velties. be called ETTE, as ch of the and pop- dramatic on. Their | snappy. pany are, ist; Bur- Vera Mac. lan Ham- Florence: R COM |USICAL Y. ie big mu- onal Lin- sonnel of three ar- It is an olinist, is violin de- - of AVis- n concerts Union and accompa- artist of ly sympa- and her so- ents in e Soprano, emarkable likened rci, » the third iiss Beers presenting A GREAT ty Se THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL J ie = Condensed Statement CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF MEYERSDALE, PA. At Close of Business, May 10th, 1618 RESOURCES Loans ond Investments... ..... $1,035,741.00 U. S. Bonds 413,038.10 Banking House 30,200.00 Cash 66,347.33 Due from Banks and Reserve Agents 239,616.51 $1,784,942.94 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 65,000.00 Surplus and-Prefiis. ... ... 155,027.29 Circulation 65,000.00 Deposits 1,324,915.65 War Loan Deposit... 175,000.00 $1,784,942.94 The Citizens National Rank “The Bank With The Clack With Tha Midian’ x — a Will get in the BANK whether YOU put them there or not. Hf you SPEND ALL your income SOME ONE else will deposit YOUR money. It is better to do your OWN BANKING. [day | We have modern hy facilities, COME IN and see us’ TO! DAY. YOUR ACCOUNT RESPRCTRULLY INVITED. The First National Bank of Salisbury, OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED DON'T MATTER IF BROKEN We pay up to 15 dollars per set. Also cash for Old Gold, Silver and broken Jewelry. Check sent by re- Goods held 10 days for sender’s approval of our offer. Ma- zer’s Tooth Specialty, Dept. A, 2007 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. C THE DIAMOND BRAND. SN Ladies! Ask your Drugglet for Chi-ches-ter 8 Diamon s in Red and Gold metallic Bw boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. ake no other. Buy of youre Prugeist. bok for CHOI BS TER 8 DIAMOND DIAND PILLS, for 26 3 yearsknown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable OLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE turn mail, ran J ELK LICK, PA. | J. T. Yoder JOHNSTOWN Sells the Champion Cream Saver nil THE NEW Cpe < BE LAVAL — ID you know that while other manufacturers are raising their prices to meet the soaring cost of materials, The De Laval Separator Company is putting out at no increase in price a bigger and better cream separator than ever before—a separator with a self-centering bowl, a bell speed-indicator that insures operation at the proper speed, and many other important improvements ? The NEW De Laval embodies the greatest improvements in cream separator cone struction in the last 30 years. The NEW De Laval has greater capacity. The NEW De Laval skims even closer. The NEW De Laval is even simpler in construction. The NEW De Laval is even more sanitary. And you get all these improvements without one cent increase in the price. The first time you come to town drop in and see : . i one of these new machines. We know you will | be interested in the new self-centering bowl, the new milk-distributing device, the improved | discs, the bell speed-indicator, and the im- proved automatic oiling system—all fea- | Cross-section of New Bowl tures that are found only in the NEW De Lavzl. You can buy a De Laval from us on such terms that it will pay for itself while you are using it. But even if you are not ready to buy yet, come in and look the machine over. It will be worth your while. We— The ‘‘warning signal” that insures operatiom at proper speed. ~ REE TE ER RS afl . | GRACE BLOUGH. GARRETT. Miss Grace, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Brtorprite defented South Blough, of Boynton, died of ty- phoid fever, in the Presbyter- ian Hospital, Waterloo, Iowa, Sunday morning, June 9th, 1918, aged 21 years, 8 months and 20 days. Her body was brought home for burial, arriv- ing Wednesday. Funeral serv- ices were held at the Salisbury Church of the Brethren, Thurs- afternoon. The church was filled to its capacity by her many friends who mourned her early departure. Her coffin was decked with many beauti- ful flowers, which were con- tributed by sympathizing friends. Her body was inter- red in the Odd Fellows’ Ceme- tery, at Salisbury. Side by the score of 16 to 14 in last Tuesday’s game in the Garrett Industrial League. On Thursday evening Blackfield defeated Ponfeigh, the score being 20 to 11. prise by a score of 16 to 8 and thereby tied the South Side boys for first place in the pen- nant chase. Then, with the two teams tied for first place, Ponfeigh crossed bats with South Side, Monday evening, in a game that was looked upon with intense interest. How- ever, before the contest got started right, the Ponfeigh club left the diamond because of disagreement over the um- Miss Blough was possessed|pire’s decision, and thereby of many estimable qualities,| forfeited the game to South which had endeared her to a large circle of friends. After teaching three terms at Boyn- ton pubtic school she went to Side, 9 to 0. The following is the standing of the teams after Monday's forfeited game: hock’ to her relatives and friends in this vicinity. She is survived by her par-|i ents and the following named }§ | Ls 14 i 1 brothers and sisters Mrs. Rob-|{ | 3 i Driving It Home! Let us drive home to you the fact that no washwe- man can wash clothes in a8 sanitary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. We use much more water, change the water many more times, use purer and more costly soap, and keep all the clothes in constant motion during the entire process. ert Lichty and Mrs. Floyd! Kough, Waterloo. Iowa: Mrs. |: William W. Miller, Meyers-|| dale; Mrs. Edna Bowman, |} Boynton; Mrs. Guy Smith, Ber-| lin; Miss Barbara, at home; John A., of Meyersdale; Wil- liam G. and Earl Blough, Boyn- ton. 3 030M Bd ET i nS he BEEF SAVING RULES ~ LL Pw ATCT A AT ETAT ATC IN THE HOME maximum, not more than 114 1bs. of clear beef per week, if you must teyersdale Steam Lam dn k Friday even-| ing Ponfeigh defeated Enter-| | THE COMMERCIAL’S UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS GUIDE AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY These Business and Professional Men Contribute to the Sup- port of The Commercial; Commercial Readers Contribute to the Support of These Business and Professional Men. rps tere : | List under this heading your Poultry; Fish and Oysters. County phone. F. S. SCHMUCKER GARAGE, Ford and Overland Agency, Oil and Gas. County phone. { busines name, location, tele- phone number and a brief gen- eral description of goods car- ried in stock, or of professional services available to the public. No single ad listed to contain more than seven printed lines. The cost is 50 cents per month. HOOVERSVILLE, PA. C. A. LOHR & SON, News Agency; daily papers, late magazines; Candy, Cigars, rEg and Soft Drinks. HARRY ISAACSON, Water MEYERSDALZ, Pa, street at corner Bridges Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Fur- nishings. County phone 18. JOHN E. HAMILTON, Main St., Drugs, Soda Water, Ci- gars. County phone. J. C. DULL, Water St., Shoes, Gents’ Furnishings; Bicycle R. REICH & SON, 130 Centre St., Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Stoves, Pianos & Mus- ical Goods; Undertaking a Specialty; all phones. W. B. COOK & SON, Fire, WwW. L. Pct. Automobile, Compensation, 5 ics Wore, lows. two yours Bo South Side 4 2 .667! and Plate Glass Insurance. F pi MENSER, Plumbing eac late : T . . S T 00h 30 Te conoiiied Ponteion 3 3 .500 WILLIAM C. PRICE, Success: "po ting Tinning.. County ND PTInES a naeDifmenrise 2 4, Job] or'te W. A Clark, Fumersll T208 ll oa a Wing ae Her | Blackfield _... 1 2.333 Director; Business Condue-| 0" rv povip 1° with Spon a success. 2 fl 0 ted at the Same Place; . Lo BF hs ; Vins death, following an illness of! pn Prompt Attention Given All bering, Shampooing, Mas short duration, was a great] Cails; Both Phones sage. HOOVERSVILLE GARAGE, AEYERSDA LE’ MEYERSDALE'S LEADING HOOVEROWILLE =~ SAL DRUCGIST, F. B. Thomas. : ir: ors . nes. Drugs, Medicines,’ Cigars, sors of Autos. Both phone Perfumes, Toilet Articles; . zraphophones and Records. CS dphisphanes seords ROCKWOOD, PA. $ Both phen LUCENTE’S GROCERY, All kinds of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables; Olive Gil a Specialty; Centre St., op- posite the Bijou Theatre. MEYERSDALFL MARBLE | WORKS, A. H. Johnson, ROCKWOOD HARDWARE CO., W. Main St.,, General Hardware and full line of Mining Tools. . Economy vhone. E. A. MALSBERRY, W. Main St., Jewelry and Watches; t B. & 0. Watch Inspector. Book - V-| FRITZ MACHINE SHOP, All ICE CO., Dealers in Buick, Kinds of Repair Worl; Pipe and Dodge Cars; Lee Guar- and Pipefittings. Economy anteed Puncture Proof Tires phone. and Coodyear Tires; Acces-| THE HOME MADE BREAD : S i : at ; sories; fully equipped Ma- MAN. J. D. Snvd C t Eat no beef whatever, if pos- §| it & smo sattor of havi co : MAN, J. D. Snyder. County sible. | Is =ooy he ™ have chine Shop. Both phones. phone No. 26; Economy Allow yourself, as an absolute proper fncrilies. DONGES MEAT MARKET, phone No. 15. Meats, Buiterine, Butter, Z. ED. MILLER, W. Main St., Eggs, Cheese, Poultry. Both Econ- Car Pands, Drawhars and Forgings, Liotor Erake Shoes, meal per week. all makes; also, Bearings, for babbitting; Cast Room Yrogs, Turnouts, various types Sheaves and Stands, for Jones Stokers, Doors and Liners, Grey Iron Castings. Grate Bars, Can you beat it—The Com- mercial weekly at $1.25 per Immediate delivery. ~~ Why Swift & Company Has Grown The fact that a business crgan- ization has grown steadily for forty years proves that it has kept continually meeting a vital business demand. It must have kept “fit” or it could not have stood the strain of ever- shifting conditions. Swift & Company has been trained in the school of experience. Every day of its forty years of service has solved some new problem of value to its customers, Every year has proved its ability to earn by experience, and to use this = for the benefit of those ror mE Emil 2 IL Gees ine have it ] Fruit and Groceries. IN RESTAURANTS AND | paoncs. i omy phone No. 87. vets | 'W. L. DAHL BAKERY, Fresh PHOTOPLAY THEATRE, Geo. Restaurants must not serve i MINE CAR WHEELS Bread, Calies and Pies. Both Ridenour, Prop., W. Main boiled beef at mone than two meals f | AND phones. St., First Class Pictures; per week. . ae ily. Beefsteak at not more than one Fo Complete Mine Cars : Lranre Oe y egy - aso, MEYERS HARDWARE & Roast beef at not more than one GARRETT, PA. Thm eS WILLIAM MARTIN, Shoe and MEYERS’ VARIETY STORE, N. F. Meyers, Prop., Miller Bldg., General Hardware, Dead Plates and Tnuyeres Boiler | | Machine Wheels, Cast Iron Motor Axle | y and general line of | Harness Repairing; Shoe yj) line of Variety Goods. Shine. > : Economy phone. G. S. BURKE, First National MILLER & WOLF, Successors Bank Bids, Up-todaie|™ 15 John D. Locke, Miller Shaving Parlor. 1 } year? SUPPES FORGE & FOUNDRY CO. |THE ANGCEMA LABORA. i Shoes and erty Johnstown, Pa.| PQRY, Manufacturers of rs a mere Ar A re Medicines, Toilet Articles,’ oa Extracts, Soap, etc.,, Main SOMERSET, PA. office Pittsburgh, Pa. . | Sie BEAL’S RESTAURANT, Short W. CURTIS TRUXAL, Attor- Orders; Cigars and Tobacco; néy-at-law; prompt attention Groceries; Ice Cream; and, given to all legal business. Justice of the Peace.. Econ-; ris omy Phone. W. H. CLEMENS, Notary Pub-| lic; Ice Cream, Soda Water, Confectionery, etc. Economy FRED BRUMBERG, 911 Gra- phone. | ham Ave., General Black- F. E. JUDY, General Merchan-| smith and Horseshoer. Local | i ey WINDBER, PA. giise and Country Produce. phone. conomy phone. GEORGE. RUDOLPH, 132 WALK KISTLER, Shoes, Hats Midway, Custom a and Tailor Made Suits ‘a; Specialty; full line of Dry Goods and Notions... Next] Local phone. TORQUATO BROS., 1317 Mid. t | way, General Contractors. Door fo Posioffice | Bell phone No. 107-J. SOL BRICKER, 1320 Graham Ave., Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishings. = C. D. NUPP, 1214 Graham Av., Newspapers, late Magazines; HOLLSOPPLE, PA. ANDREW LINDSTROM, Gen- eral Blacksmith and Practi- cal Horseshoer. Johnstown: Candies, Cigars and To- phone Ilo. 20. bacco. WILSON’'S MEAT MARKET, T. HL. VAUGHN, Dealer in Stanley Wilson, Prop., deal- Fresh Roasted Peanuis and er in all kinds of Fresh and| Buttered Pop Corn; opposite Smoked Meats; Butter, But- Windber Opera House. terine, Eggs, Cheese and Ba a a EE A Ga aia eR A PRACTICAL FLOUR CARD: FOR- THE: HOME Howard Heinz, U. S. Food Administrator for Pennsylvania, suggests the following plan for home rationing of wheat flour, in thoce families where total ahstinence from wheat i imrossible: I FLOUR AND BREAD RATIONS PER PERSON PER WEEK | For families doing own baking, | NUMBER IN FAMILY. } using flour for all miscellaneous | i 2 | 31 4 { 5 | 8 purposes, ucing crackers, maca- | lbs. | Ibs. | Ibs. | bs. | tbs. | lbs, ronl, ples, cales, ete... i... 15] 38 | 4% | 6 | 72 | 8 n | | Spite Whe amil buy Victory Bread | | | | | | | i ; 2 i i i i | they shouid li the use of it as | | | | | | follows, as a maximum...,........ [132 1 315 1 B8Y5 | 7 | 83% | 101% ppb po In families wher | | | | | is used, the wheat flo: | | i | | § all other p , | | | i | 1 cakes, crackers and macaroni = | | | | | 1 chased, etc. should be a ma | | | | | | OF oi ain aa : | 211 {151 2 | 25 | 8 Less flour should | sed if possible | | 1 i