THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSD ALE, PA. Reduced Prices on Buttons Braids Tapes Bindings F'losses All Dress Accessories sc AO FTE ER ET SEMI ANNUAL \ED LETTER SALE! COMBINED WITH OUR DRY-G0ODS GLOSING-0UT SALE 20s 4 JULY 14 TO 28 oe Children’s Headwear Entire line of Children’s Summer Hats and Bonnets in white and color- ed, straw and silk combination, silk and wash mater- ials, priced from 50c to $3.50, at ONE-FOURTH OFF SPECIALS UPSTAIRS Lot of Ladies Suits in Navy and Black only, in large sizes only, marked $20 to $32.50 at Ove-Fourth Off. All other Suits from this season at .... .... .... HALF PRICE. Lot of light colored Suits from last Spring, several of these garments are Printzess make, excell- ent materials, but just a little out of style, marked from $15'to $25 at .... .... fi ain. $7.98 Lot of dark colored suits carried over from last Fall ’ and longer, marked from $12 to $32 at ... ... $3.98 Ladies’ Coats, entire line of Summer Coats, Misses’ and Ladies’ sizes, every one a new coat from this season, assortments of styles at HALF PRICE Silk and Serge Dresses for afternoon and evening wear, our line of these dresses has never be- fore been ascomplete at this season, including many Betty Wales Models at ONE-FOURTH OFF Lot of Ladies’ and Misses’ gingham and lawn dresses carried over from last summer, slightly soiled, would make excellent house dresses, marked from $1.75 10 "rw. i, 79c Waists, entire line of wash waists, and crepes de chines, taffettas and georgettes ONE-FOURTH OFF Lot of Jap Silk Waists, bought from a manufacturer who wanted to close out his line of samples, every one clean and right up-to-date, worth $240 $B at Lo ns Gl nui on OBE Boys’ Wash Suits, some numbers that have been in stock some time and are slightly soiled .... .... 29¢ Wash Skirts, $1.25 to $1.50 values in plain white a and colors in all newest materials at .. ... .... 98¢ Children’s Coats, entire line at .... .... ONE-FOURTH OFF Children’s Dresses, white and colored ONE-FOURTH OFF Skirts, entire line of dress and wash skirts including including all silk skirts at .... ONE-FOURTH OFF Summer Wash Dresses; in ladies’ and misses’ sizes in all colors and newest materials, including : our line of plain white dresses ONE-FOURTH OFF SPECIAL--Qur entire line of misses’ and ladies’ Raincoats, to close up the line ONE-HALF OFF Lace Curtains, in nets, scrims and laces, marked from 60c to $3.50 per pair at ONE-FOURTH OFF While many stores throughout the country are discontinuing their Clearance Sales this year on account of continued adyances in merchandise and scarcity of goods, we have decided to hold our semi-annual RED LETTER SALE as usual. A complete clean-up of old merchandise to make room for the new goods for next season is our policy and to this end you will find it worth your while to attend this sale. Sale starts next Saturday, July 14th and will continue for TWO WEEKS ONLY. DRY-GOODS CLOSING OUT SALE These two Sales combined make one of the most sweeping sales that we have ever held. All dry goods have been remarked, at prices below even the Closing-Out Sale prices—these must be cleaned up in the next few weeks. Staple dry-goods have been bought to fill in the lines that were depleted by the Closing-Out Sale so that there will be mer- - chandise for all while they last. —DRY-GOODS SPECIALS — Entire line of Laces and Embroiderics at .... ... ... ... ONE-THIRD OFF 50c. Wool Suitings, in stripes, 36. in. wide .... ... ... .... io Las 39 60c Plaid all wool suitings, 36 ‘in. wide .... ... oan Lo nn 48¢ 18¢ Cotton Plaid Suitings, 8 in. wide a SNR i Fes $1.35 Messalines, 36 in. wide, all colors .... ... ooo... .... oil LL ... 98¢ 1.25 Silk Poplins, 36 fn.wide :.... «0 oodles ni B20 80c Cotton Poplins and Suesette: =... a. LL ll dein, Ll 20 98c Seco Silks, all colors, 27 In Wide ov... tives cia vite ares ease ies ait une 20 18c Curtain Serims nat iio il Lal al ea ln LL aT lge O8e Curtain Seri il oo. ah a shined Ll Lat nl Ble 12 1-2¢ Lancaster Apron Ginghams, limit 5 yards, .... .... SRR TL 10c {4c Standard. Dress Ginghams:.... .... 7... ... ooo login Tle 16c Standard Dress GINERGMEL... .... li oe. vod in ond ain i ae ais 20, 136 95¢ Renfrew Devonshire ClofhiL.... .... \.. .... .... ... 0a LF 20e 18c Light Percales, standard qualities .... ... ... .. .. .. ...0 .. .. 15¢c 20c¢ Dark Percales, Standard igmalities ... ......... oii. .. 16c 12:1-2¢ Light Outings ... .. SEITE le GT SE ct TO 20c Black Hyde Shirtings ... . 16¢ SPECIALS DOWNSTAIRS Entire Line of Muslin Underwear, to clean up our present stock preparatory to enlarging our line with another good quality ONE-FOURTH OFF Princess Embroidery Floss, guaranteed colors .... 3 for 5¢ 18c Tmrkish Towels... .... .... .... ... .......... ..%.. 3 15¢ S0c: Turkish Tewels ... _... .. ... ... .. . .... ..2Me 50c Turkish Towels)... ... .... .... ... .... i. con oi oe 430 22c Huck Towels .... .... .... cil. Sn ss oid ee 17¢ 35c Huele Towels .... .... .... i... .... obs cs a vo DB $1.76 Hemstitched Mohawk Sheets .... .... .... .... .... .... $1.59 1.35 Plain Mohawk Sheets .... ... .......... ... ..... 1.20 18c¢ Linen Finish Pillow Cases, 42 x 36 .... .... .... .... .... 14¢ 50c Children’s Crib Blankets .... .... alan cine Roi 42¢ $1.00 Children’s Carriage Robes, washable, .... .... .... .... 98¢ ..3.50 Children’s Carriage Robes All Art. Goods at... ... .. io. ... ONE-FOURTH OFF All Yarns, Fleisher’s-....... ... ... ... ... ... ... REDUCED Ladies’ Aprons, plain and fancy, at .. ONE-FOURTH OFF Velyets, Corduroys and Velveteens at ONE-FOURTH OFF Sw LOT OF DISCONTINUED STYLES > IN CORSETS AND BRASSIERES. Including a few numbers in up-to- date styles that have become slightly soiled by handling at HALF PRICE nar lb Hartley, Hartley Block, THE WOMEN'S STORE 5 fy Me i lutton Co. : yersdale, Pa. —REMNANTS— One of the most attractive places in our store during the Closing-Out Sale has been the Remnant Table. Goods from all departments are placed here to close out odds and ends. Every day there are new Remnants so watch this table on every visit ‘to the store. ° JULY 14th to 28th Inclusive This will be unquestionably the greatest opportunity you'll have to buy Suits and Furnishing goods as long as the war lasts, as our Red Letter Prices on many Suits are less than we can buy them for today. But we are not willing to pass through July 1917 without giving our people the advantages of our cus- tomary Red Letter Sale. MEN’S SUITS We will give during this sale one-fourth off on all Men’s Suits, except Blue Serge Suits on which we will allow 10 percent reduction. $10.00 Suits, Red Letter Price ...... $ 7.50 12.00.“ + tr Eee 9.00 15.00 ** xt * £ 11.00 20.000 * ts 8 oy 15.00 SPECIAL One Loi of Young Men's Long Pants Suits 1-2 Price An exceptional opportunity for young men aged 14 to 20 to buy long pants suits at only Half Price. A few men’s suits in this lot, sizes 34 - 35 - 36. $ 6.00 Suits, Red Letter Price, Only $3.00 8.00 £4 6 ‘s [1 6 (x 66 66 6é 6 e_o : - ® o While we are selling many things for less than we can buy them today, and some goods are hard to get at any price, yet, we want to make this sale as interesting tc our customers as we possibly can. We'll give 10 per cent off on Underwear, Dress Shirts, Men's Pants, Knee Pants, Ties, Dress Caps, and also on Trunks, Suit Cases and [Iraveling Bags. ‘in -- Call In and Make Yourself at Home. REMENME , Only, JULY 14 to 28 1-4 Off on All Knee Pants Suits Except Blue Serge, less 10 per cent. All Hats Reduced 1:4 Except the famous Knox Hats on which we will allow 10 per cent during this sale. Straw Hats, Red Letter Sale Price 1-3 off. I Lot Rain Coats. Red Letter Price 1-4 Off. Dress Shirts We were successful in buying: about 20 dozen Dress Shirts worth regular price $1.40. They go during our Red Letter Sale at $1.00. You will appreciate them when you see them at only ....... . $1.00 § t i ! arma INET {117i