The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, August 09, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 31
Meyersdale Council met in vegilar
session on Tuesday evening, the fol-
lowing members being present; Dia,
Deeter, Shipley, Saylor, Darnley,
Lechemby and Staub.
Minutes read and approved.
J. J. Hammer appeared before
council and asked for an increase of
wages, of 50 cents per day, and a
petition was presented from the other
laborers asking the same increase,
which was granted. ;
© Mr. Cavenaugh appeared and ask-
ed what privileges he could have in
hauling manure for his mushroom
house. Matter was referred to the
Board of Health and Shipley, Darn-
ley and Saylor were appointed to co-
operate with Health Beard in the
. T. M. Walker presented a photo-
graph of the crossing sign to be
(used instead of the bell at the Main
street crossing of the Bi'& O. Photo
returned and Mr. Walker informed
that the council wanted the wateh-
man. Aste
Street Committee reported that re-
pairs are being made to Salisbury
street; that some sewers have been
repaired; that sewer trouble on High
street has been located; Clay street
sewer repaired; also a sewer, leaking
in Lucente’s cellar on Centre Street.
This latter was referred to. the ‘street
committee. On ‘motion’ Salisbury
street is to be | figished with ballast
and shale.
Street committee was Instructed
to get informaton regarding team-
sters hauling heavy loads on the
streets, also instructed as to what|
is necessary to. repair High-street. :
id CE
urgess sport. ih
Fines for July
The Light committee was Instruct
ed to direct the policeman to report
the lights ‘that were out during the
month. Also to direct Eleetric light
cimpany to number their poles.
An application was ordered sub-
mitted to Highway Commissioners
for .the proposed. Highway improve-
ment covering 6320 feet as hereto-
fore described.
On motion all rules were sus-
pended and an ordinance forbidding
the use of muffler cutout of motor
vehicles requiring the use of dynamos
upon the same and regulating the
parking of autos in the borough was
read, passed and ordered printed.
Chief of Police Fred Hare ten-
dered his resignation, effective Sept.
1st, which was on motion accepted
and Secretary instructed to advertise
for applications to fill vacancy.
Mrs. Norman Vought of San
Francisco, Cal., is visiting at the home
of M. A. Fike since Wednesday of
_ last week.
W. W. Nicholson spent Thursday of
last week at the home of N. D. Hay.
Albert Herring of Roumania spent
part of Sunday afternoon with Thom-
as Swindell, who has been confined to
his. bed ever since he was injured.
Henry Engle and family spent
from Sunday until Tuesday in Lon-
aconing, Md.
P. W. White and family of Union
Valley passed last Sunday at Vim.
Mrs. Henry Bongerd visited sever-
al days the latter part of the week
at the home of Ananias Hoover in
Elk Lick township.
Mahlon Fike made a business trip
to Johnstown last Saturday.
Miss Emma Ringler, who was in
Akron, /0,, for several months came
home last Saturday, a}
J. F. Seigner took an automobile
trip to Stoyestown last Saturday.
ara Brel
The Frederick Music company has
been having ‘a sale of high grade
pianos for the past four weeks and
have a broad gauge ad again this
week. The store is visited daily by
al persons interested and many sales
we have been made. Call and listen to
the exquisite sweet tones of the
Bacen in any style, or to the volume
and range of the Player pianos.
Centre street, Meyersdale.
| several weeks at the "fume 4
(ME, a :
“$74.00 |
Churet, Not Notices.
Reformed—J. ‘E. Sheetz, Pastor,
Sunday school 10 .a m. ;
Church services, Aug. 19, 7:30 p.
m. At this service Rev. H. H.
Wiant, the former pastor will preach.
Lutheran—W..(H. B.. Camey, Pastor.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Services at 7:30 Ps Mm:
Cross organization. There will be
several speakers from Somerset.
Evangelical—Rev. Hetrick, Pastor
Sunday schopl 10 a m.
Church services, 2 Pp. m,
Brethren—B. F. Waltz, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Church 11 a. m.
* * *
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Sheetz of New
Kensington, Pa., were guests at the
home of W. A. Merrill Saturday and
Wm. Kistler and L. W. Pollard
‘| were transacting business at Morgan-
‘town, W. Va., Monday and Tuesday.
r.. RR... M. McClellan was in
Cumberland Tuesday. He was ac-
companied by his wife and daughter,
left last Saturday for Akron, Ohio,
where they “will Spend several weeks
visite Mrs.” Miller's ‘son, Mr. r Heo yd
Miller and. other friends.
Brant: returned from Boswell and
Somerset Saturday where they had
been visiting .friends and Selatives
for Some time.
Mrs. Milton Shoemaker | and
ildren of «Akron, O., returned home
last Thursday after “having . {pent
hoe to, Hie home. Jin MeKegsport
Mrs! (and Mrs. Zack Walter and
daughter, Naomi; ' are visiting Mrs.
Walter's parents, “Mr. and Mp. S.
Blair at Coal Run.
Miss Grace Hoos left Sunday for
Greensburg where she will visit re-
Miss Helen Brant and her guest,
| yetu
This will
be a union service held by the Red!
Mrs. A. R. Miller and son, Allen E
Misses Nell, Charlotte a Totise)
Sheriff Lester G. Wagner
Jury Commissioners S. P. Brubg
and J. G. Bender have. drawn jurors
convene Te er 3.
Grand Jurors.
Addison Township-Marshall
man, farmer.
Berlin—George Wetmiller, tax
lector. 4 a
Boswell—L. L. Sprowls,
grapher. ;
Elk Lick—John Zimmerman,
Fairhope—Charles Mangus,
Greenville—J. E. ‘Baker, Zarined
Hooversville—Clyde Berkley,
foreman; Milford Oaks, laborer.
Jenner—M. A. Piekworth, farr
Samuel J. Crist, farmer,
Jefferson —Ed. :B. Knepper,
er. William Pile, farmer. ;
Lincoln—Ed. R. Shaffer, farmer.
Middlecreek—Milton D. Fai
Rockwood—. C. MeSpadden,
tractor. ;
Stfchiury-- John. Harding,
M. D. Thomas, laborer. he
Somerset Township—M. J.
berger, musician.
_ Shade—Frank Horner, .
K. Bailey, farmer.
7 Rho
Stonycreek— Edward
. Upper . Turkeyfoot a
King, Samer. |
5s Bothersvalley-—Riumsel B,
1R. Smith, clerk
Berlin—Francis E. Lowry,
penter; John Menges, loborer.
Boswell—Ralph R Straub, clerk.
Black—Alvin Fike, farmer.
Bensen—C. C. Zimmerman, miller;
John Kurtz, merchant.
Conemaugh—Charles A. Boyiz,
Velma Henderson of McKeesport
Miss Mayme Tucker left Saturday ;
for, Washington, Pa., where she will
visit friends and relatives.
in Cumberland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Merrill spent
last Suiday at Acosta.
Mrs. Leah Ackerman of Mance
visited her sister Mrs. Rena Hoover
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevens and
children and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. De-
vore and son motored to Coal Run
Saturday and spent the week end at
the home of Mr. Sam Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bittner, Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Pollard and children and
guest, Mrs. Ella Beakes and daught-
er, Wilma, were guests at the home
of Mr. M. Meyers at Somerset Sun-
Mr. H. H. Kerr, the Station Agent
at the Western Maryland R. R. spent
the week end in Rockwood.
Mrs. Ella Beakes and daughter,
Wilma, of Windber visted Mrs. L. W.
Pollard last week returning home
Monday last.
Miss Clara Bittner is visiting her
sister, Mrs. George Smith at Swiss-
vale, Pa.
N. S. Shober and family visited
relatives at Rockwood Sunday.
In preventing a fall last Wednes-
day, Mrs. Rena Hoover sprained her
back and has been confined to her
bed since then.
Miss Margaret Kearney who visit-
ed her mother, Mrs. W. _H. Clements
the past two weeks returned to her
home in Johnstown. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheeler and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sheeler and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheeler,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and
family attended a birthday party
held in honor of Mrs. David Sheeler
at New Centerville Tuesday.
Mrs. Herman Bittner of Meyers-
dale visited her som, Lewis at this
place Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. H. Wallace, a bridge inspector
128 | for the B. & 0. Rail Road Co., spent
several days in Garrett last week.
salesman; Henry Berkey, carpenter;
were Rockwood visitors on Sunday. B. H. Matthews, laborer.
Elk Lick—C. W. Holley, clerk.
Fairhope—Charles W. Kennell,
« laborer.
Mrs. W. M. Kisteler and son were | Hocversyilie - W. P. Hoover, farm-
Jenner—M. G. Griffith, laborer;
Charles Mull, farmer. A. W. Zim-
merman, merchant; Owen Bamett,
! borer.
Lincoln—William Bowman, farmer
Lower Turkeyfoot—Urias Ringer,
farmer. i
Meyersdale—Henry C. Kneiriem,
carpenter; Calvin J. Lint, laborer;
Wm. H. Eisler, engineer; W. H. Ha-
bel, merchant; Harvey E. Bittner,
game warden.
Northampton—C. W.
‘Quemahoning—W. N. Rininger,
farmer; Jacob Escherick, stonema-
Shanksville—George H. Keefer,
justice of the
Somerset. ‘Borough—W. 1. Hauger,
laborer; ‘Charles Blades, engineer;
Stewart Walker, clerk; W. H. Beach-
ey, merchant; Guy Spangler, clerk.
Somerset Township—P. B. Gless-
ner, clerk. Wilson Stoy;, farmer; C.
E. Beal, laborer; John : Rayman,
‘farmer; James R. Tayman; Ed: N.
Emert, farmer.
Stonycreek -— Norman
farmer. |
Summit—M. CC. Horner, retired;
Conrad Lindeman, farmer. :
Windber—C. M. Caycomb, mer-
chant; Charles Criswell, electrician;
James Cullen, baker.
A very pleasant party is encamp-
ed near Stanton’s dam on the Nat-
ional Pike near Grantsville, Md.,
among whom is Miss Anna Housel,
the accomodating window elerk in
the Meyersdale postoffice. The lucky
ones are Misses Pearl Newman,
Effie Lichliter, Margaret Glotfelty,
Myrtle James and Julian Meese,
Master Joe Monn, Mrs. J. H. Monn,
Misses Ella Reitz, M. Harding, Edith
Lichliter and Mws. A. M. Lichty.
We all envy them the cool comfort
they are enjoying.
*| Those capable of doing good are also
ay signs are so much alike
1 ample, if one had a bad pain in’ the
‘a druggist for help.
farmer; W. F. Gnagey, farmer; Ww.
By Samuel G. Dixon, M. D.
Drugs are not to be fooled with.
Mrs. Charlotte Shultz.
Mrs. Charlotte Shultz, wife of the
late Meshac Shultz of Shipman, IIL,
passed away at her home on Satur-
day, August 4th, 1917, aged 80 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Shultz were former re-
sidents of Grantsville, Md., where
they have a circle of friends and
{ capable of doing. harm.
An intelligent, experienced and
physician will never
ribe drugs until he has made a
thorough diagnosis, unless in a des-
perate, emergency case. It requires
years ‘of study to be able to deter-
mine the characters of disease and
distinguish one from another with
Peter Panisonia, aged 33 years,
died at the Markleton sanitarum on
Thursday, August 2. The remains
were brought here and taken to
Reich’s morgue, where services were
held by Rev. Father Brady, and in-
terment was made in the R. C. cem-
etery on August ‘3.
There are many sicknesses whose
that the lay person or one uneducat-
d in medicine could not recognize a
florence between them. Tor ex-
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dively.
Mrs. Betty Dively, widow of
Joseph Dively, . departed this life at
‘her late residence on Ord street, on
Saturday night. She had been in
failing health for some time due to
the infirmities of years. She was
aged 81 years. ’
She was the daughter of Peter and
Rachel Wagner. Her husband died
about twenty-nine years ago.
Mrs. Dively is survived by four
sisters and one brother; Mrs. ‘Lydia
Blose of Johnstown, Pa.; Mrs. Wm.
Beautman of Secalp Level, Pa. Mrs.
Samuel Christner, Boynton, Pa; Mrs.
Henry Christner of Boynton, Pa; and
Mr. Carr Wagner of Elk Lick.
Four brothers and three sisters pre-
ceded her to the spirit world;
lower part of the body, in Hat region
generally improperly fed the
,_qne might consult a,
over ‘the "phone, or read a Temedy in
‘a newspaper or on the label of a
quack medicine bottle, or else go to
The one recommended under such
circumstances might be supposed to
‘have castor oil in it or some drug
‘that would act as. it does. The rem-
edp is taken and the active move-
ment of the stomach or rather, in-
testinal tract, is produced. The
patient grows much worse and the
physician is then called.
The patient has been surprised
that the pain has grown worse and
‘the temperature has leaped up high
ren en though a drug was taken. The
spring; Mrs. Ella Livengood, Mrs.
Annabel Humbard and Mrs. Rachel
Ringler. vies atparl
_ Funeral services were held Monday: |
afternoon, conducted by her pastoty|
! ue to an abscess from appendi-
cits: This: abscess had been broken |
action caused by the médi-|
docto : rmi 7 Christian, Francis, Simon and Dennis |
tie Soon dete os that his Wagner who died suddenly this
Miss Pauline Reese who is a nurse
in the Allegheny General hospital at
Pittsburgh; is spending her vacation
with her mother, Mrs. John Reese.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Billmeyer and
son Bruce, of Cumberland, Md;
spent Sunday with Mrs. Billmeyer’s
mother, Mrs. Breig.
Mr. H. F. Fogle spent Sunday in.
Cumberland, Md.
The Misses Maud Schramm and
Edith Reiber left Monday for a two
week’s visit in Lonaconing, Md.
Mrs. Ross Livengood who, since
her husband's death, has spent three
months in Salisbury, left on Monday
for her home in Noel, Mo. From
there she will go to California.
Miss Edith’ Schramm has returned:
home after spending several ‘months
in Grove City.
Mr. Arthur Emerick of Akron, O,,
arrived Tuesday to spend his vaca--
tion with ‘his family who came here
for the summer.
Mr. Reiber and Harry Reiber and
son Lester, of Lonaconing, Md., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Reiber. ‘
Rev. Wm. Harris of Sharpstown,
Md., who is visiting his brother, Fred
bury, WARE a wy. Bue SeE E
sermon in the Methodist church Sun-
day evening.
Orvill and Elwood Glodfelty and”
Ernest Bittinger of Bittinger, Md.,.
were guests of Mrs. Harvey Podle-
and family on 798 Sunday. |; |
Goss and Habghics, Miss:
nded” and taken before ‘Rev. 1. 8. Monn. Interment: in ‘the
r infonts.:
Bernard M. Leonard died at whe |
home 8 he parents, at Girard, |
on Fri Apgust 3, aged one. y
three iste i rk ¥ seven “days. |
The remains were brought here and
taken in charge by R. Reich under-
taker. Burial was made in the R.
C. cemetery, after services by Rev.
Father = Brady. Mr. ‘and | Mrs)
Leonard are former residents of Gar-
rett, Pa., Mrs. Leonard being well
known there, she being the daughter
of Mr. Mitchell, a former mine sup-
erintendant for W. A. Merrill coal
operations. They have the sympathy
of their many friends in their former
home, in their bereavement.
Ss has atte Ted |
a Gk ne a dns
testine, where it will lodge ‘and kill
the patient unless it is washed out; |
all of it, even down to a piece the
size of a pin point.
The pus germs are so small that
they cannot be seen with the naked
eye, but they are born by the hun-
dreds every minute.
A knife very often has a double
edge and so have drugs. A headache
powder will relieve the ache for the
time being and at the same time
weaken an already: weak heart and
in ‘some cases cause death. It is on-
ly the medical profession that recog-
nizes the great harm people do them-
selves by the indiscriminate use of
drugs. Fake
Those quack medicines and pub- Twins—Children of Mr. and Mrs.
lished books for home treatment, Soloskosky, Walter and Susie, died
those advertisements of doctors who | at their home in Blackfield, and were
treat patients through correspondence buried in the R. C. cemetery here, one
either by letter or newspaper; those | O® Friday and the other one on Sat-
druggists and nurses who prescribe urday, Rev. Father J. J. Brady, hold-
on guess work all represent part of | INE Services.
a great evil. The rash and danger- ’ * ww
ous habit of recommending drugs for Harry Leslie Heffler of Meyersdale,
a sick person when little or nothng | son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heffler of
is known about his real condition is| North street, died at the home of his
a crime that should receive fitting | parents and was buried in the R. C.
punishment. cemetery on Monday, July 30th, ser-
————— vices by Rev. F. Brady.
An Auto Trip.
% * *
Earl Franklin Watson, son of Mrs.
John Watson, who reside near Centre
Church, died Friday, August, 3, aged
2 years, 4 months and 16 days.
Funeral services were conducted at
Cross Roads church on Sunday, Aug.
bth, by Rev. J. Peck followed by in-
terment in the cemetery adjoining,
conducted by J. L. Tressler. He was
A pleasant party left here on Tues-
day “or an auto trip to McConnells-
burg, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Dela-
ware Water Gap, Buffalo, Niagara
Falls, Oil City and Pittsburgh, ex-
peciing to be gone 10 dys or two
weeks. The party consists of H. M.
Cook with his auto, W. B. Cook, Esq.,
Mrs. H. M. Cook, Miss Olive Bit-
tinger, of Witchita., Kansas. and!” bright interesting boy and is sur-
w oe ot Miller at the 3 1 Th vived by his parents and three
rs = eel. © | brothers and sisters.
second car contains, Mrs. J. M.
meester llr pr erecni,
Olinger and daughter, Mrs. Beachey,
of Witchita, Kansas, with Allen Mil-
ler, chauffer.
Samuel H. Hoffmeyer.
On Thursday morning, August 9th,
1917, Comrade Samuel H. Hoffmeyer
was mustered out ¢? this life to join
the innumerable host in the Grand
Army above.
Mr. Hoffmeyer was born in Green-
ville township, Somerset county, on
September 1st, 1842, lacking 21 days
of rounding out three quarters of a
century of a useful life. When he
arrived at mature age he engaged in
farming and in lumbering until 15
years ago when he removed to Mey-
Comrade Hoffmeyer was a private
in Co. C, b4th P. V. I, and saw
much servire during his term of
On May 19th, 1867 he was united
in marriage with Miss Elizabeth
Aultmeyer, at Pocahontas, who sur-
48 Diamond
#Bpecial prices.
at $15.00 each.
Tires this Week at
Twe 834X4 Non-Skid
ig’ several days with Mr. apd Mrs.
LE Ressler. cit
Rockwood. -
Miss Alice Webreck is home from:
her, duties as trained nurse at Pitts-
burgh, for a month’s vacation.
and was accompanied home by his:
two grandsons.
' Miss Elizabeth Leydig attended
the surprise party on Miss Clara
Rowe at Meyersdale on Thursday
Mrs. Frank Miller was taken to
the Alleghany Hospital at Cumber-
land on Thursday evening. She is
reported as getting along very nicely
Miss Clara Leydig and Arthur Bit~
tner spent Saturday and Sunday with
the former's sister, Mrs. A. M.
Raupach, at Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bittner and
children of Akron, O., are here for
a visit with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Bittner.
Mrs. Cal Cook and children and
Miss Tena Bauman were Sunday
visitors with G. H. Cook and family.
Mrs. Dan Shumaker and three sons
of Meyersdale spent the week end
with her mother, Mrs. Cathrine.
Tressler. '
Mr. Alfred Bittner came homer
from Akron on Saturday to spend
some time.
Miss Bessie A. Martz, our post--
mistress, left Tuesday morning for
her long deserved month’s vacation
at Pittsburgh.
vives him, and they continued to re-
side at that place until 1902, when
they removed to Meyersdale. The
fruit of this union was six sons, one
of whom died eleven years ago, and
six daughters, as follows; C. S., of
Akron, O., George Franklin, of
Meyersdale; William H., of Morgan-
town, W. Va., Howard, of Akron, O.,
and Robert, of Meyersdale; Mrs.
Annie Christner, of Stoyestown; Mrs.
Ida Ringler, of Grove City; Mrs.
Clara Yutzy, of Meyersdale; Mrs.
Fannie O’Dell of Pamlico Plains,
Tenn. and Misses Edith and Mary at
home. The couple celebrated their
golden wedding last May, at which
there were present 24 grand children
and 6 great grand children.
For the past few years Mr. Hoff-
meyer has been a very great sufferer
by reason of ill health.
He was a devout member of the
Reformed church, and when able was
a regular attendant. He was a com-
sistent Christian, an indulgent par-
ent, an affectionate husband, and =
good citizen. Funeral arrangememts
have not been made as we ow» to
Kathryn, of ‘Cumberland, are spend- “
i ‘children spent the week Rea
with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bittner at.
Mr. S. J. Tayman spent a few days:
with his daughters at Connellsville,..