The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 22, 1917, Image 1
= T n e d EE Arr CSTR nk ,801.99 ,179.37 ,075.20 , 888.94 ,945.50 5,000.00 5,934.93 5,000.00 6,010.57 1,945.50 of red- pe RR Smoke | n insti- ), The Durham ato your freshest, . Son, vice-preside ‘Hough, secretary; Rev. Me-! - . the purpose of the Federation . to antagonize or destroy any Minutes of the Second Per- of ‘the erset County. o’clock P. M., pursuant to re- quest of State Organization. Notice having been sent out to all ‘the county committee- men, executive committee, ministers of the several church- es and others interested in - temparance, and notices by publications and public an- nountement throughout the churches of the County, the meeting was held as aforesaid, which was attended by repre- sentatives of the different ‘bodies. All temperance organ- izations of the County: were represented in the audience and nearly all churches. After an explanation by the Chairman, John S. Miller, of the objects and purposes of the Federation, a general dis- cussion was entered into by many present as to the advis- ability of making ‘permanent this organization, when by a unanimous vote it was decided that the organization should be completed and made perma- ‘nent, and the following officers and committeemen were elec- Mi : n i g Local Fayeste Coulty of me nt izatic fleeting Socialist Party at its regular : mations on ganization M seting monthly meeting for November, who was an election con ~ | when all the locals of the coun- | sioner to receive the vote Meeting held in the assem- ty were represented by one or the soldiers at Camp Lee, room of the Court House, No-. vember 15th, 1917, at 2:00 ore delegates, the circulation of Somerset Counties. their interests, both politically and economically. The co- paper in the district as well as place it in such a position that its success as a business ven- ture will no longer remain in the doubtful column, In union there is strength, and may this union of the 23rd Congressional district be and noble cause. ted: John S. Miller, chairman; Rev. E. F. Rice'8nd John John- ls; Dr. G. B. Carney, of Fridens, treasurer: W. F. Livengood, Meyersdale. | fi Fred Groff, of Berlin, Prof. H. B. Speicher, of Garrett, J. W. Barclay, of Bakersville, and! Dr. C. B. Hough, of Somerset, | Pa., executive committee. The meeting then resolved itself into a round table talk,| be in which ways an ns Hf + discus Sed for cz ying: out al. ‘successful campaign in the near future. The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o’clock in the eve- ning, at the same place, where after a report by the chairman .and a solo by Miss Elizabeth Knepper, of Brothersvalley township, John R. Harris, D. D., of Pittsburgh, State Super- intendent of the Federation, was introduced and gave an intensely interesting address. He reiterated and verified the objects and purposes of the! Dry Federation as had been done during the previous ses-| sion by John S. Miller, chair- granted to. the am man, stating that the object and purpose of the Federation was to help and assisi all pres- ization vbgk emw shrdl etaoin ent existing’ temperance organ- izations and all organizations having as their purpose the de- struction of the liguor traffic and asking all organizations and societies to co-operate in making Pennsylvania dry, and further averring that it is not organization that hag as ga common purpose the elimina- ; tion of the booze evil. At the ' conclusion of this meeting, the officers and exec- utive committee met in session with the State Superintendent and went over some of the de- tails of the organization and plans for its future work, / MAKERS OF WORTHLESS SCALE TREATMENT FINED Claims that the insertion of a white capsule and a brown capsule, containing potassium cyanide and other substances; in the bark of fruit trees, will kill scale on the trees, led, to a fine of $100 in the Federal courts upon the makers of the “Fertilizing Scale Treatment,”| . who pleaded guilty to the! charge of misbranding and adulteration. This ‘fine was imposed in the case of the United States vs. Albert D. Kleckner, Maybelle B. Kleck- ner, and Emma Kleckner (Fer- tilizing Scale Co.-, Allentown, Pa., brought under the insect- icide act of 1910 at the in- stance of the United States De- partment of Agriculture in the Eastern District Court, Penn- : : sylvania. H TUNNEL MAY BE CLOSED To landslide ‘has started SAND PATC fo, Sana Patch tunnel hich, division of- niay close the tun- Dletely and block traf- 8, e, ‘were at Sand Pa yesterday afternoon, and Mr. P. Petri,, Division Engineer from Pitts. burgh, came to" Meyersdale last evening: on Duquesne to confer with Messrs. Broughton and Williams on the situation. Steam shovels are being de- spatched to the scene of trouble by the officials in an endeavor to keep the line open to traffic. } . «=e AJAX HOCKING PER. MITTED TO RAISE PRICE The federal government has Coal Company. permission to charge $3.45 per ton for coal produced at the mines of that company, which is one dollar per ton in excess of the stand- ard price established by the government to apply to mines in the bituminous field. Tt was definitely shown that the Ajax- Hocking people could not pro- duce coal at the mine at the price fixed by the government which reason is advanced to explain the dction of the gov- ernment in this case. : DAN W. WELLER GETS : COMMISSION Monday Clerk of Courts Dan W: Weller received his commission from the Interior Department at’ Washington as Commissioner of Explosives for Somerset county, under the law which went into effect a few days ago regulating the sale of powder and dynamite. Every required to take out a license under the law, and ne unli- censed ‘person is allowed te have explosives of the charac- ter mentioned in his possession, ‘under a heavy penalty. —Som. Herald rie 8 PARTY HIKES The following persons went on a hike to the forest beyond the Joseph Lint home, Monday evening :--Misses Florence Boy- er, Esther Conrad, Esther Aus- tin, Helen Boucher, Irene Blume, Mr. and Mrs. Park Weimer, Howard Will and William T. Lint. At 10:30 o’clock a lunch was served by the hosts, William Lint and Patronize our Advertisers. | Howard decided to; returned home. initiate a Campaign to boost e Meyers- dale Commercial in that county and to co-operate with the Somerset County workers in establishing a paper of, by and for the ‘workers in the 23rd. Congressional district, which includes Fayette, Greene and This will be cheering news to the loyal workers in Somer- set County, who have started the good work, and who can now see their efforts rewarded to the extent that they now have a paper that represents operation of the Fayette work- ers will add considerably to the power and influence of our of long duration and fruitful in the service of labor's great ‘the cut at the west en-|} if it cannot ickly. | NEWS FROM Editor Frank M. Fo Mr. Forney’s trip south one: of the greatest intere himself and his friends, have been plying him wit] sorts of queries since his rival home. He visited al battle fields of the Civil on his way to Camp Lee, w he describes as a place of orising wonder to a civi visitor. g In going through Wash ton and Baltimore Mr. Fern got an impression of the’ Gov- In both Washington and Bal more large buildings are be- ing constructed for war head- of the armies that Uncle Sam is organizing. The war spirit is running high in Washington, where patriotism is exhibited under high tension. After the big snow and sev- ( Somerset county farmers, many ‘that (ravels back ‘and forth dealer in explosives is: a ‘Self Denial Box,” and as a eral succeeding snow squals and rains we have been enjoy- ing more than a week of ex- cellent weather, during which of them, are harvesting their potatoes and doing very essen- tial farm work before the in-|] evitable closed winter sets in. the excellent weather has been a bonanza for the high ple, who have been i quarters’ and warehouses for! the furnishing and equipment : - The regular meeting of the 8 of the American Revolu- n was held at the home of iS regent, Miss Harriet Holder- um. The chapter! has taken up work of collecting money the 110th Regimental Hut hich regiment our own pany ‘C’ is a part. of the money raised at a tional Welfare party on last € 14th was contributed to Sind, which now totals 4.80. The following friends members of the Forbes d Chapter have contributed his fund :- Mrs. P. A. Schell, | . Lloyd G. MeCrum, Mrs. | liam Bowser, Mrs. John! gle, Mrs. John Holderbaum, irs. Curtis Kooser, Mrs. Jen-| C. Miller, Mrs. John Bry- n, Mrs. C. Mrs. H. H. Hodge, Mrs, Gil-| Dért Endsley, Mrs. ®antner, Mrs, A. L. G. Hay, Mrs. 1. Hess Wagner, Mrs. Les. | Iie E. Bratton, Mrs. Charles Hemminger, Mrs. E. E. Kier-| ‘18n, Misses Harriet Holder-| b8um, Ethel Holderbaum, Ida | ‘Beerits, Bertha Grove, Eleanor! born, - Lucy Scull, Emily! ‘Barker, Mary Black. | i 5d Miss Leora May Young, nghter of Mr. and Mrs. S. “Young, of Rockwood and | h Woodfill Sloan, son of. b..and Mrs, John Sloan, of] uence, were married at proving ‘every shining ho on the road to Brotherton z the highway leading from Sc erset. . toward Jenner tation,” and su in. We : , It is probable that the ap- plication of the ‘“tarvia” fluid in cold weather will not make quite so ‘homogenerous” a mixture as if the “precipita- tion” were conducted in the summer; but work is going forward with more than usual Sh speed nevertheless. One heating retortful of the “tarvia” fluid never got on to the Brotherton road because it got too hot. In fact, tne “tarvia’ became ignited after it was transferred into sthe portable ‘‘tarvia” distribates, which is a small/tractor engine betwern the road and the Sonterse:t B. & O. stution. The blaze from the burning “tarvia” selution shot high in the air, and the great camou- flage of smoke that ascended skyward was truly a formid- able sight to behold. The fire whistle called out the firemen with the great truck, and many people were called away from their Sunday dinners only to find out that the fire was no longer burning for want of eombustible- ‘“tarvia’’- in- the portable melting retort when they reached the scene of the conflagration. The pupils of the Somerset Public Sehools have joined the campaign of economy. Dur- ing the past week each teacher placed a box in her roon: called boy or girl denied themselves candy, chewing gum, the movies, efe., they placed the money in the box. Friday evening when the money for the week was turned in to the treasurer, Miss Clara Shoe- maker; the Jeguhors ere. 2 reeably surprise n a a of $21.73 had been col lected. This did not include the. $5.64 which the pupils of Miss Bill’s room had collected for the Soldiers’ Christmas Packages. This idea of saving is very commendable and the good work will be kept up at least until Christmas. It has not vet been definitely settled just id, by “pr = bsequetly rolled; where ‘this money will go, but in all probability either to the Red Cr or to help care for a poor Be a or Rumanian @ckwood, by the Rev. W. A. Clellon Hele Hutzell, daughter nd Mrs, William Hut- d Edward H. Ronda- P : lice of the Peace. : Miss Emma J. Taylor daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, and Robert Anderson, Son. 01 Mr. and Mrs. George Ariderson, both of Boswell, were married at Jennertown,| by the Rev. Elmer F, Rice. ‘Miss Vida May Shaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John affer, of Rummél, and John H. Geisel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geisel, of Johnstown, were married at Scalp Level, by the Rev. Simon Snyder. Mrs. Corda E. Leslie, daugh- ter of Mr . and Mrs. Wallace W. Hechler, of Fort Hill, and Grover C. Keslar, son of Mr. and: Mrs. William ‘Keslar, of ; Ursina, were married at Con- fluence, by the Rev." W. M. Bracken. : : Charles 1. Shaver, Clerk of the Orphan’s Court, has issued marriages licenses to the fol- lowing parties during the pat week; W. M. Ball and Mary Vol- eski, both of Boswell; Andy Miller and Annie Hercula, both of MacDonaldton: Frank Kondik and Lizzie Toth, both of MacDenaldton; Andy Zen- kan and Julia Konkula, both of Windber; Frank Laskie and Annie Isgan, both of Boswell; James Franklin Shultz and Sadie Ray Brant, both of Rock- wood; Yan Barbula and Stan- islawes Miterno, both of Cairn- brook; Frank E. King and An- na Chismar, both of Hoovers ville; John East, of Scalp Level and Jane Pele, of Paint Boro; Everett Musser and Florence Elizabeth Dull, both of Rock. wood; James E. Sipe and Tillie Ogline, both of Jenner town-' ship; Zigmont Pietrzekowski | and Carrie Rog, both of Wind- ber; Harry Smull and Minnie Enos, both of Boswell. Melvin Bittner, of near Mur- dock, who until recently had attended the Somerset High School, has accepted the East Salem, Pa., pastorate of the United Brethren Church. Mr. Bittner is pursuing a prepara- tory course, and expects sub-!| sequently to enter a Theologic- al school, with a view to be- coming an ordained minister in the church. A vacancy hav-. ing occurred at East Salem, | which is in Juniata County, My. Bittner was pointed by Superintendent i hnatawr ‘orbes Road Chapter, Daugh- | One-| NO. 46 | tor for the remainder of the| PROGRAMME current conferemnce year, end- ANNOUNCE ing September 10th, next. The —_— MENT, yo | tice | col “ay | Bopp Following are the : of Char | the Orphans’ Court: ung man has had some prac- _ & pulpit exponent on Occasions in his home wills which have been probated dur- | ing the past week, in the office es I. Shaver, Clerk of ! The will of Mary E. Berket, | late of Somerset Borough, was probated November, 13, 1917. Her estate is to be divided’ equally’ among her following children: Mrs. Susan Hulton, Maggie Berket and William D Berket. /illiam D. Berke was appointed executor. and witnessed by C and Mary E. Sullivan. Milton and Elmer Walker C have purchased the timber on . J. Harrison, Sr., | the William Hanna farm in Milford township from John Edward W. Hanna, who p@rchased the farm at trustee’s sale on No. ] The timber is mostly virgin forest of high grade whit oak covering about vember 10. sixty acres, ‘John Hostetler, well-known citizen, died at the home of his son-in‘law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip H, Baker, in Donegal township, on Wednes-! The will was dated April 30, 1915, ."R. Hay day evening, November 7, aged | 72 years and 4 months, incident to his advanced age. SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given Claude Deal by a number of his friends on Tueday evening. The evening was spent with Thanksgiving Mail The following holi will be observed Thanksgiving Day at the local Post Office: Stamp, General Delivery, City -and Rural Carriers’ win- dows open from 7:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Lobby open from 7:00a. m. to 7:30 p. m, Mails dispatch- ed to all trains. * J. T. Shipley, P. M. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . . Although Mr. R. M. Swisher has sent out bills to subscriber: in arrears, money for subserip- tions should NOT be paid to him now, as he is no longer in charge. All subseription money should be brought to the Commercial Office, or, if forwarded by mail, should be made payable to The Commer- cial and not to individuals, . . . ber K. Cockley, Editor and Proprietor COMING NEXT WEEK Every inch of film used in George Loane Tucker's screen version of Hall Caine’s great- est novel, “The Manx-Man,” the ‘attraction at the Auditor- ium Wednesday, ‘December 5th, was taken on the Isle of Man among the exaet scenes in which the author of the book made his characters live. Hall | Caine himself assisted in mak- ing “The Manx-Man” into a picture. Howard Will, who is a sail- or on the sylvania, is the g t of his mother, H. music and games. Delicious pires e Served... La day hours 2 \ after, suffering an illness of six weeks' ) : from complication of ailments Concert—Somerset High School i Convention, H. J. E, Custer, H. D. Address . . “The Point 9 to “The Solution of the “The Course < mm, For School Directors Conver tion at Somerset, next Tues- day and Wednesday. Tuesday, November 27 0to 12 Devotional Exercises. President’s Address. nrollment of Difectors, Election of Officers. Miscellaneous Business. : Reports of Delegates to State H. Shumaker, Pyle. “The Selection of Teachers, The Tenure of Office,” H. B. Sehrock, J. H. Hentz, F. BF. Petry, G. W. Tannehill, r Query Box. Afternocn Session. 1:30 to 4. Prof. C. D. Koch. of" View of the Business Man,” Prof. C. Db. Koch, State High School In spector. “How May ‘Country Children be Given Equal Advantages With Those of Cities and Boroughs?” W. W. Cupp, R. W. Lohr, N. F. Meyers, D. Compton. : Guery Box. . “The Influence of the Boy Scout Movement on the Pub-< lic Schools,” Chas. 'F. Uhl, Esq., Dr. G. F. Speicher, F. H. Meyers, J. C. Lichliter. Evening Session. 7:30 to 9:30 Orchestra, ; \ddress—‘“Tendencies in Mod- ern Education,” Prof. C. D Koch. - Address—“The Study of Agri. culture: Its Relation to the Development of the Boy,” GQ. MeDowell, Extension Representative, the Health of School Chil- dren,” Dr. W.H. H. Sehrock, Dr. H. A. Zimmerman, Dr C. B. Korns, — : Wednesday, November 28 12 Rural School Problems by the -ommunity,” M. S. Maust, L. L. Yoder, J. 8. Rhoads, A. P. Kimmel: of Study—Re- Stated,” Prof. C. D. Koch. Supplementary Reading for the Different Grades. ‘How shall it. be Procured?” J. E. Weaver, W. B. Putman, J. B. W. Stufft. F. G. Fryburg. Afternoon Session. 1 to 2:30. “The School Board's Problems” R. R. Stravh, Pr. A. MTs house, J. H. Bender, J. ¥ Reiman, P, A. Kreger, J. W. Wegley, E. C. Ober. “The School irector: His Work; His Compensation,” H. D. Naugle, L. M. Walker, D. G. Stufft, V. C. Muller, L. H. Musser. “What Equipment Should be Furnished by Directors?”’. C. J. Newman, Howard Powell, Dr. J. B. Gardner, Milton Hillegas, H. L. Seese. aa M. R. MILNE, D,,D S. respectfully announces that com- henciip with December Ist he will adhere STRICTLY to the CASH SYSTEM. Hocking Block, Nov. 20, 1917 | | —— Also most all other makes All kinds of repairs aff wR for guns Complete line of loaded shells ‘orld is Doing for ~~