The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 31, 1917, Image 1
INE DAY ONLY i TANCE 1 of at's an been 1em. men use- SES will justify us in doing this. " Humanola Talking Machine a $560 diamond ring bought of is a $20 wrist VT Wh Gurle ~ . rlose of the contest and who . prepaid subscription. VOL. XXXVIII COMMERCIAL MAKES ~~ BIG OFFER TO READERS $850 00 in Prizes to be Given Absolutely Free to Anyone with Ambition. — sin. The Cmmercial believes in doing things and doing them right and so is going to have the biggest subscription cam- Ppaign ever inaugurated in this section. We are going to give away over $800 in prizes to all those who may care to put in a few spare minutes work each day for the next five weeks taking subscriptions for this paper. The first prize offered is a $700 Overland automobile bought of R. Reich & Son, of the Overland garage where the machine is on display. - This is an exceptional prize to offer free but we believe the results The second prize offered isa $75 Humanola bought of the Company at whose store the ‘machine is on display. This is a prize well worth working for. The third prize to be given is H. M. Cook where the same is on display and whish will be ‘the envy of many a winsome. lass. : G1 ge The fourth p >. be giv o#have: been active ‘to the have not won one of the prizes ; pective contegta easy A contestant may name herself or have a friend name her. The nomination ballet is good for 1,000 votes —no contestant will be credit- ed with more than one nomin- ation. - There is no entrance fee and contestants entering the race assume no obligation of any sort. The prizes as offered will be won by those who start their campaign at once. Study the vote schedule to be published in our page an- nouncement, and which will appear in the Commercial and vou will see that it is to your interest to do your best work during the first period. The payment of a subseript- ion fee to a high-class news- paper is in no way a gift. - No up-to-date man or woman can afford to be without a news- paper. News of the world’s activivities is just as essential to a well ordered home ag your meals. ws A full explanation of ‘the contest will be found in a’ dis- play advertisement in the Com- | mercial. g&% Every detail has been cover- ed, but if it is not clear pros- S_ are urged test o ite on call 8 the dy tions will'be cheerfully answer- ed. The contest is a business proposition pure and simple, N will receive 10 per cent of all ‘the money they may have tak-. «en in during this contest. ! This is not a very hard task once you get started; when “your friends know that you are and the contestants are urged to approach it in a business spirit. Every detail of the contest has ben worked out with great care. > Everything is open and a- ‘in the contest and in to win! The prizes offered by this ‘paper will be won by the ef- forts of those taking part. Votes will be allowed on each Beside, contestants will find a 10-vote coupon in each issue of the. ‘Commercial, which, when cut out and brought or mailed to the contest department, will count towards your prize. But the quickest way to secure “the most votes is for you to get :subscriptins to the Commercial. | Every family in Meyersdale | and the surrounding territory :should have a weekly news- paper. Many of the homes of this territory are without a weekly newspaper. © That is why we are offering you such valuable prizes to secure new | readers. . Such a field will] mean a big vote for those who would like to own an automo- bile for a few weeks’ work. Furthermore, many subscribers to the Commercial will renew their subscriptions and pay in advance that their friends may have the votes, if asked. Enter Your Name Now. Entrance to this contest is bove board; we have nothing to conceal, and desire that all persons wishing to enter shall have a full and complete un- derstanding of our plan. How Prizes Will Be Awarded. First Capital Prize—1917 Overland Automobile will be awarded to the contestant having the most votes to his or her credit at the end of the contest, on Saturday, July 7th. Second Prize—$75 Human- ola will be awarded to the con- testant having the second larg- est number of votes to his or her credit. Third Prize—$50 diamond ring will be awarded to the contestant having the third largest number of votes to his or her credit. Fourth Prize—$20 Wrist watch will be awarded to the contestant having the fourth largest number of votes to his or her credit. : Then to the end, all those who have continued in active work will receive 10 per cent ‘of all moneys they may have taken in during the contest. Name Sis 088 0.0 8 ss.0 0s eis’y Nomination Blank GOOD FOR 1,000 VOTES The Commercial’s Automobile *' ¢§ The Commercial’s Automobile Contest. in the Commercial Automobile Contest. Nominated by..c 00... .:..... .5nh nai Address........... 0. i si. ea NOTE—This nomination blank is good for 1,000 notes. Only one nomination will be accepted for each candidate. Name of person making homination will be when so requested. ® ss 8 * 200s 0 0 ss ee ee ese St | toxigating® liquors dur Chautauquas have been conimendable feature-of Me ersdale life, and haye alway been, , well patronized, an thanks to the judicio agement of the committee charge, have always been fully worthy . of the patronage. This year the committee has secured new and attractive features, and the date is set for the week of June 25 to 29. The program is a semi-patri- otic one and is varied in man- agement. ; Meyersdale people and! people of the vicinity should arrange to be pr:sent at all the sessions. The boys should arrange to. be present the first day and take in the Physical culture feature. 2 The lecture and musical pro- gram could not be heard singly! be heard here. : i Let each person in town be come a Booster for the Chatau qua. De No Bone Dry Law.) - ; A staff correspondent sends] this story from Harisburg, Pa. No “bone dry” regulations for Pennsylvania during the, war was the answer to the! House of Representatives to day upon a roll call on a mo tion to place upon the calenda the Mitchell bill, which ha been voted upon negatively i the Law and Order Committee The measure would prohib the manufacture or sale of ‘period of tie hostilities wit Germany with a view to the conservation of grain. - Representative Samuel J. Perry, of Philadelphia, spoke in opposition to the bill, declar- ing that in view of the fact that Congress had already voted against a similar propo- sition on a national scale, there was no need for ac tion by the Pennsylvania Legislature. It requires 104 votes 190 place a bill on the calendar after un- favorable action thereon by a standing committee. Upon the motion to put the bill on the calendar, the ayes were 64 and the noes 104. The house shortly afterward passed by a vote of 104 to 6 the Stofflet bill, making it a misde- meanor foer any minor to mis- represent his r her age in order to procure intoxicating liquor. GLENCOE GOSSIP. Alice Webreck, a registered Red Cross Nurse, of Pittsburgh is home fo rthe week. Mary Delozier was accom- panied to a Cumberland Hos- pital on Tuesday by her father. Mary is an appendicitis victim. Mrs. W. H. Miller spent a few days of this week with rel atives in Pittsburgn. Harry Bittner of Rockwood, is the proud father of a son born last Saturday. His moth- er is visiting them this week. Rena Lauver, Maude Beck and Emma Hostetler of Mey- cersdale were week-end guests of I. D. Leydig’s. They had a rare motor experience on a re- turn from Berlin on Saturday. Mrs. children of Cumberland, are guests at J. T. Leydig’s. Sam and, Alf Bittner and Tom Poorbaugh of Akron, are spending a few week’s vaca- tion with relatives in town. Adelaid Spicer, Alice We- breck and Marion Leydig took in Memorial Day at Hyndman. Lieut. Schell was in town on Monday enlisting our yoéung bloods. to the Philadelphia Inquirer | ? i The school law forbids the 'electon of any teacher who "Applicants for proffessiona: Bert Raupaeh and} 2 NO. 21 EACHERS The examinations for the achers of Somerset Count for fhe year 1917 will be held Davidsville, June 14 and 15. oyestown, June 25 and 26. omerset, July 2 and 3. Io July's and 6. Confluence, July 11 and 12. Hooversville, July 13 and 14 alisbury , July 9 and 10. kwood, July 11 and 12. ‘ofessional, August 8 and 9 Special, August 8 and 9. Explanatory. Examinations will begin at line o'clock. Each teacher must present a alth certificate properly 8 3 ports are expected from all ap- for anything near the price to D P i p dlicants. Applicants should be ex amined in Pennsylvania His- | tory in addition to U. S. His- Provisional certificates will e issued on July 19th to all those ‘who have attained the age of 18 years and made the equired standard of 18. oes not, at the time of his or {her election, hold a valid cer- ficate. ools on provisional certifi- ates shall be examined at one the regular examinations. (All professional certificates } June 1, 191 certificates shall present re- commendations from the boards by whom they were em- ployed last year. Applicants for professional certificates or for renewal of profesional certificates will be examined in two of the follow- ing branches: vocal music, drawing, physical geography, elementary botany, plane ge- ometry, elementary zoology and two approved books on pedagogy. The list of books approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction includes “The Teacher and.the School,” ‘“Seeley’s School Manage- ment,” “White’s School Man- agement,” ‘“Mace’s Method in History,” “Carter’s Teaching the Common Branches,” “Stamper’s The Teaching of Arithmetic,” “Culter and Stone’s The Rural School, Its Methods and Management,” “Graves’ A Student's History of Education,” “Carney’s Country Life and Country School,” “Klapper’s Teaching Children to Read.” Directors will kindly see that the school houses are op- en and in proper condition on the days of the examination. D. W. Seibert, County Superintendent. A Killing Frost. On Saturday morning, when the thrifty housewife arose she found everything outdeors covered with a white frost and many early vegetables that had reached out too far were humbled in: a very serious fash- ion. Fruit and berries are dam- aged. The thermometer reg- istered lower than for several years. cycles. famous B Streak tire with unfail- Memorial Services at Mt. | erans, and Prof. Speicher, of | Berlin will make an address. | Walter Miller has turned | out | } | conducted by the Sons of Vet- Lwest prices on bran and | middling at Habel & Phillips. Lebanon on Sunday, will be! T. W. Gurley’s “Garage” for sick Fords.|c ing guarantee. Supplies - Parts Sporting Goods Store. EXAMINATIONS, Meyersdale, July 9 and 10. . | struction and maintenance of ea who expect to apply for| > APPROVED MEMORIAL DAY NEW LAWS" SERVICES While more than 1500 bills| On Sunday evening the féw - have been introduced into the remaining members of M. C. legislature, a comparitively | Lowry Post, No. 214, G, A. R. small number of these have| Were escorted te the M. E reached Governor Brumbaugh | hutch by Camp P. O. S. of A. for his approval or rejection. | Where they listened to a very He has wielded the veto axe | able sermon by Rev, Steele, the very strenuously. Among the | Pastor. The sermon was of a measures which met with his, Semi-patriotic charactet, much approval are the following: @ | out of the usual li rah Authorizing counties, town- | courses delivered ‘such oes ships or boroughs to contribute casions, which was of itself a part of the purchase price for | relief, and was | njoyed by all acquisition by the state of a toll | Who were fortunate enough to road or turnpike and permitt- | hear it. The veterans “never Ing a county to pay from con-| enjoyed the attempts. of a Jumnation of any toll road on Sheaker 12 create heroes. a state highway. em, when none of them hag Moking 2 Sefileniy appro- Performed more than hem ad priation o 12,000 to Far n Wednesday morning the View institution. iY grumg the. Establishing a code for con- murky atmosphere moving pictupe | before the genial “sun and the day autiful one, * booths for machines. Authorizing municipalities. and school districts to require ; In the mornir 4 bonds to protect material and of ‘the Post went to Garrett labor on public building con-| where the peoplé of the town srruction contracts. | were assembled at the ceme- _ Amending Philadelphia mu-| tery and decorated the graves nicipal court law provisions for| of their former comrades with appeals under “law now ex-| the choice flowers which were isting or which may hereafter | Provided by the people of. the be adopted.” ‘ui ttown. © On their return the Amending borough code so| graves in the #wo Catholi¢ as to provide for erection of cemeteries were profusely new boroughs from parts of |Strewn with flowers by the consolidated boroughs. ; Allow members of the Post. i After dinner the business places in the town were closed nd a procession was formed several hundred Sunday chool children in line, led by W. H. Deeter as Marshall, and by the Boy oat followed ‘by Fire Company, and thé mem- bers of the G. A.- R. Post in autos and led by the Citizen’s band. At the Union ceme- tery the beautiful ritual of the order was read, the graves of veterans strewn with flowers. Rev. E. D. Burnworth deliver- 1 ed a very able and interesting Collins, of Somerset, and Lee | Semi-patriotic address to the Greenleaf, of Canton, against| people assembled. the state for injuries on state| The Co., of the 5th Mary- highways. land, which is encamped here, ‘ under command of the Captain C ARNIV AL took part in the services. On the return to town and dismis- sal a number of the Post went to Salisbury where services The Meyersdale Fire De- partment has, for some time past,’ been laboring in season were held in the cemetery. and out to obtain a chemical The large number of peon' who attended these services engine with which the more ef- fectively to fight fire and to this year, notwithstanding the chilly air, the wravt attention to the words of the speakers, the gazes of admiration upon the stars and stripes as. it was being carried in the procession, get on the ground much quick- | all betoken the awakening of er. Some funds have been se-| patriotic ardor, and indicate cured for the purpose but not| the sentiment of the public in in sufficient amounts to obtain | the present crises. the desired results. In order to raise the remain- ing balance sought the depart- ment has aranged with Smith’s Greater Shows, a carnival company, to have that aggre- gation here all next week. The opening performance will be given on Monday evenins. There will be several free exhibitions on the ground dur- ing the week. Animals, snakes and other usual carnival attractions will be the order of ‘he dav and 7 seven obsolete relative to Allegheny county. : ) Appropriating $952, of which $400 is principal, to A. K. Cassel for services as depu- ty dairy and food commission- er. Authorizing suits by Ida “Repealin g laws Try our fresh salt New- foundland mackerel 18c per 1b. at Habel & Phillips. Love and Marriage. “First love is very apt not to be the lasting love,” said Dr. Antoinette Koni- kow, speaking at the Boston School of Social Science. “Young lovers try to excuse all the faults of the loved one because they are not in love with the individual, but with love. Hence they may not choose the partner with whom they will find evenings. their happiness in Inter years. Many a The aggregation vill hgld | man ani roman fu glad by middle age forth in Sheer’s grove whore] thattie fui Inve vas frustated, many new carnival aiiractior “Marrias «+ sould be based on love y i aurachong alone or it . . i nmoral, and some change may be seen. It requires 16 is necessary if marriage is to be saved sixty foot cars to move this from Ceciradntion. Real love always magnificent museum of carni- makes people better. Romantic love is val curiosities. | the source oy ail the best things in life Now listen. There is a mey-' —the founaticn of all the arts. And ry-go-round with 1400 candle | individual hajiness makes up the hap. power lights and a $10,000 el piness of tic race.” —Boston Post. | — ano whose merry strains of melody may be heard during| pg, con drippings make splendid short. the hours of exhibition. | ening for light, flaky pie crust. I¢ Remember that the small takes just a little less of the drippincs sum paid to see this exhibition | than of oy ILird or ve-etabis will not be money sent out cf! shortening ¢ for shortening in own but will remain for the | spice cake, wend orf any das: benefit of the Fire Company | cake ard nol : 1 delicious flavor, which is for the benefit ori Spread rye Liead wiih a thin J3yer everybody in Meyersdale and | i Fi", Ive, ad spre o vicinity. Use of Bacon Drippings. slice of any salt meat. and you will -- B BRQG | have a delicious and highly nutritious sandwich. The European housewife Sweet corn, beans, lettuce, | has long made use of such sandwiches | cucumber seed, etc., in bulk at | for the be 1 meal snack for grow- Habel & Phillips, | 8 P07® #1¢ girls | & —t\ ER ound heroes. of 4 x