Montour American. (Danville, Pa.) 1866-1920, July 05, 1900, Image 1

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    He Fapr-i—
---—For He Home
The circulation of this paper is in
creasing rapidly. It will pay you
to advertise in the AMERICAN.
DR. IRVINU 11. .jfc.NMNUS,
Office Hours
9A. VI M. 10Jt Mill St.,
IP. iP. M. Danville, Pa.
Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines
a Specialty
Teeth Extracted without Pain.
Crown and llriiitjf Work a Specialty.
Equipped with the latest and most improved
Instrument* and prepared to execute the
most difficult work.
Office, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa
Dentistry in all its branches. Charge
Moderate and all work Guaranteed.
Established 1892.
Bright warm weather will increase
the patronage at the sea shore resorts.
4 Nearly fifteen hundred people spent
yesterday afternoon at> DeWitt's park.
Many family picnics were enjoyed yes
Nervous folks were not looking pleas
nt yesterday.
A little daughter arrived at tlie home
of Edward Mottern, Ferry street, yes
Since the picnic season is in full bloom
Danville liverymen are doing a rushing
We had a number of fine exhibitions
of fireworks last night arranged by pri
vate families.
Danville this year left the matter of a
Fourth of July celebration in the hands
of the small boy.
The Sunday school of Christ Episco
pal church will picnic at DeWitt's park
Wednesday, July 18th.
A great many farmers in this section
celebrated part of the Fourth by hard
work in the harvest field.
Farmers in this vicinity say that the
chestnut crop will IK* a good one this
fall, as the trees are blossoming pro
The changes in the temperature this
season are strictly marvelous. The
weather is certainly fickle; first it blows
hot, then blows cold.
Geo. Burger, the Mechanicsville milk
man, appeared on our streets yesterday
with a handsome new milk wagon. The
wagon was built by D. C. Hunt.
Persons having purchased tickets for
the Danville Cycle path are requested to
call for them at either Leniger's drug
store or Rempe's jewelry store.
Within the past few days fire haß de
stroyed a valuable 40 timber tract
situated between Mausdale and Moores
burg, belonging to P. H. Cotner of this
E. 11. Guie, Esq., formerly a resident
of Catawissa, but now residing in Seattle,
Washington, is a candidate for Gover
nor of that state on the Republican
John James, William Murphy, Charles
Kittle,-Charles and Martin Forney, John
Wildsmith, David Spotts, William Lewis
and Mont Knorr are camping on Carr's
Island this week.
The house that is compactly closed
during the day is the one that will be
coolest at all times. Open the windows
after the sun sets, but not while the
glare is oil the pavement.
This is the time of the year most dan
gerous to the health of little children.
Children should have plenty of fresh air
and wholesome food and then sickness
will not be BO liable to attack them.
Colonel Clement has issued an order
for the election of a captain of Com
pany G, 12th regiment, on Tuesday,
July 17, to fill the vacancy caused by
the expiration of the commission of
Capt. Evan Russell.
At the A. M. E. camp meeting on Sun
day the Bev- Johnson, formerly pastor
112 the local congregation, preached two
excellent sermons. Meetings will be
held every evening during this week
and on Sunday next. During the week
no admission fee will be charged.
There are all kinds of ways to enjoy
the Nation's Birthday, but the worst is
to fill up on hard red liquor and howl.
The man who does that generally
spends the balance of the week on the
stool of repentance woudering why in
the world he made a pale gray jack of
The majority of the Fourth accidents
were caused by the deadly blank cart
ridge and the size of these cartridges
are twenty-two. The reason that the
twenty-two is the most used is undoubt
edly due to the price, blank twenty
twos being on the bargain counter this
year and alleged pistols in which they
are exploded being in the same cate
■' "' L The friends of C. F. Huth, Esq., of
Shamokin, are urging him to allow his
name togo before the state camp of the
P. O. S. of A. at Lebanon next August
as a candidate for state president. He
very acceptably filled this office several
years ago and with the boom just start
ed endorsements are pouring in from all
sections urging him to be a candidate.
VOL. 4.V-NO 27.
Major G. P. Gearhart Honored by Com
pany F.
Major C. I'. Gearhart, of the First
Battalion of the Twelfth Regiment, X.
G. I'., was Thursday presented with a
handsome sabre as a tcuken of the com
pany's esteem.
After the regular drill tne presenta
tion took place. The speech was made
by Capt. .1. 15. Gearhart, who detailed
the progress made by Major Gearhart in
the regiment. He told of his joining
company F, twenty years ago, soon af
ter the company was organized. In a
few months he was made a corpcal. A
sergeant's warrant soon followed and in
IS.S(i he was made a First Sergeant. Af
ter four years he was elected First Lieut
enant and in 1895 was unanimously
elected Captain. When the Spanish
war broke out lie volunteered and com
manded Company F, one of the best in
the regiment. When Major Barber was
promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he was
elected Major of the First Battalion of
the Twelfth regiment.
in conclusion Captain Gearhart said:
"This company wishing to show their
appreciation of the long and faithful
services of Major Gearhart and to furth
er stimulate him in his brilliant military
career have unanimously voted to ask
him to accept this gift as a token of the
high esteem in which this company hold
him. Major Gearhart I now have the
pleasure of presenting on behalf of the
members of Company F, this sabre,
whicti I hope you may someday carry
not as a Major but as a Major General."
Major Gearhart responded with a few
well-chosen remarks,in which lie heartily
thanked the members of the company
and told of the interest which he took
in the organization. Congressman Polk
also spoke, complimenting the company
on its fine showing at the recent inspec
The sabre is a beautiful one mount
ed with* gold. On the blade is en
graved the name of the recipient. On
the nickel scabbard is the following
inscription "Presented to Major C. P.
Gearhart of the Twelfth regiment, N. G.
P., by members of his former command,
Company F, Twelfth Regiment." *
Local Soldier Goes to China.
Samuel Waite, a Danville boy, is
among the United States soldiers which
have beeu sent to the scene of the trou
ble in China, by this Government. Mr.
Waite, who is a son of R. S. Waite, was
formerly a member of Company F, Twel
fth regiment and served with that com
pany, tluring the Spanish War.
After the Twelfth was mustered out
Waite enlisted in the Ninth I'. S. in
fantry, and shortly after his enlisting
that regiment was sent to the Philip
pines, where it was stationed on the is
land of Luzon. Last week his regiment
with others was ordered to China to pro
tect the American interests as well as
the lives of American missionaries, who
are laboring in the vicinity of the pres
ent hostilities. lie sailed for that
country on Monday, June 25.
Knitting Mills Prize Winners.
As the result of the first three weeks
pay at the Danville Knitting mills Satur
day the following employes received
the prizes offered by the manager to
those making the best wages:
Excelsior Knitting machines, Lizzie
Henkie, s2l.
Brinton machines, Savilla Barnhart,
Scott A. Williams machines, Maud
Goss. $17.45.
hoopers, Cfceila Treas, $17.81.
Winders, Katie Mullen, sll.Ol.
Toppers, first prize, Lizzie Ilorton,
$10.U5; second prize, Louise Haney,
$11.01; third prize, Wesley Robinson,
£10.97; fourth prize, Mary Henkie,slo 62;
fifth prize, Matthew Law, £10.44. •
Owing to the changing of the machin
ery all of the winders were obliged to
lose three days.
Mrs. Maus Entertains.
Mrs. P. E. MaUs gave a 5 o'clock tea
at her pleasant home in Mausdale Friday
evening in honor of her guest, Mrs
Kate Watson, tif Philadelphia. The
beautiful table decorations were pink
and white. Those present were: Mrs.
S. A. Yorks, Mrs. K. M. Grove, Mrs.
K. H. Woolley, Mrs. Lillie McCormick,
Miss Katherine McCormick, Mrs. 11. C.
Wolle, Mrs. F. C. Derr, Mrs. I. 11. Jen
nings, Mrs. F. C. Angle and Mrs. J. M.
Baldy, of Philadelphia.
A Chaplain Appointed.
Colonel Clement has announced the
following staff and non-commissioned
appointments: The Rev. Charles Mori
son to be chaplain,with rank, of captain
He will be obeyed and respected accord
ingly. (Quartermaster Sergeant George
E. Deppen to be regimental sergeant
major. Private William C. Gretzinger,
Co. A, 12th Regit men t Infantry, N. G.
P., to be regimental quartermaster ser
A Fine Display.
George Rianard, representing the In
ternational Correspondence Schools, of
Scranton, has a fine collection of photo
graphs of the schools, work of different
pupils and a display of text books on
exhibition in the window of Maiers &
Bruder's barber shop.
Funeral of Elmer Fox.
The funeral of the late Elmer Fox
will be held to-uiorrow at 2 p. in.from
the home of his father, William W Fox.
Interment in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
USE 30,000 'PHONES
A Gigantic Telephone Combination to Be
Subscribers to the Montour & Colum
bia Telephone Company will soon have
an ©pportuuity of talking to Washing
ton, Baltimore and Pittsburg. Steps
have been taken to bring about this end
by the Independent Telephone Com
panies which now have more 'phones in
operation in Central Pennsylvania than
the Bell corporation has in the entire
In a letter received by a stock holder
of the Shamokin Valley company from
the secretary of the Washington Com
pany, which wants to connect their line
with the Harrisburg Company and
thence to Shamokin line, the follow
ing information is gleaned.
The company has a plant erected at
Pittsburg, which cost $1,500,000 and
which has just been putin operation. In
Baltimore they have 1,300 phones. In
Pittsburg 5,000. Four thousand more
phones are to be placed in Baltimore
within a week. In Washington the com
pany has 3000 bonatide five year con
tracts for telephones.
There are 7000 telephoi.- t com:- cted
in the Cumberland Vali*.,. At Yoik
and Lebanon they have 150 >, Scrant>>n
and Wilkesbarre have ; 0 . Alle:ito. :i
has 3000 and Norristow :> L-ik) t«'U
phones. These, togeth*.- vitli the
Washington Company, whuh lists j:',-
000, will give subscribers the privilege
of having the use of over 30000 tele
Freight Movement.
Although the various railroad com
panies are now in the midst of what is
known as the dull season, traffic over
the Pennsylvania Railroad is still con
siderably ahead of June, 1H99. The to
tal movement of June was about 140.000
which while far less than during the
winter and early spring, is over four
per cent, heavier than June 1899, at
which time the Pennsy thought it was
doing a heavy summer business.
During the month there have been
periods of decided slumps, when even
the movement was not heavy enough
to keep the regular trainmen busy, and
at other times there were spells when
there was such a rush that the extra
men had to fx' called upon. On the
whole, the movement is very satisfac
tory to the officials and trainmen. The
latter are entirely satisfied to take things
easy during the hot weather, as they
know that a rush will come in the fall
that will keep them going day and
More than one-third of the shipments
are coal and coke, while the finished
products of the iron and steel mills are
a close second. Many cars of steel rails
bridge and structural iron are now go
ing over the road.
The Vacation Season.
At this time of the year many people
are planning a vacation. If it is at all
possible to get away from home a few
days rest will be quite beneficial. Where
shall a vacation be spent Y impor
tant question is often difficult to solve.
Whether you select the seashore, the
mountains or the country, be careful to
visit a place where you will be free
from the conditions that have made you
tired. Many people go where they hud
the largest crowds and do taeir best to
keep up to the fashions. They enjoy .
that sort of thing or they would 'nt do
it, but how much . „ they receiv
ed. The chances are that upon their
return home they are fatigued and
stand in greater need of rest than before
they left home. Well considered and
well managed vacations ;ye worth more
than their cost in time aiid money and
therefore it is very essential that in
planning a few days from home a place
should be selected where your time may
be spent in a manner most restful and
Improving the Y. M. 0. A. Building.
For sometime past the Ladies' Auxil
iary and the management of the Y. M.
C. A., have been putting forth every
effort toward the improving of the Asso
ciation building, and the work was be
gun Friday.
The improvements in and about the
building will include new linoleum in
the game room, reading room, office and
hall. The hall linoleum will be of an
attractive tiling pattern.
Changes will be made in the bath
rooms, while paint and calcimine will
greatly add to the interior appearance
of the building. The old furniture is
being renovated and a number of new
chairs, etc., will be purchased.
The whole building has beeir thor
oughly cleaned during the past few days
and soon the Y. M. C. A. will again be
made attractive and a second best place
to the home for the boys.
Teachers Were Chosen
An interesting meeting of the Mahon
ing to wnsliip school board was held oil
Monday evening, at which time teachers
for the township schools were elected.
The following members of the board
were present: President Roberts,Foust,
Kruium, West, Williams and Crossley.
After a number of ballots were taken
the following teachers were selected:
East Danville schools No. I,Gertrude
Mapstone; No. 2, Prudence Blizzard;
Toby Bun, C. W. Fisher; Bald Top, J.
Lloyd Krumm; Gravel Bank, Alice
Guest; Sidler Hill, Miss Boudman.
It was decided to ask for bids for the
putting in of a furnace in the East Dan
ville school house.
Sept. 10 was fixetl as the date for open
ing the schools.
Instantly Killed by a Beading Passenger
Train in Shamokin.
At the Philadelphia A Beading Mark
et street crossing, Shamokin, Thursday
afternoon, at 2.38 o'clock, Edward Pick
ett-:, of No. lf> First street, this city, was
struck and instantly killed by a passeng
er train.
Mr. Kicketts left this city on the 12.38
train on the Pennsylvania railroad
Thursday afternoon for Shamokin, where
he ex pi'ted to attend the funeral of
Robert Taylor, one of the victims of thf
mine accident, which otwared Saturday;
also to visit one of his daughters. He
had been in that city but a short time
when he was instantly killed, while in
the act of crossing the tracks, by the
passenger train which leaves Sunbury at
158 o'clock. His body was horribly
It was quickly identified and word was
sent to this city. Mr. Ricketts was quite
deaf and it is presumed that he did not
hear the approaching train. The re
mains were taken in charge by Under
taker Farrow.
The deceased was 80 years old, and
I for 40 years hat! resided in this city. He
was a familiar figure on the streets and
| was commonly known as "Teddy." By
occupation he was a scissors grinder. He
j is survived by a wife, two daughters,
Mrs. Peter Fox,of Shamokin,Mrs. Albert
Paugh,of this city;:ind live sons, George,
William, Jesse Edward and Joseph, all
of this city.
The following jury was impanelled by
Coroner Dreher and an inquest was held
on Friday night:
D. R. Drumheller,George Medlar, John
Welsh, J. A. Weaver, Jacob Herrold and
Joseph Wolf. A large number of wit
nesses were examined, four of whom
were eye witnesses of the terrible acci
It was determined that the victim,
when struck, was crossing the tracks be
tween fifteen ami twenty feet from the
crossing. In view of this fact the com
pany was exonerated from all blame,
and the verdict was that Edward Rick
etts' death was due to his own negli
gence while in the act of trespassing up
on the property of the Philadelphia &
Reading railway company.
The funeral of the deceased, which
was largely attended, was held from the
family residence, 10 First street, on Sat
urday afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Shindel
officiating. The pall bearers were: Will
iam Mover, Hiram Weaver, Andrew
Thomas, John Bookmillar. Henry Shutt
and Jacob Minier. The interment was
made in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
What is this Scheme ?
Among the prominent visitors to
Bloomsburg yesterday were J. S. Fels
inger, proprietor of the Vankirk House,
Northumberland, Carl Litz, proprietor
of the Arcade at Dahville, and Wm.
Matteson, the popular conductor on tlie
afternoon 1). L. &W. passenger train.
These gentlemen were here on import
ant business, the purport of which,how
ever, they refused to divulge, but it is
given out that they are interested in
one of the greatest schemes of modern
times, which, if it goes through,millions
will be made. Success to them and their
project is our wish.—Bloomsburg Daily.
Children in a Falling Tree.
By breaking down of a cherry tree
Monday afternoon, five children came
very near being seriously injured,*ts it i
was they all managed to escape.
The whole five were seated in the
branches of a tree in front of the resid
ence of Sophia Gearhart, on Walnut
street, when the trunk of,the tree broke
and it fell to the ground, carrying tlie
youngsters with it. They were all badly
frightened, but uninjured.
Shot Blue Rocks at Washingtonville.
The blue rock shoot, fifteen birds to
the man, between the Washingtonville
and Mausdale teams at Washingtonville
yesterday resulted as follows:
Mausdale — L. Feigles, 11; J. Fry, 10; A.
Fry, 10; A. Lawrence, 9; A. Dii-tz, !♦, C.
Lawrence, 8; P. Fry, 8.
Washingtonville N. L. Wagner, 14;
C. Moser, 12; H. E. Seidel, 12: I). Cal
houn, 11; A. C. Conrson, 8; N. Billmey
er, 7; J. Zaner, 0.
Entertained at Edgemont.
Mrs. R. 11. W'oolley entertained the
following ladies at her beautiful country
home, Edgemont, Tuesday: Mrs. P.
E. Maus, Mrs. I. 11. Jennings, Mrs. F.
C. Derr, Mrs. 11. C. Wolle, Mrs. F. C.
Angle, Miss Woolley, Miss Jewett, of i
New York; Mrs. Charles Watson, of
Philadelphia. Luncheon was served at
1 o'clock.
Oulick's Addition Has Water.
The work of laying the water mains
and placing two fire plugs at Gulick's
; Addition has beeu completed and that
part of the borough now lia§ good wat
er supply anil fire protection.
Oanal Boat Excursion.
The Sewing Circle of Christ Episcopal
church will give a canal boat excursion
to Chulasky on Monday evening, July
9th. Tickets 10 cents . Refreshments
: will be served on.tln' lioat. Leave Mill
street at 7 o'clock.
j 1
Professor Urie Lee Gorily, who was
last week elected to the principaiship of
! the Danville High school, has accepted
| the position and resigned from the local
High school faculty. Secretary Haas
I lias already received over a dozen appli
cations for this position.—Shamokin
' News.
Brief Mention of the Movements of Your
Friends-*a.ud Acquaintances.
Miss Goldie Johnson is visiting rela
tives in Suubury.
Miss Clarissa Johnson is visiting rela
tives in Shamokin.
Mrs. I. W. l'ursel, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
is visiting her father, Hon. James Foster
Walnut street.
Charles Twist, of Chicago, arrived in
this city last evening for a visit at the
home of bis mother, Mrs. Susan Twist,
East Market street.
Miss Mary Worrall, of Media, is the
guest of Miss Charlotte l'ersing, Centre
William, of Ursinus College, ar
rived in this city last evening for a visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1
Klase, Water street.
Dr. J. M. Baldy, of Philadelphia, ar
rived iti this city last evening to join his
wife, who is spending the summer here.
Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds haye returned
from a visit in Elmira, Y.
Miss Jennie Bird, of the Millersville
Normal School, arrived here Tuesday
for a visit with her parents on East
Market street.
Mrs. Emanuel Wolfe, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Maier, Mill street.
Miss Tillie Greenwalt, of Schuylkill
Haven, is spending a few weeks the
guest of Mrs. Lizzie Greenwalt, in East
Mrs. T. F. McGinnis has returned
from a visit In I'ottsville.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C'. Wolle spent Mon
day with Williamsport friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Campbell and
daughter, Anna, of Sunbury, Were guests
at the home of John Keim, Riverside,
over Sunday.
Irviu Yannan, of Coatesville. accom
panied by his wife and three sons, Paul,
Irvin and William, arrived in South
Danville Monday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. K 11. Yannan.
Miss Sadie Kemp, of New Britain,
Conn., is visiting her mother on Pine
Captain Charles W. Forrester, of Chic
ago, Western Superintendent of the
Union (Penn'a) freight lines, is visiting
friends in this city. Mr. Forrester was
a former resilient of Danville and is a
brother of the late Ira I'orrester.
Eli Mayer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is vis
iting bis father, Rev. Adolph Mayer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller .have re
turned from a visit with Benton rela
. Miss Minnie Ephlin is visiting friends
in Philadelphia.
Joseph Limberger, of Portsmouth,
Ya., is visiting his parents on West
Mahoning street.
Miss Ella Griffith of Shamokin, is a
guest at the home of Stephen Prout,
Railroad street.
Misses Rella and Ilattie Adams are
visiting Shamokin friends.
Mrs. Charles White is visiting . rela
tives in Sunbury.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Johns and sons,
William and Raymond, left on Tuesday,
for Shamokin where they will attend
the Fourth.
iss Lulu Cowling, of Washington, is
the guest of Miss Ida McCormick, East
Market street.
Miss Mary Leamy and Master Doug
las Smith, of Eaglesmere, are visiting
ing Miss Agnes I, eamy, Northumberland
Russell Angle and Miss Lulu Angle, of
Muncy, are the guests of A. C. Angle,
East Danville. ,
Howard Hill and family, of Jordan
township, Lycoming county, are visit
ing the former's aunt,' Mrs. B. F. Smith
ers, Grand street.
Mr. William Wintersteen, of Bethle
hem, is a guest at the home of 11. C.
Wolle, West Market street.
Miss Margaret Frantz, of Berwick, is
the guest of Miss Maggie Edmondson,
East Market street.
Miss Keturah A. Smith, who will
speak in Pine street Lutheran church,
this evening, is a guest at the home of
Secretary W. D. Laamaster. »
Mr. and Mrs. 11. K. Geringer, Miss
Agnes Hodfe and Mr. Walter Lunger
enjoyed a drive to Swenoda yesterday.
Miss Gertrude Kase entertained a few
friends in honor of her guest, Miss
Gertrude Morgan, of hem
home in South Danville yesterday. Those
present were: The Misses Katherine,
Ella and Lizzie Vastine and Miss Lillian
Miss Blanche Goldsmith, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her parents on Lower
Mulberry street.
Charles Pennepacker, of Williamsport
was a visitor in this pity yesterday.
F. P. Ortli,the South Danville barber,
spent last evening with friends in Cata
Charles Oberdorf, of Shamokin, visit
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ob
erdorf, West Mahoning street, yester
William Byerly.of Williamsport,spent
yesterday at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Byerly, on Walnut
Mrs. Geo. Rossman is visiting her par
ents in Sunbury.
Mrs. D. E. Jones and daughter, bay,
of I'ottsville, are guests at the home of
W A. Sechler, West Mahoning street.
Montour & Columbia Company Assumed
Control Tuesday.
The Montour & Columbia Telephone
Company Tuesday afternoon assumed
full control of the telephone lines,which
cover Montour and Columbia counties.
The transfer was made by- the Eastern
Electrfcal Construction Company,which
had the contract for building the line,
and which has nearly completed its
work. Thenfeeting was held at the
Montour House and the Construction
Company was represented by E. Y.
Yarnell, secretary anil treasurer; W. D.
Barnard, manager and Henry Lewis,
chi«-f engineer. The following members
of the Montour & • Columbia company
were present: President, C. P. Han
cock; secretary, J. P. Helfenstein, of
Shamokin; treasurer, F. C. Angle, Esq.;
directors, Nevin Funk and William S.
Moyer, of Bloomsburg, and C. M.
Clement, of Sunbury. A manager will
now have to be appointed and two line
men employed.
It has now been definitely decided to
construct the line from this city to
Washingtonville and work will be be
gun as soon as the right of way is secur
ed. ,
Or. Mac Donald to Wed Dr. Everitt.
The engagement of Dr. Ella B. Everitt,
a former resilient of Danville and
daughter of Mrs. Eliza G.. Everitt, of
209 East Center street, to Dr. Arthdt>
Mac Donald, of Washi»gton, has been
announced. The Philadelphia Press in
announcing the engagement says:—The
engagement is announced of Dr. Arthur
Mac Donald, specialist in the United
States Bureau of Education, Washing
ton, D. C., to Dr. Ella 15. Everitt, chief
resident physician And surgeon at the
Woman's Hospital. Philadelphia. Dr.
Mac Donald after graduating from the
University of Rochester, completed the
course in Union Theological seminary
New York City, was then post-graduate
in philosophy at Harvard,and appointed
fellow in psychology at John Hopkins,
and subsequently studied medicine and
allied sciences in European universities;
was given a •'Docentship" ("a diploma
beyor 1 the Doctorate") in ethics and
criminology at Clark University, Wor
cester, Mass., and is now in the United
States Bureau of Kducation as specialist
in education as relates to sociology and
abnormality. He is author of several
works as "Abnormal Man," "Le Crim
inel Type" and "Study of Children."
Dr. Everitt, after finishing her college
course, graduated from the Woman's
Medical College,she was appointed phy
sician in charge of the North Western
Hospital, at Minneapolis. She subse
quently became assistant physician and
gynecologist at the State Insane Asylum
of Minnesota. She now is chief resident
physician of the Woman's Hospital, of
Dr. Mac Donald does not believe that
every professional woman who marries
should necessarily give up her profes
sion, but rather should be encouraged to
advance in it still further. The engage
ment of himself and Dr. Everitt he re
gards as unusual, as it is seldom that
two persons of extensive professional
training are attached to each other
Twelve Will Attend From This City.
The fifth annual Pennsylvania Bible
Conference will be held at Eaglesmere,
commencing on Saturday evening, July
7. About a dozen people from this city
are preparing to attend. Many prom
inent speakers will *be present and
Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D. D., will de
liver a series of seven lectures.
The accommodations within the Chau
tauqua grounds, namely the hotel an.l
cottages, will be reserved for Associa
tion members and those of their imme
diate families who accompany them;
ministers and members of their immedi
ate families. The dining room of the
Chautauqua Inn has been doubled in
size and all delegates other than the
above will find splendid and convenient
entertainment in the several excellent
hotels about thu lake.
Refused to Transfer License.
Judge Little and Associates Divel and
Thompson held court in this city Satur
day. A petition, asking the transfer of
the Hotel Oliver liquor license from H.
R. Land is to A. 11. Neyhard, was refus ?
In the proceedings of John O. Rep
pelt vs. Catherine Reppert, a divorce
was granted. lift ward Reppert was
given in* the charge of Catherine Reppert
until he reaches the age of 21. A div
orce was granted in the case of Sara A.
Palmer vs. John Palmer.
More Freight Means More Help.
On account of the increasing freight
traffic on the Pennsylvania railroad it
has become necessary to employ ad
ditional help.
John Landau, ofSouth Danville, has
been selected for a position in the freight
house and William Laidacker, who for
merly had charge of the freight depart
ment, wilf net as baggage master and
Mercantile Company Organized.
At a meeting of the Danville Mercan
tile company Tuesday evening, Edward
Campbell was elected president and
manager, and Thomas E. Deen, Esq.,
secretary and treasurer. The company 's
[ warehouse is being stocked with a fine
| line of goods and in a few days busi
ness will be commenced.
And is Now at the Marble Yard of T. L.
Evans' Sons.
The new public drinking fountain,
which is to be erected by the Women's
Christian Temperance Tnion near the
Weigh Scales, has at last arrived, and it
is probable that it will be placed in posi
tion before the end of the week.
The ladies expected that the fountain
would be here within a few days after
the order was placed, but they were in
formed by J. W. Fiske, of New York,
fro whom it was purchased, that it
would he necessary to manufacture the
style of fountain they desired. The con
tract for furnishing the stone founda
tion has been let 4» T. L. Evans' Sons,
and the fountain is now at their marble
yard. Joseph Lechner will do the
The exact location dT the new drink
ing place will be at the junction of Mill,
Bloom and Northumberland streets. It
will be necessary to lay waste pipes to
the corner of Mill and Lower Mulberry
streets to connect with the sewer.
It was the hope of the ladies to have
the fountain in use by the Fourth of
July, but as the ice attachment has as
yet failed to arrive, it is likely that it
will be the latter part of the week be
fore it can be used.
Terribly Cut and Bruised.
As a result of being thrown from a
carriage near Mausdale Saturday even
ing, about 8:30 o'clock, Alphonso Kinn,
of Lower Mulberry street, this city, was
cut and bruised about the head and face
almost beyond recognition.
Kinn had driven Robert Yincent to
his home, near Mooresburg, and on his
return stopped near Mausdale to call on
some friends. He was in the act of
turning his horse around, when the ani
mal gave a sudden jump, tipping the
carriage to such an extent that Kinn
pitched out on the ground, landing on
his head and face. Mausdale parties
brought him to this city and Dr. S. Y.
Thompson was summoned.
An examination showed that the un
fortunate man had been terribly cut and
bruised about the head and fourteen
stitches were necessarry. His nose and
cheeks were also badly cut and bruised.
The *vounds bled profusely.
An Exciting Eunaway.
Supt. Ceorge M. West of the Standard
Electric Light company, and Chief-of
l'olice Mincemoyer were making a round
of the various junk shops Tuesday in
search of stolen iron and brass, and in
doing so came very near having to walk
A short distance above the borough
they tied the horse, they were driving,
to a tree, while they took a look at a
pile of scrap. The animal became fright
ened and breaking the tie strap started
up the road at a furious pace. Two of
the wagon wheels ran into a ditch,along
the roadside,and the vehicle tipped over
pulling the horse over on its side.
One of the wheels was broken, but by
patching it up the two gentlemen were
able to ride back to this city. The horse
was badly cut about the legs.
Compensation Very Meagre.
Although the Salvation Army com
menced its work in this city in Novem
ber last and since that time has been
actively engaged here, but few people
are aware of the lrfeagre '■ mpensation
which is received by its odioers. The
impression seems to be that the officers
receive a stated salary for their work,
but such is not the case. The local
branch of the organization is self-sup
porting which means that its officers
must earn their support here. From
November to June the average weekly
income, upon which Ensign Heift was
obliged to support his family, consisting
of a wife and three children, was $4.59.
After eight monthsof hard work Ensign
and Mrs. Heift are desirious of taking a
needed vacation and the proceeds of the
children's entertainment, to be given in
the opera house, on Monday, Jnly *9,
will go toward paying the expenses of..a
furlough, which will be speut at an Ar
my Home of Rest.
Usual Number of Accidents,
Fourth of July accidents were about
as numerous as ever yesterday,although
none were very serious. They Started
early in the day and shortly after mid
night W. I). Solomon was painfully
burned on the right leg by the discharge
of a blank cartridge.
George Hunt, the 8-years-old son of
I). C. Hunt was carrying a box of per
cussion caps in his pocket when they
suddenly exploded, burning about half
of bis blouse away, -also blistering the
left side of his face and his left arm.
Robert Nice, a MORNING NEWS carrier,
residing in South Danville, and a son of
Mrs. Louisa Nice, was burned about the
eyes. Emanuel Driscoll, another lad,
allowed a cannon cracker to explode in
his left hand, painfully injuring the
thumb of that hand.
Will Shut Down For One Week.
The entire Reading Iron works shut
down Monday for one week. This
is to allow the company to make some
needed repairs and all the mills, with
the exception of the Skelp, will again
resume operations on July 9.
A new fly wheel for the engine in the
Skelp mill will be procured, placed in
position and the mill started as soon as
Working Single Turn.
The Howe & Polk Structural Tubing
i works Monday morning started to work
single turn.
The office of the AMERICAN ueing
furnished with a large assortmen
of job letter and fancy type and job
material generally, the Publishei
anrounces to the public that he it
prepared at all times to execute in
the neatest manner
Ofall Kinds and Descrption.
jggTGet our puces before plac
in£ your orders.
Eush Z. Gearhart Passed Away Suddenly
in Eush Township
Very sudden was the death 'of Rush
K. Gearhart, of Philadelphia, formerly
of this city, which occurred at the home
of his uncle, Cad Gearhart, in Rush
township, early yesterday morning.
The deceased had arisen about 6 o'clock
and taken a walk about the premises
upon returning he sat down upon the
porch and in a few seconds fell over
dead. The remains were brought to
the home of the dead man's aunt, Mrs.
Sarah Gearhart, 329 Mulberry street,
where they will be kept until the funer
al arrangements have been made.
Mr. Gearhart was about 58 years of
age and was a bachelor. He was a
printer by trade and some years ago he
resided in this city. On Saturday last
he arrived here for a two weeks visit
with relatives in this vicinity.
A Quiet Fourth in this Oity.
The 124 th anniversary of the inde
pendence of the United States of Am
erica passed off with unusual quietness
in Danville yesterday, as a majority of
our citizens left the city to celebrate the
event. At DeVVitt's park, in spite of
the shower, it is estimated that there
was a crowd of 1,500 yesterday after
noon and a large crowd last night. Bet
tween 800 and 1,000 spent the day in
Sunbury and Danville was well repre
sented in Washingtonville, Shainokin
and Catawissa.
The program at the park was well car
ried out. In the shoot for the trophy,
offered by Dr. DeWitt, W. E. Lunger
was the winner. Out of 25 birds the fol
lowing score resulted: Lunger, 14; D.
Evans, 11; Schram, 11; Scarlet, 8; J.
Evans, 7.
In the bicycle race there were two con
testants, Theodore Fisher and Jacob
Snyder. The former won in the excell
ent time of 2.33. The base ball game be
tween Riverside and the "77V resulted -
in a.score of 16 to 4 in favor of the form
er at the end of the fifth inning. Mem
bers of the local team claim that Rive.-- ■
side refused to play the game out aud
that they are entitled to it by a score
of 9to 0. Dancing was held both after
noon and evening.
During the coming encampment a
regimental summary court will be held
each morning by the lieutenant colonels
at which time offenders will be dealt
with according to the breach committed.
Fines imposed by these courts will be
deducted from the camp pay of the of.
All of the companies of the Thirteenth
regiment have procured blue shirts and
campaign hats.
A number of new medals and trophiea
have been offered for the state rifle
matches. This year s meet promises to
be most interesting.
An order was issued from National
Guard headquarters Saturday stating
that at the division encampment to be
held August 4to 11 inclusive the annual
inspection would be made under direc
tion of inspector general.
No enlistments except re-enlistments
will be made between July 11 and Aug
gust 11. Transportation orders will only
be used to furnish transportation to of
ficers and men of National Guard and
civilian cooks not enlisted and borne on
the rolls. Headquarters aud company
baggage must be kept at the minimum.
A full supply of rations will be issued
in each command and expenditures
made from annual allowance for sub
sistence in addition to the regular issue
of rations will not be approved. Requi
sitions for quartermaster of ordnance
stores will not be honored after July 20.
Each company of infantry, battery or
artillery aryj troop of cavalry will be
furnished in camp with field ranges and
cooking outfit to be shipped from state
Death of Mrs. Walton.
Mrs. Mary Walton, widow of .Joseph
Walton, one of the oldest residents of
this city died at the home"of her Sligh
ter, Mrs. James Cruikshauk, 411' Pine
street, at an early hour yesterday morn
ing. Her death was due to pnemnonia
and she had been ill for about twtf weeks
Mrs. Walton was 88 years of rffce and
for 00 years had resided in this city. She
is survived by one daughter, Mrs. James
Cruikshauk. and one son, Harry, of
Milton. The funeral (private) will be
held on Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment
will be made in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Enumerators Will Get Pay.
Director Merrimau of the census bu
reau, requests the contradiction of the
report which has been circulated in some
portions of the country to the effect that
the census enumerators are not to be
paid promptly. "They will be paid,"
he said yesterday, at Washington, as
soon as their reports properly certified
by the supervisors are received. We re
qnire the certificate by supervisors, but
when this is forthcoming we have the
money with which to promptly pay all
these claims.
A Deaconess to Speak.
Miss Keturah A. Smith, a deaoonesn
from the Lutheran Deaconess Home,
Washington, D. C., will speak in the
Pine Street Lutheran Church this even
ing, at 7.30 o'clock. Her address will be
on the work of the deaconess. Every
body is cordially invited. M»*
is enroute to Eaglesmere to c
i bible conference.