6 9 © Is i= Sw 29 =i “ oll \ gs i Pb E, a THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSD ALE, PA. ET Ls To an - PT GBR A hn a de cede ds a x (xs Pe Ss NE NT 3 od rr y—T TITRE ie’ N - =, 5 20 - x = 4 > n= —— | : ; > 2? i i (ER corr ov 1 i oe Peg pe Foes pe PIER a ar eT : D2 " The Biggest Thing That Ever Came to Meyersdale. Patriotic Banv Concert Sunday 8:30 P.M. BE Bnet a ot ar ro i Local and Pers 1a Samuel Grier of Cumberland was here on Saturday and Sun- day. : Edward Stotler of Boswell was a visitor in town on Satur- da.y. Mrs. Kennedy Price of Brownsville, Pa., fs visiting relatives n town. Paul McMullen visited his aunt, Mrs. Sue Liston, for a. few days this week.- Mrs Edgar Berkley is spend- ing several weeks with friends in Pleasantville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williams were visiting relatives in New York from Friday until Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levy, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Swank and son of Somerset spent Sunday in Meyersdale. Mrs. Oscar Allen returned on Tuesday evening from a three days’visit with friends in Cumberland. Mrs. Charlees Provence and son, Charles, of Masontown, Pa., are visiting relatives in Meyersdale. Mrs. W. H. Rutter of Somer-| mercial. set, Pa., is spending a few days | in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rutter. Philson Collins, who has been attending college in Pitts- burgh, has returned home for his summer vacation. Mrs. Christian Engle of Cumberland, Md., is the guest of Mrs. Myra Meyers at her home on Beachley street. Misses Nan Hocking and Mary Stotler, Messers. Claude Stotler and John Hocking motored to'Keyser, W. Va., on Sunday. WANTED—A hustler for an established Tea and Coffee route, on salary and commis- sion. Apply to L. B. Strait, 408 Centre street. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips and family motored to Levels, W. Va., on Sunday where they visited Mrs. Phillips’ mother, Mrs. Mary Dickens. ‘Daily Band Concerts and Free Acts. ERR Re TRON RT On Tuesday, Wilunam Roy Snyder and Miss Margaret Miller, both of Sand Patch, re- eived license to marry at Cum- berland, Md. Dr. and Mrs. Regar, of Buck man, W. Va., who had been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Philson, have gone to Atlantic City for a short visit. WANTED—Agents. to sell best Shock Absorbers for Ford cars. Make them ride as easy as Packords or money back. Sell on sight. Guaranteed for life. Address C. C. Wehn, Johnstown, Pa. 21-22 The many friends of Mrs. O. H. Helmond will be pleased to learn of, and rejoice with her over the arrival of a ten pound boy, at her home near Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Helmond was formerly Miss Annie Clarke, of Meyersdale, and made her home here with Mrs. Susan Christener, and has | many friends in this section. On next Sunday morning the | members of the G. A. R. Post will leave for Fritz at 9 A. M., where Memorial services will be held, and from there go to Summit Mill and St. Paul, as announced in last week’s Com- This, is a change in program from former years but was rendered necesary by other meetings scheduled for St. Paul. The Carnival. Featuring trained wild an- imal circus, consisting of train- ed lions, leopards, elephants, bears, dogs, ponies and goats; Kentucky Minstrels composed of 18 all star colored perform- ers, singers, dancers and funny comedians. / A big circus side show, freaks of nature, and curiosit- jes from all parts of the world. TheCrazy House where you enjoy a good hearty laugh. | ‘All undesirable features | have been eliminated, making | this one of the classiest aggre- | gations on the road. | ~ There will be a Patriotic | Concert on Sunday evening at| | 8:30. i5 GARS PEOPLE PAID ATTRACTIONS | 20 200 ROYAL ITALIAN CONCERT B:ND - Rally Night. Co. C of the 10th Regiment has about 120 members but | they still lack 30 of being fuli | strength. ¥, Next Saturday evening will | be Rally night to secure e-! nough recruits to fill the Co. to maximum strength. This will be the last chance to enlist be fore registration, and those who enlist then do not need to register. Turn out full and assist the members to secure the full quoto. Again you would find it much pleasanter in service with persons” you know than among strangrs. Should you he drafted, you may be assign- ed to some place which would be anything but congenial, and among strangers. Turn out on Rally night. Listen to the music and see who volunteers. Woodmen’s Memorial Sunday, June 3. Day, Next Sunday, June 3rd, the M. W. of A. will meet at their hall at 1:30 p. m., leave the hall at 2 p. m., and march to: the Union Cemetery, headed by the Meyersdale Band, where they will hold ritualistic strew flowers over the graves of deceased brothers, and list- en to an address by an able speaker. The public is cordi- ally invited to be present at these services. Fraternally, Committee. Miss Alice Beal. Miss Alice Beal, a former resident of Meyersdale, but lately of Lanaconing, Md, died at her home in that city, on May 28th, aged 61 years. | Her body was brought here) and taken in charge by R. Reich, undertaker. were conducted by Rev. Steele of the M. E. Church, and burial in the Union cemetery beside the graves of her father and | mother. services, after which they will | Services Immoral Feature a> Good. Clean, Wholesome Amusements Attractions of Magnitude and Merit. "One Solid m+ | Monday | : ’ : Volunteer Fire Department No. 1 Help the Boys Buy the New Chemical Engine Week NN Beginning i Auspices A TP Bs hh Mrs. Ambrose Deal. Mrs. Deal was born near Salisbury, and was the daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Glotzfelty, and at the date of her death. May 25, she was 69 years, S months and 16 davs of age. She ig anrvived bv two sons. Lester, of Salisbury and Daniel of Pittsburgh. and three daughters, Miss Hannah, at home; Mrs. Edward Reitz. of Everett: Mrs. Rachel Griffith High Dive Every Afternoon and Night. | | plant was installed and the in- ETE EEN iE OE RTS REE RE ST. PAUL H. Conrad Knierniem. . Mr. Knierniem was born in Meyersdale, and at the time of his death,, on Wednesday, was. 53 years, 5 months and 23 days of Doras Yutzy, of Ak- ron, io, was a visitor home of her Erotiee 3 he Lepley, one day last week. She left for her home on Thurs. day of the same week. ; Communion was celebrated in the Reformed Church on Sunday, at which time the Church was re-consecrated. During the year a new heating age. : In 1888 he married Miss Pauline Tilp, and they con-- tinued to reside here He is survived by his widow and three children: Mrs Mori. on Schroyer, of Rockwood and Paul and Pauline at home, and one sister, Mrs. Annie Rishel, of Yjosire, Md., and sixjterior was repainted. The} of York grand children. work was completed last week. : f the M. The funeral was held on| The indebtedness of about PA A es of Monday in the Reformed church of which she had been a member for 56 vears, by Rev. Wilson, assisted by Rev. E. E. $500 was all paid or subscribed | Malta, and an Elder in Amity leaving the edifice free of debt. | h of M The Lutheran church was at Reformed Church o Cyers- the disposal of the Reformed| He had been foreman for the Oney, followed by burial in the | people for two Sundays, while : : 3 : a y WIL Meyersdale planing mill com- I. O. O. F. cemetery at Salis-| their own building was being pany for several years and was bury, Price, undertaker. Ross Livengood. Ross Livengood died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Livengood, in Sdlis- bury, on Saturday, May 26th. Mr. Livengood was born in Salisbury and was aged 34| cently underwent an operation ‘ for appendicitis. years, 5 months and 10 days at the time of his death. He was united in marriage with Miss Callitole, of Mis- souri, who survives him as do two brothers and one sister. Funeral services were con ducted on Tuesday at the home of his parents, by Rev. Waltz, followed by interment i the IL | 0. O. F. cemetery in Salisbury, { conducted by W. C. Price, un- ; dertaker. | To Remodel Church. { i \ The Zion Lutheran Church, of Meyersdale, has decided to ! immediately carry out plans adopted last summer for im- proving the church edifice. These improvements include the building of a new parson- age, and a hew Sunday School | annex. The contemplated im- provements will cost about $16,000. Children Ory | FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA conducted by J. W.| renovated. esteemed and respected by the Born to Mr. and Mrs. John! employers and employees. Beals, a son. | ~ He was a consistent Christ- Mr. Weaver, and wife, of|ijan, an affectionate parent and Lancaster, Pa., are spending |an honest, consciencous work- the summer with their daught- | er. er, Mrs. L. N. Wilson, at the! Funeral servies will be con- parsonage. : ! ducted at his late residence on Broadway on Friday afternoon by his pastor, Rev. Dr. Truxal, assisted by: Rev. France, fol- ] Her friends | lowed by interment in the will be glad that she is improv- | Union Cemetery, at which Ing. - place the ritualistic services of Charles Sechler and his sis-| the order will take place. ter, Mrs. Sadie Bittinger of | C. Price will officiate as under- Maryland, spent Sunday with taker. their father, Mr. Ross Sechler. | Erma Wisler, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wisler re- Miss Ethel McClintock and Miss Effie Kretchman are boarding at Mrs. Zack Faid- ley’s from which place they are attending Normal School in Salisbury. Miss Elsie Sipple is attending Enlisted. Since our last report, Co. © has enlisted six more men from Meyersdale, which makes a total of over 30 recruits from | school in Meyersdale here. The names of these last role ones are Lawrence Hartle, Messrs. Robert Engle and Ray | y oc Matthews, William Engle who have been working in Pittsburgh, are home at Lenhart, Robert Feggie, Homer present. Shaffer and Robert A. Floto. Mr. and Mrs. John Folk and Aarriod children from near Grantsville | Married. = were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Engle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Walk- er and children from near Meyersdale were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sipple on Sunday. Liebau and Fullem—On Sa urday evening, May 27th, at | the Reformed Parsonage, by Rev. A. B. Truxal, D. D.,. Mr John D. Liebau and Miss Flor | ence M. Fullem both of Mey- ersdale. Another car of Golden Loaf flour has arrived. Price $15] Carload of salt in barrels and per bbl., at Habel & Phillips. bags at Habel and Phillips, —