The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 30, 1918, Image 7

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A Favorite Dish Everywhere
Prepared from dainty bits of
choice, selected meat, skillfully
seasoned and cooked by Libby’s
own expert chefs —these sausages
have that delicac
of flavor, yet
spicy zest that makes them favor-
ites everywhere.
Order Libby’s Vienna Sausage
today. You, too,
savory, satisfying
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago
will find it a
dish and so
Checks in Gaelic.
A little plaint from a bank clerk.
Lately, he says, there have been
checks circulating in this country
printed in Gaelic script. Naturally,
they are Irish ones, and probably
drawn by enthusiastic Sinn Feiners.
But what can be the object of intro-
ducing anether terror to the already
worried and ‘overworked bank clerk
upon whom falls the task of obtaining
a translation? And the Irish check
is not the only sinner in this respect.
For a long time the Esperantists wrote
the amount of their checks in Esper-
anto and became a nuisance to the
banks.—London Chronicle.
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest need of feeling
ashamed of your freckles,” as Othine—doubie
strength—1is guaranteed to remove these homely
Simply get an ounce of Othine—double
, strength—from your druggist, and apply a little
of it night and mérning and you should soon see
that even the worst freckles have begun to éls-
appear, while. the lighter ones have vanished ew
tirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce
is needed to completely clear the skin and galn
a beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine,
as this is sold under guarantee of money back
$f it fails $e remove freckles.—Adv. .
Pen Extractor.
A pen extractor installed in an office
will save all members of the force the
inky operation of removing an old pen
from the holder with the fingers. The
device consists of a metal loop which
ean be pressed down upon the pen so
firmly that the pen is removed by a
‘pull on the holder.
Horsemen agree
that Yager's
Liniment 1s the
best and most eco-
for general stable use.
For strained ligaments, spavin
harness galls, sweeny, wounds or ad
sores, cuts and any gements,
it gives quick relief.
A 35c bottle contains more than
the usual 50c-bottle of liniment.
Baltimore, Md.
Not a mere Plow with a rake attachment, but a
Yow priced, scientific Im;
fiom the diet and the dis from the
CR aL kL
Boy,” “Ragging the dcale,”
the Sweet Long Ago,” “My Little
Girl,” etc. How would YOU like
to write a song hit
bt perience, Ten wonderful lessons :
will teach you what would take you
earsto learn. Send Tomeney (pay as youlearn, When
Write today for full information. Lesson
Outline, Stories of Success—all FREE today.
I Helm & Lange School of Song Writing
Efeventh Floor, 145 West 45th Street, New York City
$1,500 oil, coal and timber; 3
miles out. Mew catalogue, 100 Farm
Bargains, Free. Easy terms. FARMERS
Reed and Co.
Beaver Falls - .
86 acres; old buildings
‘Alcoholism and the Brug Habit
Showing how the craving may be completely
destroyed. We have the co-operation of lead-
But Forty and Fifty Bushels of
Wheat tc the Acre.
During the past year there has been
a greater demand for farm lands in
Western Canada than for a number of
vears past. The demand is for good
farm lands improved or unimproved.
And at an increase of from ten to fif-
teen dollars an acre more than the
same lands could be had for a couple
of years ago.
The rise in the price of every kind
of produce grown on these Western
lands, in some cases to double and in
others to treble the price prevailing be-
fore 1914, have attracted and are at-
tracting in ever-increasing proportions
the men who are anxious to .invest
their money, and apply their energies
in the production of wheat for which
the allied nations are calling with
voices which grow louder and more
anxious as the months roll on, and the
end of the war still seems distant.
Beef, and more especially bacon. are
required in ever greater quantities,
and the price of all these things has
soared, until it is not a question of
what shall we produce, but how much
can we produce. Even should this
world calamity be brought to a close
in six months from now, it will be
years before normal pre-war prices
prevail, and meantime self-interest if
not patriotism is turning the minds of
thousands back to the land. The in-
evitable consequence has been the rise
in value of land, especially wheat
The Calgary Herald, commenting on
these conditions says: >
“From inquiries made from leading
dealers in farming and ranching prop-
erties, and from the information gath-
ered in other ways, it is known that
the value of all land—wheat land,
mixed farming properties and even
good grazing land—has risen in the
last two years 40 per cent. Wheat
lands in some districts have practical-
ly doubled in price. One dealer in
farm lands recently sold three sections
for $70 an acre, one extra good quar-
ter went as high as $90, and another
brought $100. These are, of course,
large prices, but that they will be
equaled or even surpassed in the near
future is beyond question. There is a
feature about this rush to the land
from which the most solid hope can
be drawn for the success of the move-
ment. ‘The proper tillage of land, to
produce large crops in a climate like
ours is now understood and practiced
as it never was in the early days of
the province. It would seem too that
with the increase of land under culti-
vation, the seasons are changing
and the rainfall becoming greater and
more regular.
“Crops are being harvested, especial-
ly in Southern Alberta, which would
have seemed impossible to the old-time
farmer, with his old-fashioned ideas
of breaking and seeding. And at the
price now set by the government for
wheat and which possibly may be in-
creased during the coming season, the
return to the practical skilled agricul-
turist must necessarily be very large.
«what matters $10 or even $20 an
acre extra on wheat land when a re-
turn as high as 50 bushels and even
more may be taken from every acre
sown? With hogs bringing $20 a hun-
dred pounds; beef on the hoof at $12,
and mutton $16, while wool under the
new government arranged system of
handling and sale brings 65 cents a
pound (and these values cannot fall
to any great extent for some years)
the demand for land will continue and
values increase in a corresponding de-
where has never been in the history
of Canada, a time so favorable for the
farmer as the present; self-interest,
he inspiration of patriotic feeling, the
aia freely extended by the govern-
ment, who are permitting the import
of certain agricultural implements
free, all these tend to still further
ing physicians and clergymen. Write today.
Normyl Assn, 1 Union Square, New York
MW. N. U, PITTSBURGH, NO. 22-1918. |
raise the price of Alberta land.”—Ad-
Russia has 10,000 lepers.
Nearly Two Million Employees
Are Affected by Ruling of
Director General
Increases Effective At Gnce, and Cover
Time From Beginrisg of the
Year — Basic Eight Hour
Day Is Recognized.
Washington, D. C.—General pay in-
creases for nearly two million railroad
employes were announced by Director
General McAdoo, effective Saturday:
and retroactive to last January 1,
carrying out substantially recommen-
dations of the railroad wage commis
sion. The aggregate of the increases
probably will be more than $300,000,
000 a year, half of which will be dis-
tributed within a few weeks as back
pay in lump sums ranging from about
$100 to nearly $200 each.
The director general departed from
the wage commission’s recommenda-
tions in some particulars.
The principle of the basic eight-
hour day is recognized, but owing to
exigencies of the war gituation, hours
of employment are not actually re
duced and overtime is to be paid pro
rata; future adjustments of pay are
to be made on the basis of eight hours.
In addition to the ordinary scale of
increase, day laborers, employed main-
ly on track work, are to get at least
214 cents an hour more than they re
ceived last December 31.
A minimum of 55 cents an hour is
established for the shop trades, in-
Women are to receive the same pay
as men for the same work, and Ne-
groes are to get the same as white
men for similar employment. ®
Second Call for Mercy Fund Meets
Hearty Response.
Washington. — With the American
Red Cross second $100,000,000 war
mercy fund already over-subscribed by
$12,097,304, officials Saturday were set-
ting no limit to the outpouring of dol-
lars on the closing day of the drive.
That the daily average of something
more than $18,000,000 would be far
exceeded, they had no doubt.
On the face of returns at headquar-
ters here, 11 of the 14 divisions had
over-subscribed, with the gulf leading
the home divisions in percentage with
210, but the foreign topping them all
with 300.
had not attained their quotas were ex-
pected to go over the tep. x
Peruvian Ships Released.
Lima, Peru. — The government has
authorized the sailing of Peruvian ves-
gels to foreign ports. On May 11 the
Peruvian merchant ships outside of
North, Central or South American
water without special permits.
Kerensky Not On Ship.
An Atlantic Port. — Reports that
Alexander F. Kerensky, former pre-
mier of Russia, was on his way to the
United States on a Danish steamer,
which sailed from Christiania recent-
ly, were proven groundless when the
ghip arrived here.
Prominent Woman Dies.
Pittsburgh, Pa—Mrs. Elizabeth Mec-
Cullough Darlington, prominent so-
ciety leader and charitable worker of
Pittsburgh and widow of Harry Dar-
lington, who died in 1914, died at her
home, Irwin avenue, North Side.
Though Mrs. Darlington had been in
failing health for several months, her
death was entirely unexpected. Her
only living child, Harry Darlington,
Jr., a second lieutenant in the Thirty-
fifth Engineers, is with Pershing’s
forces in France.
excels All Armies of Past.
Washington.—No army ever before
assembled in history has had more
painstaking thought given to the pro-
tection and stimulation of its mental,
moral and physical manhood than the
new American army, President Wilson
declared in a statement made public
here by the commission on training
camp activities.
‘ Packers Blamed for Bad Meat.
Washington.—Two big packing con-
cerns, Morris & Company and Wilson
& Company, have been served with
complaints by the federal trade com-
mission, calling upon them to. answer
charges that their representatives
“gold and offered to sell” meat and
other food products ‘unfit for human
consumption” to the government for
use of the soldiers at Camp Travis,
Congress to Stay at Work.
Washington. — Dissatisfied but re-
signed, Congress is prepared to revise
its legislative program and abandon
plans for adjournment in July. Presi-
dent Wilson is expected to state form-
ally in a few days why revenue legis-
lation before the December session is
regarded as imperative. Since the
Democratic and Republican leaders
failed to agree on plans proposed by
the President for a special session the
work of forming a new tax bill will
procesd at once unless there is some
most unexpected development.
cluding machinists, boilermakers and
The three divisions which]
government prohibited the sailing of
and children ?
Why are any but
Why are Syrups,
most laymen ?
ah ) =.
sis, SAGAN
erefl inl
asm m——
At Oanor Pe
Copy of Wrappen
Good looks are often a great draw-
back to a man in business. He should
try the movies.
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver
and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer'’s Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just the remedy needed in thou-
sands upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root, a physician’s prescription for
special, diseases, makes friends quickly be-
cause its mild and immediate effect is
soon realized in most cases. It is a gen-
tle, healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi-
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
-great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
Robert Bruce was born in Farnberry
castle, on the coast of Ayrshire, Scot-
Don’t worry about old age. Don’t worry
about being in other people’s way when
i are getting on in years. Keep your
ody in good condition and Joa can be as
hale and hearty in your old days as you
were when a kid, and every one will be
glad to see you.
_ The kidneys and bladder are the causes
of senile afflictions. Keep them clean and
in proper working condition. Drive the
poisonous wastes from the system and
avoid uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical-
ly and you will find that the system will
always Ie in perfect working order. Your
spirits will be enlivened, your muscles
more the look of youth and health.
New life, fresh strength and health will
come as you continue this treatment. When
your first vigor has been restored continue
for awhile taking a capsule or two each
day. They will keep you in condition and
prevent a return of your troubles.
There is only one guaranteed brand of
Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL.
There are many fakes on the market. Be
sure you get the Original GOLD MEDAL
Imported Haarlem Gil Capsules. They are
the only reliable.
druggists.—Adv. =
No use to be afraid. Get Old Nick
you anyway.
Have a Clear Skin.
Make Cuticura Seap your every-day
toilet soap and assist it now and then
by touches of Cuticura Ointment to
soften, soothe apd heal. For free
Boston.” At druggists and by mail
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv.
Some people wear glasses because
they can’t believe shelr own eyes.
made strong and your face have once |
after vou, and he’ll very probably catch |
samples address *“Cuticura, Dept. X, |
Why has the Government placed a
[= y
{Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm
: tion. Good healthand better looks soon follow the use of
A Word of Precaution.
J wherein lies the reason for the use of vegetable preparations for infants
vegetable preparations unsafe for infants and children ?
Cordials and Drops condemned by all Physicians and
ban on all preparations containing, among
other poisonous drugs, Opium in its variously prepared forms and pleasing tastes,
and under its innumerable names?
These are questions that every Mother will do well to inquire about.
Any Physician will recommend the keeping of Fletcher's Castoria in the
house for the common ailments of infants and children.
Children Cry For
Letters from Prominent Druggists
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
8. J. Briggs & Co., of Providence, R. I., say : «We have sold Fletchers
Castoria in our three stores for the past twenty years and consider it
one of the best preparations on the market.”’
Mansur Drug Co., of St. Paul, Minn., says: “We are not in the habit
of recommending proprietary medicines, but we never hesitate to say a
good word for Castoria. Itisa medical success.’’
Hegeman & Co., of New York City, N.Y., say: ‘We can say for your
Castoria that it is one of the best selling preparations in our stores.
That is conclusive evidence that it is satisfactory to the users.”
W. H. Chapman, of Montreal, Que., says: «J-have sold Fletcher’s Cas-
toria for many years and have yet to hear of one word other than praise of
its virtues. I look upon your preparation as one of the few so called
patent medicines having merit and unhesitatingly recommend it as a safe
" household remedy.”’
the .
‘Clear the Skin
A beautiful complexion is the outward mark of
good blood and ‘a healthy body. When the stomach,
liver and biood are in good order, the skin is clear and
“lovely. Unsightly blotches, pimples, eruptions and
sallowness show the need of Beecham’s Pills to stimulate
and regulate the vital organs and improve the circula-
Directions of Special Value to Women are with Every Box.
Sold by druggists throughout the world. In boxes, 10c., 25¢.
For sale by all first-class | My Eee
Sa een
¥ A Wonderful Testimonial
§ Endorsing EATONIC
1 have used EATONIC tablets in my
family and find it a most excellent
nedy for dyspepsia and all forms of
estion. Yours respectfully,
Ss AN.
At All Druggists
ckly Removes All Stomach Miseryv—Indigestion,
= Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sour,
Acid and Gassy Stomach
Here's the secret: EATONIC Drives the Gas out
of the body—and the Bloat goes with it. Guaranteed
to bring relief or money back. Get a box today.
Costs only a cent or two axday to useit.
Send for the **Help’* Book, Address Eatonic Remedy Co., 101§ Se. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Former U. S. Senator
It is always a terror to old people and e menace at some time or another to every
uman being, young or old. It is the forerunner of more ills and suffering
than almost any ol TURE'S DANGER SIGNALS and should never be
allowed to go unheeded. At the very first indication of constipation get DR.
TUTTS LIVER PILLS which for 72 years hae been successfully used for this
most prevalent of all disorders. For sale by druggists and dealers everywhere.
| Dr. Tuit’s Liver Pills |