YE Ai THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL; MEYERSDALE, PA. been Waiting for this Yearly Sale of ine’ AUGUST, 1917 FINDS US WITH 6000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE Our cramped quarters today tell the Two floors and story of our success. three store rooms combine to house | our present stocks of the choicest merchandise to be found in all Cum- 7. 9.11 and 13 Nos terland. -i- BALTIMORE ST, CUMBERLAND. MD , e Patrohs and the Public Generally -- Special Anniversary Low Prices on All Merchandise. Raincoat, Hosiery, Millinery and Underwear for Ladies and Misses. Children’s Clothing, Shoes and Oziords. Really every- Comforts, Blankets, Bed ‘Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Table Linen, Towels --- everything of this Character for the home, of Cumberland and those residing out of the city who know variety and assortments are so great that the Anniversary will be a feast of bargains never before enjoyed by the citizens Listen, and we'll tell A-1 quality and as well as ourselves. How can we effectively do this, you ask? e event in a mhnner that will be pleasing and profitable to Kline’s large patronage and the public generally, nany lines at prices we can ask to ma ke reasonable profit, and prices which our customers can easily pay. n, and Fit Them from Head to s Fool with Dependable Goods--the Same Goods Sold in Other e Quote You for This NINTH ANNIVERSARY EVENT. and join with us from day to day in its celebrat ion by liberally purchasing from our big stocks of’ ontines Fight Days Only dy will be in readiness on August 10 for this Anniversary Celebration, for wif we ask you, fiend and patron, to care fully read every word of this notice of our Annivers ary, AUGUST 10 — erchandise and hundre ds—yea, thousands of articles can be picked from m any departments. Everybo 1ess. d to sell everything in our store, reserving nothing from our many lines which comprise— t Attractive Stocks of High- | and Winter Merchandise. Made That Will Bring Joy to the Masses. ELOW + ALLL ARE MONEY SAVERS: ————— a_i AT 8:30 O'CLOCK, a. m. >» very newest It is desi sia FRE a rade THE KLINE GUARANTEE WE ASSURE EACH AND EVERY PURCHASER AB- SOLUTE SATISFACTION. WE GUARANTEE EVERY GARMENT, EVERY PRICE AND EVERY REPRESENTATION MADE HERE. WE WILL EX- CHANGE OR REPLACE EVERY PURCHASE SATIS- FACTORILY. Louis Kline nA ee tet AEE or A i e+ WRB Men's 's Dept. | Young Men's er —— Men's Shoes $3.50 Men’s Shoes and Oxfords, Anni- Ladies’ Low Shoes Ladies’ low Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords Men's Straw Hats Men, look here! i). partment Want to save a little Winter Coats, Men’s $2.00 Pants, solid color and 2as- ] s from $3.50 to Department sorted designs, Anniversary Sale Price .... $1.49 money ? Put away one of our extra good $3 values to go during this Anniversary versary Sale Price ... ccc ccs seis cone seen ween ary Sale —— Straw Hats for next season. We are go- { Sale, Price... viii i le $1.79 00M Sites and. Oxtoids. A $1.97 to $5.95 $2.50 and $3.00 good working and Dress ing to close out any Straw Hat in this $5.00 Yew or es an XIorcs, nni- $3.49 Men’s ard Young Men’s Suits, i ico. nan 1.98 house during this Anniversary Sale for Ladies’Pumps and Oxfords, $4 grade, to versary Sale Price ... cor loon som oe oe , Pants, Anniversary Sale Price .... .... . $ 1 Coats, sizes 8 values to $10.00. Anniversary : only. a a 85 go during this Anniversary Sale, Price .... $2.49 $6.00 Mer’s Shoes and Oxfords, Anni- lues, $5 to $15, | ale Price .... wu cee wren woes wee $6.95 Men’s $4 and $5 Pants, some nobby,good : versary Sale Price ... .. oo. ....$3.95 > 5 nae Ladies’ Pumps and Oxfords, $5 grade, $2.95 to, $7.95 looking styles ‘in lot. Anniversary Sale 3 a 'S Dr. Ss Shir ts a A 23 pode, $05 o750. Min's Shoo A Oxiodis. Aunt Z ahr 1.8495 Price, $2.49 to $2.98 versary Sale Price .... ... .. gham Dresses, Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, 14, values $1 to values up to $15.00, to be gle 49¢ to $1.49 | smcrificed at 100 pairs Men’s work Shoes, fibre soles $3.50 Ladies’ very attractive highs Shoes he : and heels, $3 values, Anniversary Sale .... 100 dozen of Men's extra neat looking Anniversary Sale Price _. Shirts with and without collars, values up to $1.00. Come early and get your choice . $2.49 - Men’s $6 and $7 Pants, very good extra fine numbers, Anniversary Sale Price $3.45-$3.95 and avoid the rush. These shirts will be 500 Ladies’ and Misses’ most attractive lot of Shoes ever bought, $5.00 t0$10.00 300 Misses’ and Children’s white canvas | Mary Janes, values up to $1.50, Anniver- ‘i Zo Disses Men’s and Young Men's Suits, 350 pair Men’s Corduroy Pants, values put on sale for . 4Te va ho 3.95 | Yalues up to $18.00, Anniversary | from $3 to $5, Anniversary Sale Price $1.95-$2.95 Ton Ta 7 values, Anniversary SalePrice ... $2.95 to §5.98°| Sale Pri r.Sale 49¢ - $ : 50 doson Me : : i sary Sale Price ...o.. ce cone cee co cee een eee Sale Price .... vex on ste eee $9.95 7 n’s high grade Shirts, val SE 2 oy 3 ’ : ? 3 3 y 7 Best $5.00 Boys’ Suits in Cumberland. ues from $1.25 to $1.50 to be offered for Ladies and 1 Conn Os | Misses’ and Children’s patent leather 's Dept 20 Men’s and Young Men’s Anniversary Sale Price ... .... co con con one $2.95 | this Anniversary Sale while they last, only 69c | fords and Pumps, ru ber sole and neets, and gun metal Mary Jane Shoes, values Men's ept: | | 3 2 regular value $2, Anniversary Sale Price .... 98¢ 2150 to ‘$2.50, A . P 98¢ to $1.49 iio Dusters Suits, Anniversary Sale : : Men’s extra good work Shirts, only a | : | phol fo , Anniversary Price 93c to n’s Auto Duster Pri 750 Boys’ Suits, solid colors, pinch few dozen of th C TS " tag? Kisses’ hi : ieee aE el na $12.95 : : ) ; ese. Come early and do All $7.50 Ladies’ and Misses’ high Shoes Anniversary Sale | P back styles and different mixtures, Anni- not be dissapointed. All sizes ... ... -... ... 37¢ will be sold at this Anniversary Sale at .. $4.95 | | 1000 pairs Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, Sra $1.69 | ; versary Sale Price ... .... $4.95 { regular value, from $1.50 to $4. 00, Anni- JBL ian Syligps gp | Versary Sale Price... vi thet or odd oe . s + Men’s and Young Men's $22.50 350 Men’s good work Shirts, heavy qual- Ladies” and Men’s high canvas rubber | versary Sale Price, ... ... co ooo ooo 98c to $2.49 VIen's Raincoa S| nd $25.00 Suits to be sold at the Boys very neat $10.00 Suits, Ari ity—while they last, Anniversary Sale sole and heel Shoes, all sizes, regular val- | Boys’ Scout Shoes, all sizes, $3. an d $4 aes, As Anniversary Sale Price .... $14.95 | yersary Sale Price ... .... . a $6.95 Price i... i. E10 $1.95 | ue $2.50 to $4, Anniversary Sale Price .... $1.39 quality, Anniversary ‘Sale Poice © $1.95 to $2.49 case wens sane emew 9 : | ’ 3 =e 27.50 and $35.00 Men's and © Men’s $4 and $5 extra good work Shirts | 300 pairs Ladies’ and Misses’ broken | x n’s Bathing sults 3 3 600 Boys’ Mixture Suits, very good val- ! Anniversary Sale Price, .... .... .... 2.95 to $3.49 | sizes and lots, values in this lot to $5.00. 800 pairs Boys’ Shoes and Oxfords, val Y Men’s Suits to go at Anni- ’ $ $ ’ $5 $2 to $5. Anniversary Price $1.39 fo $2.95 ; from $1.50 ® oung Mens Sui g $17.95 | 2s, will be sold during Anniversary 8 Sale | Anniversary Sale Prive iii. ik ody oo $1.40 | °° 0 ry sary Sale versary Sale Price .... .... ---- «Jo | at. a rar + $3.79 | an aes 98¢ to $5 ! § REFERENCE 500 Ladies’, Men’s, Misses’ and Chil- 9 len’s en | Best $1.50 Pants you ever. Saw Boys’ extra size Suits, sizes 17-20, high | ; | dren’s Sneaks, Anniversary Sale Price .... .... 49¢ Men S Underwear Sale, = g { ont 8 to 87. 2% go at the Anniversary he > quality, NS 50 up to $15 00. Anni 20% ; . { 250 dozen Men’s Underwear, sold by . 98¢c £0$4.95 98 Tice moe ooo i oe €| versary Sale ITICO ... cow sex wae se ans on $8. i As to my financial responsi- | B 9 WwW h 5 it others from 39c to 50c. Our price during . | bility, you are referred to the 0yS as uits | this Anniversary Salo only... il. 25¢ oo S TT oq THIRD NATIONAL BANK | We are going to put on sale 500 or more | Men’s Union Suits, 150 dozen, values Ro = | Cumberland, Md |] Boys yee uy oo ve Will xi be To up to $2.00, Anniversary Sale Price .. 49¢ to 95¢ : : : in getting rid o em ; } | (Signed) LOUIS KLINE | close them out for. $2.00 to $3.00 values Men’s 15c dress and work Hose, Anni- | QUIS | 9 rop eo Anniversary Sale Price .... «.. cen oo 49c to $1.49 | versary Sale Price ... co wee en cn cee cee eee 9c Western Maryland Railroad Station, Pa OPEN EVE Cumbe AEE erland, Md. ENINGS UNTIL T. 9:30 EEE RS