The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 06, 1918, Image 7

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Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health.
Philadelphia, Pa.—*‘I was very weak,
always tired, my back ached, pit 1 felt
sickly most of the
time. I went to a
doctor and he said
I had nervous indi-
ges jon, which ad-
ed to my weak
condition kept ne
worrying most ©
the time—and he
said if I could not
stop that, I could
A not get well. . I
| heardsomuchabout
: 1 LydiaE. Pinkham’s
egetable Com-
Pond my husband wanted me to 23 it.
took it fora week and felt alittle bet-
ter. I kept itup for three months, and
1 feel fine and can eat anything now
without distress or nervousness.’’—Mrs.
J. WORTHLINE, 2842 North Taylor St.,
Philadelphia Pa.
“The majority of mothers nowadays
overdo, there are so many demands
upon their time and strength; the result
is invariably a weakened, run-down,
nervous condition with headaches, back-
ache, irritability and depression — and
soon more serious ailments gevelon.
1t is at such periods in life that Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will
restore a normal healthy condition, as
it did to Mrs. Worthline.
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles,
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistulas,
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness |
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts,
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a
: Does not blister or remove the
$airand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.50a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 R free.
ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re-
duces Strains, Painful. Knotted, Swollen Veins. Concen-
trated—only a few drops required atan application. Price
$1.25 per bottle at dealers or delivered.
W.F.YOUNG, P.D. F., 310 Temple St. Springfield, Mass.
W. N. U,, PITTSBURGH, NO. 23--1918.
When You're fifty, your body begins to
ereak a little at the hinges. Motion is
more slow and deliberate. “Not so youn,
as I u to be” is a frequent and unwel-
come. thought. Certain bodily functions
upon which good health and good spirits
so much depend, are impaired. The weak
spot is generally the bladder. Unpleasant
symptoms show themselves. Painful and
annoying complications in other organs
arise. his is Firtioulaty true with el-
derly people. If vou only know how, this
pri 2 can be obviated.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil has been relieving the in-
convenience and pain due to advancing
years. It is a standard, old-time home
remedy, and needs no introduction. It is
now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules.
These are easier and more pleasant to take
than the oil in bottles.
Each capsule contains about one dose of
five drops. Take them just like you would
any pill, with a small swallow of water.
They soak into the system and throw off
the poisons which are making you old &e-
fore your time. They will quickly relieve
Heals Running Sores
and Conquers Piles.
Also Stops Itching of Eczema as Soon
as Applied. -
my duty to write you a letter
for your wonderful Peterson’s
I had a running sore on my
left leg for one year. I began to use Peter-
son’s Ointment three weeks ago and now
it is healed.””—A. C. Gilbrath, 703 Reed
St., Erie, Pa.
Td rather get a letter like that, says
Peterson, than have John D. Rockefeller
§ite me a thousand dollars. It does me a
ot of good to be able to be of use to my
fellow mer.
For years I have been selling through
druggists a large box of PETERSON’S
OINTMENT for a trifle. The healing pow-
er of this ointment is marvelous. Eczema
goes in a few days. Old sores heal up like
magic; piles that other remedies do not
seem to even relieve are speedily conquer-
ed. Pimples and nasty blackheads disap-
pear in a week. cents a box.
Mail orders filled, charges prepaid by
Peterson Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
“T feel it
of t
Where He Got the Idea.
“Shakespeare said that all the world
was a stage.”
“Um. Do you suppose the streets
were filled with these chorus-girl cos-
tumes in his day?”
Every Profession Has Its
Indorsers of Eagle Remedy
From physicians to lawyers, mer-
chants, mechanics, locomotive engi-
neers, office men and housewives come
words of highest praise for the effec-
tiveness of Eagle Pile Remedy in ban-
ishing piles of every form. Some of
recent origin and others of long stand-
Because Eagle Pile Remedy, by its
entirely practical home treatment,
taken internally, banishes piles from
the source instead of treating the re-
sult of ailments incident to their
Try a box, if you are troubled now.
Or have a box handy when they begin
to appear. Send $1 to the Reed Dis-
erson, N. J. Or drop a postal for an
explanatory booklet. It is free.—Adv.,
“Did you come across many fine
buildings in your automobile tour?”
“I should say so. Some of the towns
we went through had a police court at
each end.”
those stiffened joints, that backache, rheu-
matism, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones,
gravel, “brick dust,” ete. ey are an
effective remedy for all diseases of the
bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cepriles
cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood.
They frequently ward off attacks of the
dangerous and fatal diseases of the kid-
neys. They have a beneficial effect, and
often completely cure the diseases of the
bodily organs, allied with the bladder and
If you are troubled with soreness across
the loins or with “simple” aches and pains
in the back take warning, it may be the
preliminary indications of some dreadful
malady which can be warded off or cured
if taken in time.
Go to your druggist today and get a box
of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Money refunded if they do mot help you.
Three sizes. GOLD MEDAL are the pure,
original imported Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Accept No Substitutes.—Adv.
You Gan Now Eat
Your Favorite Food
Without Any Fear
Kramer Says: “Eatonic”
Acids, Gas, Heartburn, Food Repeating
and Stomach Miserics
‘What miserable feelings are caused
by an upset stomach! That duil,
heavy, “bloated” sensation that follows
a full meal, robs good living of half
its pleasures. Is there any way out
for you sufferers with stomach weak-
Yes; H. L. Kramer, the man who
originated Cascarets, has found a sure,
quick, relief for indigestion, dyspepsia,
“sour stomach,” heart-burn, formation
of painful gases, “bloating,” etc., ete.
He calls his stomach relief HA-
TONIC, and it certainly is making a
wonderful record. Countless thous-
ands of people who formerly ap-
proached their meals with dread, now
eat their fill of their favorite foods
without fear of the after-effects.
Mr. Kramer says: “My EATONIC
tablets are the solution of the age-old
problem of indigestion and all forms
of stomach misery.
Rids Weak Stomachs of
“BEATONIC neutralizes the acids,
that form the painful gases, “sweet-
ens” the stomach, and gives the gastric
juice a chance to do its work as it
“To promote appetite and aid diges-
tion, take EATONIC tablets—one or
two after each meal. They are per-
fectly harmless. Eat them just like
“For distress after eating; sour,
“gassy,” acid stomach, vertigo, nausea
and belching, and that wretched,
puffed-up, “lumpy” feeling, after over-
eating; there is nothing to compare
with EATONIC Tablets.”
All druggists sell EATONIC — 50¢
for a large box. Watch out for imita-
tions. The genuine bears the name
EATONIOC on each tablet—guaranteed
to do sll that is claimed; or if your
druggists don’t carry EATONIC—send
to Eatonic Remedy Co., Chicago, IL
Carter’s Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be
and Happy
Small Pill
Small Dose
tributing Co., 141 Godwin Street, Pat-
A Remedy That §
Makes Life §
Worth Living
Sora Ror
ABSENCE of Iron In the
Blood is the reason for
many colorless faces but
will greatly help most pale-faced people
| College,
| kble to show a notable record for
State Draft Headquarters Noti
fies Local Beards of Call
For Special Duty
Short Items of Interest Gathered af
the Various State Departments
Touching Affairs of the People
of the Commonwealth.
Harrisburg, Pa.—State draft head
quarters issued notice to all loca
boards that the call for men for spe
cial or limited military service woulc
be open until only June 4 under im
structions received from Washington
Men qualified for general military
service. are not desired under this
call, but any registrant who has beer
qualified for special or limited serv
ice may have his name listed by ap
plication to his local board before
June 4. The names will then be sent
to Washington and mobilization de
tails will be furnished later.
The following types of men are de
sired, says state headquarters: Lo
comotive engineers and firemen, rail
road grade foremen, track foremen
bridge trackmen, locomotive repair
men, telephone linemen, surveyors oi
instrument men, telegraphers, drafts
men, pile drivers, conductors, sta
tionary engineers, steam shovelmen
carpenters, steamfitters, electricians
automobile drivers and mechanics
cooks, clerks, railroad brakemen anc
The men will be assigned to work
in the military aeronautics branch
spruce production division.
Fire Marshal Port Improving.
Reports received here are to the
| effect that there has been a gradual
improvement in the condition of State
Fire Marshal Port, who is ill at his
home in Huntingdon.
Sends Out Civil Rights Bill.
Attorney General Brown is sending
copies of the federal civil rights bill,
designed to protect soldiers while
they are at war to 7,500 justices of the
peace and will send copies to con
stables. The act has been sent to all
judges by Mr. Brown with a letter
calling attention to its importance.
Kane Protest Gets Hearing.
The Public Service Commissior
heard the complaint. of the borough
of Kane against the water compan}
supplying that town and it is proba
ble that a big valuation case will re
To Curb Employment Agencies.
Acting under authority given in the
opinion of the Attorney General's de
partment in regard to the powers of
the Commissioner of Labor and In
dustry to regulate licensed employ
ment agents, steps will be taken by
Commissioner L. R. Palmer to confine
agents and their representatives tc
the territory for which they are licén
sed. Agents found guilty’ of enticing
men away from employers will be
sumarily dealt with.
Park Extension Paid For.
Checks for the payment of the fina}
purchases in Capitol Park extension
zone have been turned over to own
ers of properties by the Attorney
General’s Department. Demolition oi
buildings staris at once.
Warning Against Canning Compound.
Hougewives of Pennsylvania are
warned to beware of the so-called
“canning compounds” which contain
boric acid and other preservatives in
a statement issued by Dairy and Fooé
Commissioner James Foust.
Rulings on Blairsville Hospital.
The State Board of Public Charitie:
has been informed in an opinion from
the Attorney General’s Department
that a superintendent of erection may
be employed for the new westerr
hospital for the insane at Blairs
ville, but that the commission may
not operate as a hospital even tc
relieve overcrowded buildipgs which
have been remodeled for temporary
Bureau Giving Help.
The State Bureau of Markets it
helping out in the work of securing
good seed buckwheat for the farmers
of the state and expects extensive
planting next month.
Governor Brumbaugh issued death
warrants fixing the week of June 10
for the electrocution of John O. Christ:
ley, convicted of killing his wife in
Harrisburg, and the week of June 17
for electrocution of Salvatore Cardo
mene and San Barcons alias Betz, Al
legheny county.
Discuss New Training Camp.
President F. F. Sparks, of State
was here consulting with
Adjutant General Beary and state of
ficials regarding the plan of the Fed
eral authorities to establish a train
ing camp for United States Guard of
ficers at the college. The camp will
begin after the college term and will
occupy the site of that now being
held. - Dr. Sparks said that the col
lege planned extensive training work
auring the summer and would be
training of its students this year.
- 4
Fire starting from an overheated
boiler in the basement of the Colum-
bia Theatre building, in Erie, owned
by ‘A. P. Weschler, destroyed the in-
terior of the building, causing a loss
of $75,000.
William J. Noll, of Bismarck, was
re-elected chairman of the Lebanon
county Republican committee.
John C. Burns, of Sunbury, died of
injuries suffered a year ago, while at
work as a railroad employe.
Five men, all over eighty years, and
whose combined ages totaled 417
vears, helped celebrate the eighty-
fifth birthday of Daniel M. Brown, at
Forrest G. Sherk, of Bethel town-
ship, run down by a passenger train
on the Lebanon and Tremont division
of the Reading railway, escaped with
the'loss of a foot.
The eighteenth annual session of
the grand council, Pennsylvania Cath-
olic Beneficial league, will be held at
Lancaster, June 4, with morning, af-
ternocn and evening sessions.
Through a mistake in mixing ce-
ment with soll, instead of fertilizer,
Thomas R. Hughes, Scranton, has
probably the only cement garden in
the state, but doubts if it will grow a
crop of concrete.
Frederick C. Martin, a musician of
some note, returned t{o Harrisburg
from York, after the police, called in
by his family, had searched the river
for hours in the belief that he might
have committed suicide.
Mrs. Rosa Sanactia, aged forty, of
Easton, was killed when struck by a
train on the Lehigh Valley railroad
while she was picking coal on the
tracks. She leaves two children, the
younger one only seven months old.
Claiming that she was called witch
and thief, Mrs, Margaret C. Lane, of
West Lairview, near Carlisle, has
brought a slander action for $5000
against Mrs. Mabel Davis, her neigh-
bor, and the latter’s husband, Chester
R. Davis.
Unable to get houses for men just
arrived to work on government con-
tracts, the Duplan Silk corporation, at
Hazleton, has asked bids on dwellings
which it will erect for employes.
Lewis B. Sheehan, second lieutenant
and quartermaster of the second regi-
ment of the reserve militia, has resign-
ed and will go to France. Major A.
S. Henderson, of the third regiment,
has also resigned.
Conshohocken’s three policemen
have informed council they will quit
June, 1 unless pay is boosted to $90 a
A double execution took place at
the Rockview penitentiary when Illio
Obrie, a Servian, of Lebanon county,
and Guiseppe Polito, an Italian, of
Westmoreland county, were sent to
the chair. The former was convicted
of the murder of a woman with whom
he was living, while Polito was sen-
tenced to death for killing Dominic
Natali, of New Kensington, last Aug-
Reports to the Woman's Home and
Foreign Missionary society of the East
Pennsylvania conference branch of the
United Evangelical denomination
showed $15,566 contributed for mission
work. There are eighty-five societies
with 4122 members.
Because R. C. Ruthven, local con-
tractor, has failed to start work on
the county road between Carbondale
and Duryea, the county commission-
ers will force the contractor's bonding
company to make the repairs.
Pottsville court issued an injunction
prohibiting County Treasurer Ww. R
Adamson from selling the properties
of 200 citizens of Cass township for
alleged non-payment of taxes. The
persons involved have built their
houses on lands owned by coal com-
panies. The latter pay taxes on the
and and the citizens pay taxes on
their houses, but the county officials
are trying to compel the homestead
owners to pay taxes on both land and
houses, which would make double tax-
ation on the land.
M, L. Snyder, a Sunbury lawyer,
was acquitted by a jury of a charge of
forging the name of Mrs. Anna A. Mil-
ler to a note.
Dr. George W. Berntheisel, one of
the best-known physicians of Lancas-
ter county, is critically ill at the Co-
lumbia hospital from appoplexy.
The American Hose company, of
Ashland, has contracted for a combi-
nation motor fire truck to cost $10,500,
most of which was raised by popular
Hazle Brook miners were put to
fight by a black bear, which appeared
on the road taken by workmen on their
way home from the colliery. Fright-
ened coal diggers declare this annimal
was a real one.
A rose on a crabapple tree at the
home of Fred Waechter, borough clerk
of West Hazleton, attracted attention.
The crabapple blossoms were past for
some time when the rose appeared. It
is: white and quite large.
Said to have been grieving over the
near departure for France of her son,
Lieutenant Benjamin Brandt, Mrs.
Margaret Brandt, sixty, died at her
home in Steelton.
While working on a pole here,
Charles Kistner, employed by the
Counties Gas and Electric company,
was shocked by a live wire and is in
a critical condition at a hospital.
Crushed between cars, Richard L.
Fultz, of Altoona, a freight train
brakeman, was instantly killed at
Tempting veal loaf
T is more tempting
for a summer luncheon
than Libby's savory
Veal Loaf! Prettily garnished
it makes a dainty yet sub-
stantial dish — and one
ready to put on the table!
Order Libby’s Veal Loaf today.
You will want it always on
your shelves—for quick lunch-
eons — for unexpected
Libby. M¢Neill & Libby, Chicago
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
for U.S.Marine Corps recruits.
Join Now!
Most men are willing to serve their
country in an official capacity.
Just drop a little Freezone on that
touchy corn, instantly it stops aching
then you lift that corn right off. No
pain at all! Costs only a few cents.
Get a tiny bottle of Freezone for a
few cents from any drug store. Keep
it always handy to remove hard corns,
soft corns, or corns between the toes,
and the callouses, without soreness or
irritation. You just try it!
Freezone is the sensational discov-
ery of a Cincinnati genius.—Adv.
Even the great virtue of patience is
often the victim of bad weather.
important to Mothers
Examine carefuily every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see thatit
Bears the
Signature of A
In Use for Over ears.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
If a man really loves a grass widow
it's because she wants him to.
Allen’s Foot.Ease, the antiseptic powder to be
shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-
bath. It relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet
amd takes the sting out of corns and bunions.
Used by the American, British and French
troops. Allen’s Foot=Ease is a certain relief
for tired, aching feet. Sold everywhere.—Adv.
Prosperity is frequently but the pre-
ude to adversity.
rsto learn.
otthed we send ORIGIN
The Name of It.
“Some tips you get over the wire are
fakes.” “Exactly; what you might call
&. Will teach you their infallible
5 fr © men re-
Girl,” ete. How woul
to write asong hit? Profit by our ex
perience. Ten wonder lessons
will teach you what would take you
end no money al as youlearn, When
Write today for full information. 30D
Outline, Stories of Success—all FREE today.
The Helm & Lange School of Song Writing
Eleventh Floor, 145 West
45th Street, New York City
Think of Factory Price
_ Same price as before the war.
Then write to us for catalogue.
Don't matter if broken.
also cash foro old, silver, p. num, de
and old gold jewelry. ‘Will send cash by return Fai}
and will hold goods 10 days for sender’s Appioxal O:
price. HailtoL, Maser, Dept. B, 2007 8. 5th 5¢., Phila. Pa.
placed anywhere,
attracts and kilis
all flies. Neat, clean,
| ornamental, convenient,
> “ dealers, or 6 sent by exe
i ETE TE press, prepaid, for 81.04
To build yourself up when
you feel run down—to
bring back health, appetite
and strength—take
Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Werld.
Sold everywhere. In Boxes, 10c, 25¢c.
Your Best Asse
~— A Clear Skin ——
— Cared for By ==
Cuticura Soap
PATENTS Enipdusuanes
Rates reasonable. Highest references. Bes
Scenes of Prosperity
Are Common in Western Canada
45 bushels
The thousands of U.S. farmers who have accepted
Canada’s generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy
farm land in her provinces
bountiful crops of wheat and other grains.
Where you can buy good farm land at $15 to $30
per acre— get $2 a bushel for wheat and raise 20 to
to the acre you are bound to make money
—that’s what you can do in Western Canada.
In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta you can get a
and other land at very low prices.
During many years Canadian
wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels
to the acre—many yields as high as
45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful
crops also of Gats, Barley, and Flax.
Mixed Farming
industry as grain raising.
; schools, churches; markets convenient,
B\N climate excellent. Writefor literatureand
particula:s as to reduced railway ratesto
Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., orto
0. 6. Rutledge, 301 E. Genesee St.,
Syracwae, New York; i
210 Nosth 3rd Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Canadian Gevernment Agents
have been well repaid by
is as profitable an
F. A. Harrison,