PE A: } i i I ~—withsgelatives in Hyndman. | Mepersdal VOL. XXXIX. Mr. C. F. Jenkins was in Cumberland, Thursday, on bus- iness, Mr. J. E. Geiger, of Witten- burg, was a business caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crowe and son, Burl spent Sunday in Frostburg. : Miss Hilda Lichty has re- turned from a few days’ visit in Cumberland. : Mr. Michael Knight, of Elk Lick, was a business visitor in our city, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McKenzie visited relatives and friends in Finzel, Md., Sunday. Mr. Harry Ford, of Clairton, Pa., visited friends here the former part of the week. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Von Moose and child, of Akron, are visiting relatives and friends here. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ryland and three children returned, Tuesday, from an auto trip to Pittsburgh. Mrs. Ephriam Geiger has re- turned to Wittenburg after a few days’ visit at the home of Mrs. C. H. Geiger.. : Mrs. H. J. Bittner and two children returned Thursday from Cumberland, where they spent several days. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, motored to Berlin, Sunday, where they spent the day. Mrs. S. M. Tressler and daughter, Miss Edna, have re- turned from a few days’ visit Miss Mary McKenzie return- ed Saturdav from a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Walker, of Summit township. Mrs. W. H. Bittner, of Glen- coe, is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bitt- ner. Mr. Frank C. Robertson, who has been on the sick list for a week, resumed duty at the P. J. Cover hardware store, Mon- day. Mr. Robert Gnagey, who was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gnagey, re- turned to Camp Hancock, Fri- day. ‘ Mrs. Walter Koontz and two children. of Gary, Indiana, are the guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hady. : Mrs. W. F. Payne and daugh- ter, Miss Mildred. are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, of Van Lear, Ken- tucky. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mos- holder and family, and Mr. Joseph Mosholder, of Akron, motored here and are visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. John Sanheim and lit- tle daughter, who were visit- ing the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Payne, return- ed to Baltimore, Friday. Miss Jennie Engle, of Berlin, who was visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Simon M. Bittner, is visit- ing relatives in Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brinham, who motored to the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shannon, Satur- day, returned to Scottdale, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hib- ner, of Mt. Braddock, Pa., and Frank Hibner, of Connellsville, who were guests at the home of Mrs. Emma Hibner, have re- turned to their respective homes. CHURCH NOTICE There will be services at the Meyersdale Christian Church on Sunday, June 23rd, both morn- ing and evening, conducted by Mr. Diehl. p | COAL RUN. "Mr. Robert Mull strating a new car which he just purchased. ' Mrs. John Hersh and son Homer, of Warwick, Ohio, vis- ited here a few days. Mrs. C. P. Hersh and daugh- ter, Mrs. Milton Sheets, spent Thursday in Glade City. Mr. Charles Ohler and lady friend spent Saturday night and Sunday at Markleton. Mrs. Irvin Wellington, of Berlin, is a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Daugher- ty. Miss Madge May, who has been in Akron the past year, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George May. Mr. and Mrs. Will James. with their two sons, Robert and Melvin, and two daughters, Florence and Grace, were Sun- dav guests at the home of Mr. Jake Beals. oe ST. PAUL. Miss Marv Lint, of Meyers- dale, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Bodes. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Liven- good visited the former’s par- ents in Salisbury, Sunday. Miss Marvy Whisler, who has een employed in Boswell, re- turned to her home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lepley attended the U. M. W. A. pic- nic at Riverside Park Saturday. Miss Thelma Stevanus, of Salisbury. was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Berl Engle, Sat- Children’s Day will be ob- served with apnropriate serv- ices in the Reformed Church next Sunday, at 10:80 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fresh and Mrs. Tda Wilhelm were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrz. Harvey Engle. Miss, Erma Siople and her brother, Clyde, of Meyersdale, apent Sunday with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sipple. Misses Gladys and Thelma Sipple were visiting the form- er’s brother, Mr. Oscar Sipple, and family, in Meyersdale, Sunday. Rev. David N. Dittmar, of Mann’s Choice, delivered an address in the Reformed Church on the subject of Min- isterial Relief. . Second Lieut. Clarence Whisler, at present stationed at Camp Meade, passed Satur- day and Sunday with his wife and parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lep- ley and children. of Berlin, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. A. C. Lepely. Miss Leora Engle, of Green- ville, Pa., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson En- gle. She expects to remain several weeks to assist her mother, who is not very well. Mr. Clarence Sipple, one of our St. Paulites, who is in training at Camp Lee, says the boys encountered a sand storm lately, and had to lie on the ground to keep their breath. When they got back to camp they looked like they had come from working in a flour mill. A gentle surprise was sprung on the members of the Teach- ers’ Training Class, after the period of instruction, Tuesday evening of last week. at the parsonage, by Mrs. L. N. Wil- son. It was the thirty-ninth anniversary of her husband’s birth, and in honor thereof she had prepared a treat for every- one present, consisting of ice cream, strawberries and cake. The members of his class join with all his other many friends in wishing Mr. Wilson many more happy birthdays. Patronize our Advertisers. is demon- CIATION WERE NOT IN LINE*OF MARCH. The Second Annual Picnic of Local Bnion No. 2774, United Mineworkers of America, of Meyersdaleg®was held at Riverside Park, Saturday, June 15th, and drew a ‘large crowd from the ranks of labor in this vicinity. The d#y was perfect for the occasion, and the splendid success of fle picnic was entirely due to the patronage of the workingmign and their families. While the members of the local union Were lining up for the street parade in Meyersdale early in the morning, murmurs of dissatisfaction were to be heard, some of the men claiming that their pay checks were being held up by Spee employers, others bringing the news that some of the min 2 'were kept running so that the men could not enjoy the days oi ting and amusement. The merchants’ association of el and patriotic organi- zations of the town were formally invited to join in the parade, it being understood that 20 % of the proceeds of the celebration were to be contributed to the Red Cross and 80% were to be invested in Liberty Bonds, but all these organizations were con- spicuous by their absence. In the ine tof march were repre- sented the U. M. W. of A. the Meyersdale Firemen, and the Commercial Co-operative Council. The parade, which was headed Ry the Citizens’ Band, marchedsthrough the principal streets of the town, and disbanded in tinge for marchers to take the 10:30 car to the Park. It is said that the privately owned eelctric line failed to provide satisfac ory service, and many persons were kept away from the pic ic because proper trans- | §7Th e union committee k given, little satisfac- walking tothe Park from Garrett, and automobiles brought many from Meyersdale, but the older folks, who could not walk and could not get ac- commodations from the street car company, were compelled to stay at home. The principal attraction after noon was the lecture pro- gram, including two appropriate addresses, the one by Vice President Marks, of District No. 5, U. M. W. of A., and the other by C. William Thompson, publisher of the York Labor News. Mr. Marks urged upon the miners present the necessity for pro- ducing a maximum amount of coal, which he considered the most essential commodity for the successful prosecution of the war on autocracy. He told of his experience and observations in Washington, D. C., where he had recently been called on of- ficial business, and where he found that a persistent effort was being made by lobbies and other representatives of the big business interests to increase the hours of labor in mines from 8 to 9 per day. He also told of a delegation that had called upon th. War Board to urge that negro soldiers be brought back from the training camps and battlefields to do the work of mine- workers at $30 per month, and insisting that the latter be taken to the front in their places. He impressed upon the minds of the union men the necessity of maintaining their union organi- zations, intact, so that after the war closes they will be in posi- tion to protect their homes and resist efforts to reduce labor to a much lower level than had formerly been forced upon the workers of the country, and excused himself, in order to catch a train for home. Mr. Thompson was next introduced by the Chairman, and his remarks were generally appreciated by the men and women assembled in the audience. His vivid picture of the private de- tective was perhaps the most appreciated by the audience, and was of greater popularity with those present than a Mutt and Jeff cartoon. Mr. Thompson made a forceful plea for Tom Mooney, the San Francisco labor leader, whose case has at- tracted nation wide attention, urging the working people to de- mand his freedom. He said that if Tom Mooney must die twen- ty million American workingmen will know the reason why. As this was a patriotic picnic Mr. Thompson took occasion to refer to the Kaiser and the traitors, branding the profiteers as the real traitors of this country, and assuring his friends that he is certainly against the German Kaiser, and insisting that they must be against all other kaisers too. The kaisers of American industry and finance are no less the enemies of labor than the Kaiser of Germany is the enemy of the working peo- ple, he said. He asked that the working men disregard old political alliances and unite to put men out of their own ranks in. the State Legislatures and the halls of the United States Congress. His remarks were well delivered, as well as being to the point, and continued applause greeted him as he closed his remarks, followed by handshaking and individual praise from many people who were in the audience. The speaking was followed by dancing and other amuse- ments during the remainder of the afternoon and until a late hour at night. In the evening a larger crowd assembled after many of the men were through with the day’s work. The cele- bration was a grand success financially and otherwise, and the committee is thankful to all who contributed to making it such. PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS AND MERCHANTS’ ASSO- » Mr. Montaville Flowers, President, International Lyceum and Chautauqua Association. It ‘has been on my mind for some time to thank your organization for the very real help it has given to America in the struggle that is concerned with every fundamental element of national life. Your speakers, going from com- munity to community, meeting people in the friendly spirit engendered by years of intimate and understanding contact, have been effective messengers for thé delivery and interpretation of democracy’s meanings and imperative needs. The work that the Chautauqua is doing has not lost importance because Cordially and since of war, but rather has gained new opportunities for service. Let me express the hope that you will let no discouragement weaken your activities, and that the people will not fail in the support of a patriotic insti- tution that may be said to be an integral part of the national defense. ely yours, WOODROW WILSON. the programs which have been tional institution, which comes Season tickets may be had att war tax. With the 10 per ce .. SALISBURY. a son. Miss Grace Brown Cumberland. in Meyersdale. Mr. and Murs. J. S. Stevanus, of Sand Flat, were Salisbury visitors, Saturday evening. Born. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diehl, Jr., of West Salisbury, Thursday, June 13th, a son. Mrs. Katherine Witzgall, of Jennings, Md., is spending a week with Mrs. Ida Schram. Miss Edna Kline, of Latrobe, is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Livengood. Rev. A. J. Boring, of Altoo- na, preached in the Salisbury Evangelical Church on Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock. Miss Aleda Alexander, of Rowlesburg. W. Va., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander. Mrs. J. S. Miller, of Frie- dens. is caring for her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth, who is stricken with typhoid feevr. Mr. and Mrs. Guerney Swan- ger and children. of Elk Lick township. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yaist. Mr. Charles F. Alexander, of Quantico. Va., is spending a ten day furlough with his par- ents, Mr .and Mrs. William Alexander. Mr. Roscoe Welfley, mana- ger of the Barchus-Livengood Company, spent the week end in Philadelphia and Baltimore on business. Messrs. Harry Hostetler and Frank Stotler, of Meyersdale, and Misses Mae Newman and Mary Reitz, spent Wednesday at Oakland, Md. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Miller, of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. forepart of last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Livengood and family. Mrs. Alfred Ringler and sons, Harry and Kermit, went to Jerome last Tuesday to at- tend the wedding of the for- mer’s niece, Miss Marie May, returning home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reitz and children, of Everett, Pa., spent four of The Commercial this week and next week. interesting announcements and patronize this splendid educa- the enlightenment and entertainment of the public. are on sale at the Citizens’ Bank and at Cook’s Jewelry Store. A A A iP f rr spent Wednesday and Thursday in!in town is still spreading, sev- Mr. Robert Walker, of Gay|ed since last week. street, spent Saturday evening | afflicted ones are Mrs. M. J. Roy Younkin, of Erie, spent the]! FOURTH ANNUAL CHAUTAUQUA AT SLICER FIELD, JUNE 28, TO JULY 3, 1918. The Meyersdale Chautauqua Association announces that the Fourth Annual Lincoln Chautauqua will be held at the Sli- cer Park, opening on Friday, June 28th, and closing with the entertainment of Thursday evening, July 3rd. An outline of arranged will be found on page Read these to our city only once a year, for Tickets he price formerly paid, plus the nt war tax included the cost of these tickets is $1.65 for adults and $1.10 for children. a the forepart.of the past week | with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reitz, and with Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Reitz’s father, Mr. Am- Schram, Wednesday, June 5th, | brose Deal, in Elk Lick town- ship. The typhoid fever epidemic eral new cases having develop- The newly Glotfelty, William C. Lichliter, Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth, Mrs. - Frank Statler and Mrs. F. J. Kimmel. A number of out of town folks who heard the address of Mr. Thompson at Riverside Park last Saturday are coming to Salisbury to hear him again when he delivers his lecture in our town this Saturday even- ing. Do not fail to hear Thompson. He is one of the best. WEST SUMMIT. > Mr. M. C. Haer is employed at Garrett, hauling coal. Mr. Truman Sanner and son motored to Rockwood, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vought were the guests of the latter's parents, Sunday. A number of people from this section attended the picnic at Riverside Park, Saturday. Messrs. George Haer and William Decker were business callers in Salisbury, Saturday. Mr. Irvin Baker returned Saturday from a pleasant au- tomobile trip to Fulton county. Our farmers are now en- gaged in cultivating their po- tatoes and corn and sowing buckwheat for winter store. A singing class met at Cen- ter Church, Saturday evening. A trial sermon will be deliver- ed at the same place this Sat- urday evening. WHY YOU SHOULD “HOOVERIZE” Following the orders of the Food Administration, in letter and in spirit, is one of the greatest serv- ices you can render to your coun- try. This program means inter- national food sharing. Food will defeat Germany's in- tention to use starvation as a force to compel submission of the Allies. | Plenty of food also makes possible an aggressive Allied war policy,