a INT id p— Ny V oe ~ week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foley. A 6 morning. and friends here. Te Pittsburg #@3k Commercial, MEYERSDALE, PA., JULY 4, 1018, NO. 18. : Fourth dt home. : + The boys “over there” will celebrate it for the rest of us. Rev. J. J. Brady spent Tues- day in Johnstown, Miss Ella McMurrer is visit- ing relatives in Pittsburgh. : Mrs. John Stacer returned Monday from a visit in Cum- berland. Mr. Frank Lowery, of Boyn- ton, was in town ‘Monday| Mrs. Simon M. Bittner was in Cumberland, Wednesday, on business. Sh Mr. D. J. Fike was a busi.| ness caller in Cumberland, Wednesday. : Mr. Charles Claar, of Gar-| ret, was a business caller in town, Saturday. ae wi Mr. ‘Adam _ Robertson, ‘of - Boynton, was a business caller in town, Friday. # : ‘Mr. Blaine Sellers, of Bewis-| town, Pa., is visiting di | guests at the home of Mr. and Make it a safe and sane W. Collins. Mrs. John Dixon and Miss Elizabeth Nahon, who were Tx Mrs. James Dixon, returned to Connellsville. R "DEBS IN PRISON: “Shorty”. Raupach, of Fair- hope, the efficient second trick | Veteran Socialist = and Labor relatives | Tw 0 operator ‘at. the “FO” Tower, was calling on friends in Mey- ersdale, Monday. = ei Miss Ruth Gloss, who attended the funeral ‘of their relative, Mrs. Howard ..Gléssner, have returned to Versailles, Pa.» . “Corporal Charles A. Shuma-| = ker has returned to Camp Han- cock, Ga., after spending a ten. day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shumaker. Eugene Victor Debs was as theaters of the city. ry *™e " SIPPLEVILLE. — | arrival in the city. Miss-Kathryn Sipple visited several} AER days at George Shockeys in Greenville. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Tressler motored | ' to Cumberland, Sunday, ‘where they | visited relatives. . *, sy Mrs, W. A. Frease Has returned from | Akron, Ohio, where she was visiting | ‘her four daughters. EP hal ~~ good for something er and chi off" Mr. George Ries,’ of C Run, was a business caller her Monday morning. Miss Daisy Ohler, of Sand i Patch, visited friends here sev- e visiting rela-| r, of Pittsburgh, | 8 sister, Mrs. Sam- eral days this week. ~~ Mrs. John Saylor and Mr. t returned to C h, and friends here, Sunday. : Miss Catherine McKenzie visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McKenzie, Sunday. Mr. Simon Miller, of Springs, was a pleasant caller at the Commercial Office, Thursday. Mr. George Growall, of Cen- ter Church, was caller in day. Mrs. Levi Deal and two sons, Ross and Carl, visited relatives in Berlin, Pa., several days this Meyersdale, Satur- Mrs. R. G. Hillegas, of Char- lotte, N. C., is the guest of her ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Younkin and little daughter spent Sun- day in Stoyestown visiting rel- atives. Miss Helen Lichty has re- turned from = Cumberland, where she visited relatives and friends. ‘Miss Anna Graves, of Cleve- land, O., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graves. i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Black and daughter, Miss Mary, re- turned Wednesday from a bus- iness trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin and little son, of Acosta, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Irwin . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prov- ence and son Charles, have re- turned to Masontown, Pa., af- ter a visit with relatives here. Mr. William Martin, Gar- rett’ss hustling cobbler -and chief burgess, was a business caller in Meyersdale, Monday. Mrs. Edward Stahl and two sons, William and Glenn, of Akron, are guests of their rel- atives, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Deal. relatives a business]. friend, Miss Saturday last. daughter, of Virginia, were re- cent visitors Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sipple. as mail carrier in Mr. H. M. Sipple’s place while the latter : brotherhood to] f the rs Mrs. W. A. Frease is visiting in Akron. The frost did not do much damage in this vicinity. i i - Miss Margaret Shockey is] ' visiting at George Sipple’s. Leader In Toils-- | Mrs. James Daugherty and| the Infamous : i He is one of the World ’s Five Fons Greatest Orators ‘Ohio, where he was scheduled to speak in one of the largest oF The grand jury in secret session indicted Debs prior to his The charge against Debs is th for the Bolsheviki-meaning the Majority rulé-in Russia and radicals + + inthe American labor movement ina legtiare delivered at Canton two “weeks ago at which time he is said to h : e © more than cannon fodder, according to the press reports. "The andience which had assembled to hear Debs lecture in Oloveland, when informed that he was - _ authoritie$ upon his arrival in the city, Tai Iy address your scholarly orations on fre do ~ Debs must be given his freedom and the infamous espionage act drop- ; ped from the statute books of our country. * With Gene Debs under lock and key no comrade can himself feel free. : Eber K. Cockley, Business Manager, - Commercial Co-operative Council. Espionage Law arrested Sunday in Cleveland, E at he publicly expressed sympathy e remarked that men are n/into custody by federal d $1,000 00 for his defense. resident Wilson: >, Pa, July 2nd, 1918. hington, D. C. ns you cannot consistent. liberty and a common ea. Two thousand readers. stile and fair play + home then’ ar arity is to begin 46 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sipple returned from their wedding trip, Tuesday. : Mr. J I. Tressler and family were the guests of Mr. Henry Sipple, Sunday last. Mr. Walter Fike is quite a frequent’ caller at George Sip- ple’s lately. We wonder why? Misses Margaret and Lillian Sipple visited their uncle, Wil- son Weimer, of Meyersdale, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vogtman visited relatives and friends in Cumberland and Frostburg, last week. : Miss Helen Lloyd, of Pitts- burgh, was the guest of her Kathryn Sipple, COAL RUN. Akron. very ill for a few days, is improving. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C..R. Marlin, of Fairmont, W. Va. While picking cherries last Thurs- day Mr. George Ries had the misfor- tune to fall from a tree, breaking sev- eral ribs and being injured otherwise. . SHADY LAWN Miss Mary Fike, of Meyersdale was a caller at H. L. Griffiths. Mrs. Joseph Shelbaer and daughter, Mrs. H. H. Saylor, spent Wednesday at Howard Millers. Mrs. Milton Bittner, of Meyersdale, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Downie, Wednesday. Miss Florence Martz, of Keystone Mines, was a Sunday caller at the home of Mr. Orville Shelbaer. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Fike were visit- ing at the home of the former’s broth- er, Mr. Dennis Fike, of Meyersdale. Mrs. Emma Lehman and at the home of Mr. P. C. Burkholder acted Miss Madge May has returned to “Mrs. C. P. Hersh, who had been Mrs. Henry Hersh is visiting her JOHN STEIN. The community was shocked after noon, Friday, June 28th, that Mr. John Stein, one of the town’s oldest and highly re- spected citizens, had commit- ted suicide by shooting himself at high noon. He died at 12:45 o’clock. Melancholy is said to have caused him to end his life in this manner, and so unexpectedly. Funeral services were held at his late home at 4:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. Luther Frantz, of the Lutheran Church. Interment in the Un- ion cemetery. His wife and the following named children survive: Mrs. Nora Winters, Mrs. Pius Speicher, Mrs. John Ryan, and Mr. Geo. Stein, all of Somer- set; Mrs. W. C. Hatter, of Ni- tro, W. Va.; Mrs. John Hewes, % when it was learned shortly was away on his honeymoon. Stuart and Ora Christner at- tended a farewell party at Ac- cident, Md., in honor of Mel- vin Hetz, who is leaving for Camp Tulsa. Rev. Dennis Sipple and fam- ily, of Summit Station, Pa. ; | of Martin, Ky.; and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bonheimer CONTROL OF VENERAL DISEASES Adopted by the health of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the twenty- first day of June, 1918. By authority of Act of April 27, 1905. FIRST: Syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid are infectious diseases, highly dangerous to | the public health and a spe- cial menace to the military or- ganizations of the United States in the time of war, therefore, it is the duty of the State Department of Health and all public health authori- ties to adopt and enforce every precaution consistent with ex- isting laws to prevent the spread of the infection there- from. ‘SECOND: The Commis- sioner of Health of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby authorized to prepare and furnish to the practicing physicians of the Common. wealth circulars of instructions advising persons afflicted with any. of the said diseases as to what precautions must be tak- en in order to prevent commun- ication of the disease to others. THIRD: It is hereby de- clared the duty of every phy- sician when first attending any person. afflicted with syphilis, ghonorrhea or chanecroid, to deliver to such person one of the circulars of information and instructions furnished him by the Commissioner of Health for the disease with which such person is afflicted. - FOURTH: Any person suf- {fering with syphilis, gogorrhea, Mex... Dy Compton and Ms. ON On q a Fd - lar of instructions hos Bony livered who shall wilfully fail, neglect or refuse to practice the precautions provided in Said circular is hereby declared to be a menace to the public health, and the State Depart- ment of Health or any local Board or Deparment of Health is hereby authorized and di- rected to place such person un- der quarantine, together with the premises on which he or she may have been found and to continue sueh quarantine until a certificate of recovery or non-infectiousness signed by a practicing physician is furn- ished for such case to the said health authorities, such quar- antine to be established and maintained in the same man- ner that quarantine is estab- lished and maintained for other communicable diseases in ac- cordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly of. May 28, 1915. FIFTH: The Commssioner of Health is hereby authorized and directed to post notices in all public toilets in the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania warning the public of the dan- ger from venereal diseases and the necessity for prompt and proper treatment, such notices to be supplemented wherever possible by directions as to where and at what periods free treatment may be had at a gen- REGULATION S FOR THE advisory board of the department of ST. PAUL, Mr. Oscar Sipple, of Meyers- dale, was circulating among hig friends here, Sunday. Miss Elsie Sipple entertained a number of her friends from Boynton, Sunday evening. Mrs.- Calvin Rhodes and daughter, Miss Edna, are down with diphtheria at this writ- ing. The Lutheran Church pre- sents a better appearance since the old roof has been replaced by a new one. The Young Men’s Class will hold a lawn fete at the local Reformed Church, Saturday night, July 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sechler were visiting at the home of Mr. and’ Mrs. W. D. Miller, of Springs, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. L. N. Wilson and son Paul, attended the Re- formed Sunday School Conven- tion at Frostburg, last week. b In last week’s items the typ- ist caused us to say “Mrs. Sam- uel Livengood” when it should have been “Mr. Samuel Liven- rood of Salisbury, assisted by vlaying the violin in the Chil- dren’s Day exercises in the Re- formed ‘Church, Sunday.” Mrs. W. H. McClintock and Miss Pearl Hay were the dele- ". gates of the St. Paul Reformed Church Sunday School, and der. ‘the two Organized Classes, tothe Convention'held at Frost- burg, Wednesday and Thurs-. day of last week. : > Mr. and Mrs. Ira Miller and children, of Fentress, Va., and Misses Ella and Esta Miller, of Scottdale, were visitors at the hothe of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lepley, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and children ex- pect to return home July 5th, accompaned by Miss Ella Mil- ler, in the latter’s Ford car. WEST SUMMIT. Our farmers are busily en- gaged making hay by the ton. Misses Viola Haer and Sadie Baker have returngd from the East. 3 Master Victor Snyder visit- ed friends in New Centreville recently. Mr. Lloyd Vought was a bus- iness caller in Meyersdale, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sanner were guests of the latter’s par: ent’s over Sunday. Pow Mrs. John Heining and son were business callers at Rock- wood, Saturday last. ito-urinary dispensary of the Department of Health or other free dispensary. Messrs. Harvey Marker and and daughter, Miss Evelyn, of Mey- ersdale were calling at J. S. Millers, Thursday evening. Mr. H. L. Miller, Mrs. Orville Shel. | baer and son Lamar, Miss Sadie Martz | and Mrs. Clayton Stotler motored to | Cumberland, Thursday. Adamson, of town. Tightwad. “I understand that Mr. Pinchpenny has been operated on for appendicitis,” remarked Miss Cayenne. “Yes. It's the first time any one was Hostetler are employed at Gar- and Mr. Robert Downie and family, Mies : known to get anything out of him.” Mr» William Robertson and family, “And even then they had to give him chloroform to get that.” wso have been visiting relatives in this neighborhood, departed for Frostburg last week, where they will visit Mrs. Sipple’s mother, Mrs, Mayer. The main street of our vil- | lage was closed to traffic sev-| eral days while the old wooden | bridge was being replaced by | a ‘new .concrete structure, | which is a great improvement! and which adds much. to the ral « ranea r +h DOTY general appearance of the con Mr. and Mrs.' DeForrest Ludwig, of Pittsburgh, are vig- iting at the home of the | Mr. and Mr; of'Meyersdale, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Downie, Sunday. daughters, Misses Lillian and Lavern, | Te . eo - of Johnstown, spent Sunday at the | CAUSES of infant mortality are home of Mrs, Courtney’s brother, Mr. (these two: Poverty and ignor- Jonas Fike. Sunday morning and evening | Diehl. SIXTH: All persons hereby notified and cautioned that the said notices provided for in the above regulation are placed in public toilets in ae- cordance with a rule and regu- lation of the State Department of Health of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney and | “It is manifest that the chief lance. As the elimination of m— | these would involve the sub- CHURCH NOTICE. | version of our present social or- der, it would seem futile to talk There will services this! . : Hie t be services this of the reduction of the infant rshall mutilate, deface that any person or persons who or de- stroy any such notice will be by so doing violating a rule -and regulation of the State Depart- ment of Health, and will he subject. to the penalties pro- vided by the Act of Assembly of April 27, 1905, for such vio- lation. : . A NAR AAs WS are|rett shoveling black diamonds. Mr. Irvin Baker and Miss Elsie Walter attended the fes- tival at Blackfield, evening. Saturday The inclement condition of the weather, which kept peo- ple away from the services at Center Church, Saturday even- ing, resulted in the postpone- ment of the meeting. ROBERTSON-SAYLOR. Charles Robertson, son of { Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robertson, of Boynton, and Jessie Saylor, death rate to reasonable limits| ; bent He 'The | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- « . . 1 a VOl D J — 0 ’ - | z 1 r 1 {at the . Meyersdale Christian unless we can at the same time | an you: beat 1it—The ‘Com vey Saylor, of Meyersdale, | vis} Had Mp Ten Sa a Emerci: veek $1.25 per oy Ql} Church, conducted by Mr. do away with these great] CrCl P1.49 DPOr| woape nites ma Sat 3 Yas