MONTOUti AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville. Pa.. July 5. 1900 COMMUNICATIONS. All communications sent to the A m kri can for publication must be signed by the writer, ami communications not so signed will be rejected. vui Sin FOR PRESIDENT •• pSffJ ;.. - 1 ' : »•' WILLIAM M'KINLEY, of Ohio. FOR VICE PRESIDENT THE< >D< )RE R< )SEVELT. of New York mum in u. AUDITOR GENERAL. Edwajd B. of Wayne. C< )NGRESSMAN-AT-LARGE. Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna. Rolx-rt S. Foerderer, of Philadelphia. ELECT( )RS AT LARGE. W. C. Arnold, of Clearfield. Clarence Wolf, of Philadelphia. Frank 11. Buhl, of Delaware. A. B. Roberts, of Montgomery. SIMMERS' ALLEGED BRIBERY. Thn Acpnoril Oinclul Drniea All the ChfiFK<»a Mnitc ARnlnal Him. Harrisburg, June 30. —The commit tee created by the pure food depart ment to inquire into the charges made against Pure Food Agent Simmers by Major Wells, the late dairy and food commissioner, that he had taken money to suppress prosecutions and had neglected his duties generally, met at the office of Senator McCarrell yes terday for thai purpose. The chief evi dence was gnren by Harry Reed, a spice man from Philadelphia, who tes tified that he had given Simmers sls to suppress live suits, but that Simmers had subsequently persecuted him by instigating suits against grocers to whom he had sold Roods, and that his firm had to pay the fine and costs for selling adulterated foodstuffs, when the goods were pure. Asked why he paid the money, Reed said that he would rather do so than suffer annoyance of a court trial and its great cost. Major Wells testified that Simmers was neglecting his duty when he reporting that he was at work. Super intendent of Public Buildings and Grounds T. Larry Eyre testified that after Wells had made charges against Simmers he withdrew the charges and said he did not believe that Reed had ever given Simmers sls. Simmers de nied in toto everything that had been said about him, saying that Reed had tried to bribe him to settle cases, but. he had scorned him. The Rivnl I'M 112 On mm on. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 30. —The program for the college boat races to day is as follows: Four o'clock, uni versity four oared shell without cox swains, two miles. Entries, Columbia, Cornell and Pennsylvania. Five o'clock, freshmen eight wared shells, two miles. Entries. Columbia. Cornell, Pennsyl vania and Wisconsin. Si* o'clock, university eight oared shells, four miles. Entries, Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Georgetown and Wis consin. Hnvnnu'a Neiv Mayor 11111 mtu ruteil. Havana, July 2.— At no time since the American occupation of Cuba ha* Havana shown such scenes of en thusiasm and excitement as were wit nessed yesterday upon the occasion of the inauguration of Gen. Alejandro Rodriguez, the first Cuban elected mayor. All the houses on the prin cipal streets were decorated, even the palace being gaily trimmed with both American and Cuban flags. Fire crackers and rockets were going off all day, while the hymn "Bayamo" seem ed to be on the lips of everybody. Nervy Invaliil Snveil 111* Wife. Reading, Pa., June 30. —The explo sion of an oil stoye partly destroyed the house of Andrew Paneboeg, in this city, yesterday. Paneboeg is conva -1 ■ ing from typhoid fever, but pluck ily rescued his wife by carrying her to a second story window, from where he dropped her to men waiting to receive her. MEN OF MARK. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, the poet, ha« contributed SIOO to the Richard Hovey monument fund in Boston. Murut Ilulstead has accepted the presi dency of a new college of journalism which has just been started in Ciucin | nati. J>. A. Tompkins, a millionaire cotton mill owner aud philanthropist of Mis sissippi, will build a textile school in Jackson at a cost of $40,000. Senator Ilanna has had set as a scarf pin a ruby which for ages adorned the brow of an East Indian idol. The jewel has been in the senator's family for sev eral generations. E. Parndeo Prentice, whose engage ment to Miss Rockefeller has just been announced, will one day inherit from his father one of the best collections of rare books in America. Frederick William Fritzsche of Phila delphia was at one time a member of the German reichstag. There are four other ex-members of that body now living in the United States. President Kruger, it is said, never goes" out of his house without wearing a big major general's scarf over his coat, on which he wears the Prussian order of the Red Eagle of the fouVth class and a Portuguese medal. The Duke of Abercorn, who has taken a prominent part in the entertainment of Queen Victoria, is the premier peer of Ireland and is the possessor of many titles and honors, lie enjoys peerages in England, Ireland and Scotland, and his ancestors date back to 1445. Hammond Lament, professor of Eng lish at Brown university, has resigned from that position and will become man aging editor of the New York Evening Post. After his graduation from Har vard in 1886 Professor I.amont engaged for some years in newspaper work in Seattle and Albany. The story is told that when Senator Clark came to Washington he asked for a suit of 10 rooms at a hotel. The man ager protested that that number was im possible—there were only 10 rooms in the whole annex. "Well, how much do you want for the annex V" asked Clark. "Ten thousand dollars.-" "All right, I'll take it." And he did. Jeff Davis, an octogenarian negro, who died at Palestine, Tex., the other day, was a former slave of President Davis of the Confederate states. At the close of the civil war .the ex-slave went to Palestine from his master's home in Mis sissippi ajid lived ever since near the farm of John 11. Reagan, the sole surviv ing member of the Confederate cabinet. England's oldest actor, James Doel, has just passed another birthday, his ninety sixth, and is still hearty, although he has retired from the management of the Inn of which he was landlord until a few months ago. lie made his first appear ance upon the stage of the Plymouth theater, in"The Turnpike Gate," when Queen Victoria was little more than a baby. Killed by a Toy Cannon. Baltimore, July 5. —William R. Schwartz, 22 years old, was killed yes terday by the explosion of powder which he was ramming into a small cannon. The "kick" of the toy tore a large hole in his stomach, completely disembowling him. Henry Bevan, col ored, 40 years old, was struck over the heart by a sky rocket. He died in 20 minutes There are some women who seem to | be perennially youthful. The grown daughters are companions as well as children,-and the color*in the mother's cheeks, the brightness in her eyes, the roundness of her form, all speak of abounding health. What is her secretV She is at the middle age of life when so many vonng women are wtirn. wasted and faded, and yet time has only ripen ed her charms. The secret of this ma tronly health and beauty may be told in the brief phrase, Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. The general health of woman is so intimately related to the local health of the delicate womanly <>r . gang, that where these are diseased, the whole body must suffer. Favorite Pre scription" dries the debilitating drains, heals ulceration and inflammation,cures female weakness and imparts to the del icate female organs natural vigor and vitality. Women who have lost their health and their beauty have been made "robust and rosy cheeked" by the use of this marvelous medicine. To E*tru«llte f*ru»»lun Kor»ter». Washington, June 30. —The secretary of state yesterday issued his war rant for the surrender to the Prussian authorities of William Arnholdt, Sr., and William Arnholdt, Jr., held under arrest at Philadelphia by Commission er Edmunds on a charge of forgery committed in Ellern, Rhenish Prussia. Fumily I'olsolieil by IH*en*eil i'ork. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 30.—The fam ily of William Scliaule, residing at Plymouth, were poisoned by eating dis eased pork. Ralph, a 3-year-old son, died yesterday. The other members of the family are in a critical condi tion, but are expected to recover. NMiGUTS OK SEWS. New York's India famine re.lief fund has reached $102,530. A Rat Portage, Ont., dispatch says there Is a threatened uprising of In dians on the Rainy river, Ont. The Bell Island mines, the scene of the recent strike in New Foundland, have closed down permanently. It is improbable that any special ses liion of the Hawaiian territorial legis lature will be held. The union cigarmakers of Chicago will contribute SI,BOO a week to the striking cigarmakers at New York. Cuban customs receipts in five months of 1900 footed up $6,708,077, an Increase of $1,058,250 over the same period of 1899. Refusing to sign a wage scale de manded by its 500 steel workers, the Newport (Ky.) Rolling Mill company will shut down. Objecti-ng to a fellow worker, who had ridden on boycotted cars, 150 em ployes of the Brownelle Car company, at St. Louis, struck. Hi V Are your checks 112 If hollow and your ? | Oil lips white? m a Is your appetite r M3lfl poor and your di gxstion weak? Is your flesh soft ■ and have you lost l Jjj in weight? * | These are symptoms of r anemia or poor blood. They are just as frequent in the summer as in the -i winter. And you can be l J! cured at one time just as ' M well as another. * ji Scott's > 4 Emulsion > j | of cod lrver oil ivith hypo- £ phosphites will certainly * *1 j help you. Almost everyone 4jj can take it, and it will not ► disturb the weakest stom- J j ach. Ik "J 1 It changes the light color of * 5 * poor blood to a healthy and rich r J ! red. It nourishes the brain ; gives k J ; power to the nerves. It brings £ 5 { back your old weight and strength, 112 <£; All liruggiHts. 30c. and sl. k I Bcott & Bowne, Chemists, N«w York BOWS STILL FIGHTING. y ii Lord Roberts Reports Several At- u tacks by the Burghers. ? p CAPTURE OF A BRITISH GONVOY. " Ruth Ilnrshers anil Foreigners Arrlv- ! ,■ Inu nl Lorenzo >liir<|iien Kiprumi the ' e Belief 'l'hat It Will Take Three to ' ( Six Months to Snppres* the Iloera. Jj: London. June 30.—Active Boer guer- ! rilla operations are reported from half a dozen points in Orange River colony. " The war office has received the follow ing from Lord Roberts, dated Pretoria, J, June 29: „ "I'aget reports from Lindley that he < was engaged on June 26 with a body [ of the enemy, who were strongly re- „ inforced during the day. A convoy m of stores for the Lindley garrison was t ] also attacked on June 26, but, after a heavy rear guard action, the convoys j reached Lindley in safety. Our casual- a ties were ten killed and four officers a and about fifty men wounded. t "The fight reported yesterday was i under Lieut. Col. Grenfell. Brabant 112 came up during the engagement. Total casualties of the two columns, three killed and 23 wounded. "On the previous day, Ficks burg, Boyes' brigade was in action with a body of the enemy. Our casual ties were two officers killed, four men wounded and one man missing. "Methuen found yesterday that the Boer laager near Vachkop and Spitz kop had been hastily removed in the direction of Lindley. He followed the enemy 12 miles and captured 8,000 , sheep and 500 head of cattle, which the enemy had seized in that neighbor hood. Our casualties wero four men wounded. , "Hunter continued his march yester day toward the Vaal river unopposed. A few farmers along the route have surrendered. "Lieut. North, reported missing af ter.the attack on the construction train, is a prisoner of the Boers." Boer official reports from Machado« dorp aver that part of a British envoy was captured on June 23 near Winburg. The Lourenzo Marques correspond ent of The Times says: "Both the burghers and the foreign ers who are arriving here profess a strong belief that it will take from three to six months to subdue the Boers." Another dispatch from Lourenzo Marques says: "A consignment to a foreign firm marked 'Dutch cheese, damaged,' prov ed on landing to contain army boots for the Boers. It passed the customs, nevertheless, with unusual dispatch, and the British consul is making repre sentations to the Portuguese govern ment." Three Section HIIIKIN Killed. Trenton, June 30. —Three section hands employed on the Philadelphia and Reading railway were killed at Hopewell, N T . J., ten miles eaßt of Tren ton, yesterday afternoon by the Royal Blue express. The men had stepped ( from another track to avoid a west I bound train and did not notice the ] ' approach of the express. The three men were instantly killed and their bodies were badly mangled. They were Thomas Cuminings, of Hopewell, who leaves a wife and four children, ' and John Ferran and Antonio Santuro, Italians. Michael McLaughlin, fore man of the gang, was also struck, but j was not killed. One of his legs was , badly torn. ] Viririniu'a u Jliu Crow" Law. Richmond, July 3.—What is known as the "Jim Crow" car law, providing for the separation of whites and black* on railway trains, went into operation in this state Sunday, and so far seem* to be working smoothly. No trouble , is reported on any of the lines ccutor lng in this city. MUST BELIEVE IT. When well-known Danville people tell it so Plainly. When public endorsement is matlc by , a representative citizen of Danville the proof is positive. Von must believe it. Read this testimony. Every backache sufferer, every m»n, woman or child with any kidney trouble will profit by the reading. Mrs. H. A. Millard of 122 East Front street says:-"I was doctored for Bright's disease but could get no permanent re lief. Owing to rheumatism 1 was not able to walk without a cane and in ad dition to this I was very much bothered with pain across my loins and an em barrassing weakness of the kindeys. 1 took almost everything 1 could hear alsmt without obtaining success. I Joan's Kidney Pills did me more good than any other remedy I ever used. They jntsitively relieved the aching in my back and the annoyance from the kidney secretions. They gave me relief not af forded by any other medicine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, N. V. sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name* Doan's and take no substitute. NOTICE TO HEIRS. IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF. MONTOUR COUNTY. In the matter of the partition of real es tate of l'Uoeb Hilkert, late of Derry Town ship. Montour county, stateof Pennsylvania. The heirs of said decedent will take notice I hat in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of said county a writ of partition has been issued from said Court to the sheriff of said county, returnable on the iirst day of next term, to wit: 15th, day of October A. I). lUOO, aud tliat the inquest will meet for the purpose of making partition of the real es late of said decedent on the 27th, day of July A. I». t!K>n at 10o'clock a. in.of said day, uuoa the pfeisises in said l>erry Township; when and where you can be present should you so desire. The premises in question are described as follows, to wit: TKACT No. t. Situate in Kerry Township County of Montour, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginn ing ata White Oak corner of Samuel Hilkert, thence along said Hilkert south forty-five degrees East fifty-two and six tenths perches to a stone corner 4>f George (,resh. thence along the line of said (iresh South sixty-one degrees East seventy-eight perches to a stone in 11 tie of David Max well, thence' North lifty tlireeand one half degrees East twenty eight and eight tent hs perches t<» a post cor ner of (A. I!. Cummons North forty-five de grees West seventy-live and eight tenths perches to the place of beginning, containing nineteen acres and ninety-six perches strict measure. TKACT No 2. Situate in Kerry Township, 1 Montour county. Pennsylvania, bounded and J 1 descrllied as follows: Beginning at a stake on ( public road leading to Mooreshurg, thence ! by lands of Wert man's heirs South forty four j degrees East forty-one and three tenths per- j ' dies to a stake, thence along public road j • North forty-seven degrees East thirty-nine and eight tenths perches to a stake, thence by lands of. iames N. Miller North forty siv i and thrts' fourths degrees West thirty two perches to a stake, thence by same South t wenty-nilie degrees West four perches to a ' stake, thence by same North eighty and for ty-six and one forth degrees West nineteen | and two tent hs perches tot he place of liegin- , ning. containing ten acres be the same more or less. i TKACT No 3. Situatein Kerry Township, j ' Montour County. Pennsylvania, Imuuded and 1 described as follows: Beginning at a stone in the public road at a stone corner of the j, iandsof said I'hoche Hilkert. thence by land ofsaiil I'heelie Hilkert South forty-two de grees East seventy-six and three tenths per ches pi ii post, thence by lands of Henry i I Jelger North seventy-t wo and a half degree-, East forty-six mid seven tenths peruhes to a 1 I logwood corner, thenee by lands of.lo'in | Ream North thirty-four degrees West nine! , six and nine tent lis perches to a post in iiic public riiau in line of lauds of Daniel i'ra/ler I I hence along said public road in line of lands < of said Kaniel Erazier South forty-seven and . one half degrees West tlfly four and nine tenths perches to a stone corner the place of i beginning, containing twenty-seven acres j aud seventy-nine perches. I . (JF.OKOE MAIEKS, Sheriff. I < K S. AMMEKMAN, Attorney. I t Danville, Pa„ July 3, MOO, [t How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common ylass with your wafer and let it stand twenty four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed,tliatDr. Kilmer's Swamp- Hoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver,bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being com pelled togo often during the day and to get up many times during the night. The mild ami the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest forjts wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. Yon'inay have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., liiiifham ton, X. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you toad this generous of fer in the MONTOUU AMERICAN. rvi.HiyhiinlH Won I'nlveriltr Race. Poughkeepsie, July 2. —The univer- | slty race on Saturday evening was the grandest contest ever rowed over an American course. Pennsylvania won I by half a length over Wisconsin in 19.44 3-5. Cornell came in third, five j length% back, Columbia fourth and I Georgetown fifth. The freshmen race was won by Wisconsin in 9:45 1-5, with I Pennsylvania second, Cornell tljird j and Columbia fourth. T'ntull}' Sliot u Strike 8y inpathiser. St. Louis. July 2. —As. T. D. Waters and his wife alighted from a car last J night they were followed by Alex- | ander Stoffegen and Julius Kulage, i strike sympathizers, who applied foul j epithets to them for riding on the cars. Mr. Waters drew a revolver and fired ! several shots. Kulage was fatally and i Stoffegen seriously wounded. I''nur Sunday Klsheriuen Drowned. Boston, Jyly 2. —Four persons of a fishing party of eight were drowned In the harbor yesterday by the overturn ing of their craft, a 23-foot catboat. | The drowned: John Colson, Charles- j town; William Dingwell, Cambridge; j Harry Neal. Boston; Walter Loud, i Mattapan. t;urlo*lty I.eil to III* Arrest. Hoboken, July 3. —Curiosity, which | led him to Hoboken to see the havoc j wrought by the great fire, brought j about the arrest yesterday of John j Bainbridge, formerly cashier and pay- , master of the wall paper works of Janeway & Carpenter, in New Bruns- J wick, N. J. Mr. Bainbridge, who for three months has successfully evaded j pursuit and has lived in concealment in New York, was recognized by Theo- j dore B. Ryersft, a New Brunswick i lawyer, who called a detective and J caused his arrest There is an alleged shortage of JUi.oOO in his accounts, j PENNSYLVANIA CHAUTAUQUA. Reduced Rates to Mt. Gretna via Pennsyl- j vania Railroad. For the Pennsylvania Chantanqna, to be held at Mt. Gretna, Pa.. July 2 to J August N, 11MM), the Pennsylvania Rail- j road Company will sell special excur I sion tickets to Mt. Gretna from New j York, Washington, Baliimore, Freder- I ick. Mil., Canandaigna, and interinedi- | ate points, including all stations on its j line in the State of Pennsylvania. Tickets will be s<.ld June 25 to August H, inclusive, anil will l>e goi«l to return until August 18, inclusive. SUMMER TOURS TO THE NORTH. Two .Tours'to Canada via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the summer of 1900 the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company lias arranged j to run two personally condnctiil tours j to Canada and Northern New York, j These tonrs will leave July -! and Au gust 11. including Niagara Falls, Thou sand Islands, Rapids of the St. Lawr ence, Quebec, The Saguenay, Montreal, An Sable Chasm. Lakes Chainplain and George, and Saratoga, occupying fifteen days; round-trip rate, $125. Each tour will 1M- in charge of one of the Company's tonrist agents, assisted by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial charge will lie unescort ed ladies. The rate covers railway and boat fare for the entire round trip, parlor-car j seats, meals en route, hotel entertain- i nient, transfer charges, and carriage hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any additional information, address Tourist Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1190 Broadway, New York: KOO Fulton Street. Brooklyn: TH'.I Broad Street, Ne wark. N. J.: or Geo. W. Boyd, Assist ant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. CHAUTAUQUA. LOW-RATE EXCURSION VIA PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. On July 6 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run a special excursion from Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washing ton, Reading, Altoona, Bellefonte, Lock Haven, Shamokin, Wilkesbarre, Sun bury anil Williamsport, anil principal intern/eiliate stations, and stations on the Delaware Division Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, and on the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Chautauqua, N. Y. Special train will start from Harrisburg at 11.85 A. M. Connecting trains will leave Phila delphia 8.40 A. M., Washington 7.45 A. M., Baltimore 8.55 A. M., Altoona 7.15 A M., Wilkesbarre 7.80 A. M., Lock Haven 11.25 A. M. Round-trip tickets, good to return on regular trains not lat er than August 4, will be sold at rate of SIO.OO from from Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington, and at propor tionate rates from other stations. Passengers from Atlantic City, Bridge ton. Vineland, Clayton, N. J., and all stations on the Delaware Division will use trains to Philadelphia on day pre ceding date of excursion. For specific rates anil time of excur sion trains apply to nearest ticket agent. Reduced Rates to Charleston, S. C., via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the meeting of the National Edu cational Association at Charleston, S. C, July 7-18, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all stations on its lines to Charles ton at the* rate of one fare for the round trip, plus $2.00. Tickets to be sold July 5 to M, inclusive, and to be good to re turn until September 1. inclusive. On the return trip stop-over will be allow ed at Washington on deposit of ticket with Joint Agent and on payment of fee of SI.OO. REDUCED RATES TO CINCINNATI AND RETDRN. Via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the Annual Convention of the Baptist Young People's Union of Amer ica, to be held at Cincinnati, July 12 15 1 the Pennsylvania Railwiad Company will sell excursion tickets frym all sta j tions on its line to Cincinnati at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets ' to be sold and good going July 1(1 to 18, 1 inclusive, and to return until July I*, I inclusive; but if tickets be deposited with the Joint Agent at Cincinnati on or be fore July 14, and if fee of fifty cents be paid, the return limit will be extended to August 10, inclusive. I or AT THE _ * J FIRST SIGN £$ ! eyes !ij.- h U/ the best Optical College 'in Philadelphia, which \il granted me a diploma. 'IIS® \U \it VI No matter what the defect may be I can give correct glasses. If your eyes trouble you let me test them. We offer free test- If you need glasses our prices are right. it, HENRY REMPE Jeweler and Graduate Optician. «/' PERSONALITIES. Joseph Jefferson, the actor, Is en- : gaged upon a volume of memoirs. Senator Pettus has taken up golf as , a recreation and is proving most skill- ,