The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, March 28, 1918, Image 3
rl THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSD ALE, PA. — COAL RUN. THE COMMERCIAL’S UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS ie GUIDE AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, < - 7% hd John Ohler and Herman : - . sd SRN Ze Pee lssurance Clause— : Miller were Garrett visitors These Business and Professional Men Contribute to the Sup- x ~% N\ aI torn ey ad thon ecad for last week. port of The Commercial; Commercial Readers Contribute Fred Nolte and George Rob- ison were Berlin visitors Sat- arday last. to the Support of These Business and Professional Men. CLOTHES bp N22 without argument, quibbling, or delay. N cals with ABSOLUTE INSURANCE 2% asainst any defect of any kind whatso- — é . e its | il =e ee Mrs. Wilton Sheetz, who has|, List under this heading your| JOHN E. HAMILTON, Main Wosagton i been on the sick list for some busines name, location, tele- St., Drugs, Soda Water, Ci- i Calta." thane path, Tt now Improving. phone number and a brief gen-| gars. County phone. i ee J eral description of goods car-| 5 ¢. DULL, Water St., Sh Wilrangh Con Hemmings, who has|ried in stock, or of professional “ Gonge’ ds Srey gg Jo been confined to his bed for|services available to the public. Semiet tnishings; Bieyc some time, is able to be about| No single ad listed to contain upp res. : again. more than seven printed lines. F. Hd MENSER, Plumbing, . | 3 Marshall Lowery has had the! The cost is 50 cents per month. | eating mnmg. . ounty | 1d pardages removed from his ——re tee Ww EP OVLE Main St nger which he had the mis- : . Ek. , Main St. A fortune. to break some time MEYERSDALE, PA. bering, = Shampooing, RX ago. tact sage. Richard Hickson has passed MEYERSDALE’S LEADING| HOOVERSVILLE GARAGE, DRUGGIST, F. B. Thomas. Drugs, Medicines, Cigars, Perfumes, Tcilet Articles; P. M. Boyer, Prop., Succes- the medical examination for sors of Autos. Beth phones. Tilitary service and will be kn front "he near Suinre Graphophones and Records. The weather we are having n Both hones, a at this writing is certainly very |X: H & SON, 130 Centre) MARKLETON STORE CO, MARKLETON, PA. rr YS 3 /~ lf pleasant and very much ap- St., Furniture, Carpets, Wall! General Merchandise and ) preciated after the long siege Paper Siovenl pee & Mus-| Country Produce. Economw i! | of the past winter. ical Goods; Undertaking a; pope. " : Specialty; all phones. : Mineworkers, why not all W. B . . | deposit a little sum of your a SON Ji hard earned money in the U.| and Plate Glass Insurance. Eo it every two weeks in your pay WILLIAM C. PRICE, Success- ROCKWOOD . HARDWARE envelope? or to W. A. Clark, Funeral CO., W. Main St., General en J Director; Business Conduc-| Hardware and full line of John Gray, of Garrett, is ted at the Same Place; Mining Tools. Economy confined to beds at George| Prompt Attention Given All| phone. Gray’s forme pers, with bioad Calls; Both Phones. J. J. KARR, Farmers’ and Mer- poison 1n nis leg, as a resuit o 3 hants’ Bank Bld T . : : LUCENTE’S GROCERY, All chants ban g., lonsor 2 Smal] eut Which he received | “iinds of Groceries, Pruits| ial Ariat ae 0 pi In the mINes| 1d Vegetables; Olive Oil E. A. MALSBERRY, W. Main go: a Specialty; Centre St., op-| St, Jewelry and Watches; posite the Bijou Theatre. B. & O. Watch Inspector. MEYERSDALE MARBLE | FRITZ MACHINE SHOP, AH WORKS, A. H. Kinds of Repair Work; Pipe The Mogument Man, Prop. and Pipefittings. Economy ROCKWOOD, PA. PVC Goi dia Bl. SC an 2 Fr hd ow Bk 5 ST. PAUL. Johnston, 3) %) q AY A N D! > 0 BR \ IN ho 4 > by NS S| > lt Ny hY D Mrs. Maurice Hostetler and | ’ phone. h children, of Meyersdale, were| MEYERSDALE AUTO SERV-| THE HOME MADE, BREAD | visiting her mother. CE CO, Dealers in Buick MAN D. S . : 4 Dodae Care: Les G , J. D. Snyder. County Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mil-| 2° ge Lars; Lee (auar-| hone No. 26; Economy anteed Puncture Proof Tires phone No. 15. and Goodyear Tires; Acces: ; ‘bp MII IER, W. Main St. . : . ies; fully equipped Ma- : Miss Sadie Christner, of Soriess y upp Fruit and Groceries. Econ- chine Shop. Main St. op- omy phone No. S57. Stoyestown, is visiting friends . , . and relatives in this vicinity. | Pose public School Bulld:|ppyg’MANCUSO, W. Mair = 1 : "Mr. John Whisler, our ex- DONGES MEAT MARKET Merchant Tailor; Clea ‘pert machinist, was called up- Meats, Butterine, B atter. Pressing, Repairing; \ on to put Irvin Engle’s Ford Eggs Cheese Poultry Both | Guaranteed. car in running trim Monday| [jones 4 : PHOTOPLAY THEATRE, Geo. “I last. : Ridenour, Prop., W. Main. St., First Class Pictures; ton Bodes, a girl; to Mr. and]. : | Mrs. Dan Engle, a girl. Everybody is Doing It and Pleased to Have the Opportunity BS I LoS SSX ° 97 . 5 If you can i il Uncle Sam's : uniform you can : Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Yoder Se i and children, of Summit Mills, GARRETT, PA. Change daily. LE 3 3 ; by 5 i - ad Sige ° at least mobilize your dollars for the nation’s nil of Summit. Mills 3 | were the guests ol Mr. an MEYERS’ HARDWARE defense. “| Mrs. Herman G. Lepley, Sun-| WILLIAM MART:N, Shoe and MEYERS’ VARIETY ee Oppenheimer Clothes afford every man the op- Say lad Pies Rouaiings. Shos) "R.T. Movers, Prop. Miller ] : ; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fresh, Shine. Bldg., General Hardware, portunity to dress well without waste. and children, of Listonburg,| SIDNEY BURK & SON, First full line of Variety Goods. Styles are right, fabrics dependable and work- were the guests of Mr. and National Bank Bldg., Up-to-| Economy phone. Mrs. Jacob Sechler on Tuesday date Shaving Parlor. MILLER & WOLF, Successors manship of the highest character. For sale by leading clothiers. of last week. THE ANGEMA LABORA-! to John D. Locke, Miller Suits, $15 to $30. Trousers, $2.50 to $6. Ra SRS A SU AC SAR SR IFAS gv ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. office Pittsburgh, Pa. TAURANT, R Jonas Beachy. BEAL’S RESTAURANT, Short! Stoet Ontors: Tobocon ang 4 ws D562 Salome Beachy, of Norfolk,| TORY, Manufacturers of Block, Clothing, Shoes and Va., was visiting her sister,| Medicines, Toilet Articles,/ Hats for Men. TM. OPPENHEIMER, @& CO. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Miss Lucy Beachy, who is mak- Extracts, Soap, etc., Main MILLER’S HOTEL AND RES- 115-123 Seventh. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pounds of Flour Saved if each of our 22,000,000 families use this recipe instead of white bread. One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves a week for a year means 1,716,000,000 poundssaved! Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army Corn Bread with Rye Flour 1 cup corn meal 1 teaspoon salt Mr. William Sechler is fur- nishing sweets to St. Paulites by the gallon. Go to it, Wil- liam, but do not try to boil syrup out of rain water. Miss Mildred Snyder, of Po- cahontas, spent the week end at the home of her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Sipple, and with other rela- tives here. Practice for the Easter serv- ices which are to be held in the Reformed Church on Easter Sunday evening is making good progress under Rev. Wilsons able direction. About three hundred people attended the funeral services for George Porter Gray. The sermon was preached by the Lutheran minister, Rev. Charles Lambert, assisted by Rev. L. N. Wilson. Mr. N. D. Hay is trying out a new Huber tractor on his farm. It is supposed to do the work of.four men and twelve horses. Such machines should be a great help in speeding up the production of foodstuff and in making up for the shortage of farm labor in times like we Groceries; Ice Cream; and Justice of the Peace.. Econ- omy Phone. : W. H. CLEMENS, Notary Pub- lic; Ice Cream, Soda Water Confectionery, etc. Economy phone. F. E. JUDY, General Merchan- dise and Country Produce. Economy phone. ; WALK KISTLER, Shoes, Hats and Tailor Made Suits a Specialty; full line of Dry Goods and Notions... Next Door to Postoffice. HOLLSOPPLE, PA. ANDREW LINDSTROM. Gen- eral Blacksmith and Practi- cal Horseshcer. Johnstown phone No. 23. HOOVERSVILLE, PA. C. A. LOHR & SON, News Agency; daily papers, late magazines; Candy, Cigars, and Soft Drinks. : Bridge; street at corner Orders; Cigars and Tobacco; ! Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Fur-! Cigars; full line of Grocer- ies. First Class Accomoda- tions. SOMERSET, PA. W. CURTIS TRUXAL, Attor- ney-at-law; prompt attention given to all legal business. WINDBER, PA. FRED BRUMBERG, 911 Gra- ham Ave., General Black- smith and Horseshoer. Local phone. GEORGE RUDOLPH, 1321 Midway, Custom Tailor. Local phone. TORQUATO BROS., 1317 Mid- way, General Contractors. Rell phone Neo. 187-J. SOL BRICKER, 1320 Graham Ave., Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishings. ' C. D. NUPP, 1214 Graham Av, | Newspapers, late Magazines; | Candies, Cigars and To- | bacco. HARRY ISAACSON, Water T. HH. VAUGHN, Dealer in | Fresh Roasted Peanuts and Buttered Pop Corn; opposite 1 cup rye flour 1 cup mi L : Louk ; i Sn 2 sallespodhg suger Piab 1 egg are experiencing at present. nishings. County phone 18.! (Windker Opera House. { teaspoons Royal Baki 2 tablesnoo : : . . : en | P y ing Powder 2 tablespoons shortening Since the business relations| of a number of our residents|lections, in both classes. The | RESULTS WILL STARTLE will call them elsewhere in the contest closes April 1st, when| MEVERSDALE near future. we bid th fare-1.. : { near fuuire, we bid them fare-}.p. jogers give a banquet to] well with best wishes for con- : the winners, if Mr. Herbert] tinued success, and recommend the winners, 11 IM erbert | Barley flour or oat flour may be used instead of rye flour with equally good resuits. Sift dry ingredients into bowl; add milk, beaten egz and “melted shortening. Stir well. Put into greased pan, allow to stand in warm piace 20 to 25 minutes and bake in moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes. Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, ‘Best War Time Recipes,”’ containing many other recipes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed frec— address T j > hiant At ROYAL B hy 2 this place to others who are|rioover doesnt Object. Al OU ¥ an Wi. R z... 220 Eo . ; : TC : {pa AKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 135 William St., New York looking for a good healthy|tendance counts 2 points, les-| place to locate. Come and|son studied 1, offering 1 point| = © pam ap 111 +} lace those who arel - > ~ v ] b 3 YL fill the places of these-who gre 5 points. The boys are ahead 5s a going to leave us. ay mother c« at this writing but the final re- FOOD WILL WIN THE |sew or read becau ins. In one wee: The contest in the Reformed and mor- Lr AGAR EE LB A TEE ov dt ie Revd Th predict as thel na bring on mm — — | church here between the Men’s {5% 18 an to predict, as the) pal : : : 3 3 : : oy : nvr elite SBC ‘ble was iy wife a Dr. Shumae, of Summit Dr. Shumac is a man who ing example of the practicabil-| Bible Class, Mr. D. Compton, men area close second. D8 Le B of shame. Mills, was in town on Satur- believes in nature’s own reme- ity of this system of treatment. teacher; and the Young Men's ; ; : : : ot : ly ilar =r help EVE vy children day with some medical sup- dies—remedies that will assist At the age of sixty-nine he is{ class, Rev. L. N. Wilson, teach- : on = E low char- plies for the boys in France. nature to throw off trouble and apparently = as agile as most | er, is proceeding with much] Did D1 i r SH tar rance that He forwarded them in care of overcome disease. With him young men of twenty, with] enthusiasm. There has been i ya d 16a resdlte | Alaminuin 2 cup Ya |results. Aluminum eye cup | a marked increase in ember- | . . . : . | T1 vy TREER Ir BR Collins. Druggist | ship, in interest shown in the | THE CHILD'S OUERY? FREE. L.R. Collins, Druggist | study of the lessons and in col- As J UU : ee 3 \ i his grandsom, Lloyd Shumac, nature is the great doctor, and equal powers of endurance. who is with the Engineering his purpose is to work in har- ~ . . 1: Corps. mony with nature. He is a liv- lrunkard’s