i «a MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS LADIES’ AND MISSES’ SUITS | LADIES’ AND MISSES WAISITS i) ED a 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices. 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices : 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices re} a Fhis Sale $7.95, $9.95, $12.95, $14.95, $17.95. | This Sale $9.95, $12.95, $14.95, $17.95, $22.95,| This Sale 49¢, 98c, $1.69, $2.49, $2.95, $3.95. = yn | Bovine | PN cons ci RD oT 2. 1 R : = : L i iS ’ > 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices LADIES’ AND MISSES’ COATS | AND OXFORDS a =~ B ;y | This Sale $2.95, $3.95, $293. $5.95, $3.22, $7.95. This 5 lo 5255. $6.05. OE. Seats Sis.08 50%, 75% and 100% below market pl : =] ge fl 4 5 |____ These suits are worth doublegand you'll say so. This Sale $4.95, $6.95, $8.95, $12.95, $14.95, | This Sale 98c, $1.49, $1.95, $2.39, $2.95, $3.49. | { aay g § MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN’S PANTS $17.95, $19.95, $22.95, $24.95, $29.95. Every pair of these shes worth double. : L ip | | 2 = 50% 15% md 100%. below mist pricss Hundreds of Kline's Coats were worn Easter BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SPRING COATS S mie | = This Sale $1.39, 1.9 2.49, 2.9 TJ ’ ’ 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices tr | “hi > $1.39, $1.95, $2.49, $2.95, LADIES AND MISSES” SILE DREssnS This Sale $1.95, 2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $7.95. | © &) 7 § MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS Thiz Sale $6.95 8.95. $12.95. $14.95. $19.95 Bring in the boys’ and girls’ and let us fit them, 5 29 : | 2 so 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices | ts a: LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S — ’ . o4 Men re sev a NE LATIES AND MISSES’ SWEATERS Er a fil J Men’s Underwear 49c to $1.95. . De, TB Sri 100% DOIN tparhol prices This Sale 98c¢, $1.42, $1.98, $2.49, $2.95, $3.49. 0 I = od Cannot be duplicated at double Thic Pala $5.93, $4.95, 30.05.5555, $12.95. : : ito 0%, 8 prices ih 28,80 of the season > be AE Ys LADIES’ AND MISSES SKIRTS reo PE i af ez | 150 Dozen of These Boys’ Knee Pants From This Sol 1 —r 1 a i es 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices ve {2 a Lon Ie a ea 2 a0 $4.95 | This Sale 49, 69, 98, $1.49, $1.95, $2.49, $2.95. | =u 7 : 0 dresses 10or e price O one. = [ENS AND BOYS’ SHOES AND OXFORDS MEN’> HATS AND CAPS TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND BAGS oe ol 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices 50%, 75% and 100% below market prices Al we fl |This Sale $1.49, $2.49, $2.95, $3.49, $3.95, $4.49, | This Sale 49¢, 69¢, 95c, $1.49, $1.95, $2.49, $2.95. Trunks $3.95 Up, Suit Cases $1.49 Up. Ca fom Genuine double values for your money They are worth double—let us “show you.” Cost you double at any other store én EE : i ; EROS TR RE Hr Fe EEE SE | SALE OF THE TRUSTEES STOCK OF KUT RATE DRY GOODS STORE | : With the stocks herein advertised will be a large line of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies’ Furnishings and Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Goods, bought by us from W. V. Wilson, trustee, for the Kut Rate Dry Goods Store, € formerly at 96 North Centre street. All will be sold within the next ten days at any price they will bring. These goods will be found in our Ladies’ Department on the second floor of our building. There are many Hi |i fl good values in this stock, as will be seen below, so ask to see same when you visit us during this szle. Lifpomeincy 8 Juste gy: | Supine. 09 Jhbmisemnuggy Jn ten E Wii an a 39¢c ma 12¢ rE ri 388 moss ail coors eerie “ho adic Sd Bid is Cold wr A 200 ; BY Ime 290 A A 12S a nar Ex Nos 2 a ida, ic CI ah 20 a mba 310 oh i enustiend Crooks coin B06 I 98¢ 3 » Oo Thi g g al p Is Not alone of greatest importance to the people of Cumberland, but to the citizens of this vast In This Cale we have gotten together one of the largest and most desirable lines of merchandise for |» territory for a distance of fifty miles or more. To this end we will pay the carfare to { S the family possible for any merchant to procure at this time, when the markets of the all customers of the sale coming a distance of 50 miles or more, provided their pur- country are unable to supply the demands of the people, and the saving to our patrons chases amount to $25 and over. This will enable out-of-town people to attend the sale at our expense and at will be marvelous. There is nothing in the line of wearing apparel for the family that we do not carry, and at the same time get bargains in wearing apparel for the family at prices no other store in this city can touch. the prices we will sell our stock during this sale the heals of families will make no mistake in buying for the Our store can be made the headquarters of the visitor while in the city, and we welcome ths trade to our needs of next winter as well as the present spring and s immer season. We have the merchandise to please all, sale. The trolley lines and the numerous railroad and bus lines make it possible for people from all direc- from the moderate-priced garment to the veery highest priced. Lack of space in our building prevents a proper tions to attend this money-saving event in our store. And in many instances visitors can some to the city display of our big stocks, which is sufficient to fill any of the department stores of this city. Take our word for early in the day and return home in the afternoon. Consult your railroad and bus line schedules before you it that you will not regret any purchase you make here, for we give you good values at a saving of 50% to come to the sale, have your list of purchases ready when you enter our store and your trip will be one of 100%. Everything sold is as represented; if found otherwise return the goods and your money will be re- pleasure as well as one of profit. | funded. We want you to bear in mind that Kline's Underselling Store is the only store in Cumberland and for many miles around that helps you to reduce the high cost of living in anything and everything you need in wear- ing apparel for any member of the family, and will supply you with goods as advertised. Time and time again you will be talking of the wonder ful values which you got at this sale, for, in a few months you will find Advantage of this great sale should We pay your car, railroad or bus that this same merchandise will be worth double what we are asking for it today. Every garment bought now will, we assure you, be worth two or three times as much as it is today. In conclusion we urge you to call early | i be taken even by people who are ’ fare on any line reaching this city 1 hundreds of miles away, unable to at- for a distance of 50 miles, with pur- x tend the sale. With money order or oR chases of $25 or over. Why not en- i check, your order will be promptly : joy a frce ride to Cumberland, at the t filled and all transportation charges ! same time supply yourself with goods paid. Send your order by registered \ from our many lines at prices not mail. : duplicated anywhere. | | SEND US MAIL ORDERS FREE EXCURSION TO ALL to get the best selection. L. KLINE, Prop. erse (0 3 = L. KLINE, frop. § Originator of Low Prices in Cumberland NYTTERTERECREE CTT 7, 9, 11, 13 BALTIMORE STREET, CUMBERLAND, MD. Near Western Maryland Railroad Station Store Open Evenings Until 8:30 J ——————————— CR LUT SR RS MEAS amen wo meas