
mons, No. 1, Rough and Ready street,
on Saturday evening, July 14, a novelty
fair will be held for the benefit of the
United Evangelical church. All are
cordially invited.
First Baptist Church Excursion.
The First Baptist church will hold an
excursion to Red I'oirit via the canal
this evening. The boat will leave the
' Mill street wharf at 8 o'clock.
First He Was Reported Dead and Later
Badly Injured,
The case of James Murray, who was
on Saturday night reported killed and
later as being seriously injured, while
attempting to alight from a freight train
at Addison, N. V., is very mystifying.
The man who informed Mrs. .Murray
of her husband's death Saturday even
ing neglected to give his name and in
her excitement Mrs. Murray neglected
to ask who he was. lie did, however,
state that he hail left this city for Ad
dison in company with Murray.
On will he remembered,that
Mrs. Murray received a telegram from
Addison signed by her husband in which
he stated that lie would write the follow
ing day. Since then she has received no
word and is rather inclined to believe
that the first report was the correct one.
Mrs. Murray yesterday wrote to the
Chief-of-Police of Addison, seeking in
formation as to what has become of her
Good Sermons and Excellent Music.
Sunday was a great day for the con
gregation of Saint IVn!'-, i .[with
standing the in ten heat the large edi
fice was tilled, both morning an i even
ing. The sermons I>\ Dr. Diinmick were
powerful, andes; ceiailv intere-ting was
the evening subject, "Martin I uther,
the Prophet of the [.'' formation."
Prof. J. Fred W...1-, of B thleliem,
presided at the organ,both morning and
evening. This is the first time this
celebrated organist has ever been heard
in this city and his work was an enjoy
able part of the services of the day. For
the morning otlertory Prof. Wolle played
an "Andante Cantabile" by Widor. In
the evening he played several of the old
Lutheran chorals, as arranged by Bach.
It is probably the first time these selec
tions have ever been given in this city.
The Prelude in G by Bach, was master
ly rendered. The wonderful pedal work
and the shades in the Andante move
ment seemed perfect. The Aria in A
minor was also well given. Prof. Wolle's
playing of the various hymns was truly
sympathetic and it seemed as though the
full strength of every voice in the choir
was brought out. The last hymn "A
Mighty Fortress is Our God," the well
known Lutheran hymn, was played and
sung in a soul stirring manner.
The choir was ably assisted at the
evening service by Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Vannan, of Coatesville, who rendered a
pleasing duet. Mr. Vannan also sang a
beautitul solo.
The time for the liepublican County
Convention has been fixed for Saturday
July 28th. The primaries will be held
Friday July 27th.
Directors and Teachers Meet.
A joint meeting of the School Hoard
and the recently elected teachers was
held Tuesday with the following dir- !
ectors present: President Fischer,Orth, 1
Curry, Lunger, Barber, Burger, Black, :
Werkheiser, llarpel and Green Sixteen
of the teachers were also present.
The list of recommended books was
read. The teachers then gave their
opinions as to the quality of the various
books; also concerning the vertical sys
tem of writing.
The following books were adopted: 90
Bed way's International Geographies; 84
Bedway's Elementary Geographies; 200 j
Bice's Rational Spelling books; 42 Went
worth's arithmetics; 72 Beed & Kellog's
Graded Lessons in English.
A change was proposed in the vertical !
system of writing, now in use in the
schools of this city This,together with
the recommendation for 200 Stowell's
Primers of Health, was laid over. The
meeting then adjourned until Tuesday
evening, July 24.
Wait for the Big Show.
Andrew Downes performing dog and
pony show will exhibit in this city on
Monday, July 16. The only big popular
price show coming this season. They
claim to present more distinguished
features, startling specialities more new
novelties, mimicing monkeys, trained ,
horses, educated donkeys, performing
ponies, learned goats, {somersault dogs,
daring athletes, and tumblers and a
great aggregation of aerial artists.
Two performancesjdaily. Doors open at
1 and 7 o'clock.
In Honor of Her Guests.
Miss Gertrude Kase entertained at
her home in South Danville Saturday ■
evening, in honor of her guests, Miss 1
Morgan and Mr. llarvey Bennett, of
Binghamton, N. V. The following were
present: Miss Ella Yastine, Miss Lizzie
Vastine, Miss West, Miss Bobison;
Messrs. B. V. West, William V. Oglesby,
Esq., and Charles Lyon.
Judge Divel Meets With an Accident.
Associate Judge Henry Divel met with j
a quite painful accident at his meat j
market on Saturday evening. A butch- .
er knife, which had been left standing,
point downward, on a meat block, fell,
striking him on the right hand and cut- i
ting a gash several inches long. Dr.
Paules dressed the wound.
Miss Benfield Will Play.
Miss Lillian Benfield, a graduate of
the Pennsylvania Institute for the Blind
Philadelphia, and an accomplished
musician, will preside at the organ of
Saint Paul's M. E. church next Sunday
morning. Miss Benfield is the guest of
Miss Lizzie Bitter, Bailroad street.
DANVILLE, PA., Till HSDAV, ILY 12. 1<)00.
• Constable Acor Makes Important Arrests
in Anthony Township.
i Two important arrests were made by
Constable J. S. Acor, of Anthony town
ship late Monday night and Tuesday
afternoon. For sometime past consider
able thieving has been going on among
the farmers in that vicinity and on Sun
day nijiht Ephraiin Murray was the vic
tim of a dastardly piece of work.
Mr. Murray last week purchased a
handsome new binder, which was left
standing nights near his barn. On Mon
day morning the iron truck, which was
used to haul the binder from place to
place, was missing. It was learned that
two men were seen driving with the
truck in a spring wagon toward Mc-
Ewensville. Mr. Murray drove to that
place and found the truek, which had
been broken to pieces 011 a scrap pile.
He also gained sufficient evidence to
cause the arrest of Harry Robbins, aged
about 35, and Harry Sliipe, aged about
lfi, both of whom live in Anthony town
The men plead guilty and were com- 1
uiitted to the county jail by Justice
Ellis. Robbins was brought here late .
Monday night and Shipe Tuesday. I
011 the way to this city Shipe informed
Constable Acor that he and Robbins were !
responsible for numerous other petty
thievery cases, which have occurred in
that locality recently.
Making Way for New Machinery,
The position of the dynamos and
machinery at the Standard Electric Com
pany's plant is being entirely changed to
make room for the new engine and dyn
amos, which have arrived and will short- I
ly be in use.
The arc light dynamos, which have,
heretofore been located from the ea*t to I
the west extremities of the building, j
have been turned so that they now run j
north and south of the building. It is '
intended to place all the dynamos in )
this position, and the foundations for
them are being constructed.
The new machinery will consist of a
new 125 arc light dynamo and a 1,500
incandescent light dynamo. The new
engine of 300 horse power is already 111
position and the big fly wheel is now
being constructed. It will probably take
some weeks to transfer the remainderof j
the machinery and to put the new mach- i
inery in operation.
William flenrie Passes Away.
William Henrie, for many years a res
ident of Danville, died at his home, 301 ;
I'pper Mulberry street, on Saturday ,
afternoon, shortly after 3 o'clock.
He had not been in good health for
the past six months and for several
weeks prior to his death be had been
confined to his bed. His death was due
to complication of diseases.
A wife, one daughter, Mrs. John G.
Jenkins, of Alexandria, Indiana; and
three sons, David, of Edwardsdale;John
and Fred of this city, survive. For
forty years the deceased resided in Dan
' ville. At one time he was engaged in
i the mining business, but later years he
1 had charge of Maus quarry.
Saturday's Terrific Storm.
The terrific wind and rain storm, 1
1 which broke over this city 011 Saturday
afternoon, caused considerable damage.
At the Bessemer Steel Plant the roof
; over the new soaking pit was blown off
and the roof was blown from the scale
house at Shepperson's coal yard.
A number of trees about town were
J blown down and at Castle Grove the
wind played havoc with the shade trees.
' The wires of the standard Electric Com
j pany suffered from the storm; as did
, also the lines of the Montour it Colum
bia Telephone Company in Bloomsburg
| and vicinity.
Will Remove a Switch Engine.
On account of the blowing out of the
Blast Furnace, which will occur 011 Sun
day, together with the shutting down
of some of the other industries of this
city for an indefinite period, Lackawan
na switch engine No. 52, will be taken
from this city lad located in Kingston.
What will be done with the engine crew
has not yet been determined.
The Thirteenth Annual.
The Thirteenth Annual Reunion of
the Susquehanna District Association K.
G. E. will be held at Milton, on Labor
j Day, Sept. 3,1900. The district includes
many cities ami towns in Central,
I and the gathering this year already
promises to eclipse all former occasions.
A Six O'clock Dinner,
Mrs. T. W. Clayton,of South Danville
entertained at a six o'clock dinner last
evening. Those present were: Misses
Malinda and K lith Cleaver and Mr.
John W. Clayton, of Philadelphia; Miss
j Gertrude Morgan, of Binghamton,N. Y.;
| Misses Cora and Gertrude Kase,of South
Will Address the Attendants,
j Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Trowbridge, of
Buffalo, are the quests of l>r. and Mrs.
11. 15. Meredith at the State Hospital.
Dr. Trowbridge was formerly connected
with the Hospital iu this city and will
make the address at the Attendants'
' commencement this evening.
Married in Baltimore.
In Baltimore 011 June 20, occurred the
marriage of William F. Van Kirk, son
of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Van Kirk, of
Cooper street, this city, to Alice M
1 Whipple, of Baltimore.
Brief Mention of the Movements of Your
Friends and Acquaintances.
Mrs. William Pierce returned to Lew
isburg yesterday after a visit-with rela
tives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grimm and son,
William, and Miss Leah Early, of Read
ing are the guests of Miss Amelia Held,
Bloom street.
Mrs. James Murray returned yester
| day from a week's visit in Wilkesbarre.
j C. E. Geyer, Esq., of Catawissa, was
1 in this city yesterday.
Mrs. Rebecca Fry, of Mausdale,~was a
• guest yesterday at the home of A. 11.
Fry, Centre street.
Mrs. Kate Bausch returned from a vis
it with relatives in Tamaqua yesterday.
E. J. Coxey, of Sunbury, was a visitor
in this city yesterday.
Mrs. E. S. Gearhart and children and
1 Mrs. Crevling left yesterday for a visit
iu Espy.
Misses S. M., and Kate Theis and
Master Stanley Theis, of Wilkesbarre,ar
rived in this city yesterday for a visit
the guests of Mrs. M. 11. Schram.
Miss Louise Shaner, of Shamokin, is
the guest of Miss Minta Sliultz, 011 Mill
Charles McCormiek was in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marklev White re
turned to Norristown yesterday after a
visit with relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Forney are visit
ing relatives in Jersey Shore.
Dr. J. E. McCuaig accompanied the
patients which were removed from the
local hosj ital to Retreat yesterday.
A. I). Knapp, of Williamsport, was in
this city on business yesterday.
Thomas Murray spent yesterday with
friends it: Williamsport.
Miss Myrtle Smith, of Horseheads, N.
Y., arrived in this city Friday for a
visit,the guest of her cousin, Miss Nellie
Mr. Harvey Belinett, of Binghamton,
X. V.,is a guest at the home of Harrison
Kase, South Danville.
Prof. J. Fred Wolle and wife, of Beth
lehem, are the guests of his brother, 11.
C. Wolle, West Market street.
John G. Jenkins and children, of
Alexandria, Indiana, and David Henrie,
of Edwardsdale, are in this city, having
injr brcn eat I pit liorn by tli« death of the
late William Henrie.
Mrs. 11. C. Laubach and son Frank,of
Berwick, spent Saturday at the home of
Henry Jones, West Mahoning street.
Robert McClure returned to Baltimore
Saturday, after a visit with relatives in
South Danville and this city.
Samuel Yorks, of New York, arrived
in this city Saturday lo spend his vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
A. Yorks.
Bobert Y. Gearhart, of Philadelphia,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
R. Gearhart.
Samuel Johnson, of New York, is
spending his vacation with his mother,
Mrs. Anna Johnson, Walnut street.
Mrs. Warren Stouck and daughter,
Helen, of Williamsport, art guests at
the home of J. B. McCoy, West Market
Mrs. Edward Pentz and Miss Lucinda
Leighow visited Bloumsburg friends Sun
Mrs. John Lane and daughter, of
Kimerer, Wyoming, are visiting rela
tives in this city.
Dr. Edward Davis, of Berwick, spent
Sunday with his parents in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letcher and three
children, of Wilkesbarre, are guests at
the home of Joseph L. Shannon, River
Prof. Richard Metherill left Thursday
for Eaglesmere where he will play dur
ing the summer.
F. Pursel Angle is visiting in Pittsburg
Canton Ohio, and Chicago.
Grant Rockafellow and family, of
Philadelphia, are visiting at the home of
Mr. Rockafellow's parents, Mr. and Mrs
A. Rockafellow, Bloom street.
Mrs. John Henderson, of Williams
port, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex.
Foster, Bloom street.
Miss Mary Williams has returned to
her home in Plymouth, after a pleasant
visit in this city, the guest of Miss Anna
Diehl, Vine street.
Mrs. William Heimbach, of Williams
port, is visiting her son George, Canal
Miss Helen Connor, of Bloomsburg, is
a guest at the home of Daniel Connor,
Ferry street.
Mrs. John Clemens, of l'ottsville, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sheriff, East
Market street.
Mrs. Annie Hain, of New York, is the
guest of her niece, Miss llattie Siming
ton, East Market street.
The Misses Clemens, of l'ottsville, are
guests of Mrs. J. W. Sheriff, East Market
Mr. John M. Cook, of Philadelphia, is '
visiting his aunt, Mrs. John M. Sechler, j
308 Ferry street.
Prof. Lewis Aiumerman and wife, of
Wilkesbarre, are the guests of Mrs. Pat
terson Johnson, East Market street.
Miss Laura Carodisky, of Sunbury, is
visiting Miss Elsie Carodisky, on I'pper
Mulberry street.
Miss Malinda Cleaver, of Philadel
phia, is visiting relatives and friends in
this city. J
1 >lher Personals on fourth page. •
There Are 3,490 Between the Ages of
Sixteen and Twenty-One.
'I he clerk in the County Commission
ers' office has com pleted transcribing the
registration of school children between
the ages of If! and 21, which gives some
very interesting statistics.
Montour county has 3,490 school
children, of these 1,703 are females and
1,727 males. The Third ward of thiscity
has the largest enrollment of children,
the number being 485. The smallest
district is the Pine Grove, independent
district, which has but 13 children en
following is the enrollment of the
various townships and districts:
Anthony 230
Cooper 109
Danville, first ward 403
Danville, second ward 380
Danville, third ward 485
Danville, fourth ward 370
Derry 203
West Hemlock 127
Liberty 278
Limestone 171
Mahoning 247
Mayberry 84
Pine Grove (independent) 13
Valley 205
Washingtonville 05
Total 3,490
1 n the four wards of this city there are
1,698 school children.
Charles Metier an Alternate.
Charles G. Metier, a graduate of the
Danville High school has been appoint
ed by Adjutant General Corbin, an al
ternate for a cadetship in the United
Statej Military Academy,at West Point,
and has at the same time distinguished
himself at Columbia College, New York
city, where he is at present a student.
Mr. Metier has just completed his
freshman year at Columbia and out of a
class of sixty-nine members, he won an
unconditional scholarship at that in
The young man is a son of Philip Met
ier, of Klinesgrove, and a nephew of
Major C. P. Gearhart, of Riverside. He
has many friends and acquaintances in
this city, he having attended the High
School here for several years. He grad
uated with the class of 1898 and was one '
of the honor men of that class.
Death of a Civil War Veteran.
Matthew Jones, a veteran of the
War and for forty years a resident of
this city, died at his home, W0 East
Market street, about 5 o'clock Tuesday
While serving in the army Mr. Jones
was injured by the falling of a shed.
From this injury he never fully recover
ed and his death was a direct result. He
is survived by a wife, one daughter, Mrs
Charles Henrie and two sons, James and
William, all of this city.
The deceased was born in England 04
years ago and when the Civil war
broke out he was one of the first to
enlist from this city and went to the
front with the Columbia Guards. Lat
er lie enlisted in the lS7thl'. V. I.
Excellent Entertainment.
The Children's International entertain
ment in the opera house Monday night
was witnessed by between 300 and 400
people, and was satisfactory iu every
The children all took their parts in a
praise worthy manner and thirteen
countries were well represented. The
following out-of-town otlicers were pres
ent: Lieut. Jones, Bloomsburg; Capt.
Sinn and .Lieut. Montgomery, Milton;
Capt. Baer and Cadet Hoflinan, Sun
The proceeds of the entertainment
will enable Ensign and Mrs. Ileift to
take their well deserved vacation, and
they will leave on Monday to be absent
three weeks.
Principal for Riverside School.
At a meeting of the Riverside School
Board held Monday evening a principal
was elected for the grammar school.
The following directors were present:
John Farley, Dennis Murphy, Elmer
Fowler, Eli Hoover and Jerry Knorr.
For the principalship there were three
applicants and the first ballot resulted
in the election of E. W. Coxe, of this
city, a graduate of the Bloomsburg
Normal school. The vote stood 4 to 1.
Mr. Cox is now an agent for the Metro
politan Life Insurance Company and
will continue so until Sept. 1.
At a previous meeting of the Board
Miss Alice Gearhart was re-elected teach
er of the primary school.
Issued a Camp Order.
In view of the fact that the guard will
go into camp ou August 4,at Mt. Gretna
Colonel Clement has issued an order re
lative thereto. He directs that the com
pany baggage 011 the ambulance be load
ed on July 30 for shipment in advance
of the troops; officers and men desiring
lumber for floors and other purposes can
order it through the quartermaster not
later than July 10; and no standing
frame or spring cots will be allowed, but
the following are directions as to making
a sleeping place: Two sticks 0 feet
10 inches by two inches in diameter with
canvas having a hem 011 each side deep
enough to admit the carriers; two eight
inch boards properly notched will carry
the three cots. Otlicers and non-com
missioned stair are requested to use eith
er military or steamer trunks and to pro
cure camp furniture, outfits, etc.
Wilkesbarre is after the State Fair
this year.
Some Very Interesting Ones Concerning
Montour County.
The totals of the mercantile apprais
er's list, which have just been prepared
by County Commissioners' Clerk Peiler
show the following interesting figures:
Anthony $14.34
Cooper 6 .39
Derry 21.07
Danville, first ward 290.20
Danville, second ward 72.47
Danville, third ward 676.53
Danville, fourth ward 14.81
Liberty U -8 2
Limestone 11.45
Mahoning n 67
May berry 2.13
VaHey 14-2 l
Washingtonville 39.14
West Hemlock 2.50
Total $1188.73
The wholesale licenses amounted to
$142.78; billiard and pool licenses, $120;
opera house license, S3O; retail liquor
licenses,s6,2oo;wholesale liquor licenses,
$200; brewer's licenses, $1,300; distiller's
license, SIOO.
Mr. Seidel's Valuable Coin.
Clarence Seidel, clerk at the Heddens
Mansion House restaurant, is the pos
sessor of a valuable collection of coins.
In this collection he has one of the cop
per anti-slavery pieces recently describ
ed in the Boston Transcript, as being
dug up from a field in the Middle West
some weeks ago. The coin is unmistak
able and without doubt genuine. It re
duces the value of the other and earlier
discovery but opens on its own account
an interesting reminder of the ante
bellum events. The coin bears the date
IS3B, with "Liberty" in a laurel wreath
on the face and the kneeling slave with
her pathetic, "Am I not a Woman and
a Sister ?" on its reverse side. The con
dition of the coin is perfect.
It has been stated that but twenty of
these coins Were ever struck, but this
story is discredited.
Death of James D. Ease.
A telegram was received in this city
Tuesday announcing the death of
James D. Kase which occurred at his
home in Greensboro, N. C., on Monday
evening, about 8 o'clock. Death was
due to typhoid fever. The deceased was
born near thia pifjr on,i n Kr,..> <■«->
years of age. He was a brother of the
late Charles Kase, of Rush township,
and a brother-in-law of County Surveyor
George W. West, of this city. In 1890
he went to Greensboro where he was
superintendent of a blast furnace. He
is survived by a wife and the following
children: Mrs. Stockton Voorhees, of
Albany, N. Y.; Mrs. Matthew Carring
ton, of Bramwell, West Va.;Miss Elean
or Kase, of hynchburg, Va.; Miss Mabel
Kase, of Greensboro; Walter Kase, of
New York, and DeWitt Kase, of Greens
Training School Graduates.
We are in receipt of an invitation to
the commencement exercises of the
Training School for Attendants which
will be held in the amusement hall of
the State Hospital on Thursday eve
ning at 8 o'clock The class, which
is composed of twelve members, is the
largest ever graduated from the local
Following are the names of the class
members: Susan A. Savior, Mary G.
Woods, Dalie McLaughlin, Chester I
Savior, Charles E. Bahuer, Joseph K.
Bird, William L. Gelnett, Norman T.
Hall, William E. Heller, James A.Hodge,
.lames E. Yingling, James W. Zimmer
New Hose Wagon About Completed.
The Washington Hose Company has
been notified that their new hose wagon
which is being built at Seneca Falls, N.
Y., is about completed and will be ship
ped to this city the latter part of this
week or the first of next week.
Delightful Excursion.
The canal boat excursion given by the
Ladies' Sewing Circle of Christ Episcop
al church, to Chulaskey Monday night,
was attended by about four hundred
people and two boats were used. Stoes'
band accompanied the merry party and
a delightful evening was spent.
Prof. Wolle Gives a Recital.
Prof. J. Fred Wolle, of Bethlehem,
gave a short organ recital yesterday
morning to a small number of friends in
the Mahoning Presbyterian church. An
excellent program was given, which in
cluded the well known "Largo" by
Handel, an "Andante Cantabile" and
"Scherzo" by Widor.
Walter Drumlieller, of Shamokin,well
known in this city, a member of the
University of Pennsylvania track team
in a half mile running race with the
athletes of England, Scotland and Ire
land at Stamford Bridge, England, last
Saturday won second place. He stood
an excellent chance for winning first
place but was elbowed out of his course
by J. K. Desham, the English runner
with whom he was running neck anil
neck. The next race will be at Paris.
The members of Company F are pre
paring for the annual encampment
which will be held at Mt. Gretna be
ginning with August 4 and continuing a
week. All expense of the encampment
will be borne by the State. Each mem
ber of the guard will receive full pay
during encampment week.
The office of the AMERICAN ueing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publisher
announces to the public that he is
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Of all Kinds and Descrption.
J£gf~Get our prices before plac
ing your orders.
Elected at Monday Night's Meeting of the
School Board.
At the regular meeting of the School
Hoard Monday night the following di
rectors were present: President Fischer,
Orth, Lunger,Burger,Werkbeiser, Green,
Harpel, Fenstermacher, Curry, Black
and Barber.
The report of the treasurer was read,
showing a balance of 14,886.95 on-hand.
The building and repair committee re
ported a cumber of minor repairs need
ed in the various school buildings of the
city. The report of the committee was
adopted and it was voted to let all jobs,
amounting to over S2O, out at contract.
The following bids for the supplying
of No. 2 and No. 6 coal for the schools
were read: A. C. Amesbury, No. 2,
$3.90 per ton, No. 6, $2.75; R. J. Pegg,
No. 2, |3.87, No. 6, $2.75; J. H. Yorgy,
No. 2, $3.95, No. 0, $2.80; Samuel Mills,
No. 2, $3.89, No. 6, $2.75; Thomas Vin
cent, No. 2, $3.60, No. 6, $2.60; Franklin
Boyer, No.'2, $3.90, No. 6, $2.75. Mr.
Vincent being the lowest bidder, the
contract was awarded him and John
Lunger was elected to weigh the coal.
Dr. Barber thought the present tuition
fee of the schools too small and thought
that it should be raised. The matter
was referred to the transfer committee.
Miss Margaret Madden was elected
substitute teacher, the vote being 7 ayes
and 4 not voting. Miss Mary Williams
was elected supply teacher.
The committee on teachers and cer
tificates recommended an advance of
from S4O to $45 in the salaries of Miss
Gallagher, of the senior secondary
school of the ward,and Miss Good
all, of the senior secondary of the Third
ward. The recommendation was adopt
ed by a vote of 11 to 1.
Bills were ordered paid as follows:
Standard Gas Co $ .20
Irwin Hunter 2.50
D. C. Williams 1.00
C. P. Hancock 1,25
Charles Mottern 50
Montour Democrat 1.50
Interest and taxes on school
bonds 219.00
What the Residents of that Lively Com
munity are Doing.
Frank -«•»*» 1/1 »••»>.-• , «
visiting his grandparents in this vicinity.
W. V. Kerr has put a new roof on hia
Joseph Robinson, who has been ill for
sometime, shows little signs of improve
Henry Vincent has the new addition
to his barn well under way.
Miss Mary James, of Plymouth, is
spending a few days here with her sis
ter, Mrs. B. James.
Mrs. Williams has returned to this
place and will again act as housekeeper
for William Taylor.
James Keiser is again driving for A. A
John K. Savidge is spending a week
with Sunbury relatives.
William Stahl spent Sunday here with
his parents.
Quite a large party of young people
from Milton and vicinity held a picnic
at Old Liberty Furnace, near Jonathan
Nesbit's, a few days ago. As refresh
ments were being served it started to
rain anil the party repaired ;to the barn
of James McWilliams, where the re
mainder of the day was pleasantly spent
About 150 were present.
David Mauger is employed by P. H.
Cotner, near Mausdale, and Oscar Rich
ard and Peter Bailer are working on the
Vincent farm.
The beauty of tone, the ease of action,
the velvety touch of the Lester piano
give it a value that no other instrument
has although many cost more than the
Lester does. Mr. A. D. Nelson, who re
presents the Lester Piano Co. in this
section and is located at the Montour
House,makes it easy for any one to pay
the low price this instrument costs.
Nellie Erdman, a child, residing with
her parents near Weigh Scales, was
found in a senseless condition Tuesday
night iu the kitchen. Doctors.were sum
moned, but in a short time she died. It
was later found that she had drank a
bottle of laudanum in mistake for other
The attorneys in the Shamokin coun
cil conspiracy case have been notified
by Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media, to
appear at Sunbury July 21 with their
clients to hear his decision whether to
grant a new trial or sentence the con
victed men.
It is noticed that the wheat and rye
crop in this section will be about 50 per
cent of what it was last year. Lack of
snow last winter to cover and protect
the crop and no warm spring rains ar#
set down as the reasons for the failure.
The prospect of a large peach crop in
this section was never better. The
period during which the fruit is expect
ed to drop from the trees has passed.
The June drop was not sufficient to re
lieve the trees of the surplus fruit that
ought to have fallen off.
Won the Potato Race.
Samuel Rebman, of this city, at the
recent picnic of the Koyal Arcanum, at
Lewisliurg, won first prize iu the potato
race a handsome fruit knife.
Sunbury merchants may soon adopt
the early closing movement. ,