TTT ET I PY ree MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 Page Five - ee ————— ® OBITUAR F. F. Nolte, Mrs. Harry Bluebaugh, | Chas. Beal was visiting at Boynton, Miss Harding was assisted in serving by = . cho I Y Mrs. George Walker, Harry Sheets, | Wednesday evening. her sister, Miss Mina Harding. SALISBURY NEWS Wenzel Hospital News Meyersdale High Ss 0 N MICHAEL SANNER Pauline and Grace Walker, and Harvey | Miss Louise Ratcliff who is employed Much Fruit Killed by Frost —_— _— Happenings of Note Menhorn. at the shirt factory, of Meyersdale, Most of the fruit blossoms that were A religious service was held April 14, John Tressler, who had been operated LL Michael Sanner, an aged resident of | Mr. 2 y and Mrs. Albert Howell and [spent the week end at her home, clean- |open during our recent cold spell here |1929, at Harman Menhorn’s by Rev. H. |on in the Wenzel Hospital, for appendi- Black township, died Monday morning | daughter, Doris, and Edna Nolte spent i On May 15th and 16th the Senior ing up. are either killed or blighted so from the | Fickenoder, of Cove, Md. Those present | citis several weeks ago, is convalescing | class will put on a play in Reich's Au- at the home of his son, Ephriam San-|Sunday afternoon with uncle and aunt, Misses Mildred and Miriam Harding |frost, that early plums, cherries and |were: Mrs. Susan Berkhart, Mrs. Noah |at his home in Boynton. ditorium called “The Whole Towns ner, residing in Black Township. Fun-|Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, of Salis- attended the class meeting at St. Paul, [pears will likely be all but a total fail- | Speicher, Lewis Hauft, and Rev. Fick-| Alex Newman, who had a toe ampu-|pujking» The play will be of the come- eral services were held Wednesday bury. Friday evening. ure in this locality. enoder’s wife and family. : tated several weeks ago in the Wenzel dy type and will be in 3 acts. The play morning at the late residence. Burial Andrew and Robert Hotchkiss spent; Lawrence Able was ill with the chick-| Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Maust and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werner, of | Hospital is now at Wis home near Rock should be exceptionally good since the in the local Odd Fellows’ cemetery, in the week end at this place. en pox. eo and Mrs. Brad Maust were Berlin visi- Meyersdale, spent dey wood min song ong ory Heely, majority of the cast have appeared in h : e of Underakers Mill d Mr. and Mrs. George May spent Sun- Ray and Earl Bodes visited their sis- [tors on Monday. . : Werner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miss Margar Eis r Jougd 1) bug er | this same play before. The cast in- charg S 2nd|gay evening with Mr. and Mrs. James |ter, Mrs. Fay Harris. William Darr who is employed in the | Schramm. of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Merrbaugh, | Judes Paul Dahl, Althea Habel, Grace Mickey. Wise. Mrs. M. P. Bowman and Ida Belle, {mines at Vindex, Md, was home on a| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Howell and |near Salisbury, who submitted to opera-|ya)lery, Kathryn Pappas, Dorothy ——l Mrs. William Witt and daughter, | Were callers at Mrs. John May's, Sun. | visit and returned to his work the fore daughter, Doris and Edna Nolte, of tion recently was taken to her home, Hady, Mary Hartley, Ethel Austin, MRS. LOUISE MILLER Mamie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon. part of the past week. Coal Run, spent Sunday afternoon with and her condition is steadily improving. | phyllis Enoch and Fred E. Dawson. J. Mrs. Louise Miiler, aged 66 years, |Edison Bowman, of Boynton. James May who was operated on, is | William Engle and son, Franklin, [their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. George Hittie, who underwent | fy “Maust, Clyde E. Hare and Henry died at her home in Rockwood about Mrs. Lloyd Dunmyre and children, of {home and getting along fine. employed in the mines near Burke, W. Frank Miller. : : an operation in the Wenzel Hospital, | Bittner. 4 o’clock Monday morning, due to a Shaw Mines, spent Monday with her Mr. Hosselrode and son, Ted, of El- Va, spent the week end at home here. Miss. Mildred Miller and friend April 5th, 35 in the hospital yeoi and her Miss Young has not as yet returned Neation of diseases parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Hemming. lerslie, Md. spent Sunday afternoon Miss Velma Speicher, a trained nurse, | Luther Vowser, and cousin, Miss Bln condition Is ren Satiefaciony, considers to resume her position as "Musical In- comp ich : . : Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and With M. P! Bowman. of Washington, Pa., spent the week end Gorg, all of Accident, Md., were calling {ing her serious condition. : She is survived by her husband. | j,u01 Be ~— : 3 oe Miho ; : fiona. of Shaw Mines; under: structor since she was operated on. We " aughter, Helen, Donald Fisher, Edna sll ae with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah |on Frank Miller's, recently. Also Mrs.| Paul Mimma, o z s eT- | nope she will be back real so ; She also leaves one brother, Milton | Nolte, spent Sunday evening with Mr. Speicher. Alvin Bowser, of Somerset, and Mr. |went an operation Tuesday of last week, 'P h ; h 8 S00n,, 33 We Miller, of Davenport, Neb. Funeral |and Mrs. Charles Wahl. HYNDMAN NEWS There was a meeting of the Salisbury [and Mrs. Mahlon Wissler, and Misses {and is reported as getting along very . a aA £1928 hav services were held at the Miller home| Mr. and Mrs. James Wise, Mr.. and ret High School Alumni Association held in | Edith and Myra Lichliter, of town. nicely. EE DO hem i 56s anged ¢ ith the Seniors is Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Roy|Mrs. George May, attended the funeral | A delightful birthday party was the High School building on Monday | Perry Menhorn was replacing the ex-| Robert Hittie, of Glencoe, whe. went Friday ne an rs Moorehead, pastor of the Rockwood |0f Mrs. Martin Meyers, of Meyersdale, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.|evening, April 22nd, to arrange for the tension on the chimney of Norman Men- [into the Wenzel Hospital for medical 3 > 3 ; > ne oo : Sa 1 ih promises to be very interesting and you Reformed church. Interment in the on Sunda u L. Struby, of State Line, Pa., in hon- Eun) henge and to transact other hom gee? A ai the Sag > 5 Rd Como dl invited to come. Mrs. ay ov : ; ; . 20. Mr. Mrs. War ) n, oO 0dd Fellows’ cemetery. eng eM ay spert Saturdayjor by their daughter Helen's birth-|"y 'y, c. Lichliter, Misses Winnifred | Knights of Pythias roy To Cormion ik: smniare the Derik of a], Fotrons Doy. Was observed on last MISS JANE WILL Rhodes. day anniversary. Those present Were:|ang Emily Jane Lichliter, Elizabeth |409, of Salisbury, celebrated their new |son, April 12th, at the Wenzel Hospital. Friday. There were many parents and Mr, aid Mrs. Retiben Bowser: and Misses Lottie Stauffer, Edna Wilson, | Wagner Miss Jane Will, died Sund Geraldine Stahlm a A ee al To LILI, Tiare aia) i sehen Wiig ui iss Jane Will, di unday morn: |family, of Meyersdale, spent Sunday in an. umberland, Md., visitors last Wednes- |day, with a good crowd, about 52 pres- i 1 as : ; ing at the home of C. A. Miller, Rock- | evening with Mr. and ae hn Beal. Rev. G. G. Jones and family, Meth- | day. ent. Deputy W. W. Nicholson, of Nr Making Floors Decorative Pot os Do riilien ie nen Sa fe wood, a nephew of the deceased. The| Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shawley and odist pastor, arrived here at the par- Pupils of the Lowry school will take | ersdale, delivered the dedication service. ile was £3 a SY a oven deceased was the last of the family of | family, of Bittinger, Md., spent Sunday | Sonage Wednesday last from Lands-}extra lunches along to school on Tues. |Salishury quarteite gave a few selec. | Old floors need not look old. They ot time was 3: EY ac hy , .1 | with Mrs. Shawley’s sister, Mrs. Calvin | down, Md. day and will hold a little picnic to cele- |tions, very interesting, by Eddie Lichty, {T2¥ be made to look new. When : wae Srila the late John and Nancy (Scott) Will, ) s , y & DY 3 count of preparing special exhibition well known residents of Rockwood. | Rhodes. The regular monthly meeting and |r the last day of the term. They [Jack Petry, Wayne Roberson, Harry | enamel is used, two Tiderensts Shovid k DE Funeral scrvices were held at 10 Mrs. Susan Bisbing, of Meyersdale, | dinner of the Business Men’s Asso- will be prepared to entertain visitors. | Harris, all of town. P. L. Livengood be used either of flat paint or enamel] | WOTX- : oh Wednesiny as oy the Pot Friday with her daughter, Mrs. ojstion was: held in the social yoom Miss Mond Siofiey is tenfher gave an interesting talk on how the undercoating with the finish of ena-| The report cards were issued for the James Walker, who | ic @ i i Miller home, conducted by Rev. V. N. {few jh er, who has been sick for a | pyiday evening of last week. The Miller, pastor of the Lutheran church. Miss Iola May who had been employed | Pythian Order was first organized, in mel. Where lacquer is to be used for | fifth time this year on last Friday. J g in Cumberland, Md., spent the fore part | Salisbury, be being one of the charter the finish, the floor must be hard, dry | Mr. Richards, the track team coach, Mr. and Mrs. Hillery Wahl and fam- dinner was served by the Girl Scouts |of last week with her parents, Mr. and members. and in good condition to secure sat- |reports great progress with his men and Burial in Union cemetery at Center- |ily, moved to Cumberland, Md., on Mon- and their mothers. Mrs. C. M. May. On Thursday she went isfactory results and two coats of lac- [hopes to have everything in shape for a ville. Undertakers Mills and Mickey |day. N. H. Burket, C. O. Burns, W. S. to Stoyestown where she has secured S t N quer are usually enough. Lacquer meet real soon. had charge of the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gray and family, | Madore, W. P. Oliver, Carl Miller and |employment. omerse ews may be applied over any finish ex-| The silver basketball trophy which Ll moved to Merletown, on Sunday. > |p. E. Brode have returned home after Frank Brogan and Harry Walker ——n cept a mahogany stain, which is very | Meyersdale won in the County League JOSEPH SAPIENTE Francis Wechenhiser and family |spending a week trout fishing at the were county seat visitors on Monday | Mrs. Edith W. Messenger who makes apt 10 bleed through. : was presented to them lately. This Joseph Saplente of Windb P moved to Jerome, on Friday. “Red Cross Deer Camp”, near Peters- last. > her home with her son, J. F. Messenger, Stain, with a varnish finish, makes trophy is a near duplicate of the one : Ens ii Dig Indber, @.;| Grace Walker spent Saturday night b P: : Harry Thomas and George Hixen- returned home Saturday after a brief another excellent coversl] for a. dis- [received lust yeas and makes a fine ad- died at his home 307 Ninth St., at the in West Salisbury. 7 nrg, 8 baugh procured work in the mines of the visit with her other son, Rev. G. L. Mes- {colored floor. The surface is first dition to the trophy case. age of 58 at 9:12 o'clock on last Fri-| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahl and fam- RR Consolidation Coal Co. near Frostburg, | Senger, of Monongahela, Pa. bleached, and after the stain is day evening. Death was caused by|ily, Mrs. F. F. Nolte and daughter, FINZEL, MD. Md., and started to work last week. Mrs. John Pyle and son, J. B. Pyle, [brushed on at least three coats of | ATTENDED APPLE cancer. Funeral services were held | Edna, Mrs. A. F. Howell and daughter, Homer Martz, of Summit Township, spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. varnish should be applied to secure 4 , on Monday morning at the Italian |Doris and William Witt, spent Monday — Harry Martz and lady friend, of Cum- Pyle’s sister, Mrs. Adam Snyder, of durable finish. Either a flat or a BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Catholic church. Interment was in|eévening at Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harry Blue- Mrs. Wm, Finzel and Mrs. Joe Al- berland, Md., were Sunday visitors at Rockwood. glossy finish may be obtained, as OU = church cemetery with Eben H. Watts baugh’s. bright spent Sunday last with their |the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mrs. Louis Wilson spent several there are special flat-drying varnish-| Those people from Salisbury who at- having charge of the funeral arrange- | . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahl spent parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breden. |Clara Martz. days last week, in Winchester, Va., |S as well as the usual high-gloss pro- | tended Apple Blossom Festival in Win- Saturday in Cumberland, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Werner, of and enjoyed very much the Apple [ducts. The colored floor not only |chester, Va, Thursday and Friday of ments, : Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and baby | Hubbard, Ohio, are visiting relatives Blossom Fete which was considered | contributes its own charm to the room |j4st week were: Mr. and Mrs. E' EB. ST P AUL ITEMS Helen and Donald Fisher, returned |and triode hose BOSWELL NEWS Dejier hu year iii at 2ny other | but shen takes the place of expensive | flaselbarth, Miss Winifred Lichliter, ome from Merletown, on Saturday. - ] ime. It was estimated that between |TUgS and carpets. u Charlotte Griffith, of Frostburg, Miss Elizabeth Butler, Miss Dorothy Roy Hinebaugh went to Cumberland, Miller, M. F. McCabe, Mrs. Margaret on Monday, to seek employment. Md., spent a few days of the past The Odd Fellows Hall Association of 75 and 80 thousand people visited the os t . oo 2a oon ; : Boswell will purchase the lot on Main | City to witness the occasion. : : Glotfelty, Mrs. Roberta Maust, Mrs. C. a ini Tie eae Sy TR week hete With Leona omen h street formerly occupied by the Opera Mrs. C. A. Cage and daughter, Hel- |. Sp nng Shopp ing K. Bowman, and -Miss Elizabeth Bow- Harr Knecht, of West Salisbury, on MANGE NOTES - Mrs. Doll Baer and children, Kath- House building and erect thereon a en, are visiting at Frederick, Md. : man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maust, Stan- Ty night "of last week. aleen and Gerald, Joseph Knepp and | odern fireproof building with store and Washington, D. C. “When Spring unlocks the flowers | ton Maust and Mrs. A. F. Lichty. Flsic Sipple spent Thursday night at Odell Saymon motored to Harrisburg |rooms on the first floor and lodge rooms Mrs. George Dallas returned from |to paint the laughing soil” there is a : s the home of Miss Frances Livengood, in APRIL 22—A good crowd attended | Saturday of last week. on the second floor, according to plans Jegunens, Pa., where she visited |general feeling of relief in the Fixing Resale Prices Salisbury. the STangeline Soler at the Mt. Leb- —_— approved, oy the lodge, it is saison Rath She wha ts 5 Sturont {ought of Siw Gels 34 od ah i : : anon Church, Sunday evening. za Cable an ussell cClelland x 2 2 f x . : 3 Mn a Ce JLapley 2 “Robert Hittie is still in the Wenzel MOUNTAIN VIEW were Sunday visitors to Johnstown. at Indiana High spent the week end women folks to wear. Spring shop- as ¥ 5 posigen ens Shon Wy were Sunday visitors at his parental Hospital and at last reports was not : L. L. Ober, of Latrobe, was calling o a home in Somerset. She re- | ping has begun and transparent ray- for pa 2 x A, era Toes on home. They were accompanied home by improving very much. Mrs. Milton Opel and sons, Milton, {on Boswell friends, Thursday. rned to school Monday morning. on velvet and costumes featuring this hon Po Xx the oo ility for his sister, Virginia. Ida Cook, of Cumberland, is spend- |Jr. and James and daughter-in-law, | Walter E. McNutt and John W. Shoth ga fabric are shown in the best window DE ig i a%2s ane £ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. |ing a few days wih her mother, at this | Mrs. James Opel and daughter, Alice Griffith, of Somerset, visited friends | nok er reason Why we want to go |displays of the Nation’s shops. All |€ ly - ere wi e 2 oe Se ; ih and Mrs. C. J. Rhodes were: Mr. and place. .|and grandson, Robert Darrah, were vis- here, Thursday éveping. - to ; eaven, sometime, 1s to find out|of the latest spring and summer col- | W1 a in on with the eM r§” Hatfield; and Mr. and Mrs. James Maud Ludy spent over Sunday with |iting at the Western Maryland Hospi- Comfrey Ickes and family motored to how the neighbor women who precede | ors in solid shades and in the new DX SN nyestigaiy 9 2 Sons Corbett, of Canton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. her parents, at Berlin. tal where Mr. Opel is a patient. He is | Pittsburgh, Sunday. us Jo that abode of rest get along |ombre effects are shown. These in- Shon: nd an ih Topo 2 this Ss : Elmer Shawley and family, of Bittinger, Hannah Bittner who spent a week | getting along very nicely. Sam McCullough, B. E. Keim and C. wi out any recent operations to talk clude green, citron, purple ; astor, J D a ealt wir > gener® ’ Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bowser and with her son; at this place, returned to | Visitors at Noah Maust’s Sunday |H. Brookbanks, of Latrobe, visited in about.—Ohio State Journal. clovis, Rio, champagne, tiger lily and rr BAL Sono. oe &9 ie family, of Meyersdale; Mr. and Mrs. her home at Keystone Mines last Sat- were: Misses Edna Whiteman, Lena Boswell, Thursday evening. Het CC ho aE a Lucerne blue in plain colors and om- Ro ort ap oh en 1 o ne John Beals and family, and Eli Folk, urday. ; Miller, Edna Grandstaff, Wilma Eic-| E. C. Arisman and family, motored to |. ec vi = bi lh British politic- | bre effects in red, blue, violet and io > bs el W noaje 2 of Coal Run. Gideon Bauman, of Berlin, visited at |horn, Julia Sape, Mae Bagley, Bertha |Indiana, Pa., Sunday. ian, oy £ 2 an arti 4 to show that it | orange combinations. Some .f the Rt : on? . vy pe tow $s 0 : Mrs. B. J. Winters attended a quilt- Charley Kidel’s, last Sunday. Lice and Nannie. Maust, Messrs. Blair | A. W. Zimmerman and Royal Rhoads, hs Yeu i Tran il not Be United | most fetching costumes show the ef- Sn Sudo ar or otherwise ing and rug hooking party at the home Peter Filker and wife were out joy |Ringler, Jonas Miller, Elmer Maust, |of Stoyestown, were Thursday evening sn ssw i) hig sacrifice o Sails fective use of transparent velvet in D CYS, of Mrs. Harry Knecht’s, on Tuesday riding last Sunday. Peter says the old | Sherman Davis and Roy Blitzel. callers in Boswell. > i 2 ® . iti con erence the ensemble. Those oh teks 2p. chor Toh 00 hones: Zend evening of last week. fashioned way is still the best. Mr. and Mrs. James Opel and Mr.| C. R. Sprowls and family, motored to i Plows tatu politician con prove Subscribe for The C ial ally have to take what’s left by those Miriam Engle and James Swart, of James Saylor’s, of Berlin, visited at|Milton Opel were visitors at Frank |Claysville, Pa., Sunday. anything. ubscribe for The Commercia EE Mercer, Pa., are visiting at the home of Bent rn over Say. Willers of on Thre Bil H. F. Heffley, G. H. Smith, G. W. - ? 1 aymon rant was the first young r. and Mrs. Alvin Yoder and chil- | Burkhart, A. C. Miller, and H. F. Ball, | t/mus[sase {ass ss ssi as||6s/|e] 06m] [mune im em 05 miss a0 8 amis m)s Tm 18 61 mE ber Pathos in ne the Re- |man in this section to get a red hat. | dren, were visitors at Lewis Maust’s, on |of Berlin, visited in town Thursday ah Aum msm Eat ana fa als formed Church, on Friday night of last Raymond believes to be sporty. Sunday. ee evening. ul . is . week, will long be remembered by the | Homer Cook was a shopper in Ber-| Misses Bertha Kinsinger and Dorothy Eber Cockley and family, visited Mr. ifs E young folks of the surrounding commu- lin, on Monday. ; I Opel were callers at John Engle’s, of Cockley’s mother and other relatives and == 2 nity as a gala event. The program con- Jerry Saylor’s, of Berlin, visited at [St. Paul, on Friday evening. : friends at ChamberdBure, Sunday. a= 3 sisted of playlets and games, all of Peter Saylor’s, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Yoder and sons, | jy Saylor, H. H. DeLong, Sherman of als which elicited much merriment. Re- The merry makers of this place had a |Ivan and Mark, were visiting at Enos py, cer Pp. R. Baker, C. W. Weimer als B freshments were served during the party at the Joe Callis home last Sat- | Maust’s, Sunday. 4 and H. D. Heiple, of Somerset, were if a Ou EE course of the evening. urday. A pleasant evening was spent Ivan and Harvey Miller were callers [py oo day evening visitors in Boswell. = == Work has been progressing on the St. [In playing games. i at Evan Miller §, on Saturday. At a meeting of Jenner Grange, Fri- ifs afs Paul's cemetery during the week. A John Hittie, of Cleveland, Ohio, is| Miss Bertha Kinsir ger was a caller at day evening committeemen reported on als i hedge fence of privet was planted and | visiting his brother, Robert. Howard Maust 5, on Monday. ; the results of an organized canvas of = a or =! extends along the south side. Last fall Martha Toolen visited Geneva Cook Ms and Mrs. Ploy qa Miller and Misses Jenner Township for members of the ifs - 3 a road was made around the entire cem- |ON€¢ day last week. wl Rhoda and Katie Miller were visiting Pomona Grange’s Rural Fire Fighting | SEE LC] etery. It is contemplated to surface Liddie Boyer is the firs indy dn. this Alsln Maust and Mrs. Annie Eichorn, {ciation indicating that over two ala 5 the road with shale where it has not al- [Place to finish house dspaing op Sunday. hundred members have been secured in ifs E ready been done. Other improvements Our weather prophet says he was Mr. El Lice was a caller at Noah |. township. i 5 designed to beautify the entire cemetery sure April would be a wet month. Maus S, Saturday. : YL. Bont wisn recent business! Em » are planned. -_— Misses Bertin Kinsinger and Dorothy caller in Johnstown. fs a= C.J. Rhodes was a business visitor in WEST SALISBURY Opel and Mr Lowrence Kinsingen Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hostetler were als a Somerset, on Friday of last week. were transacting business in Salisbury, | ooo end visitors to Meyersdale. if HINK of Jour rinted matter from th t d int Frances Livengood and Mrs. Louise a tM ey 1 on Friday. == y Pp e standapoin == McKerehan, teachers of the local school Mr. an rs. as.» Yommer: ang ue . lw and Compton McKerehan, were dinner daughter, Esther, were visiting at the SALISBURY NOTES VIM ifs of what it does for you. = guests on Friday at the home of Mr. home o Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Patton, : % : : ; on Sunday. - : ; Ss . . Te il sx a the guest of Miss ik Walker, of Coal Run, Members of the Wilhelm Reformed IA AT GI Te a When you buy stationery or printed advertising, it 1s aie Lois Sipple, on Tuesday night. was a week end visitor of Miss Ida [Church at St. Paul, in cooperation with Yevel, ® visiting the Midses. Grace and ifs not simply ink and paper that you pay Lor. ifs The St. Paul schools closed on Tues- Belle May. = 5 3 0 the committee of Trustees of the St. Margaret Fike. iE i day of this week with a picnic. Henry and Williom Died were visit- | Paul Cemetery are waking great im- | "3p" 14 Mrs. Nelson Jones and son, == : = Mrs. Boyd spent several days last |IN& their father, William Diehl, of Je- |provements on the St. Paul burial |. 00 and friend, of State College, were | 2 Ink and paper are only the conveyance for your ideas. week at the home of her sister, Mrs. | TOC: a ar Paved NE callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | 5 ie John Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman’s | Henry and Nelson Patton were visit. Ways, pl g of 8 y an : W. W. Nicholson, last Sunday. iE . . . Z condition apparently is showing very jing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John |and so forth. They have rerently plant- Mrs. Gorman Suder and Venila, of i Ideas multiply in effectiveness when they are dressed up. iE little improvement. Reeds, at Central City, on Saturday. ed three ii Amus Privet in a Boynton, spent last Wednesday, at the | SE : ; : as 5 —_— Mrs Fred Hafris was visiting Mr. [hedge along the driveway on one side of nome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suder. |S Shoddy stationery can’t bring prestige—nor shoddy ad- Be ard and Mrs. Dave Harris. the cemetery and about thirty single Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Dietle and |a}8 Sy 2] COAL RUN ITEMS Miss Evely May was a supper guest |Specimens of other shrubs such as bar-| cpjjgren, of Hay's Mill, spent last Sun- | §i§ vertising, results. = ——— at Mrs. M. P. Bowman’s, Friday even- berry and vanhoutte spires, and they day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John | £= B= he Cou Run sols od te pat ng EE i 5 . week, Miss Hay’s room on Wednesday Henry Patton was visiting George phi I aa a QS Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lohr and children, aj Ww hel ; ; hat ; sis and Mr. Showalter’s on Monday. A pic- | Keim, on Saturday. oh ee y ams Ss SS w- of Garrett, spent several days this week | §fs e nelp you io get w you pay 1or— bz i ¥ ¢ - 2 ast > > £ : . Es vs hid a oh ons Wich wa | Those Min wade, 1 SUS, SL od onion ye instead of merely ink and paper. Ae very much by the larg place were: Mrs. William Diehl, Mrs. Seu dye Blossom ostion ot. | Mrs. Bryan Marker and child, of near gs == : The following that attended school | Chas. Beal, Mrs. Henry Patton, Mrs. a Eg De jo Garrett, spent last Sunday at the home als i= every day were Maxine Bluebaugh, her | Henry Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Bow- i host or at Fed I o of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John |S = seventh year, Raymond, his third year, man, Mr. and Mrs. William Showalter. | na Jit i 3 By Ye Wi I" | Siegner. =t= ae Della Wahl and Isabelle Leydig attended There were about 75 chicken | suppers = il , re mary Th - Misses Maude Herring, Margaretta | HE 5s every day after moving here during served. The eats were delicious and ee hn, "ir gp "™ = o Boose and Emma Meyers, completed - a= school term. Eugene Lowry of Miss |€very one reported a good time. a bP l = iv A » : cLabe, | their school term this week. ifs i Hay’s room also attended every day. : James Walker was a caller at M. P. rh i. A Se py Rohe Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Krause, of fons = : M O er cia iE The patrons of this place wish to thank | Bowman's. pany ee N= ners, payed their cousin, Cyrus Nichol- | == Yy 1 1 1 1 IN ne the Th teachers, Sties Hay and Mr. William Beynon was a visitor at Mrs. br A Sells GCE son, a brief visit on Sunday afternoon. ih o Crs a Cc ss Showalter, for the good work they have | Henry Patton's, Friday evening. Ho I Mest yc Mr and. Is. sole Vernon Hast, of Cumberland, spent i= MEYERSDALE PA ats done the past year. Miss Larraine Haffershon who was cr ? ev oo last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Emma i= ’ . 5 Those of Coal Run, who attended the }visiting at the home of her grandpar- Entertain Priscilla Club Walker. 32 sin dedication of the Knights of Pythian ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patton, was Ms. M. A. Wagner was hostess last — ss 5 Hall, on Thursday night, at Salisbury, |ill with the chicken pox. Wednesday afternoon to twelve mem-| Tt is announced that Washington, D. | gla gi were: Mr. and Mrs. George May, Mz. Earl Ringler was a visitor at Chas. | bers of the Priscilla Club and three |C. will have a million population with- BH i= and Mrs. Marshall Lowrey, Mrs. Sam- | Beal's. | guests, Mrs. O. W. Petry, Mrs. Mary |in ten years. It contains that many | = nim . : . o LR{E ER] RE {0 [NE HNO U0| WH [RE WR [RR MW) €F] | R0 {BO NR |B NO 00] NO NNR {RE WE 0] R0) ERE] NN EER RENE]! 1 nd Mrs Masdull Lovees, Mes em | 3a Carp was sik fos several ys, {ingler and Mrs. DW. Livengro: | pepl sow, if you sunt the jobhusters. mmm ERR