The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 15, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 45
W. M. FREIGHTS IN BAD ‘to release the 754. In addi-, NEWS FROM THE COUNTY SE AT SOCIALISTS SWAMPED four. Pepeley, Soc.,. ..-. 74
4 this t rator on] . iH. G.I Pro. .. ws
WRECK NEAR GARRETT ety Garrett pi havet- "7 0 nn = CAPITALIST CANDIDATES | Judge of ction wy BE
: known that the 776 was in the : James Hilton, Soc., .. .. 171
Conductor Pitimen Killed and Siac vo sotoreing 10 ian plock | o, Tog comnizy.wids Compainioficn ly eben PI Mo IN: BENSON BOROUGH! 3° deine], D, 59
Four Men Injured mn Head- focord pipes and i dollars for the Young Men's iss Esther May Regal, Party Also Elected Four of its Ee a, Bree 3
On Collision, Which Might 4 ey the 754 pass his station Christian Association is now on | daighter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Candidates in Hooversville Inspector of Election—
Have Been Avoided. until after the arrival of the Somerset’s part is $7,000.00. W.:* Regal, and Chauncey Socialist Sentiment Crystal-| E. K. Ober, R, . 79
eastbound train. The conclu-| The public launching will be| Woodard, son of br. and Mrs.| izing in County. George Wain, Soc., .. .. 173°
About five o'clock Sunday|gion to be reasonably drawn] at a great mass meeting in the John Woodard, both of Berlin, ar W. E Rincler oly a
evening just west of Garrett| this premise is that the Court House, at 8 o’clock Fri-} were married at Somerset, by| In spite of the general fall-| Milton Hoover, D, .. .. 15
passing siding, occurred a very| error would have been dis-| day night. - The Brotherhood thé Rev. I. Hess Wagner. ing off in the total vote in Som- hn
disastrous wreck, in which two classes and Ladies’ classes of| |
of the big Western Maryland
freight engines, the 754 and
776, were almost completely
system. But in order to cut]
covered and the disaster avoid-
ed under the Manual Block]
the Town will attend in a body,
meeting at their respective
| Miss Grace Stutzman, a erset County, Tuesda
y ers ‘ y, Novem-
A aghter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ber 6th, compared with the
Mtzman, and Clarence King, 1916 vote, the Socialist party
down the big expense of em-| places at 7 o'clock and all
. of Mr. and Mrs.
Election returnes printed in
Jd. more than held its own, show- last week’s Commercial for the
ing good increases in a num- office of School Director in
ber of precincts. Both the! Summit Township showed D.
Democratic and Republican! M. Lee, Democrat, receiving
vote fell off about 50 per cent.| 110 votes, P. C. Miller, Repub-
demolished; several freight g, both of Shanksville, were
rried at Stoyestown, by the
ploying telegraph operators; forming at the Public Square i
ev. Alfred J. Herman.
cars were destroyed and their| 5¢ every block, this Automatic ab 7:18, headed by the Scmer-
a, W Signal scheme is insialled by > he Program will be a rare Miss Anna E. Ream, daugh
’ . -| the railroads. s : be : ’ z
Pittman, of Cumberland, Md., : _. lone. Rev. J. Lane Miller, the te# of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel The totals . “1 i ont ]
was caught under a car and in- The Dn Os and Ohio is| gistinguished orator and Pastor Regm, of Lavansville, and|ty Sos ounoanosd Tor som bean, OL vis, and 2. 2 7s)
stantly killed, and the follow- CE the puomatie 3 Drankin Stree Methodist Hig Yrs Walker, fon 4 ME: soldier vote, are as follows: Miller were candidates for the
ing persons werg more or less| © 2 urch, Johnstown, wi e- ang rs. Dennis alker, of! Coroner six voor tornt, and Mr. L
seriously injured: E. H. Shaf- road between Cumberland and — y a r. Lee,
: liver the main address. Sec-' Milford Township, were mar-| Dr.H.S.Kimmell, R-D-RP ivi the larges °
fer, engineer, H. N. Dressman. Connellsville to replace the| etary Lunk of the Johnstown rid at Lavansville, by the Rev. Dr, A. M. Uphouse, Pre. be vos oy LH id
fireman, H. H. Robinson, en- Manual Block system in use for| y MC. A. will aiso speak, i Petrea. J. RB Willis, Soc. ... 100i term. Mr. Bishel, who is an
: many years, which will cer-|g ; : i 3 : A
gineer, all of Cumberland, and tainly result in the closing of showing the work the Y. W. is MARRIAGE LICENSES Poor Director— Independent in politics. had
H. C. Wilburn, grade learner, > doing for the war. The Y. W., E. K. Suder, R-D-Pro., . 23| voters to write his :
of Brunswick, Mr. Wil- many 2 Je $elograph oifiess “will receive ten per cent of the | : Charles 1. Shaver, Clerk of, A. P. Smeed, Soc., .. é ; Se blank space on i he
% 1rn is not expected to recover. | 21 i aL ne, an Ra on x fund. Miss Lucy Scull is the the Orpran’s Court has issued) Jury Commissioner— | School Director to fill the un-
Mr. Pittman was married, and|? Pyomue b I an an of| County Chairman and under K mgrriage licenses to the fol-|J.°S. Schaffer, R, .. .. 3,811 expired term of Howard Maust
eaves a wife and a large ram- Seo ll ©, 3 2 2 Der- hor direction the ladies will lofing parties during the past|C. M. Fisher, D, ...,.. 1,078 resigned, and, as the returns
ily. ed on as ma ios work in thosough co-operation week : W. H. Ream, Soc., .. .. 534 indicate, 29 voters thus marked
oie bow Gieds Troight Jine ce Tokar to protect in the Y. M. C. A. drive. ere; tAlbert J. Faidley, of Mark-| J. G. Bender, Pro., .. .. 531} his name on the ballet and
will be no collection taken at let
He mass Posting 3 5 : 0
tern Maryland track between ; nder Mr. John H. Beerits, | S]
ry Junction and Gar- REV. PROSSER as Director of the teams, Mr. Mi
rett, was blocked until early] SERIOUSLY ILL|D. W. Weller is chairman for | ia
Monday morning by two of | — the northeast section, Rev. M
the derailed cars, and the Wes- Rev. William A. Prosser,| Hoffmier, northwest section; | ge
tern Maryland did not get their pastor of the People’s Church Ross Scott, southeast section; Pe
track open until late Monday in Pittsburgh and organizer of| Wm. H. Kantner, southwest! [0d
afternoon. Both companies the Socialist Sunday Schools in| section. Frank Sanner, coun- KE
despatched their big steam| western Pennsylvania, is re-| _ Main and Main Cross Streets
on, and Goldie Daniels, of| In Benson Borcugh (Holsop-| thereby elected him to fill the
Rio. Pyle; March Woodfill| ple) where only two Socialist unexpired term of Mr. Maust,
an, oi Confluence, and Leora | votes were polled in the last| which is good for four years.
Young, of Rockwood; F.| previous election, 28 Socialist| Mr. Rishel felt that his friends
Tipton, of Friedens, and| votes were cast November 6th. | might in reading the returns in
argie V. Miller, of Somer-| This is the most remarkable The Commercial get the im-
Bi John Stanich, and Mary| showing of any yet coming to’ pression that he was a candi-
nack, both of Windber;|the public notice in reports of cate for the six years term, and
fward H. Roudabush, and Socialist gains in the recent think that he came out so far
sie Hutzell, both of Border;| election. Although no candi- behind the other two candi-
Robert Anderson, and Emma] dates had been nominated for dates. We therefore print this
which runs parallel to the Wes- the traveling public.
derricks and wrecking crews ported to be in a very critical dividing at the Public Square! Ji Taylor, both of Boswell; borough offices by the Socialist correction for the benefit of all
from Cumberland to clear the| condition. Having recently re-| will fix the boundaries of these! Harry Lazier, of Larimer town-| Local, candidates of the Dem-; concerned. :
‘debris and open their respec- covered from an attack of | sections, extending a radius of ship, and Silvia Hutzell, . of| ocratic and Republican parties! =: :
tive lines to traffic. typhold pneumonia, Mr.| one mile from the square. | S#mmit township were in many cases placed on| RAILROAD CO. FINED FOR §
About the direct cause of| Prosser was tnen afflicted with Each team leader will have] = Jeter the Socialist ticket by having! WORKING CHILDREN
«the accident there seems to be an abscess of the lungs, and,| under him a group of efficient| orge Reitz, of Somerset| induced Socialists to write their : ad
mo doubt, but, it is believed,| while he is still in the hospital| workers. All solicitors will be ip, Alvin Fritz, of Jen-| names on the ballot in the pri... Alderman Donegan in Con-
~ this sad disaster might have! in a very serious condition, | is| resi®tents o ie sections Miner ownship and ounty| mary election, and in every nellsville last week imposed a
* peen avoided had the company | announced that he is on the which they work. $1,500.00 Farm Agent C. C. McDowell such case these candidates re-! fine and costs on the Baltimore
{ taken more precaution, by op-| road to recovery again. is the goal set for each section returned last evening from| ceived more votes on the So-! and Ohio Railroad Company Hn
re d { erating its trains under what TO CaN and $1,000 for the country dis Charlotville, Virginia, where] cialist ticket in the general for emploving on a section
+ y ¥ is known as the manual Block| A SOCIALIST LANDSLIDE | trict. Solicitation will begin they purchased nine pure-bred, election than they got from gang nine boys under the age
F- 37 system instead of the Auto- Ere Monday morning with the Shorthorn cows, five calves and| their respective parties. For limit of 16 years. The young-
E matic Signal scheme which it By a big landslide of thel|try district. ; two young bulls from the fa-| county offices Willis, Socialist,| est was a lad of 13. Low
2 uses on the line of road be-| voters to Socialism another| blowing of whistles at 7:15. mous Otis herds of milking| received 28 votes for Coroner, wages paid by the company, it
tween Sand Patch and Con-| city has been added to the,| Thereafter the raising of every| Shorthorn cattle, which is a| Kimmell 24, Uphouse 6 ; Smeed | is said, makes it impossible for
nellsville. Operator Mull at|long string of municipalities| $500.00 will be signaled from| distinct species from the beef] Socialist, received 29 votes for| the track foremen to secure
Rockwood received orders for| which elected Socialists to of-| time to time by the ringing of | Shorthorn variety of cattle. Poor Director, Suder 27; Ream| men, so in order to keep the
3 the 776 eastbound to meet 754] fice in the elections this year. ‘the church bells until the goall These sixteen head of milk-| Socialist, received 28 votes for| roadbed in repair, it is said,
io- west at Rockwood. Before the| Tuesday, November 13th, in|is reached. Six _.1ing Shorthorns will arrive at Jury Commissioner, Shaffer 20, they hire boys.
3 776 arrived at Rockwood Mr.|an election of five city com- A chart for each district willl the farm of George Reitz one Bender 7, Fisher 2. Factory Inspector James S.
ye 1 Mull went off duty and for| missioners to conduct the af-!be placed in the windows of! day next week, where they| Bravo, Benson Borough! Darr was the prosecutor.
4 some reason failed to transfer| fairs of the city, Newark, N.| Snyder’s Drug Store where the| will be auctioned off to the Socialists of Hooversville| =
the order to the second trick|J., elected all five of the So-| public can follow the progress highest bidders among the were also getting results that] CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG
oms, operator, and failed to leave] cialist candidates by big ma-| of the campaign. members of the new milking show up good in the reports] =
both copies of the order on his desk| jorities. This is 2 splendid| Also a clock will indicate the Shorthorn Association of Som-| coming to this office. The par-' , ©. “°1 becomes a nurse, and
Cab- for delivery to the eastbound] gain for the Socialist party, total amount raised from time| erset county, which is now, tv elected one Councilman, a by her sweetunselfishness, wins
erms, freight. The relieving opera- being the first time it has elect-| to time. formng its propaganda into a Tax Collector, Judge of Elec-, the love of all whom she meets.
tor let the 776 go by his office| ed its candidates in Newark in Sm — permanent organization. | tion and Minority Inspector of | The remembrance of the hap- \
without the order, and, hav-| such important offices. LETTERS OF - The milking Shorthorns are| Election, besides increasing| piness she has lost, through no
| | ing a clear block on the Auto-| lt ADMINISTRATION | in high repute in many sections their vote over last year. Ben- fault. of her own, sometimes
[rees, 4 : matic Signal semaphore at the PROGRESSIVE BARBER of the United States as a pre-| «on led the Socialist ticket in| makes the struggle seem use-
perty. a extreme east end of Rockwood ro Letters of administration| mier dairy breed of cattle, and! Hooversville in 1916 with 56, less, but she has so far manag-
i passing siding, the eastbound| Jack Dively starts this week | have been recently issued as|they are rated as among the | votes. Big gains made can hei ed to overcome these fits cf de-
, well A freight came rolling on toward | carrying an advertisement in| follows: best beef producers, also. The| seen in the following report of | pression by plunging more
5 Garrett, where the next auto-| The Commercial. Jack has| Samuel S. Berkley and Jas.| new association for propaga-| the 1917 vote. | deeply into her work.
matic block signal is located. | always kept up to date in his| P. Brant, estate of Harrison M.| ting and exploiting this partic-| Coroner— { In this latest World feature,
3 500 The 754 westbound had or-| business and now says that no| Brant, late of Brothersvalley ular variety in Somerset county !. 2. Willis, Soc, .. .. 68| “The Rise of Susan,” the hero-
? ders to proceed to Rockwood, | business man can afford to try) township. will add greatly to the already| Dr. A. M. Uphouse, Pro .. 62! ine is one of the type of Amer-
Point iE where it was to meet 776 east-| to do business without adver-| Adelaide S. Sanner, estate of increasing interest in a rival Drii.S.Kimmell,R-O-RP 54! ican womanhood which has
m the 4 bound. Coming upon a danger] tising. There is some food for| Annie G. Dull, late of Milford! husbandry throughout Somer-| Pcor Director— | come down through the pages
ding, : signal at the semaphore at the thought here for some of the | township. | set county, since with the F. K. Suder, R-D-Pro., -.. 101 of history covered with honor
utside A extreme west end of Garrett] merchants who don’t advertise.) Levi S. Shumaker, estate of growth of the association the| A. P. Smeed, Soc., .. up| for deeds well done. Clara
e first 9 passing siding, the train was Mr. Dively has nothing to sell| Christian Shumaker, late of number of herds will be in-| Jury Commissioner— Kimball Young plays the char-
)n the 4 brought to a stop and the train| but work. : Paint township. | creased in consequence. | W. H. Ream, Soc., .. .. . T1|acter of Susan and has declar-
00mS. Ho dispatcher in Cumberland no-| He cites the Pullman com- bad Just recently a new herd of| J. S. Shaffer, R. .. .. 65| ed it to be the most enjoyed
y COV- 4 tified that the signal was a-| pany which is carrying large! The will of John D. Shaffer,| twenty-eight Herefords were! J. G. Bender, Pro. .. 920! role she has ever appeared in.
tains. 1 gainst it. The dispatcher,| advertisements in all the lead-| late of Windber, was probated imported into Somerset county{C. M. Fisher, D. .. .. .. 13; The story itself is an exceed-
ut: 25 knowing that 776 east had a|ing magazines advertising their November 9, 1917. He be- by the Bird Brothers, of near Justice of the Peace— | ingly beautiful one well acted
yw of- a car in its train with a hot|sleepers. Yes, and they are|queathed $6,000 to the Mission| Meyersdale; and before long F. G. Fryburg, R-D-Pro., . 118! by the entire cast. Beauty,
eld by og journal, and expecting that the | the only company in the United| Board of Western Penn’a;| a herd of Brown Swiss cattle U.S.G. Gallagher, Soc., .. 178 both in the characters and in
Squity i order had been delivered all| States operating sleepers and| $5,000 to the General Mission | are to be imported by a new| Burgess— the theme, pervades the entire
1d 1-3 id right to the 776, gave instruc-| have no competition. It will| Board of the Church of the | association organizing for that! Daniel Shaffer, R-D, .. .. 105 production. The Bijou theatre
rty in 4 tions to 754 west to disregard| do some of the readers of this, Brethren, $500 to his sister) purpose. | J. W. Nestor, Soc.-Pro. .. 98] therefore takes great pleasure
Prop- L the red block signal and pro-| some good to look into this| Lavina Seese, $500 to his sis- Frees InP pie | Council — | in announcing this piece for
3,250, 1 ceed to the east end of Rock-| and figure out why a wise cor-| ter Lizzie Gahagan; $500 to Guaranteed Rat Extermin-' R. P. Crissey, R-D, .. 99| Friday, November 16. Bring
alifor- wood, looking out for 776 sett-| poration like the Pullman com-| his sister Fanny Ott; $100 to|ator 15¢ per box— | P.. M. Boyer, Soc, .. 981 your children—there is nothing
0 per ing off the car with a hot jour-| pany will advertise when they| Aaron Smucker of Hoovers- at HABEL & PHILLIPS B. F. Berkey, R-D, .. 94 in this play that the youngest
or ex- nal there. 754 westbound had |have no competition whatever.| ville; $100 t ohis son-in-law, sms nl ee SP. Geisel, R-D, ... .. 94 child cannot honestly enjoy.
, June only gone a short distance Ye nl Harry Stull; $5,000 for the Pratts Egg Producer is guar-| W. E. Lohr, Jr., R-D, .. . 93] No advance in price.
Here when the 776 shot around a THE PRICE SHE PAID erection of an Old Folks Home| anteed to make your hens lay--| John Murray, Soc., .. 5. 891 T—r— ln
curve right in its face, and a — in Western Pennsylvania. All at HABEL & PHILLIPS Wm. Johnson, Soc.-Pro., 81 VIOLATED GAME LAWS
disastrous collision was una-| Reica’s Avuditoritin made|the rest of his assets he be rrr Ar Joel Fynock, Soe, .. .. 12 me
* voidable then. cod again in their slogan,|queaths to Juniata College, of| > S. A. Ringler, Pro., .. .. 31] Orazio Bortolotti, of Garrett
Under the Maunal Block| “Just a little bit betier than Huntingdon. Pa. P. J. Blough,| M. J. Rogers, Pro., .. .. 30|an unnaturalized Italian, was
system the movement of trains|the one heforz,” when thev| treasurer of the Mission Board | Ith Assessor— given a hearing before Squire
in a block is under the control| showed Clara Kimball Young] of the Church of the Brethren aca W. A. Meyers, R-D-Pro., . 128| W. H. Hay, Saturday morning,
of the operators on duty at}in “The Price She Paid,” Wed-| of Western Pennsylvnia, was G George. Bond, Soc., . . ... 73! on a charge of violating the
Ohio, each end of the block. Had|nesday evening. This was un- appvinted executor. The will | uns Tax Collector— State game laws and having in
this system been in operation} doubtedly the best of the many | was dated April 20, 1817, anc | od 1 O. B. Coleman, Soc-Pro. . 106; his possession fire arms in vio-
25 per in the instance cited here the! excellent feature pictures witnessed by Lewis Gtt, Daniel Also most all other makes| | PP. Dull, R-D, .. .. .. 89]lation of the law, the charges
r acre. operator at Garrett would have| which have been shown of| Hoffman and Perry J. Blough. All kinds of repairs | Auditor (6 year term)— | having been preferred against
been required to secure per-|late and the management is to . —tii— x bot. xine W. N. Berkebile, R, .. .. 93 him by State Warden K. B.
mission from Rockwood before| be commended for bringing WEDDINGS = 2 Ed. Hollsopple, Pro., .. . 24 pleaded
the 754 westbound could have| such pictures here. Mr. Reich Miss Pauline C. McKenzie, Complete line of loaded! J. C. Berger, D,. .. . 9| guilty, and was fined $100 and
entered the block, and the op-| says, “Just wait until you see| daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dolls | Auditor (4 year term)— | the costs, which came to $1.75.
zh, Pa erator at Rockwood, knowing| what we have on next.” | McKenzie, and Thomas C.| Like | G. E. Blough, R-D, .. ... 109) —————
¢ > that the 776 was in the block | Tm:- | Obrien, son of Mr. and Mrs.| T WY. GURLEY i Jas. Berkebile, Soc, .. .. 83 Stanton’s Pure Buckwheat
would hardly have granted the| Patronize our Advertisers. | Mathew Obrien, both of Ber-! . : | School Director—
operator at Garrett pe ion Get our prices on Job Work. | lin, were married at MacDon- Sporting Goods Dept. | A. J. Mock, R-D, i-v: v-o ors. 90, at HABEL & PHILLIPS