“THE 'MEYERSDALE. . COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. pe : TL a = = 5 “i ER SEERA MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL | go PUBLISHED EVERY. THURSDAY ’ AT MEYERSDALE, PA. Here's a Crowd Werth Following 0 R. M. SWISHER, Editor. When pald strictly In advance $1.28 When not paid in advance $1.50 Entered at the Postoffice at Meyers- dale, Pa. as second class mail matter. —~ " POLITICAL CALENDAR FOR 1917 Fall Primary Election, Wednesday, ‘September 19th. General Election, Thursday, Nov- ember 6th. The first day for securing si -tures to petitions to file Eh Be Secretary of the Commonwealth was _#onday, July 2. The last day to file Petitions of Nomination with the Secretary ol Commonwealth for the Primary is Friday, August 10th. The first day to secure signatures on Petitions to be filed with the County Comunissioner was Jridg r July 13. fhe last day for filing Abit the County. Commissioners is Wednesday, August 22. wee The last day-to be assessed jn boroughs and townships for ei Nov. ay Elections: are: Tuesday™ ‘and Wednesday, September 4 "and 5. : Assessors sit at polling plaé駓on |“ these days. The last day to pay tax to qualify for the November Election is Satur- day, October 6. The last day when candidates, whose Petitions are filled with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, may withdraw before the Primksy, A Singing Band, An -Actor-Monologist, "A Complete Light Opers, The Chinese Mark Twain, ~-A Home Economics Expert, Friday, August 17, up to 4 pom SEASON TICKETS, $2.00; CHILDRE :N, SL. 00 5 No Increase In Price. i: Salisbury, Sopiermbor 23 8, 1917 | STVO0T TVNOILIAAN., ||. Crs Zacharias Beal of Minnesota stbp- ped off on his way to New York and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Like Christmas, CHAUTAUQUA COMES BUT ONCE A YEAR, and you can’t afford to miss 3% SEVEN GREAT DAYS. o-0-CO———— WITH oe And a great array of Music, Impersonations, Lectures and Children’s Featured An Interpreter of Plays, A Nationally Known Humorist, A Prominent Health Authority, A Company of Irish Song Birds, The Dean of Southern Novelists - W. J. Rainey company, coal and coke ' enced to the Western penitentiary for more than three years, by Judge Van clerk. Several weeks ago Norton, who 4 New Castle bank for $1,500 was miss- | ing. Only the fact that his bride had “4 and ministerial service enabled the m—— / Prompt attention given zo all legs *, rubbers and shoes. J. H. Lepley. Officer Smith of the police force re-| porsey S. Mullen, aged thirty-five, ceived word to-day of the serious |eof Pitcairn, was killed at Sang Hollow, illness of his mother and proposes |near Johnstown, when he was struck leaving this evening for her home. by me Now York 2 Tress es ennsylvania railroad. ullen alight- Mr. and Mrs. Noah" Sturtz of Gil- od from a freight train and stepped man, Iowa, are spending a few days in the path of the express. with the family of J. H. Lepley, and| A visiting other friends in this vicinity. | Three persons were killed and four : seriously. injur when two Pennsyl _ Amanda Tank ret vania railroad freight trains collided YS. adel ac ang NAUZT AT, and Mrs. | pogr Norristown. The dead are Brake- Moores’ son and daughter autoed|man Halvig, Fireman Gross and an from Gilman, Towa, and are spending | ggidentified raiiroader. The injured a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.|é%e all railroad men. Lepley. : Wh hii Fo ; ST : > Announcement was made by Con- ! "August Rosenberger is reported |gressman O. D. Bleakley of Franklin very sick this week at his home on |¢hat if nothing prevents and the High street. Comrade Rosenberger |wsather cenditions are good he ex- is about 80 years of age and does to make another flight from not have the recuperative powers of elphia to Washington within the 60 years ago. next two weeks. Very Funnyemy, early, Mrs. Peck? Mrs. Peck—Yes, Tommy, sometimes —when 1 feel tired. . = fe “You wouldn't go so “early ‘if you?” not?” you sit. .upl”"—Exchange. #8 en my finger last night. Ethel— Yes, it’s nice looking, but it will make a black circle round your finger before you've worn it a week. It did on mine.—~London Tit-Bits. KEYSTONE PARAGRAPHS | On his way from Corry to War- ren, Pa. Wake Morgaridge, former president of the Lake Erie Trotling aszociation, was pinned beneath a burning automobile, ‘while Moris Cohen, Archie Cohen and Charles Hall, all of Corry, were thrown to safety, when the machine overturned on a curve three miles west of this city. The automobile was lifted off Morga- ridge before his clothing caught fire. He was only bruised. The others were hurt slightly. The machine was destroyed. to give true A runaway caboose of a Baltimore and Ohio freight train struck an auto- | § mobile at Atlas crossing on the Na-| |i tional -pike, near Uniontown, demol- ished the automobile and injured its three occupants, one seriously. The injured are: William Small, aged sixty-five, of Hopwell; Ellis Boswell, thirty-eight, driver of the automobile, | who is cut and bruised, and Mitchell { 1 always exceeds th Tennis, forty-two, Hopwood, cut and bruised. A defective coupling on the caboose is blamed for the accident. NORMAL Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania approved the general highway bil. The only reduction is in the item of $2.000,000 to pay the | H _state’s share of the state aid highway { lif, work done under the law of 1911.1} § “This item is approved in the sum of | | 5 $1,500,000. The general highway bill, | | experienced teachers. as it passed finally in the house and senate, carried an appropriation of $10,373,470.40. The appropriation for | the construction of state highways is | $6,000,000. Tan workers in the hot mills of the American Sheet and Tinplate com- pany have been granted an increase in wages of 14.57 per cent, effective July 16. This means that since Febru- ary, 1916, six advances in wages, equivalent to 73 per cent above the base rate, have been granted. The present rate is the highest that has ever prevailed in the tin plate indus- try and rollers are making over $20 a day for eight hours. Indiana is a school for one preparing to teach. “] am bringing you greetings from the people of free Russia. Join me in g hearty cheers for the United S Fong live the United States ica!” Thus spoke Lieu- tenant ; Viadimar Roop, a member of the military division the Russian war c¢ igsion ledging the 1 FIndianaDs Pa The mind that is ly mind that secures the best re- |" i wards. The demand for lj practically trained teachers of study—which includes actual teach- | l ing experience—at the famous I | | PENNSYLVANIA STATE ||| | | of Indiana, Pa. | equips one for a life of successful service. under the guidance of a faculty of fifty-five I Beautiful and healthful location. Athletics. Modern buildings splendidly equipped. $225 covers all expenses (excepting books) for school year Ia connection with the Normal School are—The Indiana Conservatory of Music and The Indiana School of Business. The Indiana Catalog—one of the most beautiful and interest- - ing of books about schools ever published—free on request. Address the Principal, J. A. H. KEITH, Indiana, Pa. 10 ek service is the I i all in SLAB — SE WA e supply. A course SCHOOL of ambitious workers Christian influences, Tommy —~Do you ‘go to3 ‘bed id f you were madrried to my father, Jwouid “Oh, Tommy, you funny - Boyt Why “'Cause my father told ‘mother that | if he were your Jusband he'd make 3 John" W. Norton, chief clerk of the operators of Uniontown, was sent- not less than eighteen months nor | Swearingen, on a charge of larceny by : pleaded guilty to the charge, appro- priated checks on the W. J. Rainey company to the amount of $5, 200. Wholesale rates of potatoes were quoted at $5 at the Pittsburgh produce yards. A barrel contains two and a half bushels. While there is an abun. dance of tubers reported, it is not known whether a further drop in prices will be experienced. Cabbage, peas, beans and other vegetables are reported abundant by the food supply division, but no noticeable reduction in cost was reported. 1 David Halliday of New Castle went to pay for his marriage license, issued by the county clerk in Beaver, when he discovered his pocketbook contain. ing $500 and a certified check on a money enough to pay for the license couple to be married. “ROFESSIONAL CARDS. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, COMPENSATION AND PLATE GLASS INSURANGS W. i+ “00K & SON Meyeradale, Pa W. CURTIS TRUXAL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, PA. business. "WANTED-—Old papers, magazines. J. D. DOMER, 201 Grant st. Sicciality. ‘P. 0. re Pa Pa. Economy Plone, Gumbert 132 _Vetenarian en in - uniqué aroma and a dist dost of u *- Durham has been the great Amer Get the Range of Smoking Satisfaction Roll “Bull” Durham into a cigarette and you have a smoke with all the vim, vigor and dash of Uncle” Sam's fighting men, That's why the American Army | is an army of “Bull” Durham smokers. * “Bull” Durham | puts snap into their action and “punch” into their | spe For a virile, lively, manly sticks, “roll your ie with “Bull” Durham. GENUINE BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. “Bull” Dustiam § is the iE ; al bases & hae i -mellow-sweet flavor that n other. . tobacco can give you. hes Made of the famous “righ oe Vitginia-North Carolina leaf, (Bull GENUINE | 040] 32) F.80 “ican smoke for three generations. : You “roll your own™ ‘with “Bull” Durham. and enjoy a real smoke. . : FRE ain? Peskin, Rall At a rettes, and a pi of cigarette will both be 1 ae in U. Spbe mailed. fret ay dirs Durham, Durham, N.C. CEOS Residence: Office : 809 North Street 229 Center Mree 38 Economy Phone. Both Phones: Driving It Home] . Let us drive home to you the fact that no washweo- man can wash clothes in as sanitary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. We use much more water, change the water many more times, use purer and more costly soap, and keep all the clothes in constant motion during the entire process. It is simply a matter of having proper facilities. Meyersdale Steam Laundry Have you Indigestion? Your food will continue to dis- agree with you, and cause dis- tress until you strengthen your digestive organs, and tone and sweeten the stomach. Youcan do this quickly and surely by promptly taking a few doses of BEECHAM'S PILLS Their natural action relieves the stomach of undigested food, stimulates the flow of gastric juice, renews the activity of the liver and bowels, and strengthens the digestive Sys- tem. Take them with confi- dence, for 60 years’ experience prove that Beecham’s Pills Are good for the Stomach Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere, In boxes, 10c., 25c. nr ost THE BEAUTY ROOM “That is the proper name for the bathroom, for there is where beauty isaided and acquired. Ij * Beauty is largely an indication of good GC health and without health, no beauty. Bathe for health in a “Standard” modern bathroom such as we install—always with the customer’s satisfaction in mind. We know how to do satisfactory work. Confirm our statement by calling os us. “Vegleshop pains ard) fuer quick relief” SD ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. { pis. They form a valuable FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak- ens the Nerves. The constant strain of DR. MILES’ SEVERE PAIN. “I used to suffer a great deal with lumbago in my shoulders and back. A friend induced me to try Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills and I am only too glad to be able to attest to the relief Dr. Miles’ that I got from these splendid medicine and do all that it is claimed they will do.” LEWIS J. CUTTER, Marietta, Ohio, IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, Samuel Peer, a baseball player, was | Investigation struck by an automobile and perhaps fatally hurt in front of the opera house Will prove the attractive- in Titusville. He was taken to a hos-| ness of a conservative enter- pital Jower part of his body was paralyzed. | equipped, where it was found that the | prise financed and being well well managed by He formerly played with Jamestown, | men of the highest standing. NY, in the Iftersiate longue. | Indications’ are that returns State Health Commissioner Dizon | Will be quick and enormous. notified the fifty-three stream inspec- | tors connected with his that, owing to the vetoing by the gov- | ernor Of the appropriation for their] were a cl harge of districts. cam inspec| Information regarding this partmen’ | excellent investment furnished | Ypon written request. B. A. Kummer & Ce. Colorado Blag. Washington, D 1eir services we . 0 He fifty-three inspectors not the abo Gent serv Hun lyin; who canr are | sive ficial ingtc the ] sia a oper: tacha war ber « tach Says the a er Fe ing n in Ne lished marin mont] He « more ted th barke sunk | a Ger arriva der, v remar have |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers