Ga > . Ta gh AER woe THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. cm S——— te ——————————— i . —No. 5833— BEI HY wa | woe re REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE SET TIRE Ne : “ { ) 2 DS Baga w CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK COLU Mm Bl A REC R > rem © ry / for Fist! Z at Meyersdale, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on URN RRR = “ May 1st., 1917. E i AY a : > % RESOURCES RK OIAY ; > 517,823.14 ! Loans and discounts... . voce cssvia rin nsnns $ > 1 NI 1 ale | Total loans’ ........ pprerteieaeeees SITS . RS OG ¥ i Notes and bills rediscounted ......... do a ae oly y i Nh W 2 Sale Overdrafts, unsecured ......}...v.0ovnva iain, 494.39 494.39 g pes | U. S. bdnds deposited to secure circulation (par By o pl f Columbia oy ey 18 erie 65,000.00 aD E 12 z \ 1 é ’ A | Q 3 epost 8 £ hana a sock of M0 | J ons lee te Poslis. (482. 5.00040 & Le CCOI ds. ’ | . You xiave Always Bought, and « alch has bee tU. 8. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits 2050.00 8 £ g 5 | L0f Over over OO years, has borae hs C sigaature of T {par value) i erie ia ,000. 703000.90 - ? i Ved and has been made wade : his per - otal U. S. bonds ........0.00ui000r000ce0ns § 11 . : oo sn The do Bond an U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. § < it HERE BE ANY RECO RDS (+ 5, Grey * sonzl supervision since ii” infancy. onds other ther, 1. §, bonds piedgsd ta seeure U- & 2,000.00 = hd i LJ. Cl ; deposits... ,...... .cv.00m ens ) . “ Allow no one to deceive yo. .2 this, Bonds i than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE WE 5 Cox ater eis, oo and “ Just-as as-good » 5s hug savings deposits ..... Cea 7 rhea 5,080.00 xperiments that trifle with and eada:n Ray ‘2S health of | Securities other than TU. onds (not including W 111 BE PLEASED TO Infants znd’ Children—Experience against Experiment. stocks) owned unpledged ...... .......... 262,617.43 265.697.43 Wi Total bonds, securities, ete. ..........c.0....0 y . hat is CAS : ORI iA Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank Shook: 9,125.00 ORDER THEM. x Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, i Reserve Bank (50 Ber sant of Fair . 4,950.00 Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains Valte of bahking house ........oc: oo nr esvrns 26,000.00 F ieb neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its Equity in banking house... ..ocac i... cu 00s, 26,000.00 or sale Dy age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has Furniture and fixtures .......... iii 4,200.00 F B : T H O M S been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Real estate owned, other than banking house. Sa 500.00 A Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishness arising Net amount due from approved reserve agents in . . o av. therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids Net ot ey piri ‘agents in nail LEADING DRUGGIST the zssimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. other reserve Cities ........weiecunsveres: 151,399.26 166,646.69 : ENN The Children’s Panacea— The Mother’s Friend. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than 118. 163.93 included in 12 0r 20) ...-. cu.s oro snuns, 5 . MEYERSDALE, PENNA GENUINE NE Other checks on banks in the same city or town as A SELWAYS reporting Bank ou os a ie rh ae 1,120.00 ia . Outside checks and other cash items ............. 907.18 Bears the Signature of Fractional currency, nickels, and cents ........... 544.01 1,451.19 + ; SED Notes of other national banks .................. 8,700.00 Federal Reserve notes .......... ccveviinviees ’ . Lawful reserve in vault and net amount due from voiii ts Federal Reserve Bank ...............a.... ; 5 A Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from BE rn Ir rnp U.S. Treasurer ........... 00. dao lees 3,255.00 Total .... ca. i a evr dd ea a Gs han $1,275,470.29 J T A f u ali l tya I Hs Fe . 0 30 LIABILITIES ih 6 0 m @ 0 > 3 na Yo 0 yer AL Capital stock pald’in .. ivi ciara ei, $ 65,000.00 he i Flaeges Surplus fund... .0.. 0 LL EE er : ,000. 9 rm rs ind You Have Always Zou sht Undivided profits 0 Jitu dll os osoeLee CC SENTAULSR Lom Pan NEW youre SITY, : d taxes ai Ra : . Wh 5 } C I 1 I: {= Y ne ear CE Less current expenses, interest, an P . . : Circulating notes outstanding . ................. 65,000.00 h (5 O IZ i Net amount due to banks and bankers (other than 4 th included in 20 oF. 80) oa an siren ; Waza \ . » leshv among our Individual deposits subject to cheek ............. ,443, Nearly il the fleshy people in oy are Rv; ng 0 sh Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days. . 73,353.33 patrons; that is our str mgest bid for thin people's trade 4 SiCertifled cheeks ..... 0... ...... a. 129.63 - y ® | Cashier’s checks outstanding ............... yn 5,818.17 ¢= You will save money by buying your Canned Goods 4 : 8 United States AepOSILS ............o.ssooonns 4,155.50 #1 from us a : ® | Postal savings deposits ...................... 4,651.43 ¥ > The Second National Bank: Total demand deposits, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, : : 3i olish for 15 i 5 4 ; 38, 30,40 and 41... .. Lovie, 447,446.45 ih Get a 23¢ Jar best Silver Polish for 15¢ this - s y . Certificates of deposit’. ...... iis ale arate eee Un : 198,038.12 fR The sales on Our Own Special Blend of Coffee is Other time deposits ...... civic ivnse aiid il 376,494.32 % increasing MEYERSDAL LE, PA. Total of time deposits, Items 42, 43 and 44...... 544,583.05 > Totals uv dad, Lanai eed aa sieiateieiee -$1,276,470.29 ITS THE QUA LITY In spite of the recent advance in Rice, we are ina position to name you a price that will appeal to you. 3 bottles catsup for 23 cents 2 cans Herring in tomato sauce for 25 cents 3 rolls toilet paper for 35 cents 1 can good pie peaches for 10cC. Jar best table Relish for gc I4 Ib mixed tea for 19 cents. Our Own Special Blend of Coffee at 21¢c is a repeater. ; Both phones F. A. BITTNER, a5 142 Center Street, Meyersdale, Pa. GHGS WRN SR GARR EERE SRN RY SEEN AE CEA He ~. We confess it. On tne Sokper hand, we know we are justified in thus asking your patronage. We not only offer our depositors every facility to be found in a modern #8 institution, together with courteous consideration and the best of service, but we also assure you of Security for : your money, Strength and Stability in management and 2 methods. We will appreciste your business, whether its volume ¥ be large or small. WELL, WE WIN Our real service plumbing is bound to win the customer’s good will when he realizes that long use develops no defects, no poor arrangement of fixtures, ro details overlooked and never that continuous neces- sity. for repairs which accompanies so called ‘cheap’’ plumbing. Our plumbing is not cheap. It is the best of workmanship, material and “Standard” fixtures installed at a reasonable price. Ask for a damonstration. BAER & COMPANY {ta comf 01 rt, and experi- a rel! BD : remedy that can be de- pe nded upon to right conditions which cause head- ach e, diz: ss, languor, nausea and constipation. At n ons is so safe, so sure and speedy as In time of need | | Every w wn years, millions of YE Strengtheni and for regu i | i ave found them | | i i , liver and bowels. The are enti rely in no harmful or ha tg se them nce for they cause nou fler-effects, and 3 oy . of f aid you » to Women are with J Box. ot the world. In boxes, 10c., 25¢. MT hifi 1 hiAthiAUASRIRIAthIRAR hg | Loose garden seeds are cheap- | FREER RSAA AE ARARARASN "ON THE MINUTE VERY meal delicious and every meal on time. That’s the beauty of New Perfection Cook- ing. It is the Long Blue Chimney that does it. No fires to build at dawn. Go soot, no ashes, no de- lay. The New Perfection cooks fast or slow as you £/ PA / + . Ag { eds like, Visible flame that stays put—no watching? ih In more than 2,500.000 homes. Come in any time and le LS us tell you about it. EASE hee if Hh i Ask to see tie reversible glass reservoir (patented), the | ih greatest improvement in the hisiory of the oil stove. | th : 5s in J. W. Maiiery, th MEYERSDALE, PEXN. th 7 i; 1 Ui Ui WF I U6 IF IR OR RRS EGONREES L Em — TT RP A 53550 Comrads Attention. ELL | Sudden changes of temperature and The Commander of M. C. Larry | underwear bring spring colds with Post 214 requests that every member | stuedffed up heads, sore throat and of the Post shows his patriotism by Y | general cold symptoms. flinging “Old Glory” to the bree and let her float until the rights > the U. S. are vindicated. H. C. McKinley, | Commander. A dose of; | Dr. King’s New Discovery is sure re-! | lief, thg happy combination of anii-| | septic balsams clears the head, sooth- | es the irritated membranes and what! | what might have been a lingering cold | | is broken up. Don’t stop treatment | | when relief is first felt as a half cured’ | cota is dangerous, Take Dr. King’s | New Discovery till your cold is gone. a — 3 \ | | pa ae? § oOo R i A } SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL. | | The Meyersdale Summer Normal | School will open on Monday, May 21st | er and better than paclage] and contintie in pession untill the! 's Bxamination. | man, Prin, 2 belief. SPRING COLDS ARE DANGEROUS ‘ i | State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, ss: : Philson, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and : R. H. PHILSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May, 1917. ROBERT COOK, Notary Public. My Commission expires March 20th, 1919. Correst—Attest: Ww. T. HOBLITZELL, WELZ Directors. —No. 5801— REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK {| at Meyersdale, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business on May 1st., 1917. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ...............¢ BE $427,315.64 Total doans ............. Li 8s. vinci 427,315.64 Notes and bills rediscounted .,.:................ 427,315.64 QOverdrafts, unsecured ..... ....... vic. nen. 416.42 416.42 U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par : value: Ti at. 65,000.00 U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) ea LN i A 5,000.00 U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits par value ).. ol ei SEO 5,000.00 Preminmon U.S. bonds.[......... ous. 0. on “179.37 Total U. S. bonds... -.,. soil .iv ive 70,179.37 Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits... 00h Tia. 0 9,372.50 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stock) "owned unpledged ............,..... 131,830.73 Total bonds, securities, ete. ...... vo... v.20 141,203.23 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock. 1,300.31 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub- scription)... o.oo... 3,450.00 Valueof bankinghouse ...............0.. .. i." 55,413.45 Equity in banking house ..........w.c.. 0. ur: 55,413.45 Furnitureand fixtures... .. ...... a. 0 ir. 8,661.75 Real estate oqwned .other than banking house... ... 3,974.58 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chicago, and St. Iouis .......... 2,286.07 Net amount due from approved reserve agents in : other reserve cities... = 0.0. oat 67,125.89 69,411.96 Outside checks and other cash items ............ ‘ 177.81 Fractional currency, nickels, and cents .......... 154.67 332.48 Lawful reserve in vault and net amount due from Federal Reserve-Bank >... ...... ......0... 44,347.01 | Bedemvion fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from -Mreasurdy 0... 00 0 satan aa 3,250.00 Total ool oo oh ee Crna aandL il $829,256.20 - LIABILITIES Copitalistocle paid In... 0. ol ea 65,000.00 Surplus fund... Lo oR a 50,000.00 Undivided profits .. ........ i... oie aii 17,860.56 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.... 7,690.87 10,269.69 ! Amount reserved for all interest accrued . ........ 2,400.00 Circulating notes outstanding .................. 64,300.00 Individual deposits subject to check ............. 260,920.37 i Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days.... 1,671.66 ; Certified cheeks, wioi San na Lo 140.14 | Cashier’s checks outstanding ........ .......... 2,097.79 {United States deposits . vo... 0. ve oh 5,000.00 Postal savings deposits". .o.... 00 0. nL 4,118.42 Total demand deposits, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 58,39, 40 and 41 ...... .c. 0-0. 000... 273,948.38 !Cortifientes of deposit... is... slave si. 105,873.49 1 Othe medeposits ..:.. 0... ae ae a 257,464.64 | Total of time deposits, Items 42, 43 and 44.... 363,338.13 Tolal ir a i se Ss ay aa $829,256.20 State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, ss: hn. Bow man, Cashier of the above-named bank, do, solemnly swear that the belief. > above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and J. HL. BOWMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May, 1917. ROBERT COOK, Notary Public. My Commission expires March 20th, 1919. Correst—Attest: E. MILLER JOHN N. ROWER, N. H. HABEL, N.