EE —.—————————S— AE - re X Be ————— - MB dp . bg $ ’ 3 1 { 7? J ~ ‘ % : ! % \ ( * { | « ( J 3 5 : t : . & Page Four MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 a {ie Menershate Fommeria | SPY AND SOLDIER BOSWELL NEWS RALPHTON NOTES ) - 3 ; EASES y ). p< th AY / nea 1 WEDDED 64 YEARS | |RSCONABRISINIITe: : Beneat Published every Thursday at * : 5 x Representatives of the Phillips Jones | A farewell party was held recently : Statio: Meyersdale, Pa. ION : ef Ally d € \B 5 Corporation’ were here last week in con. jat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul # L N WILSON d SON Both Over 90, but Stull Hale ~ 9 4 ' | ference with a committee of the local Petra, who are moving to Bedford : By R. RAY B iN <v an 20. Ang : Chamber of Commerce and it is stated next week. The following were pres- » OEE CEE Publishers and Proprietors | . and Hearty. > % o> (rE that an agreement has been reached by | Q 90:99. right + (ent: Mesdames Charles I. Shaff (Copyrig : rT | GRAHAM BONNER which Boswell will secure a factory that | Bier, HELEN ENGLE, Acting Editor Kansas City, Mo.—Sixty-five years| ——— @rmc¥ vin sevhviroton = 1 Subscription Price $1.50 per year 220 a young Confederate courier from will employ about 175 persons in the Lynn Eliott, J. M. Turney, Patrick HE old man leane % : : ! i + n oroduction of commodoties that will be | Collins, Earl Berkley and Jerry Flan- rested a hand o Missouri and a Confederate “petticoat FOUR O’CLOCK enn on a national scale by the ligan, Miss Matilda Johnston, Miss son. They sat befor? . runner” from Mississippi met near Phillips: Jones ioats Plans in- | Ethel T M d M Scott hich a snapping bl: s..: PS Jones organization. Plans in- e urney, r. an Is. t whic Advising Rares mids known | Fountain P ens Razors pis, Suey never pariag, 9h et Due, pes! S Jom Sha the | clude the immediate erection of a mod- {Sanders and children, Naomi and gling Sgainst 2 3 on 2 celebrate e sixty-four ~| clock. But the fourth strike had not factory bailding cima : Pets The old ma ~~ | P encils Bath P owders niversary of their marriage here at| peep sounded before the door bell iin at ‘Ohio Mh aye SY Yrs Poul P ig when you came to a cl Entered as second-class matter | K d k their home, rang and little Elaine shouted: Way. Local capital will be provided to ? ! He looked old, seated January 29, 1929, at the post office | odaks Bath Salts Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Victor both are “Here they come! Here they | pay for the site add erect the factory wena, ] in the shadows, for his at Meyersdale, Pa., under the Act of | Toil S more than ninety. Their romance be. come I” thereon, ‘the conditions heing Silay to | Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turney and chil- all that was really March 3, 1879. ollet Jets Box P aper gan after the Confederate evacuation It was at four o'clock that she W28 | those under which Meyersdale secured dren were callers in Boswell last Sat-- dusk. But now, wher _ os of Corinth, Miss. Young Bill Victor, expecting her friends to come and | factory of the Phillips Jones Corpora. | Urday evening. ward his son, the flicke THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 P erfumes T oilet Water Whose home was at Sheiosviie, Mo, see her. tion last vear. The committee repre. | Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Collins and his cheeks a yong ul was detailed to scouting duty with a They were going to play “house” senting the local ere wrinkle £ s £ the local Chamber of Commerce [son Ralph spent Sunday at the home There w MR. GIBSON’S STATEMENT | Powder Cold Creams Seeonment having headquarters in Zod sy ere ore to play unt in working out the details and carrying | of Mrs. Collins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. One woud Jaze Le ria ae . . ye e thimble,” an €y were going to | the plans tI . : ; : nd easy life, un Reports on the statement made in | Vanity Cases Vanishing Creams Meet Petticoat Runner. play “Still-pond-no-more-moving ” and eh eg In Sp ston eds Dtfsmey, SS ee df ms, that ’ . a sy . s . v - Eurcpe recently at the disarmament con. | . One afternoon he was scouting on a then they were going to have a love- FE. Suse, Eber Cockley, Comfre Yokes. 1s r. and Mrs. John Barng and fam thing about him den ference by High Gibson American ex- | Pipes j Rouge Union movement near the Tennessee- ly big tea. J. C Oswalt Ferd Sann R Ww. Lohr, ily, of Gray, are Spending 2 few Possibly it was his pert, regarding the attitude of the | T L T I P d Mississipp! line. He met a southern Just as she was ‘opening the door Andrew Diamond, J. L. Brant and F. I weeks here at the home of Mrs. Wai- “It’s up to you, P: . Ge J : i obacco aicum Fowder party, in which was Miss Mary Mitch- to let in her friends Orrie and Anna Ferrell, At 3 community oo Fri. | ter Swartz. United States on land armaments, have : ell. The party hag been to Memphis who had rong hor. dolls. alors id y g - caused a great deal of comment in the Candy Shaving Sets and was returning ‘to the Mitchell American and European press of late. Some of tHis comment was to the effect a voice that was sin; pleasing. “I would r you out of this marr to warn you to be s making a mistake— t to say.” ! Hos sure, father with a note of final girl of the wildernes “But your station ther insisted. “This your social equal. 3 her mother live in woods near Cedar C spent your vacation. day evening a large number of leading Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carolus and citizens of this and adjacent communi. family were callers in Boswell last ties raised a major portion of the fund Saturday evening. required to finance the building and as- Mr. and Mrs. James Winters and sured the success of efforts of the local children, James and Carol, were re- Chamber of Commerce to have the 2m cent callers in Boswell. Phillips Jones people locate the factory in this community. E. C. Arisman and family were Sun- BLOUGH NEWS day visitors to Acosta. C. F. Enoch, of Meyersdale, visited The Blou too, up the front path came the other Fri Servs #9 Tig ms friends who had been invited—Betty > a and Jane, A escort the party to the “I'm so glad you've all come,” cried ” Elaine delightedly. And all her friends “I'd nev aid any attention to sol p42 ey. 4 ne ed ” Mrs. Victor | Were glad to receive such a fine wel- 3 : come, : said. “I'd been busy fighting Yankees, “oo . - But I did bay so much attention to t oe all so glad we've come, too, him es ere married within a They took off their things then ana Both Mr. and Mrs Victor are in ex- | Went into the library of Elaine’s dad- ) : cellent health They are interested in | 9¥ Where they began to play. Prionds fiere Tecen Hy. politics and the scientific developments They each chose one of the great 20 Imhoff was a) of the dev big chairs in the room for a house | Connellsville, F riday. “Why, bedtime used to be about | 8nd each went behind the chair with that the United Staes had abandoned its stand that trained army reserves should be counted in the land arma- ments of military nations, along with the standing armies, and had adopted the position taken by France to the effect that trained reserves need not be reck- oned in making up the totals of the mil- itary establishments in the consideration of disarmament plans. It was even darkly hinted in some quarters that | Uncle Sam must have made some sort of a diplomatic “deal” whereby we were to get certain naval concessions from Thomas Drug Store, Inc. Leading Druggists ME YERSDALE, PA. The place where Your business is appreciated —_— gh Independents and the Moxham Ball Team held a ball game on usiness visitor to | the Blough ground, the score being Blough 7 and Moxham 2, ] eople.” Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brant, Mrs. Eber Jimmy 'and Elmer Berkey have re- sid good a 8:30 o'clock when I was a boy,” he | their dolls which they had brought. ST on] Sapte) Prelya, vere tained from ShanEviie There (hey than most of the gi : . id “But since the radio came in 1 Back of the big red leather chair irs Ors r cen ye wil pent. ¢ 'W_qaays a € home o 228 Won of life,” Paul said. France on the strength of our agreeing Sad, b ti the Inst Orrie had her two dolls and worsted Elza Cable was a Sunday visitor to | rence Watson. th . for I never « to the continental view on military re- pover id ed un the last one cat. Johnstown. Mary Dials who was employed at oe ws to their hb Serves. ersomda ersomna Signs of. Made Good Spies Back of the big brown leather chair Squire John Kircher was a business | Johnstown, has returned home. vi The clouds of diplomatic misrepresen- Mr. Victor has not been in Shelby. | Anna had her two beloved dolls Viva | caller in Central City, Saturday. M. D. Mill tation were cleared away last week, how- ——— y ever, when it was announced to the Miss Ruth Commons, of, Roumani a, a J. L. Snyder, veteran retired tele- Windber | graph operator and B. & O. agent at her home in Glencoe for many years was shopping her mother, er has been confined to his Is ok it is her ado th a bad attack of acute indj- 2 sitors at | gestion. is really the daughte the home of Mr. and M rs. Comfrey Ickes. ville since he left home at the age of | and Charles—such good and handsome Seventeen to join the Army of the | doll children. South. He was under Gen. Sterling Back of the red leather chair which newspaper correspondents at Washing- teacher in the High School at ton, on “high authority,” that the Uni- | spent the week end at ted States had not abandoned its posi- Roumania. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirby, of | home wi Johnstown, were week end vi Charles Seders and Edward McGown his Tushana kin Price when the Confederates besieged | Was not quite so large as the chair | Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Gonder, of Ligo- RR mday Wih Mw. Kute Pig that. : in town on Wednesday. Lexington, Mo., and forced the Union | Where Orrie had her “house” Elaine | Mer, were Thursday Visitors here, Wt aninen Pa "They. live In _ | tion, but that the statement of Mr. Gib- Por ! leader, Colonel Mulligan, to surrender. John W. Gumih, of Somerset, bi Frank Miller, of Somerset, Yas called choice. Anne's fatl | son had been made for the purpose of Mrs. Hannah Finnegan, of Meyers- Mr. and Mops, Benjamin Martz of His regiment's first engagement. business caller here, Monday. to the home ‘of his sister, Mrs. Robert { on i LS UT So pl, $2, Bie tar oH mite mn AT So fle Ta pe ntenc 0 "mix in any urely rs 2s § * 1 European question like that of He 4 flesday of this week. rge am Howell, on account of the illness of his : and left a larg Moines river, “Somewlhore along the ident C. M. Benson maments, but would confine his atten- » Charles E. Weimer, | father. : his as Towa-Missourf line.” and Secretary Edward §, Landis, of Robert and Andrew Hotchkiss, who guariag Beca Harry Finnegan, District Manager of “We were slipping up on a Federal Edgewood Aerie 1801 Fraternal Order | are employed at mine No, 6, spent the tion to matters which directly concerned | the Keystone Stores who is stationed at| Dr. W. A. McClellan of Garrett force, and, as it turned out, the Feder. of Eagles, all of Somerset him. Our army is of course cut to the | Beaver Falls, spent Sunday at the home [transacted business in town Wednes- als were slipping up on us,” he ex. lowest limit now, far below that of Eu- | of his mother. » attended a | Week end at their homes, at Coal Run, woods and choose ° day of this week. ropean Countries. It was “intimated banquet at the Fort Pitt Hotel, Pitts- Mr. Sherman Séese and sister, Mable, i that Joes Jot nae plains. - “We met in the dead of the burgh, Saturday evening, under the aus. | attended the funeral of their aunt, at { Goes _— —el night in the middle of the river and Pices of the F. 0. E. Association of Windber. \ } “rt all sounds ve that administration authorities at Wash- Francis Clark, of Akron, Ohio, who On Friday of last week Wm. A. Hay | both sides went back to their own side Western Pennsylvania in honor of Ed- Mrs. Frank Ashbrook, of Hooversville, . 1E”. observed his ington were “vexed” with certain reports | is employed by the Firestone Rubber Co., of the South Side attended a Sheriff's | of the river.” ward J. Ryan, Grand Worthy President, | Spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. By talk, coming from Europe which would seem spent Saturday and Sunday at the home sale in-Somerset. Mrs. Victor's services to the Confed- who recently returned from an extended | Orange Spague to indicate that the United States had | of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Clark, erate cause consisted chiefly of watch- abandoned its position and was seeking | of ;\Broadway, returning to Akron at 3.59 2 was a touch of bitte tour of western states in which he vis- Mrs. Babe Yanert spent Friday even. i gut 1 Smt i ie ; 3 a Wesley M. Kunkel, of Hill Top Inn, | Ing Federal troop movements along the ed widely among subordinate Aeries. ng at Pohers Howells: Cy ik REY lows to mix into European diplomacy and ijt | on Sunday afternoon. Grantsville, Md.,, was a visitor to Mey- Tennessee-Mississippi border and giv- 1€ principal speakers were Rev. A. W, Tan nopp, o ap.e ; idge, spent = We she had not been as further intimated that some of these oc ersdale the past week. ing Confederates sufficient warning to Pome. of Crafton, Pa.; Charles C. Sunday = Carlie Borack S. Ih oF LE hoki reports may have been circulated with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crowe and two : flee to safety. Li “Goud. Afterfioon®. Said Sane nen ery Harvey J. Boyle, Ben G. rs. Robert Wilde was shopping in ot think: you love, she mischievous intent. children, Mary Katherine and Paul, who Mary Thornley who had her arm “We petticoat runners,” she said. » . Bates, A. Ww. Feidler, State President, Holsopple, Saturday evening, W ce LHInA 5 The United States’ Position is clearly | were called here due to the death of broken in several places recently, is get. | “were the best sples because the had her toys, and back of another | Hon. George F. Longfitt, Assistant Dis. ; fet out by Mr. Richard V. Oulahan, in | Mr. Crowe's father, returned home on ting along fine and in a short time will | Yankees Were not afrald of us” Washington dispatch to the New Tuesday evening to their home in New be able to have the splints taken # : ‘ork Times, in part as follows: Brighton, Pa. : Eat slightly smaller brown leather chair Jane had her toys, : . e would decide » trict Attorney of Allegheny County, all of Pt hurgh gk coniad H. Mann, M on. | J Sging rganizer, of Kansas City, ‘Mo., her arm. “It was with the pur ose of relievin / Ab TTT ——— : ‘depends ‘on the si Eh loe purp: 2 r. and Mrs. Mac Laren ond dasmoke. dépends on Shao, the Cat deal e United States from being placed in anime Sho : tion, and ff. , as red 1G 1, that she would oN : i fiom a ; ~E ie ats Oe lf ? Tetley . and Edward J. Ryan, Grand Worthy Tey consented to Try : Lard : NI. . home and then the others would : ] : ar wo hited £ in | a St. Paul. pthe style of architeatsma— a by Numbers and Names be oo . s20d 4 o President, a member of Philadelphia tary 0 fhe shove / tation in the Woo Siluationgl CA He ome of | i “So \UBiY Frederick Bolden has returned from Fa > Rly Aerie 42. : estate ha granted to the structure, as I de = hy “ome: o po En Aa 3 i Topeka, Kan.—This state. encour- “Good afternoon,” said Jane to Or- Th A : dersigned, all persons indebted to the Sp to suit y EP ay. The \ i ‘Mary and Jean, of Williams- Pittsburgh where he has been employed ages parents to know their children rie. They had decided that Orrie | _ +0€ music for the occasion was fur- sold estale are requested to make log house Ey rr sides io) 3 im- | Porty Pa., attended the funeral of Mrs. by the B.' & O. BR. R. Co, and incides. Cp > i nished by the celebrated Blue Bird or. t, and those having clain. oo 1 could no ein 2 onlyaverst 0 Sn Te Larens father, C. E. Crowe, re- tally taking a course in the Carnegie De ys Oa to ould be ibe hostess Zor the time chestra; the menu was most appetizing; se a the estate to make RB finally one night er to makb known ‘that the | turning home on Monday evening. Tech night school of Sanitary Plumbing assign the numbers to new born ba- od afternoon,” said Orrie. dancing and entertaining features “PT0- | the same known, without delay to terrible quate! x 3 ’ 3 3 ‘i 3 . . . 3 t § ; mo se SE ae AN eR ds ce a he al Sora of det | Good aaron ln as, | dd ler mnt” Sl JORN CONCINL, Lig ion ¢ inion, uf Rr tl : oe in the state board of he “ ,” said A : ? : a questions, | town, Pay who attended the fineral of] Mrs. Charles D'Amico left for Pitts. Conic th a i rn oon ” a and | Grand and State Aeries were present. |17.64 Garrett, Pa., R. D. 1. that T was the ca I q . . Mr. Crowe's father, returned home on | burgh, on Wednesday morning, where the child's parents under what regis. bo er araoo) i foci rs AL quarreling. Through such a statement, it was Monday evening. she will spend a few days. Her daugh- tration number the document is filed, Neve voices Jo . “The next morn oped our delegation would not have _— ter, Joan, will be graduated as a nurse and suggests that the figure be re. The ted a most beautiful time AR WIARAARASINIRROR : with you,” he we ic EDpearance of obstructing uny rigthe Mrs. Charles Berkey, of Connellsville, | op Thursday evening from the West bered by the family. od h 1 ¥igt 02 the cabin ¥ 1 which the European delegations | lof C. E. Crow oer membered by playing house. ) ‘a blanket before : Fu ; mn course | VO attended the funeral of C. E. Crowe Penn Hospital. This is a new policy inaugurated by Not only did they call on each other a hla 1 d ight find to clarify their own course returned home on Sunday evening. —— B secretary of the = : : : i ‘was awake. ith respect to the limitation of land SA Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Heffley left for| PF Fanie 8 ow points out that | 20d talk about what their children » ” three months, and QD 8 a . . . 5 oC i or - oes. 4 ; Simon Keefer, two sons, and daughter, Pittsburgh, on Thursday morning, to at- yo tlre number may be belpful in ig i aby they Yat id foams, 1 found oe Ambassador Gibson and his collea- of, Canton, Ohio, spent Sunday at the | eng the graduation exercises of their later years if the certificate must be bid rE and rearranging their : Pre 0 pe, Rear Admiral Hilray P. Jones, felt, home of Williatn Wasmuth, on Salisbury daughter, Melda, who will graduate 25 | Jocated immediately in the state ar- “houses.” NEW BUSINESS POLICY live. And never 1 is learned, that agreement among the | gi a nurse from the West Penn Hospital hires Then they And fo. 1 bh 4 trace of your mot : Shiv : ne : 5 en they had a s i or eac . . E Dear, Tepresentdiives would be fue. on Thursday evening. JHE ot very oul Topriseitore All charge accounts to be paid the Ist and 15th of The son was sil ated if the United” States withdrew Charles West, of Elwood City, Pa, a y . . ll t . fav- “] know you me Pm any previously expressed opinions Wis % Sunday visitor with relatives and Mrs. M. J. Kerrigan, of Connellsville, Musician Calls Jazz o> rope iy would call on each month. 2 This enables us to sell a prices ra - gfally said. - “Buf matters, which were regarded by this friends hove. was visiting relatives and friends the a Fountain of Youth a i a at the shale orable in comparison with cash stores. am sure of it; anc Er he nam i 5 bast week here. Berlin.—Jack Hylton of London, What an improvement my dear, what FIFE 100, 50 y 8 €. by that course, .it i 3 “| Oliver Hostetler who is employed in > “ » , ? * * Set rats Sie sentatives = . k as the “jazz king of Europe, i ; : 3 \ ER Con A ni Pittsburgh, spent the week end with his| je Mary Kerrigan spent the week he 5 secret of eternal | © ie lneeen, look larger. CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, large bottle. . . .. .15¢ ¥t was Paul's w he Fe ment a party to | PATENts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene tron | nd at her “home in Connellsville, re- Joutn, Arttving in Berlin bib Mal ang morsctey one: the room look |@ COUNTRY APPLE BUTTER, quart package. . . .35¢ was on his way slr gvemment 4 party to| P3 Trans Meyersdole.. He retumed to] turning home or Ses. evening. Jazz orchestra for an extended stay. | primnter fi i ds for 25 i European contentions. Ee ties ra: te Te : ; ghter. PRUNES, fine quality, 2 pounds for. Sei 0B Another way of reading Mr. Gib his duties on Monday Woming. he said: Then Orrie would say: 4 ? 35 him. : Vay ¢ Mr. i — “Thom HL Ee : i “I said my sa s remarks, as they were intended to Miss Helen Danah, daughter of Mrs Leaders Are Favorable to There 13 Bothing that oe : Just wha I thought, my dear, and Li Jprasd Jound jar for. . wera, a 25e ; co choice. sen read, is that the United States wash. HLS hein a is Ow so eternally young a am so glad that you agree with me.” r ar....... Cc da A its hands of the whole matter of de: | Jon Dansh » ko - Soploped Sno Merger of Lutheran Colleges a jazz band. Jazz is an expression of They had supper later on, and then S RA RRY R S R » farge J - you to decide. ining what restrictions shall be | £¥aPher in 1 ow il s gy 2 ng — youth, of joy, of bubbling enthusiasm. the ones who had to go home packed ‘ed on peace-time land armaments.” | {ride Danah, daughter of Mr. and.) Is Action, described as favorable, but Anybody who plays it cannot elp but | yp their things and left, but it had tai Te oa POTHIOn whik will | Gus Danah, who is employed as a R. N. ce amily 1S 1S & S NIC V1 y i ing to be present ) . ried, even if it sh ? i ul Bell Hospital, New York City, spent not final, was taken Friday by the| keep young. been a lovely little party ang every FANCY BLUE RIBBON : oy An V S al, 1 W C S ’s S . Pr" = approved and supported by every Sn Tt re id on | Poard of directors of the Lutheran More ng that oy men 5 for one enjoyed it. t thinking American. The United | 2 en 2 3 Theological Seminary at Gettysburg the most part play six, s n, i : Sunday evening. es is for peace and disarmament by 0 took a train for on the proposed merger of the Semin. | ©ight instruments. All sorts of differ- national agreement, so long as such b Even the worsted cat had had a BR D L af f t the bd od 800d time, so yon may know it was a 0 or : : tons 3 ent muscles o € body are invoke very lovely party. frament is equitable and does not Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rickard, ac- ary with similar schools at Mt. Airy in the process of playing tHem, so : s : : , i icc the defensive requirements of [companied by Mrs. Rickard’s mother, Cedar Creek the and Selinsgrove. Dr. Aberly said in set out on foot ti . woods. Ea that a man keeps in good hthletic v 1 Two hours of v Tod Stite fare illing to | Mrs. Samuel Meyers left Tuesday for| making the announcement that the di-| training if he joins a jazz band.” . Reason for Alarm Quart jar QUEEN OLIVES for... Girlie On 50c¢ to a clearing, Wh United States. We are willing to oe A friend's little boy aged only Tops 25 th Of pv such a program and to do our |a ten day motor trip. They will first | rectors favored the consolidation, but Wo sos La Tape > yo Yacht Club SWEET CORN, two cans. . . Sai c a thin weesth ! : i : : g ? p» and we do not intend to “butt |go to Pittsburgh to visit their son|that final action has het gosinondy Eat Oysters and Gro ’ and elaborate wedding, The ring Sl DINNER BRAND COFFEE, W....... ii 39 . 2 soond problems which are purely Euro- | Lawrence, and also visit Altoona and | until the question of unification is : been fastened to the satin pillow b ; and which do not concern us, any- | some places of interest in the eastern | voted upon by the seven synods sup- New Zealander Ac vises a loose stitch and the little fellow KIPPERED HERRING, can, ....-.... Ed at 10c : BY ne the pls than we intend to sacrifice our part of the state, among them Mr. porting the Gettysburg school. London.—The months with s” in had been warned bY his mother op be ROLLED OATS loose per Ib. Sandan 5¢ a als [Sep nate interests at home or abroad Rickard’s old home “After the various synods have ex-| them are good months to w in, careful with it. ’ J , 1 ha Shedim € pursuit of any international . . : if the results of experiments y Dr. Cravenvent Dor 5 CAPE COD COOKIES, box. ce is i. 25¢ good direct; 2 : pressed themselves on the proposed John Malcolm, New Zealand pHysiolo- sequently, when the minster re ’ face was lighted oe La Guy Holsopple and son were Mey- | merger, a special meeting of the sem- gist, reported to Nature, hol good rl ie ring, little Wilfred cried VAN CAMP S HOMINY, 2 large cans......... ; 25¢ From the doo: CIGARS ersdale visitors on business one day | inary board of directors will be held generally. nl rio : ivyen, the man is taking a laughing girl, ¢ FRESH this week. to take final action, which may be Doctor Malcolm has found, Hy test | the ring! SUN BRIGHT short khaki Sint . : _——— - i : —_— favorable or unfavorable,” the semin- feeding of rats, that oysters re a SALT TOMATOES LEANSE doorwav behin prs wrapped in moistureproof| 1ouis Klevens was shaking hands ary president said. good source of vitamine A, which pro- Who George Was C { R handsome brunet pane, including the products of with Meyersdale friends Monday. The supporting synods of the Gett-| motes normal growth. J George and Roger Brown, respec- BOX 2 CANS 4 CANS i Paul clasped | -three concerns, have been the Mr. Klevans was engaged in business | y charg Seminary are the East Penn. A native New Zealand blvalvye, tively five and two, often have their. 5 25¢ 25¢ but suddenly sh of attraction in industrial dis- h for a number of rs and has a i] oT lle-| known as the Toheroa, is even etter | names mentioned together. There- C : “I must intro ; os] ere for years a sylvania, West Pennsylvania, Alle than the oyster, the experimests in- fore, when the new neighbor inquired and I must me in prominent nationa Centers | nygy of friends who are always glad gheny, Pittsburgh, er dicate. A Toheroa canning infinstry | who he was, it was natural that ; said, turning tos onth. te ¢igars ii on see him. He is at present residing | Maryland and West Virginia. Indi-| 4g growing up, the product being sold George should think of hig brother. PEP BRAN FLAKES, 2 boxes... . eR aun 25¢ | dead still, ama: eS containing one, two, three, in Altoona. cations have been given that minis- | as “Toheroa soup.” He replied: “I am the Brown chil- big, bright ¢ : | : eae hu Ln Cc her big, hd five in the units, and the un- ere ters of these synods are not in favor] LR dren.” PREMIER CORN FLAKES, 3 boxes. . 25 “well, would jualities of this Wrapping ma-| Mrs. Charles Phillips who is a patient of the merger. Voice Low in Power a nakes it possible to keep the| at John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, | New York.—The power of Han fresh for from four to six | Md. is reported as getting along as well she cried, and P / Baby’s Name toceted Scientists have developed an artificial | Speech has been measured electtically Fs without humidors. Another | 3 can be expected. = astonishment tl A new baby had arrived in the passed bets: fat larynx, a mechanical lung and other | by Dr. Harvey Fletcher of Be tele- home of a friend. Little Gene, three | = For Paul's a interesting fact explained is| re - spare parts for the body, but they have | phone laboratories. He finds that if years old, was insistent upon knowing | 2 er had followed pe cigars wrapped in this ma-| Matthew Kerrigan, James Keegan, | 1,o¢ vet produced that whic his urgently | 5,000,000 persons all talked at jonce, what the baby’s name was His moth- We Deliver CENTER ST. Both Phenes = g pe : | and Harry Walsh, Jr., who are employ- | needed—a supplementary intellect.— | in" ordinary tomes, the sound fower : x | withstand rough treatment. | ed in Pittsburgh the B. & O. R. R. Washington Post. Co., spent the weel i ! | 7 even be jumped on without ” young people ar h Br said: “Oh—it’s just baby.” thus created would be Just sufficient > < end at their respec- emma tive homes here. : other tightly, wi “I fn MEYERSDALE, PA. t hay the or what's his as saying to | light an ordinary incandescent lamp. { ' said little Gene, “but + . poe ~ : nay if h a lost 9” Subscribe for The Commercial 1ame if he gets lost? and ¢ 4 3 on a T WwW RR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers