The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 27, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 17.
relatives in Cumberland.
Mrs. Ralph Engle, of Berln,
was a business caller here, Fri-
Miss Helen Loyd, of Pitts-
burg, is visiting friends in this
Mrs. Charles
Rockwood, spent
Miss Helen Loose, Greenville,
Pa., is the guest of Miss Hilda
Shroyer, * of
Mrs. Layton Hutchinson,
Pittsburg. spent Tuesday in
Rev. Alexander Steel has
returned from
in New York.
Mr. Eber K. Cockley was
calling on friends in Holsopple,
Sunday -evening,
Mr. William Niehenke, of
Garrett, was a busness caller
in town Tuesday.
Mrs. George Miller and three
children are visiting relatives
and friends in Johnstown.
Mrs. Bert Claar, of Garrett,
was calling on friends in Mey-
ersdale-, Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Black and
daughter. Miss Mary, are in
New York on a business trip.
* Miss Daisy Ohler, of Sand
Patch, visited friends in .town
the former part of the week.
Mrs, E. J. Loraditch® and
0. children. Pocahontas, Pa.,
fesy days. RR )
Miss Burnedette Crowe, of
Somerset, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C.
E. Crowe.
Mrs. Alice Leckemby and
son Herbert, returned Wed-
nesday from a few days’ visit
in Connellsville,
Mrs. Minerva Stratton and
her mother Mrs. John Wilhelm
are visiting relatives and
friends in Frostburg, Md.
Miss Pauline Groff is spend-
ing several weeks in Lonacon-
ing and Cumberland, Md., vis-
iting relatives and friends.
Mrs. A. C. Bittner, of Mt.
Pleasant, Pa., is the guest of
her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cramer,
Mrs. Edward Crise, who was
the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Stein, Jr., re-
turned to Cumberland, Wed-
nesday. .
Miss Mary June Wiland has
returned from California, Pa.,
where she attended the com-
mencement exercises of Cali-
fornia State Normal.
Miss Helen Lichty spent
Wednesday in Cumberland,
Md., visiting her mother Mrs.
Bruce Lichty, who is a patient
in the Allegheny hospital.
a few days’ visit
you your ticket for the
John Stacer is visiting
our people been brought face to face with a condition such as
they are called upon to meet at this time.
paign within the memory of those now livin
was ever fought with such grave consequen
paign we are now about to enter and which
during the two or three months preceding the election this fall.
Every Socialist hopes that it will
imperialists everywhere and that the terms of peace will be so
ordered as to give rise to a world federation of nations that will
forever put an end to militarism and war,
fronted with the solution of the most tremendous problem they
have ever been called upon to meet—the problem of social re-
construction after the war.
solution is bound up the we
for generations to come.
millions are in the military establishment with the prospect that
hundreds of
the conflict ends.
and the millions that will come marching home at the close of
the war?
employed ?-
the highways and
nen Will. reel sear Of, intensly, the Standard of life of
those employed will suffer fearful reductions and social disor-
der menace the entire fabric of society,
constructed .as to avoid this very thing.
re-constructed after the war is nothing
capitalst system of private ownership under which the mass of
our people are but pawns in the game of
mount issue in the forthcoming congressional campaign.
interests of those who work here in America and the mill
who have been inducted into the military service and are
on the battle lines in Europe—the interests of these is of
importance and must have first consideration.
tect their interests and meet the tremendous
must take place when industry is passing back fr
a, peace basis the following brief outlin
reconstruction is presented as th
the end desired.
Mesdames Elizabeth Cox,
Michael Keegan, and William
Hay returned Sunday from
Clarksburg, W. Va., where
they attended the funeral of a
Miss Elizabeth Hauger, of
Connellsville, Pa., Mrs. Lewis
Burke and two children, of
Johnstown, Pa., are visiting at
the home of the two former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rev. C. B, King, D. D., of
Pittsburgh, who is in this vi-
cinity in the interest of a $200,-
000 endowment fund that he is
raising for the Susquehanna
University, of Selinsgrove, Pa.,
will preach at the Meyersdale
Lutheran Church, Sunday
morning, and at the Garrett
Lutheran Church, Sunday eevn-
Next Sunday services preparatory
to the Holy Communion will be held
in Amity Reformed Church. The Com-
munion will be celebrated the follow-
ing Sunday, the first Sunday in July.
The hours of service will be 10:45 a.
At no time in the history of the life of our republic have
No political ecam-
g here in America
ces as is the cam-
will be fought out
The Paramount Issue.
Sooner or later the present world war will come to an end.
end with the defeat of the
However this may be, the American people will be con-
With the success or failure of that
al or woe of the American people
Millions of our people are engaged in war work. Two
thousands more will. be called into service before
- What is to become of the millions engaged in war work
Are they to become recruits for the ar
If they are then hundreds of thousag®h 3 :
b y Wa 8 ( f Am a: 4 # co EL
The Socialist Party contends that society must be so re-
That which has to be
less than the present
competitive industrial-
This question of social reconstruction will be the para-
In order to pro-
dislocation that
om a war tao
e of a program of social
e most feasable means to reach
~1. A guarantee by the government to every worker
of the right to employment under healthy conditions,
reasonable hours of labor at an income sufficient to m
all the reasonable requirements
with ample
2. Whenever the Private employer fails to provide
employment under these conditions, the government shall
be in duty bound to function as the employer and shall
acquire possession of any industr :
meet these provisions.
of a well ordered life
provisions for education, recreaton and
y whose owners fail to
3. The above provisions to be made operative
through (a) the regulation of industry, (b) direct em-
ployment by the government, (c) abolition of child labor,
(d) legal minimum wages and regulation of prices based
on the ascertained cost of a decent standard of life, (e)
old age pensions, disability and unemployment insurance,
(f) progressive nationalization and democratization of in-
the rate of interest on the mon-
With this in
ing program for the democra
telephones, steamship
portation and commumication
tne many by the few.
ment as suits its purposes.
America, from colonial days
is a history of the gradual,
of our‘people as owners of
industries in the hands of a
private profit.
There is no longer any do
dustria System or the ability
any question but that sufficient
nently fair conditions of labor
short to allow leisure for self-
of a normal and well ordered
But this cannot be done s
our mills and mines, our fields
“ofits Bf speculation and even
discoveries to be expended in
gle feértcontrol of the sources
asiless, rich class.
eat the cake and still have if
social arrangement of private
Somerset, Pa.
June 21, 1918.
Editor Commercial:
Doubtless you have observed
the publicity which the daily
papers have recently been giv-
ing to the War Savings Stamps
fort has been given to this in
Somerset County but it is urged
that all possible publiciy be
given in your next issue of the
No concerted ef-
Class Poverty.
cient wealth vear after year to make the United States immune
from class poverty or any widespread destitution, nor is there
reasonable need of every man, woman and child under emi-
some distant foreign market or to be absorbed by in-
rietors and then devoted very largely
We cannét permit the o
Party proposes that the surplus wealth of the
shall be retained by the commonwealth.
It is this proposal for the appropriation by the common-
wealth of the national surplus for the common good that dis-
tinguishes the Socalist Party from the democratic and republi-
can and all other American political parties, standing as they
do, essentially for the maintenance, unimpaired, of the present
It is this program of social reconstruction that the Socialist
Party proposes to make the issue in
It goes without saying that the election of Socialists
is the only effective way to give this
With this important work ahead of us it is imperative
that every adherent to or believer in
tion should become affiliated with the Socialist Party.
cal organizations everywhere will
each new comrade, and of new sympathizers.
| Meyersdale, to complete their
view, the Socialist Party presents the follow-
tization of industry:
1. . National ownershp of the railroads, telegraphs and
lines and all other social means of trans-
2. National ownership of all trustified industries and all
land held for speculation or exploitation,
3. National ownership of all banking estabishments and
of all socially beneficial insurance.
: : a weeks with relatives in town.
The present social order is founded on the exploitation of
The owning class maintains a hard and
fast manopoly of the products of our mills, mines and factories,
sells them to the highest bidder and gives or withholds employ-| P
The history of the development of
to the present, from the hand
method of producton to the highly efficient machine method,
ogressive elimination of the mass
the means of production and distri-
bution and the concentration of the ownership of our essential
favored few who exploit them for
ubt about the capacity of our in-
of our producers to create suffi-
can be produced to supply every
and with a workday sufficiently
development and the enjoyment
o long as we allow the riches of
and factories, together with the
the natural outcome of scientific
the senseless competitive strug-
of exploitation or to be shipped
the luxury
ng class to
The Socialist
United States
for our own use.
ownership of the means of life.
the coming congressional
program a hearing in con-
this program of reconstruec-
The lo-
be thankful for the aid of
The Board of Control of the
Western Pennsylvania Fire-
men’s Association met Satur-
day evening in the Moose Hall,
arrangements for the big con-
vention which is coming to
Meyersdale the week of Au-
Messrs. Millard Lowry and Al-
bert Reitz, motored to Broth-
ersvalley one
where they were the guests of
Mrs. Slossnagle, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yaist
spent Saturday evening in Mey-
Mr. William Rees, of Mey-
ersdale, was a Salisbury visi-
tor, Monday. ;
Mrs. Harry Garlitz, of Dar-
rah, Pa., is spending several
Mrs. P. L. Swank is spending
several weeks with her moth-
er, Mrs. A. M. Orris, at Lovett,
Mr. Clarence Hetrick. of
Garrett County, Md.. was a
Salisbury visitor Saturday even.
Mrs. Oberlin Engle was a vis-
itor at the home of her father,
Mr. Howard Yaist, Monday
Miss Leona Thomas, of Ak-
ron, is spending the summer
with her aunt, Mrs. George
Mrs. Frank Ringler left for
Pittsburgh last week to visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Gray.
Mrs. Roscoe Welfly and chil-
dren spent the forepart of last
week in Summit township with
the former’s sister, Mrs. N DP
Mr. Victor Schramm is nurs-
ing a sore hand which he in-
jured by accidentally cutting it
with a cross cut saw while at
work in the mines.
Mrs. Leo Hendrix, of Swiss-
vale, arrived. last week to live
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Keller, her husband hay-
ing gone to the army. di
Misses Pauline Rees and Ed-
na Morrison, of Pittsburgh, re-
turned home last week after
visiting relatives and friends
here for several weeks.
Mrs. Herman Reiber, of
town, and Mrs. Harry Garlitz,
of Darrah, spent Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week in
Somerset visiting the former's
son, John Reiber, and family.
The frost Sunday night did
not do as much damage to gar-
dens here as was at first esti-
mated. Some places escaped
injury altogether, but reports
are that in the lowlands here-
abouts considerable damage
was done,
Mrs. Elijah Newman and
Mrs. Annie Kretchman,
day last week,
Kretchman’s daughter,
We have bright prospects in
several voung men of Salisbury
who will eventually vie with
Snakeologist Jerry Shoemaker
as snake charmers.
maker usually kills the rep-
tiles, but not so with these fel-
and bring them in alive.
Sunday John Walker, Jr., and
William Simpkins captured a
Mr. Shoe-
They catch the snakes
gust 12-17, 1918. All officers !
paper to this Governmental re-
quest to secure purchases and |
for War
Savings |
The cause needs no explana-
ion; the security offered and
problem, the Socialist Pa
private capitalist, individual an
ship and control of industry,
work, either with hand or brai
ity and for the community only.
ger be abandoned to private emp
not on the service of the commu
their being only on the utmost
: Socialist Party seeks a genuine
the nation’s industry on the ba
and democratic control of the
and distribution, together wit
broceeds among all who parti
pacity and only among these,
services and occupations, of th
m. and 7:30 p. m.
ministration and control
{ promote the public w
- dustry.
This is only a beginning. As 3 final solution of the social
rty demands the elimination of the
d joint stock, from the owner-
and the setting free of all who
n, for the service of the commun-
Our industries should no lon-
loyers ‘with their minds bent,
nity, but by the very law of
measure of self-interest.
ly scientific reorganization of
sis of the collective ownership
socialized means of production
h the equitable sharing of the
cipate in any socially useful ca-
and the adoption, in particular
ose systems and methods of ad-
that may be found in practice, best to
ey is the best in the world for
small invesments. The greater
the amount of purchases and
pledges to purchase War Sav-
ings Stamps, the less will be the
Fourth Liberty Loan,
We do not like to see Som-
erset County behind in this ac-
tivity and therefore urge your
community to see to it that a
public meeting is arranged for
to stimulate the spirit of the
public and have a committee
secure all the peldges possible.
As publicity secretary of the
Liberty Loan Campaigns I have
been urged to ask the greatest
possible publicity you can give
Engle, Tuesday, June 25th, a
of the Association were present £
at the meeting, at which the
final arrangements were made.
An interesting address was
made by the Hon. John F.
Lowers, of Alleghany county,
on “Our Boys in the Service,”
and short talks were made by
ive blacksnake which measur-
ed nearly five feet, brought it
o town, and had a great time
exhibiting it to the astonished
the President of the Associa- RED CROSS $132.75.
tion, Mr. W. E. DeBolt, also by Report of Musical given by
Mr. W. H .Sarah, Secretary, Frostburg Musical Trio, aus-
and others. The
Harmony p
Quartette, of McKeesport, en-
tertained those present at the
meeting, as well as rendering
some fine selections for the
benefit of the public in front
of the Citizens’ Bank before
ices “Young Americans Or-
ganization of Meyersdale’” for
benefit local branch American
Red Cross.
Auditorium Thursday evening,
June 13, 1918.
Held in Reich’s
going to the Hall. Receipts
te Advertisements $ 15.00
ST. PAUL Tickelg sold... 169.40
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Expenditures
CIty Rental for Reich’s
to this campaign in your next boy. Auditoriom
ne sage day comes on Mrs. Samuel Livengood, of Tuning piano ......
fe <Bin, Salisbury, assisted by playing | Miscellaneous ........
Very truly, the violin in the Children’s D: Printing...
P. G. COBER, | Exe dm 1G hs 4Y| Balance to Red Cross
Liberty Loan Publicity Se J ie e :