The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 30, 1918, Image 1
, ‘ ville, spent Sundayv 9 dStan), Mk Commercial, a VOL. XXXIX. MEYERSDALE, PA., MAY 30, 1918. NO. 13. CRC EOE RCBREHE, CONFLUENCE. e MARKLETON. GARRETT. # Local and Persona : NEW REGUL ATION " Rev. J. J. Brady was a busi- ness caller in Markleton, Wed- nesday. Mrs. J. T. Brennen, of Scott- here, dale, visited relatives Friday. Mr. Thomas Carey, of Som- erset, spent Sunday with rela- tives here. Mrs. Katherine Lorapitch, of | Pochahontas, is visiting friends in our city. Miss Margaret Foley is vis- iting in Washington, D. C., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poor- baugh, of Glencoe. were busi- ness callers here, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Collins, of Connellsville, motored here Friday and visited relatives. Mr. Harry Sipple, of Sipple- ville, paid the Commercial of- fice a pleasant visit, Saturday. Miss Alma Engle. of Berlin, visited relatives and friends in our city a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Simon M. Bitt- ner and family visited relatives in Glencoe, Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. Elmer Stahl, of Connells- with his ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman ". Mrs. W. H. Rutter and «daughter, of Somerset, are vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Chelsa Slicer. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ham- ond, of Oakland, Md., are the uests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. “Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin teney. of Garrett, were bus- Salers in town, Saturday Miss Helen Boucher, of State ~ College, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Boucher, this week. Mr. George Griffith, a stu- dent in Juniata College. Hunt- ingdon, Pa., is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. W. H. Niehenke and children, Leroy aid Emma, of Garrett, were in Meyersdale Saturday evening. Miss Clara Dixon, of Con- nellsville, is visiting her broth- = Roma Cunningham sires, with the Editor’s permission, to thank each and every one of her many friends who sent her a post card on her tenth birthday, Monday, May 27th. Mr. C. M. Cunningham was a business caller in Connells- ville. Mr. Thomas Edwards, of Markleton, was a caller in our city, Monday. Mr. L. D. Show attended a business session of the Order of Railroad Tetegraphers at Rock- wood, Monday. * henke, of Garrett, were calling on friends here Monday even- ing. Mr. H. B. Brown is camping in the mountain near Indian Creek, where he is employed by the Baltimore and Ohio as a telegrapher. Mr. R. I. Mason, of Hynd- man, is working the third trick at Brook tower, “Dutch” Knot- ter having been assigned the Miss Roma Cunningham de- kind Miss Hazel Cockley, Ebe¥ K. | lish IN THE DRAFTING OF MEN FORARMY £ A bill which has just passed Congress and received the sig- nature of President Wilson provides that every young man in the United States who has reached the age of 21 years since June 5th, 1917, or will reach that age on or before June 5th, 1918, must register. The only exceptions are in the cases of men who are actually in military or naval service. Aliens as well as citizens of the United States are covered by the law. The President has fixed by proclamation Wednesday, June 5th, 1918, as the day for registering, and the following places have been announced as places where young men may present themselves for registration in Somerset County, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. cn that date: Municipal Building, Windber; Municipal Building, Holsopplej Municipal Building, Boswell; Office Local Board, Somerset ; Somerset Township Election House; Berlin Borough; Rockwood Borough; Meyers- dale Borough; Confluence Borough. ¥ Any person who is sick on June 5th and unable to present himself at the headquarters of the registration board may send | some competent friend, who may be deputized by the clerk to prepare his card. Li] » HELP FOR THE FARMERS The attention of all the farmers of erset County is di- rected to the fact that farm help may n be had by calling upon Frank R. Coder, County Manager for Farm Labor, Som- erset, Pennsylvania, or the local représentafive for farm labor in each district. The names of the lgcal representatives for farm labor fogeeach borougl washiphef: the county was pub- 2h “and, | p 3 x Resi wit £0 Hoot a gent “ ® Phe high-school ege boys of the state who have been registered in the Boys’ Working Reserve, a patriotic, semi- military organization, may now be had upon application as above stated. Most of these boys have been attending a short agricultural course at State College, Pennsylvania, and will, therefore, come to the farms with some knowledge of the na- ture of farm work and some preliminary experience. The boys will be visited once each week by an inspector of the United States Boys’ Working Reserve, whose business it will be to see that the boys are properly placed and properly taken care of, and also that they are doing their duty toward employers. In this manner better service will be rendered by the boys than U 0 Ponfeigh vs. South Side. Ponfeigh defeated the fast South Side nine in a spirited contest on the Garrett diamond, Friday evening. The pitching of Merrill and Boden featured the game, both pitchers be- ing backed up with good support. Eleven of the Ponfeigh black dia- mond diggers were fanned by Boden, while Merrill struck out 7 of the South Bide boys. Merrill, besides pitching a good game for his team, made a home run hit in the second, and scored two runs with a timely hit in the eighth after two men were out. The score follows: participating. day evening, contests are being held every Sunday on the sanitorium lawn, both soldier boys and ci Mr. M. O. Barnes, of Cassel- man, who is working the third ick at the tower extra, at- ded SS blsintes he ing of the Order of Railroad Teleg- raphers in Connellsville, Mon- U. M. W. A. PICNIC AT RIV- ERSIDE PARK JUNE 15th. The first big picnic of the season will be held at River- side Park on Saturday, June 15th, by Local Union No. 2774, yilians er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steink- irshner, of Listie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond, Sunday. Mrs. Earl Koontz and Mrs. Walter Bittner, of Roberts Station, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaulis, of Beachleytown, Saturday and Sunday. 2 Mr. Charles H. Walter, a train dispatcher in the divis- ional offices of the Baltimore and Ohio at Connellsville, vis- ited his mother, Mrs. D. J. Jo- der, of East Broadway, Mon- day. near Ohio Pyle. ROBERTS. Eber Cockley, dale, here, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Bittner urday and Sunday. Little Donald Musser, who has been on the sick list for several weeks, is enjoying good health: again, we are glad to say. A score or more people from Somerset, following the prac- tice of former years, were here Sunday preparing wreathes for decorating the graves of friends and relatives and of the old soldiers, for Memorial Day. For the past ten years these folks have always enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Walter Bitt- ner, who prepared their din- ners at her home and gave them a genuine royal recep- tion. However, this year, ow- ing to ill health, it was impos- sible for her to accommodate her friends as in former years, and this was regretted very much. The old timers who have been visiting our vicinity regularly on the Sunday before Memorial Day, also regretted to lose the hospitality of their good friend this year, wishing her better health by the time they come back again. - HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Class of 1918. Classical Section. Nell Mildred Boucher. Ruby Jeannette Cole. Mary Gregg Darrow. Anna Forquer. D. Guy Floto. Howard Dewey Gress. Irvin Schley Gress. Margaret Elizabeth Kimmel. Harvey Calvin Meyers. William T. McMillan, Jr. Clara Burnside Rowe. James Levy Swank. Oscar Paul Swank. ~ Commercial Section. Redolphus Heyer Bowman. Michael Herman Hady. Elizabeth Leydig. Laura Christina Robertson. Norman Osville Suder. Helen Irene Wagner. Household Arts Section. Helen Bolden. Mary Alice Leckemby. Gladys Irene Livengood. Orpha Lucinda Meyers. Hazel Viola Miller. Mary Kirkwood Siehl. # °. mm. Do] am———— . second trick at “HK” tower, of Meyers- was calling on friends and Mrs. E. R. Koontz were visit- ing friends in Meyersdale, Sat- perhaps might be the case were they left totally alone. the farmers during harvest. week during harvst. tion at this critical time, and she will not, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Johnstown, Pa.—The Federal-State Employment Bureau, with headquarters in this city, has recently had its district en- larged so that it now includes all of Cambria, Somerset and Indiana Counties and the eastern portion of Westmoreland County. The bureau is placing more and more workers of both sexes in positions, and calls from employers are on the in- crease. There is an acute shortage of labor along many lines, notably in mills busy on Government orders, and in mines. The bureau urges that persons desiring employment communicate with it, either in person or by letter, and employers will be given every possible service in obtaining help, although the labor shortage in this region makes the securing of sufficient help difficult. The services of the bureau, which is located here at 213 Market Street, are free to employer and worker alike. The work is conducted under the joint auspices of thé Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, the Pennsylvania Public Safety Committee and the U. S. Department of Labor. The State Director is Jacob Lightner. Under Mr. Lightner’s direc- tion during the last few years a remarkably efficient system of State employment bureaus has been built up, Johnstown being one of a score or more. The Harrisburg office is Clearing House for the entire State system. As the war progresses, and numbers of mutilated American soldiers come home, the bureaus will be set to securing places for them. - Director Lightner conducted a questionaire of em- ployers of the State a few months ago and it has developed that over 30,000 places await soldiers upon their return who by reason of disability cannot do certain kinds of work. The Superintendent of the Johnstown Bureau is Fred Ww. Church, who will be glad to recaive any suggestions au to bet- terment of the bureau’s work at any time. e The business men of the towns of the county are being or- ganized into War Emergency Farm Service Teams for help to A farmer in need of half a dozen hands for a day or a half day can secure them by calling on the local representative for farm labor in his nearest town. Farmers need have no hesitancy in calling for this help, be- cause the business men in most of the towns of the county have agreed to hold themselves available for a day or a half day each Somerset County has never failed to go “over the top” in any of the war appeals that have been made to her people. The County must not—dare not—fall behind in food produc- United Mineworkers of Ameri- ca. A big street parade will be held in Meyersdale at 9:30 are not unfavorable. It is an- nounced by the Committee that 20 per cent of proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross and the remaining 80 per cent will be invested in Liberty Bonds. Everybody invited to participate. STOYESTOWN., An excellent program has been arranged for the Memor- ial Day services here, which will be held in Custer’s Hall, as follows: Music Band. Song by the choir, Star Spangled Banner.” Prayer, Rev. English. Music by the band. Reading of Lincoln’s Gettys- burg address by Prof. John W. Mostoller, Jr. Short addresses by veterans|. and others. Song by the choir, ‘“Ameri- ca.’ Collection. Music by the band. Memorial Address by Rev. John K. Huey, of Central City. Music by the choir, “Song to the Flag.” Benediction, Rev. Wetzel. by the Stoyestown “The Ponfeigh R. H. E. Miller, s& = 0 0 0 H. Lohr, cf 0 0 0 Miller, 1b 1 1 0 Rittenour, c¢ . I 1 0 C. Merrill, p 1 2 0 Weaver, 2b . 1 3 0 Schrock, 3b . 0 2 0 B. Merrill, rf . 0 0 1 Nedrow, If .... 0 1 0 Totals... 36 4 8 1 “AK” Tower, Markleton, Pa. fe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ed- Joa Side. AB. R. H. E. wards were business callers in Pabsrion, 1b isn 2.0 1.9 Connellsville, Monday. I Dhole 0 horrell, ss 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kelley Weimer, If 9 oy were in Connellsville on busi- Edwards, 3b 0:0 0 ness, Monday evening. Boden, p 1 9. ig Mr. T. F. McMullen, of Ohio|L. George, cf 1 a Pyle, has been assigned the|J. George, rf 8 1 90 third trick at the tower to sue-! E. Lohr, 2b 4g 0 0 ceed Mr. Himes, who went to me Garrett. Totals... = .32 2 6 2 Some interesting baseball Score by innings: Ponfeigh South Side mtn 1 0.0 1002 0-4 000010010—2 Ajax defeated Enterprise in the first game of the baseball season in the Garrett Industrial score being 7 to 5. ‘Monday evening of this week Southside swamped Ajax in the third game, the score being some- think like 15 to 1. The Com- mercial’s correspondent was not furnished complete score cards for these two games, but in future wlil endeavor to give our readers a full account of each game. The standing of the teams after Monday’s game was as follows: Won Lost Per Ct. Ponfeigh 1 0 1.000 in the morning, after which Southside 1 1 500 folks will go to the park for a Ajax. 1 1 500 day’s outing and amusement. Enterprise 0 1 .000 An interesting program is be- ing arranged for the occasion, and a large turnout is antici- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. pated if weather conditions George Burke, a girl. Squire A. J. Beal was a busi« ness caller in Meyersdale. Mrs. Annie Cockley was a shopper in Meyersdale, Friday. John Tucker was a business caller in Meyersdale, Saturday. Eber K. Cockley was calling on friends in Rockwood, Sun- day. John W. Hoskin was in Mey- ersdale on business, Saturday evening, ; Ed Snyder was a business caller in Cumberland, Md. Saturday. D. R. Goodwin, of Hyndman, worked at the tower ‘several days in the absence of Mr. Himes. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sweeney and Mrs. W. H. Nie- henke motored to Meyersdale, Saturday. Miss Hazel Cockley, Eber K. Cockley and W. H. Nie- henke were calling on friends in Confluence, Monday even- ing. George W. Himes, Jr., the second trick operator at the B, & O. tower, was off several days on account of sickness in his family.