The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 03, 1918, Image 1

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Dr. F. E. Sass, of Boswell, was a
recent caller to Somerset,
Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, of Rich-
mond, Ind., are guests at the home
of Mrs. Sullivan’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hefflev.
C. S. Iekes, of Boswell, was a re-
cent business caller to Somerset.
Attorney E. 0. Kooser was trans-
acting business in Johnstown recent-
Mrs. Henry Heffley and little
grand-daughter, Janice Kinzer, have
returned from Baltimore where Miss
Janice was a ‘patient in the Johns
Hopkins Hospital for several weeks
W. S. 'Mosholder and James Walk-
er were transactflng business in
Johnstown recenkly.
Mrs. Clara Vaughn, who has heen
spending several weeks with rela-
tives and friends in Somerset, has
returned to her home in Ohio Pyle.
Charles I. Knepper was transacting
‘business in Rockwood recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rush. and
daughter, Ethel, of Rockwood, were
recent visitors to Somerset.
Attorney P. G. Cober was calling
on friends in Rockwood recently.
‘Walter Conner, of Greensburg has
returned home after spending several
daye 'n town on business.
Rlder Silas Hoover is conducting
evangelistic services in Dayton, O.
. ¢. MeDowell bas returned home
after transacting business in Chicago.
for several days.
The annual meeting of the stock-
holders of the Economy Telephone
Company will be held at Meyersdais,
January Sth.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Miller of
Youngstown, Ohio, are visiting rela-
tives and friendg in Somerset.
Chauncey S. Ickes, Justice of the
Peace at Boswell has received word
“hart and Miss ug Caddell, all of
home of Mr. and Mrs C. BE, Deal, of
W. A. Lape of Garrett, was trans-
acting business in Somerset recent-
1. : : ts
Miss ada Marwel visited with rela-
tives and friends in Johnstown.
Mrs Preston Snyder visited at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Join Hyatt of Windber.
Mrs. Ross Coleman was shopping
in Johnstown.
3rs. Susan Wooley and three
children, 'Clare, Glenn and Lewis,
have returned to their home at Par-
ker’s Landing affer spending sev-
eral weeks with relatives and friends
at Somerset.
Mrs, A. W. Lowry visited relatives
end friends in Windber.
John Irwin of Connellsville, was
transacting business ir Somerset.
A. B. Bone has returned home
from a business trip to Pittsburgh.
Valentine C. Miller of Stoyestown,
was a Somerset business visitor.
A. G. Heckman of Johnstown wvis-
ited relatives and fniends in Somer-
Merchant John H. Sifford has re-
turned home from gy visit to his son,
J’. Hurst Sifford. who has enlisted in
the aviation corps of the army at
Aitorney H. Frank Yost spent sev-
eral days with hic brother in New
Mrs. Laura Baush is visiting rela-
tives and friends in Philadelphia.
John Lenhart and Herbert Foust,
of Company C, spent ga. short fur-
longh with home folks.! Two of
their comrades, KEarl Sevits and
Frank Layding accompanlied them as
far as Garrett.
R. G. Borton, of Pittsburgh was
transacting business in somerset.
Mrs. Robert Walker of Marietta,
Ohio, who visited several weeks at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Shoe-
maker of East Patriot street has re-
turndd home accompanied by her
daughter, ‘who will spend several
wesks with her mother.
Attorney Josephs Levy was trans-
acting businesg in Johnstown recent- |
{ Mrs. BE. G. Moore and Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Adams, of Company C, ar-
rived home from Camp Hancock to
spend a furlough with home folks.
Mrs. E. S. Sechler of West Union
street is spending several days in
Groff who is attending
and Marshal Colege at
Ymas va
Somerset, were recent guests at the
Center Church
| Some of our farmers are busily en-
| saged hauling lime so as to improve
| the soil and raise more crops in the
| coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sanner moved
to Rockwood last week and are now
ving in Jacob Marker’s tenant
hoiise. :
Mrs, Clvde Grove, of Garrett spent
Suntlay with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Christian Hare.
Mrs, Urias Burkholder spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis XKretchman of near Meyers-.
Mr. and Mrs. Irg ‘Sanner of Rock-
wood gpent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sanner.
Miss Elsie Schafer who teaches the
Handwerk %chooj Spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scha-
Mrs. Noah Haer was shopping in
Garrett, :
Frof. M. C. Haer was vaccinated
one day last week and reports a very
Sore arm.
The following is a programme for
a teachers’ meeting tc be held at the
Y J. Miller Schoolhouse beginning 1
P. M., Jan. 5, 1918.
Treatment of the Unprepared—
Leora Gnagey.
Need of Teaching Pupils How to
Stady—W. L. Tucker.
Good Questioning—John Meyers.
Ciass Managément — Margaret
Position and Manners of IChild-
ren—Grace Fike.
The School and the Community—
W. W. Nicholson.
{mportanee and proper training of
| Memory—Iuella Baker. :
A general discussion of methods |;
tT 3 he 5 ig
hig parents, Postmaster and Mrs. A
B. Groff of North Main street.
Airs. Ross (Coleman arrived home
after spending several days at her
home lin Rockwood.
Lynn D. Walker, a student at the
University of Pittsburgh, spent his
Xmas vacation at the home of his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Mullin of Union street.
ILiarry Morrison who ig attending
the Augusta Military Academy in’
Virgliniy has returned home to spend
several days with his parents, Mr.
andl Mrs. W. L. Morrison of West
Main street,
nN, W. Weller was a recent visitor
to Rleyersdale.
William Platt of Berlin was trans-
acting businesg in Somerset.
Mrs. Jennie Caschbeer Philson, of
| Johnstown has returned home after
spending several days with her moth-
er, Mrs. Alex Casebeer. (
L. G. McCrum of New Yonik was
transacting business in Somerset re-
Mrs. Piug Speicher of Kentville, N.
J., is visiting relatives here.
RR. M. Ford, of Altoona, was trans-
acting business lin Somerset.
Miss Mary Berkel who ig enrolled
at Goucher College spent her Xmas
vacation with her parents, Attorney
and Mrs. J. A. Berkey.
> Miss Ruth Simpson who is en-
rolled at Goucher (College ‘visited at
the hiome of her father, Ed. Simpson,
The Somerset Mihisterium mnan-
imnusly decided to diispense with the
customary Christma candy treat in
the Sunday schools this year and to
contribute a sum equal to the cost
of the treat to the Armenian Syrian
relief fund.
There was no community Christ-
mas tree erected in the public square
of Somerset this year, the Board of
Trade having decided to contribute
a sum of $25.00 to the Armenian
Syrian relief fund instead.
James Walker who had been vis-
iing among friends in Johnstown hag
returned home.
Milton W. Hauger, Milton Meyers
and E. F. Stahl were transacting
business in Johnstown recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Moore visited
at the home of their parents, Mr. and
A. M. Masters of Johnstown
J. D. Snelicher of Acosta was trans-
acting business at Somerset.
A. L. Lowry and Roscog Welfley
of Salisbury were here obtaining in-
| structions on the filling out of the
questionaire of drafted men for the
army, they having recently
with his parents here.
daughter, Mrs. R. E. Mockler.
their parents at thig place.
holidays with his parents.
J. N. Lenhart who is employed [tn
Akron, Ohio, spent the holidays with
his family here.
Mr. and Mrs Obediah Harding of
Pittsburgh spent the holiday season
visiting relativeg and friends here.
Miss Bessie Miller of Friedens
spent Xmas with her sister, Mrs, E.
EF. Yaselbarth.
Miss Della Beale of Rockwood
spent part of the past with Mrs. C.
T. Yay, of Union street.
Misg Ada Livengood of Cleveland,
Ohio is spending several weeks with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. P, L, Liv-
Robert Walker, his sons, John and
Ezra, Clarence Yaist and Frank Wel-,
fley spent Xmas sightseeing in Fr ost-
burg and Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKurley of
ley during the past week. Py
Miss Minnie Livengood of Bwis
| Bdith Lichlitor, local chairman of the |
Y. M. C. A, the drive for funds was
a decided suecess. At the end of the
for ‘Somerset County.
Christmas Day Howard Yaist en-
tertained his friends, Robert Lowry
and Howard Pyle. :
Mrs Howard Yaist was a dinnen
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William ‘Engle on Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boucher and
child, and W. H. Boucher of Price-
dale, and John ‘Boucher of Pitts-
ér home in Salisbury.
Howard McClain, inspector at the
Muncy I.umber Camp, who recently
unlisted in. the ‘Engineers’ Reserve
Corps, has left for Washington, being
called into service by the govern-
Mary, Dorothy : and Maurine Reich,
of Meyersdale spent part of last week
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. I. Beachy, of West Salisbury.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Maust and chil-
dren of Meyersdale passed through
town on their way to spend Xmas
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Maust and family.
Mr. and Mrs B. F. Gray and two
children of Accident, Md., are spend-
ing the winter with Mrs. Gray's sis-
ter, Mrs. L.. W. Miller and family of
Union street.
When the schoo] began its career
in August of this year there were
but two teachers employed; now
there are nine.
This school is successor to the old
Tri-State Business College.
Thorough courses, conscientious
teaching, and progressive manage-
ment are making this school a lsad-
it pays to attend a good school
lik2 this. Catalog free. Address
Catherman’s Business School, Cum-
herland, Md. Adv
A million women to act as home
who are in the army is the aim of!
of America, organized in.St. Louis.
Cood Kroeger Piano for sale at
$130. Pa
ty leavi
levi Lichliter, Jr., and Bayard
Maust, of Mercersburg spent the hol-
iday vacation with their parents |
William Livengood, Jr., a student
at Juniata spent his Xmas vacation
Mrs. Victoria Baumgartner and
daughter, Lulu, passed the holidays
in Morgantown, W. Va., with Mrs.
Baumgartner’s son, iEllet, and family
after which they lef; there for Man-
nington, W. Va., to visit with her
Misses Ethel Schram, Ada Glot-
felty and Bessie Engle, teachers in
the Boswell public schools, spent
their X'mas vacation at the homes of
Cliffes® Kendall, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Kendall returned from
an Ohjfjo training camp to pass the
and prohibition one
must know t are the sources of
here are:
that evils resulting
give use of liunor can
ohibitory laws.
ficial thinking that
from the
be cured by
2. The 8
of which i merely a symptom.
3., The ardioe of weaklings
wh: wan vernment to protect
control. :
4, T tude of privileged in-
lieve: tah
ble fo
hours, =
other so
h. TH esnread . systematic
campaign Ene and invented
statist ss exaggeration of
et of liguor, con-
nal reformers.
politicians for
through agitation
.@ague has an
nt $2,500,000.
drinking is regponsi-
,* ignorance, long
«, child labor, and
MeDonaldton were guests at the (gh
‘home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McKur-{
allotted time the sum of $105 was|
collected and forwarded to Miss Lucy |
Scull of Somerset, who is chairman
burgh spent Christmas at the Bouch-.
the Women's National Home Guard |, ; *k Township; Commonwealth of
| Pennsylvania to Levan Ash, Jenner
| Tow nship, $10.
the privi-
entation and
Why is the
hibited. =
Because a fav for that purpose
could not possibly be enforced, owing
to the ease with which those desir-
ing liquors could manufacture them
for their own use. er
Why do not newspaper editors ex-
pose the fallacies of prohibition?
Either” ecause they are too indol-
eng to study the problem, or because
they are afraid to criticise the poW-
erful interests that are wsing pro-
hibition as a means of side-tracking
the movement for social justice.
“use” of liquor pro-
he following deals in Somerset
County, real estate have been con-
summated according to deeds record-
ed in the office of Recorder, John E
Custer: —William F. Shaulis to Ed-
mund M. Shaulis, Jemner Township,
$1; Annie M. Gearhart to M. BE. Mc-
Neal, Shade Township, $2400; John
Sokel to James Solomon, Windber,
$1625; Samuel Ross to George Ross,
Shade Township, $800; George” L.
Huston te Cyrus K. Brant, Somerset
township, $1200; Antonfio Bozezinski
to Stanislaw Bodziak, Jenner Tow
ship, $1400; J. Howard Meager ‘to
John @G. Ogle, Salisbury Boro., $1;
John G. Ogle to J. Howard Meager,
Salisbury Boro, $1; FElsie Hersh-
‘berger to Ammon Blough, Cione-
maugh, $10,000; Adalingl W. Mec-
Kinney to U. 8. Lehman, Allegheny,
$3000; J. A. Barron to Neva Eliza-
beth Heiple, Somerset Township, $2,-
00u; John Allen Hay to E. Leroy
Cook, Brothersvalley, $10,000: Ka-
therine Keefe to M. BE. McNeal,
Windber, $3,800; M. E. McNeal to
EB. I. ‘Simpson, Wind $3800;
‘George W. Beals io Elmer Shawley, [
{Elk Lick Township, $800 David
{Keim’s Fxtr. to Anna E. Maust, Elk
guards and take the places of men |, uy 'n,wnenip, $2000; William Liv-
engood to W. FE. Livengood, Hiik
lon receive
Girl bus drivers in Lond
§ Local and ee
The schools of our town celebrated |
Christmas by giving an entertain- | in was no paper issued. In fu
ment on Monday afternoon to which
the citizens were invited.
teresting and instructive, and appree-
iated by those present.
Santa Claus were both there and
saw to it that no pupil left without
splendid work they are doing.
teachers were the recipients iof many
useful] presents from their pupils.
Reformed church on |
The scenes sur-
of Christ were!
Christmas evening.
rounding the birth
enacted in song and play. The wise | js the’ guest of her sisters, N
men. in their search for a king and | Mag reie and Lillian Baer.
happy that they found him, Herod's |
anxiety for his throne and anger ling at the
agains: any ang and Mary, hap- | | Elizabeth Cox, returned io Pittsburg
| Thursday.
fant, Jesus, were the most prominent |
The parts wefre all well |
and were appreciated by |
the Taree audience in attendance.
| visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. |
| Norman Stahl.
Earl Engle rented
a part of Mrs. Zack Faidley’s house
and have started up housekeeing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livengood of
Duqueone spent Christmas with her
mother, Mrs. Amanda Engle.
Miss €harlotte Harding, of Wheel-
ing, W. Va., was the guest of her
aunt, Mrs, Francis Sipple over Christ-
W.' Va., are visiting the latter’s par-
enis, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Payne.
of this week in Altoona, Pa.
beriand, Md., spent Christmas at the
hose of Mrs. Ebaugh’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Fullen.
: visiting relatives and friendg here.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hostetler of
Meyersdale accompanied . by their
children spent Christmas with her
mother, Mrs. Zack Faidley.
their son, Paul, partook of the hospi-
to qai- tality of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Hay and
1 is Vigne por
dren, Toners Hanser are Fuests of
Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Collins, the for-
mer’s parents.
Mr. lin S mother, Mrs. A. C. Lep-
ley, on Christmas Day.
Mr. .and Mrs. Ed.
Salisbury visited a; the home of her
. and Mrs. Wilson Engle
business trim.
spent Wednesday here.
Rockwood were the .g
and Mrs. Richard Sipple last Wednes- | Meyersdale.
William Sipple was injured while
at work in the mines Monday last.
The extent of his injuries were not
made known to the writer up to the
. He walked home after the ner, Sunday.
The body of one of the oldest mem-
bers of the St, Paul congregation of
the Reformed church,
mai, was laid to rest in fhe St. Paul
ber of people attended the funeral.
. Kretchman was 70 years old at
the time of his death.
{is the guest of her parents, Mr.
[ Mrz, T. W. Gurley.
being observed
Meversdale, as in hundreds of other
towns and cities from one end of the
couutry to the other, by union prayer
Md. for a short visit.
mentioned below. An address will be
delivered at each service on the top-
ic of the day by one of the ministers |
of these churches.
church will furnish the music for its |¢ i
| danghter Mary R., became the bride
of Francis J. Reines, of Toledo."QOhio. !
| tering Christians; and that congrega-
tion will not prosper;
The choir of each
The following program has been
Monday evening in the Methodist |
Tuesday evenfmg in the Church of
|ant They were attended by Miss |
Thtustay evening in the Brethern | Annie Platter ag bribesmaid and Rob-
“Christian Giving.” |
in the Reformed |
chuveh, subject:
Meetings begin at 7.30 and con-
All believers in God
united prayer are cordially
{school teacher
| ship and has a host of friends. The ls
| groom is a recruiting officer for the |
regular army. and is stationed at i
There are times that test our | Toledo. Ohio. |
1 and our devotion. |
ong hour each day during this week
n, profession and praver?
united in ma
Last week being Christmas week
ture the Commercial will go to press!
cariy Monday morning. Correspon-
dents please have copy in this office |,
(Saturday noon. Advertising copy |
will be accepted up to Saturday |
{nigh x
A shooting afffay on North Street, !
It is said |
that he had “a shot in the arm” a
{little earlier in the evening.
An event long to be remembered |
was the celebration of Christmas by i wiil send a representative to Somer- |,
“The Search For a King- | set county shorily after New Year's
to assist. tm filling out income tax!
return bhianks. |
The Collector of Internal Revenue !
Mrs. J. A. Peerless, Pittsburg, Pa. |
Miss Nora Cox, who had been visit-
home of her mother, Mrs.
Elmer Stahl, Connellsville, Pa., Be
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, Austin,
f.ewis Albright spent several days
Mr. and Mrs. John Ebaugh, Cum-
Blaine Sellers, Lewistown, Pa, is
Mss Mary’ Wilmoth, Acasta, Pa.,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jennie |
Miss Emma Gress, Johnstown,
N. E. Miller is in ‘Pittsburg on a
hiigs Hilda Powell, Somerset, Pa.,
Alrs. Joseph Levy, Somersct, Pa,,
visiting relatives and friends in
Ldgar Cohill, Uniontown, Pa., vis- | {
Frank Hifbner, Mt. Braddock, rol
visited his mother, Mrs. Emma Hib- | a big bag "Luther an Kisses” inte he
jaudience which provoked much nier- :
{riment and laughter. on
The Primary Department received
5 usual their treat of Candy.
Miss Eva Hoover, Pittsburg, Pa., is
visiting at her home here.
Idz, Elizabeth, Cumberland, Md., are
| visiting Mrs. Ida Staub, Mrs. Ken-
[nells mother.
Mrs. Austin Kennel] and daughter | as
Aiiss Edith Gurley, Pittsburg, Pa.,
{is visiting relatives of this city.
Dr. Homer Collins is (in Baltimore,
On Christmas morning at the home
jof Mr. and Mrs. William A. James,
{617 Beachley street, was solemnized
very pretty wedding when their
Rev. L. P. Young of Elk lick per-
formed the ceremony in the presence | .
jof the members of the immediate |2 lelp in the spread of the Gospel
| family and a few ‘nvited guests. The | 2 the establishment of God's King-
{ring service was used. The bride was | i
{dressed in white net over ivory sat-
in, and carried a boquet of whit ros- |!
evening in the Luther-|es. The groom was dressed in the
RX, uniform of the rank of Lieuten-
The bride is an accomplished
of Elk Lick Town- |
The happy couple will leave for |
Toledo in 5 short time where they |
{ will make their home.
On Sunday evening, December 23, !
at the parsonage of Amity Reformed
Church, the Rev. A, E. Truxal, D. D.
zed ‘Mr. Clyde E
TR f Ravy y nd Ni
i.ast Sunday evening the Pastor
Dr. Erler preached an eloquent Ser-
the Virgin Birth of Christ,
jon that part of
{eC Inoeived by the Holy Ghost.”
listdned attentively
to the Sabie so seldom discoursed
The Musie was excellent and
Misses Elsie Sipple and Edna Liven- | Christmas eve resulted 'm a young | HRrEe Of Mr. E.F. Dui
good, are to be commended for the | man named Bowser of Summit Mills |
Both | being wounded in the arm.
Un Tuesday nfght at 8 P. M. the
| Sunday school rendered a beautiful
Faking entitled “Santa Claus Enter-
tootlights instafled
{ the production of the Ca
charge of the Music,
success is largely due to their tact,
patience and perseverance and the
hearty eo-operation of
The Orchestra was in charge of
A large offering was
roteived for the Board of Education.
, Seeretary of ‘the
Church Congeit called the Superiia-
tendent to the Stage and voicing the
appreciation of the Church and Sun-
day school for faithful serviees tend
presented Mr. W.:M. 'G. Day
with a beautiful gift, a token o >,
from the Sunday
The (Pastor Doctor Erier and hg,
jo hurches an ot fashioned donatio
Mr. and Mrs. John Habel, Cumber- | which consisted of choi
land, Md., were recent visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. W, H Habel.
"fruits, groceries, pota at
bly be desired by a Pastor—bug
going down into his big boot
duced an envelope containing
of a large denomination and ha
it to the Pastor.
Dr. Erler responded graciously :
feelingly, and expressed his gratitude
not only for this great generosity buy
the hearty co-operation of his
ited friends here for the past abd ii duri ring the past three years of
When a congregation is composed
and lof members who take it easy; who
|are not concerned much about any-
Mrs. J. P. Brenham, Scottdale, Pa., | thing; who do not care whether the
members attend the church prospers
Mr. and Mrs. DeForrest Ludwig | ornot; who do not care whether the
fare visiting at the home of G. W. | members attend
the services of the
| Colims, the latter’s father.
whether outsiders
be brought into the church or not;
| who do not care whether home mis-
sions are carried on or not;
foreign missions be
£; whether the orphans be provi
| sanctuary or not;
er thev have houses to protect thom
The quick action of pure Lavoptik
{eve wash is :fartling.
ery James as best man. Miss Ruth | had eye strain so badly he eonld no:
Beal played the wedding march. i A week's use of Laveptik sur-
prised his teacher so miuch she used
it for her nld mother.
guaranteed to benefit EVERY CASH
{, strained or inflamed eyes. The
astonishing, Alumi-
About 90 per cent.
: Ir helpers are in the