THE MURDERED ENVOY. Official Dispatches Confirm the Re ported Assassination OF GERMANY'S MINISTER TO PEKIN UruKKfil From Ilia Home l>> Chlnono Troops uuil Bo\er« and His Itody Harked to 1"I«'<•<•» With Sword*—Be lief of a General Uainacrr. London, July 2. —Official dispatches received by the consular body at Shanghai, an Express cable dated Shanghai, July 1, says, confirms in the fullest manner the report of the butchery of Baron von Ketteler, the German minister, on June 18. The ambassador was riding on Legation street when he was attacked by Chi nese troops and Boxers, dragged from his horse and killed. His body was hacked to pieces with swords. The German legation and six other build ings were burned, and a number of servants of the legations were killed and their bodies thrown into the flames. Official confirmation of this ghastly business has created the utmost con sternation among the consul generals of the powers, who expressed fears that war a l'outrance will be declared against the Pekin government. The consuls entertain little hope that any foreigners are left alive in the cap ital. There were 100 foreigners con nected with the legations, 50 in the custom house, English and American tourists and others to the number of 180 and nearly 500 legation guards. The British foreign office, the Daily Mail learns, has received news the British consul at Chefoo that Baron von Ketteler has been killed, but no other information. A dispatch to The Express from Nankin, June 30. says: "French priests here have received reports from Pekin that the public execution of for eigners has been in progress since June 20. The news comes by runners from French priests at Pekin, who state that they administered the last rites to the condemned men." Nankin cables, dated Sunday, say that Viceroy Liu Yun Yih received a telegram from Gen: Yulu on Saturday stating that the German minister had been murdered at Pekin. Yulu, who escaped from Tien Tsin to Pao-Ting- Fu, also wired: "Position desperate. Implore your help. Foreign troops of eight national ities enteriug Pekin to the number of 30,000 or 40,000. I cannot hold out four days." Outbreaks of the Boxers appear to be imminent at Canton. The feeling of unrest steadily increases. Boxers from Ping-Tu were marching on Sunday on Chefoo. The governor feared for the town and sent to the warships for forces. A small riot occurred at Chefoo on Saturday. Fifty-two refugees who have arrived from New-ChWang aver that the Box ers have destroyed the railway north of Port Arthur, and all the American and English residents are leaving. Gen. Yuanshihkan, commanding the best foreign drilled troops in China, has notified the German governor of Kiao-Chau that he will not permit the Germans' proposed expedition to Weill sien to rescue Chalfont and the Misses Bowden and Hawes, the American missionaries in the hands of the Box ers. The missionaries at Pao-Ting-Fu were reported to be safe on June 25. Nothing has been haard from the column which relieved Adn»frnl (Soy mour five days ago and then proceed.- ed towards Pekin, but as It takes at least two days to communicate between Tien Tsin and Chefoo there is noth ing extraordinary in this. IGXOHIX(i PEKIN GOVERNMENT. Our fonNti}» Will Negotiate Directly With the Viceroy*. Washington. July 2.—Yesterday's ad vices to the state department, made up of two cablegrams from Consul Gen eral Goodnow, at Shanghai, brought the foreign ministers at Pekin along one day further in safety, showing that they were still alive, with the probable exception of the German minister, who, it seems likely, has been murdered. Some encouragement is drawn by the officials from the fact that some days prior to the latest advices that the other ministers were alive on the later date, for officials believe that the diplo matic corps at Pekin could not have been preserved through the fury of the first stages of the outbreak only to fall victims to sober second thought. There is also at least the indication that the Chinese government itself was protecting them. On the other hand, the statement that the notoriously an ti-foreign prince, Tuan, was in com plete control at Pekin was regarded as an exceedingly grave development and as tending to fix clearly responsibility for the happenings of the past three weeks directly upon the Pekin govern ment. An ameliorating condition is the refusal of the great viceroys, them selves of almost absolute power in their provinces, to be controlled from Pekin in their attitude toward foreign ers. A high official of the state depart ment said today that there is nothing now to do but to follow out the course the state department has already adopted, namely, to have the United States consuls put themselves in com munication with the viceroys of the provinces, treating th» central govern ment at Pekin as incapacitated for ad ministrative work, and meanwhile do ng all in their power to protect the 'oreigners in their respective districts. The signs of an amicable disposition in the part of these viceroys is proba cy the basis for the hope that they an be induced at least to stand neu ral and keep their own provinces in trder if it shall be necessary to direct lOßtilitifts energetically against the 'ekin government. Not a word came to the navy de art ment yesterday regarding the bat leshlp Oregon. The hope is every 'here earnestly expressed that the ef jrts to float her will be successful, so bat she may be taken to Pyrt Arthur ad docked. frN.fioutri'M Stolen .1 etvelry Iteeovcred New York, June 30. —A large quan ty of jewels, valued at about $5,000, hich was recently stolen from the partments of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ould, In London, have been recover i, and the man in whose possession le Jewels were found is under arrest, he prisoner "describes himself as harles W. Blair, 28 years old, and a tlet by occupation. Blair was ar sted at Coney Island, where he had ten to witness a prize fight, lie tried • dispose of some jewelry there. The Isoner positively denies that he stole e jewels, but says that they were ven to him by a woman, who asked m to dispose of them for her. Pennsylvania'* Coal Production. Philadelphia, June 30.—The indica }ns are that the anthracite coal pro ictlon of the state of Pennsylvania r the month of June will exceed that any similar month for years. Con rvatlve estimates place the June pro iction at 4,250,000 tons, which is 250,- 0 in excess of June, 1899, and 500,000 us in excess of the agreed upon ton ge for the month. To rectify this, d with the view of stimulating the ide under the advance of ten cents a n which goes into effect on Mon y, the tonnage for July is to be kept normally low, the figures agreed on by the anthracite presidents be -5 3,250.000 tons. THE ST. LOUIS STRlkfe OI F. ' ! Com pa ii > Iteeou 11 !».«».* I ori.itr Cm ployex. tint U«*l.l ili.-i \ • »» «liie». St. Louis. July An agreement be tween the y l.ouis Transit company and its < employes v. is signi d last nig rep < - ut.itivi-s of the Transit c ir :>1 i > the < xecutive I committc. •■iiiciuUy de clared off. • , The provisions of :!i ' • re i: i:t of March 10, li.t ; o, ;;s to i at< hours of service will be co;,iiiiii d in force by t!i • < i^panv. Every employ of iV curr; <: to be free to join or not t. •> ? ganization, and n» <■ rt;.. i • ; be made for or :thim i a.iusu oi [ the manner in which he exercises lus , freedom. , Any attempt on the part of any em ploye by an official of the company : timidation or thn its to join or not ' to join any union s'-iall be iause for the 1 immediate dismissal of the person guilty of such attempt, i Any attempt lu 'inlluence any em t ployes by an official of the company , to join or net to join any union shall be cause for discharge of suTn official. . The company will ne et any employe or committee of employes, whether ' representing themselves, other em ! ployes or an association of employes, regarding any matter of mutual in r terest. For the purpose of filling vacancies i which may now exist or hereafter s arise, the committee of former em- I ployes, of which T. B. Edwards is ; chairman, shall prepare a list of the r men who were in the company's ser vice on May 7 last, and as the com pany now or hereafter needs additional s men it will select them exclusively i from this list, not interfering, however, ' with men now in the service. No per son shall be eligible to this list who has been guilty >f any acts of lawless ly ness or violence. Manila, July 2. —The Americtfn Phil ippine commission Is carefully study i ing the approaching necessity for the substitution for army officers perform i ing civil functions of civil service men and has asked the Washington gov ernment' to send examiners to the i Philippines to hold civil service exam i inations here at the same time as in the Unlte'd States, with the idea of creating a Philippine civil service board. The commission is determined that every precaution shall be taken to insure honest, efficient civil service among Filipinos and Americans. A Xew«i»ai»er'n Home Deotroyed. Detroit, July 2. —Fire y ester dry gut ted the building occupied by the De i troit Journal and destroyed the me- I chanical, business and editorial outfit I of the paper, with the exception of the presses, which sustained only water | damage. The total loss is placed at about $75,000, fairly covered by in surance. The Journal will be issued today from the Free Press building, and the Free Press plant will be util ized until the Journal building is far enough restored to permit the return of the paper to its own quarters. GENERAL BOTHA ACTIVE. Hl* Patrol* Sluke Klyli?«* Attacks on tlie British OutpoMtH. London, July 2. —Gen. Botha is showing increased activity. His pa trols cover wide stretches of country, approach near the British outposts and engage in skirmishes, while larger bodies threaten to attack, declin ing to allow themselves to be caught by the return blows which the British promptly seek to deliver. Attacks of this sort were made on Friday last at Pinaar's Poort, on Gen. Pole-Carew, and at Springs. Gens. Botha and De wet are seemingly operating in com bination. Dot ha is reported to havo divided his fo«p> into two parts, one moving west and the other to the south, to try to effect a juncture with Dewet. Boer circulars are out exaggerating the Chinese troubles and urging the burghers to rejoin the army. Lord Roberts and several co-operat ing columns are still out within strik ing distance of Dewet. Dr. Conan Doyle, in an interview with him by the Daily Telegraph Pre toria correspondent, says the hospital arrangements have been severely tried, but that no more could have been done. Pennsylvania Won Foil r-On red Race Poughkeepsie, July 3. —The 'var sity four-oar event of the annual re gatta of the Intercollegiate Rowing as sociation was won yesterday by Penn sylvania in the fast time of 10 min utes 31 1-5 seconds. Columbia was sec ond, three and a half lengths behind. Official time, 10.38. Cornell, 300 feet back, her crew exhausted, and tHe bow man, Brinckerhoff, in a helpless faint, came-to a stop in the eel grass, 50 feet from the west bank of the river. Arrested on n Murder Cliarjre. Philadelphia, July 3. —Tony Lom baro, alias Pantello, an Italian, aged 50 years, was arrested here last night on suspicion of having murdered James Moran, another Italian, on a public road between Drifton and Hazleton, in Luzerne county, on April 26 last. Moran was shot in the cheek and his throat was cut, after which his body was thrown into a min" hole, covered with oil soaked wood and set on tire. The murderer then escaped. lt«'NiMt i lit* French Kiicroacli men tM. Tangier. July 3. —There is great ex citement at Fez, owing to French en croachments on the oasis uf Touat. A mob killed the manager of a French concern, who was an American citi zen. The British consul has demand ed the assistance of the authorities to protect his house, and the Jewish ghetto is besieged. The legation here is making serious representations on the subject. " I have been thinking of writing to you for some time," writes Mrs. W. D. ! Benson, of Maxton, Robeson Co., N. C. 112 "to let you know what a wonderful thing Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery did for my little boy. He was taken ! with indigestion when he was a year* and a half old, and he was under the doctor's treatment for five long years. L We spent all we made for doctor's bills, and it elid no good. He could not eat 1 anything only a little milk and cracker, 1 and sometimes even this would make him sick, and he got very weak; could I not sit up all day, and I gave up all hope I of his ever getting any better. Looking over one of your books I noticed Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery rec ommended for indigestion. We bought I some and gave to our !joy. Two fjottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cured him. He is well as can be, and can eat anything that he wants and it does not hurt him. He has not been sick a day since, and it has been three j years since he took your medicine. I 1 pray that God will always bless you and your medicine." MMpflnMl fn Mi A 1 i in F a,- ■ 1 reir Many Mangled Bodies Recovered From the Steamer Saale. PROBABLY THREE HUNDRED DEAD The Mjih it Unite of the Holocaust Will He !2lii|»liiiKixe\et been told, as all the bodies brought to the sui face yesterday were caught on grappling hooks. About the first of next week people will realize the appalling loss of life, as it will then be time for the bodies that are now lying at the bot tom of the river to come to the surface of the water of their own, accord. The list of missing is still placed at but few below the 300 mark. Of the re covered dead 37 have been either posi tively or partly identified, most of them, so far as have been discovered, being victims from the steamship Saale. The complete list of dead, as identifi ed up to midnight, follows: Henri Busch, officer of the Saale; Mrs. Philomena Cordes, stewardess of the Saale, home Bremerhaven; Fred Klter, fireman, Saale; Garre, sec ond machinist of Saale; George steward, Saale; Jacob Horloff, painter, Hoboken; Fred Jansen, machinist, Saale; J. Kaufmann, lardennan, Saale; Otto Kastordt, steward, Saale; Henry Kellenbeek, steward. Saale; Henry T. Kardel, 'longshoreman, Hoboken; Loeller, barkeeper, Saale; Mirow, captain of Saale; Peter, coal pass er, Saale; Ludwig Meyer, steward, Saale; Herman Tienken, aged 36, fire man Saale; John Wehlan, chief en gineer Saale; Wallrabe, first car penter Saale. xn addition there are 22 other bodies of former employes of the Saale whose names have not been learned. Those who will undoubtedly swell the list of dead are the 240 odd men from the steamships, including of ficers, sub-officers, seamr i. < ;j. ma chinists, coal passers ; . «i t. i;:: n?rs, the greater loss of coins sail,, the men who were I I.v.v decks nud could not get to the open before t' .» flames choked them l.icl: ar.d the heavy falling debris be i them down I to their death. Of the/. > the greater part are foreigners. Tli ... t..0. •.!: :e are some 35 people who were on c«.aal boats, lighters and about the decks in various capacities. Most of the bodies have been found on the Saale, which is lying in 28 feet of water about a quarter of a mile out from Communipaw. All of the bodies were burned beyond recog nition. The body of a woman was found in the after hold Sunday night. The bodies of a number of men were found yesterday. The first was found near the foot of the stairway leading to the smoking room. The head was nearly gone, and portions of the limbs were missing. The second was found near the steerage entrance, buried in a great heap of rubbish. This body was thought to be that of the steward's as sistant. Several more bodies were found in the same locality. Three other bodies were found later In the day, a little forward of amidships in the hold. These bodies were thought to be those of painters and decorators who had be«n at work in the hold at the time the fire broke out. It is generally believed that a great er number of the bodies in the Saale is still to be recovered. It is thought that most of them are under water, and that many of them cannot be re moved until the ship is raised. The Saale had settled a foot in the mud since Sunday night. The captain in charge of the wrecking operations said: "1 think I will get her off, but she will never carry passengers again." There was a scene of activity all day yesterday on and about the Main and the Bremen, which lie beached in parallel positions within 75 feet of each other and about 1,000 feet from the Jersev Shore, opposite West Forty-sec ond street, New York. The Bremen was gutted from stem to stern, and only the frame remains. The decks are ripped from the rivets and what wood remains of them is completely charred through. The general opinion is, however, that the Bremen can be successfully raised and will again be placed in commission. Despite reports to the contrary, not one body had been taken from either the Main or the Bremen up to midnight, and the of ficers of both ships say that should a»y dead be found the bodies will be be yond recognition. This applies more to the Main than to the Bremen, as the former is nothing but a mass of twist ed iron. That the Main is damaged beyond redemption is the concensus of opinion of not only wrecking ex perts, but also the .opinion of Capt. Peterson, of the Main. The ship is now nothing but a red hulk, from which exude acrid fumes of various density. • Rumors exist among the wreckers that four or five bodies were thought to be in the steward's quarters of the Main, buf a glance through the super heated gas and steam exhibited only several berths full of white ash, and until further investigation is made pos sible by the cooling of the ship nothing can he said as to whether the ashes are those of men or the remains of beds and clothing. It is estimated that the remains of not more than 20 persons are board the Main, and should there be a hundred, or even more, it is cer tain none will ever be identified, or even the exact number known. On the Bremen, where the fire was not so intense, notwithstanding the great damage, the first body has yet to be found, and will not be until the ship is pumped out or explored by di ve*s No diver has yet been down on the inside of the ship. Second Officer Sander, of the Saale, said this morning that several of the officers of the steamships would issue a signed and sworn statement that the captains of the tugboats did not do all in their power to help the ships that were lying in their docks. His ship had been cut loose from the pier, and he and another officer stood at the stern of the ship with men ready to man lines of tugboats. He said they shouted to the tugboat captains, a number of whom were close under his ship, but that no response was made, the tugs simply lying by until they could get near enough 1 to the great Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse to render enough assistance to claim salvage. Today claims for salvage aggregating $150,000 were made against the big steamer. llenonnclnu llohoken'n Pier*. July 3. —President Gram, at a meeting of the New York dock j board yesterday, emphatically declared I that there need have been no loss of life as a result of the Hoboken lire had proper discipline been shown. He said: "Such a fire could not possibly have I occurred in New York city. It-would ; be absolutely impossible, owing to the | superiority of the docking facilities I and the fire and police departments, j The Hoboken piers are too narrow, and the space between the piers is very much to narrow. It would be abso lutely Impossible, even if a pier should catch fire, for it spread to a vessel ''"»«" ln ""r ""^864640 Tl 11 j I HAL ■ | Powers Look to Japan to Force the Relief of Pekin. 1 SOUTHERN CHINA IN REBELLION. j Tin* Vlceroj# Wholly DiwavowPrincv Tikiii'm <;«>vern iiu-iil ninl Have I'ruc ticnll> Conxtitulril mi Independent Sin te. London, July 3.—The allies are not ! 1 advancing for the relief of Pekin. i This announcement to the house of j commons by William St. John lJrod rick, under secretary of state for for- j eign affairs, was received with ex clamations of astonishment and dis- | may. Sir Ellis Ashmead Uartlett inquired ! if any information had been received ; from the legations at Pekin or as to \ the composition and command of the ' relieving force and its present posi- j tion. Mr. Brodrick read the dispatches re- j ceived yesterday and said the total ; allied force available is about i 13,000, as troops have been rapidly ar- i riving, adding: "We do not yet know what arrange- I ments have been made locally regard- j ; ing the command of an expedition, but i it has not yet been thought possible j I to attempt a further advance. The | j consuls have been in communication j j with the viceroys in the Yang Tse re- | I gion, and they are quite aware that j support will be given them by her ma jesty's government in preserving or der. It is obviously impossible that j the representatives of the powers at j Pekin should be consulted, as no com- j munications are passing with them." j "The situation is desperate. Hasten." These words from the message of Von j Bergen, a member of the German le- j gation at Pekin, countersigned by Sir Robert Hart, inspector general of cus- j toms, and dated nine days ago, are the theme of all private comment. They i are preparing for news of frightful i tragedy. Nine days ago the ammuni j tion of the little garrison defending the foreigners was running low, and j I their food was nearly exhausted, while , j around them was a horde of Kan-Su i j braves having at their service Krupp ' ! guns and repeating rifles. Pekin was j j in the hands of the revolutionaries. While nothing but sinister news ] '• ines from northern China, southern ; China is seemingly breaking away | from the empire. All the provinces ! south of the Yellow river whose vice ! Roys and governors maintain friendly relations with the powers through the j consuls have been informally consti j tuted into a confederacy, with Nankin I as the capital. I According to an express cable from Shanghai, dated July 2, the southern viceroys wholly disavow Prince Tuan's government. They have practically constituted an independent state, ex tending from the Hoang-Ho to the British and French frontiers. Little else t6 illuminate the profound ob scurity of the situation reaches cable points. The Chinese wires at Chefoo appear to be interrupted. Last night St. Petersburg was in formed over the Siberian wires that the destruction of the Russian rail ways in Manchuria continues, and it seems not improbable that Russia will be fully occupied for a time in sup pressing the insurrection among its subject Chinese and may be unable to send more troops immediately to Taku. The powers look more and more to Japan to supply the force necessary at once to grapple with the formidable rebellion. GKItMA\Y'S YIUOIIOIS ACTIO*. Will Send Twenty ThonNnnd Troop» ■■ml Mnny AYuraliip* to China. Berlin, July 3. —From well authen ticated reports the press representa tives are able to state that yesterday, after the detailed statement by Count Von Buelow, secretary of state for for eign affairs, regarding the Chinese sit uation, Emperor William made up his mind to insist upon full satisfaction for the death of Baron Von Ketteler, for which purpose lie resolved to send al together armed forces approximately as large as those of the other powers chiefly interested in restoring order in China. The precise size of the forces has not been determined, but it is said that they will altogether amount to 20,000. A considerable portion of the German fleet will be sent also. This is evidenced by orders issued last night to prepare five large new battleships for sailing. It is understood that Prince Henry of Prussia has requested the emperor to give him command of this division, but it is doubtful whether his majesty will agree to this. The emperor and Count Von Buelow are fully aware that constitutional dif ficulties render difficult the dispatch ing of so large a contingent, but both are agreed that it must be done. litirnor) to (Jenth in Incendiary Fire. Paterson, N. J., July 2.—Fire believ ed to be of incendiary origin destroy ed the home of William Gilkes, ad joining the Clifton race track, yes terday. Two children, Sadie, 5 years old, and Etta, 3 years old, were burned to death. Sir Thomas Liptou's beneficent proj ect of cheap dining rooms in London, where the poor may obtain the best food well cooked and well served at from V/jd. to 4'/id. a meal, has a profit making side to it which relieves the patrons of the establishment from the notion that they are the recipients of anybody's charity. It is said that when the enterprise is developed a little further it will return 3 j»er cent profit on the investment.—New York Com mercial Advertiser. IM> IT YOtIUKLK. You can tell just as well as a physician whether your kidneys are diseased or healthy. The way todois totakea bot tle or glass tumbler, and fill it with urine. If there is a sediment —a powderlike substance—at the bottom li ter standing a day and a night, there is something wrong with the kidneys. Another sure sign of disease is a desire to urinate often, and still another sign is pain in the back. If urine stains linen, there is no doubt that the kidneys are affected. Any and all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and of the urinary passag es and constipation of the bowels are cur ed by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy- There is no question about its being the best and surest medicine in the world lor such troubles. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold urine and people, young or old, who take it are not compelled to get up a number of times during the night. For putting ail end to that scalding pain experienced in passing urin<\ nothing is so good as Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. It corrects the bail effects of whiskey and beer; is pleueant to the taste, and does not seam to be medicine at all. Diseas es of the kidneys and the bladder often require the use of instruments to push back the sandy matter so the urine can be voided. lii such cases Favorite Rem edy should be taken without further de lay or the disease may prove fatal. It is sold for one dollar a bottle at all drug stores. It is well worth many times its price. Sani|>l«'M Kii-r If you wish to test Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy before buying to send your full post office address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rond out, N. Y., and mention this paper. We will then mail vou a sample bottle free, as well as circulars giving full directions for its use. Every reader of the Mo.v- Tori: Amkhk xn can depend upon the genuineness of this liberal offer and all sufferers from kidney troubles should ake advantage once of it at NO CHANGE FOR BRYAN. Still Favors Silver Coinage at a Ratio of 10 to I. HIS POSITIVE DECLARATION Emphasized by the Action of tli6 Nebraska Delegation. i THE NEBRASKANS FAVOR TOWNE ll ii l the I'reHldentinl Candidate Him self Will lv«-e|> Kntirely Out of tlie Viee I'reftideiitiul Content—National Committeeman llalilmau Siijh III* j Chief Will Visit Ivhiimiin City Con vention After lliw Voniilia t ion I'or I'retident—Sliively \ot a Candidate | For Second Place. Kansas City, July 3.—The vice presi- J dential situation has not cleared up, and this morning it is apparently in j as much doubt as it was when the I delegates to the national Democratic ] convention were elected. There was a shifting of the scene yesterday when Benjamin F. Shively, of Indiana, was taken out of the race by his emphatic statement to the Indiana delegation | Not only the Indiana men, but other j delegates in the city accepted the state | ment of Mr. S. ively, and he is not now j considered a p. pbability in the race. As the contest stands after Shively'a j retirement the two leading candidates seem to be Col. -Towne and William j Sulzer, with some man from New York, like Judge Van Wyck or Elliot Dan forth, as a possibility under certain contingencies. The fact is the vice presidential sit uation is interwoven with the platform. ' If there is a simple reaffirmation of the | Chicago platform . rnie New York man I may be selected for vice president in I the hope that he will-assist in carrying j that state. If a specific declaration | of 16 to 1 then Towne may be made ; Bryan's running mate. It is pointed ' out as not quite conceivable that a con vention which would refuse to make a specific declaration for 10 to 1 with a view of carrying some of the eastern states would nominate Towne, who left the Republican party solely on the ground of his attachment to silver. It is conceded by all the Democratic leaders that Towne's strength is in the west and on a silver platform, and that he would not be strong in the east on a modified platform. Would lui|»ro><* Tow in*** Clut While it is not a certainty that Towne would be nominated, even if there was a specific 16 to 1 declara tion, it is generally believed that his chances would be greatly improved by such action, and his friends are mak ing every effort to bring about that re sult in the convention. New York is still an uncertain quantity in the field. It is still asserted that she has no can didate, although there is more genuine activity in the Sulzer canvass than any other that is being made. Mr. Sulzer, while a New York man, is not the can didate of New York, and is making his canvass outside of that delegation. That the delegation under favorable conditions, such as concessions in the platform, would unite on some other man seems to be perfectly understood, but it would undoubtedly be brought about by a movement from outside the state. Whether the convention would unite on Danforth or Van Wyck is un certain because of the personality of Hill. Members of the Maryland delega tion who arrived here yesterday an nounce that in case a deadlock lie comes imminent in the balloting for the vice presidential nomination the name of Governor John Walter Smith, of that state, will probably be pre sented as a candidate. Ex-Senator Hill returned from Lin coln yesterday, and it may be said that his return did not cause as great a sensation as did his departure. The mysterious silence which he maintain ed and which he explained by saying that "Mr. Bryan and myself agreed that nothing should be said regarding the conference between us," did not servo to whet the political appetite very mnch. Of course, it was not ex pected that Mr. Hill would talk of the conference, but there was a belief that he would say something of interest re lating to the platform and the pros pects of a modification, but he was de cidedly non-committal. When- askfd a direct question as to his fight against a 16 to 1 declaration, he said the con vention would not meet for two days. It might not act upon the platform for three days, therefore there was no reason to now discuss the questions as to what it was to contain. To some visitors Mr. Hill said his conference with Mr. Bryan was very satisfactory, but in what particular he did not dis close. When the matter of his con nection with the vice presidency was mentioned he dismissed it in a manner indicating that there was not the least possibility of his being selected. Bryan'* Positive Statement. There has been much talk about a letter said to have been sent to Mr. Bryan, signed by national party lead ers, urging him to agree to an elimina tion of a specific 16 to 1 plank, but if such effort has been made it will be futile. In a speech delivered to Colo rado delegates who visited him at his home in Lincoln yesterday Tr. Bryan emphasized his position on the money question in a brief speech in which he said: "I want to say to you that when Colorado forsakes the principle of 16 to 1, and wh< n the people have ceased in their support of the principle, I will be found still fighting, even though alone. There is one great principle to be fought for in the coming cam paign. and that is whether or not the dolPar shall be placed above the man. Whenever man and the dollar come in conflict the Republican party stands for the dollars first, the Democrats I tan d for the man. Where there was one reason In 1596 for carrying Colo rado for the Democratic ticket there are sixteen reasons now." The dominating influence of Mr. Bry an over the convention has been made perfectly manifest, causing some con cern and just a little rebellion in soma quarters. It is not by any authorita tive or formal words or actions by him that this influence is exerted, but in ways none the less effective. Its importance, however, has not been sc much in disclosing how strong a hand Mr. Bryan holds on the convention's course as in showing that there is lit tle likelihood of a modification or di lution of the silver plank. The arrival of the Nebraska delega tion, fresh from conference with theii leader, was mainly instrumental in showing Mr. Bryan's attitude. They were hardly off the cars before they met in caucus and formally put for ward a declaration of principles. This expressed "unalterable opposition to any surrender of the principle of bi metallism and a demand for a finan cial plank making a specific pledge for the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of It! to 1, in dependently of what any other nation may do." KeliriiMka Ilclcjeate* For Towne. When James Dahlman, the next na -1 tional committeman from Nebraska and a close friend of Mr. Bryan, was asked if Bryan was for Towne he said "I have talked with Mr. Bryan re cently and 1 think iiis attitude could i be summed up in about this way. He is not favoring any candidate. Ht wants us not to make our wishes toe | prominent, as it will look as though ; this reflected his views, whereas he j wants to keep entirely out of the vic< i presidential contest. But we feel that we should express ourselves foi j Towne, who is a favorite with most ot : the delegates, and our work will be j for him." I . Mr. Dahlman also gave definite as- j surance of a dramatic climax,to the j nomination of Mr. Bryan by his ap- j , pearance on the floor of the conven tion, for a speech that will electrify j the convention and serve as a cam- i ; ii keynote. "We ;• * to insist on his coin- ' , I in< r i. ...,d appearing before this; j convention," said Mr. Dahlman. "The Nebraska men will see that a resolu ; tion is introduced and passed inviting | him here, and you may rest assured ; ' lie will come, although he is personally J . disinclined to do so." Among yesterday's arrivals are many | of the interesting figures of the party, j including the smooth faced, ministerial looking Oldham, of Nebraska, who will make the speech placing Bryan ir j nomination. Hill of New York.Perry | Belmont of New York, Toller of Colo- j : rado, Senator Money of Mississippi, a j distinguished Populist trio, Senators j Allen, Heitfeld and Harris, here to aid I the cause of Towne; John P. Altgeld ol j Illinois, Governor William Waltei ; Smith of Maryland, Arthur Sewall ol j Maine and Senator William E. Clark of Montana. The I'rolialili* Temporary (Tiiitrmnii The real work of the convention be gan yesterday with a meeting of the national committee, to determine con tests and to select temporary officers. Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, the prob able choice for temporary chairman of the convention, is a German-Ameri can, reputed to be an orator of fine presence and effective delivery. Three members of the Pennsylvania delegation visited Lincoln from Kan sas City yesterday to consult with Mr. Bryan. They were driven out to the farm in the afteinoon. The members of the delegation are Congressman James Kerr, secretary of the congres sional committee; ex-Congressman Howard Mutchler and Mayor John F. Fritchey, of Harrisburg. They said they were in sympathy with Mr. Bry an's ideas of the platform. A good deal of importance is being attached to the Pennsylvania delega- | tion. It was reported that Mr. Kerr had been delegated to visit Mr. Bryan at his home in Lincoln and endeavor to have him agree to a compromise finan cial plank in the platform. It was stated that he carried with him a letter from James M. Guffey, propos ing that if Bryan would not consent to the insertion of a plank endorsing bimetallism, without reference to a specific ratio, the eastern leaders would agree to nominate a candidate for vice president whose views would be in perfect accord with his. Col. Guffey denied that Mr. Kerr went as a repre sentative, or that he had in his pes possession any letter signed by him. The following members of the Dem ocratic national committee have so far been chosen: Arkansas, James P. Clark; Connecticut, Homer S. Cum mings; Florida, George H. Ranch; Illinois, Thomas Gahan; Indiana, Thomas F. Taggart; Kentucky, Urey Woodson; Maine, Arthur Sewall; Ne braska, James C. Dahlman; Ohio, John R. McLean; Pennsylvania", J. M. Guf fey; South Carolina. Benjamin Till man; South Dakota, Morris R. Taylor; Texas, R. M. Johnson; Vermont, John H. Senter; Washington, W.H.Dunphy; Wisconsin, Timothy E. Ryan; Alaska, L. T. Williams; Arizona, John R. Breathim. Three Months More of War in Africa London, July 3. —It is clear that Lord Roberts does not consider the war in South Africa ended, as he has put a stop to the return of civilians and has ordered the mining men back to Bloemfontein. He is credited with thinking that three months must elapse before affairs will be settled enough to permit the resumption of business. Cnhiin Tcnclu'r* in lloMton. Boston, July 3. —The United States army transport Sedgwick, having on board more than 400 female teachers from Cuba, and the third of the fleet bringing the instructors to this coun try for a season of study at Harvard university's summer school, arrived yesterday. Two more transports are yet to come. I nolo Sjiiii'm in ■■■ We are coins to ulvo W frc pi fclo,oW<»»th«-M.lov*>lySum. —'J ■■ Hinl Kit 11 WHintnftblO> M ' \ "hiivly ir. • (<> thoHe wha thelru those who will assist us until "DIAMOND DKiKST TABLKTS" is a house hold word throughout the North, South, Fast and ' West r'RI.T- Sample Package for 2c. Stamp D„L,&W. RAILROAD, TIME TABLE, I t S tember Ist, 1899 - _.ALNB GOING WEST I ) PAS ; NIU 1OI:K. PM M. A.M.! P.JI P.A relay SI I,v. * (JQ j io 00 -••• «ristoplier St..! 9 ;J U | 10 00 I loliokeii .... y45 ■ 10 15 .... Hcranton \I 290 J 1«| j 'daily | ! A. if ! ».M. P.M. SCKAWTOK J 10 00. 58J 3 :18; Itcllovue ....{ SL'J .... Tayiorville io* ift ; 2 03: 3 s*f>o Lackawanna I ! 0 '23 54 10 3 ">2 JJ I'UI-yea I.•10 20 2M » 1; Pittston ! 103; 217 890 TF 110 Susquehanna Ave.. J 10 3D 220 402 t; j(| West Pittston 6 5 IN 30 221 4 *-•"» «i 1<) WYI)UIIBI< 7I) IU U :i AT 1 oa TI K Forty Fort .... 413 _ Bennett 7 i)' IN 5« 2 3ii 41 ti ("J'LJO Kingston 7 1- 10 50! 2 42 425 (i ;K; Kingston 7 L in i>(i| 211 428 1; ;Y< Plymouth .IJAE 7 1 1 247 4 3J Plymouth 7 2 1105 252 435 (J'i;J Avondale 72 | 2 :,7 I IT Nanticoke 7 A 11 13! 302 <; 50 Hunlock'F. 73 11 ll> 310 .... 1; 58 Shiekshinny 7 .*> 11 30 321 •••• TlO Hick's Ferry X U,) RIL 4::! 335 -••• T29 Heach 1 aven S I 11 4s I 542 32 Berwick 8 1 11 51 34y 38 Hriar Creek f8 2 1 1F it 55 ....... Lline KiJite 8 3 fl2 0!I 404 7 Esj>Y 8:i 12 IR» 411 .... s 0:1 lilnoinshurK 8 I 12 22 417 .....SOS Kupert !8 60 1-2 21 423 ,s M Catawissa ;j8 56 12 32 429 .....XIU Ilar.ville 1 !L 10 12 47 442 „ ;J; (Jhulasky 4 4'J Uameron Y2O 1257 464 .... X-io NOHTHUMBBULAND y35 110 505 .... Non Ar. A.M. P. M. P. M. P.'.M GOING EAST. STATIONS. ~A S PAS. PAS.' PAS. PAS !_ „ vr ! i~ ~ i INKW 1 OIK I, IN- p. 111.! a.lll a.m. am Barclay St. Ar. 3 30 1 5 00| j ;6 40 Christopher St... 3no 155 635 Hohoken jj 47 4is .... •6 26 Scranton 10 UT 12 55j 1 140 a. in". | P.M. am daily j i P.M A .M. P. M. P. M. P. M. dly Scranton V 42 12 35 455 | 5350 07 Bellevue 8 3.S 4 6o| 6 30|902 Tayiorville y :!!! 445 6 25,857 Lackawanna «20 437 6 I 147 IJuryea y 23: ! 434 5 ;8 «S Plttston y I!) 12 17 4 2y, 5; 8 4-1 Susquehanna Ave., Yls 12 14 4 24i 5 830 West Pittston »12 ..... 421! 6 JS3O Wyominif yOS 1* OH 4 10; 50 ;522 ■ Forty Fort W 0:; .... 4 101 4 • 82S I PIENNETT YON J 400 4 0,824 Kingston, 8 57 112 12 02 4 041 4 5 821 Kingston 855 12 OU 4 fc2 4 .8 10 Plymouth Junction 850 i 355 4 4 8 lis Plymouth... 815 11 621 351 4 41801 Avondale 8 40 1 | 3 401 18 OH Nanticoke.. 835 114.'. 342 751 Hunlock'S 8 271 ! 3 34 7 4<"> Shiekshinny 8 15' 11 30 324 " IT* Hick's Ferry 804 1 31 3 720 Beaeh Haven 7 53? ] 307 7 12 Berwick 745 11 04 301 IT 00 BriarOreek 7:8 T ! 7 00 Liine Kidge 7 30 L I 248 89- Espy 7 2:i 10 46 242 8 Bloomsburg.., 715 10 41 236 8 3!L Kupert 70S 10 3ii 231 A 33 Catawissa 703 10 32 226 | B 2B Danville 650 10 21 212 B'3 Chuliisky ' j j 0 07 Cameron 6 38 : ' ,: Y ;1 Nobthl'MßßßL'D... 625 10 00 150 ® • L 0 L,v: A.M. A. M. ll'. M. iP. M i P.M Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia & Keaiiing Railroad for Tamanend, Tainaqua, Williamsport, Sunbury, Pottsville, etc. At Northumberland with P and E. Div. P. it. K. for Harrisburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren Corry, and Erie. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TIME TABLE In Effect May 28th, 1900. \ M A; M., P.M.P. M Scranton( llSTH)iv J 6 4"> iy 38' 2 18 <4 27 I'ittston " " 708 112 1000 §212 452 ].,... A. M. A. M. I Wilkesbarre,.. Iv S 3<» §lO 55 3OS A IHI Plym'TH Ferry '• 112 7 38 ilio2 112 3 16 FE 07 .""" Nanticoke 746 11 10 326 6 17 °"" Mocanaqua " 804 11 32 346 6 37J""" Wapwallopen. . " 8 13 11 42 3 sl> 6 47! Nescopeck ar 824 11 52; 407 7 ONR^*" A.M. P.M. L'.M. Pottsville lv § 6 50 £l2 :(0 {J Hazleton " 7U5 200 650 Tomhicken " 722 218 TI 10 "" Fern (ilun " 7 2!I 227 li 18 Kock (lien "I 7 35 2 34 •> '25 Nescopeck ar 800 300 650 T'utawissa.. .arj A. M A. M P. M. P MI Nescopeck lv! S 824 §ll 52 407 \1 00! Cratay "I 833 12 OS 4 it; 7 WR*" Espy Ferry.... " 112 8 43 12 In F 4 24 7 2"I"* E. llloomsburg, '"j 847 12 14 420 7 2-'/""] T'atawissa ar 85512 21 4 :F> 732! Catawissa Ivl 856 12 21 4.35 732 South Danville "I 9 14 12 38 4 53, 7 511 Sunhury "j 935 100 515 S 15; A. M. P. M. P. M I\M. Sunbufy LV (I 9 42 § 1 in § 5 45; 8 40 LiCWisburg.... ar 10 13 1 451 618 MI lion "| 10 08 1 3'Jj 614 yO4 Williamsport.. " 11 on 230 -7 lot YSO Lock Haven... "j 11 69 3 40| 8 07! Kenovo " A.M. 440 900 Kane "| 8 *2s| P.M. P.M. Look Haven. .lv :12 10 !L 3 45' Bellefonte ....AR 1051 444 1 Tyrone " 2 151 6 W Pliilipsburg " 123\ 820 CleHrlield.... "1 507 909 Pittsburg "j 0 55111 30 j A.M. P. M P. M. F~">1 Sunbury lv 960§155 Jft '25 IIS 3lj Harrisburg.... ar ; 11 30 § 3 15. jj 0 55i!0 10 P.M. P. M. P. M.;A~M Philadelphia., ar 317 ! 623 ||lo 20 425 Baltimore "jj 3 11 I, 6 (LO j| 9 45 2 30 Washington... " § 4 lot, 7 15 ;10 55; 4 05j (A.M. P, M.j I j Sunbury lv § y 57 § 2 031 < Lewistown Jc. ar 1140; 3 50 | ' Pittsburg •'! 855 §ll3O J 1 A.M. P, M P. M. P~M Harrisiiurg.... lv 11 45 !| 3 45 N 7 20 ilo2o P.M. A.M.AM Pittsburg ar jj 0 55;!| 1130;JJ 1 50| 5 30 ; P. M.l P 51 A MAM Pittsburg lv; ! 710j; 830 250 18 00 |A. M AM; P M Harrisburg.... ar'J 1 55||| 3 4<>|| 910 | 3 10 ~PM A M Pittsbuig lv, J 8 00 | P M JJ. JJ. " : 7 30 \ 3 !0 Sunbury ar ; y \ 5 00 P. M.AM A >1 AM Washington... lv 10 40j \\ 7 45 810 50 Baltimore " 11 41 450 8 4 11 45 "" Philadelphia... "112n J 4 35, ; 8 40'12 25 !A. !A. M. A M A. M. P M Harrisburg.... lv ; 335 J| 7 .05 is 11 40 j 4 00 Sunbury ar j5 05 0 3(i; 110'■ 640 P.M. A M A M Pittsburg lv *l2 45 | 2 60 G 8 On Clearfield.... " j 4 091 928 Pliilipsburg.. " ! 4 5T ; I 10 12 Tyrone "I 7 15 118 10 12 30 Bellefonte.. " 831 932 142 l,ock Haven arj 930 10 30 243 PTJI. A M A M PM Erie lv J 4 :>o| | | Kane "I 7 55! ,5 6no ltenovo 11 15 2 <> 40 10 30 1 | Lock Haven.... "I 12 03 7 3.3' 11 25 J 3 00, A.M. P M | Williamsport .. "| 106 8 30 \i 12 40 4 00J Milton •• 1 >6 9 lit 127 452 Lewisburg " j 9 O-'IJ 1 15 4 47! Sunbury ar 2 27; 940 1 55J 5 20J A. M.L A M P M ! P M 1 Sunbury lv ;(> so| : 9 55"T 2 00U 648 South Danville "j 7 13 I 0 17, 221 609 Catawissa " 7 3'f| lo 35 2 JH>| 8 27| E Bloomsburg. . " 739 10 43 2 4.'! 632 Efpy Ferry...." 743 110 47 f6 36 Creasy " 7 10 66 2 Ss' 046 Nescopeck " 803 11 05 j 305 665 A M A M P. M. P M j ( at aw issa lv 7 38 Ncscopeok Iv ill 55 S 4 10 J 7 05 tioi-k (Slen ar 8 2t, 12 21 4 :4«i 731 Fern (rlen " s 12 27| 442 737 Tomhicken " 842 12 X> 451 145 Hazleton " 902 12 65 512 805 Pottsville " 11 3<> 2us « ;IU 905 AM AMP M [ P M | Nescopeck.;; 8 0!I 11 <'6 \ 3 05; 955 •■••• Wapwallopen.. ar 818 II 20 3 IH| 7 Mocunaqua .... " 828 II 32 3 29, 721 Nanticoke "! 848 1154 348 , 7 42- P Ml ••••• Plvin'tli Ferry I 12 02 357 f7 52 W ilksbarre ... '• yOS 12 10 405 800 . AM P M P M P M Fittston(lU H) ar ; y 1112 49 \ 4 .V 2 836 Seranlon " " 10 08 I IBj 5 20?, WOS I Weekdays. I Daily. 112 Flag station. Additional Train leaves Hazleton 5.15 p. in., Tomhicken 5.:|5 p. in., Fern Glen 5.43 p. in , Itoi-U tileu 5.50 p. in., arriving at Catawissa 6.25 p. m. Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on through trains between Sunbury, Williamsport and Erie, between Sunbury and Philadelphia and Washington and between Harrisburg, Pitts burg and the West. For lurther information apply to Ticket Agents /. j;. /// TCII IN SON, J. A'. )YU01), Oi'it'l Manager. Gen'l I'asn'n V A COAL!U§ COAL!M COAL! T SUPERIOR ANTHRACITE GOAL —AT— Pegg's Coal Yard. Samples of Peggs may be seen at Brown's | Book Store, No. 229 Mill Street, where orders may be left, and all desired in formation obtained. Local telephone line con nects Brown's Book Store with Coal Yard. ; { OFFICE, Removed to Yard • on Canal slip, off Ferry St. I (formerly Woolley's yard). : Robert J. Pegg, 1 COAL DEALER. » ■ "i : PHILADELPHIA READING RAILWAY • IN EFFECT MAY 30, 1900. S TKAINS LEAVE DANVILLE J (weekdays only) U For Philadelphia 11.25 a m. > For New York 11.25 a m, s For Catawissa 11.25 a. m., 6.04 p. m. j For Milton 7.42 a. in., 4.00 pin. 1 For Willianisport 7.42 a. m., 4.00 p m. j Trains for Baltimore, Washington and the s South leave Twenty-fourth and Chestnut j Streets, Philadelphia, weekdays—3.33, 7.14, U 10.23 a. in., 12.10, I 3.03, 4.12, 5.03, 7.30, «.30p. 1 in., 12 21 night. Sundays ;i.33, 7.14 a. in., 12.10. i; 1.33, 4.13, 5.03. 7.20, S.2»i p. m. : ATLANTIC CITY RAILROAD. 2 I.eave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf 0 and South Street Wliarf. 9 For ATLANTIC CITY- Weekdays -Express 2 9.0n, 10.15 A. M , (I.W Saturdays only) 3.00.H.0 !> 4-00, 5.00 (00 Minutes), 5.40 (South St,. 5.30) 7.10 !« P. M„ Accom. 6.15 A. M„ 5.40 (South St., 5.305 1 6.30 P. M., Sundays—Express, 8.00. 9.00, 10.00 S A. M., 7.15 P. M. Accom. 6.15 A. P.M - Leave ATLANTIC CITY-Weekdays—Express '. 7.00, 7.45, (7.50 from Baltic Aveniie Saturdays ; only) 8.20, 9.00, 10.30 A. M„ 3.30, 5.30 P. M. Ac coin. 1.20. 7.05 A. M., 4.05 P. M. Sundays— i Express, 4.30,5.30. 8.00 I'. Al. Accom. 7. l'j A. M.. 4.05 P.M. i Parlor cars on all express trasns. ■ For CAPE MAY—Weekdays—B.4s, 9.15 A.M., ' (1.40 Saturdays only) a 4.10,.10, b5.40 P, M Hun* r days—B.4s, 9.16, A. M„ 4.45 P. M. For OCEAN ClTY—Weekdays -8.45, 9.15 A. M.. (1.40 Saturday oniv) c 1.20, 5.50 P. M Sundays—B.4s, 9.15 A. M., 4.45 P. M. For SEA ISLE ClTY—Weekdays— A. M. (1.40 Saturdays only) c 4.20, c 5"40, P. M. Hun days-jt.45 A. M.. 4.45 P. M. a South St. 4.00 P. M.; b South St- 5.30 P. .M. c South St. 4.15 P. M. NEW YORK AND ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESS. Leave NEW YORK (Liberty Htreet) 3.40 P. M; Leave ATLANTIC CITY, 8.30 A. M. Detailed time tables at ticket offices. ; I. A.SWEIGARD, EDHON J WEEKS Gen. Superintendent, General Agent. M M o I I W CC3 N A n m i (J) u j I ' Pn < ts * 4" II 5 &» I ' S5 g |i W - S I 0 5=3 b I — 3 50cta. One cent a dose. Tnis GREAT Cotrcii CUKB Where all others fail. Coughs, Croup Son Thioat, Hoarseness, Whoopinr Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it nas no rival: has cured thousands, tnd Will CURB TOU 11 taken in time. Sold by Druggists ons gruar antee. For a Lame Hack or Chest, uaa SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTERS. rjHiLOHS>%pATARRH Have you Catarrh ? This remedy is fruaran* teed to cure rou. I 'rice. 50 eta. Injector freo. Fl OklnbMtM'* XadUk IH——i hoi • EKNYROYAL PILLS jes Or<|lul u< Oblj <«■■>■>. A TTDN «*rc. aJva/A raUtbU. UIBII* ut CV / (( I>runstai lor (MUMtl* • tnfUik DUjfkX ' Brand la Bed Go* S-V —Zw#hcxo« vllh bIM ribbon TmkM 4B an B.lno otlinr. ▼ 1 / mtoo" **4 WXuw, At Kriuuu. n —ml I C. V la Munna f«c jMkrtlMlan, l»lli ullli id n 0 " Ktlltf fcr Lullm," to Mv. ntan nr M*IL 10.000 T^Um—liH. fauteft v —"/ 4t all nru(i«. <'hlrhe«t«r Ckwlaal Of, X4OO Hadlaaa Hquaß, PHIUOi, Pi. S^U,?INAF^DISEASES>^* MO%eth3J^/ INFLAMMATION j 0 */O*(XS : oPECIALLY VALUADTUNPROSTATICTROUBIIj 1 CYSTITIS DIABETESVi'IHCONTINtNCY^URINt >OIV'.W>«V SCHNTiriC Sn> r rnimr.i _ " 1 PURt SANTALanoSAW.PALMETTO ETC )Bv MAIL % l"l 0 6tND&TAMp ro«P«MPMUTi PAN-AMERICAN DRUGXO^yoaK; Sold in Danville by J. D. UoHh &Co ilors by mail sent to any addreea.