pe 4 rR -— i 2 — le. oo ; - : . Re - : uge in = : ; we to VOL XXXIX MEYER3IDALR, PA, APRIL 1L 191 8. | NO. 6. uction em = a . EE IIIEETTe. Miv. Vaid Hoffmeyer, of FO R F M HE [P CO NSULT SUMMIT MILLS and Margaret Pyle, Emma litions . lL. cal and P ersonal : Morgantown, W. Va., and Al- i ; : Gray, Edith Trent, Freda and envi- Enemas amos | Pert Bittner, of Akron, visited SOMERSET COUNTY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Herbert Miller is on the sick | Margaret Darr, Edna and » man T ‘Smol at the home of their brother, : list at this writing’ . Alice Bowman, Lilly ‘Robert- di Postmaster J. T. Swmpley Simon M. Bittner, Wednes-| Addison Borough—Robert E. Ross, Addison, Pa. : . |son, Elizabeth Thomas, Lo- ed. 10 was a caller in Garrett, Tues- da Addison Township—Charles Bird, Addison, Pa. Mr. James Davis made a trip reine Derlker, Emma. Hock mor day. aay ¥ : Allegheny Township—W. C. Caton, Fairhope, Pa. to Frostburg Sunday. n er, ock- order Lesli f Berlin. was Miss Margaret Damico, who Benson Borough—A. E. Cassler, Holsopple, Pa. Andrew Rishel purchased a man, Prema and Flowella Ar- ration. Z. C. esis 9 orm, is attending Indiana State Berlin Borough—John Ream, Berlin, Pa. E bp genbright, and Messrs. Roy, be fur a caller in town, Saturday aft- Normal Indiana, -Pa., is|Boswell Borough—E. B. Maurer, re a pow Bac car one day last Edward, Howard snd Ernest ernoon. tic al ar 2 bs Black Township—A. W. Young, Rockwood, Pa. week. : to pro i spending a ten days’ vacation Brothersvalley Township—Edison Hay, Meyersdale, Pa. 1 Fn Bowman, Edward Clites, Mr. Alex Marker, of Gar i Mrs. Samuel Firl, Jr. was|; Hell it - with her parents, Mr. and Casselman Borough—James Cramer, Casseiman, Pa. rs James Hellar, Klenn Thomas, : rett, was in town on business, | yr. Gus Damico. : Conemaugh Township— gE tn visiting relatives in the Maust|gy, Wright. Robert New- at- | Zt 3 in Tuesday. Mrs. P. P. Hauger is con- A. L. Miltenberger, Jopnsiown, Pa., R. D. corner a few days last week, man. William Shippy. Howard n half Sergt, George Foy, of Camp fined to her home in Rock- £50 Remuinger foveme, a Robert Faidley and family Hockman, Mark and Clyde under Hancock, Augusta, Ga. is wood suffering from an at- Confluence So a Beggs, Confluence, Pa. ; were visiting his parents, Mr.| Hillegass and Markle Robert- scien- home on a furlough. ‘(tack of appendicitis. Mrs. | Elklick Township—Cyrus Bird, Meyersdale, Pa., R. D. and Mrs. Alex Faidley, Sun-|gopn. = a I J. Baer was calling on Hauger is a daughter of Mr. Fairhope Township—August Gronks, Sairliope, Pa. day. oe i i nnellsvill : i i Garrett Borough—Charles E. Fritz, arrett, Pa. . Bd d Schwartz i = e. the friends in Conne I € oOneéland Mrs. Simon Bittner of Greenville Township—E. K. Hosters Sand Putch, Pu. Ye Poe Se wa z Bz HOLLSOPPLE he op- eyer.g Jus; recently’: town. __ | Hooversville Borough—1I, P. Dull, Hobyersville. Ba. tia lome of 0 : - high Mrs. William Delozier and| py, and Mrs. Max Shaffer | Jefferson Township—J. W. Barclay, Bakersville, Pa. father-in-law, Mr. Lincoln : two children, of Glencoe, and three children, of Mt.|Jenner Township— ] Faidley. Miss Rose Holsonnle hag re- : cai spent Thursday in our city. Savage, Md., and Miss Cath- pals, Styestows, Pe, B.D. Mr. Charles Faidley, of covered from a brief illness, hang Mrs. Clarence McDowell, | erine McKenzie, of Pittsburg, Jenrerionn Borough—Rev. x S. Alb tson, Stoyestown, Pa. | Bittinger, was visiting his Miss Bdith Murry of Hoo. In of Steubenville, Ohio, is visit- were recent visitors at ‘the Larimer Township—D. W. Tressler, Sdnd Patch, Pa., R. D. mother, Mrs. John Boyer, of versvills. was rolling on r cap- ing her sister, Mrs. W. F. home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lincoln Tounshine al 2 SE is this place. friendd here recently. ial- . i Lower Turkeyfoot Township—James R. Scott, rsina, Pa. h t. theip : ; , ocial Hady i ’ Nemes, Middlecreek Township—Homer D. Pyle, New Lexington. Pa.| . hi! Ss EE hus | Melvin Krino. of South Get acquainted with our) Robert H. Johnston, con- Meyersdale Borough—Clarence Moore, Meyersdale, Pa. rghis they é . | Fork. vidited his narants in are new advertisers by reading|ductor on the P. & M., was| Milford Township—John C. Weller, Rockwood, RD: Sends to Ya as their substi- Davidsvilla Sundav last. mat- every inch of advertising in|confined to his home in ‘Salis | Northampton Township—I. D. Leydig, Glencoe, a. utes—maybe. Wher 1. Crklav. ot Th Ire this issue. bury the past week by an at-| New Baltimore Borough—M-. A. Topper, New Baltimore, Pa. Husbands and wives should hy pl ny So : es are y New Centerville Borough—Charles Hay, Glade, Pa. th fod Meversdale frmmercial. wag 2 on- Bernard Cox, who was tack of larynigitis and bron. Ogle Township—D. H. Whittaker, Rummel, Pa. remember that they morrfed{y. a husiness mission ra nk home on'a furlough for a|chitis. He is again able to be| paint Borough—Jonas Weaver, Windber, Pa., R. D. for worse as well as better and Mr. Fred Sehmneker ig able y ide- week, has returned to Camp back on the job. Paint Township— : : * act accordingly. tn ha ashont oftor havino hean He is Gordon, Ga. Mrs. Harry Clabaugh, of Denial ou Windber, Py, R: D. “ Among the visitors at the ~onfined to his home by sick- Fnor Mrs. Elias Fike spent last|Cleveland, nee Margaret Quinn ing Toa a | Specht, Stoyestown, Pa. home of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon HEL pp oll week with her granddaughter, | Smith, was visifing at the |Rockwood Borough—W. M. G. Day, Rockwood, Pa. Yoder Sunday were Miss Ruth Mr SNawt Wali! ios ra ater- Mrs. Mary Roedabaugh, at|home of her parents, Mr. and |Salisbury Borough—John L. Barchus, Elklick, Pa. Faidley and sister, Mrs. Clark Hemel Rome ntior snsndiie et ig Hanover, Pa. : Mrs. ' Bernard Smith opposite | Shade Township—M. D. Reel, Stoyestown, Pa, R. D. Pritts, of Garrett. v a, ga : i 1 oi Shanksville Borough—W. J. Keeler, Shanksville, Pa. ; ew dave visiting friends in Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Housel the Fair Ground, and eirculat: Somerfield Borough—Robert Augustine, Somerfield, Pa. The guards of the hill are Tohnstown. = ls his and child motored to Deal, Ing among her many friends Somerset Borough—W. D. Lambert, Simerset, Pa guarding still, boys, get your Mies Sortie Porter talinhumia Soc- Pa., Saturday, where they|in town, for several days. Somerset Township—E. E. Kiernan, Some; cowbells ready. There's ru- ator at tho local msrbo, o men visited relatives, While in Confluence Sun- Somerset Township— Friedens, Pa. mor of a double wedding in|"? [The Do? xcronge, : ; W h, Wellersburg, Pa. : Ts wag ealline on friends in d Southampton ; g; Summit Mills in the near fu- : Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fingzel, [day afternoon Mr. Cockl ty ok TH Berlin, Pa. : nik Nh Tobnstown. ranaptlv. : lish- Mrs. Charles May and daugh-|Met an old acquainta yest : ¥ ¥e Mr. Russg )lish- re i yes. is mr a : isbn ll. Dunbar A Ll epla- merc . Rev 1shi «C. McMillen, a ea Torarh “onerator st Nerema TC tions ize i U Borough—S. B. Alcott, Ursina, Pa. BOYNTON. Tunrction. wag = husinagg caller t, is . Lieut. George J. Black, of Daseonise oo advertisers, yet Woh ah Cook, Wellersburg, Pa. “ in" Tohnetown Tuesdav. ¢ Camp Oglethorpe, Ga., is the sing bo: busy io got-up th Windber Borough—John A. Hartman, Windber, Pa. : ; Morris Snaneler emplaved 1 guest of his parents, Mr. and|W2Y in person, asked him to Parner Mr. Alvin Trent moved into ANTES Tier. D'~ve y Mrs. J M Blak go to Collins’ Drug Stoge and ST. PAUL.. GARRETT the house owned by Melchoir|Pv the Cambria Steel Com- ~~ ire 75 W Herb purchase a bottle of pure La- : : Hockman. one at he Mi ny pe . omas Weller has re- : . : T— . : iends here ednesday. Sy stp in voptik eye wash and bring it| . : ads Mr. John Bittner and fam.|°P frien turned from a visit with her along the next time he makes| Mr. N. D. Hay is seriously ill] Edward F. Snyder was a lly spent Sunday with Mrl ' The state nolica on duty. ak przeris Je. ond Mrs. James a trip to Confluence. Instant-| at his home here. caller in Markleton Sunday. and Mrs John Trésdlor. the dam have been ropine in n, in ron. ly it occurred to us that there Rev. and Mrs. L. N. Wilson Eber K. Cockley was call- Mr. and Mrs. C. K Bowman anite a few motorists who were Mrs. W. C. Cartwright and readers in and son Paul left for a visit : a ~ two children, of Boswell, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. J. Donnecker., Mr. William F. Hady is spending a week visiting at the homes of his daughters in are many more nearby towns who desire to patronize Commercial adver- ‘|tisers but never think about asking an advertiser to - for- ward articles which they de- with Mrs. Wilson’s mother at Lancaster, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lint and children, of Meyersdale, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. ing on friends in Confluence Sunday evening. Chief Burgess William Mar- | tin spent a few hours in Cum- berland Sunday. r Dr. C. T. Saylor, of Rock- drivino their cars with the old 1917 licenses. The teachers gave the chil- dren of Hollsovople a picnic in the lower rooms of the publie school building Wednesday were the guests of Mr. George Bowman and family Sunday. Mr. Herman Ross, who had a very severe case of Ila- grippe, is improving slowly. sire to them by parcel post. | Lint’s sister, Mrs. Ernest aad Mrs. Howard Bittner has which was enjoyed by all par- Chicago and Gary, Indiana. Cur advertisers can mail you|Bodes. Yoo, was > pee Eons call- | moved into he hon Sm ticipants. Mrs. Elizabeth Younkin|any article up to 70 pounds in| pres. Elias Handwerk, | °F 10 town Monday. ly occupied by Jack Hanger. and Mrs. Shannon Smith have returned from Cumberland, where they visited for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips and family visited Mrs. Phil- lips’ mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Dickens, Levels, W. Va., last week. weight and it wil be deliver- ed right to your door if your town has free delivery carrier service. The pure Lavoptik advertised in The Commercial is sold by Mr. Collins at 50 cents per bottle—no price be- ing stated in the ad. daughter Nettie and son Victor of Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mishler and their lit- tle daughter, of Salisbury, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Engle in their new home, the house vacated by William Sechler. John C, Philippi, who has been suffering “with a bad case of lagrippe, is recovering nice- ly. William H. Niehenke has a very bad dose of poison which causes him to suffer much pain and inconvenience. Revival meetings, conducted Mrs. Samuel Shroyer and|.i tho ©. B. Church by Rev. Mr. Howard Bittner are on the Taylor and Mr. Rush, are well sick list, both suffering with attended and doing much rheumatism. good, quite a number of our Mr. Homer Clites, who has! people having gone forward. been working in Bedford Workmen at the Haws Mine county, has returned home and observed Mitchell Day Mon- will seek employment here. day last, it being a union mine id Mrs. Ed Patton and children| Mpg Jonathan Lape, who! Mr. Elmer Vought, who|—one of the few in this region. Mrs. A. G Kennell and! REMARKABLE POULTRY |of Meyersdale were visiting has been on the sick list for|Purchased the property for-| Men working there have daughter, Ida Elizabeth, of BOOK her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred some time, is reported to be in| Merly occupied by Alvin|steady work on a government Cumberland, are visiting Mrs. Kennell’s mother, Mrs. Ida Staub. . Mrs. David England and daughter, Miss Salma, who were visiting at the home of W. L. Dahl, have returned to Bedford. Misses Ida and Florence Griffith, of Richmond, Va., are visiting their brother and The Editor has just received a remarkable book on poultry that was sent to him with the| compliments of Mr. Firman L. Carswell, of Rockledge Farm, Kansas City, Mo. The book is a wonderful construction, telling how to get eggs in the middle of win- ter, how to select eggs for hatching, how to raise and Wise, over Sunday. Mrs. Wise has just recovered from a se- vere attack of lagrippe, and Mr. Wise has been in bed for three weeks with the same ail- ment, but he appears to be im- proving at the present writing. MEYERSDALE AMAZED BY SUDDEN ACTION a dangerous condition. The temperance lecture in “Pap” Merrill’s hall Friday evening drew ga big crowd from town and the surround- ing territory. Calvin K. Boden, who has been employed at Casselman, removed his family to their former home here, and is em- Trent, has moved into his new | contract. . home. Misses Cora and Blanche Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Livingston, teachers in the Robertson, a girl; to Mr. and|Pretoria and the Bethel Mrs. E. S. Bowman, a boy; to|schools, respectively, have re- Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Trent, turned to their home in Johns- a boy. town, both schools being closed Misses Olla and Lulu Wag- for the summer vacation. ner and Catherine Reiber, of| The March wind gnd the Salisbury, were dinner guests|SPring sun have dried up the of Miss Flowella Argenbright|r0ads down this way, putting : : - . ployed in the Merrill mine Sunda them in good shape, and mony sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. care for baby chicks, and par-|. The quick action of pure| ... town. y cars are now seen passin John Griffith. ticularly how to treat” suat|L2VOPtik Eye Wash is start- A very pleasant and much through on th d es : ating, A sclofl ‘bay- had eve; 'A car driven by Mr. Solo-|ep; i ougn on the road that con- Mr. and Mrs, DeForrest much dreade' White Diarrhoea g y y y enjoyed social event was the Ludwig and Mrs. E. C. Lud- wig, who were guests at the home of George W. Collins, in Baby Chicks. This remarkable book will be sent free to poultry raisers strain so bagly he could not read. A week’s use of Lavop- tik surprised his teacher so much she used it for her old mon Walter turned turtle on the road between Garrett and Meyersdale just east of town, nects Johnstown with the Lin. coln Highway. The new Johnstown & Som- banquet of the Boynton Gram- mar School, which was held in Engle Hall Tuesday, April 2. ge V ther. ONE WASH should ; . in| €rset Street Railway is coming returned to Pittsburg, Mon- who will send their name and pi A AE ER Sw is | Saturday evening, and Miss ng i Wem iy right along in fine shape. i address to Mr. Firman L. Cars- punsaiiced I benefit EVERY (Ida Hoover, one of the 0ceu- | hoino served at go late hour, | Lack is now being laid north rs. William Kallmeyer well, No. 51 Gateway Station, | CASE of weak, strained or inet nts i 5 sav: a '|of town, and car service will andi two Hi SEL Roa ye flamed eyes. The QUICK re. pants, received some Very after which the young people and William, who were visit- ing at the home of M. F. Baer, returned to Frostburg, Tues- | day. o_o «=e Get our prices on Job Werk. sult is astonishing. Aluminum eye cup FREE. L. R. Collins, Druggist. | paintul injuries. [the accident coul { termined. —— =} e—— The cause of | departed for d not be de-| Those present were the Misses | fman, IKlorence Yoder, be established between Jerome July 1st, company’s their homes, | land Johnstown by according to the Florence and Elizabeth New : : | plans. ] Elsie L