WAR FUND HITCH | == 15 IRONED QUT Harmony Speechas Mark Agree- ment in Senate, DOVE OF PEACE ON HAND RE—————— Members of Upper Branch Whe Have Been Pulling in Opposite Directions ‘Get Together, Felloitate One An- other on Heppy Ending and Put Through the Blil—New Up to Mouse. Harrisburg, Pa., May 1.—Peace and harmony marked the agreement by the Slate senate last week on the Buck- san bill to create a war fund board t supervise the expenaiiure o. P.nn- #y.vania's contribution to the c¢.sc¢ of Ca.Tying on the war with Germany. When the upper branch and the gov- ernor disagreed in the beginning re- g:..ding who should constitut: his b ard a cry was raised by hostile ncwspapers that Pennsylvania w u.d be compelled to take the backgrouad as far as aiding the nation; that no bill would be passed for the reason that the politicians could n-t r-ach sn ! agreemeu.. The ridiculousness of tas | assertion was best shown last week when all hands got together and pu | through a bill without a word of op position. The board is now made up of the ! governor, lieutenant governor, auditor general, state trecsurer anil alja‘an: | general. When the bill was r ached on second reading, Senator Vare, cf Philadelphia, spokesman fcr the gov: ernor in the senate, offered sm->-d- ments making the bill gat fa. t 1y to these who insisted right along that ! the auditor general should have a place on the commission. In doing | this Senator Vare said among other things: | It was thought, above all thin 8, that we did not want to see the = te ol Pennsylvania to be the last state to offer its services to the United State vernment, and for that re ave come to feel here in the senate that we need quick and immediate a - tion. Our side wanted to see the mt- ter closed up whereby we could seni word {> the head of the nation th: Pennsylvania, this great big state; i Bot the last state to offer ifs se vce $1 Miow behind the small states in is Union that are Bitting behind the esident repidly, one state afte er. There is no qaestion in my 4, I guess not in the minds cf y er person in this senate, but er side could have held this ing up indefinitely. The governo: a dozen of senators, when they called on him in referenee to different matters, that if the bill did not coms to Toperly he would immediately yo the bill and send it back. A lot senators thought that would not be Av cing the Proposition and ia the al analysis of the whole proposition: We thought this was the best you’ of it and everybody was satisfi ee What Crow Said. Senator Crow, of Fayette, chairm-n of the Republican state committee, followed Senator Vare with thege werds: I heartily agree with everythin that figs been ey by the senator from Philadelphia, and by way of explana- ton: a week ago a new bill on thie subject was Introduced in the senate carrying with it the mames of W. W. ury, E. T. Stotesbury, of Phila: Weélptia, and Andrew Mellon, of Pit‘s- ‘burgh. In the grog ing of those names Ro intentional slight is given, At e time those names were included, x vah i Yiguent of thoes under vice e pro tion was de that they would a strerg‘h 4nd wisdom and’ business experience Mo the commission. Since that time thowever, the suggestion has been | made that the constitutionality cf the | act would be questioned if it were to ‘be passed, that it is a question wheth- or or not the legislature has the right to delegate its authority. Not desir- ing to further delay this project, or i y way involve the constitu‘ion- ality of the act, their names have been grorpsd. We heartil concur in wh~t 8s been sa the sena C Philadelphia. y fer tem | Endorsement of the peace plan was also given by Senator Eyre, of Ches- ter, who expressed himself in these | words: | Mr. President, it is with great pleas. ure that I agree with the views of the distinguished senator from the firs district of Philadelphia. It had ocC- curred to me from the very start that we should have a commission in which the entire legislative body, as well us the entire state of Pennsylvania conld have confidence, and in is solution | seems to me tt we are acting | : #anely and sensible for the best inter. efts of the entire people of th's ccm : Mmonwealth, and showing that we are “4nspired by patriotic motives, rne si eo =2qually with the other, in trving to }: Bring about the results that m y rei down to the credit and glory of this commanwealth, Tie That Binds. Pven the Democrats were pleased with the settling cf the difference, for : Wasbers, of York, informed the sen- | ste that ‘he was solicitlous fo see the ; matter disposed of in so satisfac‘ory a manner. “lI am pleased to hear (hb result,” said Wasbers. | Finally, Senator Snyder, of Schuyl- will, who today takes his oath of office ag auditor general and whose name on the board precipitated the govern- | or's opposition, brought the debate or, rather the peace session, to a close with the following few but significant words: “Mr. Precidens. it has been suggest. | od that I should say a word. I desire i na of : $ BY) n Yorv favni > 0 anole €ry i12miliial hymn; ‘Blest be i hat binds.’ > 1 1 a v the fc wos # m- =m of $uzerne nen tiom. i EERE | | | _ rich, fragrant, mellow-sweet—the THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. +273 Thnan Ui 1a. Yor Infants and Children. 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