Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 05, 1900, Image 2

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7.13 A. M.». 14 A. M.
10.17 " 12.38 P. M.
2.21 P. M. 4.53 "
TJ.OW •' .51 "
10.17 A. M. 4 53 P. M.
1). I j. it W. K B.
6.5H A. M. 9.09 A.M.
10.19 " 12.47 P. M.
2.11 P.M. 4.35 »
U.IO '• S-20 "
6.58 A.M. 12.47 P.M.
6.10 P.M. 8.80 "
phil'a & heading k. k.
7 4! A.M. 11.25 A. M.
4.00 P. M. 6.05 P. M.
7.44 A. M, 11.23 A. M.
4 ML P. M. 6.0J P. M. 1.8
l.B uEIBFORT, /XSfife
')PFIC!oii MILL ST., Opposite the I'oet < •tflee.
operative ami Mechanical Dentistry Carefully
pe.rlormetl, Teeth positively extracted without
pain, with Has, Ether ahd Chloroform: Treat
lug an<L Filling teeth aSpecialtv.
■yyji. KUI WW,
Olfice over l'uules' Drug Store
Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glass
es and artificial eyes supplied.
311 Market Street, Bloorasburg, Pa.
Hours— lo a. 5 p. m.
Telephone 143(5.
Ai A:' A
I *•*•*•*•
MONO the very
A first families tc
reach Ongiara
for the summei
season were th«
Oreshamu and
* M' s* 112 the Davises. Ii
K "!■ is doubtful if ei
ther of then
ArJf \[ J. m could tell exact
ly why they hat 1
closed their tywr
K ji y houses so early
Jg IstL J ami the two wlu
\f jj\l were chiefly re
i sponsible would
3 have denied us
lntr their influence if they had been ac
cused. And, anyway, neither would have
thought of accusing the other. The
Greshams and Davises lived in different
cities during the winter, but it so hap
pened that they had selected Ongiara as
the choicest spot on the great lakes foi
their summer outing. They had tried it
for the first tiYne on the previous year,
and it was in that way that Jack
Gresham and Polly Davis first met. They
Lad met only a few times, but were sc
congenial that all winter they had been
thinking of each other, and it was due
to their influence exerted on their re
spective families that the flitting took
place as early as May. And when they
met they immediately began to act as
If they had known each other for years
and had been in the habit of meeting
every day. It is strange, but true, that
people who are acquainted null think
about each other a great deal find theii
friendship ripens just as quickly when
they are apart as if they were associat
ing daily.
Jack and Polly promptly begau to en
joy the beauties of Ongiara in company.
They organized botanizing parties of two,
went boating and fishing, aud discovered
that at no time of the day is the air so
invigorating or long walks so healthful
as in the early evening.
But, although they were inseparable,
neither of them was aware of the fact,
for nothing had happened to make them
study the state of their hearts. Of course
they were teased by their friends, but
they were so suro of the platonic char
acter of their friendship that they didn't
mind in the least. One evening about the
middle of June, however, somethiug un
expected hannonuH
'"I have made up my mind," said Polly
as she swung in the hammock that Jack
kept in motion, "to celebrate the first
Fourth of July in the new century by
doing something unusual, though I
haven't decided yet what it shall be."
"Well, you have plenty of time to make
up your mind."
"Not so very much—only about two
"About a year and two weeks, you
mean, don't you?" said Jack.
"Certainly not," Polly retorted, with a
slight show of temper. "Now, surely you
are not one of the cranks that try to
- prove that the new century does not be
gin till the beginning of the year 1901."
"Oh, I don't know that I am so particu
larly cranky in thinking so, and, anyway,
1 have the majority of the world with
"Well. Matthew Arnold used to say
that the majority is always wrong, and it
most decidedly is in this case."
"I don't see how on earth you can say
so. The argument is just as clear as.a
"Well, I'd like to have a look at that
pikestaff. I suppose the argument you
refer to is the ouo about dollars and pay
ing them out one at a time until you have
paid 100."
The tone in which this was said ex
asperated Jack by its condescension, and
he answered in the same strain.
"Not by any means. The argument I
ose is much simpler and suited to any
grade of intelligence." •
"Indeed," said Polly. "Would you
mind prfttliirg it out?"
"Not in the least. Let us suppose that
we have 100 volumes of 305 pages each
and each divided into 12 chapters. The
first volume would be volume 1, and so
onto volume 100, and if I started to
read them I couldn't say that they were
all read until I had completed the three
hundred and sixty-fifth page of volume
100, and in the same way a century can
not be complete until the three hundred
and sixty-fifth day of its hundredth year
has elapsed."
"That's no argument at all," said Pol
ly. "Books and years are entirely dif
ferent things."
"But each book represents a year."
"No. it doesn't: not any more than
that cow out there on The commons does.
You surely have studied rhetoric even if
you .haven't studied metaphysics." (Pol
ly was rather proud of her Wellesley ed
ucation.) "And you should .know that
yoti must never compare a thing that is
concrete with a thing that is abstract.
Time is something abstract, aud the
measurement of it should be compared
with another abstraction."
"I'm sure I don't know what on earth
yon are talking about with your concrete
and abstract."
"I didn't suppose you would. But I
have a way of explaining my position
that is also suited to every grade of in
"Indeed," said Jack, recalling his own
angry remark and her reply to it.
""Would you mind prattling it for my
"Not in the least. I suppose you have
noticed that on my bicycle there is a
thing called a cyclometer. It registers
the number of todies that I travel."
"When I travel one mile, it registers 1,
n*~ ' it has registered 100 my first,
-onipleted. In the same wav
when it registers I.SXIO miles It means 1
that I have completed 19 centuries, and
t I immediately begin mv twentieth. Now, 1
we have registered 1,000 years, and for j
that reason 1!) centuries are complete. It:
is just the same with the age of a person, j
I was 18 on my last birthday, and I say 1
that I am 18 years old, and the Christian |
era was just 1,900 years old on its last ;
"Oh! I suppose if one hunted around ,
for it they could find some "exception that :
would prove anything, but I can't see j
for the life of me that miles are a bit
more like years than books are."
"Well, if you can't it is because you
don't know any better," said Polly hotly
as she jumped out of the hammock.
"Well," said Jack,, with an air of lofty
decision, "I may not know much about
the kind of arguments that they teach in
ladies' colleges, but I know more about |
some people than I did."
"I suppose you mean that for me, Mr. |
Gresham. Well, I don't kuow that it is
any particular business of yours knowing
anything about me one way or the oth
| er."
"I am glad you think so. Miss Davis,
! and I hope that your celebration of the
I last Fourth of July of the century will j
j be a notable one."
| "The first in the new century!" she (
I j snapped.
Having thus reduced their vocabularies
to inarticulate sounds, they separated in
high dudgeon, fully resolved that nevei
i again would they speak or recognize one
another on the street. During the twe J
i weeks preceding the Fourth of July they
i both spent most of their time in careful-
I ly avoiding each other and for that very
| reason met more frequently, because one
was afraid of meeting the other in theit
old favorite haunts and for that reason
kept away from them.
"Now all my summer's fun is spoiled,"
Polly said to herself at least a dozelr
times. "And all on account of that thick
headed Jack Gresham. Well, I'm glad
I found him out, anyway. If we had
been together nil the time, there is n<; .
knowing what might have happened, and
just think of having togo through life
with such a stupid! But, oh, dear, I wish
we hadn't quarreled just now or that
there were some other young men in town
that were any fun. But all the other
young men are silly, and at the worst
he is only stupid. Dear me, but I am
Jack's meditations for the two weeks
might be condensed into a paragraph
about as follows:
"There is no getting around it, I was
falling in love with her, but It is a good
thing I found her out when I did. Whew,
what a spitfire she is! And then thiuk
of having to live with a woman who
thinks she knows more than you do!
"But, oh, ye lords of ladies intellectual,
Inform us truly, have they not henpecked you all?
"Guess I'll go fishing today. No, I'll
be hanged if I will! I'll go botanizing.
But darn botanizing anyway!"
By the 3d of July they were both lone
ly ana very uuserauie, ana t*ony naa not
yet decided on her unique celebration.
She had thought of exasperating Jack
by buying a lot of set pieces, each put
ting the number 20 in some different
way, and getting her little brother to set
them up in some conspicuous place where
Jack could not help seeing them from his
home. But still that would not be so
very much fun after all. Jack, on the
other hand, discovered during the two
weeks of the quarrel that not only had
he been in danger of falling in love with
Polly, but that he was in love with her,
and he argued himself into the conviction
that if they oould only get into the new
century safely they would have a hun
dred years ahead of them before there
would be any chance of anything arising
so exasperating as this end of the cen
tury dispute. After he had arrived at
this conclusion an idea came to him that
was remarkably bright, even Polly after
ward admitted, for such a stupid fellow.
On the forenoon of the Fourth of July
Jack took an American flag in one hand
and a flag of truce in the other and
marched gravely up to the Davis cottage.
Polly smiled in spite of herself and grant
ed the armistice.
"Have you decided yet on the unusual
celebration that you "were thinking of for
the last Fourth of July of the century?"
"For the first of the new century," said
"Never mind that," said Jack. "I don't
fare when the new century begins. All
I know is that I will not be happy in it
unless you agree to begin it with me.
Why not celebrate this Fourth, by get
ting engaged? And we can celebrate the
next by getting married, and then we'll
be sure of celebrating the right day."
Polly was so taken by surprise that
she didn't even say, "This is so sudden!''
Instead she disappeared quickly into the
grape arbor, while Jack followed. When
they emerged again, they had agreed
thoroughly that they didn't care when
any old century began, ami two Fourth
Of July celebrations had been arranged
for instead of one.
The CounteraiKii.
"Have you got the countersign?"
asked the sentinel.
"Well," replied tho raw recruit, who
had left a department store to enter
the army, "when I left the counter It
wus, 'This silk's twice less than cost.' "
—Philadelphia North American.
'T%yi«n I'aintcMl Ilndly.
Wife—We should have that back
shed attended to right away.
Husband— I spoke to Dobbs, the
painter, about it, aud lie says he's so
busy he won't be able to touch It for
a mouth yet.
Wife—Oh, we can't wait that loug!
It needs to be painted very badly.
Husband—All right, then, I'll do it
myself,—Philadelphia Press.
Although the women of civilized na
tions are treated as uoncombatants and
are exempt from military duty, heroines
without number appear on the roll of
honor, especially in popular uprisings for
I civil liberty. I
The world knows no finer example of
heroism than that displayed by tin Boer
women during the present strife between
the South African Dutch and the British.
These women are not nurses and cooks
only, but are fighters as well and as
brave as their brothers and husbands.
Chief among the ancient women who
fought for the freedom of their people
was o"een Boadicea, wife of Prasuta
gus. After the death of her husband, in
censed by the outrages of the procurator
Catus, she took up arms against the Ito
mau colonists and their allies. Too
proud to grace the promised holiday, she
took poison after her capture. To the
leadership of Joan of Arc Charles VII
of France owed his realm. After a three
months' struggle she wrested the scepter
from the British and crowned him king
at Reims.
One of the most famous American wo
men soldiers in the war of the Revolu
-1 tion was-Deborah Sampson, who joined
the Continental army in 1778 under the
name of Robert Shirtliffe. She served
in the army for three years as a private
soldier before her sex was discovered.
Dicey Langston of the Curoli: as was
one of Marion's most trusted scouts.
Night after night, when she was suppos-
I ed to be asleep in her own room, she car
ried news ovei; field and swamp to the j
American camp. Though the British
wondered how their plans were always
J .•ircumvented, she was never detected..
Emily Geiger, too, was a famous army
I messenger of the Revolutionary times.
On one occasion when she was carrying
a message, the contents of which she
knew, from General Greene to Sumter,
she was intercepted by some Tory scouts ,
and taken prisoner on suspicion. Left '
alone for a few minutes, she chewed into j
bits the written message that she was !
carrying. When searched, of course there
was nothing discovered, and she was per
mitted to pursue her journey. She de
livered to Sumter, verbally, the message, !
which saved the day.
On the field of Monmouth Molly Pitch- j
er made herself famous. A shot from I
the enemy killed her husband, a can- j
noneer, ; ' his post. The officer in com-j
mand, having no one competent to fill j
the vacancy, ordered the gun to be with- J
drawn. She heard the order and, seizing J
the rammer, continued the tight, vowing j
that she would avenge her husband's |
death. The commission of sergeant was
conferred upon her by General Washing
ton in recognition of her bravery.
Just as all soldiers do not win personal
renown, so all the army of devoted Amer
ican women could not enter the lists of J
battle heroines, like Deborah Sampson
and Mollie Pitcher; but they proved
heroines in patience, in watchfulness and
in patriotic spirit.
In 1708 the colonial women showed
their patriotism by the spirit of self de
nial when in the face of the stamp act
they unanimously agreftl to reject Bohea,
the brand of imported tea then so popu- j
lar, and chose the balsamic Hyperion, a (
domestic manufacture prepared from the
drieil leaves of the raspberry plant. The
ladies who thus denied themselves were
known as the Daughters of Liberty.
When husbands and fathers were away
in the Continental ranks in 1778, the wo
men of Wyoming plowed, sowed and
reaped, and not only that, but they made
gunpowder, too, for the supply was low
at the fort.
In 1780' the distress of the American
army was very great on account of the
lack of clothing. The women formed an
association for the purpose of relieving
the distress of the soldiers. Those who
could gave money. The highest dames
of the land labored with their needles and
sacrificed their trinkets aud jewelry. The
ladies of Philadelphia contributed 2,200
shirts, which they had cut and sewed
themselves On each garment was the
name of the maker and in a number of
cases this led to courtship and marriage.
On the retreat of the Continental army
from Fort Edward Mrs. Philip Schuyler,
the wife of General Schuyler, rode from
Albany to Saratoga, iuid gave orders to
set fire to the extensive fields of wheat
on their estates and requested the ten
ants to do the same rather than suffer
the enemy to reap them.
During the terrible winter passed at
Valley Forge, Airs. Washington endured
every privation of the camp and was
busy from morning till night providing
romforts fo/ the sick soldiers. She dress
, ed wi'h great simplicity so that her pri
vate means could be used for the pur
poses of relief.
But from the tidbits of social gossip
handed down in colonial annals it is evi
dent that the lives of the women of that
period were not always beclouded by
stress and soberness. Smiles now and
then banished the tears. Refreshed by
their fragrant Hyperion beverage and
Inspired by noble zeal matrons and maids
plied the needle and spinning wheel for
the army and for liberty. One skillful
needlewoman wrought an imperishable
record upon the first flag given to the
breezes by the new republic, ami thus
linked the name of Betsy Ross with that
A' Washington. E. VON KAAMAN.
An Optical llluNlon.
It looks as If the elephant were blow
ing bubbles, but he isn't. That is the
moon in the background.—New York
A Tribute.
"I want to stop in front of this win
dow," said Mr. lUy kins.
"Why, it's full of millinery!" ex
claimed his wife. "I didn't kuow you
admired such things!"
"I not only admire, I marvel. I take
off my hat to genius, and the people
who can get S2O apiece for a lot of
bunches of odds and ends like those
are qualified to give lessons to a Na
poleon of finance." —Washington Star.
Wary unci Her Landlord,
ldary opened a little shop
To help her on life's way,
An el honest toil found its reward.
And it began to pay.
"How's biz?" the landlord often asked,
And Mary waa imprudent;
Of course she never guessed he wu
An economic student.
But Mary's landlord's eagle eye
Was watching how things went.
And when the first of May came round
He doubled Mary's rent.
The imposition stajrgered her.
Hut what could Mary do?
Subsistence bare is the tenant's share,
All above is the landlord's due.
80 Mary kept on as before,
Improving as tiine went,
But step by step, with increased trade,
The landlord'raised the rent.
And thus the merry game went on
Till Mary's life was spent;
As fast as God could prosper her
The landlord raised the rent.
—Westminster Review.
Careful Maria.
"Marin is the most particular buyer I
ever knew."
"She saw that a lot of slightly soiled
thermometers were to be sold at Rern
nnnt's between 7:15 and 7:45 a. in.on
Tuesday only, and so she hurried down
there without her breakfast."
"She looked at the thermometers and
shook her head."
"What was the trouble?"
"The store was too hot, and the ther
mometers all registered 80. Maria said
she had seen just as (food at Sample's at
72." —Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Girl In tlie liluikl Dreit,
There she goes in the shopping square I
The men look back, the women stare.
The critic's remarks are passing aloud
As she wends her way through the gaping crowd.
Hut she hears them not, and she cares much less;
She's one of the first in a khaki dress.
She passes the cop on the shopping beat;
He smiles and points out into the street.
"The color's the same," lie says, with a grin—
"The same as the mud she's walking in,"
But she hears tlfem not, and she cares much less;
She's one of the first in a khaki dress.
The newsboy grins: "Get onto her nibsl
Kow, wudn't dat tickle yer under de ribs.
"Tig awning stuff, wid a mustard smear.
Take it away! It don't go here!"
Ilut she hears them not, and she cares much less;
She's one of the first in a khaki dress.
'Tis a gantlet run for a thousand eyes,
But she braves the "Whewsl" and the rude, "Oh,
And the girls who gape and love to say,
"She looks like a road on a rainy day!"
Ilut she Clears them not, and she cares much less;
She's one of the first in a khaki dress.
—yhleago News.
A (list In Ills Viition.
"Mamma, is Mrs. Thompson's husband
cross eyed'/"
"Why, no, my dear. Why do you ask?"
" 'Cause when 1 was out walking with
nurse this morning Mr. Thompson stop
| ped us to shake hands with me, and he
said, 'What lovely eyes.' "
"Well, you have lovely eyes, my dear."
"Yes, but it seemed funny that every
; time he said it to ine he looked at nurse."
j —Cleveland I'laiu Dealer.
If in this world )ou >isli to stur
An-1 be esteemed ut highest par,
Don't take the path that Webster took
Or read a page in browning's book;
Don't try your hand at something new;
A few old masty jokes will do!
If you'd l»e popular in a crowd
Of girls and have them say aloud,
"He is the brightest chap I know!"
Don't win litem with a language iloW
Or take Britannia as a cue;
A few old musty jokes will do!
If you attend a banquet grand
And have no ready speech on hand-
No speech to grind out as you eat.
With words both long and obsolete—
Don't let the error worry you;
A few old musty jokes will dol
If you woujd to the senate go
And have no natural eloquent flow.
Don't let this thwart your worthy aim
To make the laws and carve your name;
A memory good will see you through;
A few old musty jokes will do!
—Chicago Ncwi,
The «Vah'rni(>loii Wny.
I up en gone at de breakin ei de day,
En 1 plowin up de grass so dat he'll never come
ter lmy.
En I wish de furrow lead me ter de svatermelon
Kaze 1 hongry fer de melon in de mawnin!
I up en gone at de breakin er de day;
Dar'B tishin in de river, but 1 ain't got time ter
I En 1 pray de road'll lead me ter de watermelon
Kaze 1 hongry fer de melon in de mawnin!
Oh, 1 wish dat I wuz livin whar de watermelon
'Stid er folKrin de furrow at de breakin er de
Eaze de road I knows de bes', suh, go de water
melon way,
En I hongry ter de melon in de mawnin!
-—Atlanta Constitution.
Knocked Silly.
"My dear," said Growells, "you are
simply talking nonsense."
"I know it," replied his better half,
"but it's because 1 want you to under
stand what I say."—Chicago News/
I say that life's a hollow show,
That nothing's worth while here below
Or any other place;
But when 1 have on all my rings
And some sweet gown of tilmy things
And lots of lace.
And goto dine with Mrs. Rich
And half the men are trying which
Khali be the one
To make me talk the most and laugh,
Why, life's not a had thing by half;
It's rather fun.
—Town Topic,.
T. A. Slocuin, M. C M the (Jrojit Chem
ist ami Scientist, Will Semi Free, to
the Afflicted, Three llottles of
his Newly Discovered Reme
dies to Cure Consumption
and All Lung Troubles.
Nothing could be lairer, more philan
thropic or carry moiejoytothe attlict
ed, than the otter of T. A. Slocuin, M.
C., of New York City.
Confident that he lias discovered a
reliable cure for consumption and all
bronchial, throat and lung diseases,
general decline and weakness, loss of
flesh and all conditions wasting, and to
make great merits known, lie will
send, tree, three bottles to any reader of.
the AMERICAN who may be suffering.
Already this "new scientific course of
medicine" has permanently cured thou
sands of apparently homeless cases.
The Doctor considers it his religious
duty—a duty which lie owes to human
ity—to donate his infallible cure.
lie has proved the dreaded consump
tion to be a curable disease beyond any
doubt, and has on file in tiis American
and Kuropean laboratories testimonials
of experience from those benefitted and
cured, in all parts of the world.
Don't delay until it is too (ate. Con
sumption, uninterrnped, means speedy
and certain death. Address T, A
Slocuin, M. C., iiS Pine street, New
York, and when writing the Doctor, give
express and postoflice address, and
please mention reading this article in
he AMERICAN* March 4 ,9
ri I r 1 \ .
' >*till, blejt Liberty, our guidio? — 1 L ~
Tis ijot the hour of d»o? er tb&t t>e§u les
JSPfrorr) our course, our duty to t!>e world.
But wber? tbe su:} of fortune oo ussniles
Iwd rn&y Torset. and freedom bacfc be burled.
We have enjoyed so lobs tbe priceless dowyr 1
Left byfou/-sires a.r>d purchased by tbeir bfood,
Tbfct we forget in pleoitude of power 1
How rnucb it cost toi stem oppresslop'S^flo^d.
Sipcfi our dear Btarry banner to tb^jbfWze
/ its folds and bailed a borij.
iDor.youtb's to m&nbood grown—in sea?
/ otber lands (our flag now greete tbe morr».
F&irJQueeo of Antilles, tbq pride of Spain, \
yWitfr'sister isle and isles of Orient sea,
/«><) brlsbt Hawaii of tbe sjoutbern mairy,
/ cp?er you our fla? now Waves—may you be \
Free from tbe rutmess despot's ?allinx
witb tbe liberty befitting ma^^^
Tbe~~lfcv/ -abidio<z. wjyo pursues-bi3-*%y^y
Wltb none molestiftasafe from tyrant's b&fl.
Our country's flag, flag of and brav*,
Where'er tby folds must be frw—
At borne, abroad, O! ever may It wave
O'er man enfranchised, and as man sbould b«»
i ►«•#- e & - a■ • ©-• e • •% • •
" 112
July 4, 1770, is a day to date from in the history of human progress in spite of
the fact that the experiment in free government inaugurated that day was' not a
new thing among enlightened people. The example of ancient Athens might be
called exceptional, hut in the heart of Europe the Dutch republic existed for more
than two centuries with rapacious monarc-hs all around the border and its own
people divided as to the truo seat of political sovereignty, whether in divine right
or human. And for nearly 000 years the Swiss have maintained a republic
against princely greed and the weakness of human nature.
The birth of true democracy in Athens was in the time of Solon. It was not
won by tighting, but was afterward saved by the sword, especially at Marathon
§and Platea. I'erlcles, the shining
light of Greece, established do- ftW'
mocracy in Athens by the over- Si
throw of the aristocracy and aft- |ji|
erward In the states which united tog
with Athens in the period of her Am
, greatness. Under his influence |7
and with a system of popular gov
ernmeut wars were fought sue- fSt"\
v cessfully, the arts and sciences
: pie shared fully in the general
The first great victory of the [fip"
Swiss patriots was won at
garten, Nov. IG, 1315. That day ' ' *
WASHINGTON. i,400 mountaineers defeated 20.- LAFAYETTE.
000 Austrlans and a league of four forest cantons formed a perpetual confedera
cy, celebrating Murgarten day as an anniversary. Later four other cantons unit
ed, and the confederacy fought for liberty against the Austrlans at Sempach In
1.380 and Oiarus in 1388.
N'apoleon robbed the Swiss of their liberty, but after his fall the old free can
tons, with new allies, adopted a constitution, which was ratified Aug. 7, 1815, the
birthday <>f the present republic.
The anniversary which the whole English speaking race has cause to re
member is Magna Charta day, June 15. On that day, 1215, the key to English
liberties was wrung from King John by the nobility and the landh«4ders. The
uprising was due to the king's unparalleled cruelty, rapacity and misgovernment.
After granting the great charter he attempted to subdue the patriot party, but
died while taking the field with a vast army. •
France was iu turmoil at the time of the Aniericnn Revolution. In 1774 the
people demanded of Louis XVI an equable, taxation, freedom of trade and manu
factures and the abolition of jobbery and sinecures. The ancient state legisla
ture, called the states general, which had been extinct 200 years, was convoked,
and met May 1, 17K9. The mandate of this body, in which the third estate, or
Common people, wore all powerful, was for revolution. Lafayette commanded
the national guard until he was exiled by the extremists. The battle which es
tablished the constitution was fought at Almy Sept. 2. 1702.
Sympathy With the French revolution cost the people of the Dutch republic
their own freedom, for Napol 'on imposed the monarchy there once he waa in
*—-.Tyyy.i. powe-. The Dutch broke loose
from Spain by revolution, and the
John of Barueveldt was the hero M/JT
U \I 'e ~/* P V ''
that a'neieut rchies
anil Italy, v us suppressed byHhe
• alliance, but Spain lost her Aftu-r
--ican colonies in the struggle. Iu
• fffi' Jf' /o* spired by Kosciusko, who had
fought under Washington, the xnroEii
Poles invoked the sword iu the
name of liberty in 171)1. The struggle was a long one, and the fnte of Poland was
finally scaled by the alliance of Prussia and Austria with Russia.
The French alone came out of the widespread revolution of 1848 with
triumph. In Italy the patriot* fought and lost. Hungary, which declared its In
dependence of Austria April 24, IH4U, fought bravely under Kossuth, but Russia
Joined her ancient ally in suppressing the patriots. In Germany the revolution
was quickly suppressed.
Ireland's greatest rebellion was that of May, 17'.>8, when the United Irish
men compelled England to send immense armies to the field. That of 1803 was
abortive, and young Robert Emmet died on the scaffold.
Mexico and Chile took advantage of Napoleon's usurpation of Spanish pow
er in 1810 to rebel. Mexico was reconquered, but after many revolutions againet
dictators and foreign powers the
present republic was established
The sword of General San Mar-
tin, the deliverer of Chile, helped
also to give Peru independ- VL
( ,t " 1 ' ' nH,t ot *^ me, 'y a " co '" fL
Among the scores of iiatnes ven
erated by the republicans of South '
America that of Bolivar stands
highest as a tight itig champion of
liberty. TTe fought for nnd ruled ovor Venezuela and Peru, founded the republic
of Bolivia out of northern Peru and was president of the republic of Colombia,
which included Venezuela and Granada, the last named one of his conquests.
England's declaration that the independence of the South African republics
shall be destroyed gives the world a spectacle without a parallel iu the history of
struggles for liberty. The Boers have been free for two generations, with the ex
ception of four years, between 1877 and 1881, when the Transvaal was »uaex«d
by England. The Orange Froe State became a republic iu 1854 by the voluntary
aetioi' uf Ettflaud, but the Transvaal won its independence bj; fighting at Lainin
nek and Majuba Hill in 1881 under a revolutionary declaration made Dec 18,
1880. This date was the anniversary of Dingaan's daug, loug celebrated as the
original independence day of the Boers. Paul Kruger, Pretorius and Ptet Jou
bert conducted the government as a triumvirate until peace was oatohUAed.
Then Tvruger was elected president.
Stock MarketConNpiratora Convicted | 11«»™ Tliey Did It
Now York. July 3. —The trial of the ■ "Mamie woiililir't ,-ini: for because
men accused of conspiracy in publish- : s he wanted to be leased."
ing reports calculated to depress the"And did you tease herV"
stock of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit j "Oh. terribly'. We didn't ask her
company was concluded yesterday af- again."—Philadelphia Bulletin.
ternoon. Verdicts of guilty were re-1
turned against Goslin, Parker and n«-r iv.-iiiinr Ailvnntnge.
Davis. Bogert was found "not guilty" Whin, in u uf strife, tlio politician's wife
in accordance with the instructions of I»> >ir«•!. it! ;„ r «».-i-t. wifely way, to flout him,
the court l ' 0,,lln ? l, ll'inus She said, but held him while
..... . . j What uimosition papers said about him.
Striki- AKII n«l It>•<!need 1 r .... „
—( hicago lierord.
Cleveland, July 3. —Six hundred ma
chinery molders went on strike here 1 Deeiaeiiy t'nreni.
yesterday against a redtiction of ten ' "Fine show," remarked the first night
cents per day in wages. Nineteen |er at the close of the new.comic opera,
shops are affected by the strike. The! "The comic fisherman was a very real
cut in wages was ordered by the Foun- i istlc don't you thinkV"
drynten's association, and the strike | "No, I don't," replied the amateur
was declared only in the shops in that angler; "his lines were too catchy."—
orgauization. I Philadelphia Press. _
Better than a Piano, Orjjan, or Music Box, for it sings and talks as well as plays, and |
don't cost as much. It reproducestbeniusicofanyiiistrument—band or orchestra—tells I
stories and sings—the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs—it is always ready. 1
See that Mr. Edison's signature is on every machine. Cata- '
logucs of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO.. ij s Fifth Ave., New York. .
26 t 23 Aug
| TO 1
Joseph Roflman ode to"The
American Flag" ranks next in popularity
to"The Star Spangled I'anner" as a ver
sified tribute to Old Glory. Drake died
at the age of 25, so that precocity has
been justified in one instance at least.
He was a poet in his childhood. Iu his
twenty-second year he wrote "The Cul
prit Fay," the work upon which his repu
tation chiefly rests. The date of his spir
ited ode is not certain, but he attached
little value to it. When on his deathbed,
a friend brought it to his side with other
fugitive pieces, and the author said,
"Burn them; they are of no value." They
were preserved, however, and the ode
' was included among others in a collection
! published in 1835.
| While not suited for musical rendering,
. like Key's masterpiece, "The American
Flag" contains many lofty flights of
poetic imagery and gems of poetic ex
pression. An Englishman who was com
paring notes upon literature with an
American cousin asked him which four
lines of poetry he considered the finest
in the mother tongue. The answer, given
offhand, was a quotation of the first four j
lines of Drake's ode. After listening I
with breathless attention the Briton said,
"Yes, I think I quite agree with you."
When Freedom from her mountain height
Unfurled her standard to the air,
She tore the azure robe of night,
And set the stars of glory there;
She mingled with its gorgeous dye» »
The milky baldric of the skies.
And striped its pure, celestial white
With streakings of the morning light;
Then from his mansion in the tun
She called tier eagle bearer down,
And gave unto his mighty hand
The symbol of her chosen laud.
Majestic monarch of the cloud!
Who rear'st aloft thy regal form.
To hear the tempest-trumpings loud,
And see the lightning lances driven,
When strive the warriors of the storm.
And roll the thunder-drum of heaven—
Child of the sun! to thee 'tis given
To guard the banner of the free,
To hover in the sulphur-smoke.
To ward away the battle-stroke,
And bid its blendings shine afar.
Like rainbows on the cloud of war.
The harbingers of victory 1
112 fli JillU)'.
The sign of hope and triumph high,
When speaks the signal trumpet tone.
And the long line comes gleaming on;
Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet,
Has dimmed the glistening bayonet, »
Each soldier eye shall brightly turn
To where thy sky-born glories burn,
And, as his springing steps advance.
Catch war and vengeance from the glance.
And when the cannon-mouthings loud
Heave in wild WTeaths the battle-shroud,
And gory sabers rise and fall,
Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall,
Then shall thy meteor-glances glow.
And cowering foes shall sink beneath
Each gallant arm that strikes belowf.
That .lovely messenger of death..
Flag of the seas! on ocean wave
Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave;
When death, careering on the gale,
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail,
And frighted waves rush wildly back
Before the broadside's reeling rack,
Each dying wanderer of the Bea
Shall look at once to heaven and thee,
And smile to see thy splendors tly
In triumph o'er his closing eye.
Flag of the free hearth hope and home,
By angel hands to valor given;
Thv stars have lit the welkin dome.
And all thy hues were born in heaven.
For ever float that standard sheet 1
Where-breathes the foe but falls before usT
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!
True to Himself.
nunjjry lliggius—But s'pose you
just had to work, what would you
druther do?
Weary Watkins—Die.—lndianapolis
Husband—Why do you persist in
wearing shoes that pinch your feet?
Wife —Oh, 1 never could feel com
fortable In a comfortable shoe!— Life.
Of I'rline Importance.
That almanac
It shows no lack
Of facts an Aggers, too.
An it has shown,
j, ( . As you must own, »
A lot of things brand new.
p If you would learn
1 How fate will turn,
fr Its pages you must quiz;
, Each state of mind
v Is due, you'll find,
£ To how your liver is.
dßt'. Your happiness.
Likewise distress,
P Arc symptoms, nothing more;
j. «!>., Relief is close,
You take some dose,
St;' An all your grief is o'er,
ttti You want to know
pt; How joy or woe
Are gotten in life's bizf
jKS-f I tell you, friends,
" »U depends
On how your liver is.
—Washington Star.
Trimmed and Untrimmed, including the
Rough Jumbo Braid, this season's Sailor
with black or navy bands for 50 cents
worth 85 cents.
To reduce our trinmied stock we will
sell all Trimmed Hats at reduced prices.
122 Mill Street.
n v\
1 "■' I \
Distinguish the Wall
Paper this season
Our designs rank with Ereseoes in
their grace and art. You should buy
them because you get only what is
. beautiful and correct here.
We keep no half-way jiajters, they
all come up to a certain standard, at
: prices .astonishingly low, notwithstand
ing the advance in price of all raw
materials. Prices range from .3 cents
to 75 cents per piece.
Shoes, Shoes
j ' Styllslx !
jEcellalole L
Bicycle, Cymrasium and
Tennis Shoos.
Carlisle Shoes
Snajf Proof
Rubber Hoots
Painter & Paper Hanger
Wall Paper and
Window Shades.
We carry all the latest things in Wall
Paj)er and Window Shades.
One of our specialties is the painting
and pajiering of new houses.
■t[ i la Mil
A Reliable
ror all kind of Tin Roofing,
Spouting and General
Job Work.
Stoves, Heaters, Ranges,
Furnaces, eto.
NO. 116 E. FRONT ST.
/Aw \ooArrtßTitis i JLA W '•I