The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 03, 1929, Image 1
Volume XL Meyersdale Commercial Resum After # Lapse of Ten Years, The Commercial Again Takes Its Place Among Country News- papers—Does So Upon Friends — Will Devote News and General 0 tioh, Poetry and History Thrown in For Good Measure — In Party and Factional Politics, the ‘Commercial Will be Independent. es Publication Solicitation of Its Many its Columns to Matters Information, With Fic- After suspending publication some ten years ago, the Meyers- «dale Commercial again makes its bow to the reading public. resuming publication, we are not bringing a new paper to Meyers- We are simply taking up the work where we laid it down. The Commercial was acquired by the present editor, has been his property all these years and is his today. dale. We are encouraged in taking this In step by reason of the solicitation of many friends of the Commercial who for years have read its columns and cherished it as their favorite news- paper. In resuming publication, we are assured of the support of many leading citizens of this section of the county, and we shall endeavor io make the Commercial such a news- paper as shall measure up to their ex- pectations. ? It shall be the purpose of the editor to make th@ Commercial a newspaper in the truest sense of term. We shall employ every means to give its read- ers all the news that is fit to publish, and to bring to them all the informa- ‘tion that it is possible for us to mar- shally We shall furnish the readers with a continued story in generous weekly installments. We shall not forget the newspaper features, such as a cartoon, woman’s column, dairy » Wild Bells, Ring Out Ring out wild bells to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more; 3 Ring out the feud of rich and - (Copyright, W.N.U.) N’ wr CAAPPY WwW YEAR TU LATY AN ONS Lr SHAW MINE WILL Ng . during the rigorous 5 ‘out to meet them. column, agricultural column, graphy. shall add such features as may meet with the approval of its readers. In politics, the Commercial will be independent—not tied to any party or | 0_any: 3 ion. hie “purpose of the editor, through ‘ wolumns to condemn or malign any one, whose views and opinions he does not share. Far be it from the Com- ‘mercial to stoop to political mud slinging or party or factional propa- ganda. If a principle or moral issue is involved, this paper shall speak; commending the good and condemning ‘the evil. i Upon this basis, we enter upon our new career and invite the support and patronage of the public. We also in- vite you to use these columns freely. Any news that is fit for publication is welcome. People come and they go; there are visitors at your home and you visit at another’s; a birthday has been celebrated; perhaps you remain hale and hearty at 80; you recall some interesting circumstances of the past; a thousand and one things may come finto your life that are of inter- est to your friends—if you will bring in such news, we shall be glad to give it publicity through these columns. Weekly Health Talk “It is generally conceded that at / this time of the year the physical re- sistance of the average person is likely to be lower than during the ‘Open-air’ months. This results be- cause the usual winter habits of the individual do not include sufficient out-door life,” said Dr. Theodore B. Appel, Secretary of Health, today. “The natural tendency on the part of the average individual is to hug the heater, indulge almost exclusively in in-door recreation and reduce out- side exercise to a minimum. : Such habits invite germs to do their worst. “There is much more {fo consider weather than just keeping warm. | Many who Fol- low that unnatural practice definitely jeopardize their health and fall vic- tims to disease. In addition many more deprive themselves of that sense of ‘splendid wellbeing which winter so excellently affords. “Instead of pushing up the ther- ‘mometer to an unhealthy degree, complaining about the frigid weath- r and yearning for spring, one hould daily make a real friend of winter time by way of the long walk or . other exercises in the fresh air. ‘The cold northern blasts and the dry, risp atmosphere are literally laden with pep but they will not come into ‘one’s house and extend their advan- tages at the fireside. One must go #Jf everyone enjoying reasonable - héalth would make a real friend of winter and thus grasp the wonderful life-giving opportunities that it of- fers, the keen zest of high-powered ‘heslth would be realized by many thousands who now are satisfied with a half hearted existence and a chron- ie) gomplaint against freezing weath- or. #¥hercfore, make real winter for your safety and sake!" friends with health’s and stories dealing with history and geo- And as time goes on we i poor, Ly Ring in redress to all mankind, Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; : ] Ring in the nobler modes of lif 4 PRE A ‘Ring out the want, the care, the sin, Shy ; The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good, Ring out old shapes of foul dis- ease; Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, ° Ring in the Christ that is to be. —Tennyson. | Consolidation company, was selected RESUME OPERATION Jenkins Brothers Coal Company Ex- pects to Start Loading Coal Very Soon. ae) pte at : LO: possession of lings of the Consolidation Coal Company in purchase, are making every effort to start loading coal from their Shaw mine within the next few days. the past several weeks many men have been engaged in the work of cleaning up the workings and placing them in shape for service. These mines were not operated since last summer, but many of the former workingmen have continued to occupy the company houses. will be given employment first, and any who will move to the mines to tenant the houses that are empty will be the next to receive consideration by the new company. The former employees who had charge of the power plant under the old regime were also taken back. Hilton Thorn- ley, a former superintendent for the by the new company to have charge of the work. ‘Mr. Thornley for a number of years has been a resident of Meyersdale living on Salisbury street, South Side, and is considered one of the most efficient mining men that has come to the local region in years. It is believed that under his Former Editor of the Commercial Claimed by Death Rev. A. M. Schaffner, pastor of the Reformed Church of Plymouth, Pa., suffered a fatal stroke of paralysis Sunday evening, December 23, 1928. He will be remembered as editor of The 'Meyersdale Commercial for a number ’' of ‘years, having 'taken charge of the paper and becoming its owner soon after the death of Lou. Smith. Rev. Mr. Schaffner was born in Dauphin County, Pa., October 11, 1864. He was educated at Mercers- burg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa. Framklin and Marshall College and the Eastern Theological Seminary at Lancaster, Pa. He served charges at Emmitsburg, Md, Meadville, Pa., Ruffsdale,” ' Pa., 'Catawissa, '' Pa., Orangeville, Pa., and Plymouth, Pa. ARE YOU $17 RICHER? New York, Jan. 1 (Autocaster)— The American Bankers’ Association announces that in the past year there has been an increase of $17 a person in the United States. If you are not that much richer you are vie- tim of an ill wind that blew scmeone else your $17. A beauty parlor in Milwaukee is suing the telephone company because it was given the same number as an old ladies’ home. Some think this wasn’t very much of an error, All. which connects with the main line of ‘their road at a point about two miles west of Meyersdale. mines, with sidings being constructed for possibly a dozen additional open- supervision much of the coal in the old workings that has been given up for lost will be in a great measure reclaimed, much of it being of the ex- cellent “big vein” quality, than which there has never been any better min- ed in the entire county, it is claimed. The mine will be operated under the name of Shaw Big Vein Coal Co., Frostburg, Md. Along with the resumption of Shaw mines, it is reported from reliable sources that with the coming of spring there will be unusual activity in the new coal region recently opened up in the Blue Lick Valley through the ef- forts of Rowe Brothers, who induced the Western Maryland Railway Com- pany to build a fine broad gauge rail- road through their vast holdings, and Already several openings have been made and coal is being shipped from two or three ings. All of this will insure steady employment for many local work- men.* “Bu / a flower for our wire gir.” 3 “Haven’t one.” the south end of Somerset County by | For | All of these, Sustain Fractures Are Removed to Hospital —Car is Total Wreck. Mrs. John Rembold and Mrs. Jos- eph Rembold were seriously injured Monday morning when the car in which they were riding collided with a truck and touring, while enroute ‘from their home in Greenville Town- ship to Uniontown. Mrs. John Rembold suffered a frac- ture of a rib and Mrs. Joseph Rem- bold sustained two fractures of the pelvis bone. Mrs. John Rembold and the children in the party were at once taken to ‘the Wenzel hospital ‘by Dr. Perry who happened to be on the scene. Mrs. Joseph Rembold was later removed by ambulance to the same hospital where both are report- ed as resting well. Joseph Rembold, accompanied by his wife and children, and his mother, Mrs. John Rembold, were on their way to Uniontown at the time of the accident. The road was a glare of ice and his car skidded into the truck and touring car as aforesaid. The car that Mr. Rembold was driving is almost a total wreck and will not like- ly be reconditioned. Forgery Brings Heavy Penalty Harry Rininger, of Bedford County, charged with forgery, entered a plea of guilty in the Somerset Court Mon- day and was ordered to pay the costs and enter into bond in the sum of $1,- 000 for his good behavior for the next five years. He is also to keep in touch with Probation Officer A. D. Shaffer by writing every. two weeks for the first year and monthly there- after. tanley Shaffer, of Somerset, charged with failure to stop and ren- der assistance, was ordered to pay the costs and give a cash bond in the sum of $125 to appear when called. Mrs. Poorbaugh Called to Bedside of Sick Brother On Saturday, the: 29th of Decem- lau | Boswell. ial in the Union Cemetery. OR SELLING The sum of ed from the sale of ‘a consignment of Dick Wade of Boswell to larceny of the wir min of the Davis Coal and Coke Co. of Wade also was ordered to pay the costs of prosecution. ' John Uphouse of Milford township, who was bested in a fight with James Walters, a road supervisor of Milford township, some time ago, was order- ed to pay the costs and post his per- sonal bond of $1,000 to insure his good behavior for a period of one year. Uphousé¢ had pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery at the last September term of court and it was upon this plea that he was sen- tenced on Monday. Pensions Secured by Congressman Kendall Representative S. A. Kendall has recently assisted the following named soldiers and widows of soldiers in se- curing pensions and increases to which they had title under the exist- ing laws: Frank G. Sisley, Perryopolis, pen- sion of $20 per month, Albert W. Crissey, Listie, increase to $20. Calvin U. Engle, creases to $40. Daniel W. Varndell, Hopwood, pen- Salisbury, in- sion of $20. David Coleman, Boswell, increase to $90. Mrs. Martha E. Bloom, widow of William U., Uniontown, $30. John J. Smith, Uniontown, increase to $50. George Morey, Dunbar, increase to $30. John E. McNutt, Uniontown, in- crease to $90. Former Somerset Farmer Succumbs The body of Jacob Koontz, aged about 80 years, former resident of Somerset, whose death occurred Sat- urday in Harrisburg, was brought to Somerset Tuesday afternoon for bur- Services were conducted at the grave by the Rev. A. W. Hayes, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The burial was in charge of the Kennet W. Saam Funeral Home. ber, Mrs. A. W. Poorbaugh was call- ed ta Philipsburg, Pa., Center Co., to see her brother William Bowser, a “For your sweetheart.” ‘“Haven’t one.” : “For your best girl, then.” “Haven’t one.” least buy one. for yourself.” . A Russian couple were married and divorced in forty minutes the other day. This must be a stunt to get ally the big movie stars coming over to Russia. after Subscribe for the Commercial former citizen of Meyersdale, who took ill suddenly with an attack of acute brights disease and dropsy.| Three physicians were in comsularin “Since you're. so lucky, then at (concerning his condition. He was re-|to Harrisburg. moved to the Clinical hospital in Clearfield, where it is hoped his con- dition will soon be improved. Mrs. Poorbaugh was accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Streng and Mrs. I. P.| Brown. ‘rom a fire wrote his| What a way rescu Mr. Koontz was not married. He was a brother of the late Attorney William H. Koontz, of Somerset, who was well known as “General.” Jacob Koontz conducted a farm in Somerset Township for many years and several years ago he sold the farm and moved Now that the courts have decided that a man has the right to control his wife, all we have to do is tell the wives about it. Now that Mussolini of Italy oc- STOLEN COPPER WIRE] $40, which he realized |} wire to a ‘Somerset junk dedler, cost CB a - Two Deaths Result From Collision Of Bus With Automobile Last Friday Mrs. Louise Paugh and Two Year Old Son Die ~ From Injuries Sustained, When Motor Bus Crashes Into Rear of Automobile Reel’s Corners on the Lincoln Early Hour Friday Morning—Flames Set Fire to Car and the Victims Were Badly Burned. BE ————————————————————————— + | Mrs. Louise Paugh, aged 27 years, of Detroit, Mich., died in the Community Hospital, Somerset, on Saturday morning, as the re- sult of shock, burns, fracture of the pelvis and dislocation of the: right hip, received when the car in ‘which she was sitting was? crashed in a eollision with a motor bus near Reels Co ‘Lincoln Highway at 8:40 o'clock Friday morning. wi ——— James W. Paugh, her two-year old —— er —— “Gospel of St. Mark Chapter I The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet, i Behold, I send you my messen- '§ ger before thy face, who shall pre- : pare thy way; : The ‘voice of lone crying in the wilderness; | ff dA Make ye ready the way of the rd, WL ‘Make his paths straight; {§ wilderness and preached the bap- § tism of repentance unto remission: alem; and they iim in the river ir sins. And baptize you with the Holy Ghost. . And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Naz- areth of Galilee, and’ was baptized of John in the Jordan.., And ‘straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rent as- under, and the Spirit as a ‘dove de- scending upon him: and a voice came out of the heavens, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased. ! 2 And straightway the = Spirit driveth him forth into the wilder- ness. And he was in the wilder- ness forty days tempted of Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto m, re | John came, who baptized in the’ went out unto | of Judea, and § son died immediately following the accident, death broken neck. Detroit, received burps over whole : body, but suffered no frac-" tures. Community Hospital where her con- dition is regarded as serious. : Both the private car and bus we westbound, the Detroit party on thei ‘Thomas, W. Va. ‘On the mountain a | highway ‘slippery and Mr. Paugh and Mr. White decided chains were nec- essary to safety. {to stop without pulling off the road [entirely. The big’ bus b reasonable rate of speed, investigat- ‘but the driver failed to see = of Vater; b he shall § Put a Crimp in Crime In New York State the Baumes Crime Commission is expected to en- deavor to amend the jury law at the 1929 session of the Legislature. One of the chief difficulties is in securing intelligent jurors. Incon- veniences met with; ti lost by talesmen from business; “old-fashion- ed, obsolete” statutes covering jury duty; low pay of jurymen and the many exemptions that have been made by law make “one wonder that any intelligent jury is ever obtain- ed,” says the commission. Those who are urging a change say that the present body of the jury duty law is in many respects archaic and does not serve a useful purpose today. Similar conditions will be found in all states and it has been suggested that a study of all state laws relating to jury duty be made for the purpose of eliminating parts which have become obsolete. The intelligence of jurymen and quick selection of a jury has a mark- ed effect upon the proper expeditious administration of the law. Courts become confused and interest is often lost in cases where proceedings are slowed up hy out-of-date technicali- ties of law which are applied to se- lecting juries and trying eriminals. Improvements in the means of ap- prehending, trying and punishing criminals, in a speedy manner, will do more to reduce crime than all the anti-revolver laws, which affect only law-abiding citizens, that can be pro- posed or passed. Let the heavy hand and not on the individual who minds his own business and respects the rights of others. able by imprisonment, according to a new rule, in Italy. Already two mar- sult penalties caught breaking this seven cabinet post§, there are an ill wind that blows onds, but clothing were alm’ * COLs ¢ Word of the accident was speeded to Somerset and the Brooks & Hauger ambulance responded to the call, bringing back the dead body ‘of the infant and the two women who were: burned. No one in the bus was in- Jjured. © { ] — Although the officers in charge of the State Highway Patrol detail at. Bedford released Herbert Rhodes, of Pittsburg, alleged to have been the driver of the bus, which was of the Nevins Bus Company Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y, it appears that a more thor- ough investigation of the case will be made. District Attorney James B. Landis, of Somerset, dispatched two detee~ tives, Ed. G. Darr and Bert F. Lan- * dis, to the scene of the wreck for an investigation. A Coronal investiga- tion was made Saturday afternoon at the mortuary of Brooks & Hauger and the coroner’s jury exonerated the bus driver, Herbert Rhodes, of Pitts- burgh, of practically all blame. Nevin Bus Company should funeral expenses. The bodies of Mrs. Paugh and her . two-year-old son were Thomas, W. Va., Sunday by Under- takers Brooks & Hauger. of the family are located at Thomas, pay the their Christmas vacation and from which place they were returning at the time of the tragedy. REV.].M.EVANS PASSES AWAY AT The Rev. John Miles Evans, who was well known in this section some : 45 years ago, died of a paralytic. stroke, his death occuring Dec. 18, in his 81st year. Rev. Evans had been pastor of four congregations, now constituting the Paradise and the Wilhelm charges of | August 9, 1848. the Reformed Church, Somerset Classis. : Rev. Mr. Evans was born near Spring Mills, Center County, Pa. He was educated at Penn Hall and Bellefonte Academies, Franklin and Marshall College and | the Eastern Theological Seminary, lo- of the law rest on the law-breaker | s have been postponed as a re-| imposed upon lovers | cated at Lancaster, Pa. He served the following pastorates: Currlsville, Pa., six years; Paradise (Salisbury), eight years; Red Bank, or i | Pa., ten years; St. John’s, Pa, eight Kissing under the moon is punish- | years ‘and Spring City, Pa., seven years. Leach Cross, famous pugilist, has > a dentist. Probably he will ) be a very i on inexpens 1 do wif Parked Near Highway atan rners on the 2, resulting from . a 7 PR _ Mrs. Hazel White, aged 18, also of + : 5 54, the = She was also removed to the’ (way ‘home from a Christmas visit at" light fall of snow had rendered the . At such an early * ‘hour, evidently they deemed it safe for: Wi bi) 6, Pittsburg came down a grade, at a © « © The!" jury, however, recommended that the’ shipped to Relatives where the accident victims had spent © ADVANCED AGE ed sds Are a ur 3