GEE IEE a A THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. , W, ‘ : " bi 8 > Te” @ OF PLAIN a gs a ap. a, SL LoL s oso SSCS e. cecccccacecccceds Nccccccccccccesscecccecsscessss sEEEeeeESSSSSCSSSESsS sss 2 “REPRESENTING THE Eber K. Cockley & Herman Q. Lepley For Representatives in the General Assembly. A. Lindstrom For State Nenator. Hon. L. S.lellinger For Representative in Congress, 2rd Pennsylvania District. VIEWPOINT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.” ¢ / V £ EEE TELL sEs NOTILE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Loos No. 2714, UO. M, W. A, wishes to inform members and others that the Gonsol mines did not resume work in this legion as UNION MINES. ‘STRIKERS returned to their government’s request. | THELOGAL UNION PURGHASED 1A $500 LIBERTY BOND -A'S fiN ADDITIONAL AGT'WORTHY OF "YOUR NOTIGE. | TRUSTEES. work at a pn { | i Driving It Homel Let us drive home to you the fact that no washwo- man can wash clothes in as sanitary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. We use much more water, change the water many more times, use purer and more costly soap, and keep all the clothes in constant motion during the entire process. It is simply a matter of having proper facilities. Heyersaale Steam Landry At SNS a NINA IN ad Mo SD Advertiza it All the Time ee al ea a al aN dN Nf Nd a eS NFS ny L. Tressler 2 Funeral Director and“ Embalmer ¥ Meyersdale, Penna. % Residence: Office : & 309 North Street on omy Phone. We do Feritstic Job Priming. SINS NS NSN So NPS 229%Center Mroo Both Phenes. L * 2% 2 3 2% % 2% 0 3% OF ob kb ob Your Quota of the THIRD LIBERTY LOAN is $50 or more. Come in and subscribe. Easy payments. The First National Bank of Salisbury, ELK LICK, PA. OVERLAND CAR FOR SALE Will sell cheap, or trade on a Ford. Inquire at the Com- mercial Office. A a eS Bi xrx xx ahhh hkhkhhhhhhik ONLY AMERICA CAN HELP. * * “On your side are boundless * supplies of men, food, and mate- * rial; on this side a boundless de- * mand for their help. * “Our men are war-weary and % their nerves have been strained * by more than three years of *% hard, relentless toil. * “Our position Is critical, par * ticularly until the next harvest, * but the United States can save * us. * “You Americans have the men, *% the skill, and the material to *% save the allied cause.” * SIR JOSEPH MACLAY. * British Shipping Controller. * * * %* %k J % Kk % Jk ok 7 ok ok ok ok ok kk ok Patronize our Advertisers. Sam ND IN UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. By Walter Pritchard Eaton. A wind blast of fine snow had scoured the walks In Union Square until they wore a glaze More treacherous than ice. My collar up, My head bent low to face the gale, I strode To reach the warm wood fires at a club Not far beyond, and dinner with my back Against a glowing grate. Midway across The park I saw a woman slip and fall, And with a crash her burden of split boards Went down beside her and slid sprawling out. | Of course, I hurried to her side, intent ok To see if she were hurt, and got my hands \ Beneath her arms, and lifted her—a load So light I braced for twice the needed pull— And set her on her foot. She was not hurt, But, God! she hurt me as her eyes met mine! The gratitude of some stray cur was there When he expects a cuff but gets a bone, And licks your hand and will not go away. What had I done to earn a look like this? Then suddenly I saw! A dozen men Were passing py, like me, and not a one Had more than turned his head; only a boy, Ragged as she, had left his box of wood And now was gathering into a pile Her scattered load of broken boards. America has made its women queens— Yet this dumb creature in her threadbare black Could only look at me, a well dressed man, _As homeless dogs look up when they are fed And coaxed by kindness to forget their fear! She had no gloves; her red and claw-like hands Showed splits between the kunckles like raw wounds; Her coat would not have kept a kitten warm. I could not speak—a choke Was in my throat, A pity fierce and hot had clutched my heart. I only put her load beneath her arm : And in her hand what ‘money I could spare, And ran, a coward, from her grateful eyes. I felt a guilty, helpless thing—my guilt That I should be a partner in the crime Of making any woman, anywhere, Amazed at chivalry, and making, too, The poverty that sings to taking alms; My helplessness that I should be but one Of all the millions ly of ‘this crime. “Oh, God,” I prayed, “make me not to forget This aching pity that is at my heart, Make me to fight against the monster, Greed, And help to bring the day of Brotherhood, They say ~ When nene shall go in furs till all are clad, When in America there are no queens, But every woman holds her head erect, The happy Tnistress of a happy home!” oe Re NRE TD Dis Re BY w. Ek ES ad, WS eat Sed o Be ORE MERE ar a RN @ ERENT, Ce DAIRS BW CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK| Condensed Statement CF MEYERSDALE, PA At close of business, March 4th, 1918. > ih ¢ RESOURCES Loans and Investments... 0... $1,014,765.06 U. S. Bonds 214,070.00 - Banking House 30,200.00 Cash 58,906.33 Due from Banks and Reserve Agents ... 351,394.10 $1,669,335.49 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ....$ 65,000.00 Surplus and Profits... 149,292.75 Circulation - 65,000.00 Deposits 1,390,042.74 0 $1,669,335.49 The Citizens National Bank *“The Eank With The Clock With The Million" Your Savings Will get in the BANK whether YOU put them there or not. If you SPEND ALL your income SOME ONE else will deposit YOUR money. It is better to do your OWN BANKING. We have modern facilities, COME IN and see us TODAY. CITIZENS STATE BANK of Salisbury, ELK LICK, PA. PFs he { Fat is badly n navies. ucts are three tir Anothe Dakota the low eept the There rm