THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL FIGHT OR WORK, CROWDER'S ORDER Ball Players, Bartenders, Golfers, Clerks, Gamblers, Must Find Useful Employment. ACTORS ON EXEMPTED LIST Sweeping Edict, Effective July 1, to Make Nation Efficient in War, Takes Registrants Out of the Deferred Class. 4 Bulletin. Washington, May 23. — General Crowder’s new “work-or-fight” regula- tions may require professional base- ball players either to engage in some useful occupation or to join the army. Baseball players, as well as jockeys, professional golfers and other profes- sional sportsmen, General Crowder said today, will be affected by the reg- ulations if strictly enforced. General Crowder said he did not desire to make specific rulings at this time and would make rulings only when cases came to him from local boards after July 1. Vo Ly Bulletin. © Washington, May 23.—Theatrical performers have been excepted from the new draft regulations at the di- rection of Secretary Baker, who is said to feel that the people cannot do with- out all amusement in war time and that other amusements could be dis- pensed with more readily. RAZA RR ARE A RARER SARS RE RARA RL RUA SLSR SSL RL SL ILIL THESE ARE HIT BY ORDER TO FIGHT OR WORK. Idlers. : Gamblers. Bucket shop employees. Race track attendants. Clairvoyants and the like. Professional golfers. Professional players (probably) baseball Elevator operators at clubs and stores. Club and hotel doormen. Waiters in hotels and clubs. Ushers in theaters. Attendants at sports. Persons in domestic service. Clerks in stores. Specially Exempt. Actors. rr rr rr rr Ar Arr Arr Ar rrr Washington, May 23.—Provost Mar- shal General Crowder today announ- ced that every man of draft age must work or fight after July 1. The order is under a drastic amendment to the selective service regulations. All draft registrants, besides idlers, in what are held to be nonuseful occupa- tions, will be given an opportunity be- fore local boards to choose a new job or join the army. Gamblers, race track and bucket shop attendants and fortune tellers head the list, but those who will be reached by the new regulation also in- clude waiters and bartenders, theater ushers and attendants, passenger ele- vator operators and other attendants of clubs, hotels, stores, etc., domestics and clerks in stores. Deferred classification granted on ac- SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM Men DISTEMPER., sure preventive, manufacturers. is your true protection, no matter how they are HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you sell or buy through the sales you have about one chance in fifty to escape SAL : i “pons: Pp KE STABLE only safeguar or as sure as you treat al with it, you will soon be rid of the aa, JOU aorsed yours It acts as s 50 cents and $1 a bottle; $6 and $10 dozen Tot ae good druggists, horse goods houses, or delivered by the SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Manufacturers, Goshen, Ind, U.S.A. Rookie Turns Laugh. “Go get 15 yards of skirmish line from Sergeant Doe over there,” an officer directed Josh Miles, a recruit. The rookie dutifully went over to Sergeant Doe and told him what he wanted. Sergeant Doe laughed and Private Miles saw the light. Return- ing to the wag he saluted soberly and made his report. “No skirmish line in stock, sir,” he sald, “but I can get you 15 yards of red tape.” When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy No Bmarting — Just Hye Ofmost 60 cents a8 Druggiasts or mail, Write for Free Nye Book. MURINE EYE REMEDY 00., CHICAGO Cuticura Stops Itching and Saves the Hair” Seap 25¢. Ointment 25¢ and S0c Cash for Old False Teeth Don't matser if broker eee 1 pay $2 to S16 X per se also cash for old gold, silver, platinum, denta} gol elry. and old gold jew and will Will send cash hy ret; old pv days for ssndes 8a a [i my price. Mallts L. Mazer, Dept. B, 2007 8. Sth St. , Phila..P 5S 57 PA HAIR \ or Beauty to Gra: . Yo 3 dda ET BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Relps to eradicate dandruff. and ed Hair. ste. Nx wy Ppasmen Sup a mi